80-17 A CC Resolution CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MiNNESOT;~ RESOLUTION Dated May 27, 1980 __ Motion by C6uncilman Geving Resolution No. 80-17A Seconded by Counc~'lman pearson J_ _ CORRECTING TRANSCRIPTION ERROR IN RESOLUTION 78-73 · . -. WHEREAS, Chanhassen City Council met on December 18, 1978 to consider the adoption of a formal resolution amending the Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Project and Plan so as to provide for the public acquisition of the Rome Properties office building site and 'for the expansion of the ·project.boundaries south of State Highway 5, and WHEREAS, a draft of said resolution was distributed to the members of the then City Council prior to said meeting, and.· WHEREAS, said draft included all three of the. findings required by Section 462.521, Subd. 2, for the modification of a redevelopment plan, and -. WHEREA~, said draft included language which would have also approved the Housing and Redevelopment Authority's plan booklet dated April, 1978, and .. .-... - · . -. -... WHEREAS, the Chanhassen City Council 'voted on·· December 18, 1978 to approve and adopt such draft resolution as Resolution No. 78-73, with the modification that references to the said April 1978 booklet were deleted, and $~HEREAS, said Resolution No. 78-73· was retyped so as to' delete all references to said April 1978 booklet, and WHEREAS, said retyped resolution was submitted-to and executed by the Mayor and the City Clerk of this City, and · WHEREAS, through clerical error the fo110wing, finding was inadvertantly omitted from said retyped'Resolution No. 78-73: That it is hereby found and determined that the land in the Project area will not be made- available for redevelopment without the financial aid to be sought. WHEREAS, it was not the intention of the City Council that said finding be deleted from Resolution No. 78-73, %. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT' RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen: That Resolution No. 78-73 dated December 18, 1978 is hereby amended by inserting below finding number 7 and above. finding number 9, a finding number 8 reading as follows: · · . . Adopted this 27th day of That it is hereby found and determined that the land in the Project area will not be made available for redevelopment without the financial · aid to be sought. . .. · · . . . . .. -.. May :' , 1980. Yes No Absent Pearson Neveaux Hobbs Swenson Gevinq None None . :r . , ,_ .: Attest-. City Clerk-/Manager' '' o ,- :.