83-05 CITY OF CHANHASSEN HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY RESOLUTION DATED: September 15t 1983 RESOLUTION NO.: 83-5 MOTION BY COMMISSIONER: Bohn SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER: Russell RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CLOSING OF HRA FUND %604 AND APPROVING A TRANSFER BETWEEN HRA FUNDS. WHEREAS, the HRA Auditor has prepared the "Tax Increment Financing Plan" (dated August, 1983) for Tax Increment Dfstrict %1~ and WHEREAS, the HRA Board of C_~-missioners has adopted said Plan upon the recommendation of the HRA Auditor and Executive Director; and WHEREAS, implementation of said Financing Plan requires the authorization of the HRA for the closing of an HRA fund and an interfund transfer between two other HRA funds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the C~missioners of the Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority that Fund %604 (Ring Road Construction Fund) shall be closed by the Treasurer effective immediately and any fund balance shall be transfered to Fund %306 (Tax Increment Debt Service Fund); and, that a transfer of approximately $644,619 from the Tax Increment %1 Fund (%460) to the Tax Increment Debt Service Fund (%306) is hereby authorized in accordance with the adopted Tax Increment Financing Plan. Adopted this 15th day of September, 1983. ATTEST: Scott A. ~artin, Executive Director Yes Horn Bohn Russell Clark Horn, Vice-Chairman No Absent None Whitehill Swenson