80-02 CITY OF CHANHASSEN HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Dated March 20, 1980 · Motion by Commissioner Russell Resolution NO. 80-02 Seconded by commissioner Bohn RESOLUTION APPROVING PLAN MODIFICATION BE IT RESOLVEDi, by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, as follows: Section 1. Recitals 1.01 The Chanhassen City Council has approved a redevelopment project to be undertaken by the Authority, designated as the Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Project (the Plan), and a Redevelopment Plan for the Project. 1.02 Section 462.525(6) of Minnesota Statutes allows the modification of a redevelopment plan at anytime. 1.03 Modification No. 3 da~ed February 20, 1980 has been presented to the Authority for its consideration and approval. 1.04 Modification No. 3 dated February 20, 1980 has been transmitted to the planning agency of the municipality in which the proposed acquisition site is situated, namely the Planning Commission of the City of Chanhassen, for its study, and request was made by the Authority for the written opinion'of said Modification No. 3. Said Planning Commission at its meeting on March 12, 1980, has given its written opinion of said Plan. 1.05 The February 1980 Draft described in Modification No. 3 has been supplemented by the booklet entitled "Amended Plan Draft, February 1980 Revised March 20, 1980", correcting certain typographical and clerical errors contained in the original booklet. Section 2. 2.01 The Authority hereby approves Modification No. 3 dated February 20, 1980, revised March 20, 1980, to the Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Project and hereby authorizes the submission to the City Council of the City of Chanhassen for its approval. 2.02 The findings made by the Authority in its resolution dated November 29, 1977 approving the Project and in its. resolution dated December 18, 1978 approving Modification No. 1 to the Project are hereby reconfirmed. 2.03 The Authority hereby finds and determines that the adoption of said Modification No. 3 will a) discourage commerce, industry, and manufacturing from moving their operations to another state and b) will result in increased employment in the City Of Chanhassen, and c) will result in the preservation and enhance- ment of the tax base of this municipality, and d) will carry out the purpose and policy of the Municipal Housing and Redevelopment Act of the State of Minnesota (Laws. 1947, M~S.A. $462.411 to 462.711 as amended). Passed and Adopted this _2~th day of '''i.' .Mar. ch' , 19 80 , by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority 'of-th'e.C!ty 'of Ch~nhassen, Minnesota. Yes No Absent Gullickson None None Bohn Whi~ehill Niemeyer Russell Attest.- Exec/~~U~lVe Director~~_ MODIFICATION NO. 3 TO CHANHASSEN DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND PLAN /. Pursuant to Section 1, G, of the Chanhassen Redevelop-. ment Plan, dated October 28, 1977, said plan is hereby modified as follows: 1. To incorporate the changes described in the Amended Plan Draft'February 1980, as prepared by Bather-Ring Rose- Wolsfeld-Jarvis-Gardner, ' Inc. and 2. To delete the final sentence in Part III of the General Relocation Plan portion of the Plan on p. 19 thereof, and 3. To amend the General Relocation Plan portion of the' Plan by adding a Part IV reading as follows: Part IV. Applicable State Law Full relocation benefits will be provided to displaced persons and businesses in the manner provided in Minnesota ~' Statutes. ' Dated: February 20, 1980 Approved as to Form Executive Director