83-03HOUSIN~D REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORI~' OF CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION DATE: May 19, 1983 RESOLUTION NO.: 83-3 MOTION BY: Russell SECONDED BY: Bohn RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSESSMENT AG -REEMENT FOR ENERGY CONTROLS, INC. PROJECT WHEREAS, Lloyd W. Miller and Barbara J. Mille~ (the #Redeveloper%, owner of the following described real property: Lot 6, Block 5, CHANHASSEN LAKES BUSINESS PARK, Carver County, Minnesota, have tendered to this Authority a proposed assessment agreement, pursuant to Modification No. 5 to the Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Plan, providing for the construction of certain improvements within the Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Project Area. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, as follows: 1. The proposed Assessment Agreement is hereby approved as con- sistent with the Authority's Special Assessment Reduction Program. 2. The Chairman and Executive Director of the Authority are hereby directed and authorized to execute on behalf of the Authority said assessment agreement in the form attached hereto and made a part hereof, as Exhibit A. 3. The Chairman and Executive Director are hereby specifically authorized to make assessment reduction payments pursuant to said assessment agreement on the basis of the Minimum Market Value set forth in Section 3.3, and as computed in Section 3.2 of said agreement. 4. The amount of the assessment reduction payment under said assessment agreement is hereby determined to be $21,700.00, which amount is based upon the Authority's determination that outstanding levied eligible assessments total $33,711.50. Passed and adopted this 19th day of May , 1983, by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota. Executive Dir'ector Yes: Gullickson, Bohn, Horn, Russell No: None Absent: Whitehill