Narritive 1571 Lake LucyRdVariance for Accessory Dwelling Unit 1571 Lake Lucy Road To whom it may concern, We created our family homestead in Chanhassen 27 years a8o. We have applied for a building permit adding Sarage, workspace, storage and a future separate living area for me. During the permit review process, it has come to our attention because there is a planned future separate living area, we need to apply for a variance for Accessory Dwelling Unit. This addltion will be attached to the existing residence using the same driveway, utility meters, sewer. From all view-points the structure will look like a single-family home which it will be with two different living areas. For a quite a few years my family has discussed talked of my son and his family moving into my home to help me with my property as I age. The property takes a lot of work and upkeep, at this time of my life it is more than I can handle myself especially with my recent cancer diagnosis. /,W Kathryn Randall