5a Comprehensive Plan Update, Park & Trail Section
.Creative Solutions for Land Planning and Design
Hoisington Koegler Group Inc.
April 12,2007
Mr. Todd Hoffinan
Park and Recreation Director
City of Chanhassen
7700 Market Blvd
POBox 147
Chanhassen MN
Re: Design Consulting Services - Update to Parks and Recreation Comprehensive Plan
Dear Todd:
Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. is pleased to present this proposal to provide design consulting services to the City
of Chanhassen related to the update of the Parks and Recreation chapter of your Comprehensive Plan. The
following proposal includes our work program, timeline, fee, and project personnel.
Work Program
Task 1.00
Inventory and Analysis
In order to more fully comprehend the issues and opportunities present today in the Chanhassen park system, the
HKGi team will begin our planning process by reviewing existing relevant reports and information to help us gain a
more thorough understanding of the park resources, and analyzing the general distribution of these facilities within
the City.
Much of the information that will be developed during this stage of the work relates to the physical location of
parks, use patterns, and ecological features found in the Community. Investigations into the distribution and type of
parks and trails; patterns and links; and other physical factors that might influence future park and trail development
will be conducted and summarized (in graphics and narrative) for review..
HKGi will- also integrate the outcomes from the mapping inventory project currently underway as a means of
documenting existing park resources in the City.
Task 2.00
Gather Input
Initial input is proposed to occur through a workshop style meeting with the Park and Recre~tion Commission.. The
workshop would be used to brainstorm with the commission about key objectives intended to be incorporated into
the plan update process. The findings of the workshop, along with staff input, will be the foundation of draft plan
ideas brought forward to the public open house(s)..
HKGi proposes to integrate community input into the process by preparing exhibits for and participating in one of
the (2) proposed comprehensive plan community open houses. HKGi staff with be present, along with City s~ at a
Parks and Recreation oriented station.. The station will convey analysis findings and draft plan ideas, and will use the
citizens as both a "sounding board" for evaluation of work done to date and to bring fresh ideas to the table. It is
also intended to be interactive, and allow for constructive exchange between the public and the consultants. The
123 North Third Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, MN 55401-1659
Ph (612) 338-0800 Fx (612) 338-6838
focus of the station will be on thinking broadly about long-range issues related to parks, trails, and open space, and
to brainstorm together about where Chanhassen should be in the future.
Task 3.00
Development of the Plan
The HKGi team will then go about developing and refining the plan -adding greater detail and specific information
that will further guide and control park and trail development, and identifying the sequence and priorities for
implementation. Critical components will be addressed conceptually in a schematic plan alternative, and will
explore general patterns of future parks, connections to new developments, and links to the neighborhoods.
Additional tasks will focus on documenting other recreatio~ providers, exploring missing program elements in the
community such as disk golf and off leash dog parks, and in the definition of needed future on-road trails and trails
in natural corridors. The entire plan will be framed within the context of overall system sustainability, and will
explore relevant policies to incorporate more sustainability into the overall system plan.
We propose a working meeting format with City staff as a means of efficiently gaining direct feedback on system
plan ideas.
Task 4.00
Review and Update Park Classifications and Standards
The HKGi team will review and update existing park classifications and work with staff to update the related facility
standards for each park classification.
Task 5.00
Develop System Objectives and Policies
The HKGi team will collaborate with staff to develop system objectives and supporting policies for the Park System
Plan to meet the outline/format criteria for Met Council review.-
Task 6.00
Identify Key Priority Projects and Implementation Tools
The HKGi team will collaborate with staff to develop a list of key park and trail projects and related implementation
tools to accomplish them.
Meetings Summary:
Working staff level meetings: (2) Working style meetings with City staff will occur during appropriate stages of the
draft plan development to gain direct and efficient feedback to preliminary findings of the planning process.
Working Meeting with Park and Recreation Commission: (1) Working style meetings with the Park and
Recreation Commission to gain direct and efficient feedback to preliminary findings of the planning process.
Ideally this meeting would occur prior to the community open house in order to give the commission the opportunity
to direct draft plan ideas prior to public review.
Community Open House (1) Open house style meeting, in conjunction with the scheduled Comprehensive Plan
Open House to gain feedback from the community on work to date, and to gather feedback related to the long range
vision for parks and recreation in Chanhassen.
Approl'a1s: It is assumed that City staff will present findings of the plan to commissions and council. HKGi is
available for this task if needed, on an hourly basis.