82-07HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION Dated May 20, 1982 Motion by Commissioner Bohn Resolution No. 82-7 Seconded by Commissioner Horn RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT FOR THE UNITED MAILING BUILDING WHEREAS, FRANK BEDDOR, JR., MARILYN A. BEDDOR, E. JEROME CARLSON, JULIANA M. CARLSON, (the "Redevelopers"), owners of the following described real property: Lot 1, Block 2, according to the plat of Park Two, dated January 11, 1982, all of which is located in Carver County, Minnesota, have tendered to this Authority a proposed assessment agreement, pursuant to Modification No. 5 to the Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Plan, providing for the construction of certain improvements within the Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Project Area. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, as follows: 1. The Chairman and Executive Director of the Authority are hereby directed and authorized to execute on behalf of the Authority said assessment agreement and the addendum thereto in the form attached hereto and made a part hereof, as Exhibit A. 2. The Chairman and Executive Director are hereby specifi- cally authorized to make assessment reduction payments pursuant to said assessment agreement (and the addendum thereto) on the basis of the average of the four Minimum Market Values set forth in Section 3.3 of said agreement. 3. The amount of the United Mailing assessment reduction payment under said assessment agreement is 'hereby determined to be $138,698.00 which amount is based upon the Authority's determ/nation that levied eligible assessments total $128,483.34 and unlevied eligible assessments exceed $20,000.00 Passed and adopted this ~ day of 1982, by the Housing and Redevelqp~--~-~ Author%ty of]the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota. ~~// ~{~ A Attest: Yes Bohn Horn Whitehill No None Absent Gullickson Russell