2023 EDC Signed BylawsBYLAWS
The following bylaws are adopted by the Economic Development Commission to facilitate theperformance of its duties and the exercising of its functions as a commission established by theCity Council on June 10,2019.
The Economic Development Commission shall serve as an advisory body to the City Council
with the responsibility of researching, reviewing, and making recommendations on issues related
to economic development. The Economic Development Commission will review ways in which
the city can expand existing businesses , attract desirable new business, and revitalize Lxisting
businesses and the community as a whole. All final decisions are to be made by the City
The Economic Development Commission shall prepare an annual report for the City Council
detailing the community development activities of the past year. The report will also provide asunmary of residential and commercial construction activities and outline the progress that has
been made toward achieving the goals of all strategic plans.
The Economic Development Commission shall review the Comprehensive Plan and have an
understanding of the impacts the Comprehensive Plan has o, ".oro*ic development and
commercial/industrial land uses. In addition the Economic Development Commission will
review zoning ordinance changes that could impact businesses (commercial, industrial, and
mixed-use districts) and all other studies that have an impact on local businesses.
The Economic Development Commission shall review fee policies as they relate to businesses.
The Economic Development Commission shall review and consider new or revised approaches
to the city's Economic Development policy.
The Economic Development Commission will review TIF and Tax Abatement applications
approved by city council.
The Economic Development Commission shall review grant applications approved by city
council and provide support where needed.
The City Council at its discretion will set agenda items and goals as deemed necessary by the
City Council.
2.1 - Time
Regular meetings of the Economic Development Commission shall be held on the second
Tulsday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the City Council Chambers, 7700 Market Boulevard,
unless otherwise directed by the Chairperson, in which case at least24 hours' notice will be
given to all members. All unfinished business will be carried over to the next regular Economic
Development Commission meeting.
When the regular meeting day falls on a legal holiday, there shall be no Economic Development
Commission meeting.
2.2 - Special Meetings
Special meetings shall be held upon a call by the Chairperson or any other member with the
of two other membirs of the Economic Development Commission, and with at least
4g hours of notice to all members. Notice of all special meetings shall also be posted on the
official city bulletin board.
2.3 - Atrendance
Economic Development Commission members shall attend not less than seventy-five (75%)
percent of all reguiar and special meetings held during a given (calendar) year, and shall not be
absent from threi (3) consecutive meetings. Failure to meet this minimum attendance
requirement will result in removal from the Economic Development Commission.
3.1 - Composition
The Economic Development Commission shall consist of five (5) voting members. Five (5)
members shall be appointed by the City Council and may be removed by the City Council. All
members of the Economic Development Commission will have resided or owned a business a
minimum of two years in the City of Chanhassen.
3.2 -Terms and Vacancies
The City Council shall appoint five (5) members for staggered 3-year terms expiring on March
31 of each year. Vacancies during the term shall be filled by the City Council for the unexpired
portion of the term. All members shall serve without compensation.
3.3 - Quorum
Three Economic Development Commission members shall constitute a quorum for the
transaction of business. Whenever a quorum is not present, no final or official action shall be
taken at such meeting.
3.4 - City Council Liaison
The Mayor or his/her City Council designee shall act as Liaison and attend all Economic
Development Commission meetings when possible. The City Council Liaison will not have
voting rights.
4. 1 -Election of Officers
At the first meeting in April of each year, the Economic Development Commission shall hold an
otgantzatronal meeting. At this meeting, the commission shall elect from its membership a
Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson. Each member shall cast its vote for the member he wishes to
be chosen for Chairperson. If no one receives a majority, voting shall continue until one member
receives the majority support. Vice-Chairperson shall be elected from the remaining numbers of
the same proceeding.
4.2 -Dtlities of the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson
The Chairperson or in his absence, the Vice-Chairperson, shall preside at meetings and perform
other such duties as ordered by the Economic Development Commission. The Chairperson shall
conduct the meeting so as to keep it moving rapidly and as efficiently as possible and shall
remind members, witnesses and others to preserve order and decorum and to keep comments to
the subject at hand.
The Chairperson shall not move for action but may second motions.
5.1 - Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Procedure governed by Roberts Rules of Order Revised, shall be followed at all
regular meetings. At special work session meetings, and when appropriate, the Economic
Development Commission may hold group discussions not following any set parliamentary
procedures except when motions are before the Economic Development Commission.
6.1 - Economic Development Commission Discussion
a. Matters for discussion, which do not appear on the agenda, may be considered and
discussed by the Economic Development Commission under the On-going Items section.
b. Matters which appear on the agenda as open discussion items will not be recorded as
6.2 - Suspension of Rules
The Economic Development Commission may suspend any of these rules by a unanimous vote
of the members present.
6.3 - Amendments
Amendment of these bylaws may be made only by the City Council.
6.4 - Review
At the first meeting in April of each year, these bylaws shall be read and adopted by the
Economic Development Commission.
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