82-08 CITY OF CHANHASSEN HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY RESOLUTION DATED: Auqust 19 r 1982 MOTION BY COMMISSIONER: Bohn RESOLUTION NO. 82-8 SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER: Horn RESOLUTION APPROVING 1983 HRA OPERATING BUDGET WHEREAS, the HRA Executive Director has prepared and recom- mended a 1983 Operating Budget for the HRA, as directed; and WHEREAS, said recommended Budget was presented to this Authority and duly reviewed and discussed at a regu- lar meeting held on August 19, 1982; and WHEREAS, this Authority finds that said Operating Budget ade- quately responds to the anticipated needs of this Authority during 1983; and WHEREAS, this Authority finds that said Budget is based upon reasonable revenue assumptions to the best of our knowledge. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Commissioners of the Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority that the 1983 Operating Budget (identified as City Fund %460) is hereby approved as presented by the Executive Director, and as attached and made a part of this Resolution. Adopted this 19th day of August, 1982. William:'D. Gullickson, Chairman ATTEST: Scott A. Martin, Executive Director Yes No Absent Bohn None Horn Gullickson Whitehill Russell REVENUE: Tax Increment Receipts Interest on Investments To~al Revenue EXPENOITURES~ Current: Personnel Services Hatertals & Supplies Contractual Service.8 Capital Outlay Tots1 Expenditures OTHER (Decreases): Transfer to Fund t~O& (1981 Tax Increment Bond Debt Fund) Transfer to Special A88__~ee_ment Funds Tranafer to General Fund Reimbursement o~ Interest & T~unk Unit Ch~rgss Psid Under Spaeisl A~e~ement Reduction Program Fund Balance - 3enua~ 1.' Less Required Reserve Fund Balance - December 11: CHANHASSEN HOUSING AM~ REDEVE]_OP~ENT AUTHORITY PROPOSED 198.~ OPERATI~ BUDGET FUND 460 I 1981 1982 1982 1983 Acius/ . Budgeted Estimated Budqet $ 160,996 $ 258,00Q $ 335,0{30 2 m 650 } $ 444.,0{30 16} ,64~S 261,000 }.5{3,0DO 497 ,.5SD 12, }26 41,695 42,565 42,420 28O 450 ~00 5OO 7,685 }5,200 30 ,GO0 }2,800 27 ~000 0 0 0 47,491 77, ~4,5 72,865 7.5 ~ 720 0 0 0 0 0 104,150' 7,~0 0 0 0 0 14,050' (12,954) 61,419 66,Z57 88,257 0 0 }0, ~0-~ 247,192 100,000 19B,}22 * Provides for Full prepayment of De/co Concrete and Fluoroware Special Aeseseeent Reduction Ag=eement Obligations Provides for reimbursement to United Hailing as per special assessment reduction agreement.