Motion . ..
Approving the Redevelopment Plan, the Method of Financing, the
Feasibility of Relocation and the Use. of Tax Increment Financing
in the Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Project as Modified.
WHEREAS, the Chanhassen 'City Council has received from the Chan-
hassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority a duly certified copy
of a resolution of that body' dated December 18 , 1978, which
resolution modifies the Chanhassen Downtown Re~velopment Plan
which was previously approved by the Chanhassen City Council by.
its resolution dated December 19, 1977; and
WHEREAS, under the provisions of Titie-I of- the"Housing Act of 1949,
as amended, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development is
authorized to provide financial assistance to Local Public Agencies
for undertaking and carrying out rede~velopment projects; and-
WHEREAS, it is desirable and in the public interest:,that-the Housing
and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Chanhassen (herein
called the "Local Public Agency") undertake and carry out a Redevelop-
ment Project identified as Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Project
and encompassing the area which is more particularly described on
Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof; and
WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency has explored the availability of
federal financial aid from said Department of Housing and urban
Development under said AC~ to carry out said Chanhassen Downtown
Development-Project, and the said federal agency offers little pros-.
pect for such aid; and
WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency is not precluding the possibility'
of some eventual federal aid' for the Chanhassen Downtown Redevelop-
ment Project, but recommends that the project be undertaken as rapidly
as possible and be financed with local funds to the extent, federal aid
is not available; and
WHEREAS, in connection with the undertaking of a Redevelopment Project
by the Local Public Agency pursuant to the Minnesota Municipal
Housing and Redevelopment Act, Laws of Minnesota 1947,- Chapter 487,
as amended, it is required that the Redevelopment Plan for the project
area be approved by the governing body of the. municipality in which the
project is located and that such approval include findings by the
governing body that: (1) The Land in the project 'area would not be
made available for redev, elopment without the financial aid to.be sought;
(2) the redevelopment plans for the redevelopment areas in the
locality will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound
needs of the locality as a whole, for the redevelopment of such areas
by priVate enterprise; and (3) the redevelopment plan conforms to a
general plan for the development Of the locality as a~ whole; and
WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency has made detailed studies Of the
location, physical condition of structures, land use, environmental
influences, and social, cultural and economic conditions, of the
project area and has determined that the area is a "blighted" area
within the meaning of Chapter 462.411 et seq. of Minnesota Statutes.
and is a "deteriorated area" as defined in the Minnesota Municipal
Housing and Redevelopment Act (Laws.Minn. 19-47, Chapter 487, as.
amended - M.S.A. S462.411 to 462.716) and is a. blighted, deteriorating.
and deteriorated area in the loaclity involved and a redevelopment
area within the meaning of the Housing Act of' 1949, as amended, and
that it is detrimental and a menace'to the safety, health and welfare
of the inhabitants and users thereof and of the 10cality at large,
because of the presence in said area of buildings which by reason of-
dilapidation, obsolescence, overcrowding, faulty arrangement or design,
excessive land coverage, deleterious land use and combinations of these
and other factors, are detrimental to the safety, health, and morals
and welfare of' the community, and the members of this governing body
have been fully apprised by the Local Public Agency and are aware of
these facts and conditions; and
WHEREAS, there has been prepared'and referred' to-the City Council of
the City of Chanhassen (herein called the "governing body") for review
and approval a redevelopment plan for the Project Area dated October
28~ 1977, which plan is entitled- Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment
Plan, consisting of eight pages and two maps,, accompanied by a State-
ment of the Method Proposed for Financing the Project and a Relocation
Plan and a Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Plan Booklet dated
April, 1978, consisting of ten pages and eight m~ps; and '~
WHEREAS, the said Redevelopment Plan, as modified,-has been approved
by the Local Public Agency as evidenced by the copy of said body's
duly certified resolution approving said Redevelopment Plan, which.
is attached thereto; and
WHEREAS, for further survey and planning and related activities funds.
are required to prepare areas within the project for redevelopment~ and.
WHEREAS, a general plan has been prepar, ed and is recognized and used'
as a guide for the general development of. the community as a whole; and
WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of. the City of chanhassen,
which is the duly designated and acting official planning body for
the Locality, has submitted to the Governing Body its repOrt and
recommendations respecting said Redevelopment Plan and its findings'-
as to compliance with the comprehensive municipal plan, and the.
Governing Body has duly considered said report, recommendations and
findings of the planning body; and
WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan for the project area prescribes'
methods for changing certain land uses for the project- area and
may require, among other things, changes in zoning, the vacat~-ng
and removal of streets, alleys, and other public ways,-~he establish--'
ment of new street patterns, the location and relocation of sewer and
water mains and other public facilities, and other .public action; and
WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency has' prepared and submitted, a program
for the relocation of individuals and families that may be displaced
as a result of ca. rrying out the Project in accordance with said
Redevelopment Plan; and
WHEREAS, there have also been presented to the Governing Body-informa-
tion and data respecting the relocation program which has been prepared
by the Local Public Agency;. and
WHEREAS, the members of the Governin~ Body have general knowledge of
the conditions prevailing in the Project area and of the availability
of proper housing ih..:the Locality for the rel0c&tion of individuals
and families that may be displaced from the Project area and, in the
light of such knowledge of local housing conditions, have carefully
considered and reviewed such proposals for relocation; and.-
WHEREAS, the Governing Body is cognizant of the conditions that
are imposed in the undertaking and carrying- out of redevelopment
projects under Title I, including those prohibiting discrimination
because of race, color,-creed, sex, or national origin
i ·
That.it is hereby found and determined that the Project
area more particularly, described in Exhibit A attached'
hereto and made a part hereof is a blighted, deteriorating
and deteriorated area and qualifies as an eligible Project
area under the Minnesota Municipal Housing and Redevelopment
Act, Laws of Minnesota 1947, Chapter 487, as amended-(M.S.A.
S462.411- 462.716).
That it is hereby found and determined that the Local Public
Agency has ma~e full utilization of any and all federal, funds
for which said Redevelopment'Project qualifies.
That the Chanhassen Downtown Re~evelopment Plan, date~
October 28, 1977, having been duly reviewed and considere~,
is hereby approved and reconfirmed, but with the following
The tract of land describe~ on Exhibit A attached hereto
and made a part hereof is hereby identified for
acquisition by the Local 'Public Agency for development
as an.office building site; and
b. The redevelopment area describe~ in sai~ October' 28,.
1977 plan is expan~e~ to also encompass those tracts'
of land located sou.theriy of the sou.therly right-of-way
line of State Highway %5, which'are more particularly
described on Exhibit B attached .hereto an~ ma~e a part
That the Metho~ Proposed for Financing the Project having
been duly reviewed an~ considered, is duly approve~, an~
the City Clerk be an~. is hereby direct~ to file said cop~
of said Metho~ Proposed for Financing the ProjeCt with the
minutes of the City Council.
That it is hereby found and deter.mined that the objectives
of the Redevelopment Plan cannot be achieved .through more
extensive private rehabilitation of the Project area.
That it is hereby found and determined'that the' Redevelop-
ment Plan for'the Project area conforms to the general
plan of the locality as a whole·
7. Thatf.it is hereby found and determined that. the Redevelop-
ment Plan for the Redevelopment area in the Locality will
afford maximum opportunity consistent with the sound needs
of the Locality as a whole, for the redevelopment of the
~._ ~abv_.Drivate ente~se.
9. That it Ks herebg founa;an~ determined that the program
for the proper reIocation of individuals and families
displaced in carrying out the Project in decent, safe and
- sanitary dwellings in conformity with acceptable standards
is feasible and can be reasonably and timely effected to
permit the proper prosecution and completion of the Project;
and that such dwelling units available or to be made avail-
able to such dislocated individuals and families are at least
equal· in number to the number of displaced individuals and
families and are not generally less desirable in regard to
public utilities and public and commercial facilities, than
the dwellings of the displaced individuals and families in
the Project area, are available at rents or prices within the
financial means of the displaced individuals and families,
and are reasonably accessible'to their places of employment'.
That in order to implement and facil'itate the effectuation
of the Redevelopment Plan hereby approved, it is found and
determined that certain official action musk be 'taken by
this Body with reference among other things to changes in
zoning, the vacating and removal of streets, alleys, a
other public ways, the establishment of new street patterns&
location and relocation of sewer and water mains and other
public facilities and other, p~blic actions, ana. accordingly,i
this Body hereby (a) pledges-its cooperation in helping to
carry out the Redevelopment Plan; (b) requests the various
officials, departments, boards, and agencies of the. LOCality.
having administrative responsibilities in the pr'em/ses like-
wise to cooperate' to such end and to' exercise their respective
functions and powers ~'n a manner consistent with the Re-
development Plan; and (c) stands ready to consider'and take
appropriate action upon proposals and measures designed to
effectuate the Redevelopment Plan.
This Governing Body, to the extent necessary to carry
out said Plan, 'consents to the use by the Local Public
Agency of the .tax increment method of financing in the manner
provided in Minnesota StatUtes S462.585 in the Chanhassen
Downtown Redevelopment Project, and hereby pledges-itself (a)
to issue general obligation bonds from time to time to cover
budgets approved or to be Kpproved by said Governing Body
for said Redevelopment Project; and (b) to enter in-to such
written agreements as may be necessary to effectuate-the
objectives of the Redevelopment Project. and saia Method of
Passed and adopted by the Council Of the City of Chanhassen this
day of December - ~, 1978.
City Clerk/Manager
.l~a_ yor. Hobbs
Councilman Pearson
Councilman Waritz
~ouncilman Geving
Absent: Councilman Neveaux
· .
(Office Building Site)
That part of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of
Section 13, Township 116, Range 23, described as follows:
Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Northwest quarter
of the Northwest quarter; thence Southerly along said West
line of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter, on
an assumed bearing of South 0 degrees, 09 minutes, 40 seconds
East a distance of 71.55 feet 'to the Southerly right-of-way
line of County State Aid Highway No. 16; thence South 85 degrees,
29 minutes, 24 seconds East along the Southerly right-of-way
line of County State Aid Highway No. 16 a distance of 482-.81
feet to the actual point of beginning; thence South 85 degrees-,
29 minutes, 24 seconds East along said Southerly right-of-way line
of County State Aid Highway No: 16, a distance of 381.26 feet;.·
thence South 0 degrees, 09 minutes, 40 seconds East a distance.
of 156.00 feet; thence North 87 degrees, 53 minutes, 36 seconds
West a distance of 380.30 feet; thence North 0 degrees, 09
minutes, 40 seconds West a distance of 172.00 feet to the
point of beginning, Carver County, Minnesota
.oROrn N_" 7120.
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lC). Od~ I'"B~
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ND. OAK. I~ . .
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Descript$o.n of Victor Schm/eq p~oDe=t¥: . · '- . "":"~:'--'-':'~..~
.~- . . _ _ _ : . - ,~ : .F~ '~ , ..... .. : -..~
'- . · . .
.... ..'
That ~art of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Ouar. te~ of .-
Section 14, Township 116 North, Range 23 West O~ the 5th. Pr~ncipal.'" '
Meridian which lies northerly of the northerly right,of-way l~ne
· of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Rat-lroad and lying
southwesterly of the-southwesterly right-of-way line of State ..
Hl.~jhway No. ~. --
- .
That part of the West ~alf of the Northeast Quarter' of Section" 14,
Township 116 North, Range 23 West of the 5th Princi~al Meridian · '
which lies northerly of the northerly-right~of-.way line-of the
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul .& Pacific Railroad and lying southerly
of the southerly right-of-way line of State Highway-No. 5.
D.e. scr. iPt_:l, on;o a,r,t:in ar ". '"
Those ~arts of Government Lot 2 and the Southeast Gu. after, of the.
Northwest Ouarter of Section 13, Township 116 North, Range 23
West of the 5th Pr~ncipal Merit/an, lying southerly o~ the 'south-
erly right-of-way line of State Highway No. 5 an~ which lie-
westerly of the westerly right-of~ay line of State H~ghway.
· .
· . ·
EXHIBIT- B Page 1 of 4
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That 9art o~ the Northwest 'Quarter of 'Sectio".14. -TownShi
'23, Carver County, ~nn~sota, lying nor-~erly of ~e ~rtherly
of ~e Chicago, ~lwaukee, St. Paul ~a Pac~c Railroa~,
tarn for ~~esota Sta~ T~ ~ghway ~o. 5.' Subject ~
No. 17 over the westerly 33.00 feet, "..
That part of th~ N~rthwest OUarter and of the Nor-th Half of the
Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and of Government ~ot 2,'
all in Section 14, Township 116 o Range 23, Carver County ?. ~nneeota','
described as follows:
Beginning at the southwest corner of said North Half of the .
Southwest' Quarter.; thence North 89 degrees 23 minutes 06 seco~s
East, bearing assumed along the south li~e' of said North Half'
of the Southwest Quarter, a distance of 1089.62 feet;..thence "
north a distance of 483.02 feet: thence North 63 degrees 26 min-
utes 05 seconds East, a distance of 1118.03 feet; thence South
78 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds East, a ~istan~.e o£ 640.96 feet
to the westerly line of prop0se~ County State A~d Highway No. 17=.
thence North 31 degrees 10 minutes 50 seconds-East, along said
westerly line, a distance of 971.42 feet = thence northeasterly
and northerly, along said .westerly line-, .on-a tangential curve
concave to the west having a radius of 1070.92 feet and a cen~ra~
angle of 34 degrees 30 minutes, a distance of 644.84 feet= thence
North 3 degrees 19 minutes 10 seconds West,· along sa~d westerly
line and tangent to the last described curve, a distance of
109.33 feet to the south line of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St.
-Paul and Pacific. Railroad~ thence westerly and southwesterly .
along said south line of sa~d railroad to the west line of sa~d
North Half of the Southwest Ouarter~ thenco South 2 dogr00D
minutes 01 seconds East, along ~aid 'wes~ line of-·said North ~alf.
of the Southwest Quarter to the ~oint of beginning.. .: ..'"'...
EXCEPT: Part of the North Half of the Southwest Quarter of'Section
14, Township 116, Range' 23, Carver County, Minnesota, describe~ as
follows: Beginning at a ~oint.on the west line of-said North H~l.f ...
of the Southwest Quarter, 821.90 feet, measur.ed along sa~d west l~ne, ·
· i . . (c°ntxnued) . . -- ~
' - - ' ' EX~IBIT B ' Page 2' of 4. '
WI:LI*H I~. BCH01rI-I-
?az;'cel B (Cont:Lnued)
i _ - '-- 3. -- : £ . - ..
o,o,', -o:- 7120
-- !
14~#N. IiO, 4374 ..
WII. NO. I~t~4 '.
IOWA ND.. l")OI'.'
.... :~.;-.,.-..-
- . - ~....-
southerly of t~e northwest co.er of Said' Nort:h Kalf 'of-the ~uth-~a~
Quarter, said ~st line ass~ '~ ~ar-South 2 d~eea 11 ~nute~ Ol
seconds Eastt ~nce Nor~ 87 degrees'~ m~utes 59 seconds East',
dist~ce of 550.00 feet= ~ence ~or~ 2 degrees 11 m~nutes 01 s~~s
West, ~r~lel wi~ said west l~ne, a ~stance-of 180.00 feet; the~e
North 32 degrees 05 ~nutes 05 seconds West, a d~st~c~ of 662.31
to the southeasterly right-of-way line of ~e Chicago, Miiwau~e,
Paul and Pacific ~ilr~d, as record~ ~n B~k 23 of ~~s, Page 266.~
~ence ~u~' 55 ~ees 32 ~nutes 41 seconds West, along said south-'-
easterly right-of-way line, .a d/stance of '260.0.O feet to said west- .
line'of the North ~alf of. t~e southwest Quarter, thence south 2 degrees.
11 minutes 01-seconds East, along said west line, a distance of 615.32
feet to the point of beginning. And also except that part of the said
North Half of the Southwest Quarter lying northwest of said railroad
right-of-way. '.----
· .
Subject ~o existing County Road No'. 17 in the' westerl~ ~ortton of said
North Half of 'the Southwest Quarter. .. "
· Fa, reel :c ..
That Part of Government 1, section 13, Township 116, Range 23°..-'.
an~ of the Southwest Quarter. of ~he Northeast Quarter, Section 14,
Township 116, Range 23, and of Government Lot 1,' said Section 14, and
of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast 0uarter' of said Section 14,
lying southerly of the south line of the .Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul.
and Pacific Railroad, lying south of that par~-Of State Trunk Highway
No. 5 which lies southeasterly of said railroad and lying easterly of
the easterly line of propose~ County State Aid Highway No. 17, said
easterly l~ne being described as follows an~ hereinafter calle~ Line.-'.-
"As = .. :;: ..... ...-
....:.-;.'..; :.:-.- :.
-A line Para~le~ with and 75.00 feet easterly' of,- as-measure~ .
~ezl0endicular'to, the f-oilowing described line= Commenc/ng at """
the southeast corner of the East Half of. the Southwest Quarter ..-
of said Section 14; thence on an assumed bearing of South 89
g=ees 25 minutes 16 seconds West, along the south line of
.East Half of the Southwest Ouarter, a distance of 145.00 feet, '
to the beginn~ng of the line to be describe~ .thence North O
degrees 19 minutes 10 seconds West: a' distance of 1408.48 feet;
thence northerly and northeasterly, a distance-of 630.00 ~eet,.
along a tangential curve concave to the east having- a radius of
1145.92 feet and a central angle of 31 degree3 30 m/nutes O0
seconds: thence North 31 degrees 10 minutes 50 seconds EaSt, .-
; -
B Page '3 of 4 '
.[G,t,g-I:C) civil, i:NaI,I~CR
r~oNioJ~ No. l~TI
'MGNT. NO, 111~
· -
I I' _1_ I . I I I
rcel=C '
O~D"'R ND . --..--..--~ =. _ ,_
HII~N. NO, 4114-
IO. 0 ItIL.
'W1L 114.~.
' I0WA liD.
NO,. I),~11:.
tangent to said. curve a dtst~ance'o£ 'lll0.2-5'f-eet~ thence no~b~:
easterly and northerly, a distance, of 690.00 feet~ along a "-
tangential curve' concave, to the west having a radius of 1145.92.
.feet and a central angle of 34 degrees 30 m~nutes 00 seconds;
thence North 3 degrees 19 minutes 10 seconds West, .tangent to the
last described curve, a distance of 783.95 feet and there ~erm~n-..
&ting. : ..
EXCEPT from the above described tract, t~at part conveyed to t,~e'"
Minnesota South District of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod by
deed.filed in Book 87 of De..eds, Page 439~ Carver County. .-
Together with that part of Government Lot 2, said Section
easterly of the easterly line of proposed County State Aid Highway
No. 17, said easterly line being Line "A' as pFeviously describecl..
and lying northerly of the following descr-~bed line:
Commencing at the southwest corner of the North Half of the South
west Quarter of said Section 14~ thence North 89 degrees 23 min-
utes 05 seconds East, bearing assumed along the south l~ne of said
North Half of the Southwest Quarter, a distance o-f 1089.62 feet;
thence north a distance of 483.02 feet; thence North 63 degrees
2~ minutes 05 seconds East, a distance of 1118.03 feet~ t~ence"
South 78 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds East, a diatance of ?99.88
feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described=, thence
cont~nuing South 78 degrees 05 ndnutes 45 seconds East, a distance
· of 145.45 feet; thence North 5.3 degrees 14 minutes 08 seco~ds
East, a distance.of 543,00 feet~ thence South 81 degrees 0'3 min-
utes 21 seconds East, a distance of 836.00 feet to the shore line
of Lake'Susan; thence easterly along the northerly shore'of said
'Lake Susan to the east line of said GOvernment Lot .2-and there
.December .12, 1978
B Page 4 of'4'