78-03 CC ResolutionCITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION DATE= January 9, 1978 RESOLUTION NO: 78~03 - MOTION BY COUNCILMAN: Pearson SECONDED BY 'COUNCILMAN: Geving , · . · A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF THE EXISTING T/~ INC~NT --. WHEREAS, the Minnesota Ho'use of Representatives have approved H.F. 1191 and the Minnesota Senate ·currently has a subcommittee studying H.F. 1191 and other related proposals; and WHEREAS.' the purpose Of this bill and other related proposals, is to "tighten" the restrictions'.imposed on the use of Tax Increment Financing, a redevelopment tool; and WHEREAS, it is the judgement, based upon extensive study, of the League of Minnesota Cities, NAHRO, the ARM, the Minnesota Association of Mayors and other public interest groups that these proposals .- adversely affect the ability of Minnesota cities to utilize this viable redevelopment tool; and· WHEREAS, many Minnesota cities have been successfully utilizing tax increment financing to finance renewal and redevelopment at the local level of both residential and commercial.properties; and WHEREAS, the renewal and r'edevelopment already accomplished and currently under way in these cities has significantly contributed to the liveability and economic health of the entire City and the State of Minnesota, thereby contributing greatly to the overall quality of life for all Minnesota residents; and : WHEREAS, tax increment financing has been-utilized by these 'cities with discretion and integrity; and '- " '.:. ''~':. ' · WHEREAS, it is clear that such renewal and redevelopment, of ...?-...:? residential and commercial properties in these cities would not have--? occurred without the utilization of tax increment financing. ·. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY..-~"".-' OF CHANHASSEN, that tax increment financing be retained by the State: of Minnesota and the legislature be encouraged to defeat all b~lls~: to restrict such use so that all cities and other local po!~tical jurisdictions can continue to creatively provide for the renewal " and ~.edevelopment of properties to protect and enhance the liveability and vitality of .their local environments. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Manager are hereby authorized and instructed to transmit this resolution to appropriate legislators to speak out in favor of tax increment financing before the Minnesota Legislature.in behalf of the City 'of Chanhassen and all Minnesota cities. Passed and adopted by the City Council .of the City of Chanhasaen Walter Hobbs, M~y~%r this 9th day of January, 1978. Don ~sh~orth, Ci%~ ~anager YES · Mayor Hobbs Councilman Pearson Councilman Gevin~ Councilman Waritz NO Councilman Neveaux - absent