MARCH 28, 2023
Chairman Tsuchiya called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Karl Tsuchiya, Heather Markert, Don Vasatka, Dan Eidsmo, Jim Peck
(arrived at 7:10 p.m.)
MEMBERS ABSENT: Matt Kutz, Scott Fischer, Youth Commissioner Alex Jerdee.
STAFF PRESENT: Jerry Ruegemer, Park and Recreation Director; Priya Tandon, Recreation
Manager; Mitchell Czech, Recreation Supervisor; Jodi Sarles, Recreation Center Manager;
Adam Beers, Park Superintendent.
Commissioner Vasatka moved, Commissioner Markert seconded to approve the agenda as
presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0.
Park and Recreation Director Ruegemer shared about the Arbor Day Celebration and invited the
Commissioners to the event on Saturday, May 6, 2023.
Commissioner Markert moved, Commissioner Eidsmo seconded to approve the Minutes of
the Park and Recreation Commission Meeting dated February 28, 2023 as presented. All
voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0.
1. Don Schwartz Recognition
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – March 28, 2023
Recreation Supervisor Czech stated on behalf of the Park & Recreation Department, he would
like to recognize Don Schwartz for his service and dedication to the City’s Adult Softball
League. He noted Mr. Schwartz worked 4,506 softball games during his 29-year umpire career.
He spent 23 years in Chanhassen as an umpire and served as the Adult Softball Umpire
Coordinator for 32 years. Mr. Czech noted the leagues truly would not have been possible
without Mr. Schwartz. Mr. Schwartz was presented with a plaque in recognition of his service.
2. Receive 2022 Park and Recreation Department Annual Report
Park and Recreation Manager Tandon gave a presentation and shared the 2022 Annual Report
with highlights, including the Rec Center Community Day, 55+ Senior Expo, and expanded
youth program offerings. She shared about park, trail, and facility projects, community events,
and youth, adult, and senior programming. She noted the full Annual Report will be available on
the City website in April.
Commissioner Eidsmo noted it is very impressive regarding what the City and Park and
Recreation Department can do. He thanked them for their work.
Commissioner Vasatka moved, Commissioner Eidsmo seconded to approve the Park and
Recreation Commission recommend that the City Council receive and approve the 2022
Park and Recreation Annual Report. All voted in favor and the motion carried
unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0.
3. Erhart Farms Future Trail Alignment
Park and Recreation Director Jerry Ruegemer gave an overview of the future trail plan showing
illustrations on screen. He shared about Foxwood Preserve with natural trails and a ghost plat
noting the Erhart Farms development will also have natural features with outlots and permanent
open space. Mr. Ruegemer shared about future phasing, connecting trails, and showed a ghost
plat of the development and trail system on screen. The developer would like the trail alignment
to go through the Foxwood Preserve, and staff would like to continue the trail to the south. Mr.
Ruegemer shared about difficulties in connecting to the south, and that potential retaining walls
and boardwalk due to a wetland would be expensive.
Commissioner Eidsmo asked if the developer will pay for any of it or if it would be City
Mr. Ruegemer noted it would be City expense and showed a layout on screen that had been
discussed. He noted currently there is not an identified funding source. Staff recommends
remaining on the corridor they are looking at on the ghost plat near Eagle Ridge Road and the
southern corridor; he noted the northern alignment could be connected at some point in the future
if the City saw fit and had funding. Mr. Ruegemer stated the property is very beautiful and he is
excited to continue the trail.
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – March 28, 2023
Commissioner Vasatka explained his avid use of trails in the City noting he prefers to use trails
that are not just adjacent to roads. He would rather have one trail than send his kids on a trail that
has 50+ driveways and crosses multiple roads. He would like to look at all options and give the
City flexibility to get something through to Foxwood Preserve.
Mr. Ruegemer agreed and stated if the City comes up with additional funding for the boardwalks
they could definitely look at that in the future.
Commissioner Vasatka asked if it is possible to make the trail with natural elements such as
wood chips.
Mr. Ruegemer replied in the affirmative noting that could be done with a 6-foot nature or turf
trail and that could be done in-house; they could gain access to that area and connect it to the
existing Foxwood Preserve.
Commissioner Vasatka asked about the timeline and whether the Commission can discuss it
Mr. Ruegemer noted they do have some time as the first phase will be starting in the spring but it
is already earmarked for the trail alignment.
Commissioner Vasatka thinks the first phase makes a lot of sense.
Commissioner Markert asked if the trail went to the south of the body of water, would that need
to be a boardwalk?
Mr. Ruegemer replied the City does not currently have that property for access. He thinks the
topography in that area is a little steeper but he can look into it.
Chair Tsuchiya asked if the developer would be open to a discussion on the southern side of the
body of water as an alternative.
Mr. Ruegemer would be happy to have that conversation with the developer.
Commissioner Markert agrees with Commissioner Vasatka’s comment regarding the trail and the
driveways that make it feel less like a trail. It would be helpful to know how many people it
would impact or be helping to put some merit behind the cost.
Mr. Ruegemer clarified this is a ghost plat and is not set in stone. If the Commission would like
to have the southern corridor, the ghost plate would probably change.
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – March 28, 2023
Commissioner Eidsmo moved, Commissioner Vasatka seconded, to table action on the item
for further discussion. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of
5 to 0.
1. Easter Egg Candy Hunt Preview
Recreation Manager Tandon shared about the Easter Egg Hung at City Center Park and draws
between 500-800 children and families. Tickets are $6 per child and accompanying adults are
free, the City offers pre-registration as well as registration the day of the event. She thanked the
Chanhassen Fire Department and local Key Clubs for volunteering at the event.
2. 4th of July Celebration 40th Anniversary Commissioned Logo
Recreation Manager Tandon shared the 40th Anniversary logo designed to celebrate this
historical milestone and 40 years of the City's most highly-anticipated community event. Artist
Adam Turman was commissioned to design the 2023 4th of July Celebration event logo. Mr.
Turman is a well-known Minnesota artist based in Minneapolis. He is an illustrator, muralist, and
screen printer whose bold illustrations "celebrate a distinctive Midwestern love of the great
outdoors." She stated merchandise with the artwork will be available prior to the celebration and
shared a sneak preview of the logo with the Commissioners.
3. Chanhassen Recreation Center Quarterly Update
Recreation Center Manager Sarles gave an update noting the movable walls are scheduled for
installation on April 26-28, she shared about HVAC updates, and new controllers within the
facility. She explained daily fees and punch card fees, and shared program updates including
Dance for Fun, Rec Center Sports, Super Hero Party, Bunny Yoga, Painting classes, Fit for Life,
and Pickleball lessons.
4. Park Maintenance Quarterly Update
Park Superintendent Beers gave an update noting park maintenance staff has completed all
routine maintenance on the small equipment fleet, crews have been getting ready for spring start-
up, the City works with Sentence to Serve to assist with trash collection and mulching, and the
department is in the process of hiring seasonal staff for the upcoming summer season. They are
currently hiring a full-time staff member to replace John Wickenhauser who transferred to the
streets division. Mr. Beers also shared about the Roundhouse Park playground dismantling and
assembly of the new playground.
5. 2022-2023 Ice Rink Season Evaluation
Recreation Supervisor Czech gave an update noting it was a challenging year, but overall this
year's ice skating rink season ran from December 27, 2022 to February 21, 2023. During the
season, the warming houses were open for 50 days and closed for 7 days due to large amounts of
snow. Roughly 5,293 participants were recorded during supervised hours. Mr. Czech shared
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – March 28, 2023
about warming houses, rink attendants, recorded participants, and expenses throughout the ice
rink season.
6. Senior Center Quarterly Update
Mr. Ruegemer gave an update for Mary Blazanin, noting the Senior Center has many weekly
programs. He shared about the Coffee with the Cops Sessions, Meals on Wheels, trips to the MN
Vikings Museum and St. Cloud Paramount Theater, lunch celebrations, and lifelong learning
7. Recognized Outgoing Park and Recreation Commissioners Karl Tsuchiya and Scott
Mr. Ruegemer recognized Karl Tsuchiya for serving on the commission since 2017 and thanked him for
his work on Lake Ann and having served the community well. Mr. Ruegemer thanked Scott Fischer for
his term on the commission, his contributions, and having served the public well.
Mr. Ruegemer mentioned that Scott Pharis and Robert Swanson were appointed to the Park and
Recreation Commission, and that Jim Peck was reappointed as well.
Commissioner Vasatka moved, Commissioner Peck seconded to adjourn the meeting. All
voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. The Park and
Recreation Commission meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Submitted by Jerry Ruegemer
Park and Recreation Director
Prepared by Amy Weidman
Administrative Support Specialist