80-04 OF CHANHASSEN,. MINNESOTA Dated · December: 4',' '1980 ..... Motion by Commissioner' ' Ni~meyer Resolution 'No. ' 80-04 Seconded by Commissioner RuSsell RESOLUTION APPROVING MINOR MODIFICATION IN DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT PLAN WHEREAS, the Housing & Redevelopment Authority of Chanhassen, Minnesota, has previously, by its resolution dated March 20, 1980, approved Modification No. 3, as set-forth in the "Draft February 1980, Revised March 20, 1980, Amended Plan, Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Project" booklet, and WHEREAS, the so-called Ann Koltyk tract, which is more parti- cularly described in Book 127 of Deeds, at page 15, and Book 129 of Deeds, at page 166, files of the Carver County, Minnesota, Recorder, is identified on Figure 5 in said booklet as Parcel No. 49, and WHEREAS, said Parcel No. 49 iS' depicted on Figures.3 and 4 in said booklet as motor vehicle parking space for either the hotel or the "Phase 2" retail unit to be. constructed by .the private developers', pursuant to the plan, and . · WHEREAS, Parcel No.. 49, through oversight, was c~itted from the 'acquisition list depicted on Table 3 of said booklet, and WHEREAS, it was an~ is the intent of this Authority that Parcel No. 49 be acquired by the Authority as a part of the Downtown " Redevelopment Project,' and .' WHEREAS, S462.525 (Subd. 6) of Minnesota Statutes empowers the Authority to make' 'minor changes in redevelopment plan under certain · " limited circumstances which"do not require approval by the governing body of the municipality within which the project is located, and WHEREAS, the Authority hereby finds .that the inclusion, of Parcel No. 49 on said Table 3 of said booklet would not have the effect of altering or affecting the 'exterior boundaries of the Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Project, and. WHEREAS,.the Authority hereby finds that the inclusion of Parcel No. 49 on said Table 3 of said booklet wOuld.~not ~.." .. have the effect of substantially altering or affecting the general land uses established in the Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Plan and Project, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Housing & Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, as follows: · · 1. The acquisition list found on Table 3 and the acquisition map (Figure 5) of the "Draft February-1980, Revised March 20, 1980, Amended 'Plan, Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Project" booklet (hereinafter the Redevelopment Plan) is hereby amended to include thereon all-of .the following tract of land. as a Stage 2 acquisition by the Authority: · . Parcel No. 49 more particularly descr'ibed in Book i27 of Deeds at page 15, and Book 129 at page 166, 'in the office of the Carver County Recorder. 2. The Authority hereby ~nds that Parcel No. 49 and the other lands in the project area would not be made available for redevelopment without the financial aid soughhor to be sought. 3. The Authority hereby finds that the Redevelopment Plan, as amended by this resolution, will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the locality as a whole, for the redevelopment of redevelopment areas by private enterprise. . 4. The Authority hereby finds that the Redevelopment Plan, as amended by this resolution, conforms to the-general plan for of the locality as a whole. 5. The Authority hereby finds that Parcel No. 49 is a""blighted" area and a "deteriorated area" within the meaning of Chapter'462.411 ~t seq of Minnesota Statutes. 6. The findings made by the Authority in its resolution dated. November 29, 1977, approving the. Downtown Redevelopment Project and in its resolution dated December 18, 1978, approving Modification. No. 1 to said project are hereby reconfirmed. Passed and adopted this 4th day of December by the Housing & Redevelopment Authority of theCity~of dhanh~ssen, .."Minnesota- /~~/~.. - / '- Ch~i~ Attest: Execu~~! Yes Niemeyer Russell Bohn Gullickson No Absent Whitehill ! . . .. .,, . i i -2- RU~B"'LL, H. LAR"~ON CRAIG 14. 14rRTZ . , Of' COUN'~,I. HARVI:Y w. BKAAR 14ARK C. 14cCUI. L.OUGH Donald W. Ashworth' Chanhassen City Manager Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317- Re: ATTORN£Y$ AT ~AW I~.O0 FIRS'r BANK PLACr MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55~O2 TE~PNON[ . Cha~ass~n ~: ~optton' of M~or ~a~ge. Dear Don: Figure 5 and Table 3 of the March 20, 1980 Plan Booklet depict the various parcels to be acquired by the Authority during the course of the downtown project. In doing the preliminary title work for the core area we find that BRW,. through an oversight,. omitted Parcel 49 from the acquisition list. Parcel 49 is the vacant lot located on the south side of West 78th Street between Hombre's Bar on the east, and the dinner theatre parking.lot on the west. ' -- In my initial conversation with BRW; I advised, them that the Authority could not make 'the necessary-correction in the absence of planning commission review and city council approval. Upon further review, I am of the opinion that this correction can be treated as a. minor change. Thus, no planning commission review, or public hearing, or city· council'approval is necessary. I enclose my proposed draft of a resolution, adding ~arcel 49 to the acquisition list in the plan. · The resolution should be submitted to-the Authority for consideration at its next meeting. Neither city council approval nor planning. commission approval are required. . Very truly .yours, Assistant Chanhassen City' Attorney CMM:ner eno m