CC Staff Report 4-9-07 CITY OF CHANIlASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952,227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us Ie, MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager FROM: Bob Generous, Senior Planner April 9,2007 ~~~ DATE: SUBJ: Preliminary and Final Plat Approval, Gauer Addition Planning Case 07-07 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The property owner is requesting subdivision approval to create two single-family lots and one outlot containing a private street. Though the private street is in place, the use of a private street to provide access to the new lot requires approval of a vanance. ACTION REQUIRED City Council approval requires a majority of City Council present. PLANNING COMMISSION SUMMARY The Planning Commission held a public hearing on March 20, 2007 to review the proposed development. The Planning Commission voted unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0 to approve the proposed development. The Planning Commission minutes are item la ofthe April 9, 2007, City Council packet. There were no issues or concerns arising regarding the proposed development. RECOMMENDA TION Staff and the Planning Commission recommend adoption of the motion as specified on pages 8 - 9 in the staff report dated March 20, 2007 approving the Gauer Addition. ATTACHMENTS 1. Gauer Addition Final Plat. 2. Resolution Approving the Final Plat Creating the Gauer Addition 3. Letter from Tod Sherman (Minnesota Department of Transportation) to Bob Generous dated March 20, 2007. 4. Planning Commission Staff Report Dated March 20, 2007. g:\plan\2007 planning cases\07-07 gauer addition\executive summary.doc The City 01 Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play, o z u o o a: u z o - t- - Q Q <C a= w Q <C C) ^'-'\ c:f' ~'\ " -~ --# ~ ...~ ~ ~ ,,' ,. ~ ' ~ V<'t" ~ <1''*'>.!':; ~ ,~\;;.~'o .....Cl.> ....:" 0,.... -J .,' - -i'd' ~r:t "' ,,' ~~ J' #"'-~ .,' ! : f: t f':i I I Ii f Iii i f 11 J q9 f 1.1 ~ ! Ij_; j Ii!: ~ !~1. ~ ! !iH J ~ ~ii~!. I ! . ~E-! l~ I Idi I if ! !BI f ~i g u!! I ~! i HH ~ ;- ~ II:} 1 if ! hB i ~ '\ 'v i 1 1 _ ! . i II ! j j I f i ; ~ i ft' ~ . j it J II ~ !! ! h J !Z ! . & ! !! 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"DO ...>0 aCD u~ . :;) ~V) .ll!"D Cc aa ~... g _z o .,. f- W W lL. ~ ~ W ....J <( U VI o s( /..[) ~. / ).... / 1 ;JlJ .:r:$ 0/ 5:/ / I:::!/ / :!/ 0;/ / / / / s( / / / / I CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DA TE: RESOLUTION NO: MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: A RESOLUTION APPROVING A FINAL PLAT CREATING GAUER ADDITION, LAURIE AND SCOTT GAUER WHEREAS, Laurie and Scott Gauer have requested a subdivision of their property into two single-family lots of 21,379 square feet and 20,838 square feet and an outlot of 5,429 square feet with a variance for the use of a private street to access the new lot; and WHEREAS, the proposed subdivision complies with all requirements of the Chanhassen City Code; and WHEREAS, the Chanhassen Planning Commission held a public hearing on March 20, 2007, and found the plan consistent with the Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan and Zoning ordinance and recommended approval of the subdivision. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chanhassen City Council hereby approves the final plat for Gauer Addition (Planning Case #07-07) for the Gauer property legally described as Lot 4, Block 1, Cedar Crest, Carver County, Minnesota, and that part of Cedar Crest Court in Cedar Crest, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota, lying east of the following described line: Commencing at the southwest comer of Lot 4, Block 1, Cedar Crest; thence South 32 degrees 34 minutes 32 seconds West, assumed bearing, along the southerly extension of the west line of said Lot 4, a distance of 5.86 feet; thence South 16 degrees 17 minutes 55 seconds East, a distance of 78.76 feet to the northerly right-of-way line of State Highway No.5 and said described line thereon terminating, creating Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, and Outlot A, Gauer Addition, as shown on the plans prepared Frank R. Cardarelle, signed February 11, 2007, and as amended by the City, subject to the following conditions: 1. Each lot must be provided with separate sewer and water services. 2. Address numbers must be posted on each home and on Lone Cedar Lane at the private street entrance. 3. Building permits are required for retaining walls. Retaining walls must be designed by a structural engineer licensed in the State of Minnesota. 4. If site correction (grading and soils correction) is contemplated, final grading plans and soil reports must be submitted to the Inspections Division before building permits will be issued. 5. Full park fees will be collected in lieu of land dedication for one lot in the amount applicable at the time of final plat approval. 1 6. Tree protection fencing shall be installed at the edge of grading limits prior to construction. 7. Any trees identified as being saved on plans dated 2-11-07 that are damaged or removed shall be replaced at a rate of 2: 1 diameter inches. 8. A minimum of one tree is required in each front yard. 9. A cross-access easement and maintenance agreement for the private street in Outlot A will need to be prepared and recorded. 10. All structures (with the exception of one water-oriented accessory structure on each lot that complies with Subsection 20-481(e)(2) of Chanhassen City Code) shall be set back a minimum of 75 feet from the OHW of the lake (944.5). 11. All grading or vegetation removal shall be subject to Section 20-482 of the City Code. 12. Any existing and proposed docks on the subject properties shall meet the requirements of City Code Section 6, Article 2. 13. All erosion and sediment control measures shall be installed in accordance with the approved building permit. 14. At this time, the estimated total SWMP fee, due payable to the City at the time of final plat recording, is $5,450. 15. The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies and comply with their conditions of approval. 16. The Hydrocad calculations are acceptable to the City provided the Minnesota Department of Transportation drainage permit is approved and the roof downspouts are directed to the rear of the new home. 17. The garage floor elevation should be raised to prevent water from entering the structure. A minimum slope of two percent is required on the west side of the driveway. 18. Install a valley gutter along the front of the driveway to prevent drainage from entering property. 19. Ground (ie. non-paved) surface grades shall not be less than 2%. 20. Emergency overflow locations and elevations must be shown on the plan. 21. An easement is required from the appropriate property owner for any off-site grading. 22. If importing or exporting material for development of the site is necessary, the applicant will be required to supply the City with detailed haul routes. 2 23. Encroachment agreements are required for any retaining walls proposed within drainage and utility easements. 24. Building permits are required for all retaining walls four feet tall or higher and must be designed by a Structural Engineer registered in the State of Minnesota. 25. Install c1eanout for the sewer service at the bend of the sewer service for Lot 2. 26. Each new lot is subject to the sanitary sewer and water hookup charges. The 2007 trunk hookup charge is $1,669 for sanitary sewer and $4,485 for watermain. Sanitary sewer and watermain hookup fees may be specially assessed against the parcel at the time of building permit issuance. All of these charges are based on the number of SAC units assigned by the Met Council and are due at the time of building permit issuance. Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 9th day April of 2007. ATTEST: Todd Gerhardt, City Clerk/Manager Thomas A. Furlong, Mayor YES NO ABSENT g:\plan\2007 Planning Commission\07-07 Gauer Addition\Resolution Gauer Add 3 ~f~"'tlESIOr.., 1< Minnesota Department of Transportation ~ J Metropolitan District ;.~ ~'fJ Waters Edge OFTRP.~ 1500 West County Road B-2 Roseville, MN 55113-3174 RECEIVer) MAR 2 1 2007 CITY OF CHANHASSEN March 20, 2007 Bob Generous, Senior Planner City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 SUBJECT: Gauer Addition Mn/DOT Review #P07-020 (REVISED) NE Quad of TH 5 and Lone Cedar Lane Chanhassen, Carver County MnlDOT Control Section #1002 Dear Mr. Generous: Thank you for submitting the Gauer Addition plat, received on February 22,2007. The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnlDOT) has reviewed the plat in compliance with Minnesota Statute 505.03 Subdivision 2, Plats. Before any further development, please address the following issues: Surveys: The plat does not adequately identify Trunk Highway 5 right of way. The plat does not indicate that Mn/DOT right-of-way is parallel to the curve and spiral elements along the TH 5 centerline. The final plat should identify the right of way by reference to the appropriate plates) and in place monuments. The distances from the center line ofTH 5 and offset dimensions from the center line ofTH 5 to the edge of the plat should also be identified. Please direct questions concerning these issues to Bruce Wetherbee (763-797-3110) in Mn/DOT's Surveys section. Water Resources: A drainage permit is required. The proposed development will need to maintain existing drainage rates (i.e., the rate at which storm water is discharged from the site must not increase). The City or project developer will need to submit existing / proposed hydraulic computations for both 10 and 100 year rainfall events verifying that all existing drainage patterns and systems affecting MnlDOT right of way will be perpetuated. Please direct questions concerning these issues to Derek Beauduy (651-634-2080) of MnIDOT's Water Resources section. Traffic Noise: Mn/DOT's policy is to assist local governments in promoting compatibility between land use and highways. Residential uses located adjacent to highways often result in complaints about traffic noise. Traffic noise from this highway could exceed noise standards established by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the U.S. Department of Transportation. Minnesota Rule 7030.0030 states that municipalities are responsible for taking all reasonable measures to prevent land use activities listed in the MPCA's Noise Area Classification (NAC) where the establishment of the land use would result in violations of established noise standards. An equal opportunity employer MnlDOT policy regarding development adjacent to existing highways prohibits the expenditure of highway funds for noise mitigation measures in such areas. The project proposer should assess the noise situation and take the action deemed necessary to minimize the impact of any highway noise. If you have any questions regarding MnlDOT's noise policy please contact Peter Wasko in our Design section at (651) 582-1293. Permits: Any use of or work within or affecting MnlDOT right of way requires a permit. Permit forms are available from MnDOT's utility website at www.dot.state.mn.us/tecsup/utilitv . Please include one 11 x 17 plan set and one full size plan set with each permit application. Please direct any questions regarding permit requirements to Buck Craig (651-582-1447) of MnDOT's Metro Permits Section. Electronic Document Request: - .pdffile As a final request, please send an electronic .pdffile copy of your plan submittal for our record keeping purposes to iuanita.voigt@dot.state.mn.us . Please refer to Mn/DOT Review #P06-020 Gauer Addition / Chanhassen when emailing the .pdffile. Having electronic copies of the plans on file, allows us to respond to questions more efficiently, if needed. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. As a reminder, please address all initial future correspondence for development activity such as plats and site plans to: Development Reviews Coordinator MnlDOT - Metro Division Waters Edge 1500 West County Road B-2 Roseville, Minnesota 55113 MnlDOT document submittal guidelines require three (3) complete copies of plats and two (2) copies of other review documents including site plans. Failure to provide three (3) copies of a plat and/or two (2) copies of other review documents will make a submittal incomplete and delay MnlDOT's review and response to development proposals. We appreciate your anticipated cooperation in providing the necessary number of copies, as this will prevent us from having to delay and/or return incomplete submittals. If submitting revised plans, please include a brief narrative identifying what revisions have been made, etc. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions concerning this review at (651) 582-1548. o herman Planning Supervisor Copy: Roger Gustafson / Carver County Engineer John Freemyer / Carver County Surveyor Laurie and Scott Gauer Copies to Mn/DOT Metro Division files: MnlDOT Division File C.S. 1002 MnlDOT LGL File - City of Chanhassen Copies distributed via Groupwise: Ann Braden / Metropolitan Council Buck Craig / Permits Pete Wasko / Noise Derek Beauduy / Water Resources Bruce Wetherbee / Surveys Dale Matti / Right-of-Way Victoria Nill / Area Engineer John Freemyer Carver County Surveyor 11360 Highway 212 West Suite 1 Cologne, MN 55322-0300 ~ z < u ~ ~ ~ ~ < < ~ < ~ ~ ~ ~ 00 PC DATE: March 20, 2007 w CITY OF CHANHASSEN CC DATE: April 9, 2007 REVIEW DEADLINE: April 17, 2007 CASE #: 07-07 BY: AF, RG, LH, ML, JM, JS STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Request for a two-lot Subdivision with a subdivision Variance for access off a private street: GAUER ADDITION. LOCATION: 3820 Lone Cedar Lane (Lot 4, Block 1, Cedar Crest) APPLICANT: Scott & Laurie Gauer. 3820 Lone Cedar Lane Chaska, MN 55318 o~ PRESENT ZONING: Single-Family Residential, RSF 2020 LAND USE PLAN: Residential- Low Density (net density range 1.2 - 4.0 units per acre) ACREAGE: 1.09 DENSITY: gross: 1.82; net: 2.06 SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The developer is proposing a two-lot split to create a second building lot on their property. Access will be via a shared private street included within an association Outlot. LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION-MAKING: The City's discretion in approving or denying a preliminary plat is limited to whether or not the proposed plat meets the standards outlined in the Subdivision Regulations and Zoning Ordinance. If it meets these standards, the City must approve the preliminary plat. This is a quasi judicial decision. The City's discretion in approving or denying a variance is limited to whether or not the proposed project meets the standards in the Subdivision Ordinance for a variance. The City has a relatively high level of discretion with a variance because the applicant is seeking a deviation from established standards. This is a quasi judicial decision. Notice ofthis public hearing has been mailed to all property owners within 500 feet. GCAtHlED Location Map Gauer Addition 3820 Lone Cedar Lane Planning Case No. 07-07 City of Chanhassen Lake Minnewashta SUBJECT PROPERTY ! i I I SCANNED Gauer Addition Planning Case 07-07 March 20, 2007 Page 2 of9 PROPOSAL/SUMMARY The applicant is proposing the subdivision of their property into two lots. One lot would contain their existing home. The second lot would be for a new home site which would be accessed via an existing private street. Both lots meet all the requirements of the RSF district and the shoreland management district for single-family homes. To the north ofthe property is Lake Minnewashta, to the east is a single-family home on Lot 3, Block 1, Cedar Crest zoned Single-Family Residential, RSF, which is accessed via the private street in front ofthe development, to the south is a private street providing access to the property to the east, Highway 5 and the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum (zoned Agricultural Estate District, A2), to the west are single-family homes zoned Single-Family Residential, RSF. Sewer is available to the site within an easement at the bottom ofthe hill near Lake Minnewashta. Water is available in the private street south ofthe proposed new lot. The site has a high point at elevation 990 along the west central property line. The site slopes to the east with an elevation of964 and steeply down to the lake with an elevation of 944.5. The site does not meet the standards for classification as a bluff. The property is primarily wooded with open areas at the existing house and in the south central portion of proposed Lot 2. The proposed development complies with the requirements of the RSF district. Staffis recommending approval of the subdivision, subject to the conditions of the staff report. APPLICABLE REGUATIONS Chapter 18, Subdivisions Chapter 20, Article VII, Shoreland Management District Chapter 20, Article XII, "RSF" Single-Family Residential District BACKGROUND The Plat for Cedar Crest was approved by the Board of Carver County Commissioners on January 9, 1961. On November 4, 1991, the Chanhassen City Council vacated that portion of Cedar Crest Court, also known as Lone Cedar Lane, located to the south this parcel, Resolution #91-108 (Vacation file #88-05). The private street providing access to Lot 3, Block 1, Cedar Crest was built by the Minnesota Department of Transportation in conjunction with the construction ofthe turn lane into Lone Cedar Lane. SUBDIVISION REVIEW The applicant is requesting subdivision approval to create two lots and one outlot which shall contain the private street. The existing home on Lot 1 will remain. Access to the new lot will be via an existing private street. The use of private streets requires a variance. Gauer Addition Planning Case 07-07 March 20, 2007 Page 3 of9 (-1k -.... -........__ S'//l """""- GRADING, DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL The 1. I-acre site is bordered by Lake Minnewashta to the north, Lot 3, Block 1 of Cedar Crest to the East, Lot 5, Block 1 of Cedar Crest to the west and a private road to the south. There is an existing house on Lot 1, Block 1 which will remain during and after the construction of the proposed house on Lot 2, Block 1. The high point of the site divides the site into two main pieces. Approximately 60 percent of the site drains to Lake Minnewashta. The remaining 40 percent drains through a series of catch basins in the southeast comer of the site. These catch basins discharge to the ditch along Highway 5. The Highway 5 ditch discharges into Lake Minnewashta. A summary of the hydrology calculations has not been provided. A report showing the hydrologic calculations in Hydrocad will be needed to ensure that they meet the requirements of the City. The garage floor elevation is below the elevation of the private drive and the ground to the west. This elevation should be raised to prevent drainage from entering the structure. The slope of the driveway on the west side is also below the 2 percent minimum required by the City. The existing private road has a bituminous B612 curb along the front of Lot 2, Block 1, Gauer Addition. A valley gutter will need to be installed with the driveway to convey water past the driveway. Gauer Addition Planning Case 07-07 March 20, 2007 Page 4 of9 Ground (i.e. non-paved) surface grades shall not be less than 2%. Emergency overflow locations and elevations must be shown on the plan. An easement is required from the appropriate property owner for any off-site grading. If importing or exporting material for development of the site is necessary, the applicant will be required to supply the City with detailed haul routes. RETAINING WALLS The proposed retaining walls are as follows: Location Length Maximum Height (approximate) (approximate) Along the north and east side of proposed house 115 feet 4 feet Southeast comer of proposed house 20 feet 3 feet Southwest comer of proposed house 20 feet 2 feet Northwest comer or proposed house 12 feet 3 feet No retaining walls will be permitted within drainage and utility easements without an encroachment agreement Building permits are required for all retaining walls four feet tall or higher and must be designed by a Structural Engineer registered in the State of Minnesota. UTILITIES Services have been stubbed to this site and are shown on the plan. A cleanout for the sanitary sewer service will be needed at any bends. Each new lot is subject to the sanitary sewer and water hookup charges. The 2007 trunk hookup charge is $1,669 for sanitary sewer and $4,485 for watermain. Sanitary sewer and watermain hookup fees may be specially assessed against the parcel at the time of building permit issuance. All of these charges are based on the number of SAC units assigned by the Met Council and are due at the time of building permit issuance. All of the utility improvements are required to be constructed in accordance with the City's latest edition of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. The applicant is also required to enter into a development contract with the City and supply the necessary financial security in the form of a letter of credit or cash escrow to guarantee installation of the improvements and the conditions of final plat approval. The applicant must be aware that all public utility improvements will require a preconstruction meeting before building permit issuance. Gauer Addition Planning Case 07-07 March 20, 2007 Page 5 of9 EASEMENTS The existing easements on the site consist of a 20-foot sanitary sewer easement over the sanitary sewer line, and 10- foot drainage and utility easements over the west and east sides of the property. The private drive is proposed to be part of Outlot A. Outlot A should be covered by a drainage and utility easement. A combined drainage and utility easement over the front 10 feet of property and the watermain is proposed. This easement has a minimum of 20 feet for the watermain and 10 feet from the front ofthe lots. A lO-foot drainage and utility easement is proposed between Lot 1 and Lot 2, Block 1 of Gauer Addition. LAKES The proposed project is within 1,000 feet of the ordinary high water level (OHW) of Lake Minnewashta and is therefore within the lake's shoreland district. Lake Minnewashta is classified as a recreational development lake by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR). The minimum lot size is 20,000 square feet and the minimum lot width is 90 feet. All structures (with the exception of one water-oriented accessory structure on each lot that complies with Subsection 20-481 (e) (2) ofChanhassen City Code) must be set back a minimum of75 feet from the OHW ofthe lake (944.5). All grading or vegetation removal is subject to Section 20- 482 of the City Code. Any existing and proposed docks on the subject properties must meet the requirements of City Code Section 6, Article 2. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL Because no public improvements are proposed in conjunction with this project, erosion and sediment control measures will be reviewed with the building permit. All erosion and sediment control measures must be installed in accordance with the approved building permit. SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT FEES Because of the impervious surface associated with this development, the water quality fees for this proposed development are based on single-family residential development rates of $1,900/acre. Based on the proposed developed area of approximately 1.09 acres, the water quality fees associated with this project are $2,071. The SWMP has established a connection charge for the different land uses based on an average citywide rate for the installation of water quantity systems. This cost includes land acquisition, proposed SWMP culverts, open channels, and storm water ponding areas for runoff storage. Single- family residential developments have a connection charge of$3,100 per developable acre. This results in a water quantity fee of approximately $3,379 for the proposed development. At this time, the estimated total SWMP fee, due payable to the City at the time of final plat recording, is $5,450. Gauer Addition Planning Case 07-07 March 20, 2007 Page 6 of 9 OTHER AGENCIES The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies and comply with their conditions of approval. PARKS AND RECREATION Full park fees will be collected in lieu of land dedication for the newly created lot with the recording of the final plat. The Park fee for 2007 is $5,800 per dwelling unit. STREETS/ACCESS The site is proposed to be accessed via an existing private street which connects to Lone Cedar Lane (aka Cedar Crest Court). This private street will continue to be privately owned and maintained. PRIV A TE STREET CRITERIA In order to permit private streets, the city must consider the following: (1) The prevailing development pattern makes it unfeasible or inappropriate to construct a public street. In making this determination, the city may consider the location of existing property lines and homes, local or geographic conditions and the existence of wetlands. (2) After reviewing the surrounding area, it is concluded that an extension of the public street system is not required to serve other parcels in the area, improve access, or to provide a street system consistent with the comprehensive plan. (3) The use of the private street will permit enhanced protection of the city's natural resources including wetlands and forested areas. EASEMENTS A cross-access easement and maintenance agreement for the private street in Outlot A will need to be prepared and recorded. Finding: The proposed new lot will be accessed via an existing private street which was created to provide access to Lot 3, Block 1, Cedar Crest. When the private street was built, it was anticipated that an additional lot would be accessed via it. Due to the location of Highway 5 immediately south of the site, it is not feasible to provide a public street nor is it necessary to provide access to additional properties. In 1991, the City vacated the right-of-way for Cedar Crest Drive, which ran in front of the properties, because a public street was not needed. LANDSCAPING/TREE PRESERVATION Tree canopy coverage and preservation calculations for the Gauer Addition development are as follows: Gauer Addition Planning Case 07-07 March 20,2007 Page 7 of 9 Total upland area (excluding outlots) Baseline canopy coverage Minimum canopy coverage allowed Proposed tree preservation 42,217 SF 77 % or 32,309 SF 46% or 19,420 SF 65 % or 27,648 SF Developer meets minimum canopy coverage allowed, therefore no replacement plantings are required. No bufferyards are required for this development. MISCELLANEOUS Each lot must be provided with separate sewer and water services. Address numbers must be posted on each home and on Lone Cedar Lane at the private street entrance. Building permits are required for retaining walls. Retaining walls must be designed by a structural engineer licensed in the State of Minnesota. If site correction (grading and soils correction) is contemplated, final grading plans and soil reports must be submitted to the Inspections Division before building permits will be issued. COMPLIANCE TABLE Area (square Frontage Depth (feet) Lake Frontage Notes feet) (feet) (feet) Code 20,000 100 125 90 Lot 1 21,379 100 179 99 Lot 2 20,838 131 198 90 Outlot A 5,429 Private Street Total 47,646 1.094 acres Lots accessed via a private street must have 100 feet of lot frontage. Setbacks: Front: 50 feet from Highway 5, 30 feet from front property line; Side: 10 feet; Rear: 75 feet from the OHW of Lake Minnewashta. Maximum site coverage: 25 percent. RECOMMENDA TION Staff and the Planning Commission recommends that City Council thg Phm.HiRg Csmmissi€lH adopt the following motion and adoption of the attached findings of fact and recommendation: "The Chanhassen PhumiJlg C€lmmis8isJl f@@Smm@Jl€ls that thg City Council approves a two-lot, one outlot subdivision with a subdivision Variance for access off a private street plans prepared by Frank R. Cardarelle, dated 2/11/07, subject to the following conditions: 1. Each lot must be provided with separate sewer and water services. Gauer Addition Planning Case 07-07 March 20, 2007 Page 8 of 9 2. Address numbers must be posted on each home and on Lone Cedar Lane at the private street entrance. 3. Building permits are required for retaining walls. Retaining walls must be designed by a structural engineer licensed in the State of Minnesota. 4. If site correction (grading and soils correction) is contemplated, final grading plans and soil reports must be submitted to the Inspections Division before building permits will be issued. 5. Full park fees will be collected in lieu of land dedication for one lot in the amount applicable at the time of final plat approval. 6. Tree protection fencing shall be installed at the edge of grading limits prior to construction. 7. Any trees identified as being saved on plans dated 2-11-07 that are damaged orremoved shall be replaced at a rate of 2: 1 diameter inches. 8. A minimum of one tree is required in each front yard. 9. A cross-access easement and maintenance agreement for the private street in Outlot A will need to be prepared and recorded. 10. All structures (with the exception of one water-oriented accessory structure on each lot that complies with Subsection 20-481(e)(2) of Chanhassen City Code) shall be set back a minimum of 75 feet from the OHW of the lake (944.5). 11. All grading or vegetation removal shall be subject to Section 20-482 of the City Code. 12. Any existing and proposed docks on the subject properties shall meet the requirements of City Code Section 6, Article 2. 13. All erosion and sediment control measures shall be installed in accordance with the approved building permit. 14. At this time, the estimated total SWMP fee, due payable to the City at the time of final plat recording, is $5,450. 15. The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies and comply with their conditions of approval. 16. Calelilati€!lls €If ilyar€ll€lgy ill Hyar€leaa sil€l'::illg tilat tile ae\'el€ll3meRt meets tile re€jHiremellts €lf tile Citj' silall be Blibmittea. The Hydrocad calculations are acceptable to the City provided the Minnesota Department of Transportation drainage permit is approved and the roof downspouts are directed to the rear of the new home. Gauer Addition Planning Case 07-07 March 20, 2007 Page 9 of9 17. The garage floor elevation should be raised to prevent water from entering the structure. A minimum slope of two percent is required on the west side of the driveway. 18. Install a valley gutter along the front of the driveway to prevent drainage from entering property. 19. Ground (ie. non-paved) surface grades shall not be less than 2%. 20. Emergency overflow locations and elevations must be shown on the plan. 21. An easement is required from the appropriate property owner for any off-site grading. 22. If importing or exporting material for development of the site is necessary, the applicant will be required to supply the City with detailed haul routes. 23. Encroachment agreements are required for any retaining walls proposed within drainage and utility easements. 24. Building permits are required for all retaining walls four feet tall or higher and must be designed by a Structural Engineer registered in the State of Minnesota. 25. Install c1eanout for the sewer service at the bend of the sewer service for Lot 2. 26. Each new lot is subject to the sanitary sewer and water hookup charges. The 2007 trunk hookup charge is $1,669 for sanitary sewer and $4,485 for watermain. Sanitary sewer and watermain hookup fees may be specially assessed against the parcel at the time of building permit issuance. All of these charges are based on the number of SAC units assigned by the Met Council and are due at the time of building permit issuance. 27. autIst f~ must Be 8s':8fed Bj' a draiNage ~lRd utility easemeNt." ATTACHMENTS 1. Findings of Fact and Recommendation 2. Development Review Application 3. Reduced Copy preliminary Plat 4. Reduced Copy Grading Plan 5. Public Hearing Notice and Mailing List g:\plan\2007 planning cases\07 -07 gauer addition\staff report gauer addition.doc CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION INRE: Application of Scott and Laurie Gauer for Subdivision of their property in to two lots with a variance for the use of a private street - Planning Case 07-07. On March 20,2007, the Chanhassen Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Scott and Laurie Gauer for preliminary plat approval of property. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed subdivision preceded by published and mailed notice. The Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak and now makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is currently zoned Single-Family Residential, RSF. 2. The property is guided in the Land Use Plan for Residential- Low Density. 3. The legal description of the property is: Lot 4, Block 1, Cedar Crest, Carver County, Minnesota, and that part of Cedar Crest Court in Cedar Crest, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota, lying east of the following described line: Commencing at the southwest comer of Lot 4, Block 1, Cedar Crest; thence South 32 degrees 34 minutes 32 seconds West,. Assumed bearing, along the southerly extension of the west line of said Lot 4, a distance of 5.86 feet; thence South 16 degrees 17 minutes 55 seconds East, a distance of78.76 feet to the northerly right of way line of State Highway No. 5 and said described line thereon terminating. 4. The Subdivision Ordinance directs the Planning Commission to consider seven possible adverse affects of the proposed subdivision. The seven (7) affects and our findings regarding them are: a. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the zoning ordinance; b. The proposed subdivision is consistent with all applicable city, county and regional plans including but not limited to the city's comprehensive plan; c. The physical characteristics of the site, including but not limited to topography, soils, vegetation, susceptibility to erosion and siltation, susceptibility to flooding, and storm water drainage are suitable for the proposed development; 1 d. The proposed subdivision makes adequate provision for water supply, storm drainage, sewage disposal, streets, erosion control and all other improvements required by this chapter; e. The proposed subdivision will not cause environmental damage; f. The proposed subdivision will not contlict with easements of record; and g. The proposed subdivision is not premature. A subdivision is premature if any of the following exists: 1). Lack of adequate storm water drainage. 2). Lack of adequate roads. 3). Lack of adequate sanitary sewer systems. 4). Lack of adequate off-site public improvements or support systems. 5. Private Street variance findings: a. The hardship is not a mere inconvenience. b. The hardship is caused by the particular physical surroundings, shape or typographical conditions of the land. c. The conditions upon which the request is based are unique and not generally applicable to other property. d. The granting of the variance will not be substantially detrimental to the public welfare and is in accord with the purpose and intent of this chapter, the zoning ordinance and comprehensive plan. 6. The planning report #07-07 dated March 20,2007, prepared by Robert Generous, et aI, is incorporated herein. 2 RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the Subdivision with a variance for the use of a private street. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 20th day of March, 2007. CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION BY: Its Chairman 3 Planning Case No. 07 -07 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard - P.O~ Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 - (952) 227-1100 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION PLEASE PRINT Applicant Name and Address: 5 c..O\r q,.. u,u..t;<.. \ E ~\..\ Ei2.... 38~xJ LONt';? CED~~\;;t. L\~\,\ ~ ~\'\ ~<;\LP\ . V"\\-j 5531 f? Contact: L~~u..Q.lt ~~\A\::\L Phone: 47t.\-4c\ 51 Fax: ~e... -r~,f\L\t:L\ Email: ~\..\()...r_~.....(9~f.\-~o.cc~~ Owner Name and Address: ~~~T~~u~t: ~c;a . ) Lt.') , ' ""D""\~ "-1 ~~ G\\\c*S,v:...)),., ,N"\.t-....\ 6'5 2: )g Contact: Ll~t.\.Q_l t:: ~uFJL Phone: ~1t..l4\t16) Fax: ~ll.vte-Kv~N~tt\ Email: ~ 1 ie.r _ /'(\{'\@ &-\\00. c rlt'\!\. NOTE: Consultation with City staff is required prior to submittal, including review of development plans Comprehensive Plan Amendment Temporary Sales Permit Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Vacation of Right-of-Way/Easements (VAC) Interim Use Permit (IUP) X Variance (VAR) 260 Non-conforming Use Permit Wetland Alteration Permit (WAP) Planned Unit Development* Zoning Appeal Rezoning Zoning Ordinance Amendment Sign Permits Sign Plan Review x . Notification Sign - $200 (City. to install and remove) Site Plan Review (SPR)* X Escrow for Filing Fees/Attorney Cost** (' $68 CUfiliSPftNACNf\RfWAPfMete3 & 8ettFld3'" TOTAL F::4:~;~~ - ~ ~~~\'~~~il X Subdivision* 560 An additional fee of $3.00 per address within the public hearing notification area will be invoiced to the applicant prior to the public hearing. *Sixteen (16) full-size folded copies of the plans must be submitted, including an 8%" X 11" reduced copy for each plan sheet along with a digital copy in TIFF-Group 4 (*.tif) format. **Escrow will be required for other applications through the develo,pment contract. Buildipg material samples must be submitted with site plan reviews. ',0"'-:' i,,'::"'~ NOTE: When multiple applications are processed, the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. SCANNED PROJECT NAME: GAU\~Q.'A't:D\TH)~' '1\ LOCATION: 3~d.O LnNF.:: Cel'W\fd- ~\).,)r;.) Q.\\~"l\tftS~~\Et-.\ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: CE"DPtQ C3~.ES\. t) LOC-'<:.... 0 N E , TOTALACREAGE:____~ WETLANDS PRESENT: PRESENT ZONING: 'l2..~ F REQUESTED ZONING: ~S F PRESENT LAND USE DESIGNATION: \<e...~,de.t\t,Ct.' l.ouJ ~<;.\ hi REQUESTED LAND USE DESIGNATION: sr)..\"'\\~ REASON FOR REQUEST: $Um\\3\SUJ\\j '"0 t.Q..e:~i' IE TLDO LD~ to rT}t Ac.t.ESS bNtD ')R..\\\~,r ~E.ET, YES x NO This application must be completed in full and be typewritten or clearly printed and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, you should confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and procedural requirements applicable to your application. . A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application. This is to certify that I am making application for the described action by the City and that I am responsible for complying with all City requirements with regard to this request. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I have attached a copy of proof of ownership (either copy of Owner's Duplicate Certificate of Title, Abstract of Title or purchase agreement), or I am the authorized person to make this application and the fee owner has also signed this application. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. The documents and information I have submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledgEr.1 .zit '5-- It 7 ' Da(e "-- z/fs- /0 7 Date SC1\NNED G:\pLA~~~M;'~~8evelopment Review Application.DOC Rev. 12/05 D:: t QI co o :I 5 M u. 0 ... .., Cl .. .., C QI 0 W 0;;: "C Z D:: :I QI :e c:tou a. ... QI D W C.ll: D:: oS a a. c..c NU co C? [i= EIS d (gS ~ ~ EIS ~ = ~ = d [\::!!:!] ~ (gS t:t:t:t: dddd VI VI VI VI Oda 0. 00 ~ t...MNo:t Moao:rO ..011'I.... g ...... .. 01 U' ~ .. QI > c o .~ u :c: ~I ~~ ::t:1 .."~ ~ .. '0 ::) 0: ~I ~~~~ SI 3 a 3 3 ~I HH c:C1 ll.ll.ll.ll. .~ ~, N ~~ g8 is ;~ c. c.... i~ ~~ Q 8~ E t~ i: ~8 ~ ~~ Q 13.~ z 3;; ~ ~: "" S-3 o ~S Z cf o 0.., ~ ~c . 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Engelhardt, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes that she is and was on March 8, 2007, the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing for Gauer Addition - Planning Case 07-07 to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A", by enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ~day of march ,2007. ~lM1 -r. ~w rr~~ ~ Notary P bli , r,~~o. KIM T. MEUWISSEN , ""<:'i! Notary Public-Minnesota ~~~...~!/~~ My c~m;M;," 8p;.' J" 31. 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This map is a compilation of records, information and data located in various city, county, state and federal offices and other sources regarding the area shown, and is to be used for reference purposes only. The City does not warrant that the Geographic Information System (GIS) Data used to prepare this map are error free, and the City does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, tracking or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement ot distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. If errors or discrepancies are found please contact 952.227.1107. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes ~466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this map acknowledges that the City shall not be liable for any damages, and expressly waives all claims, and agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City from any and all claims brought by User, its employees or agents, or third parties which arise out of the usefs access or use of data provided. Disclaimer This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. This map is a compilation of records, information and data located in various city, county, state and federal offices and other sources regarding the area shown, and is to be used for reference purposes only. The City does not warrant that the Geographic Information System (GIS) Data used to prepare this map are error free, and the City does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, tracking or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. If errors or discrepancies are found please contact 952.227.1107. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes ~466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this map acknowledges that the City shall not be liable for any damages, and expressly waives all claims, and agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City from any and all claims brought by User, its employees or agents, or third parties which arise out of the usefs access or use of data provided. LOC HOANG & JULIE TRUONG 3881 LONE CEDAR LN CHASKA. MN 55318 -9609 MINNESOTA ST HORTICULTURAL UOFM RM 1 HORTICULTURE BLDG ST PAUL, MN 55108- JOHN HESS 115 CARDINAL LN EUSTIS, FL 32726 -6924 VERNA ARLENE PETERJOHN 3892 LONE CEDAR LN CHASKA, MN 55318 -9609 WILLIAM D & DEBRA J HUMPHRIES 3890 LONE CEDAR CIR CHASKA. MN 55318 -9652 JAMES F & DOLORES L1PE 3880 LONE CEDAR LN CHASKA. MN 55318 -9609 SCOTT A BROIN & SHARON L PAULSON 3840 LONE CEDAR CIR CHASKA . MN 55318 -9652 CHARL Y A WEBBER 3850 LONE CEDAR CIR CHASKA. MN 55318 -9652 TODD C & REN A MONING 3860 LONE CEDAR CIR CHASKA, MN 55318 -9652 KENNETH R & MARTHA L SORENSEN 3800 LONE CEDAR CIR CHASKA. MN 55318 -9652 ABRAHAM & DOROTHY ABBARIAO 3750 ARBORETUM BLVD PO BOX 26 CHANHASSEN , MN 55317 -0026 Public Hearing Notification Area (500 feet) Gauer Addition 3820 Lone Cedar Lane Planning Case No. 07-07 City of Chanhassen SUBJECT PROPERTY Lake Minnewashta . i i i i ! i i : i !