78-01 CITY OF CHANHASSEN HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY RESOLUTION Dated: December 18, 1978 Resolution No. 78-01' Motion by Commissioner Klin~elhutz Seconded by Commiss'ioner Niemeyer RESOLUTION RECONFIRMING PRIOR APPROVAL OF REDEVELOP- MENT PLAN AS AMENDED HEREIN WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Chanhassen, Minnesota, has previously, by its resolution dated November 29, 1977, approved the Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Plan dated October 28, 1978; and WHEREAS, S462.525, Subd. 6 of Minnesota Statutes allows the modi- fication of a redevelopment plan at any time; and WHEREAS, on November 14, 1978, there was presented to a meeting of the governing body of the Authority for its consideration and approval proposals: am For the acquisition of an office building site abutting on West 78th Street within the Project area and not to exceed five (5) acres in Size; bo To approve of the supplementary Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Project plan dated April, 1978; and C · To expand the project'area .to encompass certain tracts of land located in the southwesterly quadrant of the inter- section of Highways %5 and %101. WHEREAS, said proposals were duly transmitted by this Authority to the planning agency of the municipality in which the area to be redeveloped is situated, namely, the City Planning Commission of the City of Chanhassen, for its study, and request was made by the Authority to said Planning Commission for its written opinion of said Plan; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Chanhassen: i · That the Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Plan dated October 28, 1977, is hereby reconfirmed and approved with the following modifications: a· The Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Project plan dated April, 1978, is hereby incorporated into and shall form a part of said October 28, 1977 plan. -1- · ! . · be C · · · · · The tract of land described on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof is hereby identified for acquisition by the Authority and development as an office building site. The redevelopment area described in said October 28, 1977 plan is hereby expanded to encompass those tracts of land located southerly of the southerly right-of-way line of State Highway 95 which are more particularly described on Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part hereof. That the redevelopment area described in this.~3resolut£on is a "blighted" area within the meaning of Chapter 462.411 et seq. of Minnesota Statutes, and is a "deteriorated area" as defined in the Minnesota Municipal Housing and Redevelop- ment Act, Laws of ~innesota 1947, Chapter 487, as amended, M.S.A. S462.421, and is a deteriorating and deteriorated area in the locality involved, and a redevelopment area within the meaning of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended. That the said Plan-and Project as modified herein will carry out the purpose and policy of the Municipal Rousing and Redevelopment Act of the State of Minnesota (Laws 1947, Chapter 487 as amended; M.S.A. S462.411 to 462.711) as set forth in ~1 thereof (M.S.A. ~462.415) and in the congressional declaration of national housing policy contained in the Act of 1949 as amended. That the said Redevelopment Plan as modified herein, together with the Proposed Method for Financing the Project, and Relocation Report, is hereby in all respects approved and the Secretary is hereby directed to file said copy of said Redevelopment Plan with the minutes of this meeting. That application is hereby made to the City Council of the City of Chanhassen, the governing body of the municipality in which said Project is located, for the approval of said Plan and Project as modified herein, including the Method of Financing, and the City Manager is hereby authorized and' directed on behalf of this Authori~¥'~,to transmit said Plan to said City Council, together with a copy of this resolution and the written opinion of the City Planning Commission of the City of Chanhassen, a statement of the Method for Financing the Project, and a Relocation Plan and to take such other action as he, the said City Manager, may deem necessary and advisable in order to secure from said City Council its approval of said Plan and Project. Said City Council is hereby requested to hold a public hearing on said Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Plan after givihg published notice of the date, time, place and purpose of such hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Chanhassen, such notice to be published once at least ten days prior to the date of the hearing. -2- · · Said City Council is hereby requested to approve said Plan and Project, including the Method of Financing, and to find by resolution that: (1) the land in the project area would not be made available for redevelopment without the financial aid to be sought; (2) the redevelopment plans for the redevelop- ment areas in the locality will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the locality as a whole, for the redevelopment of such areaS by private enterprise; and (3) the redevelopment plan conforms to a general plan for the development of the locality as a whole, and further to find by resolution that (i) the said plan will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the locality as a whole, for the rehabilitation and redevelopment of the Redevelopment Area by private enterprise; (ii) the Redevelop- ment Plan conforms to a general plan for the locality as a whole; and (iii) that 'the plan for relocation of the individuals and families displaced in carrying out the Project in decent, safe, and sanitary dwellings in conformity with acceptable standards is feasible and can be reasonably and timely .effected to permit the proper prosecution and completion of the Project, and that such dwellings or dwelling units available or to be made available to such displaced individuals and families are at least equal in number to the number of displaced individuals and families, are not generally less desirable in regard to public utilities and public and commercial facilities than the dwellings of the displaced individuals and families in the Project area, are available at rents or prices within the financial means of the displaced individuals and families, and are reasonably accessible to their places of employment. Said City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to trans- mit to the State Planning Officer of the State of Minnesota and to the State Housing Commission and to the Minnesota State Planning Agency certified copies of this resolution, of said Plan, and other papers and documents described or referred to in S8 of said Municipal Housing and Redevelopment Act (M.S.A. S462.445, Subd. 8). Said City Council is hereby requested to consent by resolution to the use by the Authority of the tax increment methods of financing in the Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Project in the manner provided in M.S.-~462.585. Said City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to take such action as he may deem necessary or 'advisable for and in behalf of and in the name of this Authority to expedite approval of said Plan by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen and by any and all other authorities, including the United States Government and any of its agencies and ins trumentaliti es · -3- · That the conditions under which the Authority will make relocation payments are hereby in all respects approved. · That ~e City Manager is hereby designated to review and approve all claims by families and individuals for reloca- tion payments and is designated the Land Administrator to review and approve all claims by businesses for relocation payments. 10. That it is hereby found and determined that the objectives of the Redevelopment Plan cannot be achieved through more extensive private rehabilitation of the Project Area. Passed and adopted this /~ day of ~ of Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority. , 197~/, 'by the City YES Bill Gullickson Tom Klingelhutz Mike Niemever -- NO Absent: John Pryzmus Clifford Whitehill /s/ Donald W. Ashworth Assistant Secretary and Executive Director -4- EXHIBIT A (Office Building Site) LEGAL DESCRIPTION That part of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 13, Township 116, Range 23, described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter; thence Southerly along said West line of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter, on an assumed bearing of South 0 degrees, 09 minutes, 40 seconds East a distance of 71.55 feet to the Southerly right-of-way line of County State Aid Highway No. 16; thence South 85 degrees, 29 minutes, 24 seconds East along the Southerly right-of-way line of County State Aid Highway No. 16 a distance of 482.81 feet to the actual point of beginning; thence South 85 degrees, 29 minutes, 24 seconds East along said Southerly right-of-way line of County State Aid Highway No. 16, a distance of 381.26 feet; thence South 0 degrees, 09 minutes, 40 seconds East a distance of 156.00 feet; thence North 87 degrees, 53 minutes, 36 seconds West a distance of 380.30 feet; thence North 0 degrees, 09 minutes, 40 seconds West a distance of 172.00 feet to the point of beginning, Carver County, Minnesota WILLIAM O. ICHOI'L/ RE:QIEITI='RICOCIVIL E:NnlINE:I'R MINN. NO. 2~1 113. D~K. Wire, NO. IrLO Iq I DA NO, NO, OAK, MONT. NO. ]ml~ IOWA NO, 'T~'XAm NO, DESCRIPTION' CITY OF CHANH~SEN 7120 CAIqLIILI' II, IAI)ION RlrnllqTl:'Rl:'O LAND SUIqVl:'YOIq MINN. NrI. 43174 mo. OAK. 7,1 Wll. ND. l-1'74 IoWA NO, 2705 NO. OAK. !1131 MONT. NO. I'7'4~-I DESC. R~PTIONS FOR ~ EXPANSXON' OF TA~. I~. DISTR,. CT. CHA~~ ~ .. That part of t~e Northeast ~rter of ~e ~or~east ~~er .of. Section 14, ~shiD 116 ~or~, ~ge 23 West of ~e 5~ Princi~l Meridian ~ich l~es ~r~erly of ~ ~~rly ri~t~f~ay l~ne of ~e Chicago, ~lwa~e, St. Paul & Pac{fic ~l~d ~d lying south~sterly of ~e sou~sterly r~t~-way 1~ of S~te ~ghway No. 5. ~at ~rt of ~e West ~lf of the ~o~east ~r~r of ~tion 14, ~ship 116 Nor~, Range 23 West of ~e 5~ Princ{~l Meri~ ~ch lies ~~erly of the ~~erly r~t~f-~y li~ of ~e ~ica~, ~lwau~, St. Paul & Pacific ~{l~ad ~d lying sou~erly of ~ ~u~rly ri~t-of~ay 1~ of State ~ghway ~. 5. Those parts of Government Lot 2 an~ the ~outh'east Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section. 13, .Township 116 North, .Range 23 West of the 5th Principal Merit/an, lying southerly of the south- erly right-of-way line of State Highway ~o. 5 and which westerly of the westerly right-of-way line of State Highway No. 101. EXHIBIT B Page 1 of 4 WILL. lAM D. RI~I~III:ITEIqE~D CIVIL rNGINrrFi MINN. NO. IO. OAK, Wll. Nri, [-11"7l IrLoI~IDA NO. &'~'71 hiD. DAIC. MONT. NO. IOWA NO. T[XAI NO, 3llll SOHOELL & MADSON, ~Nc. ENGINEERI~ ~ 8URVEYOREi NINTH AV[NU[ iO'IJTH HOP'KINB, MINNrBQTA 15343 PHONI DESCRIPTION CITY OF C~AH~ASSEN CARLIILB' IdAC)ION MINN. NO. 43'74 lO. OAK. '7~J1 WIS. NQ. B-,'74 IOWA NO. 'B'7OB NO. OAK. 1lOB IVION'~'. HO. 1'742-1 Des. crip~gn o.f Duun &, Curry ProDertvl P rcel A' That part of t~e Northwest ~az~.er of Section 14, Township 116, Range '23, Carver County, Minnes~ta, lying ~ortherly of the northerly line of the Chicago, M/lwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad, except that taken for Minnesota State Trunk H~ghway Nos 5. Subject to CouAty Road No. 17 over the westerly 33.00 feet. pa~rcel ]3 That part of the Northwest Quarter and of the North Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast 'Quarter and of Government Lot 2,' all in Section 14, ~vnship 116. ~ 23. Ca~ver County, ~aota', described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of said North Half of the Southwest Quarter: thence North 89 degrees-23 m/nutes 06 seconds East, bearing assumed along the south line of said North Half of the Southwest Quarter, a distance'of 1089.62 feet: thence north a distance of 483.02 feet: 'thence North 63 degrees 26 min- utes 05 seconds East, a d/stance of 1118.03 feet: thence South 78 degrees 05 m/nutes 45 seconds East, a d/stan.~.e of 640.96 feet to the westerly line of proposed County State Aid H/ghway No. 17: thence North 31 degrees 10 minutes 50 seconds East, along said westerly line, a d/stance of 971.42 feet= .thence northeasterly and northerly, along said westerly line, on a tangential curve concave to the west having a tad/us of 1070.92 feet and a central angle of 34 degrees 30 m//lutes~ a d/stance of 644.84-feet: thence North 3 degrees 19 minutes' 10 seconds West, along said westerly line and tangent to the last described curve, a d/stance of 109.33 feet to the south line of the Chicago, Milwaukee., St.. Paul and Pacific Railroad: thence weste=l¥ and southwesterly along said south line of s~Ld ra/lroad to the west line of said North Half of the Southwest Quarter:-thence South 2 degrees 11 minutes 01 seconds East, along said west line Of-said North Half of the Southwest Quarter to the point of begimi/ng. EXCEPT: Part of the North Half of the Southwest Quarter-of Section 14, Township 116, Range 23, Carver County, Minnesota, described as follows: Beg~nning at a point on .the West line-of said-North. Half.- of the Southwest Quarter, 821.90 feet, measured along said West line, (continued) .EXHIBIT B' Page 2 of 4 . I TE ED CIVIl. EI*I~INE, ER Rlrf31~qTIrRIrD I.AND SURV~rYOR MINN, NO. lO. OAK. WIII· ND, FLORIDA NO. NO. OAK. MONT. IOWA ENC~INEER8 & SURVEYORS I"1 NINTH AVENUI' 113UTH HOI~KIN.. MIHNI~IQTA 5~,343 DESCRIPTION MINN. NO. 4'174 lO. OAK. '7,1 WlI. 'NK3. l-,74 10WA NO. 3?OB . NO. OAK. !1'08 'MONT. NI3. 1'74'J'-I c.r ca.rossi' l;'arcel B (Continued southerly of the northwest corner of said North Half of the Southwest Guarter, said west line assumed to bear South 2. degrees' 11 ~/. nutes 01 leconds East: thence North 87 degrees"48 ~cLnutes 59 seconds' East', a.. distance of 550.00 feet: thence North 2 deggee, s I1 minutes 01 seconds West, parallel with said west line, a distance of 180;00 feet: thence North 32 degrees 05 minutes 05 seconds West, a .d/stance of 662.31 .feet to the southeasterly right-of-way line of the Chicago, N/iwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad, as recorded' in Book 2-3 of' Deeds, Page 266: thence South 55 degrees 32 minutes 41 seconds We~t, along said south-- easterly right-of-way line, a distance of 260.00 feet to said west line'of the North Half of the Southwest Guarter: thence South 2 degrees 11 m/nutes 01 seconds rest, along said west line, a d/Stance of 615.32 feet to the point of begtnrcLng.- And also except .that .paz~ of the said North Half of the 8outhwest Quarter lying .northwest of said railroad right-of-way. · . Subject to ex/sting Co .unty Road No'. 17 in the westerly portion of said North Half of 'the Southwest Ouarter. P,~rcel_ C That part of Government Lot 1, Section 13, Township 116, Range 23, and of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast'Quarter, Section 14, Township 116, Range 23, and of Government Lot 1, said SectiOn 14, and of the Northeast Quarter of the NortheaSt Quarter of said-Section 14, lying southerly of the south line-of the Chicago, Milwaukee, 'St. Paul and Pacific Railroad, lying south, of that .part of. State Trunk Highway No. 5 which lies southeasterly of said railroad and lying easterly of the easterly line of proposed County State A/d Highway No. 17, Said easterly line being described as follows and hereinafter called Line "A" = A line parallel with and 75.00 feet .easterly of, as measured perpendicular to, the following described line.: c~mnenc~.ng 'at the southeast corner of the East Half of the Southwest Quarter .. of said Section 147 thence on an assumed bearing-of South .8.9 de- grees 25 n~Lnutes 16 seconds West, along the south line of said East Half of the Southwest Quarter, a dist'ance of 145.00 feet, to the beginn/ng of the line to be described= thence North-0 degrees 19 m/nutes 10 seconds West, a distance-of 1408.48 feet: thence northerly and northeasterly, a distance of 630.00 feet, along a tangentia! curve concave to the east having a radius 'of 1145.92 feet and a central angle of 31 degrees 30 m/nutes O0 seconds: thence North 31 degrees 10 m/nutes 50 seconds East, (Continued) EXHIBIT B -Page- 3 of' 4 7120 ORDE:R HQ. ', WILLIAM O. IOHOI:LL R£QI'~T£R£O CIVIL £NQIN~"'i'-""R Wll. ND, FLD~IDA ND. &2~1 NQ. DAK. 'MDNT. NQ. IDWA ND, SCHOELL & MADSON, INC' ENGINEERS ~- SURVEYORS · ,0 NINTH AVI'NUI' IOUTH HOIIKINB, MINN[IOTA I=IHON! DESCRIPTION ~-ARLI I Lm' MAOION R~"QIBT[RED LAND 'aURVEYI3R HI~N. ND. 4374 Wll. N~. I-1~4 IOWA NO, NO. ~K. 1101 MONT. NO. 1~42-I ~.o~. CZTY OF CHANHASSEN Parc. el C . (Cgntlnued) ' tangent to said curve a d/stance of 1110.25 feet~ thence north- easterly and northerly, a d/stance, of 690.00 feet~, along a tangential curve concave to the west having a radius of 1145.92 feet and a central angle of 34 degrees 30 m~nutes 00-seconds~ thence North 3 degrees 19 m~nutes 10 seconds Wes't, tangent to the last described curve, a distance of 783.95 feet and there ~ermin- &ting. EXCEPT from the above described ~ract, that part conveyed to the' M~nnesota South District of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod by. deed.filed in Book 87 Of Deeds, Page 439, Carver County. Together with that part of Government Lot .2, said-Section 14, -lying easterly of the easterly .line of proposed County State Aid Highway No. 17, said easterly line being Line "A" as previously described and lying northerly of the following described line= C~maencing at the southwest corner of the North Half of the South west Quarter of said Section 147 thence North 89 degrees 23 min- utes 05 seconds East, bearing assumed along' ~he 'south line of said North Half of the Southwest Quarter, a distance of 1089.62-feet: thence north a d/stance of 483.02 feet~ thence North 63 degrees 26 m/nutes 05 seconds-East, a distance of 1118.03 feetr thence. South 78 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds. East, a d£stance' of 799.88 feet to the point of beginning of the line to.be described= thence continuing South 78 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds East, a distance of 145.45 feet~ thence North 53 .degrees .14 minutes 08 seconds East, a distance of 543.00 feet~ thence South 81 degrees 03 min- utes 21 seconds East, a d/stance of 836.00 feet to the shore line of Lake Susan~ thence easterly along the northerly shore'i of said Lake Susan to the east line of said Government Lot 2 and there terminating. December 12, 1978 EXHIBIT B Page 4 of 4 .-