77-72 CC Resolution CITY OF CHANHASSEN
Date: December 19, 1977
Motion by Councilman Nev .e~ux
Resolution No. 77-7'2
Seconded by Counci-f-~n ~eving
Approving the Redevelopment Plan, the Method of Financing, the
feasibility of relocation andthe use of. Tax Increment Financing
in the Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Project.
WHEREAS, under the provisions of Title I of the Housing Act of 1949,
as amended, the Secretary of Housing and Urban DevelOpment is
authorized to provide financ~a/ ~o~ ..... c Agencies
for undertaking and carryin, and
WHEREAS, it is desirable anc
and Redevelopment Authority
called the "Local Public AgE
development Project identif~
Project and encompassing the
on Exhibit A attached heret¢
WHEREAS, the Local Public Ag
federal financial aid from s
Development under said Act t
Development Project, and the
prospect for such aid; and
WHEREAS, the Local Public Ag,
of some eventual federal aid
the Housing
~sen (herein
a Re-"
:ly described
ment Project, but recommends .~.~ ~u3~c~ De undertaken as
rapidly as possible and be financed with local funds to the extent
federal aid is not available; and
WHEREAS, in connection with the undertaking of a Redevelopment
Project by the Local Public Agency pursuant to the Minnesota Munici-
pal Housing and Redevelopment Act, Laws of Minnesota 1947, Chapter
487, as amended, it is required that the Redevelopment Plan for the
project area be approved by the governing' body of the municipality
in which the project is located and that such approval include findings
by the governing body that: (1) The Land in the project area would
not be made available for redevelopment without the financial aid to
be sought; (2) the redevelopment plans for the redevelopment areas
in the locality will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the
sound needs of the locality as a whole, for the redevelopment of
such areas by private enterprise; and (3) the redevelopment plan
conforms to a general plan for the development of the locality as a
whole; and
WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency has made detailed studies of the
location, physical condition of structures, land use, environmental
influences, and social, cultural and economic conditions of the
project area and has determined that the area is a "blighted" area
within the meaning of Chapter 462.411 et s'eq. of Minnesota Statutes
and is a "deteriorated area" as define~--in the Minnesota Municipal
Housing and Redevelopment act (Laws Minn. 1947, Chapter 487, as
amended - M.S.A. S462.411 to 462.716) and is a blighted, deteriorating
and deteriorated area in the locality involved and a redevelopment
area within the meaning of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended, and
that it is detrimental and a menace to the safety, health and welfare
of the inhabitants and users thereof and of the locality at large,
because of the presence in said area of buildings which by reason of
dilapidation, obsolescence, overcrowding, faulty arrangement or
design, excessive land coverage, deleterious land use and combina-
tions of these and other factors, are detrimental to the safety,
health, and morals and welfare of the community, and the members of
this governing body have been fully apprised by the Local Public
Agency and are aware of these facts and conditions; and
WHEREAS, there has been prepared and referred to the City Council of
the City of Chanhassen '(herein called the "governing body") for review
and approval a redevelopment plan for the Project Area dated October
28, 1977, which plan is entitled Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment
Plan, consisting of eight pages and two maps, accompanies by a State-
ment of the Method Proposed for Financing the Project and a
Relocation Plan; and '
WHEREAS, the said Redevelopment Plan has been approved by the Local
Public Agency as evidenced by the copy of said body's duly certified
resolution approving said Redevelopment Plan, which is attached
thereto; and
WHEREAS, for further surve~ and planning and related activities
funds are required to prepare areas within the project for redevelop-
ment; and
WHEREAS, a general plan has been prepared and is recognized and used
as a guide for the general development of the community as a whole;
WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Chanhassen which
is the duly designated and acting official planning body for the
Locality, has submitted to the Governing Body its report and recommen-
dations respecting said Redevelopment Plan and its findings as to
compliance with the comprehensive municipal plan, and the Governing
Body has duly considered said report; recommendations and findings
of the planning body; and
WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan for the project area prescribes
methods for changing certain land uses for the project area and
may require, among other things, changes in zoning, the vacating
and removal of streets, .alleys, and other public ways, the
establishment of new street patterns, the location 'and relocation
of sewer and water mains {and other public facilities, and other
public action; and
WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency has prepared and submitted a
program for the relocation of individuals and families that may
be displaced as a result of carrying out the Project in accordance
with said Redevelopment Plan; and
WHEREAS, there have also been presented to the Governing Body
information and data respecting the relocation program which has been
prepared by the Local Public Agency; and
WHEREAS, the members of the Governing Body have general knowledge
of the conditions prevailing in the Project area and of the
availability of proper housing in Be Locality for the relocation of
individuals and families that may be displaced from the Project
area and, in the light of such knowledge of local housing conditions,
have carefully considered and reviewed such proposals for relocation;
WHEREAS, the Governing Body is cognizant bf the conditions that
are imposed in the undertaking and carrying out of redevelopment
projects under Title I, including those prohibiting discrimination
because of race, color, creed, sex, or national origin..
That it is hereby found and determined that the Project
area is a blighted, deteriorating and deteriorated area
and qualifies as an eligible Project area under the Minnesota
Municipal Housing and Redevelopment Act, Laws of Minnesota
1947, Chapter 487, as amended (M.S.A. S462.411-462.716).
That it is hereby found and determined that the Local Public
Agency has made full utilization of any and all federal funds
for which said Redevelopment Project qualifies.
That the Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Plan, dated
October 28, 1977, herein called said Redevelopment Plan, having
been duly reviewed and considered, is hereby approved, and
the City Clerk be and is hereby directed to file said copy
of said Redevelopment Plan with the minutes of the City
That the Method Proposed for Financing the Project having
been duly reviewed and considered, is duly approved, and the
City Clerk be and is hereby directed to file said copy of-
said Method Proposed for Financing the Project with the
minutes of the City Council.
That it is hereby~. found and determined that the objectives
of the Redevelopment Pl~"n cannot be achieved through more
extensive private rehabilitation of the Project area.
That it is hereby .found and determined that the Redevelopment
Plan for the Project area conforms to the general plan of
the Locality as a whole.
That it is hereby found and determined that ~he land in the
Project area will not be made available for redevelopment
without the financial aid to be sought.
That it is hereby found and determined that the Redevelop-
ment Plan for the Redevelopment area in the Locality will
afford maximum opportunity consistent with the sound needs
of the Locality as a whole, for the redevelopment of the
area by private enterprise.
That it is hereby found and determined that the program
for the proper relocation of individuals and families dis-
placed in carrying out the Project in decent, safe and
sanitary dwellings in conformity with acceptable standards
is feasible and can be reasonably and timely effected to
permit the proper prosecution and completion of the Project;
and that such dwelling units available or to be made avail-
able to such displaced individuals and families are at least
equal in number to the number of displaced individuals and
families and are not generally less desirable in regard to
public utilities and public and commercial facilities than the
dwellings of the displaced individuals and families in the
Project area, are available at rents or prices within the
financial means of the displaced individuals and families,
and are reasonably accessible to their places of employment.
That in order to implement and facilitate the effectuation
of the Redevelopment Plan hereby approved, it is found and
determined that certain official action must be taken by
this Body with reference among other things to changes in
zoning, the vacating and removal of streets, alleys, and
other public ways, the establishment of new street patterns,
location and relocation of sewer and water mains and other
public facilities and other public actions, and accordingly,
this Body hereby (a) pledges its cooperation in helping to
carry out the Redevelopment Plan; (b) requests the various
officials, departments, boards, and agencies of the Locality
having administrative responsibilities in the premises like-
wise to cooperate to such end and to exercise their
respective functions and powers in a manner consistent with
the Redevelopment Plan; and (c) stands ready to consider and
take appropriate action upon proposals and measures
designed to effectuate the Redevelopment Plan.
This Governing Body, to the extent necessary to carry
out said Plan, comsents to the use by the Local Public
Agency of the tax'increment method of financing in the manner
provided in Minnesota Statutes S462.585 in the Chanhassen
Downtown Redevelopment Project, and hereby pledges itself
(a) to issue general obligation bonds from time to time to
cover budgets app=oved or to be approved by said Governing
Body for said Redevelopment Project; and (b) to enter into
such written agreements as may be necessary to effectuate
the objectives of the Redevelopment Project and said
Method of Financing.
Passed and adopted by the Council of the CitY of Chanhassen this
19th day of December , 1977. - -
City' C~erk'/Manager
Mayor Hobbs
_COuncilman Peak,on
_Councilman Neveaux
CQ~n~ilma~ W~ritz
Councilman Gevin~
! ·
J. Narrative ription of the Boundary
That part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter .of Section !1,
Township 116, Range 23, Carver County, Minnesota, lying easterly of the easterly
right of way line of County 5tare Aid Highway No. 17 and lying northerly of the
northerly right of way line of County State Aid Highway No. 16.
That part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter and-the Southwest
Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, all in,. Section 12, Township 116, Range 23,
Carver County~ Minnesota~ described as follows:
Beginning at the intersection-of the east line of said Southeast Quarter of the
Southwest Quarter and the north right of way line of County. State Aid
Highway No. 16; thence northerly along said east line to an intersection with
the southeasterly extension of the northeasterly line of Block 4~ HIGHLAND
PARI(: thence northwesterly along said extension and line to the west line of
said Block 4; thence southerly along said west line and its extension to a line
parallel with and 283 feet northerly from the south line of said Southeast
Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence wes';_~rly along said parallel line to
the west line of said Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence
nor:herly along last said west line to the north line of the south 295 feet'of
the said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence westerly along
last said north line to the west line of the east 433 feet of said Southwest
Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence northerly along last said west line
to the south line of the North 86zt.~8 feet of said'Southwest Quarter of the
Southwest Quarter; thence westerly along last said south line to the west line
of the east ~D0 feet of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter;
thence northerly along last said west line to the nbrth line of said Southwest
Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence westerly along last said north line
to the west line of said Southwest of the Southwest Quarter; thence southerly
along last said west line to said northerly right of way line of County State
Aid Highway No. 16; thence easterly along said northerly right of way line to
the point of beginning.
That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter~ the Northwest
Quarter of the Northeast Quarter~ the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest
Quarter, the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and the Southwest
Quarter of the Northwest Quarter~ ali in Section 13~ Township !16~ Range 23,
Carver County, Minnesota~ described as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of the west line of said Northwest Quarter of
the Northwest Quarter and the south right of way line of County State Aid
Highway No. 16; thence easterly along said south right of way line to the
northerly right of way line of State Highway No. $; thence southwesterly
along said northerly right of way line to the south line of said Northeast
Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; thence westerly along said south line to
the east line of said southeast of the Northwest Quarter; thence southerly
along said east line to the northerly right of way line of said State Highway
No. 5; thence westerly along said northerly line to the west line of said
Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; thence northerly along said
west line to the point, of beginning.
That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section.
Township I1~;~ Range 23, Carver County,' Minnesota~ lying northerly of the
northerly right of way line of State Highway No. $ and southerly of the south right
nf wnv Iin~ nf t~.otintv State Aid Hiahwav No. [6.