Application for Development Review 23-09a3' *cffiorcnlilrrA$$ril APPUCATION FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW Submittal Oate:2 PC Date:60€ay Review Date I Comprehensive Plan Am6ndment.$600 $100 E subdivision (suB) E Create 3 lots br less .........................-.............$3OO E Creat6 over 3 |ob.......................$6@ + $15 per lot D Minor MUSA line for failing on-site sewers ..... tr Conditional Use Permit (cuP)( btE) (2 ffi).................-...............$300 ""'--""""'$150 tr Single-Family Residence $32s $425 n Metes & Boundsfl consdidate Lots!All Others. ! lnterim Use Permit (ruP)n Lot Line Adjustnent......................................... $1 50 Final P1a1............. ................. $200 (lncludes $450 escrow for atomey costs)' 'Addltonal esqow may be rsquirBd fq othsr applbations Oror4h ths dsr/aloprnent conFad. tr ln cohjunction with Single-,Family Residence..$32s $42snAll Others.. n Rezoni ng (REZ) tr Plenned Unit Development (PUD)E Vacation of Easements/Rightd-way (VAC)........ $300 (Additioml recording h€s may apply) WVaianc.e (VAR).................. ...... $200 tr Minor Amendment to existing PUDtrAll Others n Wetland Alteration PermitI site etan Review (n Administrative! Commercial/ln (WAP)n Single-Family Residence $150 $275 $200 $s00 All Others dustrial Districts*$50o Plus $10 per 1,000 square feet of building area:(_ thousand square feet)E Zoning Ordinance Amendment (ZOA)'lnclude number of exrs{ind employeo!: 'lncludo numbor of row gmolovsss: Ll Residential Districts......................................... $000 !QIE: Wh.n muldple gpplicrtlong ar€ procssaed concurEn{y, the appropriato f63 shall be chsrg.d to, each applicalion.Plus $5 per dwelling unit ( units) y'uoufication sign (cty to imtafl and r€rnov6] . {r-** O*ners' List within 500' (city to generat€ after flB€pplication EEeting) ......$3 per address y'' t 5c,( < o addresses) $50 per document se Permit ! Site Plan Agreementn Wetland Alteration Permitfl Easements ( easements)n Deeds TOTAL FEE:tda.^ Descripton of Proposal: Variance ol p.5n f J,sl'bacl< f''orn 36rfs?o' Property Parcel #: Address or Locari on 7 6 3 a H ;c k, ,Rd Cha',,h 9e Legal Description:Lo I /()37 t 7q Red (clM Potn I Total Acreage: Present Zoning Wetlands Present? fl Ves filruo . Select One Requested Zoning . Select One Present Land Use Desig na1;on. Select One Requested Land Use Designation Existing Use of Property: tt /Y Pa]*l /- Fat^, I Application Type (check a that appty)Section 1 Section 2: Required lnformation Fnecf box if separate narative is attached. . Select One COMMUNITY DEI'ELOPUENT DEPARTTENT Planning Division - 7700 Market Boutevard Mailing Address - P.O. Box 142, Chanhassen, MN 5S3i7 Phone: (952)227-1100 / Fax: (gS2)227-1110 CC Oste:tpl;tr/N .- J, i l'r->tl7/a) (Retor to the ?0piQfli8fe Adbatbn ChecUig tor rquhed srlflnital infontdion that mud acannpaoy this awlicdiott) $7so $100 $s00 d$crow tor Recording Documents (check all that L_l Conditional Use PermitE VacationE Metes & Bounds Subdivision (3 docs.) i Property Owner and A pplicant lnforntation APPLICANT OTHER THAN PROPERW OWNER: ln signin s this application, l, as applicant,authorization from the property owner to file thi s application. I represent to have obtained the right to object at the hearings on the a pplication or during agr€e to be bound by conditions of approval, subject only to he property owner, I have attached s eparate documentation the appeal period. tf ihis appli cation has not been signed b v should be processed in m y name and I am the of full legal capacity to file the application. This application application. I will keep m party whom lhe City should contact regarding any matter pertain ing to thisyselfinformed of the deadiines for submission of material and the progress of this applicalion. Ifurther understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasi bility studies, eic. with anany authorization to p roceed with the study. I certify that the information and exhibits submitted are bue estimate prior to J,,petr;<'r (o^lrac l; n and correct. Name:Ant contax Cht's AIllrr,tr4 Address: ?eS3 4 4 Le"der^ A (r<Phonei 6/2-3ld-a/sl City/State/Zip:lord au rhA) 55-l.fL Cell: la 4,.> Ds-h- Email:c /;sr co^ l.ncl. n Fa; lit /* Signature: Date:Y /at/a3 PROPERTY OWNER:ln signing this application, l, as property owner, have full legal capacity to, and hereby do,authorize th6 filing of this application. I understand that conditions of approval are bin ding and agree to be bound by theeconditions, subject o nly to the right to object at the hea rings or during the appeal pe riods. I will keep mysef i nformed ofthe deadlines for su bmission of material and the progress of this application. I fu rther understand that additional fees mabe charged for cons ulting fees, feasibil ity studies , etc.with an estimato itted are bue and z5dh prior to any authorization to proceed with the v study. lce that the information a nd exhibits subm corect. Name: Addres ",L \o'L Contact: Phon6 City/State/Zip:Cell: Fax: 8 Email: Signat ure: ^Date: PROJECT ENGTNEER (if appilcabte) Name: Contact: Phone: City/Stata/Zip: Email: Cell: Fax: should receive copies of staff reports?"Oth6r Contact hformafl on : Name:Prop€rty Owner ViaApplicant Via :AI Email :'DEmait Address:Engineer Other- Via: Via: Email Email City/Statezip: Email: A determination of completeness of the application shallwrinen notice of application deficiencies sh;ll be mailed .be.made within 15 business da)4s of application submittal. AIo tne appticant within 1S business days of application. fees ISTh rca ti on um mcopd ln tull ndpleted m ust be accom nied apa nformation danby ns redplarequaca byblepplOrdinances,City reBefoprovision fi athisling refer toplicationp the propriateap ChecklistApplicationandconferwiththePlannDerlmndtongepaetermnetherdcenanspecificndacableappliurarocedpiremetsnandrequ - Section 4 Notification lnformation INS,TRUCTIONS TO APPLICANTOevrce. and deliver Com plete al n e cessary form fields th e n SE ect 5 Av E FORM to save a copy to t/our BMIT FORM to send a digitatpayments P RI NT FORM to city al ong I U SUBillT FORI! 0 SAVE FORI copy to the city for pmcessing. with required documents 6nd Section 3: Address: Who Btrtr ! uaitea paper Copy LJ Mailed Paper Copy LJ Mailed Paper Copy l_l Mailed Paper Copy