Survey_electronicPROPOSED ADDITION SURVEY FOR: MIKAN HOMES - RANDALL RESIDENCE LOT AREA = 517,056 SF or 11.87 Acres PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: House w/ Porches = 4,630 SF Patios, Pool Patio, Walks = 1,766 SF Decks = 216 SF Shed = 149 SF Asphalt Driveway & Path = 14,059 SF Gravel Driveway = 1,940 SF REMOVE Portion of Gravel Driveway = -479 SF PROPOSED DRIVEWAY = 1560 SF PROPOSED Garage Addition= 1,732 SF PROPOSED Upper Level Deck =136 SF PROPOSED Stairs and Concrete Pad = 56 SF Total = 25,765 SF Impervious = 4.9% NOTE: 690 SF pool not included as impervious surface. LOT AREA = 517,056 SF or 11.87 Acres EXISTING IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: House w/ Porches = 4,630 SF Patios, Pool Patio, Walks = 1,766 SF Decks = 216 SF Asphalt Driveway & Path = 14,059 SF Gravel Driveway = 1,940 SF Shed = 149 SF Total = 22,760 SF Impervious = 4.4% NOTE: 690 SF pool not included as impervious surface. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: That part of Lot Five (5), in Section Two (2), Township One Hundred Sixteen (116), Range Twenty-three (23), Carver County, Minnesota, described as follows: That part of the following described property: Which lies Westerly of a line drawn from a point on the North line of the below described property distant 61.00 feet Easterly from the Northwest corner of said below described property to a point on the West line of said below described property distant 240.00 feet Southerly from said Northwest corner. Commencing at the Northwest corner of Lot 5; thence East on North line of said Lot 5, 375 feet; thence South parallel with the West line of said Lot 5, 1,716 feet; thence West parallel to the North line of said Lot 5, 375 feet to the West line of said Lot, thence North along said West side 1,716 feet to the place of beginning, EXCEPTING THEREFROM the following described property: Commencing at a point on Section line between Sections 2 and 3, Township 116, Range 23, which point is 1427 feet South of the northwest corner of Lot 5, Section 2, Township 116, Range 23, thence running south 289 feet; thence east 375 feet; thence north 289 feet; thence west 375 feet to the place of beginning, situated in Lot 5,Section 2, Township 116, Range 23. Abstract. SITE ADDRESS 1571 Lake Lucy Rd. Chanhassen, MN 55331 SITE BENCHMARK Top of septic cleanout in rear yard Elevation = 1001.36. JOB NO. SCALE 45-23 PROP DRAWN - 20� BOOK/PAGE GUS 177/36 REFERENCE SHEET 1 of 1 24x36 NORTHWEST CORNER OF GOB M - - M - LOT 5 I I I 0 w w 0 0 1 0 1 0 a 04 1- / W a / 04 I I 0 0 0 z I I I BOUNDARY ----375.00 DEED-- CENTERLINE oE0E� LAKE L UCY ROAD r . -mil , M - M 0 r - I WEST LINE OF SEC. 2, T. 116, R. 23, EAST LINE OF SEC. 3, T. 116, R. 23 ,,-WEST LINE OF GOV'T. LOT 5 CURB LI I I n N M 0 i I G 0 V ' T EDGE OF MARSH _dL w _dL ,PREwwww ww _dL� - _dL w _dL� w w w w w w w w w_dL AL M - - - - I ` n rn 0 N I I it 1 1 / I \I 1 N88.03 48 W 375.00 I � I I \J 1 O I o \ I of 0 N Q 00 I *G N I 0 0 In I I I � I I L\J11 N88'0348"W 375.00 DEED - LAKE LUCY RD. L 0 T Lu C� CJ <C LJ X1019.4 DETAIL / / o19 10192 /^ ,1013.6X EDGE OF\ /qODS / / 1017t5 1017.5 / 7 / / 016.1 / 10134X P n 1015.7 ( 1018.3 / 013.9 1010.9 / o X1r6, / 1013.7 0 / - X 1017.9- 011.9 CA EDGE OF WOODS 1013.0 - - - - -4,,01P.2 009.8 1010.7 �X101r----------- \ � � � 22"PINE 1010.9 /0, S EDGE OF WOODS 1007. - !^� / -+ 0110- %UY WIRE__ -- / 1, 0, 0ss'.5 101 .0 1008� 04090.5 -00/ 9� - O• 08.7 CG looa 011.3---1009-- =---I-I-�.\-51009.9 X10X1007.5 1006 /o 1009.7 1009.7 1010.8 s_�---�-\-III1IIj.--��-�---1I\\�-I-1lIII11II- II1I ---�11III11II - ------ IIIIII11 -X-II oI\� I\0 / I I I I 1 II I- I - I I- '-- o0 I I- / ooos -- _ --= \1 00 °0�06 °1010.1 005 /o°1010. Q1.0 -R, -----1010--- -1004 0 101OAN 1010.2 100.8 7010.6 X1010.4 X1010.1 1010.2 1010.2 1 10. TW 1009.7 /0� 1-1 ASPHALT DRIVEWAY 1011.4 xi 08.1 4 "OAK 1010.5 1010.6 1010.9 1010.8 0 \ -1012./002 1009.7�oa.1 io09- 1007.7 g9900 1008.8 1010.1 x1010.2 1010.9 x101 1.4 �1� X10 0.5 1 10 0.5 1010.5 X 1 DECIDUOUS X1011.9 Sr101,.2/ o 1007.1 X06j5 .X1012.1 1007.a CD x 006.8 x 1009.8 1012.4X1010.E 9/ \- 009 98.1007.5 X1012.2 1007.4 ' /- -1000-.2 1012.2 k- 1 0.0M .1 14"DECIDUOUS Oz X,o,o., -1007- 10\ 5.5 x101 4 1oos.5/x1012.3 1007 10126s.2 1008.-I 012.0 1 10.7 1008 9.2- \ ,ohs06 o yx1000.4�1oo4Q10 1602.0 s�� c111012.E X o07,4\s"COTTON�o 1005.E I�I 1005.-I / /x 1004.4 1001.0/33.8 FIRST FLOOR=1014.2 RECONFIGURE X1 02.31571 LAKE LUCY RD. EXTERIOR WALL ASPHALT DRIVEWAY L X92.4 -7.0 1004.1 CE - _ - - - - - S 10-oi054 PROPOSED aoS PATIO 00 GARAGE ADDITION IO0 \ 6 2 -53- - 5 WWai_I I IN \' I I\I \ I I1\II I I IcIn \I I1 I\ I w�I I\ I �I I 1I I \I II III I III I I \ II II \III I III IIIII IIIII1 III IcIn I II I I X�I CI9°In9I' III9I I.°I o\I \I I o9\99.\ 1 I\l \\ / \ �5i t �55�5,5.•x 5c - %5 �k ',' 0/4�S 5;09 U)�4 \ R// ES/ TO/R1E TI( / E Al ONSTRUOfY1 /` / TI / / L8 0 N IS/OMP/ /ED C�4 QBLUFF K ER CI ODE5.OW_PROP. 1004.10.FLINEN10-12COTTNW�DS 4007 04O 04.0+1004.5 1006 .X1003.4 PAER PATIO x10016 /999.7 X1 00.5 1005. 41, 1003.E ELaw PORCH x3 PINE + .03PX1004.5C/PQOL} 100456/S� BENCHMARK: X10 1 N / TOP SEPTIC CLEANOU2o J-- PROPOSESAN LINE X1 OS4-1004- (SEE PLAN R DETAILS) 69 X,-rxiOUo -1003- X998.3 0b0.49 81004,5 x 100o .7 POOL o-�Lu1002.E _1002- 1004.0 -999 !-T--SEPTIC 998NOUTS X9 ` 1004.$ � `-997 / h x 1003. X99 .8 J -�-- - �PR1UC�E- -00BL/ OQ4, 5 / S ).2/ iS\q/ \/\EDGEs O�F WOODS 10 j�SETBACK X987 4 9 4.1 1001. X998.8- _999- 997.14 �993 12"COTT -WO +�+ 1003 1004.5TW 1003.1 �95.1/�-992 12 COTT NW .1g98� 12aONWO ��998 X1003.6 _991- 8"OAK "co 0woo 997- to00- X0.2 -989-I--c98si9 � �x993.7996 9a6.7I �996.1 994.6 988.4 988-I x�4\90.8\LNE98995999 __998 a--- -987- X994.5 BLUFF LINE 85 � X989.87.9 998 ib �14"CO��p12COTTO WO 997.4 -997 9 .6 �9836.,CQTTONWO D 889-/ �9822COTTO WO ( 995.8 BED GE O/W 0 q / /iSILT FENCE/ IX979.1 9835- - 6 AK/97a- X .7 X78.69 9S\ 995 JEDGE OF WOODS- 994.1 RESTORE AREA AFTER 977 /,CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETED / 9/ 994 J / / / / / icPER CITY CODE -m- 4_975- �993- - �/ X991.5 / // //// /� --974- -�� // _ \\ I F(,FIJII / //x I 100 0 100 200 SCALE IN FEET REVISIONS DATE REMARKS 04,1 1-2023 ADD BLUFF LINE AND 30 FOOT SETBACK I hereby certify that this survey, plan, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly registered Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. W. BROWN LAND SURVEYING, INC. DATED: 03-29-2023 WOODROW A. BROWN, R.L.S. MN REG 15230 W. BROWN LAND SURVEYING, INC. J 8030 OLD CEDAR AVENUE SO., SUITE 228 Y Y BLOOMINGTON, MN 55425 °OpI PH: (952) 854.4055 WBROWNLANDSURVEYING.COM EMAIL: INFOOWBROWNLANDSURVEYING.COM LOT AREA = 517,056 SF or 11.87 Acres EXISTING IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: House w/ Porches = 4,630 SF Patios, Pool Patio, Walks = 1,766 SF Decks = 216 SF Asphalt Driveway & Path = 14,059 SF Gravel Driveway = 1,940 SF Shed = 149 SF Total = 22,760 SF Impervious = 4.4% NOTE: 690 SF pool not included as impervious surface. LOT AREA = 517,056 SF or 11.87 Acres PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: House w/ Porches = 4,630 SF Patios, Pool Patio, Walks = 1,766 SF Decks = 216 SF Shed = 149 SF Asphalt Driveway & Path = 14,059 SF Gravel Driveway = 1,940 SF REMOVE Portion of Gravel Driveway = -479 SF PROPOSED DRIVEWAY = 1560 SF PROPOSED Garage Addition= 1,732 SF PROPOSED Upper Level Deck =136 SF PROPOSED Stairs and Concrete Pad = 56 SF Total = 25,765 SF Impervious = 4.9% NOTE: 690 SF pool not included as impervious surface. Os 0 x900.0 x900.OTW - 900- - • O Fence Timber Retaining Wall Boulder Retaining Wall Septic Cleanout Gas Meter Power Pole Existing Elevation Top of Wall Elevation Existing Contour Found Iron Monument Set Iron Monument Inscribed R.L.S 15230 SCALE IN FEET Sq� / Z W