05-08-2023 Agenda and Packet (2)A.5:30 P.M. - WORK SESSION Note: Unless otherwise noted, work sessions are held in the Fountain Conference Room in the lower level of City Hall and are open to the public. If the City Council does not complete the work session items in the time allotted, the remaining items will be considered after the regular agenda. A.1 Discuss City Council Protocols A.2 Follow Up Discussion on Civic Campus A.3 Downtown Redevelopment Discussion A.4 Future Work Session Schedule B.7:00 P.M. - CALL TO ORDER (Pledge of Allegiance) C.PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS D.CONSENT AGENDA All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the city council and will be considered as one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately. City council action is based on the staff recommendation for each item. Refer to the council packet for each staff report. D.1 Approve City Council Minutes dated April 24, 2023 D.2 Receive Park & Recreation Commission Minutes dated March 28, 2023 D.3 Receive Commission on Aging Minutes dated March 17, 2023 D.4 Approve Claims Paid dated May 8, 2023 D.5 Approve a Memorandum of Understanding with the Rotary Club of Chanhassen for the 2023 AGENDA CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, MAY 8, 2023 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD 1 4th of July Celebration D.6 Award Contract for 2023 Pavement Striping D.7 Resolution 2023-XX: Authorize Entering into a Joint Powers Agreement with Carver County for Trail Rehabilitation along County Highways 17 and 101 D.8 Resolution 2023-XX: Approve Application of Chanhassen Brewing Company to Dispense Intoxicating Liquor off premises in City Center Park Plaza during the 2023 Chanhassen Summer Concert Series D.9 Resolution 2023-XX: Approve Limited Use Permits with MnDOT D.10 Resolution 2023-XX: Call for Assessment Hearing for the 2023 Mill & Overlay Project No. 23-04 D.11 Ordinance XXX: Approve Amendment to Section 2-46.13(b) of Chanhassen City Code Amending Economic Development Commission Membership E.VISITOR PRESENTATIONS Visitor Presentations requesting a response or action from the City Council must complete and submit the Citizen Action Request Form (see VISITOR GUIDELINES at the end of this agenda). F.PUBLIC HEARINGS F.1 Resolution 2023-XX: Accept the Bids and Award the Contract for the 2023 City Pavement Rehabilitation Project; and Resolution 2023-XX: Adopt Final Assessment Roll G.GENERAL BUSINESS H.COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS I.ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS J.CORRESPONDENCE DISCUSSION K.ADJOURNMENT GUIDELINES FOR VISITOR PRESENTATIONS Welcome to the Chanhassen City Council Meeting. In the interest of open communications, the Chanhassen City Council wishes to provide an opportunity for the public to address the City Council. That opportunity is provided at every regular City Council meeting during Visitor Presentations. Anyone seeking a response or action from the City Council following their presentation is required to complete and submit a Citizen Action Request Form. An online form is available at https://www.chanhassenmn.gov/action or paper forms are available in the city council chambers prior to the meeting. Anyone indicating a desire to speak during Visitor Presentations will be acknowledged by the Mayor. When called upon to speak, state your name, address, and topic. All remarks shall be 2 addressed to the City Council as a whole, not to any specific member(s) or to any person who is not a member of the City Council. If there are a number of individuals present to speak on the same topic, please designate a spokesperson that can summarize the issue. Limit your comments to five minutes. Additional time may be granted at the discretion of the Mayor. If you have written comments, provide a copy to the Council. During Visitor Presentations, the Council and staff listen to comments and will not engage in discussion. Council members or the City Manager may ask questions of you in order to gain a thorough understanding of your concern, suggestion or request. Please be aware that disrespectful comments or comments of a personal nature, directed at an individual either by name or inference, will not be allowed. Personnel concerns should be directed to the City Manager. Members of the City Council and some staff members may gather at Tequila Butcher, 590 West 79th Street in Chanhassen immediately after the meeting for a purely social event. All members of the public are welcome. 3 City Council Item May 8, 2023 Item Discuss City Council Protocols File No.Item No: A.1 Agenda Section 5:30 P.M. - WORK SESSION Prepared By Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager Reviewed By SUGGESTED ACTION Review Meeting Best Practices, Visitor Presentation guidelines, and other housekeeping items. Motion Type N/A Strategic Priority Communications SUMMARY BACKGROUND Establishing rules of decorum before a controversy arises can prevent meetings from becoming unproductive due to conflict. Staff and Council will discuss best practices for productive meetings. Principles for Making Meetings Work (from the League of Minnesota Cities): 1. Let the presiding officer manage the meeting. 2. Wait to be recognized by the presiding officer before speaking. 3. Be courteous and civil. Limit debate to the discussion of ideas. Do not make personal attacks. 4. Maintain decorum in the chambers. Do not have side conversations or disrupt the meeting through words or conduct. DISCUSSION 4 BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS Summary of Motions GUIDELINES FOR VISITOR PRESENTATIONS - proposed modifications 5 MINNESOTA MAYORS HANDBOOK 64 Summary of Motions For use with Minnesota Mayors Association Rules of Order for City Councils Means a motion is not subject to debate. Means that motion may be made during active debate on a main motion. Means a motion can be made without recognition from the presiding officer or that it can interrupt other speakers. 1. General motion for all council action: “I move to ____________” 2. Motion to amend the original motion. The maker of the motion does not need to consent to a motion to amend. Only two amendments may be made to an original motion to avoid confusion. “I move to amend the motion by inserting between . . . . and . . . .” or “I move to amend the motion by adding after . . .” or “I move to amend the motion by striking out . . .” or “I move to amend the motion by striking out . . . and inserting . . .” or “I move to amend by striking out the motion . . . and substituting the following.” 3. Motion to take a brief recess. A motion to take a brief respite no greater than 20 minutes. “I move to take a brief recess for _____ minutes.” 4. Motion to withdraw a motion. This can only be made by the motion’s maker before a motion is amended. “I move to withdraw my motion.” 5. Motion to divide a complex question. This allows questions to be considered in smaller parts. “I move to divide the question into ________ parts. Part 1 shall be _____________________. Part 2 shall be __________________.” 6. Motion to table or defer consideration to a later date. This may be used to defer consideration. “I move to defer consideration of the main motion/this item until _____________________.” 7. Motion to refer an issue to committee. This may be used to refer an issue to a city committee. “I move to refer the main motion/this issue to the _______________ committee for its consideration and recommendation. The committee should report back to the council in ___ days/weeks.” 8. Motion for call of the previous question. This may only be used after at least 20 minutes of debate on a single motion or when all members of the council have been permitted to speak at least once on the motion. If approved by the majority, a vote must be taken on the motion under debate immediately. “I move to call the previous question” or “I move for an immediate vote on this issue.” 9. Motion to limit debate. This may be used to establish time limits for debate. “I move to limit debate on this issue to __ minutes per person” or “I move to limit council debate on this issue to no more than ___ minutes total.” 6 MINNESOTA MAYORS HANDBOOK 65 10. Motion for a call to order. This is used to signal to the presiding officer that the meeting is disorderly. “I move for a call to order by the presiding officer.” 11. Motion to adjourn. This may be used to suggest a conclusion to the meeting. “I move to adjourn the meeting.” 12. Motion to go into closed session. This may be used to close the meeting pursuant to the Minnesota Open Meeting Law. The basis for closing the meeting and the applicable law must be stated into the record. “I move to close the meeting in order to consider ____________ pursuant to ______ of the Minnesota Open Meeting Law.” 13. Motion to leave a closed session. This may be used to conclude a closed session and return to an open meeting. “I move to open the meeting.” 14. Motion to revive consideration of an issue. This may be used to request consideration of an issue previously tabled, deferred, or referred to committee at any prior meeting. “I move to revive consideration of _____________ previously tabled/deferred/referred to committee.” 15. Motion to reconsider. This may be made only at the same meeting where the issue was originally considered and voted upon. “I move to reconsider _______________.” 16. Motion to rescind or repeal. This may be made at any meeting following the meeting where the issue was originally considered and voted upon. “I move to rescind/repeal the council’s previous action related to ____________ as stated in resolution number ________________.” 17. Motion to prevent reintroduction of an issue for ____ months. This may be used to limit discussion. “I move to prevent reintroduction of this issue for ______ months.” 18. Motion to suspend the rules or to consider a motion informally. This permits informal discussion. “I move that we suspend the rules and proceed informally in discussing the issue of _________________.” 7 GUIDELINES FOR VISITOR PRESENTATIONS Proposed language in italics Welcome to the Chanhassen City Council Meeting. In the interest of open communications, the Chanhassen City Council wishes to provide an opportunity for the public to address the City Council. That opportunity is provided at every regular City Council meeting during Visitor Presentations. Anyone seeking a response or action from the City Council following their presentation is required to complete and submit a Citizen Action Request Form. An online form is available at https://www.chanhassenmn.gov/action or paper forms are available in the city council chambers prior to the meeting. Anyone indicating a desire to speak during Visitor Presentations will be acknowledged by the Mayor. When called upon to speak, state your name, address, and topic. All remarks shall be addressed to the City Council as a whole, not to any specific member(s) or to any person who is not a member of the City Council. If there are a number of individuals present to speak on the same topic, please designate a spokesperson that can summarize the issue. A total of thirty minutes is allotted for Visitor’s Presentations. Priority is given to Chanhassen residents. An additional thirty minutes may be provided after General Business items are complete at the discretion of the City Council. Limit your comments to five minutes. Additional time may be granted at the discretion of the Mayor. If you have written comments, provide a copy to the Council. Comments may also be emailed to the City Council at council@chanhassenmn.gov . During Visitor Presentations, the Council and staff listen to comments and will not engage in discussion. Council members or the City Manager may ask questions of you in order to gain a thorough understanding of your concern, suggestion or request. Please be aware that disrespectful comments or comments of a personal nature, directed at an individual either by name or inference, will not be allowed. Personnel concerns should be directed to the City Manager. 8 City Council Item May 8, 2023 Item Follow Up Discussion on Civic Campus File No.Item No: A.2 Agenda Section 5:30 P.M. - WORK SESSION Prepared By Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager Reviewed By SUGGESTED ACTION Discussion Motion Type N/A Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY BACKGROUND The City Council will discuss: Follow-up items from the April 20, 2023 Listening Session Feedback received through the city's website Check-in on Concept Plan Select Architect (BKV or Snow Kreilich) Review project info here. DISCUSSION 9 BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS Civic Campus Park Comparison Presentation 10 CHANHASSEN CIVIC CAMPUS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MAY 2023 11 CHANHASSEN CIVIC CAMPUS MAY 2023 WORK SESSION COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT RESULTS 12 CHANHASSEN CIVIC CAMPUS MAY 2023 WORK SESSION COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT RESULTS Chanhassen Civic Campus Questionnaire 1 / 20 6.90%2 6.90%2 6.90%2 10.34%3 31.03%9 3.45%1 3.45%1 31.03%9 Q1 How often do you visit City Hall? Answered: 29 Sk ipped: 1 TOTAL 29 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%1 00% Ever y day A few times a w eek About once a week A few times a month Once a mont h Less than once a month Once every 6 months Once a year or less ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Ev ery day A few times a week About onc e a week A few times a month Once a month Les s than once a month Once every 6 months Onc e a year or les s Chanhassen Civic Campus Questionnaire 1 / 20 6.90%2 6.90%2 6.90%2 10.34%3 31.03%9 3.45%1 3.45%1 31.03%9 Q 1 How often do you visit City Hall? Ans wered: 29 Sk ipped: 1 TOTAL 29 0%1 0%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%1 00% Ever y day A few t imes a w eek Abo u t once a w eek A few times a mont h Once a mo nt h Less t han once a month Once ever y 6 mont hs Once a year or les s ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSE S Every day A few times a week About once a week A few times a mont h Once a mont h Less than onc e a mont h Once every 6 months Once a year or les s Chanhassen Civic Campus Questionnaire 2 / 20 7.14%2 14.29%4 7.14%2 32.14%9 14.29%4 25.00%7 Q2 What is your primary reason for visiting City Hall? Ans wered: 28 Skipped: 2 TOTAL 28 #OTHER (PLEASE SPECIFY)DATE 1 Planning/Engineering/Park s and Rec/Information and Answers 5/3/2023 11:56 AM 2 I attended a City Counc il meet ing one t ime.4/15/2023 4:39 PM 3 Vote 4/14/2023 9:36 PM 4 None 4/14/2023 3:31 PM 5 I haven't vis ited City Hall in years 4/14/2023 2:48 PM 6 Vot e 4/8/2023 9:34 PM 7 Library 4/7/2023 5:42 AM 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% Obtain a building per mit Use the pr escription... Sign-up for or att end park ... Attend commission o... Access the Senior Cent er Other (please specify) ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Obt ain a building permit Use the prescription drug drop-off box Sign-up for or attend park and recreation ac tiv ities Attend c ommission or c ouncil meetings Ac c ess the Senior Center Other (pleas e spec ify) Chanhassen Civic Campus Questi onnaire 2 / 20 7.14%2 14.29%4 7.14%2 32.14%9 14.29%4 25.00%7 Q 2 W hat is your primary reason for visiting City Hall? Ans wered: 28 S kipped: 2 TOTA L 28 #OTHER (P LEASE SPECIFY)DATE 1 Planning/Engineering/Park s and Rec /Inf ormation and Ans wers 5/3/2023 11:56 AM 2 I at tended a City Counc il meeting one t ime.4/15/2023 4:39 PM 3 Vote 4/14/2023 9:36 PM 4 None 4/14/2023 3:31 PM 5 I hav en't v is ited Cit y Hall in years 4/14/2023 2:48 PM 6 Vot e 4/8/2023 9:34 PM 7 Library 4/7/2023 5:42 A M 0%10%20%30%40%5 0%60%70%80%90%100% Obt ain a buil ding per mit Use t he pr escr iption... Sign-up fo r or at t end par k ... Attend co mmission o... Access the Senior Cent er Ot her (pl eas e s pecify) ANSWER CHOI CES RESP ONSES Obt ain a building permit Us e t he pres cript ion drug drop-of f box Sign-up for or att end park and rec reation act iv ities Att end c ommis s ion or c ounc il meet ings A c c es s the Senior Center Other (pleas e s pec if y)13 CHANHASSEN CIVIC CAMPUS MAY 2023 WORK SESSION COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT RESULTS Chanhassen Civic Campus Questionnaire 3 / 20 33.33%9 25.93%7 0.00%0 88.89%24 0.00%0 Q3 What mode(s) of transportation might you utilize to get to the civic campus? Answered: 27 Sk ipped: 3 Total Res pondent s: 27 #OTHER (PLEASE SPECIFY)DATE There are no respons es . 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%1 00% Walking Biking Bus Car Other (please specify) ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Walk ing Biking Bus Car Other (please spec ify ) Chanhassen Ci vic Campus Questionnai re 3 / 20 33.33%9 25.93%7 0.00%0 88.89%24 0.00%0 Q3 What mode(s) of transportat ion might you utilize to get to the civic campus? Ans wered: 27 Sk ipped: 3 Total Respondent s : 27 #OTHER (PLEASE S PE CIFY )DATE There are no res pons es . 0%1 0%20%30%40%5 0%60%70%80%90%1 00% Wal king Biking Bus Car Ot her (pl ease specify) ANSWER CHOICES RE SPONSE S Walking Biking Bus Car Other (please spec if y ) Chanhassen Civic Campus Questionnaire 4 / 20 74.07%20 25.93%7 0.00%0 Q4 When you first visited, was it easy for you to find where you needed to go? Ans wered: 27 Skipped: 3 TOTAL 27 #CARE TO COMMENT ON YOUR EXPERIENCE OR HOW YOU THINK IT COULD BE IMPROVED? DATE 1 More and bigger direc tional signs 5/3/2023 11:56 AM 2 Not sure. It seemed fine as it was.4/15/2023 4:39 PM 3 Firs t time I went there was t o get a building permit. Las t time I went was for a Rx drop-off. If y ou c annot f ind where t o go, there's s omeone to direc t y ou. 4/14/2023 12:15 PM 4 City hall building has a confusing layout 4/11/2023 12:32 PM 5 Navigation in the building was confus ing 4/7/2023 9:28 AM 6 Too conf using.4/7/2023 9:13 AM 7 Commis s ion meetings eas y to find. I ndiv idual department s are a maz e…no logic to lay out 4/6/2023 4:44 PM 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% Yes No I have never been ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Yes No I have never been Chanhassen Ci vic Campus Questionnai re 4 / 20 74.07%20 25.93%7 0.00%0 Q 4 W hen you first visited, was it easy for you to find where you needed t o go? Ans wered: 27 Sk ipped: 3 TOTAL 27 #CARE TO COMME NT ON YOUR EXPERI ENCE OR HOW YOU THINK I T COULD BE I MP ROVED? DATE 1 More and bigger direc tional s igns 5/3/2023 11:56 AM 2 Not s ure. I t s eemed f ine as it was .4/15/2023 4:39 P M 3 Firs t time I went there was to get a building permit. Las t t ime I went was for a Rx drop-off . I f y ou c annot f ind where to go, there's s omeone to direc t y ou. 4/14/2023 12:15 PM 4 City hall building has a c onf us ing lay out 4/11/2023 12:32 P M 5 Nav igat ion in the building was c onf using 4/7/2023 9:28 A M 6 Too c onfus ing.4/7/2023 9:13 AM 7 Commis s ion meet ings eas y to f ind. Indiv idual departments are a maz e…no logic to lay out 4/6/2023 4:44 PM 0%10%20%30%40%5 0%60%70%80%90%100% Yes No I have never been ANSWE R CHOICES RESPONSE S Yes No I hav e nev er been 14 CHANHASSEN CIVIC CAMPUS MAY 2023 WORK SESSION Chanhassen Civic Campus Questionnaire 5 / 20 38.46%10 30.77%8 30.77%8 Q5 How do you feel about the existing signage and wayfinding? Answered: 26 Sk ipped: 4 TOTAL 26 #CARE TO COMMENT ON YOUR EXPERIENCE OR HOW YOU THINK IT COULD BE I MPROVED? DATE 1 See above 5/3/2023 11:56 AM 2 There's signs as well as someone t o direct you.4/14/2023 12:15 PM 3 It's hard to know where to go.4/7/2023 9:13 AM 4 Signage should be prov ided as if a pers on did not hav e any orientation of where things are (simple) 4/6/2023 10:10 PM 5 Direc tional signage for departments and meeting rooms needed 4/6/20 23 4:44 PM 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%1 00% It w or ks wel l It is adequate It needs impr ovement ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES It works well It is adequate It needs improvement Chanhassen Civic Campus Questionnaire 5 / 20 38.46%10 30.77%8 30.77%8 Q5 How do you feel about t he existing signage and wayf inding? Ans wered: 26 Sk ipped: 4 TOTAL 26 #CARE TO COMMENT ON YOUR EXP ERI ENCE OR HOW YOU THINK IT COULD BE IMPROVE D? DATE 1 See above 5/3/2023 11:56 AM 2 There's s igns as well as s omeone t o direct y ou.4/14/2023 12:15 P M 3 It's hard t o k now where t o go.4/7/2023 9:13 A M 4 Signage s hould be prov ided as if a pers on did not hav e any orientation of where t hings are (s imple) 4/6/2023 10:10 P M 5 Direc t ional s ignage for depart ments and meeting rooms needed 4/6/20 23 4:44 PM 0%1 0%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%1 00% It w or ks w el l It is adequate It needs impr ovement ANSWER CHOICES RE SPONSE S It works well It is adequat e It needs improv ement Chanhassen Civic Campus Questionnaire 6 / 20 3.70%1 62.96%17 22.22%6 14.81%4 55.56%15 40.74%11 11.11%3 Q6 What are the most important park features to retain at the Chanhassen Civic Campus? Ans wered: 27 Skipped: 3 Total Respondents: 27 #OTHER (PLEASE SPECIFY)DATE 1 Park ing for the library 4/19/2023 6:52 PM 2 Plac e for c ommunity gathering and farmers market 4/10/2023 9:16 AM 3 Pickleball 4/7/2023 9:29 AM 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% None of the above Plaza space Skate park Hockey rink Surface parking Veter an's memorial Other (pl ease specify) ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES None of t he above Plaz a s pace Skate park Hock ey rink Surfac e park ing Veteran's memorial Other (please spec ify ) Chanhassen Civic Campus Questionnaire 6 / 20 3.70%1 62.96%17 22.22%6 14.81%4 55.56%15 40.74%11 11.11%3 Q 6 W hat are the most important park feat ures to retain at the Chanhassen Civic Campus? Ans wered: 27 Sk ipped: 3 Tot al Res pondents : 27 #OTHER (PLEASE S PE CI FY)DATE 1 Parking for the library 4/19/2023 6:52 PM 2 Place for community gathering and farmers market 4/10/2023 9:16 AM 3 P ic k leball 4/7/2023 9:29 AM 0%1 0%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%1 00% No ne of the abo ve Pl aza s pace Skate par k Hockey r ink Sur face par king V eter an's memo r ial Other (pl ease specify) ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES None of t he abov e Plaz a s pac e S kat e park Hoc k ey rink Surf ac e park ing Vet eran's memorial Other (pleas e s pec ify ) COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT RESULTS 15 CHANHASSEN CIVIC CAMPUS MAY 2023 WORK SESSION Chanhassen Civic Campus Questionnaire 7 / 20 Q7 What park features would you be most likely to use? Answered: 28 Sk ipped: 2 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%1 00% Splash pad Skate par k Pickleball courts Soccer fiel d Pl ayground Wint er free-skate ar ea Perfor mance space Per manent bathr ooms Far mers market Vet eran's memorial Inter active art Ot her (please specify) Chanhassen Civic Campus Questionnaire 7 / 20 Q7 What park features would you be most likely to use? Ans wered: 28 Skipped: 2 0%1 0%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%1 00% Spl ash pad Skate park Pickl ebal l co ur ts So ccer field Pl ayground Winter fr ee-skate ar ea Per for mance space Permanent bathrooms F ar mers market Veter an's memorial Int er active ar t Other (pl ease specify) Chanhassen Civic Campus Questionnaire 9 / 20 77.78%21 77.78%21 29.63%8 77.78%21 25.93%7 40.74%11 25.93%7 29.63%8 7.41%2 Q8 What summer events/programs would you be most interested in seeing at the Chanhassen Civic Campus? Ans wered: 27 Skipped: 3 Total Respondents: 27 #OTHER (PLEASE SPECIFY)DATE 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% Farmers market Food trucks Yard game tour naments Outdoor concer ts Out door meeting spaces Fl exible seating Public w i-fi Outdoor l ibrar y cart Other (please specify) ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Farmers market Food trucks Yard game tournaments Outdoor c oncerts Outdoor meeting s paces Flexible seat ing Public wi-fi Outdoor library cart Other (pleas e spec ify) Chanhassen Civic Campus Questionnaire 9 / 20 77.78%21 77.78%21 29.63%8 77.78%21 25.93%7 40.74%11 25.93%7 29.63%8 7.41%2 Q 8 W hat summer events/programs would you be most interested in seeing at the Chanhassen Civic Campus? Ans wered: 27 Sk ipped: 3 Tot al Respondent s : 27 #OTHER (PLEASE S PE CIFY )DATE 0%1 0%20%30%40%5 0%60%70%80%90%1 00% F ar mer s mar ket F oo d tr ucks Yar d game t our nament s Out do or concer t s Outdo o r meet ing spaces F l exibl e seat ing Pu bl ic w i-fi Outdoo r l ibr ar y car t Ot her (pl ease specify) ANSWE R CHOICES RESPONSES Farmers mark et Food truc k s Yard game t ournament s Outdoor c onc ert s Outdoor meet ing s pac es Flex ible s eating Public wi-f i Out door library c art Ot her (pleas e s pec ify ) COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT RESULTS 16 CHANHASSEN CIVIC CAMPUS MAY 2023 WORK SESSION Chanhassen Civic Campus Questionnaire 11 / 20 34.62%9 50.00%13 80.77%21 23.08%6 34.62%9 19.23%5 Q9 What winter events/programs would you be most interested in seeing at the Chanhassen Civic Campus? Answered: 26 Sk ipped: 4 Total Res pondent s: 26 #OTHER (PLEASE SPECIFY)DATE 1 None. Not govt role.4/18/2023 4:38 PM 2 The ex isting Chris tmas dis play is nice. Something like that is fine.4/14/2023 12:18 PM 3 Leave this to bus inesses to prov ide 4/8/2023 9:36 PM 4 none of the above 4/6/2023 10:13 PM 5 Thes e s ound amazing!4/6/2023 6:03 PM 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%1 00% Winter free-skate area Seating ar o und fir e pits Holiday/seasona l displays Heated igl oos Wint er gear rental s Other (please specify) ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Winter free-s k ate area Seating around fire pits Holiday/s easonal displays Heated igloos Winter gear rentals Other (pleas e s pecify) Chanhassen Ci vic Campus Questionnai re 11 / 20 34.62%9 50.00%13 80.77%21 23.08%6 34.62%9 19.23%5 Q9 W hat winter event s/programs would you be most interest ed in seeing at t he Chanhassen Civic Campus? Ans wered: 26 Sk ipped: 4 Total Res pondent s : 26 #OTHER (PLEASE SPECIFY )DATE 1 None. Not gov t role.4/18/2023 4:38 P M 2 The ex is t ing Chris t mas dis play is nic e. Somet hing lik e t hat is fine.4/14/2023 12:18 PM 3 Leav e t his t o business es t o prov ide 4/8/2023 9:36 P M 4 none of t he abov e 4/6/2023 10:13 PM 5 Thes e s ound amaz ing!4/6/2023 6:03 PM 0%10%20%30%40%5 0%60%70%80%90%100% Wint er free-skate ar ea Seat ing ar o und fir e pit s Holiday/seasona l dis pl ays Heated igl oos Wint er gear r ental s Ot her (pl ease specify) ANSWE R CHOICES RESPONSES Winter f ree-s k ate area Seating around fire pits Holiday/s eas onal dis play s Heated igloos Winter gear rent als Other (pleas e s pecify ) Chanhassen Civic Campus Questionnaire 12 / 20 44.44%12 18.52%5 3.70%1 25.93%7 0.00%0 7.41%2 Q10 The City is planning to develop a four-season building within the revitalized park space. What is the most important program/feature for the park building? Ans wered: 27 Skipped: 3 TOTAL 27 #OTHER (PLEASE SPECIFY)DATE 1 None.4/18/2023 4:38 PM 2 Not hing 4/8/2023 9:36 PM 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% Rest r ooms Rentabl e communit y room Concessions (Chanhass en... Smal l restaurant/c... War ming house Other (please specify) ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Restrooms Rent able community room Conc es s ions (Chanhassen Park and Rec reation) Small res taurant/coffee vendor (tenant) Warming hous e Other (pleas e s pec ify) Chanhassen Civi c Cam pus Questionnaire 12 / 20 44.44%12 18.52%5 3.70%1 25.93%7 0.00%0 7.41%2 Q10 T he Cit y is planning to develop a four-season building wit hin the revit alized park space. What is t he most important program/feature for t he park building? Ans wered: 27 Sk ipped: 3 TOTAL 27 #OTHER (PLEASE S PE CI FY)DATE 1 None.4/18/2023 4:38 PM 2 Nothing 4/8/2023 9:36 P M 0%1 0%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%1 00% Restr ooms Rent abl e community r o o m Co ncessio ns (Chanhassen... Smal l r est aur ant /c... War ming house Ot her (pl ease specify) ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Res t rooms Rent able c ommunit y room Conc es s ions (Chanhas s en Park and Rec reation) Small res t aurant /c off ee v endor (tenant) Warming hous e Ot her (please s pec if y ) COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT RESULTS 17 CHANHASSEN CIVIC CAMPUS MAY 2023 WORK SESSION Chanhassen Civic Campus Questionnaire 13 / 20 35.71%10 17.86%5 28.57%8 42.86%12 21.43%6 3.57%1 14.29%4 21.43%6 Q11 When thinking about the exterior look of Chanhassen's new City Hall, what images do you prefer? Select all that apply. Answered: 28 Sk ipped: 2 Total Res pondent s: 28 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%1 00% Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4 Image 5 Image 6 Image 7 Image 8 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4 Image 5 I mage 6 I mage 7 I mage 8 Chanhassen Civic Campus Questionnaire 14 / 20 10.71%3 39.29%11 50.00%14 Q12 If you were to spend time in a public plaza, what would you prefer it to look like? Select all that apply. Ans wered: 28 Skipped: 2 TOTAL 28 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% Wide open and sunny Lush and park-l ike Dappled with shade ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Wide open and s unny Lush and park -like Dappled with shade Chanhassen Civic Cam pus Questionnaire 14 / 20 10.71%3 39.29%11 50.00%14 Q12 If you were t o spend time in a public plaza, what would you prefer it to look like? Select all t hat apply. A ns wered: 28 Sk ipped: 2 TOTAL 28 0%1 0%20%30%40%5 0%60%70%80%90%1 00% Wide open and sunny Lush and par k-l ike Dappled w it h shade ANSWER CHOI CE S RES PONS ES Wide open and s unny Lus h and park -lik e Dappled with s hade COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT RESULTS (Top 3 Images) 18 CHANHASSEN CIVIC CAMPUS MAY 2023 WORK SESSION Chanhassen Civic Campus Questionnaire 15 / 20 22.22%6 22.22%6 11.11%3 77.78%21 37.04%10 29.63%8 44.44%12 Q13 What sort(s) of features would you enjoy in an exterior space? Select all that apply. Answered: 27 Sk ipped: 3 Total Res pondent s: 27 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%1 00% Fr ee w i-fi Outdoo r office Library cart Food trucks Swings for all ages Outdoor ping pong Art ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Free wi-f i Outdoor offic e Library cart Food truc ks Swings for all ages Outdoor ping pong Art Chanhassen Ci vic Campus Questionnai re 15 / 20 22.22%6 22.22%6 11.11%3 77.78%21 37.04%10 29.63%8 44.44%12 Q13 W hat sort(s) of f eatures would you enjoy in an exterior space? Select all that apply. Ans wered: 27 Sk ipped: 3 Total Res pondent s : 27 0%10%20%30%40%5 0%60%70%80%90%100% Fr ee w i-fi Out do o r office L ibr ar y car t F o o d trucks Sw ings for al l ages Out do or ping po ng Ar t ANSWER CHOICES RE SP ONSE S Free wi-f i Outdoor off ic e Library c art Food truc k s Swings f or all ages Outdoor ping pong Art Chanhassen Civic Campus Questionnaire 16 / 20 37.04%10 51.85%14 59.26%16 48.15%13 33.33%9 Q14 What type(s) of lighting makes you feel that a place is safe and welcoming? Select all that apply. Ans wered: 27 Skipped: 3 Total Respondents: 27 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% Bollar ds Tr ee Uplighting Str ing lights Pedestr ian light pol es Under-seat light ing ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Bollards Tree Uplighting String lights Pedes trian light poles Under-s eat lighting Chanhassen Civic Campus Questionnaire 16 / 20 37.04%10 51.85%14 59.26%16 48.15%13 33.33%9 Q 14 W hat type(s) of lighting makes you feel that a place is safe and welcoming? Select all t hat apply. Ans wered: 27 Sk ipped: 3 Tot al Res pondent s : 27 0%1 0%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%1 00% Bol l ar ds Tree Upl ighting Str ing l ights Pedes t r ian l ight poles Under -seat l ighting ANSWE R CHOICES RESPONSES Bollards Tree Uplight ing S tring lights P edes trian light poles Under-s eat lighting COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT RESULTS 19 CHANHASSEN CIVIC CAMPUS MAY 2023 WORK SESSION Chanhassen Civic Campus Questionnaire 17 / 20 33.33%9 55.56%15 51.85%14 37.04%10 55.56%15 Q15 What seating options make you want to spend time in a public space? Answered: 27 Sk ipped: 3 Total Res pondent s: 27 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%1 00% M ovable seating Seat w all s Immo vabl e seating Scul ptural or playful seat ing Traditional benches ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Movable s eating Seat walls Immovable seat ing Sc ulptural or playf ul seating Traditional benches Chanhassen Civi c Cam pus Questionnaire 17 / 20 33.33%9 55.56%15 51.85%14 37.04%10 55.56%15 Q15 W hat seating opt ions make you want t o spend time in a public space? Ans wered: 27 Sk ipped: 3 Total Res pondents : 27 0%1 0%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%1 00% Movabl e seating Seat w al l s Immo vabl e s eat ing Scul ptur al or playfu l s eat ing Tradit ional benches ANSWER CHOI CE S RESPONSES Movable s eat ing Seat walls Immovable s eating Sculptural or play f ul s eat ing Traditional benc hes COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT RESULTS 20 CHANHASSEN CIVIC CAMPUS MAY 2023 WORK SESSION PARK COMPARISON 21 CHANHASSEN CIVIC CAMPUS [0 40 80 Feet MAY 2023 WORK SESSION PARK COMPARISON VETERANS MEMORIAL CHASKA, MN EXISTING CITY HALL FOOTPRINT PARK COMPARISON BOUNDARY 22 CHANHASSEN CIVIC CAMPUS [0 40 80 Feet MAY 2023 WORK SESSION PARK COMPARISON THE NORDIC PLAZA NORTH LOOP, MINNEAPOLIS, MN EXISTING CITY HALL FOOTPRINT PARK COMPARISON BOUNDARY 23 CHANHASSEN CIVIC CAMPUS [0 40 80 Feet MAY 2023 WORK SESSION PARK COMPARISON CEDARCREST SPLASH PAD BLOOMINGTON, MN EXISTING CITY HALL FOOTPRINT PARK COMPARISON BOUNDARY 24 CHANHASSEN CIVIC CAMPUS [0 40 80 Feet MAY 2023 WORK SESSION PARK COMPARISON ANDREWS PARK CHAMPLIN, MN EXISTING CITY HALL FOOTPRINT PARK COMPARISON BOUNDARY 25 CHANHASSEN CIVIC CAMPUS [0 40 80 Feet MAY 2023 WORK SESSION PARK COMPARISON FERNBROOK FIELDS PLAYGROUND MAPLE GROVE, MN EXISTING CITY HALL FOOTPRINT PARK COMPARISON BOUNDARY 26 CHANHASSEN CIVIC CAMPUS [0 40 80 Feet MAY 2023 WORK SESSION PARK COMPARISON DOWNTOWN NEENAH PLAZA NEENA, WI EXISTING CITY HALL FOOTPRINT PARK COMPARISON BOUNDARY 27 CHANHASSEN CIVIC CAMPUS [0 40 80 Feet MAY 2023 WORK SESSION PARK COMPARISON NORTHROP PLAZA UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA, MINNEAPOLIS, MN EXISTING CITY HALL FOOTPRINT PARK COMPARISON BOUNDARY 28 CHANHASSEN CIVIC CAMPUS [0 40 80 Feet MAY 2023 WORK SESSION PARK COMPARISON RIVERS EDGE COMMONS ELK RIVER, MN EXISTING CITY HALL FOOTPRINT PARK COMPARISON BOUNDARY 29 CHANHASSEN CIVIC CAMPUS [0 40 80 Feet MAY 2023 WORK SESSION PARK COMPARISON ROSEMOUNT SKATE PARK ROSEMOUNT, MN EXISTING CITY HALL FOOTPRINT PARK COMPARISON BOUNDARY 30 CHANHASSEN CIVIC CAMPUS [0 40 80 Feet MAY 2023 WORK SESSION PARK COMPARISON ROUNDHOUSE PARK CHANHASSEN, MN EXISTING CITY HALL FOOTPRINT PARK COMPARISON BOUNDARY 31 CHANHASSEN CIVIC CAMPUS [0 40 80 Feet MAY 2023 WORK SESSION PARK COMPARISON OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK OTSEGO, MN EXISTING CITY HALL FOOTPRINT PARK COMPARISON BOUNDARY 32 CHANHASSEN CIVIC CAMPUS MAY 2023 WORK SESSION THANK YOU! 33 City Council Item May 8, 2023 Item Downtown Redevelopment Discussion File No.Item No: A.3 Agenda Section 5:30 P.M. - WORK SESSION Prepared By Eric Maass, Planning Director Reviewed By Laurie Hokkanen SUGGESTED ACTION N/A Motion Type N/A Strategic Priority Development & Redevelopment SUMMARY General discussion between City Council and staff as to the desired redevelopment goals in the city's downtown area. BACKGROUND With the closing of the Chanhassen Cinema, City Staff has been fielding a number of inquires from the development community as to what that property could be redeveloped to. Staff has relied on the 2040 Comprehensive Plan and current zoning guidance to provide answers to those inquiries. Staff would like to take the opportunity to speak with Council on the opportunities and challenges this site in particular faces but also look holistically at the downtown and ensure that our vision and goals are aligned as future redevelopment opportunities present themselves in the coming years. DISCUSSION 34 BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS 35 City Council Item May 8, 2023 Item Future Work Session Schedule File No.Item No: A.4 Agenda Section 5:30 P.M. - WORK SESSION Prepared By Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Reviewed By Laurie Hokkanen SUGGESTED ACTION N/A Motion Type N/A Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY The City Council is tentatively scheduled to hold the following work sessions: May 22, 2023 Staffing Study / Organizational Assessment Presentation from Raftelis June 12, 2023 Presentation of Audit Results, Redpath June 26, 2023 2024 Preliminary Budget and Levy Discussion City Council Roundtable BACKGROUND Staff or the City Council may suggest topics for work sessions. Dates are tentative until the meeting 36 agenda is published. Work sessions are typically held at 5:30 pm on the second and fourth Monday of each month in conjunction with the regular City Council meeting, but may be scheduled for other times as needed. DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS 37 City Council Item May 8, 2023 Item Approve City Council Minutes dated April 24, 2023 File No.Item No: D.1 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Reviewed By SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council approves the City Council minutes dated April 24, 2023." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS City Council Minutes dated April 24, 2023 38 CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES APRIL 24, 2023 Mayor Ryan called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ryan, Councilwoman Schubert, Councilman McDonald, Councilman von Oven, Councilman Kimber. COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT:None. STAFF PRESENT: Laurie Hokkanen, Community Development Director; Matt Unmacht, Assistant City Manager; and Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk. PUBLIC PRESENT:The families of the 2023 Arbor Day Contest winners Aaliyah, Maia Thao Paige Karus, Owen Littlefield, Molly Rothstein, Helen Tornquist, Mara Schneider, and Ella Smith. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS: 1. Proclaiming May 6, 2023, as Arbor Day and May as Arbor Month Mayor Ryan read a proclamation announcing May 6 as Arbor Day and the month of May as Arbor Month. 2. Invitation to Arbor Day Celebration - May 6, 2023 Mayor Ryan invited the public to the Arbor Day Celebration, shared about the value and importance of trees, and noted volunteers will plant trees around Bandimere Park. 3. Presentation of 2023 Arbor Day Poster Contest Winners Mayor Ryan congratulated the 5th grade winners of the 2023 poster contest, noting the framed picture will hang in City Hall. She thanked The Garden by the Woods for their generous donation of a gift card for the grand prize winner. Mayor Ryan presented awards to students from Bluff Creek Elementary and presented the grand prize to Ella Smith. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman McDonald moved, Councilman Kimber seconded that the City Council approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager’s recommendations: 39 City Council Minutes – April 24, 2023 2 1. Approve City Council Minutes dated April 10, 2023 2. Receive Economic Development Commission Minutes dated March 14, 2023 3. Receive Environmental Commission Minutes dated March 8, 2023 4. Approve Claims Paid dated April 24, 2023 5. Approve Temporary On-Sale Liquor License, July 3 & 4, 2023, Rotary Club of Chanhassen 6. Approve Temporary On-Sale Liquor License, September 4, 2023, Chanhassen Car Parade and Show, Rotary Club of Chanhassen 7. Approve the 2023-2024 Lake Ann Beach Lifeguard Contract 8. Approve 2023 Chanhassen Farmers' Market Agreement 9. Approve Site Plan Agreement for Xcel Service Center 10. Approve Community Solar Garden Subscription Agreement with Nokomis Energy LLC 11.Resolution 2023-33: Accept Donation from Curt and Judy Quiners for the Purchase of Structural Firefighting Turnout Gear 12.Resolution 2023-34:Approve Fund Transfers and Budget Amendments for Fiscal Year 2022 13.Resolution No. 2023-35:Accept Bids and Award Contract for the 2023 Sealcoat Project 14.Resolution 2023-36:Call for Assessment Hearing for the 2023 City Pavement Rehabilitation Project No. 23-01 15.Ordinance 707:Amending City Code Article 10-IV - Peddlers, Solicitors and Transient Merchants All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: None. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None. GENERAL BUSINESS: None. COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS.None. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS. Ms. Hokkanen asked for a motion that the City Council has received the following two reports. 1. Receive Commission on Aging Annual Report 40 City Council Minutes – April 24, 2023 3 2. Receive Planning Commission Annual Report Councilwoman Schubert moved, Councilman von Oven seconded that the City Council receives the Commission on Aging Annual Report and the Planning Commission Annual Report. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. CORRESPONDENCE DISCUSSION: Councilman McDonald moved, Councilwoman Schubert seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. The City Council meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m. Submitted by Laurie Hokkanen City Manager Prepared by Kim Meuwissen City Clerk 41 City Council Item May 8, 2023 Item Receive Park & Recreation Commission Minutes dated March 28, 2023 File No.Item No: D.2 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Amy Weidman, Admin Support Specialist Reviewed By SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council receives the Park & Recreation Commission Minutes dated March 28, 2023." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS 42 Park & Recreation Commission Minutes dated March 28, 2023 43 CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MARCH 28, 2023 Chairman Tsuchiya called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Karl Tsuchiya, Heather Markert, Don Vasatka, Dan Eidsmo, Jim Peck (arrived at 7:10 p.m.) MEMBERS ABSENT: Matt Kutz, Scott Fischer, Youth Commissioner Alex Jerdee. STAFF PRESENT: Jerry Ruegemer, Park and Recreation Director; Priya Tandon, Recreation Manager; Mitchell Czech, Recreation Supervisor; Jodi Sarles, Recreation Center Manager; Adam Beers, Park Superintendent. PUBLIC PRESENT: None. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Commissioner Vasatka moved, Commissioner Markert seconded to approve the agenda as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS: Park and Recreation Director Ruegemer shared about the Arbor Day Celebration and invited the Commissioners to the event on Saturday, May 6, 2023. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: APPROVE PARK & RECREATION MINUTES DATED FEBRUARY 28, 2023 Commissioner Markert moved, Commissioner Eidsmo seconded to approve the Minutes of the Park and Recreation Commission Meeting dated February 28, 2023 as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. GENERAL BUSINESS: 1. Don Schwartz Recognition 44 Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – March 28, 2023 2 Recreation Supervisor Czech stated on behalf of the Park & Recreation Department, he would like to recognize Don Schwartz for his service and dedication to the City’s Adult Softball League. He noted Mr. Schwartz worked 4,506 softball games during his 29-year umpire career. He spent 23 years in Chanhassen as an umpire and served as the Adult Softball Umpire Coordinator for 32 years. Mr. Czech noted the leagues truly would not have been possible without Mr. Schwartz. Mr. Schwartz was presented with a plaque in recognition of his service. 2. Receive 2022 Park and Recreation Department Annual Report Park and Recreation Manager Tandon gave a presentation and shared the 2022 Annual Report with highlights, including the Rec Center Community Day, 55+ Senior Expo, and expanded youth program offerings. She shared about park, trail, and facility projects, community events, and youth, adult, and senior programming. She noted the full Annual Report will be available on the City website in April. Commissioner Eidsmo noted it is very impressive regarding what the City and Park and Recreation Department can do. He thanked them for their work. Commissioner Vasatka moved, Commissioner Eidsmo seconded to approve the Park and Recreation Commission recommend that the City Council receive and approve the 2022 Park and Recreation Annual Report. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. 3. Erhart Farms Future Trail Alignment Park and Recreation Director Jerry Ruegemer gave an overview of the future trail plan showing illustrations on screen. He shared about Foxwood Preserve with natural trails and a ghost plat noting the Erhart Farms development will also have natural features with outlots and permanent open space. Mr. Ruegemer shared about future phasing, connecting trails, and showed a ghost plat of the development and trail system on screen. The developer would like the trail alignment to go through the Foxwood Preserve, and staff would like to continue the trail to the south. Mr. Ruegemer shared about difficulties in connecting to the south, and that potential retaining walls and boardwalk due to a wetland would be expensive. Commissioner Eidsmo asked if the developer will pay for any of it or if it would be City expense. Mr. Ruegemer noted it would be City expense and showed a layout on screen that had been discussed. He noted currently there is not an identified funding source. Staff recommends remaining on the corridor they are looking at on the ghost plat near Eagle Ridge Road and the southern corridor; he noted the northern alignment could be connected at some point in the future if the City saw fit and had funding. Mr. Ruegemer stated the property is very beautiful and he is excited to continue the trail. 45 Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – March 28, 2023 3 Commissioner Vasatka explained his avid use of trails in the City noting he prefers to use trails that are not just adjacent to roads. He would rather have one trail than send his kids on a trail that has 50+ driveways and crosses multiple roads. He would like to look at all options and give the City flexibility to get something through to Foxwood Preserve. Mr. Ruegemer agreed and stated if the City comes up with additional funding for the boardwalks they could definitely look at that in the future. Commissioner Vasatka asked if it is possible to make the trail with natural elements such as wood chips. Mr. Ruegemer replied in the affirmative noting that could be done with a 6-foot nature or turf trail and that could be done in-house; they could gain access to that area and connect it to the existing Foxwood Preserve. Commissioner Vasatka asked about the timeline and whether the Commission can discuss it again. Mr. Ruegemer noted they do have some time as the first phase will be starting in the spring but it is already earmarked for the trail alignment. Commissioner Vasatka thinks the first phase makes a lot of sense. Commissioner Markert asked if the trail went to the south of the body of water, would that need to be a boardwalk? Mr. Ruegemer replied the City does not currently have that property for access. He thinks the topography in that area is a little steeper but he can look into it. Chair Tsuchiya asked if the developer would be open to a discussion on the southern side of the body of water as an alternative. Mr. Ruegemer would be happy to have that conversation with the developer. Commissioner Markert agrees with Commissioner Vasatka’s comment regarding the trail and the driveways that make it feel less like a trail. It would be helpful to know how many people it would impact or be helping to put some merit behind the cost. Mr. Ruegemer clarified this is a ghost plat and is not set in stone. If the Commission would like to have the southern corridor, the ghost plate would probably change. 46 Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – March 28, 2023 4 Commissioner Eidsmo moved, Commissioner Vasatka seconded, to table action on the item for further discussion. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. REPORTS: 1. Easter Egg Candy Hunt Preview Recreation Manager Tandon shared about the Easter Egg Hung at City Center Park and draws between 500-800 children and families. Tickets are $6 per child and accompanying adults are free, the City offers pre-registration as well as registration the day of the event. She thanked the Chanhassen Fire Department and local Key Clubs for volunteering at the event. 2. 4th of July Celebration 40th Anniversary Commissioned Logo Recreation Manager Tandon shared the 40th Anniversary logo designed to celebrate this historical milestone and 40 years of the City's most highly-anticipated community event. Artist Adam Turman was commissioned to design the 2023 4th of July Celebration event logo. Mr. Turman is a well-known Minnesota artist based in Minneapolis. He is an illustrator, muralist, and screen printer whose bold illustrations "celebrate a distinctive Midwestern love of the great outdoors." She stated merchandise with the artwork will be available prior to the celebration and shared a sneak preview of the logo with the Commissioners. 3. Chanhassen Recreation Center Quarterly Update Recreation Center Manager Sarles gave an update noting the movable walls are scheduled for installation on April 26-28, she shared about HVAC updates, and new controllers within the facility. She explained daily fees and punch card fees, and shared program updates including Dance for Fun, Rec Center Sports, Super Hero Party, Bunny Yoga, Painting classes, Fit for Life, and Pickleball lessons. 4. Park Maintenance Quarterly Update Park Superintendent Beers gave an update noting park maintenance staff has completed all routine maintenance on the small equipment fleet, crews have been getting ready for spring start- up, the City works with Sentence to Serve to assist with trash collection and mulching, and the department is in the process of hiring seasonal staff for the upcoming summer season. They are currently hiring a full-time staff member to replace John Wickenhauser who transferred to the streets division. Mr. Beers also shared about the Roundhouse Park playground dismantling and assembly of the new playground. 5. 2022-2023 Ice Rink Season Evaluation Recreation Supervisor Czech gave an update noting it was a challenging year, but overall this year's ice skating rink season ran from December 27, 2022 to February 21, 2023. During the season, the warming houses were open for 50 days and closed for 7 days due to large amounts of snow. Roughly 5,293 participants were recorded during supervised hours. Mr. Czech shared 47 Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – March 28, 2023 5 about warming houses, rink attendants, recorded participants, and expenses throughout the ice rink season. 6. Senior Center Quarterly Update Mr. Ruegemer gave an update for Mary Blazanin, noting the Senior Center has many weekly programs. He shared about the Coffee with the Cops Sessions, Meals on Wheels, trips to the MN Vikings Museum and St. Cloud Paramount Theater, lunch celebrations, and lifelong learning classes. 7. Recognized Outgoing Park and Recreation Commissioners Karl Tsuchiya and Scott Fischer Mr. Ruegemer recognized Karl Tsuchiya for serving on the commission since 2017 and thanked him for his work on Lake Ann and having served the community well. Mr. Ruegemer thanked Scott Fischer for his term on the commission, his contributions, and having served the public well. Mr. Ruegemer mentioned that Scott Pharis and Robert Swanson were appointed to the Park and Recreation Commission, and that Jim Peck was reappointed as well. COMMISSION MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS: None. COMMISSION MEMBER PRESENTATIONS: None. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS: None. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Vasatka moved, Commissioner Peck seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. The Park and Recreation Commission meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Submitted by Jerry Ruegemer Park and Recreation Director Prepared by Amy Weidman Administrative Support Specialist 48 City Council Item May 8, 2023 Item Receive Commission on Aging Minutes dated March 17, 2023 File No.Item No: D.3 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Jenny Potter, Sr. Admin Support Specialist Reviewed By SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council receives the Commission on Aging minutes dated March17, 2023" Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS Commission on Aging Minutes dated March 17, 2023 49 CHANHASSEN COMMISSION ON AGING MINUTES March 17, 2023 MEMBERS PRESENT:Jerry Cerchia, Linda Haight, Jim Camarata, Kara Cassidy, Bhakti Modi, Ruth Lunde. MEMBERS ABSENT: Susan Kibler. STAFF PRESENT: Sharmeen Al-Jaff, Mary Blazanin. GUESTS PRESENT: Bill Maloney, Judy Harder, Linnéa Fonnest, Adults Services Librarian, Chanhassen Library, Dawn Plumer, Public Health Program Specialist, Allison Streich, Carver County CDA Deputy Director. APPROVAL OF AGENDA:Commissioner Lunde moved to approve the Agenda. Commissioner Camarata seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried. APPROVAL OF MINUTES:Commissioner Haight moved to approve the minutes dated February 17, 2023, Commissioner Cassidy seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried. GOALS/STRATEGIC PLAN:The Commissioners addressed the last two of five remaining strategic goals. They included: Strategic Area: Opportunities for People to Interact Strategic Area: Safety and Security 4RTH OF JULY BINGO EVENT: Commissioner Cassidy collected the letters generated by staff to be delivered by individual commissioners to the different businesses in the Community. Staff was directed to print labels with the names, addresses and phone numbers of the Commissioners. ACT ON ALZHEIMER’S UPDATE –JULY 3RD PROMOTIONAL TABLE: The Commission directed staff to reserve a table. MEMORIAL DAY – Monday, May 29, 2023 – Noon, City Center Park:Chairman Cerchia agreed to sit at the table. Staff explained that a representative from the Commission must attend the event since Chairman Cerchia’s term will expire on March 31, 2023. PUBLIC HEALTH PROGRAM SPECIALIST UPDATE: Dawn Plumer, Public Health Program Specialist the COVID-19 Medical Declaration is scheduled to expire in the Month of May. Humanity Alliance is operational. . The County received COVID relief funds that will be uses for MOVE MINDFULLY session for older adults and caregivers. 50 LIBRARY ADULT PROGRAMS UPDATE: Linnea Fonnest, Adults Services Librarian, shared all the upcoming programs that will be offered by the library. The knitting class is full. Digital Assets foot print. There will be a large book sale. Proceeds pay for programs. May is mental health month. Chan-o-laires will preform in May. During the week of storytelling, people will tell their own stories. CARVER COUNTY CDA PRESENTATION – DEPUTY DIRECTOR ALLISON STREICH:Allison Streich presented an overview of Carver Oaks Senior Residence in Carver and Trails Edge in Waconia. All units within the buildings will incorporate Universal Design. Focus on coordinating mobile food shelf. This will help residence to age in place. Carver Oaks will be located one block from transit. COMMISSIONERS COMMENTS:Chairman Cerchia thanked the Commission. He asked them to continue to advocate for affordable housing, aging in place, Act on Alzheimer’s and to remains partners with the Senior Center. ADJOURNMENT:Chairman Cerchia called for meeting adjournment. Commissioner Camarata moved to adjourn; Commissioner Lunde seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Prepared and submitted by Sharmeen Al-Jaff, Senior Planner 51 City Council Item May 8, 2023 Item Approve Claims Paid dated May 8, 2023 File No.Item No: D.4 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Danielle Washburn, Assistant Finance Director Reviewed By Kelly Grinnell SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council Approves Claims Paid dated May 8, 2023." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority Financial Sustainability SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION The following claims are submitted for review and approval on May 8, 2023: Total Claims $247,406.26 BUDGET RECOMMENDATION 52 ATTACHMENTS Payment Summary Payment Detail 53 Accounts Payable Checks by Date - Summary Vendor Name Check Date Void Checks Check Amount Acme Tools 03/16/2023 0.00 215.27 Amazon 03/16/2023 0.00 3,375.69 Apple.com 03/16/2023 0.00 1.98 atyourpaceonline.com 03/16/2023 0.00 36.00 Bitly, Inc 03/16/2023 0.00 35.00 Buca Di Beppo 03/16/2023 0.00 859.70 Cable and Connectivity 03/16/2023 0.00 1,038.00 Caribou Coffee 03/16/2023 0.00 5.36 Carnival Source 03/16/2023 0.00 106.67 Cartegraph 03/16/2023 0.00 1,095.00 Champps 03/16/2023 0.00 73.38 Chap Value Store 03/16/2023 0.00 11.25 Chick-Fil-A 03/16/2023 0.00 1,712.84 Complete Safety 03/16/2023 0.00 90.00 Costco Wholesale 03/16/2023 0.00 118.27 Cub Foods 03/16/2023 0.00 157.84 Davanni's 03/16/2023 0.00 783.65 Delta Airlines 03/16/2023 0.00 597.80 Electric Motor Repair 03/16/2023 0.00 348.55 Enerspect Medical Solution 03/16/2023 0.00 42.87 Eventbrite 03/16/2023 0.00 50.00 Fire Marshals Association of Minnesota 03/16/2023 0.00 40.00 FotoGenic 03/16/2023 0.00 531.67 Good Day Cafe 03/16/2023 0.00 41.62 Government Finance Officers Association 03/16/2023 0.00 240.00 Grainger 03/16/2023 0.00 37.71 Grammarly 03/16/2023 0.00 750.00 Hach Company 03/16/2023 0.00 223.91 Home Depot 03/16/2023 0.00 702.64 Homeland Security and Emergency Management 03/16/2023 0.00 204.30 Huelife 03/16/2023 0.00 2,285.00 Hydra Power Hydraulics Inc 03/16/2023 0.00 242.50 IAM Trading Limited 03/16/2023 0.00 200.00 Indelco Plastics Corporation 03/16/2023 0.00 407.04 International Code Council 03/16/2023 0.00 495.00 Iron Tap 03/16/2023 0.00 21.20 Jamf Software, LLC 03/16/2023 0.00 136.00 Jimmy Johns 03/16/2023 0.00 558.16 Lasercrafting 03/16/2023 0.00 23.00 League of Minnesota Cities 03/16/2023 0.00 390.00 Lesman Instruments 03/16/2023 0.00 233.17 Live By Loews Arlington 03/16/2023 0.00 272.71 Lunds & Byerly's 03/16/2023 0.00 58.45 Maddens on Gull Lake 03/16/2023 0.00 386.54 Page 1 of 4 54 Vendor Name Check Date Void Checks Check Amount Menards 03/16/2023 0.00 681.44 Merlins Ace Hardware 03/16/2023 0.00 402.19 Metropolitan Council Enviromental Services 03/16/2023 0.00 20,000.00 Minnesota Rural Water Association 03/16/2023 0.00 0.00 MN Department of Transportation 03/16/2023 0.00 90.00 MN Dept of Labor and Industry 03/16/2023 0.00 19.00 MN Government Finance Officers Association 03/16/2023 0.00 140.00 MN Pollution Control Agency 03/16/2023 0.00 56.18 MN Recreation and Park Association 03/16/2023 0.00 2,285.00 MN State Patrol 03/16/2023 0.00 90.50 Monoprice.com 03/16/2023 0.00 214.74 Municipal Clerk and Finance Officers 03/16/2023 0.00 355.00 Northern Tool+Equipment 03/16/2023 0.00 83.30 Office Max/Office Depot 03/16/2023 0.00 190.13 On Track Garage Door Repair 03/16/2023 0.00 129.00 Panera Bread 03/16/2023 0.00 160.22 Party City 03/16/2023 0.00 105.63 Postmaster 03/16/2023 0.00 89.32 Potbelly Sandwich Shop 03/16/2023 0.00 139.23 Rapid Glass 03/16/2023 0.00 474.00 Revolution Dancewear 03/16/2023 0.00 168.85 Sam's Club 03/16/2023 0.00 427.68 Schonstedt 03/16/2023 0.00 572.97 Sensible Land Use Coalition 03/16/2023 0.00 48.00 Sherwin-Williams 03/16/2023 0.00 42.66 Shorewood True Value 03/16/2023 0.00 6.46 SmartSign 03/16/2023 0.00 30.16 Southwest Airlines 03/16/2023 0.00 331.45 Southwest Metro Chamber of Commerce 03/16/2023 0.00 80.00 Sportsmith, LLC 03/16/2023 0.00 120.51 Stratoguard, LLC 03/16/2023 0.00 1,979.96 SupplyHouse.com 03/16/2023 0.00 510.03 Target 03/16/2023 0.00 284.62 TechSmith 03/16/2023 0.00 57.97 TEQUILA BUTCHER 03/16/2023 0.00 177.90 TJ Office Furniture 03/16/2023 0.00 134.22 Tono Pizzeria 03/16/2023 0.00 176.23 Tool Experts, Inc 03/16/2023 0.00 418.08 University of Missouri 03/16/2023 0.00 1,750.00 USABlueBook 03/16/2023 0.00 144.70 Walgreens 03/16/2023 0.00 33.09 WEISSMAN 03/16/2023 0.00 2,501.98 When I work 03/16/2023 0.00 50.00 Zoom 03/16/2023 0.00 85.90 American Pump Company 04/20/2023 0.00 80.94 Angel Gault 04/20/2023 0.00 170.00 Anne Beckman 04/20/2023 0.00 980.00 BS & A Software 04/20/2023 0.00 1,258.00 CAMPBELL KNUTSON 04/20/2023 0.00 21,118.86 CAMPION BARROW & ASSOCIATES 04/20/2023 0.00 2,275.00 Carver County 04/20/2023 0.00 218.00 CCP NI MASTER TENANT 4 LLC 04/20/2023 0.00 3,821.50 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 04/20/2023 0.00 2,025.98 Page 2 of 4 55 Vendor Name Check Date Void Checks Check Amount COMPUTER INTEGRATION TECHN. 04/20/2023 0.00 489.50 EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC 04/20/2023 0.00 2,695.00 Empower Trust Company, LLC 04/20/2023 0.00 325.00 ENVISIO SOLUTIONS INC 04/20/2023 0.00 20,000.00 ESS BROTHERS & SONS INC 04/20/2023 0.00 1,990.02 Ferguson Waterworks #2518 04/20/2023 0.00 16,375.95 Fidelity Security Life 04/20/2023 0.00 291.32 GREEN MEADOWS INC 04/20/2023 0.00 1,972.60 Guard Guys, LLC 04/20/2023 0.00 608.00 HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP 04/20/2023 0.00 15,907.25 Holt Tour and Charter Inc 04/20/2023 0.00 765.00 Innovative Office Solutions LLC 04/20/2023 0.00 50.43 K & S Plumbing 04/20/2023 0.00 95.50 KORTERRA INC 04/20/2023 0.00 2,500.00 Marco Inc 04/20/2023 0.00 735.00 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 04/20/2023 0.00 311.93 North American Safety, Inc. 04/20/2023 0.00 768.00 NOVEL SOLAR THREE, LLC 04/20/2023 0.00 7,495.44 Pitney Bowes Inc. 04/20/2023 0.00 265.58 Potentia MN Solar 04/20/2023 0.00 5,667.03 PRECISE MRM LLC 04/20/2023 0.00 273.00 Pro-Tec Design, Inc. 04/20/2023 0.00 14,348.24 Shadywood Tree Experts and Landscaping 04/20/2023 0.00 333.75 Sophia Martin 04/20/2023 0.00 91.00 T.A. Schifsky 04/20/2023 0.00 347.00 Terence Kenneth Kubista 04/20/2023 0.00 240.00 TFORCE FINAL MILE 04/20/2023 0.00 52.71 TimeSaver Off Site Secretarial, Inc 04/20/2023 0.00 234.50 Turman Artwork Co 04/20/2023 0.00 250.00 Universal Athletic Services, Inc. 04/20/2023 0.00 3,204.95 VALLEY-RICH CO INC 04/20/2023 0.00 6,692.86 VESSCO INC 04/20/2023 0.00 278.75 Advanced Engineering & Environmental Services, LLC 04/27/2023 0.00 1,184.00 American Pressure Inc 04/27/2023 0.00 51.00 AMERICAN TIRE DISTRIBUTORS INC 04/27/2023 0.00 199.38 Amy Gutierrez - Paine 04/27/2023 0.00 270.00 Aspen Equipment 04/27/2023 0.00 1,479.07 ASPEN MILLS 04/27/2023 0.00 268.09 Barr Engineering Company 04/27/2023 0.00 1,100.00 CenturyLink 04/27/2023 0.00 59.42 Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Co 04/27/2023 0.00 67.80 DELEGARD TOOL COMPANY 04/27/2023 0.00 91.76 Ferguson Waterworks #2518 04/27/2023 0.00 1,454.71 HAWKINS CHEMICAL 04/27/2023 0.00 60.00 Health Strategies 04/27/2023 0.00 439.00 Holt Tour and Charter Inc 04/27/2023 0.00 765.00 Innovative Office Solutions LLC 04/27/2023 0.00 136.10 Joseph & Aurora Zortman 04/27/2023 0.00 33.25 Juli Al-Hilwani 04/27/2023 0.00 75.00 KATH FUEL OIL SERVICE 04/27/2023 0.00 3,370.75 KENNEDY & GRAVEN, CHARTERED 04/27/2023 0.00 986.25 KIM MEUWISSEN 04/27/2023 0.00 43.10 Lano Equipment 04/27/2023 0.00 480.10 Page 3 of 4 56 Vendor Name Check Date Void Checks Check Amount LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST 04/27/2023 0.00 8,317.96 LITTLE FALLS MACHINE INC 04/27/2023 0.00 240.80 Loch Monster Plumbing, LLC 04/27/2023 0.00 5,846.73 Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P 04/27/2023 0.00 3,333.33 Mary & Michael Aker 04/27/2023 0.00 143.53 Matheson Tri-Gas, Inc. 04/27/2023 0.00 47.41 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL 04/27/2023 0.00 950.00 Minnesota Safety Council 04/27/2023 0.00 138.00 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 04/27/2023 0.00 139.39 Mobile Mini, Inc 04/27/2023 0.00 120.00 MOSS & BARNETT 04/27/2023 0.00 1,566.00 NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 04/27/2023 0.00 236.82 Pinnacle Pest Control 04/27/2023 0.00 680.00 POWERPLAN OIB 04/27/2023 0.00 657.11 Reem Danial 04/27/2023 0.00 226.80 Rent N Save Portable Services 04/27/2023 0.00 1,066.00 SHERWIN WILLIAMS 04/27/2023 0.00 209.07 SOFTWARE HOUSE INTERNATIONAL 04/27/2023 0.00 2,229.84 Sophia Martin 04/27/2023 0.00 91.00 TFORCE FINAL MILE 04/27/2023 0.00 140.98 TIM MONNENS 04/27/2023 0.00 52.32 VERIZON WIRELESS 04/27/2023 0.00 250.20 Warning Lites of Minnesota, Inc. 04/27/2023 0.00 440.00 WM MUELLER & SONS INC 04/27/2023 0.00 938.40 XCEL ENERGY INC 04/27/2023 0.00 13,973.16 ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS INC 04/27/2023 0.00 80.00 Report Total:0.00 247,406.26 Page 4 of 4 57 AP Check Detail User: dwashburn Printed: 4/28/2023 1:16:40 PM Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description Acme Tools 701-0000-4120 107.63 3/16/2023 GF Diamond Concrete Core Drill Bits Acme Tools 700-0000-4120 107.64 3/16/2023 GF Diamond Concrete Core Drill Bits 215.27 3/16/2023 Acme Tools 215.27 Advanced Engineering & Environmental Services, LLC 700-0000-4300 1,184.00 4/27/2023 2023 SCADA Services - P05126-2022-003 1,184.00 4/27/2023 Advanced Engineering & Environmental Services, LLC 1,184.00 Aker Mary & Michael 101-0000-2033 143.53 4/27/2023 Overpayment - Permit 2023-00852 - 2131 Brinker St 143.53 4/27/2023 Aker Mary & Michael 143.53 Al-Hilwani Juli 101-1539-4343 75.00 4/27/2023 Pickleball Lessons 75.00 4/27/2023 Al-Hilwani Juli 75.00 Amazon 101-1220-4530 30.95 3/16/2023 TV mount Don N office Amazon 101-1170-4530 30.95 3/16/2023 TV mount for new conference room Amazon 101-1611-4130 32.40 3/16/2023 FebFest hand warmers Amazon 700-0000-4240 56.85 3/16/2023 BM Disposable Suits AP - Check Detail (4/28/2023)Page 1 of 34 58 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description Amazon 701-0000-4140 61.75 3/16/2023 MW Travel Case Snowplows Receiver Mount Amazon 101-1160-4132 45.07 3/16/2023 Cell Phone Case w / Belt Clip Amazon 101-1160-4530 112.78 3/16/2023 Ink for Mechanic Shop HP Printer Amazon 700-7043-4150 132.93 3/16/2023 MW Respirator Travel Case Amazon 101-1120-4110 19.10 3/16/2023 9V Batteries Supply Room Amazon 101-1120-4110 29.18 3/16/2023 Adhesive Name Badges for Programs Amazon 101-1537-4130 12.72 3/16/2023 Royal Ball Decor Amazon 700-7043-4510 144.92 3/16/2023 MW Removable Adhesive Strips 3M Over-the-Head Amazon 101-1160-4530 230.00 3/16/2023 replacement camera finance hallway Amazon 101-1160-4135 61.88 3/16/2023 TV mounts for Lake Ann ordered last year refunded due to items Amazon 701-0000-4240 56.85 3/16/2023 BM Disposable Suits Amazon 101-1701-4130 78.96 3/16/2023 Premium Plastic TableCloth Plastic Table Cover Amazon 101-1120-4110 33.26 3/16/2023 Coffee admin kcups Amazon 101-1530-4150 67.28 3/16/2023 Towels for Fitness Center Amazon 101-1120-4110 19.79 3/16/2023 Footrest DeeAnn Amazon 700-0000-4240 68.82 3/16/2023 GF Box of Gloves Amazon 700-7043-4120 104.98 3/16/2023 MW Wen 500 Pound Capacity 46 by 25 5 in Utility Cart Amazon 101-1537-4130 14.49 3/16/2023 Royal Ball necklaces Amazon 101-1160-4207 11.71 3/16/2023 Sewer Televising Access Fee - Jan Amazon 101-1220-4530 429.99 3/16/2023 Tvs for Don N office Amazon 101-1160-4260 139.99 3/16/2023 KVM Switch for Courtyard Conference Room Amazon 101-1160-4530 8.40 3/16/2023 Screen Protector for new phone Amazon 101-1160-4135 -34.99 3/16/2023 Item refunded for out of stock Amazon 101-1170-4530 429.99 3/16/2023 TV for new conference room Amazon 701-0000-4240 219.99 3/16/2023 BM Disposable Gloves Amazon 101-1120-4110 119.98 3/16/2023 Laurie Easel Sized PostITs Amazon 700-0000-4140 61.74 3/16/2023 MW Travel Case Snowplows Receiver Mount Amazon 101-1120-4110 29.23 3/16/2023 3dozen Pens JS Engineering 3 colors Amazon 101-1220-4142 25.74 3/16/2023 Ear Plugs Amazon 701-0000-4240 68.82 3/16/2023 GF Box of Gloves Amazon 101-1120-4110 37.30 3/16/2023 Communications Stool Certificate Paper Amazon 700-0000-4240 219.99 3/16/2023 BM Disposable Gloves Amazon 101-1160-4260 15.98 3/16/2023 Small screwdriver set matt K Amazon 101-1160-4530 49.99 3/16/2023 replacement keyboard matt k Amazon 101-1160-4135 -26.61 3/16/2023 Refund issues for TV mount that was not delivered/ out of stock Amazon 101-1120-4110 41.57 3/16/2023 Disposable Bowls Admin Amazon 101-1731-4300 80.97 3/16/2023 Mitch Ski Trip Armbands Reusable 3,375.69 3/16/2023 Amazon 3,375.69 AP - Check Detail (4/28/2023)Page 2 of 34 59 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description American Pressure Inc 101-1320-4120 51.00 4/27/2023 1/4 Mail 7.5 15 Screw in Nozzle 51.00 4/27/2023 American Pressure Inc 51.00 American Pump Company 700-0000-4550 80.94 4/20/2023 Swivel Hyd Gasket 80.94 4/20/2023 American Pump Company 80.94 AMERICAN TIRE DISTRIBUTORS INC 101-1550-4120 199.38 4/27/2023 20X10.00 - 10/6 Car Turf 199.38 4/27/2023 AMERICAN TIRE DISTRIBUTORS INC 199.38 Apple.com 700-0000-4310 0.50 3/16/2023 BM iCloud Storage Photo Memory Apple.com 101-1220-4310 0.99 3/16/2023 Apple Storage Apple.com 701-0000-4310 0.49 3/16/2023 BM iCloud Storage Photo Memory 1.98 3/16/2023 Apple.com 1.98 Aspen Equipment 101-1550-4120 1,479.07 4/27/2023 Quadrant Assy, Blade Wing, Ram Assemby 1,479.07 4/27/2023 Aspen Equipment 1,479.07 ASPEN MILLS 101-1220-4240 268.09 4/27/2023 Pant & Name Tag 268.09 4/27/2023 AP - Check Detail (4/28/2023)Page 3 of 34 60 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description ASPEN MILLS 268.09 atyourpaceonline.com 700-0000-4360 18.00 3/16/2023 JJ Electrical License Renewal atyourpaceonline.com 701-0000-4360 18.00 3/16/2023 JJ Electrical License Renewal 36.00 3/16/2023 atyourpaceonline.com 36.00 Barr Engineering Company 700-7025-4300 1,100.00 4/27/2023 Well Rehab Project #3, #4, #11, #15 1,100.00 4/27/2023 Barr Engineering Company 1,100.00 Beckman Anne 101-1560-4343 980.00 4/20/2023 Basic B/W Pencil Art, Beginner Colored Pencil Art 980.00 4/20/2023 Beckman Anne 980.00 Bitly, Inc 101-1125-4360 35.00 3/16/2023 Online subscription for short URLs 35.00 3/16/2023 Bitly, Inc 35.00 BS & A Software 101-1160-4326 1,258.00 4/20/2023 Permit Applications - Online Service Fee Q1 1,258.00 4/20/2023 BS & A Software 1,258.00 Buca Di Beppo 101-1560-4342 859.70 3/16/2023 Deposit for lunch at Bucca di Beppo - Circus J trip Aug 11 2023 859.70 3/16/2023 AP - Check Detail (4/28/2023)Page 4 of 34 61 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description Buca Di Beppo 859.70 Cable and Connectivity 701-0000-4551 269.00 3/16/2023 JJ Telemetry Maintenance Cable and Connectivity 701-0000-4551 250.00 3/16/2023 JJ Telemetry Maintenance Cable and Connectivity 700-0000-4550 269.00 3/16/2023 JJ Telemetry Maintenance Cable and Connectivity 700-0000-4550 250.00 3/16/2023 JJ Telemetry Maintenance 1,038.00 3/16/2023 Cable and Connectivity 1,038.00 CAMPBELL KNUTSON 101-1140-4302 21,118.86 4/20/2023 Legal Services - March, 2023 21,118.86 4/20/2023 CAMPBELL KNUTSON 21,118.86 CAMPION BARROW & ASSOCIATES 101-1220-4352 2,275.00 4/20/2023 Fire Services Testing, Sidlauskas, Anderson, Ryan, Balk, Brandt 2,275.00 4/20/2023 CAMPION BARROW & ASSOCIATES 2,275.00 Caribou Coffee 101-1123-4381 5.36 3/16/2023 Coffee with Tanya from ISG 5.36 3/16/2023 Caribou Coffee 5.36 Carnival Source 101-1120-4371 106.67 3/16/2023 Block Mania Stress Toys (Pack of 12) 106.67 3/16/2023 Carnival Source 106.67 Cartegraph 101-1311-4370 1,095.00 3/16/2023 Cartegraph Conference Registration AP - Check Detail (4/28/2023)Page 5 of 34 62 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 1,095.00 3/16/2023 Cartegraph 1,095.00 Carver County 605-6502-4701 138.00 4/20/2023 Property Tax - PID 25.1200090 Carver County 605-6502-4701 80.00 4/20/2023 Property Tax - PID 25.1200100 218.00 4/20/2023 Carver County 218.00 CCP NI MASTER TENANT 4 LLC 101-1600-4320 15.37 4/20/2023 March, 2023 CCP NI MASTER TENANT 4 LLC 701-0000-4320 680.29 4/20/2023 March, 2023 CCP NI MASTER TENANT 4 LLC 700-7019-4320 933.16 4/20/2023 March, 2023 CCP NI MASTER TENANT 4 LLC 700-0000-4320 55.99 4/20/2023 March, 2023 CCP NI MASTER TENANT 4 LLC 101-1350-4320 1,685.03 4/20/2023 March, 2023 CCP NI MASTER TENANT 4 LLC 101-1540-4320 188.44 4/20/2023 March, 2023 CCP NI MASTER TENANT 4 LLC 101-1120-1193 64.42 4/20/2023 March, 2023 CCP NI MASTER TENANT 4 LLC 101-1550-4320 198.80 4/20/2023 March, 2023 3,821.50 4/20/2023 CCP NI MASTER TENANT 4 LLC 3,821.50 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 101-1530-4321 413.35 4/20/2023 Monthly Service - 7610 Laredo Dr, 2310 Coulter Blvd, 391 W 78th CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 101-1220-4321 1,501.54 4/20/2023 Monthly Service - 7610 Laredo Dr, 2310 Coulter Blvd, 391 W 78th CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 101-1170-4321 111.09 4/20/2023 Monthly Service - 7610 Laredo Dr, 2310 Coulter Blvd, 391 W 78th 2,025.98 4/20/2023 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 2,025.98 CenturyLink 700-7043-4310 59.42 4/27/2023 Monthly Service - April 13 - May 12, 2023 59.42 4/27/2023 AP - Check Detail (4/28/2023)Page 6 of 34 63 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description CenturyLink 59.42 Champps 101-1370-4381 73.38 3/16/2023 CS Training Meal 73.38 3/16/2023 Champps 73.38 Chap Value Store 101-1560-4120 11.25 3/16/2023 Kitchen utensils 11.25 3/16/2023 Chap Value Store 11.25 Chick-Fil-A 101-1537-4130 31.62 3/16/2023 Royal Ball GF Food Chick-Fil-A 101-1537-4130 548.15 3/16/2023 Royal Ball Food Chick-Fil-A 101-1120-4371 1,133.07 3/16/2023 Nick Kittle training lunch 1,712.84 3/16/2023 Chick-Fil-A 1,712.84 Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Co 700-0000-2008 15.30 4/27/2023 April, 2023 Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Co 701-0000-2008 15.30 4/27/2023 April, 2023 Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Co 101-0000-2008 37.20 4/27/2023 April, 2023 67.80 4/27/2023 Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Co 67.80 Complete Safety 701-0000-4240 90.00 3/16/2023 JJ Hazwopper 90.00 3/16/2023 Complete Safety 90.00 COMPUTER INTEGRATION TECHN.101-1160-4211 76.10 4/20/2023 Office 365 Add-On License - April AP - Check Detail (4/28/2023)Page 7 of 34 64 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description COMPUTER INTEGRATION TECHN.101-1160-4211 413.40 4/20/2023 Datto Office 365 Backup Service - May 489.50 4/20/2023 COMPUTER INTEGRATION TECHN. 489.50 Costco Wholesale 101-1806-4130 29.97 3/16/2023 Gatorade Costco Wholesale 101-1537-4130 88.30 3/16/2023 Royal Ball Applesauce and beverages 118.27 3/16/2023 Costco Wholesale 118.27 Cub Foods 101-1537-4130 52.69 3/16/2023 Cookies Cub Foods 101-1560-4112 22.12 3/16/2023 Pace Mild Rest Sal Puffcorn Peanut Caramel Corn Cub Foods 101-1537-4130 22.90 3/16/2023 Royal Ball Spoons & GF Cookies Cub Foods 101-1560-4112 71.05 3/16/2023 Party Cups Hershey Chocolate Candy Chill Punch Ricotta napkins Cub Foods 101-1537-4130 -10.92 3/16/2023 Return of Royal Ball Spoons 157.84 3/16/2023 Cub Foods 157.84 Danial Reem 101-1539-4343 226.80 4/27/2023 Zumba Instruction 226.80 4/27/2023 Danial Reem 226.80 Davanni's 101-1701-4112 783.65 3/16/2023 Sweetheart Dance dinner 783.65 3/16/2023 Davanni's 783.65 DELEGARD TOOL COMPANY 101-1370-4260 91.76 4/27/2023 High Speed Sander, Rolok Holder 3in AP - Check Detail (4/28/2023)Page 8 of 34 65 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 91.76 4/27/2023 DELEGARD TOOL COMPANY 91.76 Delta Airlines 101-1130-4381 597.80 3/16/2023 Airfare-GFOA Annual Conf-K Grinnell 597.80 3/16/2023 Delta Airlines 597.80 EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC 481-0000-4300 195.00 4/20/2023 TIF Adminstration EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC 700-7049-4300 2,500.00 4/20/2023 Arbitrage Report 2,695.00 4/20/2023 EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC 2,695.00 Electric Motor Repair 101-1220-4530 348.55 3/16/2023 Repair motor for compressor at fire station 348.55 3/16/2023 Electric Motor Repair 348.55 Empower Trust Company, LLC 101-1120-4300 325.00 4/20/2023 Deferred Compensation Plan - Plan Nbr 170415-01 325.00 4/20/2023 Empower Trust Company, LLC 325.00 Enerspect Medical Solution 101-1160-4530 42.87 3/16/2023 AED to Computer Serial Cable 42.87 3/16/2023 Enerspect Medical Solution 42.87 ENVISIO SOLUTIONS INC 101-1160-4223 20,000.00 4/20/2023 Yr 3 Subscription Envision Plans, Analytics and Public Dashboar AP - Check Detail (4/28/2023)Page 9 of 34 66 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 20,000.00 4/20/2023 ENVISIO SOLUTIONS INC 20,000.00 ESS BROTHERS & SONS INC 720-7207-4150 1,990.02 4/20/2023 Grate Only, Electric Lid & Frame, Cover 1,990.02 4/20/2023 ESS BROTHERS & SONS INC 1,990.02 Eventbrite 101-1220-4370 50.00 3/16/2023 Exterior training class - Frisbe attended 50.00 3/16/2023 Eventbrite 50.00 Ferguson Waterworks #2518 700-1384-4556 8,004.60 4/20/2023 AMI 360 Advanced 5001-1000, Belt Clip Transceiver Ext Warr Ferguson Waterworks #2518 701-0000-4260 88.93 4/20/2023 Snatch Block Pull Ferguson Waterworks #2518 700-0000-4550 188.88 4/20/2023 LF 1 FCTH X CTS QJ Comp Coup Ferguson Waterworks #2518 700-0000-4260 88.94 4/20/2023 Snatch Block Pull Ferguson Waterworks #2518 701-1384-4556 8,004.60 4/20/2023 AMI 360 Advanced 5001-1000, Belt Clip Transceiver Ext Warr 16,375.95 4/20/2023 Ferguson Waterworks #2518 700-0000-4550 1,454.71 4/27/2023 6 HYD Ext 5-1/4 mdlln, Upper Stem OL F/Medallion Hyd, Break Flg 1,454.71 4/27/2023 Ferguson Waterworks #2518 17,830.66 Fidelity Security Life 101-0000-2007 266.46 4/20/2023 May, 2023 Vision Fidelity Security Life 701-0000-2007 5.80 4/20/2023 May, 2023 Vision Fidelity Security Life 700-0000-2007 12.43 4/20/2023 May, 2023 Vision Fidelity Security Life 720-0000-2007 6.63 4/20/2023 May, 2023 Vision 291.32 4/20/2023 AP - Check Detail (4/28/2023)Page 10 of 34 67 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description Fidelity Security Life 291.32 Fire Marshals Association of Minnesota 101-1220-4360 40.00 3/16/2023 Dues 40.00 3/16/2023 Fire Marshals Association of Minnesota 40.00 FotoGenic 101-1701-4343 531.67 3/16/2023 Sweetheart Dance photo booth 531.67 3/16/2023 FotoGenic 531.67 Gault Angel 701-0000-4300 170.00 4/20/2023 Service - Deep and Steam Clean. 170.00 4/20/2023 Gault Angel 170.00 Good Day Cafe 101-1120-4372 41.62 3/16/2023 RPBCWD Meeting 41.62 3/16/2023 Good Day Cafe 41.62 Government Finance Officers Association 101-1130-4360 65.00 3/16/2023 GAAFR Subscription Renewal Government Finance Officers Association 101-1130-4360 175.00 3/16/2023 CPFO Renewal-K Grinnell 240.00 3/16/2023 Government Finance Officers Association 240.00 Grainger 101-1170-4150 24.63 3/16/2023 purchased more wall anchors for tvs Grainger 701-0000-4140 6.54 3/16/2023 Replacement Eye Wash Bottle Grainger 700-0000-4140 6.54 3/16/2023 Replacement Eye Wash Bottle AP - Check Detail (4/28/2023)Page 11 of 34 68 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 37.71 3/16/2023 Grainger 37.71 Grammarly 101-1120-4300 750.00 3/16/2023 12 Month Subscription 750.00 3/16/2023 Grammarly 750.00 GREEN MEADOWS INC 101-1550-1193 1,272.60 4/20/2023 470 W 78th St - Snow Plowing and Snow Shoveling GREEN MEADOWS INC 101-1220-1193 700.00 4/20/2023 470 W 78th St - Snow Plowing and Snow Shoveling 1,972.60 4/20/2023 GREEN MEADOWS INC 1,972.60 Guard Guys, LLC 101-1320-4300 152.00 4/20/2023 Site Fee, Alcohol Screening, Drug Test Guard Guys, LLC 701-0000-4300 76.00 4/20/2023 Site Fee, Alcohol Screening, Drug Test Guard Guys, LLC 700-0000-4300 76.00 4/20/2023 Site Fee, Alcohol Screening, Drug Test Guard Guys, LLC 101-1370-4300 152.00 4/20/2023 Site Fee, Alcohol Screening, Drug Test Guard Guys, LLC 101-1312-4300 152.00 4/20/2023 Site Fee, Alcohol Screening, Drug Test 608.00 4/20/2023 Guard Guys, LLC 608.00 Gutierrez - Paine Amy 101-1538-4343 270.00 4/27/2023 Safe on my Own Instruction 270.00 4/27/2023 Gutierrez - Paine Amy 270.00 Hach Company 700-7043-4160 223.91 3/16/2023 MW Recycling Program ChemKey 223.91 3/16/2023 AP - Check Detail (4/28/2023)Page 12 of 34 69 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description Hach Company 223.91 HAWKINS CHEMICAL 700-7043-4160 40.00 4/27/2023 Chlorine Cylinder HAWKINS CHEMICAL 700-7043-4160 20.00 4/27/2023 Chlorine Cylinder 60.00 4/27/2023 HAWKINS CHEMICAL 60.00 Health Strategies 101-1220-4352 439.00 4/27/2023 Medical Exam, Drug Screen, Quantiferon, Hep B Titer, mask 439.00 4/27/2023 Health Strategies 439.00 HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP 410-4410-4300 1,111.25 4/20/2023 Chanhassen 2023 CIP Project 022-064 HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP 410-4410-4300 14,796.00 4/20/2023 Chanhassen Lake Ann Preserve Design - Project 023-005 15,907.25 4/20/2023 HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP 15,907.25 Holt Tour and Charter Inc 101-1560-4349 765.00 4/20/2023 56 pax Deluxe Coach Bus 765.00 4/20/2023 Holt Tour and Charter Inc 101-1560-4349 765.00 4/27/2023 Bus to Hamilton at Orpheum Theatre 765.00 4/27/2023 Holt Tour and Charter Inc 1,530.00 Home Depot 701-0000-4140 30.00 3/16/2023 JJ Bernzomatic 14 1oz Map pro-cylinder Home Depot 700-0000-4550 124.21 3/16/2023 GF PVC Coupling Female Adapter Hxfpt PVC Bushing Spgxs Home Depot 101-1320-4260 44.39 3/16/2023 JG Drill Bit Home Depot 701-0000-4150 21.72 3/16/2023 BK Cleaner for Vactor Home Depot 700-7019-4120 37.03 3/16/2023 GF Adapter Pxfpt Coupling W/Stop Ball Valve Home Depot 701-0000-4551 97.69 3/16/2023 GF Fitting Cleanout Plug PVC Bushing Socket driver Adapter AP - Check Detail (4/28/2023)Page 13 of 34 70 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description Home Depot 700-7019-4120 33.65 3/16/2023 JC MIP Adapter Poly Home Depot 101-1320-4150 55.63 3/16/2023 JG Elite Steel Mainbox Black Home Depot 700-7019-4120 67.92 3/16/2023 JC Sensor Coupling Adapter Home Depot 700-0000-4550 10.19 3/16/2023 JC Floor Saver black Mat Home Depot 101-1530-4530 52.60 3/16/2023 Water lines for new sinks Home Depot 101-1320-4260 37.98 3/16/2023 JG Post Digger Home Depot 700-0000-4150 89.63 3/16/2023 BK Plastic Roller Tray Wstr Brush Galv hanger Strap 702.64 3/16/2023 Home Depot 702.64 Homeland Security and Emergency Management 700-7019-4510 100.00 3/16/2023 JC EWTP DPS HSEM EPCRA Fees Homeland Security and Emergency Management 700-7043-4510 100.00 3/16/2023 JC WWTP DPS HSEM EPCRA Fees Homeland Security and Emergency Management 700-7043-4510 2.15 3/16/2023 JC EWTP DPS HSEM EPCRA Service Fee Homeland Security and Emergency Management 700-7019-4510 2.15 3/16/2023 JC WWTP DPS HSEM EPCRA Fees 204.30 3/16/2023 Homeland Security and Emergency Management 204.30 Huelife 101-1120-4371 160.00 3/16/2023 Insights profile Theissen Huelife 101-1120-4371 2,125.00 3/16/2023 Insights profiles 2,285.00 3/16/2023 Huelife 2,285.00 Hydra Power Hydraulics Inc 101-1320-4120 242.50 3/16/2023 CS Hydra Power Hydraulics Seals 242.50 3/16/2023 Hydra Power Hydraulics Inc 242.50 IAM Trading Limited 101-1310-4360 200.00 3/16/2023 IAM Annual Membership-CH 200.00 3/16/2023 AP - Check Detail (4/28/2023)Page 14 of 34 71 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description IAM Trading Limited 200.00 Indelco Plastics Corporation 700-7043-4510 170.24 3/16/2023 GF 1/2 Tube 1/2 Male Elbow Indelco Plastics Corporation 700-7019-4510 278.48 3/16/2023 JC 1/2 Female Connector 1/2 Male Elbow 1/2 Union Tee Indelco Plastics Corporation 700-7019-4510 43.72 3/16/2023 JC Indelco Supplies Indelco Plastics Corporation 700-7019-4510 -85.40 3/16/2023 JC Overcharge on invoice INV375115 407.04 3/16/2023 Indelco Plastics Corporation 407.04 Innovative Office Solutions LLC 101-1120-4110 50.43 4/20/2023 Note Supersticky, Pad Legal, Book Theme, Dry Erase 50.43 4/20/2023 Innovative Office Solutions LLC 101-1120-4110 127.24 4/27/2023 Protector, Battery 9V, paper Innovative Office Solutions LLC 101-1120-4110 8.86 4/27/2023 Frame 8.5X11 Wall Sign 136.10 4/27/2023 Innovative Office Solutions LLC 186.53 International Code Council 101-1250-4370 495.00 3/16/2023 Training Eric Tessman 495.00 3/16/2023 International Code Council 495.00 Iron Tap 101-1120-4372 21.20 3/16/2023 County Administrator monthly lunch Hokkanen 21.20 3/16/2023 Iron Tap 21.20 Jamf Software, LLC 101-1160-4205 136.00 3/16/2023 Jamf Now Subscription 136.00 3/16/2023 AP - Check Detail (4/28/2023)Page 15 of 34 72 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description Jamf Software, LLC 136.00 Jimmy Johns 101-1110-4372 85.39 3/16/2023 Council candidate interviews dinner Jimmy Johns 101-1120-4372 161.44 3/16/2023 Lunch for interview panel Jimmy Johns 101-1120-4371 311.33 3/16/2023 Lunch for Insights workshop 558.16 3/16/2023 Jimmy Johns 558.16 K & S Plumbing 101-1250-3306 95.50 4/20/2023 Permit Cancelled - Permit 2023-00806 - 7414 Moccasin Trl 95.50 4/20/2023 K & S Plumbing 95.50 KATH FUEL OIL SERVICE 101-1370-4170 3,370.75 4/27/2023 Oilmaster Synthetic, Oilmaster Artic, Grease 3,370.75 4/27/2023 KATH FUEL OIL SERVICE 3,370.75 KENNEDY & GRAVEN, CHARTERED 481-0000-4300 524.00 4/27/2023 Tax Increment Financing Dist no 12 KENNEDY & GRAVEN, CHARTERED 101-1140-4302 462.25 4/27/2023 Labor/Employment Matters 986.25 4/27/2023 KENNEDY & GRAVEN, CHARTERED 986.25 KORTERRA INC 700-0000-4300 1,250.00 4/20/2023 KorTerra Locate Management 3/28/23 - 03/27/24 KORTERRA INC 701-0000-4300 1,250.00 4/20/2023 KorTerra Locate Management 3/28/23 - 03/27/24 2,500.00 4/20/2023 KORTERRA INC 2,500.00 Kubista Terence Kenneth 101-1560-4343 240.00 4/20/2023 British History Series - Chanhassen Senior Center Speaker AP - Check Detail (4/28/2023)Page 16 of 34 73 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 240.00 4/20/2023 Kubista Terence Kenneth 240.00 Lano Equipment 101-1320-4260 126.82 4/27/2023 BPA Moil Point Lano Equipment 700-0000-4260 126.81 4/27/2023 BPA Moil Point Lano Equipment 701-0000-4260 126.81 4/27/2023 BPA Moil Point Lano Equipment 101-1550-4120 99.66 4/27/2023 BPA - #60 Link, BPA - #80 Oval Link 480.10 4/27/2023 Lano Equipment 480.10 Lasercrafting 101-1120-4110 11.50 3/16/2023 Josh Kimber Chamber Name Plate Lasercrafting 101-1120-4110 11.50 3/16/2023 Luke Bame EDC name plate 23.00 3/16/2023 Lasercrafting 23.00 League of Minnesota Cities 101-1120-4370 20.00 3/16/2023 Jenny Potter Registration for LMC Workshop League of Minnesota Cities 101-1120-4370 20.00 3/16/2023 Kim Meuwissen Registration for LMC Training League of Minnesota Cities 101-1110-4370 350.00 3/16/2023 LMC Elected Officials Training Josh Kimber 390.00 3/16/2023 League of Minnesota Cities 390.00 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST 101-1170-4483 5,000.00 4/27/2023 Claim - LMC GL 260043 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST 101-1170-4483 3,317.96 4/27/2023 Claim - LMC GL 271612 8,317.96 4/27/2023 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST 8,317.96 Lesman Instruments 700-0000-4550 233.17 3/16/2023 JC Well 2 Repair AP - Check Detail (4/28/2023)Page 17 of 34 74 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 233.17 3/16/2023 Lesman Instruments 233.17 LITTLE FALLS MACHINE INC 101-1320-4120 240.80 4/27/2023 Hex Cap Bold, Slotted Nut, Socket Shoulder Bolt 240.80 4/27/2023 LITTLE FALLS MACHINE INC 240.80 Live By Loews Arlington 101-1311-4381 272.71 3/16/2023 Cartegraph Conference Hotel Deposit 272.71 3/16/2023 Live By Loews Arlington 272.71 Loch Monster Plumbing, LLC 700-7019-4510 5,846.73 4/27/2023 New RPZ/Testing - 201 W 79th, 1801 Lyman 5,846.73 4/27/2023 Loch Monster Plumbing, LLC 5,846.73 Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P 101-1110-4300 3,333.33 4/27/2023 Professional Services - April, 2023 3,333.33 4/27/2023 Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P 3,333.33 Lunds & Byerly's 101-1560-4112 33.41 3/16/2023 Lasagna Tomatoes Barilla Lasagna Lunds & Byerly's 101-1560-4112 25.04 3/16/2023 Mars Valentine Mandarins Green Grapes 58.45 3/16/2023 Lunds & Byerly's 58.45 Maddens on Gull Lake 101-1120-4381 386.54 3/16/2023 MCMA Annual Conference - Lodging AP - Check Detail (4/28/2023)Page 18 of 34 75 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 386.54 3/16/2023 Maddens on Gull Lake 386.54 Marco Inc 101-1160-4411 735.00 4/20/2023 Copier Lease 735.00 4/20/2023 Marco Inc 735.00 Martin Sophia 101-1539-4343 91.00 4/20/2023 Art Class Instruction 91.00 4/20/2023 Martin Sophia 101-1539-4343 91.00 4/27/2023 Art Class Instruction 91.00 4/27/2023 Martin Sophia 182.00 Matheson Tri-Gas, Inc.101-1370-4260 47.41 4/27/2023 Tillman Gloves MIG TG Cowhide 47.41 4/27/2023 Matheson Tri-Gas, Inc. 47.41 Menards 101-1560-4120 112.87 3/16/2023 Bounty Essen 12 Mega Roll Finish Tablets Latext Gloves Cascade A Menards 101-1170-4510 327.93 3/16/2023 Titan Lined Tall Roof Rake Menards 101-1220-4370 146.06 3/16/2023 Drill Bit Spray Paint 6X6 Green Treated Menards 700-7019-4120 94.58 3/16/2023 JC EWTP 3/4 Press Union 681.44 3/16/2023 Menards 681.44 Merlins Ace Hardware 101-1320-4150 6.59 3/16/2023 JG Lime Rust Remover Merlins Ace Hardware 101-1170-4530 30.01 3/16/2023 Air filters for furnaces AP - Check Detail (4/28/2023)Page 19 of 34 76 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description Merlins Ace Hardware 101-1550-4120 29.98 3/16/2023 GB Garbage Bags (Restock) Merlins Ace Hardware 700-0000-4550 14.99 3/16/2023 TM Drbthm Vyl CDB134 Brn 36 Merlins Ace Hardware 700-0000-4150 1.71 3/16/2023 BK Coupling for Sewer Pipe Merlins Ace Hardware 101-1170-4510 62.63 3/16/2023 Foam Tape Anchor Plastic Drill Bit Merlins Ace Hardware 101-1320-4150 53.95 3/16/2023 JG Blk/Slv #1 #5 #3 #7 Maibox Rural #3 Black Merlins Ace Hardware 101-1170-4510 1.76 3/16/2023 Fasteners Merlins Ace Hardware 101-1170-4510 73.58 3/16/2023 Bulb 15W Faucet Supply line Merlins Ace Hardware 101-1120-4372 76.17 3/16/2023 BBQ Butchr Paper Painters tape Merlins Ace Hardware 101-1170-4530 30.84 3/16/2023 Paint Tray Linder Aerair Insrt - 4pk Merlins Ace Hardware 720-7202-4130 19.98 3/16/2023 Forestry supplies - Marking Pnt Pl White 402.19 3/16/2023 Merlins Ace Hardware 402.19 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL 700-7043-4510 475.00 4/27/2023 Waste Discharge Permit - West WTP METROPOLITAN COUNCIL 700-7019-4510 475.00 4/27/2023 Waste Discharge Permit - East WTP 950.00 4/27/2023 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL 950.00 Metropolitan Council Enviromental Services 701-0000-4509 20,000.00 3/16/2023 MCES-WW Services Mar 2023 20,000.00 3/16/2023 Metropolitan Council Enviromental Services 20,000.00 MEUWISSEN KIM 101-1120-4380 43.10 4/27/2023 Mileage - LMCIT Workshop 43.10 4/27/2023 MEUWISSEN KIM 43.10 Minnesota Rural Water Association 700-0000-4370 275.00 3/16/2023 GF Minnesota Rural Water Association SB Refresher Training Minnesota Rural Water Association 700-0000-4370 -275.00 3/16/2023 GF Minnesota Rural Water Association Refund 0.00 3/16/2023 AP - Check Detail (4/28/2023)Page 20 of 34 77 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description Minnesota Rural Water Association 0.00 Minnesota Safety Council 101-1560-4343 138.00 4/27/2023 DDC 8hr Class 138.00 4/27/2023 Minnesota Safety Council 138.00 MN Department of Transportation 101-1110-4370 90.00 3/16/2023 Mayor Ryan registration for SWCTC Lobby Day 90.00 3/16/2023 MN Department of Transportation 90.00 MN Dept of Labor and Industry 700-0000-4360 9.50 3/16/2023 JJ Electrical License Renewal MN Dept of Labor and Industry 701-0000-4360 9.50 3/16/2023 JJ Electrical License Renewal 19.00 3/16/2023 MN Dept of Labor and Industry 19.00 MN Government Finance Officers Association 101-1130-4360 70.00 3/16/2023 MNGFOA Membership-D Washburn MN Government Finance Officers Association 101-1130-4360 70.00 3/16/2023 MNGFOA Membership-K Grinnell 140.00 3/16/2023 MN Government Finance Officers Association 140.00 MN Pollution Control Agency 701-0000-4370 1.18 3/16/2023 GF Training/Certification MN Pollution Control Agency 701-0000-4370 55.00 3/16/2023 GF Training/Certification 56.18 3/16/2023 MN Pollution Control Agency 56.18 MN Recreation and Park Association 101-1550-4370 2,160.00 3/16/2023 GB CPSI Course & Exam MN Recreation and Park Association 101-1560-4370 125.00 3/16/2023 Mn Assoc of Senior Services - MRPA 2023 Conference Registration AP - Check Detail (4/28/2023)Page 21 of 34 78 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 2,285.00 3/16/2023 MN Recreation and Park Association 2,285.00 MN State Patrol 701-0000-4140 30.17 3/16/2023 AA Inspection Decals for Mechanics MN State Patrol 101-1320-4140 30.17 3/16/2023 AA Inspection Decals for Mechanics MN State Patrol 700-0000-4140 30.16 3/16/2023 AA Inspection Decals for Mechanics 90.50 3/16/2023 MN State Patrol 90.50 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 101-1350-4320 311.93 4/20/2023 Monthly Service - County Rd 61 & St. Hwy 101 Lights 311.93 4/20/2023 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 101-1350-4320 139.39 4/27/2023 Monthly Service - Bluff Crk & Flying Cloud Dr 139.39 4/27/2023 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 451.32 Mobile Mini, Inc 101-1617-4400 120.00 4/27/2023 Cleaning Fee 40' Glo 120.00 4/27/2023 Mobile Mini, Inc 120.00 MONNENS TIM 700-0000-4550 52.32 4/27/2023 Reimbursement for City purchase on personal card 52.32 4/27/2023 MONNENS TIM 52.32 Monoprice.com 101-1170-4121 214.74 3/16/2023 Stand up desk for Ari AP - Check Detail (4/28/2023)Page 22 of 34 79 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 214.74 3/16/2023 Monoprice.com 214.74 MOSS & BARNETT 210-0000-4300 1,566.00 4/27/2023 Professional Services - March 31, 2023 1,566.00 4/27/2023 MOSS & BARNETT 1,566.00 Municipal Clerk and Finance Officers 101-1120-4370 355.00 3/16/2023 MCFOA Conference Registration Fee 355.00 3/16/2023 Municipal Clerk and Finance Officers 355.00 NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 101-1550-4120 70.23 4/27/2023 Tie Rod End NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 101-1550-4120 166.59 4/27/2023 Oil Filter, Air Filter 236.82 4/27/2023 NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 236.82 North American Safety, Inc.700-0000-4240 256.00 4/20/2023 Embroidered Caps North American Safety, Inc.701-0000-4240 256.00 4/20/2023 Embroidered Caps North American Safety, Inc.101-1320-4240 256.00 4/20/2023 Embroidered Caps 768.00 4/20/2023 North American Safety, Inc. 768.00 Northern Tool+Equipment 701-0000-4551 77.94 3/16/2023 GF Heater for LS 24 Northern Tool+Equipment 701-0000-4260 2.68 3/16/2023 GF Metric Hex Bit Sock Magnetic Pickup Tool Northern Tool+Equipment 700-0000-4260 2.68 3/16/2023 GF Metric Hex Bit Sock Magnetic Pickup Tool 83.30 3/16/2023 AP - Check Detail (4/28/2023)Page 23 of 34 80 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description Northern Tool+Equipment 83.30 NOVEL SOLAR THREE, LLC 101-1350-4320 122.51 4/20/2023 Monthly Service NOVEL SOLAR THREE, LLC 701-0000-4320 2,435.66 4/20/2023 Monthly Service NOVEL SOLAR THREE, LLC 700-0000-4320 4,937.27 4/20/2023 Monthly Service 7,495.44 4/20/2023 NOVEL SOLAR THREE, LLC 7,495.44 Office Max/Office Depot 101-1160-4132 42.94 3/16/2023 Cell Phone Case iPhone 14 Rice Office Max/Office Depot 101-1731-4300 46.34 3/16/2023 Ski Trip Badges Office Max/Office Depot 101-1320-4310 51.50 3/16/2023 RL USB Lightning Cable Office Max/Office Depot 101-1320-4310 49.35 3/16/2023 RL USB Type C-A B 190.13 3/16/2023 Office Max/Office Depot 190.13 On Track Garage Door Repair 101-1550-4510 129.00 3/16/2023 GB LA Park Shed Door #1 (Repair) 129.00 3/16/2023 On Track Garage Door Repair 129.00 Panera Bread 101-1120-4371 160.22 3/16/2023 Nick Kittle workshop bagels and coffee 160.22 3/16/2023 Panera Bread 160.22 Party City 101-1701-4130 91.46 3/16/2023 Rose Gold Heart Ballloon Silver heart Balloon Pink heart Balloon Party City 101-1701-4130 14.17 3/16/2023 18In Pink Heart 105.63 3/16/2023 AP - Check Detail (4/28/2023)Page 24 of 34 81 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description Party City 105.63 Pinnacle Pest Control 101-1550-4300 105.00 4/27/2023 Pest Control - Lake Ann Workshop Pinnacle Pest Control 700-0000-4300 75.00 4/27/2023 Pest Control - Reservoir Pinnacle Pest Control 701-0000-4300 105.00 4/27/2023 Pest Control - Lift Station 24 Pinnacle Pest Control 101-1550-4300 80.00 4/27/2023 Pest Control - Lake Ann Pinnacle Pest Control 101-1530-4300 105.00 4/27/2023 Pest Control - Rec Center Treatment Pinnacle Pest Control 700-0000-4300 105.00 4/27/2023 Pest Control - Tower 2 Pinnacle Pest Control 700-0000-4300 105.00 4/27/2023 Pest Control - Tower 3 680.00 4/27/2023 Pinnacle Pest Control 680.00 Pitney Bowes Inc.101-1120-4110 265.58 4/20/2023 Red Ink Cartridge 265.58 4/20/2023 Pitney Bowes Inc. 265.58 Postmaster 701-0000-4330 3.17 3/16/2023 AA Mail Return Package Utilities Postmaster 701-0000-4330 10.88 3/16/2023 JC EPA/State Generator Reports Postage Postmaster 101-1320-4120 16.10 3/16/2023 AA Mail Return Package Shop Postmaster 700-0000-4330 3.18 3/16/2023 AA Mail Return Package Utilities Postmaster 700-0000-4330 21.27 3/16/2023 JC Postage to get Safety Coat Repaired Postmaster 701-0000-4330 21.27 3/16/2023 JC Postage to get Safety Coat Repaired Postmaster 700-0000-4330 13.45 3/16/2023 AA Mail Water Sample 89.32 3/16/2023 Postmaster 89.32 Potbelly Sandwich Shop 101-1110-4372 139.23 3/16/2023 Council Meal 01-23-2023 139.23 3/16/2023 Potbelly Sandwich Shop 139.23 AP - Check Detail (4/28/2023)Page 25 of 34 82 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description Potentia MN Solar 101-1190-4320 2,512.97 4/20/2023 Monthly Service - 2023-02-01 to 2023-02-28 Potentia MN Solar 700-0000-4320 1,157.89 4/20/2023 Monthly Service - 2023-02-01 to 2023-02-28 Potentia MN Solar 101-1170-4320 1,996.17 4/20/2023 Monthly Service - 2023-02-01 to 2023-02-28 5,667.03 4/20/2023 Potentia MN Solar 5,667.03 POWERPLAN OIB 101-1320-4120 657.11 4/27/2023 Hydraulic Hose 657.11 4/27/2023 POWERPLAN OIB 657.11 PRECISE MRM LLC 101-1320-4310 273.00 4/20/2023 2023-02 Subscription - 10MB Flat Data 273.00 4/20/2023 PRECISE MRM LLC 273.00 Pro-Tec Design, Inc.400-4148-4703 14,348.24 4/20/2023 Bluetooth Card Reader Upgrade - Final Billing 14,348.24 4/20/2023 Pro-Tec Design, Inc. 14,348.24 Rapid Glass 101-1170-4510 474.00 3/16/2023 Replace glass door in courtyard 474.00 3/16/2023 Rapid Glass 474.00 Rent N Save Portable Services 101-1550-4410 1,066.00 4/27/2023 Portable Restrooms - Lake Ann, Lake Susan, Lotus Lake 1,066.00 4/27/2023 AP - Check Detail (4/28/2023)Page 26 of 34 83 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description Rent N Save Portable Services 1,066.00 Revolution Dancewear 101-1534-4355 168.85 3/16/2023 Dance Costumes 168.85 3/16/2023 Revolution Dancewear 168.85 Sam's Club 101-1560-4112 427.68 3/16/2023 Valentine's Day Luncheon - Cupcakes Mozzshred cheese coffeemate 427.68 3/16/2023 Sam's Club 427.68 Schonstedt 700-0000-4120 286.49 3/16/2023 BM Repair GA-92XTD Knob Unit Schonstedt 701-0000-4120 286.48 3/16/2023 BM Repair GA-92XTD Knob Unit 572.97 3/16/2023 Schonstedt 572.97 Sensible Land Use Coalition 101-1420-4370 48.00 3/16/2023 SLUC Registration Bogged Down by Wetlands - MacKenzie 48.00 3/16/2023 Sensible Land Use Coalition 48.00 Shadywood Tree Experts and Landscaping 720-7202-4300 333.75 4/20/2023 Prune - Bur Oak 333.75 4/20/2023 Shadywood Tree Experts and Landscaping 333.75 SHERWIN WILLIAMS 101-1550-4150 72.72 4/27/2023 White Aerosol Paint SHERWIN WILLIAMS 101-1550-4150 136.35 4/27/2023 White Aerosol Paint AP - Check Detail (4/28/2023)Page 27 of 34 84 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 209.07 4/27/2023 SHERWIN WILLIAMS 209.07 Sherwin-Williams 101-1190-4150 42.66 3/16/2023 Touch up for Library study rooms 42.66 3/16/2023 Sherwin-Williams 42.66 Shorewood True Value 700-7043-4150 6.46 3/16/2023 MW Builders & Heavy Hdwe 6.46 3/16/2023 Shorewood True Value 6.46 SmartSign 101-1190-4150 30.16 3/16/2023 camera in use for library 30.16 3/16/2023 SmartSign 30.16 SOFTWARE HOUSE INTERNATIONAL 700-7025-4706 2,229.84 4/27/2023 SCADA Project SQL Server + Use Licenses 2,229.84 4/27/2023 SOFTWARE HOUSE INTERNATIONAL 2,229.84 Southwest Airlines 101-1311-4381 331.45 3/16/2023 Cartegraph Conference Flight (Round trip to Dallas from MSP) 331.45 3/16/2023 Southwest Airlines 331.45 Southwest Metro Chamber of Commerce 101-1120-4370 40.00 3/16/2023 Hokkanen registration Southwest Metro Chamber of Commerce 101-1110-4370 40.00 3/16/2023 Mayor Ryan registration AP - Check Detail (4/28/2023)Page 28 of 34 85 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 80.00 3/16/2023 Southwest Metro Chamber of Commerce 80.00 Sportsmith, LLC 101-1530-4120 120.51 3/16/2023 Weight plates for strength equipment 120.51 3/16/2023 Sportsmith, LLC 120.51 Stratoguard, LLC 101-1160-4205 1,979.96 3/16/2023 Ivanti Patch Mgmt Annual Renewal + PP Feb Billing 1,979.96 3/16/2023 Stratoguard, LLC 1,979.96 SupplyHouse.com 701-0000-4260 510.03 3/16/2023 BM Sewer Snake Power Tools 510.03 3/16/2023 SupplyHouse.com 510.03 T.A. Schifsky 101-1320-4157 347.00 4/20/2023 AC 3/8" Aggregates Mixes 347.00 4/20/2023 T.A. Schifsky 347.00 Target 101-1120-4372 27.64 3/16/2023 Permit Marker 2ct Black Target 101-1701-4130 230.15 3/16/2023 Fanta Orange Sprite Squirt Coke Diet RootBeer Kit Kat M&Ms Hersh Target 101-1220-4290 26.83 3/16/2023 Phone Holder for Vehicle 284.62 3/16/2023 Target 284.62 AP - Check Detail (4/28/2023)Page 29 of 34 86 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description TechSmith 101-1160-4220 57.97 3/16/2023 Screen Capture software for Melissa Haman 57.97 3/16/2023 TechSmith 57.97 TEQUILA BUTCHER 101-1110-4372 163.59 3/16/2023 Council Oriention Lunch TEQUILA BUTCHER 101-1123-4381 14.31 3/16/2023 Lunch with Chamber 177.90 3/16/2023 TEQUILA BUTCHER 177.90 TFORCE FINAL MILE 101-1420-4300 52.71 4/20/2023 Delivery Service - Campbell Knutson 52.71 4/20/2023 TFORCE FINAL MILE 101-1210-4300 88.27 4/27/2023 Liquor License Renewal Hackamore Brewing TFORCE FINAL MILE 101-1420-4300 52.71 4/27/2023 Liquor License Renewal Hackamore Brewing 140.98 4/27/2023 TFORCE FINAL MILE 193.69 TimeSaver Off Site Secretarial, Inc 210-0000-4300 234.50 4/20/2023 Park & Recreation Commission Meeting 234.50 4/20/2023 TimeSaver Off Site Secretarial, Inc 234.50 TJ Office Furniture 101-1170-4121 134.22 3/16/2023 New chair for Engineering Eric 134.22 3/16/2023 TJ Office Furniture 134.22 Tono Pizzeria 101-1110-4372 176.23 3/16/2023 02-13-2023 Council Meal Tono AP - Check Detail (4/28/2023)Page 30 of 34 87 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 176.23 3/16/2023 Tono Pizzeria 176.23 Tool Experts, Inc 701-0000-4120 418.08 3/16/2023 GF Sewer Jetter Conversion Kit for 5 to 13 HP Engines 418.08 3/16/2023 Tool Experts, Inc 418.08 Turman Artwork Co 101-1613-4300 250.00 4/20/2023 4th of July Logo 2023 Merch License 250.00 4/20/2023 Turman Artwork Co 250.00 Universal Athletic Services, Inc.101-1550-4130 270.00 4/20/2023 Volleyball Nets Universal Athletic Services, Inc.101-1807-4127 736.00 4/20/2023 Youth T-Shirt, Sweatshirt Universal Athletic Services, Inc.101-1806-4127 1,541.95 4/20/2023 Youth T-Shirt, Sweatshirt Universal Athletic Services, Inc.101-1800-4127 607.00 4/20/2023 Youth T-Shirt, Sweatshirt Universal Athletic Services, Inc.101-1550-4130 50.00 4/20/2023 Tennis Straps 3,204.95 4/20/2023 Universal Athletic Services, Inc. 3,204.95 University of Missouri 101-1123-4300 1,750.00 3/16/2023 SourceLink CRM 1,750.00 3/16/2023 University of Missouri 1,750.00 USABlueBook 701-0000-4370 144.70 3/16/2023 GF Operations and Maintenance of Wastewater Collection 144.70 3/16/2023 AP - Check Detail (4/28/2023)Page 31 of 34 88 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description USABlueBook 144.70 VALLEY-RICH CO INC 700-0000-4552 6,692.86 4/20/2023 Equipment - Water Main Break 6,692.86 4/20/2023 VALLEY-RICH CO INC 6,692.86 VERIZON WIRELESS 701-0000-4310 125.10 4/27/2023 Monthly Service - 342004716-00002 VERIZON WIRELESS 700-0000-4310 125.10 4/27/2023 Monthly Service - 342004716-00002 250.20 4/27/2023 VERIZON WIRELESS 250.20 VESSCO INC 700-7043-4150 138.75 4/20/2023 Prominent Connect Set 12X9 VESSCO INC 700-7043-4150 140.00 4/20/2023 Seelye Tubing 1/2 OD X 3/8 ID 278.75 4/20/2023 VESSCO INC 278.75 Walgreens 101-1120-4371 33.09 3/16/2023 Hershey Chocolate Blue Masking Tape Lifesver Kellogg Nutr Grn 33.09 3/16/2023 Walgreens 33.09 Warning Lites of Minnesota, Inc.101-1612-4130 440.00 4/27/2023 Equipment Lump Sum 440.00 4/27/2023 Warning Lites of Minnesota, Inc. 440.00 WEISSMAN 101-1534-4355 663.28 3/16/2023 Dance Costumes WEISSMAN 101-1534-4355 1,838.70 3/16/2023 Dance Costumes AP - Check Detail (4/28/2023)Page 32 of 34 89 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 2,501.98 3/16/2023 WEISSMAN 2,501.98 When I work 101-1617-4410 50.00 3/16/2023 Warming house staff scheduling 50.00 3/16/2023 When I work 50.00 WM MUELLER & SONS INC 101-1320-4157 451.20 4/27/2023 3/8 Fine 6.5% WM MUELLER & SONS INC 101-1320-4157 487.20 4/27/2023 Virgin Fine 3/8' 938.40 4/27/2023 WM MUELLER & SONS INC 938.40 XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1170-4320 -693.54 4/27/2023 Monthly Service - Fire Station, Library, City Hall, Old Town Hal XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1350-4320 174.09 4/27/2023 Monthly Service - Walk Bridge, 500 Market St Streetlight XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1600-4320 27.23 4/27/2023 Monthly Service - 7700 Market Blvd XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1350-4320 57.26 4/27/2023 Monthly Service - 1701 Valley Ridge Trl S, 1591 Heron Dr XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1350-4320 27.23 4/27/2023 Monthly Service - Pedestrian Flashers XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1350-4320 33.56 4/27/2023 Monthly Service - 1178 Lake Lucy Rd XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1220-4320 1,008.72 4/27/2023 Monthly Service - Fire Station, Library, City Hall, Old Town Hal XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1120-1193 111.90 4/27/2023 Monthly Service - Fire Station, Library, City Hall, Old Town Hal XCEL ENERGY INC 700-0000-4320 1,592.20 4/27/2023 Monthly Service - 1720 Lake Lucy Rd XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1190-4320 -491.10 4/27/2023 Monthly Service - Fire Station, Library, City Hall, Old Town Hal XCEL ENERGY INC 700-7043-4320 5,770.40 4/27/2023 Monthly Service - 2100 Lake Harrison Rd XCEL ENERGY INC 701-0000-4320 223.20 4/27/2023 Monthly Service - Fire Station, Library, City Hall, Old Town Hal XCEL ENERGY INC 700-0000-4320 4,095.86 4/27/2023 Monthly Service - Wells XCEL ENERGY INC 700-0000-4320 223.20 4/27/2023 Monthly Service - Fire Station, Library, City Hall, Old Town Hal XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1312-4320 1,785.59 4/27/2023 Monthly Service - Fire Station, Library, City Hall, Old Town Hal XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1350-4320 27.36 4/27/2023 Monthly Service - Pedestrian Flashers 13,973.16 4/27/2023 XCEL ENERGY INC 13,973.16 AP - Check Detail (4/28/2023)Page 33 of 34 90 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS INC 101-1320-4120 80.00 4/27/2023 Strip Broom, Mandrel, Dirt Shoe/w Carbide 80.00 4/27/2023 ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS INC 80.00 Zoom 101-1160-4205 85.90 3/16/2023 Monthly webinar charge/Rec center/Admin 85.90 3/16/2023 Zoom 85.90 Zortman Joseph & Aurora 700-0000-2020 28.18 4/27/2023 Utility Refund Zortman Joseph & Aurora 701-0000-2020 0.81 4/27/2023 Utility Refund Zortman Joseph & Aurora 720-0000-2020 4.26 4/27/2023 Utility Refund 33.25 4/27/2023 Zortman Joseph & Aurora 33.25 247,406.26 AP - Check Detail (4/28/2023)Page 34 of 34 91 City Council Item May 8, 2023 Item Approve a Memorandum of Understanding with the Rotary Club of Chanhassen for the 2023 4th of July Celebration File No.Item No: D.5 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Priya Tandon, Recreation Manager Reviewed By Laurie Hokkanen SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council approves the 2023 Memorandum of Understanding with the Rotary Club of Chanhassen for the 2023 4th of July Celebration." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY The City and the Rotary Club of Chanhassen have maintained a longstanding, mutually beneficial partnership in coordinating the city's annual 4th of July Celebration. Historically, the Rotary has coordinated and produced the Taste of Chanhassen, Beer Garden, Classic Car Show, Historic Plane Flyover, and Parade components of the event. The 2023 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) formally outlines the specific duties and responsibilities of each party in regard to these event components, to ensure the successful execution of the 2023 4th of July Celebration. BACKGROUND DISCUSSION 92 BUDGET RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the City Council approve the Memorandum of Understanding with the Rotary Club of Chanhassen for the City's Annual 4th of July Celebration. ATTACHMENTS 2023 Memorandum of Understanding 93 City of Chanhassen Annual 4th of July Celebration MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU) between City of Chanhassen and The Rotary Club of Chanhassen I. PURPOSE & SCOPE The purpose of this MOU is to clearly identify the roles and responsibilities of each party as they relate to the City of Chanhassen’s Annual 4th of July Celebration. In particular, this MOU is intended to: establish what each parties are responsible for, to ensure a fun and safe event for all participants. II. BACKGROUND The City of Chanhassen and the Rotary Club of Chanhassen have enjoyed a longstanding relationship that has benefited our local community. III. The City of Chanhassen and the Rotary Club of Chanhassen’s responsibilities for each part of the 4th of July Celebration. Promotional Material 1. The Rotary Club of Chanhassen and the City will split the costs of the following advertisements 50/50. The City will coordinate and design these advertisements. • Two print advertisements to run in the Chanhassen Villager, and one print advertisement to run in the Chaska Herald. The front-page ads will include a summary of the event schedule and direct readers to the City of Chanhassen event webpage. DocuSign Envelope ID: FA977B77-6CDE-4CB1-88F3-68DEFECEAF1F 94 2 • Digital programmatic ads to be displayed online on various websites, to web users in the geographical area in and around Chanhassen. • One color Thank You advertisement for the City’s Community Event sponsors and the Rotary Club of Chanhassen’s sponsors in the Chanhassen Villager. The ad will run the Thursday after the celebration. 2. The City will produce and pay for targeted promotional ads on City of Chanhassen social media platforms including Facebook and Instagram. 3. The City and Southwest Publishing will partner and pay for a magazine that will be distributed through the Chanhassen Villager to every Chanhassen resident. It will contain a full schedule of events, both City and Rotary article features, and information about the 4th of July Celebration. a. The Rotary Club of Chanhassen President will provide two articles/features by May 1 for publication in the magazine. 4. Addendum I (attached) further details the cross-promotion of the 4th of July event as it relates to social media, print, digital, and day-of promotions. Taste of Chanhassen (4th of July Food Event) 1. The Rotary Club of Chanhassen will coordinate and secure a minimum of 10 local Chanhassen food vendors. Rotary will seek Chanhassen-base vendors, but will invite other vendors at its discretion. This number may change depending on available space and contractual agreements with the carnival, through the City. The aim of the event is to balance great exposure and a profitable business opportunity for the vendors, while providing a positive experience for event attendees. The dates of the event will be July 3, 4:00-11pm and July 4, 10am-5pm. • If a minimum is not secured and identified by June 5, the City will work with the Rotary to supplement additional vendors in order to serve the needs of the event participants. • Food vendors need to complete all forms provided by the Rotary Club of Chanhassen. • The Rotary Club of Chanhassen will collect and retain the event fee from the food vendors. DocuSign Envelope ID: FA977B77-6CDE-4CB1-88F3-68DEFECEAF1F 95 3 • The Rotary Club of Chanhassen will work with the Department of Health to ensure all necessary permits are obtained. • Food vendors will provide the necessary insurance certificates and Department of Health Special Event License to the Rotary Club of Chanhassen. The Rotary Club of Chanhassen representative will present copies of these documents to the City, two weeks prior to the event. The City will keep this information for their records. • All food vendors must provide a certificate of insurance naming the City of Chanhassen as an additional insured for the duration of the event. • Two weeks prior to the celebration, the Rotary Club of Chanhassen will supply the City with the electrical needs for each vendor booth. • The Rotary Club of Chanhassen is responsible for supplying signage for the Taste of Chanhassen vendors. 2. The Rotary Club of Chanhassen is responsible for providing 2 onsite ATM machines for the Taste of Chanhassen and Beer Garden. 3. The City will coordinate rental and delivery of tents, tables and chairs for the food vendors. • Each food vendor will receive (1) 15’ x 15’ tent with sidewalls, (6) 6’ banquet tables and (2) folding chairs, unless noted otherwise. • The Rotary Club of Chanhassen is responsible for the accrued costs of tents, tables and chairs associated with the Taste of Chanhassen food event. The City will provide an invoice to the Rotary Club for these costs after the event. 4. The City will organize the trash removal and hand washing services for the Taste of Chanhassen food event. Beer Garden 1. The Rotary Club of Chanhassen is responsible for the onsite selling of beer for the 4th of July Celebration. The dates of the beer garden will be July 3, 2:00-11pm and July 4, 10am-5pm at City Center Park. The Rotary may operate a “beer kiosk” on the City Center Park Plaza on July 4, 10am-2:30pm, if desired. • The Rotary Club of Chanhassen must complete a Temporary On-Sale Liquor License application by Monday, April 3. The Chanhassen City Council will review and approve the application at the April 10th or April 24th City Council meeting. DocuSign Envelope ID: FA977B77-6CDE-4CB1-88F3-68DEFECEAF1F 96 4 • The Rotary Club of Chanhassen coordinates the beer serving trailer. • The Rotary Club of Chanhassen solicits sufficient volunteers to staff the beer garden and provides responsible server training to volunteers through Carver County Public Health. • The Rotary Club of Chanhassen will contract a minimum of four off-duty deputies to provide coverage for a safe event, through the Carver County Sheriff’s Department to be on duty during the following hours of the beer garden at City Center Park in 2023: o July 3: 2 deputies 4pm-12am; 2 deputies 6pm-12am • The Rotary Club of Chanhassen is responsible for ticket sales, I.D checking & 21+ wristbands, and signage. 2. The Rotary Club of Chanhassen will annually obtain permission from Eastern Carver County Schools to have beer on school grounds, and provide the City verification of this authorization. 3. The City will coordinate the rental and delivery of (1) 15’ X 60’ tent with side walls, (30) 6’ banquet tables and (10) folding chairs. 4. The Rotary Club of Chanhassen is responsible for the accrued costs of tents, tables and chairs associated with the beer garden. The City will provide an invoice to the Rotary Club for these costs after the event. 5. The City will provide general security (Carver County Sheriff Department Deputies) in City Center Park during the time of the beer garden. Street Dance Band Sponsorship 1. The Rotary Club of Chanhassen will provide a sponsorship of $2,000 towards booking the 2023 July 3 street dance band, Johnny Holm Band. 2. The Rotary Club of Chanhassen logo will be prominently displayed as a ‘stage sponsor’ on or near the main stage on July 2, 3, and 4. 3. The City will provide an invoice to the Rotary Club of Chanhassen after the event for the sponsorship. 4th of July Parade 1. The Rotary Club of Chanhassen is responsible for producing the 4th of July Parade. DocuSign Envelope ID: FA977B77-6CDE-4CB1-88F3-68DEFECEAF1F 97 5 • The Rotary Club of Chanhassen will submit a complete Parade Application by May 5, along with the designated parade route. The complete parade application will be placed on a City Council agenda for their approval. • The Rotary Club of Chanhassen will be responsible for parade entry registrations and collection of fees. • The Rotary Club of Chanhassen shall have all parade registration materials available to participants by April 14. • The Rotary Club of Chanhassen is responsible for soliciting and training all volunteers for the parade. A minimum of 15 volunteers will act as parade safety volunteers and ensure the safety of viewers. • The Rotary Club of Chanhassen will contract a minimum of four off-duty deputies to ensure safety for the parade and spectators, through the Carver County Sheriff’s Department. • The Rotary Club of Chanhassen will have the finalized parade lineup available to parade entrants and the City of Chanhassen no later than Friday, June 30. 2. The City will coordinate the rental and delivery of cones, barricades and 15 portable restrooms and distribute them throughout the parade route. • The City, along with the Carver County Sheriff Department, will provide staff along the parade route to monitor intersections to ensure safety. • The Rotary Club of Chanhassen will be responsible for the accrued costs of the cones, barricades, restrooms and other expenses related to the parade. The City will provide an invoice to the Rotary Club for these costs after the event. Classic Car Show 1. The Rotary Club of Chanhassen is responsible for producing the classic car show. 2. The Rotary Club of Chanhassen is responsible for any signage and tents, tables and chairs associated with the classic car show. 3. The City will have the west City Hall parking lot (event area) cleared and swept by 8:00 am on the morning of July 4. DocuSign Envelope ID: FA977B77-6CDE-4CB1-88F3-68DEFECEAF1F 98 6 Historic Plane Flyover 1. The Rotary Club of Chanhassen will coordinate the flyover of historic WW2 planes at the beginning of the Parade on July 4. Planes will flyover downtown Chanhassen and the City Center Park area. 2. The Rotary Club of Chanhassen and City will split the cost of the historic plane flyover 50/50. The Rotary Club of Chanhassen will make effort to sell ride-alongs to lower the cost of the flyover. Insurance They Rotary Club of Chanhassen must submit a certificate of insurance naming the City of Chanhassen, its official, employees and agents as additional insured. The limits of insurance will not be less than $1,000,000 each occurrence, $2,000,000 of insurance will cover all events produced by the Rotary Club of Chanhassen and be delivered to the City by July 1. VII. EFFECTIVE DATE AND SIGNATURE Authorized Representatives The parties to this Agreement shall appoint an authorized representative for the purpose of administration of this Agreement. The authorized representative of the City is: City Manager, Laurie Hokkanen City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Blvd., P.O Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 lhokkanen@chanhassenmn.gov The authorized representative of the Rotary Club of Chanhassen is: President, Mike Votava Rotary Club of Chanhassen, P.O. Box 781 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Amendments Any amendments to this Agreement will be in writing and will be executed by the same parties who executed the original Agreement, or their successors in office. DocuSign Envelope ID: FA977B77-6CDE-4CB1-88F3-68DEFECEAF1F 99 7 Entire Agreement It is understood and agreed that the entire Agreement of the parties is contained herein and that this Agreement supersedes all oral Agreements and negotiations between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof as well as any previous Agreements presently in effect between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof. This MOU will renew annually unless terminated within notice by February 1, by either party. IN WITNESS WHEREORF, the parties have caused the Agreement to be duly executed intending to be bound thereby. Signatures and dates City of Chanhassen Rotary Club of Chanhassen _________________________________ ______________________________________ Elise Ryan, Mayor Mike Votava, President _________________________________ Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager Date__________________ DocuSign Envelope ID: FA977B77-6CDE-4CB1-88F3-68DEFECEAF1F 100 8 ADDENDUM I: SOCIAL MEDIA & PROMOTIONS I. Social Media a. Facebook i. Facebook Event 1. The City will name the Rotary Club as a co-host on the 4th of July Facebook event. 2. The Rotary Club will be tagged in the caption of the first share of the 4th of July Facebook event to the Facebook page. 3. Tags, posts, videos, discussions, and details of the Facebook Event group cannot be changed or posted without the city’s approval. The city will be the only organization making posts or changes to the event. ii. Static posts 1. The City will tag the Rotary Club in post captions for event components specifically coordinated or sponsored by Rotary. 2. The City will include the Rotary logo on promotional photos for event components specifically coordinated or sponsored by Rotary. 3. Event components specifically coordinated/sponsored by Rotary include: a. Beer Garden b. Taste of Chanhassen c. Classic Car Show d. Parade e. Historic Plane Flyover 4. Examples a. Tagged: It’s back! The Rotary Club of Chanhassen’s 4th of July Parade will roll through the downtown streets of Chanhassen Monday, July 4, starting at 2:30 PM. For details go to: ChanhassenMN.gov/july4th b. Not tagged: It’s family night at the 4th of July Carnival! Tonight, July 2, all rides are $2 from 3-8pm, $3-$5 from 8-10pm, head on over to City Center Park and enjoy the fun! For more information on the annual 4th of July Celebration and to access the full schedule of events, visit our webpage at ChanhassenMN.gov/july4th 5. If Rotary is not tagged in the above posts as described, let city event staff know to correct the issue (2023 contact: Priya Tandon) iii. Shared Posts 1. If there is space in the City’s content calendar (as determined by the City communications team), the City may be able to share Rotary club Facebook posts that align with city and event branding, language, and strategic plan. 2. Content must be approved by the communications team in advance. 3. Examples a. Shared: Registration is now open for the Rotary Club of Chanhassen’s annual 4th of July parade! Register through June 1 to include your float in this great event. Visit rotary.com for more information on this program. b. Not shared: Registration is now open for both the Rotary Club of Chanhassen’s 4th of July parade and the scholarship program! Visit rotary.com for more information on these two programs. DocuSign Envelope ID: FA977B77-6CDE-4CB1-88F3-68DEFECEAF1F 101 9 4. To recommend a specific post be shared to a City Facebook page, send the post to the city event staff (2023 contact: Priya Tandon). The communications team will go through the above process. The post can be sent to Priya prior to or after it has been posted to Facebook. iv. Recap photos & video 1. The City will create a photo and video shot list that includes event components coordinated by the Rotary. 2. The Rotary Club will be tagged in the caption of the recap photo Facebook post. 3. Recap photos of Rotary sponsored and coordinated events will be shared with the Rotary after the event. b. Instagram i. Static posts 1. The City will mention the Rotary Club in post captions for event components specifically coordinated or sponsored by Rotary. 2. The City will include the Rotary logo on promotional photos for event components specifically coordinated or sponsored by Rotary. 3. Event components specifically coordinated/sponsored by Rotary include: a. Beer Garden b. Taste of Chanhassen c. Classic Car Show d. Parade e. Historic Plane Flyover 4. Examples a. Mentioned: It’s back! The Rotary Club of Chanhassen’s 4th of July Parade will roll through the downtown streets of Chanhassen Monday, July 4, starting at 2:30 PM. For details go to: ChanhassenMN.gov/july4th b. Not mentioned: It’s family night at the 4th of July Carnival! Tonight, July 2, all rides are $2 from 3-8pm, $3-$5 from 8-10pm, head on over to City Center Park and enjoy the fun! For more information on the annual 4th of July Celebration and to access the full schedule of events, visit our webpage at ChanhassenMN.gov/july4th 5. If Rotary is not tagged in the above posts as described, let city event staff know to correct the issue (2023 contact: Priya Tandon) ii. Recap photos & video 1. The City will create a photo and video shot list that includes event components coordinated by the Rotary. 2. The Rotary Club will be mentioned in the caption of the recap photo Facebook post. 3. Recap photos of Rotary sponsored and coordinated events will be shared with the Rotary after the event. II. 4th of July Celebration event webpage (information hub) a. The Rotary logo linked to the Rotary website will be listed at the bottom of the event page. b. The Rotary namesake will be included (and linked) next to sponsored and coordinated event components in the schedule of events. DocuSign Envelope ID: FA977B77-6CDE-4CB1-88F3-68DEFECEAF1F 102 10 III. Advertising a. The Rotary will be included in these promotional advertisements in the following way: i. Logo included in printed newspaper ads ii. Logo included in digital programmatic ads iii. Mailed event magazine (9,000+ households), in the following locations: 1. Logo under each Rotary written article 2. Namesake next to sponsored and coordinated event components on the event spread 3. Logo printed under the “special thanks to our event partners” section 4. Logo printed on the parade map graphic IV. Day-of branding and posters a. Street Dance stage i. As a Johnny Holm Band street dance stage sponsor at the $2,000 level, the Rotary will have their logo prominently displayed on or near the stage on July 2, 3, & 4. b. Rotary-sponsored event component posters i. The Rotary will design, print, and display signage for coordinated event components. The signage is welcome to be branded in the Rotary style with the Rotary logo included. DocuSign Envelope ID: FA977B77-6CDE-4CB1-88F3-68DEFECEAF1F 103 City Council Item May 8, 2023 Item Award Contract for 2023 Pavement Striping File No.Item No: D.6 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Alison Albrecht, Public Works Support Specialist Reviewed By Charlie Burke SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council approves a contract with Sir Lines-A-Lot for 2023 pavement striping." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority Asset Management SUMMARY Annual restriping of city streets including center lines, turn lines, and fog lines. BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET The Streets Division of the Public Works Department solicited quotes for the 2023 annual restriping program. Two (2) quotes were returned, as summarized below. Sir Lines-A-Lot was the low quote. They have successfully completed previous striping work for the city. A Not-To-Exceed Fee of $25,000 is used as the basis of the contract to account for actual quantities installed. This work is funded by the 104 Contractor Quote Sir Lines-A-Lot $22,620.36 Safety Signs $47,958.90 Transportation Infrastructure Maintenance (TIM) Fund, and the budget is $27,000. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends awarding the 2023 striping contract to Sir Lines-A-Lot. ATTACHMENTS 2023 Pavement Striping Contract 105 1 175881v1 FORM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF CHANHASSEN AND CONTRACTOR FOR 2023 STRIPING THIS AGREEMENT, made this 8th day of May, 2023, by and between the CITY OF CHANHASSEN, a Minnesota municipal corporation (“Owner”) and SIR LINES-A-LOT. (“Contractor”). Owner and Contractor, in consideration of the mutual covenants set forth herein, agree as follows: 1. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The following documents shall be referred to as the “Contract Documents”, all of which shall be taken together as a whole as the contract between the parties as if they were set verbatim and in full herein: A. This Agreement; B. Request for quotes, email dated April 7, 2023; C. City of Chanhassen General Conditions of the Construction Contract; D. Current edition of City of Chanhassen Standard Specifications & Detail Plates. E. Quote/Bid dated April 21, 2023. In the event of a conflict among the provisions of the Contract Documents, the order in which they are listed above shall control in resolving any such conflicts with Contract Document “A” having the first priority and Contract Document “D” having the last priority. 2. OBLIGATIONS OF THE CONTRACTOR. The contractor shall provide the goods, services, and perform the work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 3. CONTRACT PRICE. Owner shall pay Contractor for completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents a Not-To-Exceed amount of Twenty Five Thousand and 00/100 dollars ($25,000.00). 4. PAYMENT PROCEDURES. A. Contractor shall submit Applications for Payment. Applications for Payment will be processed by Engineer as provided in the General Conditions. B. Progress Payments; Retainage. Owner shall make 95% progress payments on account of the Contract Price on the basis of Contractor’s Applications for Payment during performance of the Work. 106 2 175881v1 C. Payments to Subcontractor. (1) Prompt Payment to Subcontractors. Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 471.25, Subd. 4a, the Contractor must pay any subcontractor within ten (10) days of the Contractor’s receipt of payment from the City for undisputed services provided by the subcontractor. The Contractor must pay interest of 1 ½ percent per month or any part of a month to the Subcontractor on any undisputed amount not paid on time to the subcontractor. The minimum monthly interest penalty payment for an unpaid balance of $100.00 or more is $10.00. For an unpaid balance of less than $100.00, the Contractor shall pay the actual penalty due to the subcontractor. (2) Form IC-134 (attached) required from general contractor. Minn. Stat. § 290.92 requires that the City of Chanhassen obtain a Withholding Affidavit for Contractors, Form IC-134, before making final payments to Contractors. This form needs to be submitted by the Contractor to the Minnesota Department of Revenue for approval. The form is used to receive certification from the state that the vendor has complied with the requirement to withhold and remit state withholding taxes for employee salaries paid. D. Final Payment. Upon final completion of the Work, Owner shall pay the remainder of the Contract Price as recommended by Engineer. 5. COMPLETION DATE A. The Work must be completed and ready for final payment in accordance with the General Conditions by July 3, 2023. 6. CONTRACTOR’S REPRESENTATIONS. A. Contractor has examined and carefully studied the Contract Documents and other related data identified in the Contract Documents. B. Contractor has visited the Site and become familiar with and is satisfied as to the general, local, and Site conditions that may affect cost, progress, and performance of the Work. C. Contractor is familiar with and is satisfied as to all federal, state, and local Laws and Regulations that may affect cost, progress, and performance of the Work. 107 3 175881v1 D. Contractor has carefully studied all: (1) reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the Site and all drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface or subsurface structures at or contiguous to the Site (except Underground Facilities) which have been identified in the General Conditions and (2) reports and drawings of a Hazardous Environmental Condition, if any, at the site. E. Contractor has obtained and carefully studied (or assumes responsibility for doing so) all additional or supplementary examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies, and data concerning conditions (surface, subsurface, and Underground Facilities) at or contiguous to the Site which may affect cost, progress, or performance of the Work or which relate to any aspect of the means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures of construction to be employed by Contractor, including any specific means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures of construction expressly required by the Bidding Documents, and safety precautions and programs incident thereto. F. Contractor does not consider that any further examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies, or data are necessary for the performance of the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Times, and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. G. Contractor is aware of the general nature of work to be performed by Owner and others at the Site that relates to the Work as indicated in the Contract Documents. H. Contractor has correlated the information known to Contractor, information and observations obtained from visits to the Site, reports and drawings identified in the Contract Documents, and all additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies, and data with the Contract Documents. I. Contractor has given Engineer written notice of all conflicts, errors, ambiguities, or discrepancies that Contractor has discovered in the Contract Documents, and the written resolution thereof by Engineer is acceptable to Contractor. J. The Contract Documents are generally sufficient to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performance and furnishing of the Work. K. Subcontracts: 108 4 175881v1 (1) Unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall, upon receipt of the executed Contract Documents, submit in writing to the Owner the names of the Subcontractors proposed for the work. Subcontractors may not be changed except at the request or with the consent of the Owner. (2) The Contractor is responsible to the Owner for the acts and omissions of the Contractor's subcontractors, and of their direct and indirect employees, to the same extent as the Contractor is responsible for the acts and omissions of the Contractor's employees. (3) The Contract Documents shall not be construed as creating any contractual relation between the Owner, the Engineer, and any Subcontractor. (4) The Contractor shall bind every Subcontractor by the terms of the Contract Documents. 7. WORKER’S COMPENSATION. The Contractor shall obtain and maintain for the duration of this Contract, statutory Worker’s Compensation Insurance and Employer’s Liability Insurance as required under the laws of the State of Minnesota. 8. COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL LIABILITY. Contractor shall obtain the following minimum insurance coverage and maintain it at all times throughout the life of the Contract, with the City included as an additional name insured on a primary and non- contributory basis. The Contractor shall furnish the City a certificate of insurance satisfactory to the City evidencing the required coverage: Bodily Injury: $2,000,000 each occurrence $2,000,000 aggregate products and completed operations Property Damage: $2,000,000 each occurrence $2,000,000 aggregate Contractual Liability (identifying the contract): Bodily Injury: $2,000,000 each occurrence Property Damage: $2,000,000 each occurrence $2,000,000 aggregate Personal Injury, with Employment Exclusion deleted: $2,000,000 aggregate Comprehensive Automobile Liability (owned, non-owned, hired): 109 5 175881v1 Bodily Injury: $2,000,000 each occurrence $2,000,000 each accident Property Damage: $2,000,000 each occurrence 9. WARRANTY. The Contractor guarantees that all new equipment warranties as specified within the quote shall be in full force and transferred to the City upon payment by the City. The Contractor shall be held responsible for any and all defects in workmanship, materials, and equipment which may develop in any part of the contracted service, and upon proper notification by the City shall immediately replace, without cost to the City, any such faulty part or parts and damage done by reason of the same in accordance with the bid specifications. 10. INDEMNITY. The Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from any claim made by third parties as a result of the services performed by it. In addition, the Contractor shall reimburse the City for any cost of reasonable attorney’s fees it may incur as a result of any such claims. 11. MISCELLANEOUS. A. Terms used in this Agreement have the meanings stated in the General Conditions. B. Owner and Contractor each binds itself, its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives to the other party hereto, its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives in respect to all covenants, agreements, and obligations contained in the Contract Documents. C. Any provision or part of the Contract Documents held to be void or unenforceable under any Law or Regulation shall be deemed stricken, and all remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and binding upon Owner and Contractor, who agree that the Contract Documents shall be reformed to replace such stricken provision or part thereof with a valid and enforceable provision that comes as close as possible to expressing the intention of the stricken provisions. D. Data Practices/Records. (1) All data created, collected, received, maintained or disseminated for any purpose in the course of this Contract is governed by the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minn. Stat. Ch. 13, any other applicable state statute, or any state rules adopted to implement the act, as well as federal regulations on data privacy. 110 6 175881v1 (2) All books, records, documents and accounting procedures and practices to the Contractor and its subcontractors, if any, relative to this Contract are subject to examination by the City. E. Software License. If the equipment provided by the Contractor pursuant to this Contract contains software, including that which the manufacturer may have embedded into the hardware as an integral part of the equipment, the Contractor shall pay all software licensing fees. The Contractor shall also pay for all software updating fees for a period of one year following cutover. The Contractor shall have no obligation to pay for such fees thereafter. Nothing in the software license or licensing agreement shall obligate the City to pay any additional fees as a condition for continuing to use the software. F. Patented devices, materials and processes. If the Contract requires, or the Contractor desires, the use of any design, devise, material or process covered by letters, patent or copyright, trademark or trade name, the Contractor shall provide for such use by suitable legal agreement with the patentee or owner and a copy of said agreement shall be filed with the Owner. If no such agreement is made or filed as noted, the Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Owner from any and all claims for infringement by reason of the use of any such patented designed, device, material or process, or any trademark or trade name or copyright in connection with the Project agreed to be performed under the Contract, and shall indemnify and defend the Owner for any costs, liability, expenses and attorney's fees that result from any such infringement G. Assignment. Neither party may assign, sublet, or transfer any interest or obligation in this Contract without the prior written consent of the other party, and then only upon such terms and conditions as both parties may agree to and set forth in writing. H. Waiver. In the particular event that either party shall at any time or times waive any breach of this Contract by the other, such waiver shall not constitute a waiver of any other or any succeeding breach of this Contract by either party, whether of the same or any other covenant, condition or obligation. I. Governing Law/Venue. The laws of the State of Minnesota govern the interpretation of this Contract. In the event of litigation, the exclusive venue shall be in the District Court of the State of Minnesota for Carver County. J. Severability. If any provision, term or condition of this Contract is found to be or become unenforceable or invalid, it shall not affect the remaining provisions, terms and conditions of this Contract, unless such invalid or 111 7 175881v1 unenforceable provision, term or condition renders this Contract impossible to perform. Such remaining terms and conditions of the Contract shall continue in full force and effect and shall continue to operate as the parties’ entire contract. K. Entire Agreement. This Contract represents the entire agreement of the parties and is a final, complete and all-inclusive statement of the terms thereof, and supersedes and terminates any prior agreement(s), understandings or written or verbal representations made between the parties with respect thereto. L. Permits and Licenses; Rights-of-Way and Easements. The Contractor shall procure all permits and licenses, pay all charges and fees therefore, and give all notices necessary and incidental to the construction and completion of the Project. The City will obtain all necessary rights-of- way and easements. The Contractor shall not be entitled to any additional compensation for any construction delay resulting from the City’s not timely obtaining rights-of-way or easements. M. If the work is delayed or the sequencing of work is altered because of the action or inaction of the Owner, the Contractor shall be allowed a time extension to complete the work but shall not be entitled to any other compensation. CITY OF CHANHASSEN CONTRACTOR: BY: BY: Elise Ryan, Mayor Its BY: Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager 112 To:Contact:City of Chanhassen Chanhassen 2023 StripingProject Name:Bid Number:H23-0502 Email:Chanhassen, MN 55317 Address:7901 Park Pl Phone:(952) 227-1300 Project Location:City Of Chanhassen, MN Bid Date:4/21/2023 Total PriceUnit PriceUnitItem DescriptionItem #Estimated 1 97,461.00 LF $0.196 $19,102.364" DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW - PAINT 2 170.00 LF $0.098 $16.664" YELLOW SKIP - PAINT 3 9,500.00 LF $0.098 $931.004" SOLID LINE YELLOW - PAINT 4 2,400.00 LF $0.098 $235.204" WHITE SKIP - PAINT 5 23,828.00 LF $0.098 $2,335.144" SOLID WHITE - PAINT Total Bid Price:$22,620.36 Notes: •1. Does not include any brooming or pavement marking removals. •2. Assumes all pavement markings are surface applied PAINT only. Not ground in or wet reflective. •3. Scope of work is limited to "re-striping" existing lines. This does not include any handwork (symbols, etc.), parking stall striping, or layout of new markings. •4. Final quantities will be invoiced. ACCEPTED: The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. Buyer: Signature: Date of Acceptance: CONFIRMED: Sir-Lines-A-Lot Authorized Signature: Estimator:TJ Phillips (612) 434-0090 tj.phillips@linesalot.com Page 1 of 1 113 City Council Item May 8, 2023 Item Resolution 2023-XX: Authorize Entering into a Joint Powers Agreement with Carver County for Trail Rehabilitation along County Highways 17 and 101 File No.N/A Item No: D.7 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Charlie Howley, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Reviewed By Laurie Hokkanen SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council adopts a resolution authorizing entering into a Joint Powers Agreement with Carver County for trail rehabilitation along County Highways 17 and 101." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority Asset Management SUMMARY Consideration for piggy-backing pavement rehabilitation of the city owned trails into the County's pavement resurfacing project for these highways. BACKGROUND N/A DISCUSSION The bituminous trails along both sides of Powers Boulevard (CSAH 17) were constructed in 1996 (OCIs range from mid-20s to mid-70s). The bituminous trails along both sides of CSAH 101 were constructed in 2006 (OCIs in the mid 70s). The pavement degradation is not only due to age, but also initial settlements post-construction, utility cuts/patches, and lack of proper drainage adjacent to 114 portions of the trails. The Powers Boulevard trails are in much worse condition than the Highway 101 trails. It is customary to rehabilitate trails when they are alongside a roadway project, which would be true whether the roadway project is a city street or a state/county highway. Leveraging the larger pavement contract results in a more cost-effective way to rehabilitate the trail pavement. This project is being led by Carver County and our cost share will be invoiced and due upon completion. ADA pedestrian ramps are being replaced with the project but are the county's responsibility for the cost. The trail work is being bid as alternates so that the accounting is cleanly separated from the main project. The city engineer will have the opportunity to review the low bid before ultimately deciding whether to move ahead with the work on either or both of the trail corridors. BUDGET The funding for this work will come from the City's Pavement Management Program (PMP) Fund. The initial estimate is $870,000 and is included in the 5-year PMP Fund. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Joint Powers Agreement. ATTACHMENTS Resolution Joint Powers Agreement-City and County Trail Rehabilitation Project Location Map Highway 101 Trail Picture Powers Boulevard Trail Picture 115 1 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: May 8, 2023 RESOLUTION NO:2023-XX MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ENTERING INTO AJOINT POWERS AGREEMENT WITH CARVER COUNTY FOR TRAIL PAVEMENT REHABILITATION ALONG PORTIONS OF CSAH 17 AND CSAH 101 WHEREAS,Carver County is implementing a pavement resurfacing project along portions of CSAH 17(Powers Boulevard) and CSAH 101 (Great Plains Boulevard) during the 2023 construction season; and WHEREAS,City-owned bituminous trails exist along both sides of both highway corridors; and WHEREAS,the pavement condition of said trails allows for consideration of rehabilitation; and WHEREAS, the trail rehabilitation work is being included in the County’s project as a bid alternate to facilitate a separate implementation decision for the trail rehabilitation work. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chanhassen City Council hereby authorizes entering into an agreement with Carver County for bituminous trail rehabilitation work as part of the CSAH 17 and CSAH 101 pavement resurfacing project. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Manager are authorized to execute the Agreement and any amendments thereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Chanhassen City Council this 8 th day of May, 2023. ATTEST: Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Elise Ryan, Mayor YES NO ABSENT 116 JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION ON COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAY 17 (CSAH 17) and COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAY 101 (CSAH 101). THIS AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION ON COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAY 17 (CSAH 17) and COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAY 101 (CSAH 101) ("Agreement") shall be in effect from the date of execution and shall continue until the completion of the Project, by and between the City of Chanhassen (“City”), and the County of Carver ("County") (each sometimes hereinafter called "Party" and both sometimes collectively "Parties") the Parties being governmental and political subdivisions of the State of Minnesota. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, each of the Parties has the authority to construct, maintain, repair, and improve public streets within their respective jurisdictions; and WHEREAS, County State Aid Highway 17 (CSAH 17) and County State Aid Highway 101 (CSAH 101) are duly dedicated public streets, located within the corporate limits of City; and WHEREAS, the Parties desire to undertake a joint project involving grading, aggregate base, pavement surfacing, curb & gutter, sidewalk, storm sewer, and other incidentals, and to share the costs of such improvement as herein provided; and WHEREAS, the authority of the Parties to enter into this Agreement is provided by Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.59. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants of each to the other contained in this Agreement and other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties hereto do covenant and agree as follows: ARTICLE I THE AGREEMENT Section 1.01. Purposes. The purpose of this Agreement is to define the rights and obligations of the City and the County with respect to the Project and the sharing of the costs of the Project. Section 1.02. Cooperation. The City and the County shall cooperate and use their best efforts to ensure the most expeditious implementation of the various provisions of this Agreement. The Parties agree in good faith to undertake resolution of disputes, if any, in an equitable and timely manner. The Project will be open to inspection of duly authorized representatives of the Parties at any time during normal business hours and as often as reasonably deemed necessary. Section 1.03. Relationship To Other Contracts. The City and the County acknowledge that Contract Documents will be entered into by the County on behalf of the Parties with respect to the Project, and that Change Orders or other documents may be entered into by the County on 117 Page | 2 behalf of the Parties, with respect to the Project. This Agreement shall be construed so as to give the fullest effect to its provisions, consistent with the provisions of the other contracts and documents referred to above. Section 1.04. Term. The term of this Agreement shall be for a period commencing on the date hereof and terminating on the date the Project is completed, accepted by the Parties and all amounts owed by one Party to the other have been paid in full. Section 1.05. Recitals. The above recitals are true and correct as of the date hereof and constitute a part of this Agreement. Section 1.06 Enabling Authority. Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.59, authorizes two or more governmental units to jointly exercise any power common to the contracting Parties. ARTICLE II DEFINITIONS Section 2.01. Definitions. In this Agreement the following terms shall have the following meanings unless the context requires otherwise: (a) Agreement: this Agreement, as it may be amended, supplemented, or restated from time to time. (b) Change Order: a written order, change order or supplemental agreement to the Contractor approved in writing, which may be electronic, by both Parties hereto and signed by the County Representative on behalf of the Parties authorizing a change in the work included within the Contract Documents and/or an adjustment in the price and/or an adjustment in the construction schedule, issued after execution of the contract for the construction of the Project. (c) City: the City of Chanhassen. (d) City Representative: Charles Howley, Public Works Director (e) City/County Costs: the direct and indirect costs of City and County employees performing services on behalf of the Project, and other incidentals. (f) Concept and Design Phase Professional Services Costs: the fees and costs for all professional services performed in concept and design phase activities for the Project. (g) Construction Phase Professional Services Costs: the fees and costs for all professional services performed in construction phase activities for the Project. (h) Contract Documents: drawings; Engineers Estimate; specifications; general and special conditions; addenda, if any; Change Orders; and the construction contract for 118 Page | 3 the Project; approved by the Parties, or their respective representatives. (i) Contractor: the person or entity that is awarded the contract for the construction of the Project. (j) County: Carver County. (k) County Representative: Lyndon Robjent, P.E., Carver County Engineer. (l) Engineers Estimate: the professional engineer’s opinion of probable cost prior to the bidding of the Project, which encompasses all projected costs tabulated for each Party. (m) Project: grading, aggregate base, concrete and bituminous surfacing, curb & gutter, sidewalk, storm sewer, and other incidentals. (n) Project Costs: all costs for and associated with the construction of the Project, excluding Concept and Design Phase Professional Services Costs, Construction Phase Professional Services Costs, and City/County Costs. (o) Project Location: CSAH 17 from CSAH 14 to Trunk Highway 5, as generally depicted in Exhibit A-1. CSAH 101 from W 86th St. to Trunk Highway 5, as generally depicted in Exhibit A-2. (p) Uncontrollable Circumstances: the occurrence or non-occurrence of acts or events beyond the reasonable control of the Party relying thereon, and not the result of willful or negligent action or inaction of the Party claiming the event as an Uncontrollable Circumstance, that materially adversely affects the performance of the Party claiming the event as an Uncontrollable Circumstance including but not limited to the following: (1) Acts of God, including, but not limited to floods, ice storms, blizzards, tornadoes, landslides, lighting and earthquakes (but not including reasonably anticipated weather conditions for the geographic area), riots insurrections, war or civil disorder affecting the performance of work, blockades, power or other utility failure, and fires or explosions. (2) The adoption of or change in any federal, state, or local laws, rules, regulations, ordinances, permits, or licenses, or changes in the interpretation of such laws, rules, regulations, ordinances, permits, or licenses by a court or public agency having appropriate jurisdiction after the date of the execution of this Agreement. (3) A suspension, termination, interruption, denial, or failure of renewal of any permit, license, consent, authorization, or approval essential to the construction of the Project. 119 Page | 4 (4) Orders and/or judgment of any federal, state, or local court, administrative agency, or governmental body, provided, however, that the contesting in good faith by such Party of any such order and/or judgment shall not constitute or be construed to constitute a willful or negligent action or inaction of such Party. (5) Strikes or other such labor disputes shall not be considered an Uncontrollable Circumstance, unless such strike or labor dispute involves persons with whom the Parties have no employment relationship and the Parties, or either of them, cannot, using best efforts, obtain substitute performance. ARTICLE III ALLOCATION OF DUTIES Section 3.01. Concept and Design Phase Activities. Concept and design phase activities, including, but not limited to, field surveys, right of way plats, design, engineering, right of way acquisition, and other matters, shall be completed by the Parties as follows: See attached Exhibit B – Allocation of Duties Section 3.02. Construction Phase Activities. Construction phase activities, including, but not limited to, the bid process, preparation of contract documents, awarding of contract, construction inspection and surveying and other matters, shall be completed by the Parties as follows: See attached Exhibit B – Allocation of Duties Section 3.03. Contract Award. The Contract Documents shall be approved in writing, which may be electronic, by the Parties prior to the solicitation of bids. In accordance with the applicable provisions of Minnesota Statutes, County will cause bids to be received by it for the construction of the Project and, subject to approval by the City Engineer for the City’s cost share, shall award the contract for the construction of the Project to the lowest responsible bidder. Section 3.04. Project Construction. Subject to Uncontrollable Circumstances, the Parties shall cause the Project to be constructed in accordance with the Contract Documents. The City shall have the right to review and approve of any proposed changes to the plans and specifications as they relate to City’s cost participation prior to the work being performed. Section 3.05. Maintenance Upon Project Completion and Final Acceptance. Highway maintenance shall be completed by the Parties, upon project completion and final acceptance of the Project, as follows: The Parties agree to perform highway maintenance responsibilities that are consistent with the Carver County Cost Participation Policy, Maintenance Section, as shown in Exhibit D, unless superseded by a separate highway maintenance agreement between the Parties. The City will perform all maintenance responsibilities on all streets under the City jurisdiction. 120 Page | 5 ARTICLE IV PROJECT COST SHARING Section 4.01. Allocation. (a) The Project Costs for all items shall be divided between the City and County as follows: See attached Exhibit C – Allocation of Duties (b) The Concept and Design Phase Professional Services Costs for all items shall be divided between the Parties as follows: See attached Exhibit C – Allocation of Duties (c) The Construction Phase Professional Services Costs for all items shall be divided between the Parties as follows: See attached Exhibit C – Allocation of Duties (d) All other costs including, but not limited to City/County Costs, shall be allocated between the Parties as follows: See attached Exhibit C – Allocation of Duties Section 4.02. Payments to Contractor. The County shall make partial progress payments to the Contractor and, upon approval of both Parties hereto, the final payment to the Contractor in accordance with the Contract Documents. The designated City Representative shall have the right to approve of any Change Orders prepared by the County that affect the City’s share of the construction cost. The City further agrees that it will participate in the settlement of any claim from the County's contractor for the Project that involve delays attributable to unreasonable delays in approval by the City for plan or specification changes deemed necessary by the County Engineer or staff. The amount of the City’s participation in any such claim shall be commensurate with the percentage of delay directly attributable to City’s actions. Section 4.03. Adjustments and Reconciliation. To the extent that the actual value of any item included in an invoice cannot be accurately determined at the time of submission of the invoice, such item shall be invoiced on an estimated basis and an adjustment shall be made to reflect the difference between such estimated amount and the actual amount of such item on the next invoice after determination of the actual amount. Prior to final acceptance of the Project, the designated County representative shall provide City with a reconciliation of all costs for the Project and the respective contributions of the Parties for the review and approval of the Parties. 121 Page | 6 Section 4.04. Exclusive Responsibility. All aspects of application for State of Minnesota for State and Federal Funds and the grant thereof by the State, are the exclusive responsibility of the County, including but not limited to the investment, expenditure, and allocation of such funds. It is specifically agreed that any interest on the investment of any such funds is the sole property of the County, to use as the County shall see fit. Section 4.05. Payment to County. The City agrees to reimburse the County for costs incurred, pursuant to Section 4.01. The City is responsible to pay these monies to the County within thirty (30) days of being invoiced for costs incurred or services performed. Costs will be invoiced at the completion of each Project phase and upon final acceptance of the Project by the Parties, unless an alternate schedule is mutually agreed upon in writing by the authorized representatives of the Parties. Section 4.06. Payment to City. The County agrees to reimburse the City for costs incurred, pursuant to Section 4.01. The County is responsible to pay these monies to the City within thirty (30) days of being invoiced for costs incurred or services performed. Costs will be invoiced at the completion of each Project phase and upon final acceptance of the Project by the Parties, unless an alternate schedule is mutually agreed upon in writing by the authorized representatives of the Parties. ARTICLE V GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 5.01. Notices. All notices or communications required or permitted pursuant to this Agreement shall be either hand delivered or mailed to City and County, certified mail, return- receipt requested, at the following address: City: Charles Howley Public Works Director / City Engineer City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Blvd, P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 County: Lyndon Robjent, PE County Engineer Carver County Public Works 11360 Hwy 212 West, Suite 1 Cologne, MN 55322 Either Party may change its address or authorized representative by written notice delivered to the other Party pursuant to this Section 5.01. Section 5.02. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in more than one counterpart, each of which shall be deemed to be an original but all of which taken together shall be deemed a single instrument. 122 Page | 7 Section 5.03. Survival of Terms, Representations and Warranties. The representations, warranties, covenants, and agreements of the Parties under this Agreement, and the remedies of either Party for the breach of such representations, warranties, covenants, and agreements by the other Party shall survive the execution and termination of this Agreement. The terms of Sections 3.05, 5.14, 5.15, 5.16 and 5.17 shall survive the expiration, termination or withdrawal from this Agreement. Section 5.04. Non-Assignability. Neither the City nor the County shall assign any interest in this Agreement nor shall transfer any interest in the same, whether by subcontract, assignment or novation, without the prior written consent of the other Party. Such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Section 5.05. Alteration. It is understood and agreed that the entire Agreement between the Parties is contained herein and that this Agreement supersedes all oral agreements and negotiations between the Parties relating to the subject matter hereof. All items referred to in this Agreement are incorporated or attached and are deemed to be part of this Agreement. Any alteration, variation, modification or waiver of the provisions of the Agreement shall be valid only after it has been reduced to writing and duly signed by all Parties. Section 5.06. Waiver. The waiver of any of the rights and/or remedies arising under the terms of this Agreement on any one occasion by any Party hereto shall not constitute a waiver or any rights and/or remedies in respect to any subsequent breach or default of the terms of this Agreement. The rights and remedies provided or referred to under the terms of this Agreement are cumulative and not mutually exclusive. Section 5.07. Severability. The provisions of this Agreement are severable. If any paragraph, section, subdivision, sentence, clause or phrase of this Agreement is for any reason held to be contrary to law, or contrary to any rule or regulation having the force and effect of law, such decision shall not affect the remaining portions of this Agreement. Section 5.08. Interpretation According to Minnesota Law. The Laws of the State of Minnesota shall apply to this Agreement. Section 5.09. Final Payment. Before final payment is made to the Contractor, the Contractor shall provide a certificate of compliance from the Commissioner of Revenue certifying that the Contractor and any out-of-state subcontractors have complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 290.92. Section 5.10. Headings. The headings to the various sections of this Agreement are inserted only for convenience of reference and are not intended, nor shall they be construed, to modify, define, limit, or expand the intent of the Parties as expressed in this Agreement. Section 5.11. Further Actions. The Parties agree to execute such further documents and take such further actions as may reasonably be required or expedient to carry out the provisions and intentions of this Agreement, or any agreement or document relating hereto or entered into in 123 Page | 8 connection herewith. Section 5.12. Parties in Interest. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure solely to the benefit of the Parties hereto and their permitted assigns, and nothing in this Agreement, express or implied, is intended to confer upon any other person any rights or remedies of any nature under or by reason of this Agreement. Section 5.13. Employees. It is further agreed that any and all full-time employees of County and all other employees of said County engaged in the performance of any work or services required or provided for herein to be performed by the County shall be considered employees of County only and not of City and that any and all claims that may or might arise under Workman’s Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behalf of said employees while so engaged and any and all claims made by any third Parties as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of County employees while so engaged on any of the work or services provided to be rendered herein shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of County. It is further agreed that any and all full-time employees of City and all other employees of said City engaged in the performance of any work or services required or provided for herein to be performed by City shall be considered employees of City only and not of County and that any and all claims that may or might arise under Workman’s Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behalf of said employees while so engaged and any and all claims made by any third Parties as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said City employees which so engaged on any of the work or services to be rendered herein shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of City. Section 5.14. Indemnification. The Parties’ total liability under this Agreement shall be governed by Minn. Statutes, Section 471.59, Subd. 1a. Each Party agrees that it will be responsible for the acts or omissions of its officials, agents, and employees, and the results thereof, in carrying out the terms of this Agreement, to the extent authorized by law and shall not be responsible for the acts/omissions of the other Party and the results thereof. For purposes of determining total liability for damages, the participating governmental units are considered to be a single governmental unit, the total liability of which shall not exceed the limits for a single governmental unit as provided in Minn. Statutes, Section 466.04, Subd. 1. Each Party agrees to defend, hold harmless, and indemnify the other Party, its officials, agents, and employees, from any liability, loss, or damages the other Party may suffer or incur as the result of demands, claims, judgments, or cost arising out of or caused by the indemnifying Party’s negligence in the performance of its respective obligations under this Agreement. This provision shall not be construed nor operate as a waiver of any applicable limitation of liability, defenses, immunities, or exceptions by statute or common law. To the full extent permitted by law, actions by the Parties pursuant to this Agreement are intended to be and shall be construed as a "cooperative activity" and it is the intent of the Parties that they shall be deemed a "single governmental unit" for the purposes of liability, all as set 124 Page | 9 forth in Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.59, Subd. la(a); provided further that for purposes of that statute, each Party to this Agreement expressly declines responsibility for the acts or omissions of the other Party. The Parties of this Agreement are not liable for the acts or omissions of the other participants to this Agreement except to the extent to which they have agreed in writing to be responsible for acts or omissions of the other Parties. Section 5.15. Records – Availability and Access A. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 16C.05, Subd. 5, the City agrees that the County, the State Auditor, or any of their duly authorized representatives at any time during normal business hours and as often as they may reasonably deem necessary, shall have access to and the right to examine, audit, excerpt, and transcribe any books, documents, papers, records, etc., which are pertinent to the accounting practices and procedures of the City and involve transactions relating to this Agreement. City agrees to maintain these records for a period of six years from the date of termination of this Agreement. B. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 16C.05, Subd. 5, the County agrees that the City, the State Auditor, or any of their duly authorized representatives at any time during normal business hours and as often as they may reasonably deem necessary, shall have access to and the right to examine, audit, excerpt, and transcribe any books, documents, papers, records, etc., which are pertinent to the accounting practices and procedures of the County and involve transactions relating to this Agreement. County agrees to maintain these records for a period of six years from the date of termination of this Agreement. Section 5.16. Data Practices. Each Party, its employees, agents, owners, partners, and subcontractors agree to abide by the provisions of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13 and implementing regulations, if applicable, and all other applicable state and federal laws, rules, regulations and orders relating to data privacy or confidentiality, and as any of the same may be amended. Section 5.17. Nondiscrimination. During the performance of this Agreement, the City and the County agree to the following: No person shall, on the grounds of race, color, religion, age, sex, disability, marital status, public assistance status, criminal record, creed or national origin be excluded from full employment right in, participation in, be denied the benefits of or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any and all applicable Federal and State laws against discrimination. Section 5.18. Default and Withdrawal. Default in this Agreement may occur when a Party fails to perform any of the provisions of this Agreement or so fails to administer the work as to endanger the performance of the Agreement. Unless the Party’s default is excused by the non-defaulting Party, the non-defaulting Party may, upon written notice to the defaulting Party 125 Page | 10 representative listed herein, cancel this Agreement in its entirety as indicated below. Any Party may withdraw from this Agreement with or without cause by providing thirty (30) days’ prior written notice to the other Parties herein. Only the governing bodies of the Participating Parties have authority to act pursuant to this provision of the Agreement. Each Party to this agreement reserves the right to withdraw from and cancel this agreement within 30 days from the opening of bids for the project in the event either or both Parties consider any or all bids unsatisfactory; the withdrawal from or cancellation of the agreement to be accomplished by either or both Parties within 30 days of opening of bids by serving a written notice thereof upon the other, unless this right is waived by both Parties in writing. Section 5.19. Third Party. This Agreement does not create any rights, claims or benefits inuring to any person that is not a Party hereto nor create or establish any third Party beneficiary. 126 Page | 11 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, The Parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed. City of Chanhassen, Minnesota Mayor Date: Attest: City Manager Date: County of Carver, Minnesota County Board Chair Date: Attest: County Administrator Date: Approved As To Form: County Attorney Date: 127 Rice MarshLake Susan Lake RileyLakeDrERiverRockDrNW79thSt W 96th St W78thSt Laredo DrKiowaTrlLakeSusanHills Dr W 78t h StM a r k e t S t L a keDrWPark R d B l uffCr eekDr Lake DrKerberBlvd EagleRidgeRdSunsetTrlDakotaAve LakeSusanDrW86th St Iro n woodBlvdSpring f i e ldDrDeglerCir Dak otaLnMars h DrRiver R ockDr SErie AveS tone CreekDrMission HillsLnO spreyLnFlamingo Dr Chanhassen Hills DrNH emlockWayTimberwoodDrHiddenCtFrontier TrlLakeview RdEHeronDr Su n n y v a leDrQuinnR dPa r k Dr FoxfordRdWatersE d geDrPowersPlReflectionsRdBluffCreek Blvd HuronKiowaP arkPl Homestead L nPreserv eCtStonefieldLnAviendaPkw y Su mme rfieldD r LakeRileyBlvdC o u lt e r Blvd Bo ulderRdD eerbrookDrA r b o r e tum Blvd £¤212 PowersBlvdGreatPlains B lvdLyman Blvd AudubonRdPioneer Trl Ma r k et Blv dPio n eerTrlEÆÿ17 Æÿ15 Æÿ18 Æÿ101 Æÿ14 Æÿ17 !(5 C h a n h a s s e n Chaska Project Location Map This map was created using a compilation of information and data from various City, County, State, and Federal offices. It is not a surveyed or legally recorded map and is intended to be used as a reference. Carver County is not responsible for any inaccuracies contained herein.1 inch = 2,000 feet Public Works Division11360 Hwy 212, Suite 1Cologne, MN 55322(952) 466-5200Created: 1/10/2023 Project Location Beginning of Project End of Project Exhibit A-1 128 Rice Marsh Lake Susan South LotusLakePark Lake SusanPreserve Lake SusanPark ChanhassenHills Park City Center Park Rice MarshLake Park RileyRidge ParkArboretum BlvdChanhassenRdLakeDrEP o n d Pro me nadeMissionHillsDr W 79thStLaredo DrM a r k e t S t L ake Dr Kerber BlvdW 77th St LakeRileyDrFrontier TrlDakotaAve LakeSu s a n Dr W 86th St Lak eSusanHillsDrD akotaLnMarsh D r Erie AveMissionHillsLnChanhasse n Hills Dr N ReflectionsR d Cheye n neAveHiddenCtC han View W 78th St HuronLakeviewRd EKiowaWestLakeDrHiddenLnWatersEdgeDr ErieCir Marsh la nd Trl Tig u a LnDrakeCtAldrichDrN o r th BayDrPrese r v e CtC hanhassenHillsDrSMain St£¤212 GreatPlainsBlvdM ark e t B l vdPowersBlvdÆÿ17 Æÿ101 !(5 Chanhassen Project Location Map This map was created using a compilation of information and data from various City, County, State, and Federal offices. It is not a surveyed or legally recorded map and is intended to be used as a reference. Carver County is not responsible for any inaccuracies contained herein.1 inch = 1,000 feet Public Works Division11360 Hwy 212, Suite 1Cologne, MN 55322(952) 466-5200Created: 1/10/2023 Project Location Beginning of Project End of Project Exhibit A-2 129 2023 Urban Overlays Project Exhibit B – Allocation of Duties Concept and Design Phase Activities County will complete all concept and design phase activities of the Project and procure necessary Concept and Design Phase Professional Services. Construction Phase Activities County will complete all construction phase activities of the Project and procure necessary Construction Phase Professional Services. 130 2023 Urban Overlays Project Exhibit C – Project Cost Sharing The County and City agree that items not specifically covered by this agreement will be cost shared by the parties in accordance with the current version of the Carver County Cost Participation Policy, for a Conventional Project, which is attached hereto as Exhibit D. County and City agree to cost share as follows: Project Costs The County and City agree to cost share Project Costs in accordance with the Carver County Cost Participation Policy (Exhibit D) and augmented by the following: 1. The County and City agree to evenly split (50% County/50% City) all right of way acquisition costs except that the City agrees to pay for all City requested right of way acquisitions that are included in the Project, that the County does not deem necessary to carry out the scope of the Project. Right of way acquisition includes all costs related to the acquisition of property except professional services. 2. The City agrees to transfer property or grant easement rights to the County of City owned property needed for the Project at no cost to the County. 3. The City agrees to pay for all City requested improvements that are included in the Project, that the County does not deem necessary to carry out the scope of the Project. The Engineers Estimate and any Change Orders will show such City requested improvement costs for City approval. 4. The trail work on CSAH 101 and CSAH 17 will be bid as alternates, subject to City Engineer approval. Concept and Design Phase Professional Services Costs The County and City agree to cost share Concept and Design Phase Professional Services Costs in accordance with the Carver County Cost Participation Policy (Exhibit D) and augmented by the following: 1. The County and City agree to evenly split (50% County/50% City) all right of way related professional services costs except that the City agrees to pay for all City requested right of way acquisitions that are included in the Project, that the County does not deem necessary to carry out the scope of the Project. 131 2. All remaining professional services costs will be split in accordance with the Carver County Cost Participation Policy (Exhibit D) and will considered the same as engineering services. Construction Phase Professional Services Costs The County and City agree to cost share Construction Phase Professional Services Costs in accordance with the Carver County Cost Participation Policy (Exhibit D) and augmented by the following: 1. The County and City agree to evenly split (50% County/50% City) all right of way related professional services costs except that the City agrees to pay for all City requested right of way acquisitions that are included in the Project, that the County does not deem necessary to carry out the scope of the Project. 2. All remaining professional services costs will be split in accordance with the Carver County Cost Participation Policy (Exhibit D) and will considered the same as engineering services. Other Costs The County and City agree to cost share Other Costs in accordance with the Carver County Cost Participation Policy (Exhibit D) and augmented by the following: 1. The County and City agree to evenly split (50% County/50% City) all right of way related County direct and indirect costs of staff costs except that the City agrees to pay for all City requested right of way acquisitions that are included in the Project, that the County does not deem necessary to carry out the scope of the Project. 2. All remaining County direct and indirect costs of staff and other incidental costs will be split with the City in accordance with the Carver County Cost Participation Policy (Exhibit D) and will considered the same as engineering services. 3. The City agrees to not bill County for direct and indirect internal staff costs for the Project in order to support the City administration and City utility inspection of the project for City. 132 133 134 135 136 137 Rice MarshLake Susan Lake RileyLakeDrERiverRockDrNW79thSt W 96th St W78thSt Laredo DrKiowaTrlLakeSusanHills Dr W 78t h StM a r k e t S t L a keDrWPark R d B l uffCr eekDr Lake DrKerberBlvd EagleRidgeRdSunsetTrlDakotaAve LakeSusanDrW86th St Iro n woodBlvdSpring f i e ldDrDeglerCir Dak otaLnMars h DrRiver R ockDr SErie AveS tone CreekDrMission HillsLnO spreyLnFlamingo Dr Chanhassen Hills DrNH emlockWayTimberwoodDrHiddenCtFrontier TrlLakeview RdEHeronDr Su n n y v a leDrQuinnR dPa r k Dr FoxfordRdWatersE d geDrPowersPlReflectionsRdBluffCreek Blvd HuronKiowaP arkPl Homestead L nPreserv eCtStonefieldLnAviendaPkw y Su mme rfieldD r LakeRileyBlvdC o u lt e r Blvd Bo ulderRdD eerbrookDrA r b o r e tum Blvd £¤212 PowersBlvdGreatPlains B lvdLyman Blvd AudubonRdPioneer Trl Ma r k et Blv dPio n eerTrlEÆÿ17 Æÿ15 Æÿ18 Æÿ101 Æÿ14 Æÿ17 !(5 C h a n h a s s e n Chaska Project Location Map This map was created using a compilation of information and data from various City, County, State, and Federal offices. It is not a surveyed or legally recorded map and is intended to be used as a reference. Carver County is not responsible for any inaccuracies contained herein.1 inch = 2,000 feet Public Works Division11360 Hwy 212, Suite 1Cologne, MN 55322(952) 466-5200Created: 1/10/2023 Project Location Beginning of Project End of Project Exhibit A-1 138 Rice Marsh Lake Susan South LotusLakePark Lake SusanPreserve Lake SusanPark ChanhassenHills Park City Center Park Rice MarshLake Park RileyRidge ParkArboretum BlvdChanhassenRdLakeDrEP o n d Pro me nadeMissionHillsDr W 79thStLaredo DrM a r k e t S t L ake Dr Kerber BlvdW 77th St LakeRileyDrFrontier TrlDakotaAve LakeSu s a n Dr W 86th St Lak eSusanHillsDrD akotaLnMarsh D r Erie AveMissionHillsLnChanhasse n Hills Dr N ReflectionsR d Cheye n neAveHiddenCtC han View W 78th St HuronLakeviewRd EKiowaWestLakeDrHiddenLnWatersEdgeDr ErieCir Marsh la nd Trl Tig u a LnDrakeCtAldrichDrN o r th BayDrPrese r v e CtC hanhassenHillsDrSMain St£¤212 GreatPlainsBlvdM ark e t B l vdPowersBlvdÆÿ17 Æÿ101 !(5 Chanhassen Project Location Map This map was created using a compilation of information and data from various City, County, State, and Federal offices. It is not a surveyed or legally recorded map and is intended to be used as a reference. Carver County is not responsible for any inaccuracies contained herein.1 inch = 1,000 feet Public Works Division11360 Hwy 212, Suite 1Cologne, MN 55322(952) 466-5200Created: 1/10/2023 Project Location Beginning of Project End of Project Exhibit A-2 139 140 141 City Council Item May 8, 2023 Item Resolution 2023-XX: Approve Application of Chanhassen Brewing Company to Dispense Intoxicating Liquor off premises in City Center Park Plaza during the 2023 Chanhassen Summer Concert Series File No.Item No: D.8 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Reviewed By Laurie Hokkanen SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council adopts a resolution approving the application of Chanhassen Brewing Company to dispense intoxicating liquor off premises in City Center Park during the 2023 Chanhassen Summer Concert Series." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY BACKGROUND Minnesota State Statute 340A.404.4(b) permits a governing body of a municipality to authorize a holder of a retail on-sale intoxicating liquor license issued by the municipality to dispense intoxicating liquor off-premises at a community festival held within the municipality. Per Section 10-19(o) of the Chanhassen City Code, the holder of a retail on-sale intoxicating liquor license issued by the city may be authorized to dispense intoxicating liquor off-premises at a Community Festival occurring at a park within the City. No authorization shall be issued unless: 142 a. The community festival is in compliance with Section 20-964 of the City Code; b. The authorization specifies the area in which the intoxicating liquor must be dispensed and consumed; and c. The licensee demonstrates that it has liquor liability insurance as required by Minnesota Statutes, section 340A.409. DISCUSSION As part of the 2023 Summer Concert Series, the Parks & Recreation Department has invited Chanhassen Brewing Company to sell beer at the 2023 Summer Concert Series events between 5:30- 8:00 p.m. in City Center Park Plaza on the following Thursdays: June 8 June 15 June 22 June 29 July 13 July 20 July 27 August 3 August 10 As shown on the attached map, the serving location for the beer would be restricted to the lower east parking lot of City Hall, with the consumption area restricted to City Center Park Plaza. Chanhassen Brewing Company submitted the required application along with a $50 application fee and certificate of liquor liability insurance covering the off-site event. NOTE: Chanhassen Brewing Company was issued a Community Festival Permit to sell beer at the 2022 Summer Concert Series. There are no changes to the 2023 resolution or permit except for the specific concert dates. BUDGET N/A RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the City Council adopt a resolution authorizing Chanhassen Brewing Company to sell beer off premises within the boundaries of City Center Park Plaza between 5:30-8:00 pm during the 2023 Summer Concert Series on the dates outlined in the resolution. ATTACHMENTS Resolution 2023 Community Festival Permit Application 2023 Summer Concert Series Beer Sales Map Certificate of Liquor Liability Insurance 143 1 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: May 8, 2023 RESOLUTION NO: 2022-XX MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CHANHASSEN BREWING COMPANY TO DISPENSE INTOXICATING LIQUOR OFF PREMISES IN CITY CENTER PARK PLAZA DURING THE 2023 CHANHASSEN SUMMER CONCERT SERIES WHEREAS,the City’s Parks & Recreation Department annually hosts a Summer Concert Series during the Summer in City Center Park Plaza; and WHEREAS,Chanhassen City Code authorizes the City Council to authorize a holder of a retail on-sale intoxicating liquor license issued by the City to dispense intoxicating liquor off premises at a Community Festival occurring at a park within the City; and WHEREAS,a Community Festival is an event held within the City that has broad community appeal and the objective of promoting a spirit of pride in the City, a sense of community, and an atmosphere of celebration for all residents of the City, and which has been organized by or in partnership with the City of Chanhassen; and WHEREAS, the Summer Concert Series is considered a Community Festival; and WHEREAS,the City has invited Chanhassen Brewing Company to sell beer at this summer’s concert events; and WHEREAS,Chanhassen Brewing Company has submitted an application and paid the required application fee requesting City Council authorization to sell beer at the 2023 Summer Concert Series. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chanhassen City Council hereby authorizes Chanhassen Brewing Company to dispense intoxicating liquor off premises at the 2023 Summer Concert Series located in City Center Park Plaza between 5:30 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. on the following Thursdays in June, July, and August, 2023: June 8 June 15 June 22 June 29 July 13 July 20 July 27 August 3 August 10 144 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Chanhassen City Council this 8 th day of May, 2023. ATTEST: Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Elise Ryan, Mayor YES NO ABSENT 145 146 147 Beer Sales Food Truck Audience Seating Concert Stage Audience Seating Concesssions W 78th St W 78th St MarketBlvdMarket BlvdMarket BlvdDocument Path: K:\Departments\Parks\Concert Series Beer Sales\2023_Concert_Series_Beer\2023_Concert_Series_Beer.aprxDate Created: 4/14/2023 Created By: City of Chanhassen - Engineering Department µ0 0.01 Mile 0 40 Feet City Center Park - Approved Areas City of Chanhassen Summer Concert 148 149 City Council Item May 8, 2023 Item Resolution 2023-XX: Approve Limited Use Permits with MnDOT File No.N/A Item No: D.9 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Charlie Howley, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Reviewed By Laurie Hokkanen SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council adopts a resolution approving updated Limited Use Permits with the Minnesota Department of Transportation along TH5, TH41, TH101, and TH 212." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority Asset Management SUMMARY The City Council approved the updated LUPs at its November 14, 2022 meeting, however, MnDOT had a minor issue with the wording of the resolution. This action item is merely to approve a revised resolution that is in a form acceptable to MnDOT. No other modifications to the LUPs are included in this action. BACKGROUND N/A DISCUSSION N/A BUDGET 150 N/A RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the revised resolution. ATTACHMENTS Resolution LUP 1002-0054 LUP 1008-0055 LUP 2736-0257 LUP 2762-0258 November 14, 2022 Staff Report 151 1 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: May 8, 2023 RESOLUTION NO:2023-XX MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: A RESOLUTION APPROVING UPDATED LIMITED USE PERMITS ENTERED INTO WITH THE STATE OF MINNESOTA, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WHEREAS,TheCity of Chanhassen has previously entered into Limited Use Permits (LUPs) with the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation; and WHEREAS,the LUPs expire after ten years; and WHEREAS,the State of Minnesota has requested the cityupdate the LUPs and provide them with a combined resolution approving the updated LUPs. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chanhassen City Council hereby approves updated Limited Use Permit Numbers 1002-0054 on TH5, 1008-0055 on TH 41, 2736- 0257 on TH 101, and 2762-0258 on TH 212; entered into with the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation for the following purposes: To provide for maintenance and use by the City of Chanhassen upon, along,and adjacent to these Trunk Highways and the limits of which are defined in said Limited Use Permits. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED by the Chanhassen City Council that the Mayor and City Manager are authorized to execute the Limited Use Permits. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Chanhassen City Council this 8 th dayof May2023. ATTEST: Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Elise Ryan, Mayor YES NO ABSENT 152 For the best experience, open this PDF portfolio in Acrobat X or Adobe Reader X, or later. Get Adobe Reader Now! 153 For the best experience, open this PDF portfolio in Acrobat X or Adobe Reader X, or later. Get Adobe Reader Now! 154 For the best experience, open this PDF portfolio in Acrobat X or Adobe Reader X, or later. Get Adobe Reader Now! 155 For the best experience, open this PDF portfolio in Acrobat X or Adobe Reader X, or later. Get Adobe Reader Now! 156 City Council Item November 14, 2022 Item Resolution 2022-XX: Approve updated Limited Use Permits entered into with the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation File No.Item No: D.11 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Stacy Osen, Administrative Support Specialist Reviewed By Charlie Howley SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council adopts a resolution to approve the updated Limited Use Permits (LUP's) entered into with the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority Asset Management SUMMARY BACKGROUND MnDOT is requesting the City enter into replacement Limited Use Permits (LUP's) for various agreements that have, or are about to, expire. MnDOT's standard LUP agreements expire after 10 years. One combined resolution is appropriate to update all of them. A list of the LUP's is below and documents are attached. LUP 2736-0257 - TH 101 Multi-use Trail LUP 1002-0054 - Pedestrian underpass at TH 5 and Minnewashta Parkway 157 LUP 1008-0055 - Multi-use Trail on TH 41 near the Minnetonka Middle School West Entrance LUP 2762-0258 - Multi-use Trail along the north side of TH 212 at Rice Marsh Lake DISCUSSION n/a BUDGET n/a RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the updated Limited Use Permits. ATTACHMENTS LUP 1002-0054 Chanhassen Packet LUP 1008-0055 Chanhassen Packet LUP 2736-0257 Chanhassen Packet LUP 2762-0258 Chanhassen Packet RESOLUTION 2022-XX - Updated MnDOT LUPs 158 City Council Item May 8, 2023 Item Resolution 2023-XX: Call for Assessment Hearing for the 2023 Mill & Overlay Project No. 23-04 File No.ENG Project No. 23-04 CIP No. ST-012 Item No: D.10 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Erik Henricksen, Project Engineer Reviewed By Charlie Howley SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council adopts a resolution calling for the assessment hearing for the 2023 Mill & Overlay Project No. 23-04." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority Asset Management SUMMARY Call for Assessment Hearing for the 2023 Mill & Overlay Project No. 23-04 to be held on May 22, 2023. The project has been bid and the next step for the project is for the City Council to host a Public Hearing and subsequently consider awarding the project to a contractor. BACKGROUND As part of the overall Pavement Management Program (PMP), the city annually plans to rehabilitate a section or sections of public streets across the city. The Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) identifies the near-term streets to be rehabilitated. Key dates and items relative to this project: 159 On January 23, 2023, The City Council accepted the feasibility study and called for a Public Hearing on February 13, 2023. On February 1, 2023, the Engineering Department hosted an open house meeting relative to all project areas. On February 13, 2023, the City Council conducted a Public Hearing (known as the Improvement Hearing) and authorized the preparation of plans and specifications for the project. On March 20, 2023, the City Council approved the Plans and Specifications for the project and authorized the publication of the Advertisement for Bids. On April 21, 2023, the Engineering Department conducted a bid opening for the project. On May 2, 2023, the Engineering Department hosted an open house meeting to review and discuss the proposed project improvements and assessments. One resident in the project area attended and was in support of the project. DISCUSSION The approved plans and specifications were bid on April 21, 2023. Five responsive bids were received from contractors which ranged from $146,914.37 to $198,498.30. The bid included the following neighborhood areas: Creekwood Drive, Oakside Circle, and Sunridge Court. There is no utility work proposed for these mill and overlay areas. The bids received from the contractors are as follows: Contractor Bid Amount Northwest Asphalt $146,914.37 Bituminous Roadways $155,555.00 GMH Asphalt $167,156.00 Valley Paving $174,609.10 Park Construction $198,498.30 *Engineer's Estimate $142,240.00 * The Engineer's Estimate is included in the table above for reference only. The assessment amounts for each neighborhood area associated with the project are as follows: Neighborhood Project Area Preliminary Assessment Amount Final Assessment Amount Creekwood Drive (250363600)$49.49 $38.76 Creekwood Drive (250260800, 250261400, etc.)$9,590.51 $7,511.51 Oakside Circle area $2,960.00 $4,281.44 Sunridge Court area $3,864.00 $5,070.74 The assessment amounts for the Oakside Circle and Sunridge Court areas increased by $1,321.44 and $1,206.74, respectively, due to the need to increase the scope of the feasibility study analysis. Originally 160 these areas were analyzed with a two-inch mill and overlay technique, however, after additional geotechnical explorations were conducted it was determined that a full-depth mill and overlay method was required given the existing condition and pavement structure discovered with the bituminous core information reviewed in the report. SCHEDULE The remaining schedule for the project is as follows: Task Date Conduct Public (Assessment) Hearing and Award Project May 22, 2023 Begin Construction Late May 2023 Substantial Completion October 2023 Final Completion November 2023 BUDGET This project is part of the overall project budget for the 2023 Street Improvements, which is shown in the table below. The 23-01 project came in well under budget and therefore both projects can be completed within the established budget. Fund Budget Bid PMP (Street)$4,630,000 $146,914.37 Total $4,630,000 $146,914.37 RECOMMENDATION The project is within budget and the final assessment amounts associated with the smaller and less dense neighborhood areas along all project areas are reasonable for the work being specified. Staff recommends the City Council adopt the resolution calling for the Assessment Hearing for the 2023 Mill & Overlay Project No. 23-04. ATTACHMENTS Resolution - Call for Assessment Hearing 23-04 23-04 Preliminary Assessment Roll 23-04 Final Assessment Roll Assessment Policy Streets 5-Year CIP Map (2023-2027) CIP ST-012 (2023) 161 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: May 8, 2023 RESOLUTION NO:2023-XX MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR THE PUBLIC (ASSESSMENT) HEARING FOR THE 2023 MILL & OVERLAY PROJECT (CITY PROJECT 23-04) WHEREAS,Minnesota State Statute 429 regarding special assessments for public improvement projects requires City Council to officially set the assessment hearing date for capital improvement projects; and WHEREAS, the 2023 Mill & Overlay project bids were received on April 21, 2023; and WHEREAS, a public open house was conducted on May 2, 2023, ahead of the assessment hearing to review and discuss the proposed project improvements and assessments. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, that: 1.A hearing shall be held on the 22 nd dayof May, 2023 in the Council Chambers at City Hall at 7:00 p.m. to pass upon such proposed assessment. All persons owningproperty affected bysuch improvement will be given an opportunityto be heard with reference to such assessment. 2.The cityclerk is herebydirected to cause a notice of the hearing on the proposed assessments to be published once in the official newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing and shall state in the notice the total cost of the improvements. The clerk shall also cause mailed notice to be given to the owner of each parcel described in the assessment rolls not less than two weeks prior to the hearings. 3.The owner of any property so assessed may, at anytime prior to certification of the assessment to the countyauditor, paythe whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the Cityof Chanhassen, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid byNovember 22 of the year the assessment is adopted. The propertyowner may at any time thereafter, payto the Cityof Chanhassen the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which such payment is made.Such payment must be made before November 15 or interest will be charged through December 31 ofthe succeeding year. 162 Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 8 th day of May, 2023. ATTEST: Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Elise Ryan, Mayor YES NO ABSENT 163 ASSMT UNIT STREET ASSMT 1 Jeffrey W & Gail H Moody 1800 Sunridge Court Chanhassen, MN 55317 1800 Sunridge Court Chanhassen, MN 55317 258260010 1 3,864.00$ 2 Alecia Breeggemann 1751 Sunridge Court Chanhassen, MN 55317 1751 Sunridge Court Chanhassen, MN 55317 258080030 1 3,864.00$ 3 Chris B & Leslie J Erickson 1831 Sunridge Court Chanhassen, MN 55317 1831 Sunridge Court Chanhassen, MN 55317 258080040 1 3,864.00$ 4 Daryl W & Catherine M Hartsel 1851 Sunridge Court Chanhassen, MN 55317 1851 Sunridge Court Chanhassen, MN 55317 258080051 1 3,864.00$ 5 Daniel K & Robin L Edmunds 1861 Sunridge Court Chanhassen, MN 55317 1861 Sunridge Court Chanhassen, MN 55317 258080050 1 3,864.00$ 1 Jayme D & Carol R Lee 1380 Oakside Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 1380 Oakside Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 253530030 1 2,960.00$ 2 John E & Brenda L Hill 1360 Oakside Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 1360 Oakside Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 253530040 1 2,960.00$ 3 Craig J Peterson 1340 Oakside Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 1340 Oakside Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 253530050 1 2,960.00$ 4 James Svoboda 1300 Oakside Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 1300 Oakside Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 253530070 1 2,960.00$ 1 James W Sabinske 775 Creekwood Chaska, MN 55318 775 Creekwood Chanhassen, MN 55318 250363600 0.005 49.49$ By area (1.17 acres) 2 Bluff Creek Golf Assoc.PO Box 1060 Chanhassen, MN 55317 1025 Creekwood Drive Chanhassen, MN 55318 250260800 250261400 250261300 0.995 9,590.51$ By area (226.74 acres) NOTES Sunridge Court Oakside Circle Creekwood Drive STREET ASSESSMENT P.I.D.PROPERTY ADDRESSOWNER ADDRESSOWNERPROP. NO. 164 ASSMT UNIT STREET ASSMT 1 Jeffrey W & Gail H Moody 1800 Sunridge Court Chanhassen, MN 55317 1800 Sunridge Court Chanhassen, MN 55317 258260010 1 5,070.74$ 2 Alecia Breeggemann 1751 Sunridge Court Chanhassen, MN 55317 1751 Sunridge Court Chanhassen, MN 55317 258080030 1 5,070.74$ 3 Chris B & Leslie J Erickson 1831 Sunridge Court Chanhassen, MN 55317 1831 Sunridge Court Chanhassen, MN 55317 258080040 1 5,070.74$ 4 Daryl W & Catherine M Hartsel 1851 Sunridge Court Chanhassen, MN 55317 1851 Sunridge Court Chanhassen, MN 55317 258080051 1 5,070.74$ 5 Daniel K & Robin L Edmunds 1861 Sunridge Court Chanhassen, MN 55317 1861 Sunridge Court Chanhassen, MN 55317 258080050 1 5,070.74$ 1 Jayme D & Carol R Lee 1380 Oakside Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 1380 Oakside Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 253530030 1 4,281.43$ 2 John E & Brenda L Hill 1360 Oakside Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 1360 Oakside Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 253530040 1 4,281.43$ 3 Craig J Peterson 1340 Oakside Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 1340 Oakside Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 253530050 1 4,281.43$ 4 James Svoboda 1300 Oakside Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 1300 Oakside Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 253530070 1 4,281.43$ 1 James W Sabinske 775 Creekwood Chaska, MN 55318 775 Creekwood Chanhassen, MN 55318 250363600 0.005 37.75$ By area (1.17 acres) 2 Bluff Creek Golf Assoc.PO Box 1060 Chanhassen, MN 55317 1025 Creekwood Drive Chanhassen, MN 55318 250260800 0.864 6,523.44$ By area (196.99 acres) 3 Bluff Creek Golf Assoc.PO Box 1060 Chanhassen, MN 55318 1026 Creekwood Drive Chanhassen, MN 55318 250261400 0.124 936.23$ By area (28.28 acres) 4 Bluff Creek Golf Assoc.PO Box 1060 Chanhassen, MN 55319 1027 Creekwood Drive Chanhassen, MN 55318 250261300 0.007 52.85$ By area (1.47 acres) NOTES Sunridge Court Oakside Circle Creekwood Drive STREET ASSESSMENT P.I.D.PROPERTY ADDRESSOWNER ADDRESSOWNERPROP. NO. 165 Page 1 of 2 CITY OF CHANHASSEN ASSESSMENT POLICY Last updated January 2022 The City of Chanhassen’s Assessment Policy is intended to provide general direction to City Staff and their consultants in preparation of assessment rolls to ensure fair and consistent treatment of all properties within the City that are subject to an assessment. This document will also be used to educate and explain to property owners about the Policy. All assessments shall follow the process outlined in Minnesota State Statues, Chapter 429, which gives the City the legal authority to assess property. This Policy may not apply in all circumstances, at which time the City Council may direct staff to determine an alternate assessment methodology. All benefiting properties that currently have access, or may have future access, to the public street being reconstructed or rehabilitated shall be included in the assessment roll. This includes property with a shared driveway or private street access to the public street, except where said private street meets applicable criteria to allow for a reduced or no assessment. Applicable criteria includes whether the private street has standard street width, section, and turn-around. There are various ways to calculate assessments, typically done based on the number of parcels, an area, or linear foot calculation. The City shall use the calculation method that creates a reasonable distribution of assessments across the entire roll. When more than one “neighborhood” is contained within the same project, the assessment shall be calculated per each neighborhood, rather than the total project. Public property, private associations, and non-profits will be included in the calculations. Commercial, Medium, and High Density Residential property shall be assessed based on a reasonable determination of vehicular traffic generated. NEW CONSTRUCTION: 100% assessed to all benefitting properties. New construction is typically paid for by the development itself and therefore not formally assessed. In some instances, the City will undertake proactive installation of public utilities to unserved areas and then assess the benefiting properties for the added service. In other instances properties may petition the City directly for the installation of the public improvement. Assessable Costs Include: • Construction of a new public street, trail and/or sidewalk. • Installation of public water main, storm sewer and/or sanitary sewer system, including appurtenances (structures, valves, hydrants, lift stations, etc.), where it did not previously exist. • Indirect costs (design, legal, and administration fees). Notes: • Oversizing of streets and utilities beyond what is needed for the development itself, are paid for by the City and are typically not assessed. RECONSTRUCTION/REHABILITATION: 40% assessed to all benefitting properties Assessable Costs Include: • Pavement associated with public streets, trails and/or sidewalks. This includes draintile, geotechnical (soil corrections, etc.), and other improvements needed to support the function of the pavement structure. • Curb and gutter, including curb impacted solely by utility improvements. • Driveway pavement directly affected by the project work. • Multi-Modal improvements such as ADA ramps and actuated pedestrian crossings such as Rectangular Rapid- Flashing Beacons (RRFB’s). 166 Page 2 of 2 • Signing and stripping. • Retaining walls required within the Right-of-Way. • Tree removal and/or landscaping improvements directly affected by the project work. • Applicable percentage of indirect costs (design, legal, and admin fees). Notes: • Rehabilitation is typically defined as mill and overlay and/or full depth reclamation activities. • If a residential property benefits from a collector street, the assessment amount shall be based on an equitable formula compared to a typical local roadway, including normalizing to a 31-foot wide street, street section, and other applicable factors. • Pavement projects on streets that provide direct access to Chanhassen property(s) that are being implemented by an adjacent municipality shall not be assessed to the Chanhassen property(s) unless the adjacent municipality is assessing the benefitting property in their jurisdiction as part of the project. • Replacement or repair of existing public water main, storm sewer and/or sanitary sewer shall not be assessed. The City will pay 100% of these improvement costs out of the associated enterprise fund. REGULAR MAINTENANCE: Benefiting properties are not assessed • Activities Include: Pavement patching, pothole filling, crack sealing, chip sealing, sealcoating, and re-stripping. ASSESSMENT PAYMENT OPTIONS • Assessments can be paid in full up front with no charge, or added to annual property taxes with interest. • If elected to be added to annual property taxes, the balance can be paid off at any time during the term if later requested by the property owner. • Interest will be charged to property owners who choose to not pay their assessments in full by November 15th in the year the special assessment is levied. The interest rate will be equal to the average interest cost of the City’s most recent bond issue plus 2%. If the City has not issued bonds in the past year, the City will use the current municipal bond index rate for AAA rated issuers at the time the special assessment is approved. • Unless approved otherwise by the City Council, the maximum financing term for assessments shall be as follows: o $0-$500 1 year o $501-$2,500 5 years o $2,501-$5,000 8 years o $5,001 and above 10 years The City has developed a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document addressing the most common questions concerning assessments. The FAQ document can be found on the City’s website. 167 G:\ENG\Assessments\Assessment FAQ 2022 Update - Clean.docx Page 1 of 2 What are assessments? Assessments are charges to benefiting properties utilized to help finance an improvement project. In Chanhassen and most metro area cities, assessments are used to help finance street reconstruction and rehabilitation projects. These projects are programmed via the Pavement Management Program (PMP). Minnesota State Statutes, Chapter 429, allows the City the authority to assess for projects. Who is assessed for a street improvement project? Owners of property that directly access a public street, or that have a private driveway that has access to a public street, or that have potential future access within the project area are assessed. These properties are determined to be “benefitting properties” and are assessed a cost based on the City’s Assessment Policy. Does the City have an Assessment Policy? Yes. It can be found on the City’s website at this location: https://www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/432/Assessment-Policy The City started assessing for street improvements in 1993. The Policy was last updated in January 2022. For the construction of a new public streets or public utilities, 100% of the cost is assessed to the benefitting properties. For an improvement project of an existing street, 40% of the cost is assessed to the benefitting properties and the City pays 60% of the street improvement cost. 100% of the public storm sewer, sanitary sewer and water main costs associated with the project are paid by the associated utility enterprise funds and are not included in the cost assessed to the benefitting properties. Why does the City assess for street improvement projects? Why doesn’t the City pay 100% of the project cost? Public streets are part of the City’s Multi-Modal transportation system to provide access to all residents. The City acknowledges the system benefit of a street project by paying 60% of the project cost. Benefitting properties use the roads to get to and from their property on a daily basis, which is why they are assessed 40% of the street project cost. When someone buys a new home in a new subdivision, the cost to construct the new infrastructure was incorporated into the purchase price of the home and property by the Developer and thus was the initial assessment to the property. When is the assessment amount determined? An estimate of the assessment is calculated with the Feasibility Study, which is typically completed six months to a year before a project begins. The final assessment amount is based on the lowest responsible bid amount and is set by City Council at the assessment hearing, CITY OF CHANHASSEN FAQs: ASSESSMENTS 168 G:\ENG\Assessments\Assessment FAQ 2022 Update - Clean.docx Page 2 of 2 which typically occurs in April or May of the construction year. Properties being assessed for the project are notified of the assessment hearing formally by US mail, but the process is also communicated by the City via its website, public open houses, the Chanhassen Connection, social media, and at City Council meetings. What are the payment options for assessments? Please refer to the timeline below for payment options. The City does not accept partial payments of the assessment. Assessment Hearing & final assessment amount is determined and the Assessment Roll is adopted Payments received by this date are not charged interest Payments received by this date are charged the interest that has accrued from the date the Assessment Roll is adopted Annual payments to the assessment are paid with your property taxes. Interest is collected each year based on the outstanding principle owed on the assessment April or May (typically) 90 days after the Assessment Roll is adopted End of the year Term of the assessment* *You can pay off an assessment after it has been certified to your property taxes. The City of Chanhassen Finance Department will calculate the payoff amount, which will include the interest. The Term is based on a tiered amount found in the Policy. Why does the City charge interest on assessments? The City finances the entire project cost until all the assessments have been paid. The interest charged on assessments is the rate the City pays for the bonding (as of the date of the assessment) plus 2%. The interest charged is calculated as simple interest and not a compound interest. Benefitting property owners are encouraged to consult private financial institutions for other ways that can be used to pay off the assessment. This allows the property owner the ability to negotiate the term and interest rates within the competitive market and may have some tax advantages. What does the Franchise Fees Pay for? The Franchise Fees (passed in 2018) help pay for the City’s cost of the project. In lieu of Franchise Fees, the annual property tax levy would have to be adjusted to fund the overall Pavement Management Program (PMP). How can I provide input on the project and the planned improvements? A couple ways: 1. The City and their design consultants typically hold 2 public open houses during the project implementation process. You can attend one or both of these and verbally discuss the project or provide written comments on a comment card at those meetings. 2. Call the City’s Engineering Department at (952) 227-1160 and talk to one of the staff working on the project. 3. E-mail the City’s Engineering Department at Engineering@ci.chanhassen.mn.us and provide your comments or concerns. 169 ###################################################### ###############################################################################################Lake Virginia Christmas Lake Lotus Lake Brendan Pond Lake Harrison Kerber Pond Lake Susan Rice Marsh Lake Lake Riley Rice Lake Lake St. Joe Lake Minnewashta Lake Ann Lake Lucy ST18 ST15 ST14 ST17 ST61 Minnewashta Regional Park North Lotus Lake Park Meadow Green Park Lake Ann Park Chanhassen Pond Park Chanhassen Nature Preserve Chanhassen Recreation Center Lake Susan Park Rice Marsh Lake Preserve Power Hill Park Fox Woods Preserve Bandimere Community Park Bluff Creek Golf Course Hesse Farm Park Preserve Lake Susan Preserve Raguet Wildlife Management Are MN Valley National Wildlife Re MN Landscape Arboretum Seminary Fen Scientific & Nat* Bluff Creek Preserve Independent School District 11 Independent School District 112 Independent School District 276 Riley Ridge Park Lake Ann Park Preserve SA5 SA7 SA101 SA41 SA5 )212 C C C C C Powers BlvdH w y212AudubonRdLyman Blvd Chanhassen RdA r b o r e t u m Blvd Pioneer Trl A r boretum Blvd GalpinBlvdHwy 212HazeltineBlvdMarketBlvdHwy 7 GreatPlainsB lvdFlying C l o u d D r C o R d 1 0 1 ST101 GH117 S S M M M M M M M M M Date Created: 7/25/2022 Document Path: K:\Departments\Engineering\CIP\2023-2027\CIP_5Year_2023-2027.aprxCreated By: City of Chanhassen - Engineering Department µ0 3,000 Feet 0 0.5 Mile 5-Year CIP Pavement Management Plan (PMP) - Streets (2023-2027) City of Chanhassen Legend 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Mill & Overlay Full Depth Reclamation ##Reconstruction S State/MnDOT Project C County Project M Municipal State Aid 170 Streets - 2023 Street Improvements Overview Request Owner Charlie Howley, PW Director/City Engineer Department Annual Pvmnt Mgmt Contracted Type Capital Improvement Project Number ST-012-2023 Description  The 5-year Capital Pavement Management Plan (PMP) identies the planned streets for the next ve years. The Plan is updated every fall to revi ew priorities and needs, but generally i ntends to keep the overal l condition index (OCI) average across all streets at 70 or hi gher. The Ci ty uses a Pavement Management System in Cartegraph to moni tor the condition of City streets. While proper preventative maintenance extends the l ife of the street and is cost effective, a street wil l eventually deteriorate to a point that major maintenance is required. Rehabili tation projects exi ted the li fe of the street. In cases when util ities or poor subgrade needs to be repl aced or where streets have deteriorated to a point where rehabil itati on will no longer be practical , reconstructi on of the street i s necessary. A feasibili ty study i s wri tten to consider the merits of the project, scope of work, costs, and assessments. The Ci ty has an Assessment Pol icy that i denti es what and how much of the project is assessed to beneting properti es. Details Type of Project Resurface Current Road 171 Capital Cost Breakdown Capital Cost FY20 23 Total Engineering $450,000 $450,000 Construction/Maintenance $5,880,000 $5,880,000 Total $6,330,0 00 $6,330,0 00 Capital Cost FY2023 Budget $6,330,000 Total Budget (all years) $6.33M Project Total $6.33M Capital Cost by Year Construction/Maintenance Engineering 2023 $6,330,000.00 $0 $2M $4M $6M Capital Cost for Budgeted Years TOTAL $6,330,000.00 Construction/Maintenance (93%)$5,880,000.0 Engineering (7%)$450,000.00 172 Funding Sources Breakdown Funding Sources FY2023 Total Streets - PMP Funds $2,778,000 $2,778,000 Streets - PMP Assessmen ts $1,852,000 $1,852,000 Utility Fund - Water $700,000 $700,000 Utility Fund - Sewer $250,000 $250,000 Utility Fund - SW Mgmt $750,000 $750,000 Total $6,330,000 $6,330,000 Funding Sources FY2023 Budget $6,330,000 Total Budget (all years) $6.33M Project Total $6.33M Funding Sources by Year Streets - PMP Assessments Streets - PMP Funds Utility Fund - Sewer Utility Fund - SW Mgmt Utility Fund - Water 2023 $6,330,000.00 $0 $2M $4M $6M Funding Sources for Budgeted Years TOTAL $6,330,000.00 Streets - PMP Assessments (29%)$1,852,000.0 Streets - PMP Funds (44%)$2,778,000.00 U tility Fund - Sewer (4%)$250,000.00 U tility Fund - SW Mgmt (12%)$750,000.00 U tility Fund - Water (11%)$700,000.00 173 City Council Item May 8, 2023 Item Ordinance XXX: Approve Amendment to Section 2-46.13(b) of Chanhassen City Code Amending Economic Development Commission Membership File No.Item No: D.11 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Reviewed By Laurie Hokkanen SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council adopts an ordinance amending Chapter 2 of the Chanhassen City Code concerning Economic Development Commission Membership to include the appointment of a Youth Commissioner." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY BACKGROUND Community Development Manager Samantha DiMaggio received a request from a sophomore from Chanhassen High School asking about the possibility of being appointed as a youth commissioner to the Economic Development Commission (EDC). The student was aware that the Environmental and Park & Recreation Commissions had appointed youth commissioners. Ms. DiMaggio discussed the request with City Manager Laurie Hokkanen, who was in favor of adding a youth commissioner to the EDC. In order to realize this, Chanhassen City Code Section 2-46.13(b) needs to be amended to include a youth commissioner as a voting member of the EDC. A draft ordinance is attached to this report. 174 DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS Draft Ordinance 175 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. XXX AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 2 CHANHASSEN CITY CODE, ADMINISTRATION THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: SECTION 1.Section 2-46.13(b) of the City Code, City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, is hereby amended to read as follows: (b)Membership.The economic development commission consists of five members appointed by the city council. The members will be a combination of residents and representatives of the business community. Members of the commission are appointed by the city council for staggered terms of three years expiring on March 31 of each year. Additionally, the commission may also have one youth representative who shall also be a voting member. Youth representatives shall be appointed for one-year terms. SECTION 2.This ordinance shall be effective immediately after its passage and publication. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 8th day of May, 2023 by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota. ATTEST: Kim Meuwissen City Clerk Elise Ryan, Mayor (Published in the Chanhassen Villager on ) 176 City Council Item May 8, 2023 Item Resolution 2023-XX: Accept the Bids and Award the Contract for the 2023 City Pavement Rehabilitation Project; and Resolution 2023-XX: Adopt Final Assessment Roll File No.ENG Project No. 23-01 CIP No. ST-012 Item No: F.1 Agenda Section PUBLIC HEARINGS Prepared By George Bender, Assistant City Engineer Reviewed By Charlie Howley SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council adopts a resolution accepting the bids and awarding the contract, and also adopts a resolution adopting the assessment roll for the 2023 City Pavement Rehabilitation Project No 23-01." Motion Type 4/5 Vote Strategic Priority Asset Management SUMMARY Conduct Public (Assessment) Hearing for the 2023 City Pavement Rehabilitation Project No. 23-01. Adopt the final assessment roll for the project. Accept the bids and award the project to a contractor. BACKGROUND As part of the overall Pavement Management Program (PMP), the city annually plans to rehabilitate a section or sections of public streets across the city. The Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) identifies the near-term streets to be rehabilitated. Key dates and items relative to this project: 177 On September 27, 2022, the Engineering Department released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for design and construction services for the project. On January 23, 2023, the City Council accepted the feasibility study and called for a Public Hearing on February 13, 2023. On February 1, 2023, the Engineering Department hosted an open house meeting relative to all project areas. On February 13, 2023, the City Council conducted a Public Hearing (known as the Improvement Hearing) and authorized the preparation of plans and specifications for the project. On March 13, 2023, the City Council approved the Plans and Specifications for the project and authorized the publication of the Advertisement for Bids. On April 7, 2023, the Engineering Department conducted a bid opening for the project. On April 24, 2023, the City Council called for a Public Hearing (known as the Assessment Hearing) on May 8, 2023. On May 2, 2023, the Engineering Department hosted an open house meeting relative to all project areas. DISCUSSION The approved plans and specifications were bid on April 7, 2023. Six responsive bids were received from contractors which ranged from $5,033,715.86 to $5,597,580.24. The number of bids and the spread of the amounts is indicative of a competitive market. Staff and the consultant are in agreement that the bids received are a good value for the current market. These total bid amounts include the base bid plus bid alternates 1 and 2. The total bid amount was defined in the contract as the basis for awarding the bid. The base bid included the following neighborhood areas: Curry Farms/Mulberry Circle, Lake Susan Hills West, Saddlebrook, Ches Mar Drive, and Bramble. Alternate No. 1 was the Mission Hills Lane neighborhood area and Alternate No. 2 was the Creek Run Trail neighborhood area. The bids received from the contractors are as follows: Contractor Base Bid Amount Alternate No. 1 Amount Alternate No. 2 Amount Total Bid Amount Northwest Asphalt $4,483,572.06 $367,849.32 $182,294.48 $5,033,715.86 S.M. Hentges & Sons $4,690,779.10 $363,112.10 $187,367.15 $5,241,258.35 Valley Paving $4,741,991.15 $386,085.25 $197,248.60 $5,325,325.00 Bituminous Roadways $4,729,845.40 $413,463.90 $201,908.45 $5,345,217.75 GMH Asphalt $4,958,882.25 $389,916.33 $175,919.37 $5,524,717.95 Park Construction $5,029,036.54 $377,049.42 $191,494.28 $5,597,580.24 *Engineer's Estimate $5,446,640.00 $445,503.00 $221,220.75 $6,113,363.75 * The Engineer's Estimate is included in the table above for reference only. 178 The special assessment amounts for each neighborhood area associated with the project are as follows: Neighborhood Project Area Preliminary Assessment Amount Final Assessment Amount Change Curry Farms/Mulberry Circle area $4,703.49 $3,527.84 $1,175.65 (-25.0%) Lake Susan Hills West area $4,726.01 $3,536.39 $1,189.62 (-25.2%) Saddlebrook area $4,684.66 $3,448.80 $1,235.86 (-26.4%) Ches Mar Dr area $8,619.96 $8,344.75 $275.21 (-3.2%) Bramble area $8,410.29 $6,935.97 $1,474.32 (-17.5) Mission Hills Lane area (Alternate No. 1)$4,591.66 $3,011.76 $1,579.90 (-34.4%) Creek Run Trail area (Alternate No. 2)$4,499.13 $3,723.30 $775.83 (-17.2%) The reasoning behind the significant decrease in assessment amounts is thought to be primarily due to existing market conditions at the time of the bid. Staff learned the timing of the bid was advantageous from the contractors perspective because there hadn't been a lot of other projects bid in the Southwest/West Metro area. All of the larger areas have assessments that are well within the range that we expect for a FDR rehabilitation project. The Ches Mar and Bramble areas are higher due to the size of the (larger) lots in the areas and decrease in number of the lots in comparison to the amount of the pavement area to be rehabilitated. The Ches Mar neighborhood only has assessable properties on one side of the street. SCHEDULE The remaining schedule for the project is as follows: Task Date Conduct Public (Assessment) Hearing and Award Project May 8, 2023 Begin Construction Late May 2023 (Tentatively May 22) Substantial Completion November 2023 Final Completion June 2024 BUDGET The overall project budget including Alternates No. 1 and 2 are shown in the table below: Fund Budget Bid Amount by Fund Bid Amount with Engineering PMP (Street)$4,630,000 $3,597,284.98 $3,872,389.44 Surface Water (Storm Sewer)$750,000 $698,608.23 $752,288.55 Sanitary Sewer $250,000 $250,484.72 $269,630.87 Water $700,000 $487,337.92 $524,681.80 Total $6,330,000 $5,033,715.86 $5,418,990.66 RECOMMENDATION The project is within budget and the final assessment amounts are within the standard range the city 179 typically sees in association with a normal density and larger full-depth reclamation project. The final assessment amounts associated with the smaller and less dense neighborhood areas (Bramble and Ches Mar areas) are reasonable for the work being specified and these areas need to be rehabilitated as well. Staff recommends the City Council adopt the resolution accepting the bids and approving a contract to Northwest Asphalt with Alternates No. 1 and 2 included. Staff also recommends the City Council adopt the resolution adopting the final assessment roll for the 2023 City Pavement Rehabilitation Project No. 23-01. ATTACHMENTS Resolution - Accept Bids and Award 23-01 Contract Resolution - Adopt 23-01 Assessment Roll Assessment Policy 23-01 Final Assessment Roll Project Budget (CIP_ST-012-2023) 5-Year Street CIP Map (2023-2027) 180 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: May 8, 2023 RESOLUTION NO:2023-XX MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BIDS AND AWARDING A CONTRACT FOR THE 2023 CITY PAVEMENT REHABILITATION PROJECT NO. 23-01 WHEREAS,pursuant to an advertisement for bids for Project No. 23-01 (2023 City Pavement Rehabilitation Project), bids were received, opened, and tabulated according to law, and the following bids were received complying with the advertisement: Bidder Base Bid Amount Alternate No.1 Bid Amount Alternate No.2 Bid Amount Total Bid Amount Northwest Asphalt Inc.$4,483,572.06 $367,849.32 $182,294.48 $5,033,715.86 SM Hentges and Sons, Inc.$4,690,779.10 $363,112.10 $187,367.15 $5,241,258.35 Valley Paving, Inc.$4,741,991.15 $386,085.25 $197,248.60 $5,325,325.00 Bituminous Roadways, Inc.$4,729,845.40 $413,463.90 $201,908.45 $5,345,217.75 GMH Asphalt Corp.$4,958,882.25 $389,916.33 $175,919.37 $5,524,717.95 Park Construction Co.$5,029,036.54 $377,049.42 $191,494.28 $5,597,580.24 WHEREAS,Northwest Asphalt, Inc. is the lowest responsible bidder with a total bid amount to be awarded of $5,033,715.86; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED bythe Chanhassen City Council: 1. The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with Northwest Asphalt, Inc. in the name of the City of Chanhassen for the 2023City Pavement Rehabilitation Project No. 23-01 according to the plans and specifications therefore approved by the City Council and on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposits of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until a contract has been signed. Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 8th day of May, 2023. ATTEST: Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Elise Ryan, Mayor YES NO ABSENT 181 1 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: May 8, 2023 RESOLUTION NO:2023-XX MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: A RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE 2023 CITY PAVEMENT REHABILITION PROJECT NO. 23-01 WHEREAS,pursuant to proper notice duly given as required by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for the improvement of the project area contained within the: 2023City Pavement Rehabilitation Project NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Chanhassen, Minnesota: 1.Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named therein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefited by the proposed improvement in the amount of the assessment levied against it. 2.Assessment under $5,000.00 shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of eight (8) years, and assessments over $5,000.00 shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of ten (10) years. The first of the installments to be payable on or before the first Monday in January, 2024, and shall bear interest at the rate of 4.5 percent (4.5%) per annum. This assessment will appear on the first property tax statement for 2024. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from November 23, 2023 until December 31, 2024. To each subsequent installment, when due, shall be added interest for one year on all unpaid installments. 3.The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the county auditor, pay the on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the city treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the assessment is paid by November 22, 2023; and the owner may, at any time thereafter, pay to the city treasurer the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15 or interest will be charged through December 31 of the next succeeding year. If the property owner decides not to prepay the assessment before the date given above, the rate of interest that will apply shall be 4.5percent (4.5%) per year. 4.The clerk shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of this assessment to the county auditor to be extended on the property tax lists of the County. Such assessments shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 8th day of May, 2023. 182 2 ATTEST: Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Elise Ryan, Mayor YES NO ABSENT 183 Page 1 of 2 CITY OF CHANHASSEN ASSESSMENT POLICY Last updated January 2022 The City of Chanhassen’s Assessment Policy is intended to provide general direction to City Staff and their consultants in preparation of assessment rolls to ensure fair and consistent treatment of all properties within the City that are subject to an assessment. This document will also be used to educate and explain to property owners about the Policy. All assessments shall follow the process outlined in Minnesota State Statues, Chapter 429, which gives the City the legal authority to assess property. This Policy may not apply in all circumstances, at which time the City Council may direct staff to determine an alternate assessment methodology. All benefiting properties that currently have access, or may have future access, to the public street being reconstructed or rehabilitated shall be included in the assessment roll. This includes property with a shared driveway or private street access to the public street, except where said private street meets applicable criteria to allow for a reduced or no assessment. Applicable criteria includes whether the private street has standard street width, section, and turn-around. There are various ways to calculate assessments, typically done based on the number of parcels, an area, or linear foot calculation. The City shall use the calculation method that creates a reasonable distribution of assessments across the entire roll. When more than one “neighborhood” is contained within the same project, the assessment shall be calculated per each neighborhood, rather than the total project. Public property, private associations, and non-profits will be included in the calculations. Commercial, Medium, and High Density Residential property shall be assessed based on a reasonable determination of vehicular traffic generated. NEW CONSTRUCTION: 100% assessed to all benefitting properties. New construction is typically paid for by the development itself and therefore not formally assessed. In some instances, the City will undertake proactive installation of public utilities to unserved areas and then assess the benefiting properties for the added service. In other instances properties may petition the City directly for the installation of the public improvement. Assessable Costs Include: • Construction of a new public street, trail and/or sidewalk. • Installation of public water main, storm sewer and/or sanitary sewer system, including appurtenances (structures, valves, hydrants, lift stations, etc.), where it did not previously exist. • Indirect costs (design, legal, and administration fees). Notes: • Oversizing of streets and utilities beyond what is needed for the development itself, are paid for by the City and are typically not assessed. RECONSTRUCTION/REHABILITATION: 40% assessed to all benefitting properties Assessable Costs Include: • Pavement associated with public streets, trails and/or sidewalks. This includes draintile, geotechnical (soil corrections, etc.), and other improvements needed to support the function of the pavement structure. • Curb and gutter, including curb impacted solely by utility improvements. • Driveway pavement directly affected by the project work. • Multi-Modal improvements such as ADA ramps and actuated pedestrian crossings such as Rectangular Rapid- Flashing Beacons (RRFB’s). 184 Page 2 of 2 • Signing and stripping. • Retaining walls required within the Right-of-Way. • Tree removal and/or landscaping improvements directly affected by the project work. • Applicable percentage of indirect costs (design, legal, and admin fees). Notes: • Rehabilitation is typically defined as mill and overlay and/or full depth reclamation activities. • If a residential property benefits from a collector street, the assessment amount shall be based on an equitable formula compared to a typical local roadway, including normalizing to a 31-foot wide street, street section, and other applicable factors. • Pavement projects on streets that provide direct access to Chanhassen property(s) that are being implemented by an adjacent municipality shall not be assessed to the Chanhassen property(s) unless the adjacent municipality is assessing the benefitting property in their jurisdiction as part of the project. • Replacement or repair of existing public water main, storm sewer and/or sanitary sewer shall not be assessed. The City will pay 100% of these improvement costs out of the associated enterprise fund. REGULAR MAINTENANCE: Benefiting properties are not assessed • Activities Include: Pavement patching, pothole filling, crack sealing, chip sealing, sealcoating, and re-stripping. ASSESSMENT PAYMENT OPTIONS • Assessments can be paid in full up front with no charge, or added to annual property taxes with interest. • If elected to be added to annual property taxes, the balance can be paid off at any time during the term if later requested by the property owner. • Interest will be charged to property owners who choose to not pay their assessments in full by November 15th in the year the special assessment is levied. The interest rate will be equal to the average interest cost of the City’s most recent bond issue plus 2%. If the City has not issued bonds in the past year, the City will use the current municipal bond index rate for AAA rated issuers at the time the special assessment is approved. • Unless approved otherwise by the City Council, the maximum financing term for assessments shall be as follows: o $0-$500 1 year o $501-$2,500 5 years o $2,501-$5,000 8 years o $5,001 and above 10 years The City has developed a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document addressing the most common questions concerning assessments. The FAQ document can be found on the City’s website. 185 G:\ENG\Assessments\Assessment FAQ 2022 Update - Clean.docx Page 1 of 2 What are assessments? Assessments are charges to benefiting properties utilized to help finance an improvement project. In Chanhassen and most metro area cities, assessments are used to help finance street reconstruction and rehabilitation projects. These projects are programmed via the Pavement Management Program (PMP). Minnesota State Statutes, Chapter 429, allows the City the authority to assess for projects. Who is assessed for a street improvement project? Owners of property that directly access a public street, or that have a private driveway that has access to a public street, or that have potential future access within the project area are assessed. These properties are determined to be “benefitting properties” and are assessed a cost based on the City’s Assessment Policy. Does the City have an Assessment Policy? Yes. It can be found on the City’s website at this location: https://www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/432/Assessment-Policy The City started assessing for street improvements in 1993. The Policy was last updated in January 2022. For the construction of a new public streets or public utilities, 100% of the cost is assessed to the benefitting properties. For an improvement project of an existing street, 40% of the cost is assessed to the benefitting properties and the City pays 60% of the street improvement cost. 100% of the public storm sewer, sanitary sewer and water main costs associated with the project are paid by the associated utility enterprise funds and are not included in the cost assessed to the benefitting properties. Why does the City assess for street improvement projects? Why doesn’t the City pay 100% of the project cost? Public streets are part of the City’s Multi-Modal transportation system to provide access to all residents. The City acknowledges the system benefit of a street project by paying 60% of the project cost. Benefitting properties use the roads to get to and from their property on a daily basis, which is why they are assessed 40% of the street project cost. When someone buys a new home in a new subdivision, the cost to construct the new infrastructure was incorporated into the purchase price of the home and property by the Developer and thus was the initial assessment to the property. When is the assessment amount determined? An estimate of the assessment is calculated with the Feasibility Study, which is typically completed six months to a year before a project begins. The final assessment amount is based on the lowest responsible bid amount and is set by City Council at the assessment hearing, CITY OF CHANHASSEN FAQs: ASSESSMENTS 186 G:\ENG\Assessments\Assessment FAQ 2022 Update - Clean.docx Page 2 of 2 which typically occurs in April or May of the construction year. Properties being assessed for the project are notified of the assessment hearing formally by US mail, but the process is also communicated by the City via its website, public open houses, the Chanhassen Connection, social media, and at City Council meetings. What are the payment options for assessments? Please refer to the timeline below for payment options. The City does not accept partial payments of the assessment. Assessment Hearing & final assessment amount is determined and the Assessment Roll is adopted Payments received by this date are not charged interest Payments received by this date are charged the interest that has accrued from the date the Assessment Roll is adopted Annual payments to the assessment are paid with your property taxes. Interest is collected each year based on the outstanding principle owed on the assessment April or May (typically) 90 days after the Assessment Roll is adopted End of the year Term of the assessment* *You can pay off an assessment after it has been certified to your property taxes. The City of Chanhassen Finance Department will calculate the payoff amount, which will include the interest. The Term is based on a tiered amount found in the Policy. Why does the City charge interest on assessments? The City finances the entire project cost until all the assessments have been paid. The interest charged on assessments is the rate the City pays for the bonding (as of the date of the assessment) plus 2%. The interest charged is calculated as simple interest and not a compound interest. Benefitting property owners are encouraged to consult private financial institutions for other ways that can be used to pay off the assessment. This allows the property owner the ability to negotiate the term and interest rates within the competitive market and may have some tax advantages. What does the Franchise Fees Pay for? The Franchise Fees (passed in 2018) help pay for the City’s cost of the project. In lieu of Franchise Fees, the annual property tax levy would have to be adjusted to fund the overall Pavement Management Program (PMP). How can I provide input on the project and the planned improvements? A couple ways: 1. The City and their design consultants typically hold 2 public open houses during the project implementation process. You can attend one or both of these and verbally discuss the project or provide written comments on a comment card at those meetings. 2. Call the City’s Engineering Department at (952) 227-1160 and talk to one of the staff working on the project. 3. E-mail the City’s Engineering Department at Engineering@ci.chanhassen.mn.us and provide your comments or concerns. 187 PROP.PROPERTY ASSMT STREET NOTES NO.ADDRESS UNIT ASSMT CREEK RUN TRAIL AREA 100 SUSAN M HUME 1531 CREEK RUN TRL EXCELSIOR MN 55331 1531 CREEK RUN TRL 252540100 1 $3,723.30 $629.59 101 NOAH J HANSEN 1541 CREEK RUN TRL EXCELSIOR MN 55331 1541 CREEK RUN TRL 252540090 1 $3,723.30 $629.59 102 VIRGINIA JACKSON 1551 CREEK RUN TRL EXCELSIOR MN 55331 1551 CREEK RUN TRL 252540080 1 $3,723.30 $629.59 103 MARK A & AMY L SPANIOL 1561 CREEK RUN TRL EXCELSIOR MN 55331 1561 CREEK RUN TRL 252540070 1 $3,723.30 $629.59 104 MEGAN BOE 1571 CREEK RUN TRL EXCELSIOR MN 55331 1571 CREEK RUN TRL 252540060 1 $3,723.30 $629.59 105 CHRISTO STAVROU 1570 CREEK RUN TRL EXCELSIOR MN 55331 1570 CREEK RUN TRL 252540050 1 $3,723.30 $629.59 106 JOHN W & LISA A MECCIA 1560 CREEK RUN TRL EXCELSIOR MN 55331 1560 CREEK RUN TRL 252540040 1 $3,723.30 $629.59 107 ROBERT J & LOURI UNDERKOFLER 1550 CREEK RUN TRL EXCELSIOR MN 55331 1550 CREEK RUN TRL 252540030 1 $3,723.30 $629.59 108 DANIEL G & SHARI L REAGAN 1540 CREEK RUN TRL EXCELSIOR MN 55331 1540 CREEK RUN TRL 252540020 1 $3,723.30 $629.59 109 STEVEN R & SANDRA K OLSON 1530 CREEK RUN TRL EXCELSIOR MN 55331 1530 CREEK RUN TRL 252540010 1 $3,723.30 $629.59 Assessment Basis Unit 10.00 $37,233.03 Notes: *Based on Interest Rate 2% Above Bonding Cost ( = 5.25% + 2.0% = 7.25%) and Term Equal to Bond Term ( = 8 Years). 2023 CITY PAVEMENT REHABILITATION PROJECT FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL - CREEK RUN TRAIL AREA 4/11/2023 OWNER OWNER ADDRESS P.I.D. STREET ASSESSMENT *ANNUAL ASSMT PAYMENT 188 PROP.PROPERTY ASSMT STREET NOTES NO.ADDRESS UNIT ASSMT CURRY FARMS/MULBERRY 110 MATTHEW J FRERICHS 6600 CHARING BND CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6600 CHARING BND 252620010 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 111 SUSAN MICHELE COULT 6606 CHARING BND CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6606 CHARING BND 252620020 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 112 STEPHEN B SIEGFRIED FLOE 6601 CHARING BND CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6601 CHARING BND 252620030 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 113 JOHN R & JOAN M CAUGHRON 6560 DEVONSHIRE DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6560 DEVONSHIRE DR 252620040 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 114 EAMON C WONG 6550 DEVONSHIRE DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6550 DEVONSHIRE DR 252620050 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 115 BRENT VARGO 6540 DEVONSHIRE DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6540 DEVONSHIRE DR 252620060 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 116 CRAIG BADER 1291 STRATTON CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1291 STRATTON CT 252620070 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 117 PATRICK N & KATHRYN P ROSATI JT REV TRST 1301 STRATTON CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1301 STRATTON CT 252620080 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 118 CHET T MASTELLER 1311 STRATTON CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1311 STRATTON CT 252620090 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 119 JEFFREY R & PAULETTE L DANIEL 1321 STRATTON CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1321 STRATTON CT 252620100 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 120 BRYAN R & LYNN P GROLL 1331 STRATTON CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1331 STRATTON CT 252620110 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 121 CRAIG C & LESLIE K CARLSON 1341 STRATTON CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1341 STRATTON CT 252620120 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 122 CLARE ELLEN TUYET PRIEST 1350 STRATTON CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1350 STRATTON CT 252620130 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 123 JARED S SPENCER 1340 STRATTON CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1340 STRATTON CT 252620140 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 124 TODD R & DIANE E GERHARDT 1330 STRATTON CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1330 STRATTON CT 252620150 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 125 ANDREW G SEIFERT 1320 STRATTON CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1320 STRATTON CT 252620160 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 126 HAIYU FANG 1310 STRATTON CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1310 STRATTON CT 252620170 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 127 MARY C RAUKAR 1280 STRATTON CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1280 STRATTON CT 252620180 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 128 STEVEN R & SANDRA K KVIDERA 6510 DEVONSHIRE DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6510 DEVONSHIRE DR 252620190 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 129 JAMES R & CAROLYN K HESKETH 6500 DEVONSHIRE DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6500 DEVONSHIRE DR 252620200 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 130 MICHAEL R MENZEL 6490 BRETTON WAY CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6490 BRETTON WAY 252620210 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 131 CARY LYNN & JOYCELN R HUGHES 6480 BRETTON WAY CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6480 BRETTON WAY 252620220 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 132 COLIN & LAURA J MCCULLOUGH 6470 BRETTON WAY CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6470 BRETTON WAY 252620230 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 133 TRUST AGREEMENT OF MARCUS ZBINDEN 6460 BRETTON WAY CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6460 BRETTON WAY 252630230 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 134 NICHOLAS GAMBLE 6450 BRETTON WAY CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6450 BRETTON WAY 252630220 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 135 CHRISTIAN S & MAUREEN CONNERY 6440 BRETTON WAY CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6440 BRETTON WAY 252630210 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 136 DANIEL J & PAMELA J FELLER 6430 BRETTON WAY CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6430 BRETTON WAY 252630200 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 137 LESLIE BLYAKHMAN 6420 BRETTON WAY CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6420 BRETTON WAY 252630190 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 138 STEPHANIE L JOHNSON REV TRUST 6410 BRETTON WAY CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6410 BRETTON WAY 256610010 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 139 KAPO L LEW 6337 TETON LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6337 TETON LN 256610020 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 140 GINA M WOLF TRUST 6339 TETON LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6339 TETON LN 256610030 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 141 THOMAS MAY 6341 TETON LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6341 TETON LN 256610040 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 142 BRETT K STIER 6351 TETON LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6351 TETON LN 252630170 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 143 RHONDA C DOWNIE 6361 TETON LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6361 TETON LN 252630160 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 144 KARA WOOLCOTT 6371 TETON LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6371 TETON LN 252630150 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 145 CHRISTOPHER G GIMSE 6381 TETON LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6381 TETON LN 252630140 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 146 GREGORY F AAMODT 6391 TETON LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6391 TETON LN 252630130 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 147 STEVEN B & ALLISON M WEICK 6401 TETON LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6401 TETON LN 252630120 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 148 MICHAEL J & ELIZABETH BRANDES 6411 TETON LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6411 TETON LN 252630110 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 149 BRIAN D & DIANE S WYFFELS 6421 TETON LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6421 TETON LN 252630100 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 150 MICHAEL W & JULIE A MANNING 1341 ASHTON CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1341 ASHTON CT 257730010 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 151 DANIEL SALAMONE, MEGAN SALAMONE 1331 ASHTON CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1331 ASHTON CT 257730020 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 152 DANIEL J & SANDRA A COLICH 1321 ASHTON CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1321 ASHTON CT 252630010 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 153 MATTHEW A MCGEE 6398 TETON LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6398 TETON LN 252630091 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 154 KENNETH F & PATRICIA J GARVIN 6390 TETON LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6390 TETON LN 252630080 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 155 CHRISTOPHER M HUBBY 6380 TETON LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6380 TETON LN 252630070 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 156 JON RYAN KNOTTS 6370 TETON LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6370 TETON LN 252630060 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 157 MARK SCHULTE 6360 TETON LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6360 TETON LN 252630050 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 158 BRENT W & DIANE E FESTER 6350 TETON LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6350 TETON LN 252630040 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 159 KYLE A COOK 6340 TETON LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6340 TETON LN 252630030 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 160 ALEJANDRO FERRER-MACHUCA 6330 TETON LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6330 TETON LN 252630020 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 2023 CITY PAVEMENT REHABILITATION PROJECT FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL - CURRY FARMS/MULBERRY AREA 4/11/2023 OWNER OWNER ADDRESS P.I.D. STREET ASSESSMENT *ANNUAL ASSMT PAYMENT 189 PROP.PROPERTY ASSMT STREET NOTES NO.ADDRESS UNIT ASSMT 2023 CITY PAVEMENT REHABILITATION PROJECT FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL - CURRY FARMS/MULBERRY AREA 4/11/2023 OWNER OWNER ADDRESS P.I.D. STREET ASSESSMENT *ANNUAL ASSMT PAYMENT 161 ROBERT L RABE 6307 TETON LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6307 TETON LN 257010010 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 162 GREENLEAF PROPERTIES LLC 16940 SOUTH SHORE LN EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55346 6411 BRETTON WAY 256820030 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 163 GREENLEAF PROPERTIES LLC 16940 SOUTH SHORE LN EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55346 6397 BRETTON WAY 256940050 2 $7,055.68 $1,193.07 164 GERALD E STORY 6281 TETON LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6281 TETON LN 256820060 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 165 AMANDA M BLAKE 6421 BRETTON WAY CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6421 BRETTON WAY 252630240 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 166 ELIZABETH RENEE HILLS O'CONNOR 6431 BRETTON WAY CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6431 BRETTON WAY 252630250 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 167 JOHN W JR & SUSAN E KUNITZ 6441 BRETTON WAY CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6441 BRETTON WAY 252630260 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 168 SEBASTIAN ORTIZ DURAN GOCHICOA 16211 JARACARANDA WAY LOS GATOS, CA 95032 6451 BRETTON WAY 252630270 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 169 DREW M PANDOLFO 6461 BRETTON WAY CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6461 BRETTON WAY 252630280 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 170 ALISON C AUKES 6471 BRETTON WAY CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6471 BRETTON WAY 252620310 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 171 DAVID J JACOBS 6481 BRETTON WAY CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6481 BRETTON WAY 252620300 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 172 GREGORY A TINBERG 6491 BRETTON WAY CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6491 BRETTON WAY 252620290 2 $7,055.68 $1,193.07 173 JERRY K & VALORIE A HARLOW 6490 DEVONSHIRE DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6490 DEVONSHIRE DR 252620280 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 174 ERIN CAMILLE SNYDERS 6480 DEVONSHIRE DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6480 DEVONSHIRE DR 252620270 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 175 RONALD C HAGLIND 6470 DEVONSHIRE DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6470 DEVONSHIRE DR 252620260 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 176 STEVEN MASER 6397 CLIFFWOOD CIR EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 6460 DEVONSHIRE DR 252620250 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 177 CALEB PALKERT 6450 DEVONSHIRE DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6450 DEVONSHIRE DR 252620245 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 178 ADAM J & AMY WAKEFIELD 6451 DEVONSHIRE DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6451 DEVONSHIRE DR 252620530 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 179 TODD G & AMY K ANDERSON 6461 DEVONSHIRE DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6461 DEVONSHIRE DR 252620520 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 180 ANTHONY S WALDENMAIER 6471 DEVONSHIRE DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6471 DEVONSHIRE DR 252620510 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 181 STEVEN C CRIST 6501 WELSLEY CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6501 WELSLEY CT 252620500 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 182 JEROMEY STONEBURG 6511 WELSLEY CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6511 WELSLEY CT 252620490 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 183 THOMAS M & DEBRA J GIVEN 6521 WELSLEY CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6521 WELSLEY CT 252620480 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 184 MATTHEW C & MARGARET I HILLMER 6520 WELSLEY CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6520 WELSLEY CT 252620470 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 185 DEBIN WANG 6510 WELSLEY CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6510 WELSLEY CT 252620460 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 186 ANNELIESE HUML 6500 WELSLEY CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6500 WELSLEY CT 252620450 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 187 KEVIN P BLONG 6491 DEVONSHIRE DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6491 DEVONSHIRE DR 252620440 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 188 ANNA TYLER YAROSLAVA 6501 DEVONSHIRE DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6501 DEVONSHIRE DR 252620430 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 189 LUNA H KIMAL 6511 DEVONSHIRE DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6511 DEVONSHIRE DR 252620420 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 190 STEPHEN M & MARY F BIELSKI 6521 DEVONSHIRE DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6521 DEVONSHIRE DR 252620410 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 191 PATRICIA A POTTER REV TRUST 6531 DEVONSHIRE DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6531 DEVONSHIRE DR 252620400 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 192 RYAN C & HEIDI L MCDONNELL 6541 DEVONSHIRE DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6541 DEVONSHIRE DR 252620390 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 193 BRIAN LEROY NELSON 6551 DEVONSHIRE DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6551 DEVONSHIRE DR 252620380 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 194 SYLVESTER & MARY ROERICK 6600 ARLINGTON CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6600 ARLINGTON CT 252620370 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 195 JOHN P & BARBARA J SPIESS TRUST 6610 ARLINGTON CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6610 ARLINGTON CT 252620360 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 196 FRANK C DUNN TRUST AGREEMENT 6620 ARLINGTON CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6620 ARLINGTON CT 252620350 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 197 E SAMUEL CHASE III 6621 ARLINGTON CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6621 ARLINGTON CT 252620340 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 198 TODD W & TERESA E DECKARD 6611 ARLINGTON CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6611 ARLINGTON CT 252620330 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 199 JEFFREY ROBERT & CAROLYN WELDON SMITH RE 6601 ARLINGTON CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6601 ARLINGTON CT 252620320 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 200 JEFFREY R HENKEMEYER AND EVELYN MOLLOY H 6605 MULBERRY CIR E CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6605 MULBERRY CIR E 258840010 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 201 TONYA S SADURA 6635 MULBERRY CIR E CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6635 MULBERRY CIR E 258840020 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 202 ERIC CHMIELEWSKI 6645 MULBERRY CIR E CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6645 MULBERRY CIR E 258360020 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 203 ROBBIN M ERSBO 6665 MULBERRY CIR E CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6665 MULBERRY CIR E 258360010 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 204 GRADY HARRISON HEDSTROM 6683 MULBERRY CIR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6683 MULBERRY CIR 258840030 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 205 FRANK KAIM 6687 MULBERRY CIR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6687 MULBERRY CIR 258840040 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 206 THE DELGADILLO MATT LIVING TRUST 6693 MULBERRY CIR E CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6693 MULBERRY CIR E 258840050 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 207 ROY R & JACQUELINE B ANDERSON 6695 MULBERRY CIR E CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6695 MULBERRY CIR E 258840060 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 208 TYLER SCHMIDT 6699 MULBERRY CIR E CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6699 MULBERRY CIR E 258840070 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 209 RUSSELL J & BONNIE G SIAKEL 6703 MULBERRY CIR E CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6703 MULBERRY CIR E 258840080 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 210 CHRISTOPHER J VANDERPLOEG 6719 MULBERRY CIR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6719 MULBERRY CIR 258830120 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 211 SCOTT & KAREN DEWING 6735 MULBERRY CIR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6735 MULBERRY CIR 258830130 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 212 MICHAEL & CHRISTINE BOBERG 1321 HEATHER CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1321 HEATHER CT 258830140 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 213 JENNON M CARUTH 1331 HEATHER CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1331 HEATHER CT 258830150 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 214 PATRICK J & ROSEANN C BORAN 1341 HEATHER CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1341 HEATHER CT 258830160 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 215 DAVID RICHARD WESTPHAL 1351 HEATHER CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1351 HEATHER CT 258830170 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 190 PROP.PROPERTY ASSMT STREET NOTES NO.ADDRESS UNIT ASSMT 2023 CITY PAVEMENT REHABILITATION PROJECT FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL - CURRY FARMS/MULBERRY AREA 4/11/2023 OWNER OWNER ADDRESS P.I.D. STREET ASSESSMENT *ANNUAL ASSMT PAYMENT 216 DANIEL H CREYDT 1360 HEATHER CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1360 HEATHER CT 258830180 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 217 THOMAS M & KIMBERLY MCREAVY 1350 HEATHER CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1350 HEATHER CT 258830190 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 218 WALTER KUNISCH JR 1340 HEATHER CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1340 HEATHER CT 258830200 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 219 RODNEY BINFET 6728 MULBERRY CIR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6728 MULBERRY CIR 258830210 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 220 COURTNEY ZIEBARTH 6714 MULBERRY CIR W CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6714 MULBERRY CIR W 258830220 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 221 MATTHEW H JONES 6700 MULBERRY CIR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6700 MULBERRY CIR 258830230 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 222 JEFFREY HOPWOOD 6690 MULBERRY CIR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6690 MULBERRY CIR 258830240 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 223 DANIEL J & CATHERINE M KEEFE 6670 MULBERRY CIR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6670 MULBERRY CIR 258830250 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 224 JOHN D & KAREN M KROLL 6601 MULBERRY CIR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6601 MULBERRY CIR 258830020 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 225 KEITH E & ELLEN J DOBBINS 6619 MULBERRY CIR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6619 MULBERRY CIR 258830030 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 226 MARY B CARLTON 6637 MULBERRY CIR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6637 MULBERRY CIR 258830040 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 227 JESSICA N PIERCE 6655 MULBERRY CIR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6655 MULBERRY CIR 258830050 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 228 JAMES N MONTGOMERY 6673 MULBERRY CIR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6673 MULBERRY CIR 258830060 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 229 JODY LYNN BONNEVIER 6691 MULBERRY CIR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6691 MULBERRY CIR 258830070 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 230 ALYSSA LYNN GRIFFETH 6701 MULBERRY CIR W CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6701 MULBERRY CIR W 258830080 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 231 AMY RUTH KELLY 6715 MULBERRY CIR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6715 MULBERRY CIR 258830090 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 232 DALEN J DEFOE 6729 MULBERRY CIR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6729 MULBERRY CIR 258830100 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 233 JULIAN JANES 6730 MULBERRY CIR E CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6730 MULBERRY CIR E 258830110 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 234 MELISSA A ELDER REV TRUST 6696 MULBERRY CIR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6696 MULBERRY CIR 258840090 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 235 DAVID M & COLLEEN B RONNEI 6666 MULBERRY CIR E CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6666 MULBERRY CIR E 258840100 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 236 ANTHONY G MARTIN 6636 MULBERRY CIR E CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6636 MULBERRY CIR E 258840110 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 237 KEVIN L ANDVIK 6606 MULBERRY CIR E CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 6606 MULBERRY CIR E 258840120 1 $3,527.84 $596.54 Assessment Basis Unit 130.00 $458,618.90 Notes: *Based on Interest Rate 2% Above Bonding Cost ( = 5.25% + 2.0% = 7.25%) and Term Equal to Bond Term ( = 8 Years). 191 PROP.PROPERTY ASSMT STREET NOTES NO.ADDRESS UNIT ASSMT SADDLEBROOK AREA 300 MARK & JANETTE YOUKER 901 SADDLEBROOK CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 901 SADDLEBROOK CURV 257551090 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 301 RICHARD K RYAN 911 SADDLEBROOK CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 911 SADDLEBROOK CURV 257551100 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 302 GREGORY C BROWN 921 SADDLE BROOK CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 921 SADDLE BROOK CURV 257551110 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 303 JUERGEN HERMANN SCHERER 931 SADDLEBROOK CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 931 SADDLEBROOK CURV 257551120 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 304 BRIEANNA L BOUDREAU-LANDIS 7620 CANYON CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7620 CANYON CURV 257551130 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 305 MICHAEL R & JULIE A LINDELIEN 7610 CANYON CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7610 CANYON CURV 257551140 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 306 CARLY M SHULTZ 7600 CANYON CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7600 CANYON CURV 257551150 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 307 DALE A & BETH D LARSON 7590 CANYON CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7590 CANYON CURV 257551160 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 308 GREGORY J & CYNTHIA J HROMATKA 7580 CANYON CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7580 CANYON CURV 257551170 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 309 JACK P & DIANE J THIEN 7570 CANYON CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7570 CANYON CURV 257551180 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 310 MARY M HENKE 7560 CANYON CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7560 CANYON CURV 257551190 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 311 TIMOTHY J ANDERSON 7550 CANYON CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7550 CANYON CURV 257551200 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 312 JANE R CALLISTER-WHITAKER 7540 CANYON CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7540 CANYON CURV 257551210 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 313 GREGG A & MICHELLE W GESKE 7530 CANYON CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7530 CANYON CURV 257551220 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 314 BRENT L & JOYCE A EGERSETT 7520 CANYON CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7520 CANYON CURV 257551230 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 315 STEFANIE MARIE ULRICH 7510 CANYON CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7510 CANYON CURV 257551240 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 316 LAURENCE CRUZ, PATRICIA CRUZ 7500 CANYON CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7500 CANYON CURV 257551250 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 317 JESSE A MENDEN 7490 CANYON CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7490 CANYON CURV 257551260 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 318 AILEEN L WATKINS PO BOX 125 CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 PO BOX 125 257551270 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 319 JACOB BENDA 7470 CANYON CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7470 CANYON CURV 257551280 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 320 JOSEPH M MCGLOIN 971 SADDLEBROOK CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 971 SADDLEBROOK CURV 257551300 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 321 GARY J & JUDITH VANDERWATER 961 SADDLEBROOK CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 961 SADDLEBROOK CURV 257551290 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 322 ZACHARY HECKERT 7461 CANYON CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7461 CANYON CURV 257551400 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 323 JOHN M III & JEAN A LINFORTH 7471 CANYON CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7471 CANYON CURV 257551390 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 324 RHONDA M ROSSING 7481 CANYON CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7481 CANYON CURV 257551380 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 325 MARCUS PAUL HANSON 7491 CANYON CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7491 CANYON CURV 257551370 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 326 MARK & CINDY SCHALLOCK 7501 CANYON CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7501 CANYON CURV 257551360 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 327 NICHOLAS R WIERZBINSKI PO BOX 523 CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 PO BOX 523 257551350 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 328 JASON M WHELPLEY 7521 CANYON CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7521 CANYON CURV 257551340 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 329 LYNN LORD 7531 CANYON CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7531 CANYON CURV 257551330 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 330 JEFFREY & RONDA HIGGINS 7541 CANYON CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7541 CANYON CURV 257551320 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 331 ANGANETTE MCBRYDE 7551 CANYON CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7551 CANYON CURV 257551310 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 332 TODD A & PAMELA A NEILS 990 SADDLEBROOK CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 990 SADDLEBROOK CURV 257551080 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 333 ROBERT HIMMERICK 980 SADDLEBROOK CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 980 SADDLEBROOK CURV 257551070 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 334 MARCOS GARCIA 970 SADDLEBROOK CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 970 SADDLEBROOK CURV 257551060 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 335 PETER MALLY CARLSON 960 SADDLEBROOK CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 960 SADDLEBROOK CURV 257551050 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 336 STEVEN T LEONARD 950 SADDLEBROOK CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 950 SADDLEBROOK CURV 257551040 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 337 KEVIN R CRYSTAL 940 SADDLEBROOK CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 940 SADDLEBROOK CURV 257551030 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 338 MATTHEW S & LAUREL A HOFFMAN 931 SADDLEBROOK TRL CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 931 SADDLEBROOK TRL 257551020 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 339 ALEXANDER SPANTON 941 SADDLEBROOK TRL CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 941 SADDLEBROOK TRL 257551010 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 340 LISA K HLAVACEK 951 SADDLEBROOK TRL CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 951 SADDLEBROOK TRL 257551000 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 341 RILEY A ROGOTZKE 7350 CACTUS CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7350 CACTUS CURV 257550990 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 342 BARBARA J MAWER 7340 CACTUS CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7340 CACTUS CURV 257550980 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 343 JAMIE LIPPERT-NEGEN 7330 CACTUS CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7330 CACTUS CURV 257550970 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 344 EMILY MARGARET ROHLF 7320 CACTUS CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7320 CACTUS CURV 257550960 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 345 LIONEL ABOULKHEIR 7310 CACTUS CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7310 CACTUS CURV 257550950 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 346 THU NGUYEN 7300 CACTUS CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7300 CACTUS CURV 257550940 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 347 THOMAS D MCDANIEL 7290 CACTUS CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7290 CACTUS CURV 257550930 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 348 DEANNE L NICHOLSON 7280 CACTUS CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7280 CACTUS CURV 257550920 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 349 TAMARA MARIE KEOUGH 1031 SADDLEBROOK TRL CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 1031 SADDLEBROOK TRL 257550870 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 350 KAMSIMUANG PHATHACHACK 1021 SADDLEBROOK TRL CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 1021 SADDLEBROOK TRL 257550880 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 351 THOMAS J & PAMELA A PREISS 7270 CACTUS CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7270 CACTUS CURV 257550910 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 352 GASPERLIN JOINT REVOCABLE TRUST 7260 CACTUS CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7260 CACTUS CURV 257550900 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 353 BAILEY LIVING TRUST 7250 CACTUS CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7250 CACTUS CURV 257550890 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 354 TODD LUECKE 8788 BELLEVUE CT CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 8788 BELLEVUE CT 257550770 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 355 JINNING HUANG, YUNYUN FU 991 SADDLEBROOK TRL CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 991 SADDLEBROOK TRL 257550780 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 356 KELLY OSBORN 7311 CACTUS CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7311 CACTUS CURV 257550860 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 357 DEREK PEDERSON 7321 CACTUS CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7321 CACTUS CURV 257550850 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 358 STEVEN BEAUPRE 7331 CACTUS CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7331 CACTUS CURV 257550840 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 359 JESSICA LEIGH FLINK 24940 EDENVALE TRL ELKO,MN 55020 7341 CACTUS CURV 257550830 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 360 SHELLY L KRUEGER 7351 CACTUS CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7351 CACTUS CURV 257550820 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 361 DALE R & SARAH PETERSON 7361 CACTUS CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7361 CACTUS CURV 257550810 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 362 DALE E & SUSAN D EGBERT 971 SADDLEBROOK TRL CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 971 SADDLEBROOK TRL 257550800 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 363 BARBARA MARIE RHEAUME 981 SADDLEBROOK TRL CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 981 SADDLEBROOK TRL 257550790 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 364 WILLIAM ELLIS CRIPE II 911 SADDLEBROOK PASS CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 911 SADDLEBROOK PASS 257550690 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 365 ARKADIY & GALINA KHAZAN 901 SADDLEBROOK PASS CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 901 SADDLEBROOK PASS 257550680 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 366 PETER J ANDERSON 891 SADDLEBROOK PASS CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 891 SADDLEBROOK PASS 257550670 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 367 MARCELINA G BUCHANAN 881 SADDLEBROOK PASS CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 881 SADDLEBROOK PASS 257550660 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 368 TROY J REINE 7300 TROTTERS CIR CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7300 TROTTERS CIR 257550650 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 369 ANDREW MCGRATH 7310 TROTTERS CIR CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7310 TROTTERS CIR 257550640 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 370 THE TRUST AGREEMENT OF JAMES AND DEEANN 7320 TROTTERS CIR CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7320 TROTTERS CIR 257550630 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 371 CHARLES E & AMY C OLSON 7330 TROTTERS CIR CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7330 TROTTERS CIR 257550620 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 372 GARY L II & MICHELE A NIX 7340 TROTTERS CIR CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7340 TROTTERS CIR 257550610 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 373 VALERIE SOLDATOW 920 SADDLEBROOK TRL CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 920 SADDLEBROOK TRL 257550700 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 *ANNUAL ASSMT PAYMENT 2023 CITY PAVEMENT REHABILITATION PROJECT FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL - SADDLEBROOK AREA 4/11/2023 OWNER OWNER ADDRESS P.I.D. STREET ASSESSMENT 192 PROP.PROPERTY ASSMT STREET NOTES NO.ADDRESS UNIT ASSMT *ANNUAL ASSMT PAYMENT 2023 CITY PAVEMENT REHABILITATION PROJECT FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL - SADDLEBROOK AREA 4/11/2023 OWNER OWNER ADDRESS P.I.D. STREET ASSESSMENT 374 ASHMIT TULADHAR 910 SADDLEBROOK TRL CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 910 SADDLEBROOK TRL 257550710 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 375 KENNETH & PEGGY ADAM 900 SADDLEBROOK TRL CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 900 SADDLEBROOK TRL 257550720 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 376 KAMAL A OMAR 890 SADDLEBROOK TRL CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 890 SADDLEBROOK TRL 257550730 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 377 BRIAN PICKERELL 880 SADDLEBROOK TR CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 880 SADDLEBROOK TR 257550740 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 378 WILLIAM A & KAREN M ENGBERG 910 SADDLEBROOK CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 910 SADDLEBROOK CURV 257550750 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 379 PAULA MARIE CONNELLY 900 SADDLEBROOK CURV CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 900 SADDLEBROOK CURV 257550760 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 380 SUSAN LEIENDECKER 7331 TROTTERS CIR CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7331 TROTTERS CIR 257550600 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 381 BRYAN KUFFEL 7321 TROTTERS CIR CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7321 TROTTERS CIR 257550590 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 382 DIANE E HEISLER 7311 TROTTERS CIR CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7311 TROTTERS CIR 257550580 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 383 ADAM R CARLSON 7301 TROTTERS CIR CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7301 TROTTERS CIR 257550570 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 384 STEVEN R & TERRI L WAHL 7291 TROTTERS CIR CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7291 TROTTERS CIR 257550560 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 385 LYLE BURMEISTER 7281 TROTTERS CIR CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7281 TROTTERS CIR 257550550 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 386 PETER J BJORLIN 7271 TROTTERS CIR CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 7271 TROTTERS CIR 257550540 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 387 JANE A EVANGELISTA 861 SADDLEBROOK PASS CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 861 SADDLEBROOK PASS 257550530 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 388 PATRICK O FINN 851 SADDLEBROOK PASS CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 851 SADDLEBROOK PASS 257550520 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 389 DANIEL T & RAYNA J LECHELT 841 SADDLEBROOK PASS CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 841 SADDLEBROOK PASS 257550510 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 390 ARMENAK PETROSIAN 850 SADDLEBROOK PASS CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 850 SADDLEBROOK PASS 257550500 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 391 ARMENAK & LENA PETROSIAN 850 SADDLEBROOK PASS CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 850 SADDLEBROOK PASS 257550490 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 392 LEIF H JOHNSON 860 SADDLEBROOK PASS CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 860 SADDLEBROOK PASS 257550480 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 393 JOHN H BRUNNER 870 SADDLEBROOK PASS CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 870 SADDLEBROOK PASS 257550470 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 394 SYDMAK LLC 2318 TART LAKE RD LINO LAKES,MN 55038 880 SADDLEBROOK PASS 257550460 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 395 EDWARD G JANOWSKI 890 SADDLEBROOK PASS CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 890 SADDLEBROOK PASS 257550450 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 396 YUDESHWAR AUTAR 900 SADDLEBROOK PASS CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 900 SADDLEBROOK PASS 257550440 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 397 TIMOTHY HELD 910 SADDLEBROOK PASS CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 910 SADDLEBROOK PASS 257550170 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 398 ROBB L & DIANE B SWENSON 920 SADDLEBROOK PASS CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 920 SADDLEBROOK PASS 257550180 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 399 JOSH C & AMANDA L KNIGHT 930 SADDLEBROOK PASS CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 930 SADDLEBROOK PASS 257550190 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 400 ROBSON K & MICHELLE M SNYDER 940 SADDLEBROOK PASS CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 940 SADDLEBROOK PASS 257550200 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 401 HPA US1 LLC 120 S RIVERSIDE PLAZA STE 2000 CHICAGO,IL 60606 950 SADDLEBROOK PASS 257550210 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 402 MARY W HANSON 960 SADDLEBROOK TRL CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 960 SADDLEBROOK TRL 257550220 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 403 ROBERT J SHAHEEN 970 SADDLEBROOK TRL CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 970 SADDLEBROOK TRL 257550230 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 404 MATT & CHRISTINE PUDAS 503 CREEKSIDE WAY PEACHTREE CITY, GA 30269 980 SADDLEBROOK TRL 257550240 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 405 EUGENE A & KAREN A COX 990 SADDLEBROOK TRL CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 990 SADDLEBROOK TRL 257550250 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 406 SANG Y YATH 1000 SADDLEBROOK TRL CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 1000 SADDLEBROOK TRL 257550260 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 407 CARSON INGLE 1010 SADDLEBROOK TRL CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 1010 SADDLEBROOK TRL 257550270 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 408 NANCY JOHNSON 1020 SADDLEBROOK TRL CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 1020 SADDLEBROOK TRL 257550280 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 409 ANTHONY D NOREM 1030 SADDLEBROOK TRL CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 1030 SADDLEBROOK TRL 257550290 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 410 DEANNA LILIENTHAL 1051 BUTTE CT CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 1051 BUTTE CT 257550300 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 411 HAROLD D TULLY 1041 BUTTE CT CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 1041 BUTTE CT 257550310 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 412 TIMOTHY W & DAWN L SMITH 1031 BUTTE CT CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 1031 BUTTE CT 257550320 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 413 LEE H PATTEN 1021 BUTTE CT CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 1021 BUTTE CT 257550330 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 414 PERRY WESTPHAL 1011 BUTTE CT CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 1011 BUTTE CT 257550340 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 415 ALAN J WINTERS 1001 BUTTE CT CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 1001 BUTTE CT 257550350 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 416 JEFFREY K ANDERSON 991 BUTTE CT CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 991 BUTTE CT 257550360 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 417 LINDA JO LANDSTEINER 981 BUTTE CT CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 981 BUTTE CT 257550370 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 418 TIMOTHY P NIERMAN 971 BUTTE CT CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 971 BUTTE CT 257550380 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 419 DONALD L & SALLY JOHNSON 961 BUTTE CT CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 961 BUTTE CT 257550390 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 420 MARY J SCHREMPP 951 BUTTE CT CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 951 BUTTE CT 257550400 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 421 VINCENT C THOMAS III 941 BUTTE CT CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 941 BUTTE CT 257550410 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 422 ADRIAN PIRVU 931 BUTTE CT CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 931 BUTTE CT 257550420 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 423 MARLENE GEORGE 921 BUTTE CT CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 921 BUTTE CT 257550430 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 424 DERRICK J SCHMALENBERG 920 BUTTE CT CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 920 BUTTE CT 257550160 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 425 STEVEN P & POLLY A GAMMON 930 BUTTE CT CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 930 BUTTE CT 257550150 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 426 EDWARD VANSLYKE 940 BUTTE CT CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 940 BUTTE CT 257550140 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 427 THE TIMOTHY A HANUS LIVING TRUST 950 BUTTE CT CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 950 BUTTE CT 257550130 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 428 CHRISTOPHER ANDERSON 24741 CEDAR POINT RD NEW PRAGUE,MN 56071 960 BUTTE CT 257550120 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 429 BEVERLY J GOSSARD 970 BUTTE CT CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 970 BUTTE CT 257550110 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 430 PAUL E CAMERON 980 BUTTE CT CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 980 BUTTE CT 257550100 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 431 DAVID BENJAMIN RODDY 990 BUTTE CT CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 990 BUTTE CT 257550090 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 432 JASON F WHITE 1000 BUTTE CT CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 1000 BUTTE CT 257550080 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 433 LEMONT C SANDERS II 1010 BUTTE CT CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 1010 BUTTE CT 257550070 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 434 DANIEL S MAHADY 1020 BUTTE CT CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 1020 BUTTE CT 257550060 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 435 DANIEL S & CATHERINE L MAHADY 1020 BUTTE CT CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 1020 BUTTE CT 257550050 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 436 CORY D EASTLUND 1040 BUTTE CT CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 1040 BUTTE CT 257550040 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 437 MARY F & GRAHAM S ASHBY 1488 RIVIERA AVE S LAKELAND, MN 55043 1050 BUTTE CT 257550030 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 438 KHASHAYAR MEMARI & SIMA KAVAND 1060 BUTTE CT CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 1060 BUTTE CT 257550020 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 439 KHASHAYAR MEMARI & SIMA KAVAND 2526 KENSINGTON LN ROANOKE,TX 76262 1070 BUTTE CT 257550010 1 $3,448.80 $583.17 Assessment Basis Unit 140.00 $482,832.65 Notes: *Based on Interest Rate 2% Above Bonding Cost ( = 5.25% + 2.0% = 7.25%) and Term Equal to Bond Term ( = 8 Years). 193 PROP.PROPERTY ASSMT STREET NOTES NO.ADDRESS UNIT ASSMT LAKE SUSAN HILLS WEST AREA 500 MIHAIL MIHAYLOV 1441 HERON DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1441 HERON DR 254030520 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 501 SCOTT A & STEPHANIE W FISHER 1451 HERON DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1451 HERON DR 254030510 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 502 TRUST AGREEMENT OF DAVID AND DEBRA KUBIS 1461 HERON DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1461 HERON DR 254030500 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 503 PATRICK E & MARGARET M WISE 1471 HERON DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1471 HERON DR 254030490 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 504 DARIN T & SUZANNE M LERBS 1481 HERON DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1481 HERON DR 254030480 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 505 ROY T KNAFLA 1491 HERON DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1491 HERON DR 254030470 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 506 HUSS FAMILY TRUST 1501 HERON DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1501 HERON DR 254030460 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 507 GREGORY SWENSON 1511 HERON DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1511 HERON DR 254030450 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 508 G R BLACKMUN TRUST 1521 HERON DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1521 HERON DR 254030440 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 509 JOSEPH A AMBERG 1531 HERON DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1531 HERON DR 254030430 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 510 HUNG VI TANG 1541 HERON DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1541 HERON DR 254030420 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 511 ANDERS C JENSEN 1550 BLUEBILL TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1550 BLUEBILL TRL 253970010 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 512 ROBERT GEORGE CHATMAS 1552 BLUEBILL TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1552 BLUEBILL TRL 253970020 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 513 DAVID A & MARY PAT MUNCH 1554 BLUEBILL TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1554 BLUEBILL TRL 253970030 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 514 SABIN GAUTAM 8520 SPOONBILL CIR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8520 SPOONBILL CIR 253970040 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 515 MICHAEL J & MARY EHRMANTRAUT 8510 SPOONBILL CIR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8510 SPOONBILL CIR 253970050 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 516 PAUL DUPRE 8521 SPOONBILL CIR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8521 SPOONBILL CIR 253970060 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 517 MYCHAL B BROSCH 8531 SPOONBILL CIR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8531 SPOONBILL CIR 253970070 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 518 COLE D & TERESE D KELLY 1556 BLUEBILL TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1556 BLUEBILL TRL 253970080 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 519 JASON CRANE 1558 BLUEBILL TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1558 BLUEBILL TRL 253970090 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 520 MINH VAN & JULIE H DOAN 1560 BLUEBILL TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1560 BLUEBILL TRL 253970100 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 521 ANDREW J & JENNIFER M ERDMANN 1562 BLUEBILL TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1562 BLUEBILL TRL 253970110 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 522 DANIEL J & TONI M GAGNON 1564 BLUEBILL TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1564 BLUEBILL TRL 253970120 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 523 JAMES SUTHERLAND 1566 BLUEBILL TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1566 BLUEBILL TRL 253970130 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 524 SHAWN & SUSAN MALEK-ZADEGAN 1568 BLUEBILL TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1568 BLUEBILL TRL 253970140 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 525 WILLIAM J & ANN M DALHOFF 1569 BLUEBILL TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1569 BLUEBILL TRL 253970190 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 526 MARY BETH HARTWIG TRUST 1565 BLUEBILL TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1565 BLUEBILL TRL 253970180 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 527 TODD R FOSSOM 1563 BLUEBILL TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1563 BLUEBILL TRL 253970170 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 528 MICHAEL NOTHOM 1561 BLUEBILL TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1561 BLUEBILL TRL 253970160 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 529 TIMOTHY J BLANCHARD 1559 BLUEBILL TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1559 BLUEBILL TRL 253970150 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 530 THOMAS A & MARY C PEREMSKY 8551 OSPREY LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8551 OSPREY LN 253970250 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 531 CRAIG M MERTZ PO BOX 216 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PO BOX 216 253970240 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 532 PATRICIA L HARMON 8571 OSPREY LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8571 OSPREY LN 253970230 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 533 ANDREW J & TAMMY A HAKANSON 8581 OSPREY LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8581 OSPREY LN 253970220 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 534 BRIAN A & JANET M BOIE 1577 BLUEBILL TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1577 BLUEBILL TRL 253970210 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 535 JAMES W TYLER 1573 BLUEBILL TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1573 BLUEBILL TRL 253970200 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 536 RODNEY W & THERESE C CUMMINGS 1570 BLUEBILL TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1570 BLUEBILL TRL 253970360 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 537 MARK J & CARMEN H EDMAN 1572 BLUEBILL TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1572 BLUEBILL TRL 253970350 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 538 STEVEN A & ROSALYN MASTERSON 1574 BLUEBILL TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1574 BLUEBILL TRL 253970340 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 539 CHARLES D & MICHELLE D LEATHAM 1576 BLUEBILL TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1576 BLUEBILL TRL 253970330 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 540 NICHOLAS DANKS 1578 BLUEBILL TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1578 BLUEBILL TRL 253970320 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 541 BRIAN T MACH 8715 OSPREY LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8715 OSPREY LN 257540190 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 542 PAUL A & PEGGY D BONK 8649 ALISA LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8649 ALISA LN 257990180 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 543 JACQUELYNN JONES 8665 ALISA LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8665 ALISA LN 257990190 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 544 THOMAS M & CARRIE CHRISTENSEN 8681 ALISA LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8681 ALISA LN 257990200 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 545 JONATHAN KOEHLER 8680 ALISA LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8680 ALISA LN 257990170 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 546 KRISTEN L KRONLOKKEN 8664 ALISA LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8664 ALISA LN 257990160 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 547 BRIAN R HAAK 8719 OSPREY LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8719 OSPREY LN 257990150 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 548 KATHERINE JOHNSON 8721 OSPREY LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8721 OSPREY LN 257990140 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 549 STUART SANKOVITCH 8632 ALISA CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8632 ALISA CT 257990010 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 550 DOMINICK THIBODEAU 8616 ALISA CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8616 ALISA CT 257990020 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 551 RYAN TIMOTHY O'ROURKE 8600 ALISA CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8600 ALISA CT 257990030 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 552 YING HUANG 8584 ALISA CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8584 ALISA CT 257990040 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 553 ALEXANDER B FETSCH 8572 ALISA CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8572 ALISA CT 257990050 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 554 LETITIA LAIS LINDSAY 8560 ALISA CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8560 ALISA CT 257990060 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 555 PHU V TRINH 8548 ALISA CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8548 ALISA CT 257990070 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 556 BRUCE & DONNA KIRKPATRICK 8551 ALISA CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8551 ALISA CT 257990080 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 557 RODNEY D WILLIAMS 8559 ALISA CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8559 ALISA CT 257990090 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 558 BRYAN M O'KEEFFE 8565 ALISA CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8565 ALISA CT 257990100 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 559 ERIC J OVERMAN 8601 ALISA CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8601 ALISA CT 257990110 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 560 JEFFREY M ASHENBRENNER 8617 ALISA CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8617 ALISA CT 257990120 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 561 RICHARD FREDRICK KORECKY 1513 ENGLEWOOD DR ORCKWALL, TX 75032 8633 ALISA CT 257990130 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 562 JEFFREY R & SARAH K HILDEBRAND 8714 OSPREY LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8714 OSPREY LN 257540010 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 563 ROMKEMA LIVING TRUST 8712 OSPREY LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8712 OSPREY LN 257540020 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 564 PAUL A STAUT 8710 OSPREY LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8710 OSPREY LN 253970310 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 565 JAMES W BENNETT 8582 OSPREY LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8582 OSPREY LN 253970300 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 566 CAROLYN JOLEE FREESE 8572 OSPREY LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8572 OSPREY LN 253970290 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 567 GREGORY J VALENTY 8562 OSPREY LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8562 OSPREY LN 253970280 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 568 TERRY D & LINDA C DAHL 8552 OSPREY LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8552 OSPREY LN 253970270 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 569 JAY A & BETH A BENSON 8532 OSPREY LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8532 OSPREY LN 253970260 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 2023 CITY PAVEMENT REHABILITATION PROJECT FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL - LAKE SUSAN HILLS WEST AREA 4/11/2023 OWNER OWNER ADDRESS P.I.D. STREET ASSESSMENT *ANNUAL ASSMT PAYMENT 194 PROP.PROPERTY ASSMT STREET NOTES NO.ADDRESS UNIT ASSMT 2023 CITY PAVEMENT REHABILITATION PROJECT FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL - LAKE SUSAN HILLS WEST AREA 4/11/2023 OWNER OWNER ADDRESS P.I.D. STREET ASSESSMENT *ANNUAL ASSMT PAYMENT 570 HOA T TRAN 1551 HERON DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1551 HERON DR 254030410 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 571 SCOTT SABOL 1561 HERON DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1561 HERON DR 254030400 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 572 PAUL L & TONI M COLEMAN 1571 HERON DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1571 HERON DR 254030390 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 573 JAMES A & DIANE W BOCK 1581 HERON DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1581 HERON DR 254030380 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 574 CHRISTOPHER T ACKERMAN 1591 HERON DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1591 HERON DR 254030370 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 575 DANIEL & KIM OBERMEYER 1540 HERON DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1540 HERON DR 254030010 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 576 TRACI ANN PRECIADO 1530 HERON DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1530 HERON DR 254030020 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 577 KEVIN E OLSON 1520 HERON DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1520 HERON DR 254030030 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 578 JEFFREY A & ANN K KULLBERG 8480 BITTERN CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8480 BITTERN CT 254030040 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 579 LINH VAN PHAN 8470 BITTERN CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8470 BITTERN CT 254030050 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 580 HOME SFR BORROWER LLC 3505 KOGER BLVD STE 400 DULUTH, GA 30096 8460 BITTERN CT 254030060 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 581 VACLAV & MARIA MACEK 8450 BITTERN CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8450 BITTERN CT 254030070 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 582 ROBIN L WHITE 8451 BITTERN CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8451 BITTERN CT 254030080 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 583 NATALIE M EIDEN TRUST AGREEMENT 8461 BITTERN CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8461 BITTERN CT 254030090 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 584 WAYZATA BAY CAPITAL LLC 4917 VINE HILL RD EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 8471 BITTERN CT 254030100 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 585 ADAM VOGELSBERG 8481 BITTERN CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8481 BITTERN CT 254030110 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 586 MITCHELL & KARIN NEWHOUSE 8491 BITTERN CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8491 BITTERN CT 254030120 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 587 JOHNATHAN W & CONNIE A HERRING 1500 HERON DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1500 HERON DR 254030130 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 588 JOHN M & DEBRA D PLADSEN 1490 HERON DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1490 HERON DR 254030140 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 589 AARON SHOUTZ 8490 SWAN CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8490 SWAN CT 254030150 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 590 GREGORY DEAN DOEDEN 8480 SWAN CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8480 SWAN CT 254030160 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 591 RYAN M MOORE 8470 SWAN CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8470 SWAN CT 254030170 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 592 RODERICK D ANNIS 8460 SWAN CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8460 SWAN CT 254030180 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 593 PAUL KENDLE 8461 SWAN CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8461 SWAN CT 254030190 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 594 SARA BRANDENBURG HUTSON 8471 SWAN CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8471 SWAN CT 254030200 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 595 BRUCE R & DEBORAH B SMITH 8481 SWAN CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8481 SWAN CT 254030210 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 596 DANIEL P & NORA L FLAHERTY 1470 HERON DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1470 HERON DR 254030220 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 597 CHRISTOPHER JOHN OAKLEY 1460 HERON DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1460 HERON DR 254030230 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 598 CHAD A SIMONSON 1450 HERON DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1450 HERON DR 254030240 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 599 CHRISTOPHER C KNUDTSON 1440 HERON DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1440 HERON DR 254030250 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 600 MARK GERALD FELTON 1430 HERON DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1430 HERON DR 254030260 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 601 TANYA M BROWN 1420 HERON DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 1420 HERON DR 254030270 1 $3,536.39 $597.98 Assessment Basis Unit 102.00 $360,712.03 Notes: *Based on Interest Rate 2% Above Bonding Cost ( = 5.25% + 2.0% = 7.25%) and Term Equal to Bond Term ( = 8 Years). 195 PROP.PROPERTY ASSMT STREET NOTES NO.ADDRESS UNIT ASSMT MISSION HILLS AREA 700 BRIAN M & DAWN M RODELL RILEY 8580 MISSION HILLS LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8580 MISSION HILLS LN 255300270 1 $3,011.76 $509.27 701 RONALD S & BARBRA T EWING 8570 MISSION HILLS LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8570 MISSION HILLS LN 255300280 1 $3,011.76 $509.27 702 GEORGE J CARLYLE 8560 MISSION HILLS LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8560 MISSION HILLS LN 255300290 1 $3,011.76 $509.27 703 RYAN SCHWICKERT 8550 MISSION HILLS LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8550 MISSION HILLS LN 255300300 1 $3,011.76 $509.27 704 MARK A HEINERT 451 MISSION HILLS CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 451 MISSION HILLS CT 255300310 1 $3,011.76 $509.27 705 JEFFREY G & LEA J NORDOS 461 MISSION HILLS CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 461 MISSION HILLS CT 255300320 1 $3,011.76 $509.27 706 JOHN G & MARIGO N GEROGEORGE 470 MISSION HILLS CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 470 MISSION HILLS CT 255300330 1 $3,011.76 $509.27 707 ROBERT A & LISA K GAUVIN 460 MISSION HILLS CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 460 MISSION HILLS CT 255300340 1 $3,011.76 $509.27 708 SIMON LEE 450 MISSION HILLS CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 450 MISSION HILLS CT 255300350 1 $3,011.76 $509.27 709 MATTHEW R GREGERSON 8464 MISSION HILLS LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8464 MISSION HILLS LN 254470190 1 $3,011.76 $509.27 710 JEFFREY M ANDERSON 8444 MISSION HILLS LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8444 MISSION HILLS LN 254470180 1 $3,011.76 $509.27 711 ERIC LINDGREN 8451 MISSION HILLS CIR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8451 MISSION HILLS CIR 254470170 1 $3,011.76 $509.27 712 STEVEN M & JEANINE C CASEY 8471 MISSION HILLS CIR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8471 MISSION HILLS CIR 254470160 1 $3,011.76 $509.27 713 DALE E & RHONDA R TIREVOLD 8481 MISSION HILLS CIR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8481 MISSION HILLS CIR 254470150 1 $3,011.76 $509.27 714 CLINT R & JENNIFER J HURT 8491 MISSION HILLS CIR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8491 MISSION HILLS CIR 254470140 1 $3,011.76 $509.27 717 LORI K WENDT 8470 MISSION HILLS CIR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8470 MISSION HILLS CIR 254470110 1 $3,011.76 $509.27 715 RANDY V ROSETH 8490 MISSION HILLS CIR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8490 MISSION HILLS CIR 254470130 1 $3,011.76 $509.27 716 SANDRA K & GERALD R ERICKSON 8480 MISSION HILLS CIR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8480 MISSION HILLS CIR 254470120 1 $3,011.76 $509.27 718 MICHAEL P HINES 8460 MISSION HILLS CIR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8460 MISSION HILLS CIR 254470100 1 $3,011.76 $509.27 719 MATTHEW MARTIN 8450 MISSION HILLS CIR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8450 MISSION HILLS CIR 254470090 1 $3,011.76 $509.27 720 MICHAEL J & JENNIFER J HIDDING 8415 MISSION HILLS LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8415 MISSION HILLS LN 254470010 1 $3,011.76 $509.27 721 TRAVIS EARL CHASE 8425 MISSION HILLS LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8425 MISSION HILLS LN 254470020 1 $3,011.76 $509.27 722 RENEE M CRISTOFONO 8435 MISSION HILLS LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8435 MISSION HILLS LN 254470030 1 $3,011.76 $509.27 723 MEGAN M BRANDT 8445 MISSION HILLS LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8445 MISSION HILLS LN 254470040 1 $3,011.76 $509.27 724 SCOTT A & MICHELLE M TORBORG 8455 MISSION HILLS LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8455 MISSION HILLS LN 254470050 1 $3,011.76 $509.27 725 NEIL P COLLINS 8465 MISSION HILLS LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8465 MISSION HILLS LN 254470060 1 $3,011.76 $509.27 726 JEFFREY J & ANGELA L MARONE 8475 MISSION HILLS LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8475 MISSION HILLS LN 254470070 1 $3,011.76 $509.27 727 HOPE FAMILY TRUST NO 2016 8485 MISSION HILLS LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8485 MISSION HILLS LN 254470080 1 $3,011.76 $509.27 728 TRUST AGREEMENT OF PATRICIA J FERGUSON 8495 MISSION HILLS LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8495 MISSION HILLS LN 255300260 1 $3,011.76 $509.27 729 LYNN COLLURA IMPELLUSO 8511 MISSION HILLS LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8511 MISSION HILLS LN 255300250 1 $3,011.76 $509.27 730 TY MCDEVITT 8525 MISSION HILLS LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8525 MISSION HILLS LN 255300240 1 $3,011.76 $509.27 731 KRISTINA L HOLTZLEICER 8541 MISSION HILLS LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8541 MISSION HILLS LN 255300230 1 $3,011.76 $509.27 732 THOMAS B GUNSTAD 8561 MISSION HILLS LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8561 MISSION HILLS LN 255300220 1 $3,011.76 $509.27 733 ROBERT M & TAMMY L SCHAEFER 8571 MISSION HILLS LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8571 MISSION HILLS LN 255300210 1 $3,011.76 $509.27 734 DANE J SWENSON 8581 MISSION HILLS LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8581 MISSION HILLS LN 255300200 1 $3,011.76 $509.27 Assessment Basis Unit 35.00 $105,411.69 Notes: *Based on Interest Rate 2% Above Bonding Cost ( = 5.25% + 2.0% = 7.25%) and Term Equal to Bond Term ( = 8 Years). 2023 CITY PAVEMENT REHABILITATION PROJECT FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL - MISSION HILLS AREA 4/11/2023 OWNER OWNER ADDRESS P.I.D. STREET ASSESSMENT *ANNUAL ASSMT PAYMENT 196 PROP.PROPERTY ASSMT STREET NOTES NO.ADDRESS UNIT ASSMT BRAMBLE AREA 800 NICOLA S SMITH 725 BRAMBLE DR CHASKA, MN 55318 725 BRAMBLE DR, CHASKA 253050090 1 $6,935.97 $1,172.83 801 GERALD R JR & SHELLY D COOK 9920 DELPHINIUM LN CHASKA, MN 55318 9920 DELPHINIUM LN, CHASKA 253050080 1 $6,935.97 $1,172.83 802 JAXON D & ALLISON L LANG 9870 DELPHINIUM LN CHASKA, MN 55318 9870 DELPHINIUM LN, CHASKA 253050070 1 $6,935.97 $1,172.83 803 CONRAD L KERBER 9850 DELPHINIUM LN CHASKA, MN 55318 9850 DELPHINIUM LN, CHASKA 253050060 1 $6,935.97 $1,172.83 804 ERIK OLSON & LISA OLSON 9855 DELPHINIUM LN CHASKA, MN 55318 9855 DELPHINIUM LN, CHASKA 253050050 1 $6,935.97 $1,172.83 805 SEETHARAMAN SWAMINATHAN 9875 DELPHINIUM LN CHASKA, MN 55318 9875 DELPHINIUM LN, CHASKA 253050040 1 $6,935.97 $1,172.83 806 KYLE McCABE 9860 RASPBERRY HILL CHASKA, MN 55318 9860 RASPBERRY HILL, CHASKA 253050030 1 $6,935.97 $1,172.83 807 HALLA FAMILY LP 6601 MOHAWK TRL EDINA, MN 55439 9865 RASPBERRY HILL, CHASKA 253050020 1 $6,935.97 $1,172.83 808 NANCY J ROSSBERG REV TRUST 9885 RASPBERRY HILL CHASKA, MN 55318 9885 RASPBERRY HILL, CHASKA 253050010 1 $6,935.97 $1,172.83 Assessment Basis Unit 9.00 $62,423.74 Notes: *Based on Interest Rate 2% Above Bonding Cost ( = 5.25% + 2.0% = 7.25%) and Term Equal to Bond Term ( = 8 Years). 2023 CITY PAVEMENT REHABILITATION PROJECT FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL - BRAMBLE AREA 4/11/2023 OWNER OWNER ADDRESS P.I.D. STREET ASSESSMENT *ANNUAL ASSMT PAYMENT 197 PROP.PROPERTY ASSMT STREET NOTES NO.ADDRESS UNIT ASSMT CHES MAR DRIVE AREA 900 CARVER COUNTY ATTN: ADMINISTRATION 602 4TH ST E CHASKA, MN 55318 250091000 1 $0.00 $0.00 901 ERIC S CARLSON 7100 CHES MAR DR EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 7100 CHES MAR DR, EXCELSIOR 250091100 1 $8,344.75 $1,411.05 902 WILLIAM & BARBARA JOHNSON REV TRUST 7060 CHES MAR DR EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 7060 CHES MAR DR, EXCELSIOR 250091300 1 $8,344.75 $1,411.05 903 PLAZA HOLDINGS LLC 7100 NORTHLAND CIR STE 410 BROOKLYN PARK, MN 55428 7010 CHES MAR DR, EXCELSIOR 250091200 1 $8,344.75 $1,411.05 904 CARVER COUNTY ATTN: ADMINISTRATION 602 4TH ST E CHASKA, MN 55318 250091000 1 $0.00 $0.00 Assessment Basis Unit 5.00 $25,034.24 Notes: *Based on Interest Rate 2% Above Bonding Cost ( = 5.25% + 2.0% = 7.25%) and Term Equal to Bond Term ( = 8 Years). 2023 CITY PAVEMENT REHABILITATION PROJECT FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL - CHES MAR DRIVE AREA 4/11/2023 OWNER OWNER ADDRESS P.I.D. STREET ASSESSMENT *ANNUAL ASSMT PAYMENT 198 Streets - 2023 Street Improvements Overview Request Owner Charlie Howley, PW Director/City Engineer Department Annual Pvmnt Mgmt Contracted Type Capital Improvement Project Number ST-012-2023 Description  The 5-year Capital Pavement Management Plan (PMP) identies the planned streets for the next ve years. The Plan is updated every fall to revi ew priorities and needs, but generally i ntends to keep the overal l condition index (OCI) average across all streets at 70 or hi gher. The Ci ty uses a Pavement Management System in Cartegraph to moni tor the condition of City streets. While proper preventative maintenance extends the l ife of the street and is cost effective, a street wil l eventually deteriorate to a point that major maintenance is required. Rehabili tation projects exi ted the li fe of the street. In cases when util ities or poor subgrade needs to be repl aced or where streets have deteriorated to a point where rehabil itati on will no longer be practical , reconstructi on of the street i s necessary. A feasibili ty study i s wri tten to consider the merits of the project, scope of work, costs, and assessments. The Ci ty has an Assessment Pol icy that i denti es what and how much of the project is assessed to beneting properti es. Details Type of Project Resurface Current Road 199 Capital Cost Breakdown Capital Cost FY20 23 Total Engineering $450,000 $450,000 Construction/Maintenance $5,880,000 $5,880,000 Total $6,330,0 00 $6,330,0 00 Capital Cost FY2023 Budget $6,330,000 Total Budget (all years) $6.33M Project Total $6.33M Capital Cost by Year Construction/Maintenance Engineering 2023 $6,330,000.00 $0 $2M $4M $6M Capital Cost for Budgeted Years TOTAL $6,330,000.00 Construction/Maintenance (93%)$5,880,000.0 Engineering (7%)$450,000.00 200 Funding Sources Breakdown Funding Sources FY2023 Total Streets - PMP Funds $2,778,000 $2,778,000 Streets - PMP Assessmen ts $1,852,000 $1,852,000 Utility Fund - Water $700,000 $700,000 Utility Fund - Sewer $250,000 $250,000 Utility Fund - SW Mgmt $750,000 $750,000 Total $6,330,000 $6,330,000 Funding Sources FY2023 Budget $6,330,000 Total Budget (all years) $6.33M Project Total $6.33M Funding Sources by Year Streets - PMP Assessments Streets - PMP Funds Utility Fund - Sewer Utility Fund - SW Mgmt Utility Fund - Water 2023 $6,330,000.00 $0 $2M $4M $6M Funding Sources for Budgeted Years TOTAL $6,330,000.00 Streets - PMP Assessments (29%)$1,852,000.0 Streets - PMP Funds (44%)$2,778,000.00 U tility Fund - Sewer (4%)$250,000.00 U tility Fund - SW Mgmt (12%)$750,000.00 U tility Fund - Water (11%)$700,000.00 201 ###################################################### ###############################################################################################Lake Virginia Christmas Lake Lotus Lake Brendan Pond Lake Harrison Kerber Pond Lake Susan Rice Marsh Lake Lake Riley Rice Lake Lake St. Joe Lake Minnewashta Lake Ann Lake Lucy ST18 ST15 ST14 ST17 ST61 Minnewashta Regional Park North Lotus Lake Park Meadow Green Park Lake Ann Park Chanhassen Pond Park Chanhassen Nature Preserve Chanhassen Recreation Center Lake Susan Park Rice Marsh Lake Preserve Power Hill Park Fox Woods Preserve Bandimere Community Park Bluff Creek Golf Course Hesse Farm Park Preserve Lake Susan Preserve Raguet Wildlife Management Are MN Valley National Wildlife Re MN Landscape Arboretum Seminary Fen Scientific & Nat* Bluff Creek Preserve Independent School District 11 Independent School District 112 Independent School District 276 Riley Ridge Park Lake Ann Park Preserve SA5 SA7 SA101 SA41 SA5 )212 C C C C C Powers BlvdH w y212AudubonRdLyman Blvd Chanhassen RdA r b o r e t u m Blvd Pioneer Trl A r boretum Blvd GalpinBlvdHwy 212HazeltineBlvdMarketBlvdHwy 7 GreatPlainsB lvdFlying C l o u d D r C o R d 1 0 1 ST101 GH117 S S M M M M M M M M M Date Created: 7/25/2022 Document Path: K:\Departments\Engineering\CIP\2023-2027\CIP_5Year_2023-2027.aprxCreated By: City of Chanhassen - Engineering Department µ0 3,000 Feet 0 0.5 Mile 5-Year CIP Pavement Management Plan (PMP) - Streets (2023-2027) City of Chanhassen Legend 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Mill & Overlay Full Depth Reclamation ##Reconstruction S State/MnDOT Project C County Project M Municipal State Aid 202