Dated May 27, 1980
Motion by Councilman Neveaux
Resolution No. 80-18
Seconded by Couh'cilman Pearson
WHEREAS, on December 19, 1977, the City-Council of. the
City of Chanhassen by Resolution duly approved the Chanhassen
Downtown Redevelopment Project and Plan dated October 28, 1977,
(the Plan); and
W~EREAS, there has been prepared and'referred to the
City Council of the City of Chanhassen for =eview and approval
Modification No. 3 dated February.. 20, 1980,. revised March 20, 1980,
which modification is' on file with the City'Manager and'which provides
for the acquisition of Vacant, underutilized,'and/or blighted'land
within the project area; 'and
WHEREAS, the Said MOdification No: 3 has been approved.
by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority as evidenced bY the
copy of said body's duly certified Resolution· approving, said
Modification No. 3, which is attached hereto; and
WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of
Chanhassen,'which is the duly designated and acting' official
planning body for'the locality, has submitted tot he Governing
Body on March 12, 1980 the report and recommendations
respecting said Modification No. 3, and its findings as to
compliance with the Comprehensive Municipal Plan, and the
Governing Body has duly considered said report, recommendations.
and findings of the planning-body; and
WHEREAS, said City Council, which gave· due notice of
public hearing on said modification held at Chanhassen City Hall
City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, on the-'21st day-of April 1980,
at 7:30 p.m.,.publishing the notice once in the Carver County
Herald, the official newspaper of said City on April 2, 1980,
which said public hearing was duly held at the above time' and.-
place by the said' City. Council.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City coun¢ii
of the city of Chanhassen:
That the project' area which is ~ subject of sai~[
Modification No. 3 and the Plan itself includes property needed
or convenient for the project, including property presently
vacant and/or blighted; ·
2. That the acquisition of the property which is the
subject of said Modification No. 3 by the Local Public Agency .i.s·
hereby approved pursuant to Minnesota Section 462.445, Subd. 1, (6);
3. That the area which is the subject, of said Modification No.
3 'and the Plan is a blighted or deteriorated area as defined in
the Minnesota Municipal Housing and Redevelopment Act (Laws
Minnesota 1947, Chapter '487 as amended) and is a blighted or
deteriorated area and an 'urban renewal area within the meaning
of the Housing Act of 1949 as amended;
.- . .
4. That it is hereby f'ound and determined that. the-land
in the project area would not be made available for red.~velopment
without the financial aid to be 'so..ught;
. .
5. That it is hereby found and determined that the
redevelopment plans for the area will afford maximum opportunity,
consistent with' the sound needs of the locality as a whole,
for the redevelopment of such areas by private enterprise;
6. That it is hereby found-and determined tha~.' 'said Modification
No. 3 conforms to the general plan. of the 'locality as.a whole;
.- ·
7. That the findings made by the City in its resolution
dated December 19, 1977 approving 'the 'Plan, and in its resolution
dated December 18, 1978 approving Modification No. 1 to' the Plan
are hereby reconfirmed;
8. That it is hereby found and determined that~ the
adoption of said Modification No. 3 'will:
. .
a) discourage commerce, industry, and manufacturing
from moving their operations from the State of Minnesota,
· .
b) will result in increased employment in the City of
Chanhassen, and
c) will result in the preservation aha enhancement of
the tax base of 'this municipality, and'
d) will carry out the purpose and policy of the
Municipal ·Housing and RedeveIopment Act of the State of
Minnesota (Laws 1947, M.S.A. S462~311 to 46.2.711 as
amended) .
That said Modification No. 3 dat~ February 20, ·1980
to the Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment P~oject and Plan dated'
October 28, 1977 be and the same is her'eby approved.
Adopted this 27th day of May, 1980. -. '"
o .
Yes .. No -' Absent
Pearson ':' . 'Geving :." NonCe ... , ". .. .--..
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Attest: -." ?-:'~ ' "' '"'": ' ' -. -'; ' '" ' ~' '
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C~ty Clerk/Ma g -: -. -- .--- -....