80-01 CITY OF CHANHASSEN HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY RESOLUTION Dated March 20, 1980 Motion by Commissioner Niemeyer Resolution No. 80-01 Seconded by Commissioner Whitehill RESOLUTION ADOPTING NUMBERING SYSTEM FOR PLAN MODIFICATIONS WHEREAS, the Authority has by its resolution dated November 29, 1977 approved the Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Plan dated October 28, 1977 (hereinafter the Plan), and WHEREAS, the Authority has twice acted to modify the Plan and is now considering a third modification of the Plan, and WHEREAS, the Authority wishes to facilitate ease of reference to the Plan and to said Modifications, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, as follows: 1. That, the modifications to the Plan described in this body's resolution dated December 18, 1978, concerning among other things, the acquisition of the Rome Properties office.building site and the expansion of the project boundaries south of State Highway 5, shall henceforward be denominated as Modification No. 1 dated December 18, 1978. 2. That, the modifications to the Plan described in this body's resolution dated May 'lQ, 1979, concerning'the Zamor development proposal and the acquisition of park-like, gateway area in Frontier Development Park, Carver County,. Minn-esota, shall henceforward be denominated as Modification No. 2, dated May 10, 1979. 3. That, the modifications to the Plan described in the "Draft February 1980 Amended Plan, Chanhassen Downtown Redevelop- ment Project" booklet, including provision for a program to pay relocation benefits in the manner provided in Minnesota Statutes, shall henceforward be. denominated as'Modification No~ 3 dated February 20, 1980. Passed and Adopted this 20th day of March 1980, by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Chanhassen, Minnesota. Yes No Absent Gullickson None None Bonn wniteni£± N~emeyer Russell - Mayor3 ! ,' - Attest.- Executive Director