2023-05-05 Avienda Rowhomes Final PlatAVIENDA ROWHOMESKNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That Level 7 Development, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, owner of the following describedproperty situated in the County of Carver, State of Minnesota, to wit:Outlot D, AVIENDA, Carver County, MinnesotaHas caused the same to be surveyed and platted as AVIENDA ROWHOMES and does hereby dedicate to the public the public ways and the easementsfor drainage and utility purposes as shown on this plat.In witness whereof said Level 7 Development, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer this_________ day of _______________________, 20____.LEVEL 7 DEVELOPMENT, LLC_____________________________________________PresidentSTATE OF MINNESOTACOUNTY OF ______________________The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ______ day of __________________________________, 20____ by___________________________________, the President of Level 7 Development, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, on behalf of the company.(Sign)_____________________________________________(Print)_____________________________________________Notary Public, _________________ County, MinnesotaMy Commission Expires ________________________I Lynn P. Caswell do hereby certify that this plat was prepared by me or under my direct supervision; that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor in the Stateof Minnesota; that this plat is a correct representation of the boundary survey; that all mathematical data and labels are correctly designated on this plat;that all monuments depicted on this plat have been, or will be correctly set within one year; that all water boundaries and wet lands, as defined inMinnesota Statutes, Section 505.01, Subd. 3, as of the date of this certificate are shown and labeled on this plat; and all public ways are shown andlabeled on this plat.Dated this _________ day of ___________________, 20____._______________________________________________Lynn P. Caswell, Licensed Land SurveyorMinnesota License Number 13057STATE OF MINNESOTACOUNTY OF ______________________The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _________ day of _________________________, 20____ by Lynn P. Caswell.(Sign)_____________________________________________(Print)_____________________________________________Notary Public, _________________ County, MinnesotaMy Commission Expires _________________________CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTAThis plat of AVIENDA ROWHOMES was approved and accepted by the City Council of Chanhassen, Minnesota at a regular meetingthereof held on this ______ day of ____________________, 20____, and said plat is in compliance with the provisions of MinnesotaStatutes, Section 505.03, Subdivision 2.CITY COUNCIL OF CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTABy:____________________________________________ MayorBy:____________________________________________ ClerkCOUNTY SURVEYOR, CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTAPursuant to Chapter 395, Minnesota Laws of 1971, this plat has been approved this ______ day of ___________________________,20____.Brian E. Praske, County SurveyorBy: ____________________________________________COUNTY AUDITOR, CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTAI hereby certify that taxes payable in _____________ and prior years have been paid for land described on this plat.Dated this ______ day of _________________________, 20____.Crystal Campos, County AuditorBy: ____________________________________________COUNTY RECORDER, CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTAI hereby certify that this plat of AVIENDA ROWHOMES was filed this ______ day of ____________________, 20____, at ______ o'clock___. M. as Document No. __________________________.Kaaren Lewis, County RecorderBy: ____________________________________________ ΔΔΔΔΔΔΔ ΔΔΔΔΔ ΔΔΔΔ Δ ΔΔNot TangentΔ 154.23S54°42'23"E50.13N89°38'06"W153.24 S00°21'54"WC. BRG. S05°19'08"EL=62.04R=93.00Δ=38°13'12"L=182.63R=1004.00Δ=10°25'20"L=375.86R=1429.00Δ=15°04'13"L=18.76R=25.00Δ=43°00'18"L=72.09R=75.00Δ=55°04'16"Δ86808080 OUTLOT BFound IronLS#21729Found IronBroken CapFound IronBroken CapFound IronBroken CapFound Iron1/2" open60 13580104 92 9281.33SEE SHEET 3 OF 3 SHEETSL=220.99Δ=5°37'20"C.Brg.=N84°11'21"WSEE DETAIL ASEE DETAIL BDrainage and Utility Easement over all of OUTLOT BEast line of OUTLOT D, AVIENDAINSET APondPondEdge ofWaterEdge ofWater182.68Wet LandWet LandNot TangentS00°21'54"W 8.20ΔL=220.99Δ=5°37'20"C.Brg.=N84°11'21"WL=9.63Δ=0°14'42"C.Brg.=N87°07'22"WL=72.09R=75.00Δ=55°04'16"ΔOUTLOT BOUTLOT AΔOUTLOT BAVIENDA ROWHOMESDenotes 1/2 inch iron pipe monument found and marked byLicense No. 24332, unless otherwise shown.Denotes 1/2 inch by 14 inch iron pipe monument set, or tobe set within one year of platting, and marked by LicenseNo. 13057Bearings shown are based upon the east line of OUTLOT D,AVIENDA which has an assumed bearing of S00°21'54"W.NORTH01002001 INCH = 100 FEETSCALE IN FEETSec. 23, T. 116, R. 23Vicinity MapNo ScaleNW 1/4SW 1/4SE 1/4NE 1/4NSITELyman Blvd.U.S. Hwy. No. 212 C.S.A.H. No. 18Powers Blvd.Detail ADetail BRestricted Access per Doc. No. A5034361 INCH =10 FEET1 INCH =10 FEET 80 80 104S89°38'06"E 182.68123412 341111111111112222222222223333333333334444444441234567891011121314ΔΔΔΔΔ15 4 . 2 3 S5 4 ° 4 2 ' 2 3 " E 50.13N89°38'06"W 153.24S00°21'54"WC.BRG.S05°19'08"EL=62.04R=93.00Δ=38°13'12"L=182.63R=1004.00Δ=10°25'20"L=375.86R=1429.00Δ=15°04'13"L=18 . 7 6R=25 . 0 0Δ=43° 0 0 '1 8" L = 7 2 .09R = 7 5 .00Δ = 5 5 ° 0 4'16"S00°21'54"W 8.20OUTLOT ADrainage and Utility Easement over all of OUTLOT AS68°59'33"W68.273.01N89°38'11"WS09°30'58"E54.3921.76S25°45'42"W57.78S69°44'41"E54.99S06°00'30"W58.15N81°36'53"WS25°51'08"E21.1610.05S06°56'07"W9.16S02°56'09"W7.90S07°27'06"E8.75S04°50'00"E24.14N26°19'35"E89.46N23°05'22"E54.17N78°25'49"E48.34S19°23'42"W3 1 . 7 8 N 5 2 ° 1 8 ' 3 7 " W 85.27 N74° 0 4 ' 3 6 " W12.93S08°38'02"W10.72S01°25'41"W10.10N01°38'53"W10.66N06°33'13"WC.BRG.N8 4°11'21"WL=220.99 R =2 25 2.00 Δ =5°37 '20" N89°38'06"W 116.00S89°38'06"E 116.00 S00°21'54"W 80.00S00°21'54"W 80.00S00°21'54"W 80.00S00°21'54"W 80.00S00°21'54"W 80.00S89°38'06"E 107.29S89°38'06"E 116.00 S00°21'54"W 80.00S00°21'54"W 80.00S00°21'54"W 80.00S00°21'54"W 80.00S00°21'54"W 76.40N78°22'11"W 80.00 S11°37'49"W 116.00N78°22'11"W 80.00S11°37'49"W 116.00N11°24'52"E 116.00S78°35'08"E 80.00S11°24'52"W 116.00S78°35'08"E 80.00S78°35'08"E 80.00S78°35'08"E 80.00S78°35'08"E 80.00 S06°32'05"W 90.00N83°27'55"W 80.00S06°32'05"W 90.00S83°27'55"E 80.00 S83°27'55"E 8 0 . 0 0 S83°27'55"E 80.0 0 N88°14'15"W 80.00 N01°45'45"E 116.00S01°45'45"W 116.00S88°14'15"E 80.00 S88°14'15"E 80.00 S88°14'15"E 80.00 S88°14'15"E 80.00 S87°34'45"W 80.00 S02°25'15"E 116.00N87°34'45"E 80.00S02°25'15"E 116.00N05°39'42"W 90.00S84°20'18"W 80.00S05°39'42"E 90.00N84°20'18"E 80.00S80°24'38"W 80.00N84°20'18"E 80.00N84°20'18"E 80.00N09°35'22"W 116.00S09°35'22"E 116.00N80°24'38"E 80.00N80°24'38"E 80.00N80°24'38"E 80.00N80°24'38"E 80.00S10°14'46"W 80.00S79°45'14" E 1 1 6 . 0 0 N10°14'46"E 80.00N79°45'14" W 1 1 6 . 0 0S82°06'56"W 80.00N07°53'04"W 116.00N82°06'56"E 80.00S07°53'04"E 116.00N82°06'56"E 80.00N82°06'56"E 80.00N82°06'56"E 80.00S86°39'33"W 80.00N86°39'33"E 80.00N86°39'33"E 80.00N86°39'33"E 80.00N86°39'33"E 80.00N03°20'27"W 116.00S03°20'27"E 116.00S00°46'53"W 90.00S89°13'07"E 80.00 S89°13'07"E 80.00 S89°13'07"E 80.00 N89°13'07"W 80.00N00°46'53"E 90.00N84°37'54"W 80.00 S84°37'54"E 80.00 S84°37'54"E 80.00 S84°37'54"E 80.00 S84°37'54"E 80.00 S05°22'06"W 116.00N05°22'06"E 116.00S78°22'11"E 80.00S78°22'11"E 80.00S78°22'11"E 80.00 S10°14'46"W 80.00S10°14'46"W 80.00S10°14'46"W 80.00N87°34'45"E 80.00 N87°34'45"E 80.00 N87°34'45"E 80.00 32.0026.0026.0032.0032.0026.0026.0023.2932.00 26.00 26.00 32.00 32.00 26.00 26.00 32.0032.0026.0026.0032.0032.0026.0026.0032.0032.0026.0032.0032.0026.0026.0032.0032.0026.0026.0032.0032.00 26.00 26.00 32.00 32.00 26.00 26.00 32.0032.0026.0026.0032.0032.0026.0026.0032.0032.0026.0032.0032.0026.0026.0032.0032.0026.0026.0032.0032.0026.0026.0032.0032.0026.0032.0032.0026.0026.0032.0032.0026.0026.0032.0032.0026.0032.0032.0026.0026.0032.0032.0026.0026.0032.0032.0026.0032.0032.0026.0026.0032.0032.0026.0026.0032.0032.0026.0032.0032.0026.0026.0032.004.32S07°56'07"E4.35S02°08'08"E4.32S01°00'45"E4.19S08°54'53"W3.25S02°39'37"W3.36S10°52'47"W3.35S08°38'12"W3.39S12°00'20"E3.29S00°10'26"E10.01N06°24'22"ENot TangentC. BRG. S67°53'28"WL=9.43R=150.00Δ=3°36'01"AVIENDA ROWHOMESDenotes 1/2 inch iron pipe monument found and markedby License No. 24332, unless otherwise shown.Denotes 1/2 inch by 14 inch iron pipe monument set, or tobe set within one year of platting, and marked by LicenseNo. 13057Bearings shown are based upon the east line of Outlot D,AVIENDA which has an assumed bearing of S00°21'54"W.INSET ANORTH040801 INCH = 40 FEETSCALE IN FEET