2003 04 22File AGENDA - .- .... -..._ · -.. ~ '' . . ,. PA~.& ~'1~.~6i~ co~o~- ..... :' ~ .-TUF_~. DAY, APRH. 22, '2003 .. crr UArL, woo 7:30 p.m.- CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioners may add or delete items-at this time. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS VISITOR PRES~ATIONS .Commission Procedures allow for presentations from the audience at this time. If a motion required, the item will be forwarded to the next available agcoda to allow for publication and APPROVAL OF MINWr~ '- 1. Approval of minutes dated February 25, 2003. NEW BUSINESS Naming of New Park ~ in Front of City Hall and Adj~ to New Library. 3. City Code Clarification: Sidewalks and Trails. OLD BUS~ None RRPORTS 4. Recreation Programs a. 2003 4'~ of luly Celebration 5. s~f Suppovdng Progr~. a. Spring 3-on-3 Basketball 7. Park & Trail Maintenance COMMISSION MEMBER COMMI~VI~EE REPORTS COMMISSION MEMBER PRESENTATIONS ADMINISTRATIVE PACKET ADJOURNMENT PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION MI~TING TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2003 The meeting was cancelled due to a lack of a quorum. PARK AND RECREATION COMMLqSION SUMMARY MINUTES TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2003 Chairman Franks called the meeting to order at 7:35p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Rod Franks, Tom Kelly, Amy O'Shea, Jack Spizale, Paula Atldns, and Glen Stolar. MEMBER,5 ABSENT: None STAFF PRF_~ENT: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation ~ and Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent. APPROVAL OF AC~ENDA: Todd Hoffman added Item 6.c. pertaining to the answering of questions posed by the City Council concerning the operation of the Park and Recreation Commission. PUBLIC ANNQUNCEMF~: None. VLSITOR PRESENTATIONS: None. APPROVAL OF ~: Kelly moved, Spizale seconded to approve the Park and Recreation Commission Minutes dated January 28, 2003 as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously 6 to 0. MODIFICATION TO ~K~TE PARK PLAN. Following a staff report and Commissioner discussion, Commissioner Stolar moved to direct staff to close the north access to the skate park, and open a west access to the skate park. Further that staff be directed to investigate the viability of purchasing new "tier two" type equipment and charging for ~ to the park. 2o0a C0NTR Cr, TONK COMMUNITY .DUCATIQN AND _,RVICK . Following a staff repor~ and Commissioner discussion, Commissioner O'Shea moved to recommend that the City Council approve the Lake Ann Park Beach Lifegumxl contract with MinnetoBka Commllnity Education and Service~ in the mount of $27,555 for the 2003 summer beach season. Ar}OPTION OF PARK AND Iz~CR~'.ATION COMM~SSIQN BYLAWS Commissioners recommende~ somo minor modifi~~ to the by-laws. These amendments will be included in the copy of the by-laws to be forwarded to the City Council. REPORTS RECRF_~TION PRO(~~: Staff reports concerning the 2003 Easter Egg Candy Hunt, Daddy Daughter Date Night and February Festival were presented. Commission members discussed these events and -made a variety of suggestions for furore events. ADMINISTRATIVE PACKET. Rod Franks was appointed to serve on the 2005 MUSA area study group. The Commission selected March 25th as the date to conduct Commission' applicant interviews. (Upon checking the City Council interview schedule it was determined that this date would not work, the Council is interviewing on the 24t~). If more than five applications are received the Commission will conduct interviews on March 11. If fewer than five applications are received the applicants will all be interviewed solely by the City Council. The Commission prepared responses to questions posed by the City Council for discussion at a future work session. Stolar moved, O'Shea seconded to adjourn the meeting~ All voted in favor and the motion carried. The Park and Recreation Commi~sion meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. CITYOF CHANHA EN 7700 Idarkel BmJwanJ PO Box 147 Chm'me~ IdN 55317 Administration Phofle: ~.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 aolMIP. I hmlm~m 952227.1140 F~c 952~.1110 Park & R#feaUoa PIK~ 952.227.1120 Fax: 952227.1110 2310 Coultm' Bmdevafd Phone: ~.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & NmrM Rlsem~ Phone: ~ ~7.1130 Falc 952.227.1110 Pakllc Welts 1591 Park Road P1me: ~.1300 ~ 9~7.1310 Senior Center Phooe: 952.227.11~ Fax: 952.227.1110 M~/[OP.~IDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Todd Hoffinan, Park and Recre~on Director DATE: April 17, 2003 SUBJECT: Naming of Park Lrx:ated in Front of City Hall and Adjacent to the Library Come this September, Chanhassen will be home to a newly consmmted park in the center of our downtown. The investments made in this park include thc original foresight to set this prominent location aside for future public use, the value of the land estimated at $550,000, and consm~on contracts valued in excess of $800,000. The property was purchasexi by ~.City' s Housing and Redevelopment Authority in 1998 using tax inmvmenF~t[~hancing proceeds. Thc contracts to design and consmmt the park are funded from the City's park dedication fun& This park project commitment..of..p~ublic resources that will result in park space in our downtovim ~ :......-.- .... ~.. ~...%. -...[. .'-~ :- ~.-?.q:- To date the Park design element was Now that the the park. Names ..-.. Commons, . ,_. Naming a park is · . complicated as you . ..' In this instance, . .. . obvious choi~.j park ,: new ~ind .. .-: . It is the City adjacent to the Park to City Center Ball City Center Tbs City id Chanbmen · A growing community with clean la~ quaJJty schools, a chaflldng downtown, Iffl'Mng Ixmlnesses, wtDcllflg bails, and beaulfl~ parks. A gmat place to live, work, and play. Park and Recreation Commission April 17, 2O03 Page 2 C: Todd Gerhardt, City .Manager Mayor and City Council Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director Brace De, long, Finance Director Teresa Burgess, Public Works Director/City Engineer Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent Melissa Brechon, Carver County Library Board Linda Landsman ATTACtEVIENTS 1. Monument sign location drawing 2. Depiction of masonry monument sign g:Xparl6th\nam~ park · .;' · ...-; ..~ · .",.,.,,' > : ~.-, ....__:,-".".- ...'..., '.;.. CITYOF Admlalstratlen Phooe: ~.11~ Fax: 952227.1110 Bglldlng Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Englaeeflng Phone: 952.227.1160 · Far 952.227.1170 Fhllm Photo: 952227.1140 Fax: 952227.1110 Park & Rema, atloe Phone: 952.22'Ll120 Fax: 952.227.1110 FIm~oo Cenlw 2310 Coultw Boulevard Plme:~.14~ Far 952.227.1404 Ptmmlng & Natm'al Reseu~es Foom: 952.227.11~ Pax: ~..2E.1110 Puklk Welts 1591 P'"~k Road P1xx'm: 952..227.1300 Far 952.227.1310 Senlo~ Ceam Phone: ~.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site www. ct~mn, us MI:T'MO~~ PROM: Park and ~on Commission Todd Hoff'm~, Director of Parks and Recrr. afion DATE: Ma/ch 19, 2003 SUBJ: .. City Code Clarification: Sidewalks and Trails The City's planning staff is coordinating an update of the City's Comprehensive Plan. Thc subdivision section of the code specifies what improvements are required to be installed by land developers. The wording of this section, as it deals with sidewalks and trails, has resulted in some confi~on in thc past Thc planning staff is looking to the Park and Recreation Commission for c~arification in this area. , ':':.~*-., __ -;...-. In brief, this is what the Subdivision Section of the currently requires for sidewalks-and trails: Sec. 18-78. Req.uired.~P!~OY. cment~, :-': :?..)'!::i':::?i~i.::::-:.-~.~ -' · · .: b) 5. .~. · Sec. 18-79. Park · .- . . _.'- ..~ ,' a) Asa land for(' ' ' · .. mak~: a : O) In lieu-, The C~ of Chanhmen · A growing community wtth clean lakes, quality schools, a cham'dq) downtown, thriving businesses, winding hails, and beauUlul pad~ A g~ plato to live, wod~ and play. Park and Recreation Commission March 19, 2003 Page 2 of 2 The Planning Commission would like to see the installation of sidewalks be mandatory. Specifically, they would like to amend the language in Sec. 18-78 b) 5. to read: "Sidewalks shall be required on at least one side of all local streets. Trails shall be located on collector and arterial streets and off-street connectors to City parks, to neighborhood commercial uses, to adjacent neighborhoods and to schools, or as designated in the Comprehensive Plar~ " The planning staff would like to have the Park and Recreation Commission review this proposed language change and.provide a recommendation. Historically, the Park and Recreation Department has administered trail development and the Planning Department has administered sidewalk development. ATTACHMENTS Sections 18-78 and 18- 79 Chanhassen City Code · ~extpage LivePublish Page 1 of.1 Sec. 18-78. Required Improvements. (a) Tho subdivider shall submit ongineeflng plans and specifications satisfactory to the city for all required improvements, as listed or as specified In this chapter. These Improvements must be Initiated within one (1) year of final plat approval and completed within two (2) years. (b) The following public Improvements are required In every plat: (1) All subdivision boundary comers, block and lot comers, street intersection comers and po!nts of tangoncy and curvature shall be marked with durable iron or steel monuments meeting the minimum requirements of state law. The city may, when a subdivision is essentially complete, require a development to have the plat restaked to replace the original monuments destroyed or obliterated during the construction process. (2) As a rule, tho surface water discharge rate from the subdivision is to be retained at tho p'redevelopment rate for a one-hundred-year, twenty-four-hour storm event through the use of surface water detention/retention facilities or other appropflate means as approved by the city engineer.. (3) Every roadway shall have an adequate sub-base and shall be Improved with a bituminous or concrete surface In accordance with tho design standards specified by the city for urban or rural sections. Except in areas where lot widths exceed one hundred (100) feet or topography or tree cover dictates otherwise, grading shall provide for easy installation of sidewalks. (4) Concrete curb and gutter shall be required for all urban street sections. (6) Whore a public water supply is available within a reasonable distance of the proposed subdivision, tho subdivider shall be required to provide a connection to the public system. Service connections shall be stubbed into the property line and all necessary fire hydrants shall be provided. Extensions of the public water supply systems shall be designed to provide public water service to each lot and shall be in accordance with applicable city requirements. (7) Street lighting of a type approved by the city shall be required at intersections and other locations. (8) If available, public sanitary sewer main and service connections shall be approved by the city engineer'and installed to serve all lots in the subdMslon. In unsewered areas, facilities for sewage disposal, which meet applicable city ordinance requirements for Individual sewage disposal systems must be provided. (9) A system that will adequately accommodate the surface water runoff within the subdivision, as required by this chapter, shall be provided. (10) Street signs of standard design approved by the city shall be installed at each street intersection. Regulatory signs shall be Installed 'as required. (11) Where any proposed plat adjoins a natural lake, pond, river or stream, Including streams which fiow only Intermittently, the city may require that a strip of land running along all sides thereof which am contiguous to such lake, pond or stream, be dedicated to the city for public use, or subject to a perpetual easement in favor of the city for the purpose of protecting its hydraulic efficiency and natural character and beauty. There shall als0 then be granted to the city the dght of Ingress to and egress from the dedicated land. (12) All utility lines for telephone and electrical service shall be placed underground or where this Is not feasible shall be placed in rear lot line easements when carried on overhead poles. (c) Pdor to the city signing the final plat and pdor to the construction of any Improvements, the developer shall provide the city wtth a letter of credit or cash escrow to Insure that all improvements required by this chapter will be Installed and paid for at no City expense. For Improvements to be Installed by the developer, the developer is obligated to Install and complete all such improvements at his own expense and under the supervision and inspection of the city. For Improvements which the city agrees to Install, the developer shall pay the cost of such improvements through payment of special assessments. As security to the city for Installation of the Improvements or the payment of the spec[al assessments, the developer shall be required to file a cash escrow or letter of credit In an amount and form acceptable to the city to cover the cost of all public Improvements and special assessments. (Ord. No. 33-D, § 9, 2-25-85; Ord. No. 33-E, § 1, 12-15-86; Ord. No. 324, § 21,7-9-01) http://~ivepub~ish~munic~de~c~m/~3/~pext~d~~/Inf~base4~J~/b37/c6f/c78.~/f=temp~ate~&fn--d~cumen~~~ 3/18/2003 N. extpage LivePublish Page 1 of 2' Sec. 18-79. Park land dedication requirements. _ ......... III ...... - ..... :-'- -' - --- . .. a prerequisite to subdivision approval, subdividers shall dedicate land for parks, playgrounds, public open} l~spaces and trails and/or shall make a c, ash contribution to the city's park fund and trail fund as provided by this section. ~ (b) Land to be dedicated shall be reasonably suitable for Its intended use and shall be at a location convenient to the people to'be served. Factors used in evaluating the adequacy of proposed park and recreation areas shall Include size, shape, topography, geology, hydrology, tree cover, access and location. (c) The park and recreation committee shall recommend to the city council the land dedication and cash contribution requirements for proposed subdivisions. (d) Changes In density of plats shall be reviewed by the park and recreation committee for reconsideration of park dedication and cash contribution requirements. (e) When a proposed park, playground, recreational area, school site or other public ground has been indicated in the city's official map or comprehensive plan and Is located In whole or In part within a proposed plat, It shall be designated as such on the plat and shall be dedicated to the appropriate governmental unit. If the subdivider elects not to dedicate an area In excess of the land required hereunder for such proposed public site, the city may consider acquiring the site through purchase or condemnation. (f) Land area conveyed or dedicated to the city shall not be used in calculating density requirements of the city zoning ordinance and shall be In addition to and not In lieu of open space requirements for planned unit developments. (g) Where private open space for park and recreation purposes Is provided in a proposed subdivision, such areas may be used for credit, at the discretion of the city council, against the requirement of dedication for park and recreation purposes, provided the city council finds it Is in the public Interest to do so. (h) The city, upon consideration of the particular type of development, may require larger or lesser parcels of land to be dedicated If the city determines that present or future residents would require greater or lesser land for park and playground purposes; (i) five (75) people the platted land could house based upon the following population calculations: TABLE INSET: Two-family dwelling Iola .......... I&0 ~ Aparlmenl, townt~.__~, ~ums and olher ,d~llng units, per bedroom .......... 11.0 pasee In residential plats one (1) acre of land shall be conveyed to the city as an outlet by warranty deed for every seventy- ,, I (J) In plats other than residential plats, either a cash donation equal to ten (10) percent of the fair market value of the undeveloped property or ten (10) percent of the gross area of land being platted or a. combination thereof, shall be conveyed to the city. (k) In lieu of a park land donation, the city may require an equivalent cash donation based upon average undeveloped (m) The city may elect to receive a combination of cash, land, and development of the land for park use. The fair market value of the land the city wants and the value of the development of the land shall be calculated. That amount shall be subtracted from the cash contribution required by subsection (k) above. The remainder shall be the cash- contribution requirement. (n) 'Fair market value" shall be determined as of the time of filing the final plat in accordance .with the following: (1) The city and the developer may agree as to the fair market value, or (2) The fair market value may be based upon a current appraisal submitted to the city by the subdMder at the subdivlder's expense. http://~ivepub~ish~munic~de~c~m/~3/~pext~d~~/~nf~base4~~~/b37/c6fdc89?f=temp~ates&fn=d~cumen~~~ 3/18/2003 ..~extPage LivePublish Page 2 of 2 (3) If the city disputes such appraisal the city may, at the subdivifler's expense, obtain an appraisal of th'e property by a qualified real estate appraiser, which appraisal shall be conclusive evidence of the fair market value of the land. (o) Planned developments with mixed land uses shall make cash andJor land contributions in accordance with this section based upon the percentage of land devoted to the various uses. (p) One-third (1/3) of the park and trail cash contribution shall be paid contemporaneously wlth the city's approval of the subdivision. The balance, calculated as follows, shall be paid at the time building permits are Issued: rate in effect when a building permit is Issued minus the amount previously paid. (q) The cash contributions for parks and trolls shall be deposited in either the city's park and recreation development fund or multipurpose pedestrian troll fund and shall be used only for park acquisition or development and trail acquisition or development. (r) If a subdivider is unwilling or unable to make a commitment to the city az to the type of building that will be constructed on lots in the proposed plat, then the land and cash contribution requirement will be a reasonable amount as determined by the city council. (s) Wetlands, ponding areas and drainage ways accepted by the city shall not be considered In the park land and/or cash contribution to the city. -- - I ~ Subdividers of land abutting streets that have been designated In the city's comprehensive trail plan for ;,h~ jr Installation of a trail shall be requ fee credit shall be granted. (Ord. No. 85, § 2, 3-14-88; Ord. No. 182, §§ 1,2, 3-8-93; Ord. No. 198, § 1, 2-14-94) Editor's note: Section 2 of Ord. No. 85, adopted Mar. 14, 1988, amended the Code by adding a new § 18-78 thereto. Inasmuch as there already existed a § 18-78, the editor has designated the new provisions as § 18-79. Cross references: Parks and recreation, Ch. 14; neighborhood park acquisition and improvement,§ 14-31 et seq.; official maps, § 15-20 et seq. http:~/~ivepub~i~h~munic~de~c~m/~3/~pext.d~/~nf~base4~/~/b37~c6f/c89?f=tem~ate~s&fn~~ 3/18/2003 C 0F 7700 Mal~ Boukvard PO B(xx147 Chan~, MN 55317 AdmlnlstmU(m Phon~ ~.1100 Fa)c 952.227.1110 Building les~ectlona Phone: 962.227.1180 Fax: 952227.1190 Enllneedng Phone: 952.~.1160 Fax: 952..227.1170 Phor~ 952.227.1140 F-ax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 9~.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Ra3eaUoo CenW 2310 C4:xa'ter B(xJiev~ P11one: 952~.14(X) Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natml R#ourns Photo: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Senior Centre' Ptxme: 952227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 WIb Sb www. ct~hafl~~ TO: FROM: Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent Corey Hoen, Recreation SuPerVisor C~- DATE: April 16, 2003 SUB J: 2003 4t~ of July Celebration The City of Chanhasscn's 4t~ of July Celebration is rapidly approaching. All activities will take place on Thursday, July 3~- and Friday, July 4t~. I am enclosing a tentative schedule of events with this memo. A total of six food vendors have been confirmed so far,for this year's .celebration. There will be returning vendors from last year as wcll.-,~,some new comers. Items that will be served this year include: dip n dots, steak & chicken fajitas, burritos, tacos, nachos, hot dogs, .. cheese curds, beer battered fries, mozzarella sticks, soft drink% I will be working with each indivi...dual vcndp, r to determine space requirements. · -.. , '..:. - .::-.- - .. .. .~- ?:. :- :.. ;'~- ~-: ..-"--'.-'.£ .' :i '- .. . -'....... .. This year's p.m. Thc parade .-..,.-. Chapel Hill and tra' vel' Wc will be working · · . · . s~sful and that '. . .::.; :.-...: .-.-. ;-, ~.-. thc day. '.- .- .; -..- · . .. :... ' _-1 · -...': ' ::f:'.-... I will be in thc process ,:.-, shirts. As well as smoothly. ,' .': ... :--.:_- --. -.:-:('~ .. If. you have any further.. .. .... , .:-~:. ,.' ...::..'?...¥'..,' : . :~...:..- _ "' .-. '... -¥',,':~-' · - ,-... .'..:- ,'_:.?..:, · . . o ...~- ..-. · . · ..'::i.': i?!-::';!;" :..:. · .- ... '., -...._~..- · ... · - .-...; · .. ~-.--.~ .. · .: -.,~-. · ,-.4 - ·. :.-' -., - ... - i".' ' ,: :'. _. ,-,--~ '-- 2:30 '5' The City of Chakan.. · A growing community wflh cJ~ h~ces, qm~y school, a chroming downtown, thdvh~ businesses, winding balls, and beaumul pad~ ^ g~ place to I~ wodc. and play.' CHANHASSEN JULY 4xa 2003 :' .JULY 3.4, 2003 ' · SCI~'~DULE OF EVENTS, THURSDAY: JULY 3_ (all activities Will take place at City Center Park) Event. ~ Trade'Fair ~ Kiddie Parade } Kap.tain Kirby Train Rides )~ Face Painting ), Caricature Drawings 1~ Pony Rides ~ Petting Pony Corral )~ Carnival Games )~ water Wars )~ Interactive Inflatable Games )~ Speedway Racing } Food & Beer Garden )~ "Chalk It Up" Contest } Basketball Free Throw Shooting Contest } Street Dance - featuring the Casablanca Orchestra Time ~:30-6':30 pm 5:30-6:00 pm 5:00-8:00 pm 5:00~8:00 pm 5:00-8:00 pm 4:30-8:30 pm 4:30-8:30 pm- 5:00-8:30 pm 5:00-10:O0pm 5:00-10:00 pm 5:00-10:00 pm 5:00-11:00 pm 6:00-8:00 pm 6:30-7:30 pm 7:00-11:00 pm FRIDAY~ JULY 4 (all activities will take place at Lake Ann Park) Event Adult Fishing Contest Water Wars Interactive Inflatable Games Kid's Fishing Festival Sand Sculpture Contest Treasure Hunt Community Parade Fireworks Time.- 7:30-10:00 am 10:30 .am-'5:30 pm. 10:30 am-9:00 pm 11:00 am-12:00 noon 11:00 am-l:30 pm 11:00 am-l:30 pm 2:304:30 pm 10:00 pm POBox14Z Cl'admam, I~i 65317 'AdmlflistraUen Rl(X~- ~J 100 952.227.1110 Building btspedlons 'F1xme: 952.227~11~ Fax: 962.227.4190 ~ ~-o .~7~.1160 .Finance Rxxm: 952.227.1140 -Fax: 952.227.1110 c)flrk.~ Qecreatj°n 9~?..227.11~ F~ 952.227.1110 2310 CouiW Boulevad Fax: 952.227.t404 · Planning"& ' Natural Resoah~s Phone: 952.227'.1130 Fax: 952.227.1.110 TO: FROM: DATE: SUB J: i i Chanhassen Recreation Center. Thc league is very popular and the size of thc league this year is eight teams. The schedules were completed and-mailed. The eight-team_!eague will play in one dj.vision and will -play~egular season games.until M~y 5, A post-sea~on toujrn~m~cnt wiil be scheduled on May 12 and 19 and will be single elimination with a conso, ladon bracket. -.. . · . ..: - ..... ~-.~-,- .~: -':'" . _'. ~-.'.'., -. ... . .. ......: ..... "... .... ... .:. :.:::::.. -':./..... :. .:.~.. - ........... .:_. su]~~~: ·. ....... .;' Spring 3-on-3 Basketball League. : II · . It is very exciting to have this league playing in the spring. I look forward to another successful season. Public Worb 1591 P'mk Road' Ph(xle: 952.2~/.1300 "'"' Fax: ._c~r.1310 .' -- · . . · . ,.. Senior Ceatm'" 13h:me: 952.227.1125 · ~, . - Fax: 952.22T.1110 w.t~Sb .. :.:. -- · . · The Clty'ef Chlabasskn · A flrowi~ commnity wflh chan lakes, reality schools, a ~ ~ fh~4no I~s~ wimlim ~it,~ slv~ I'~dm,I ~ A ~ ~ t~ livn wink and ~ age: 1 03118/2003 (17..:54:56 · - ..:..-..??.- · .,'-f . .~;'"'.) '.',"...:.,~....,.-.- f.....,.v..~ ..... .--:~.:~r,..'-' .s~'s. '." '.1, ""-f /¢, ::~'>. ..: . :,: ? '..Y..~ ., · -r.'"-~. =' .. - .... 2003 Spring Schedule "..-. .<: .- League Begins On Mon Mar 24, 2003 '~:;~-,....~..-; :.:;..!: .... .- !. Paeke_-rs Plus l. Papa'Murphy's 3. Southwest Material $. Lone Lakent S. POP 7. Team.Nyen ~. 'lu~tium 'l.. · .Bx~. t Veainga 906-9667 Au~dn Dyek 974-3990- Kevtn H~.klla 443-3989 KC Ahreas 403.-0761 J.A. Schwartz 974-053'9 Andy Nyen 448-2298 Nv/een. 646-67S7 .:" ' ': ' . '... . j ' :..' : . --- -.'. '',' - , I' .... League Coo.rdinator: JerrY.R~uegemer 227-.1-.!;~1 ;' ..... ' -]' i' I Il I' ' [ ll'rl'l'r'l i ! ,. 'l~. .....: Team~ Ll~flng -" ~,-'"~' · I · , ..z. ~. '....'. .. ' . ., . · .d [eeflng ·Date Mar 24 Mar 31 :Time " Site ... 07:00PM:" ' Ea;;t C6~d (1)"' 07:00PM West Court (2) 08:00PI~' '" 'East Court'(i )' 08:00PM West Court (2) 07:00PM East Court (!) 07:00PM West C. oun (2) 08:00PM .East Court (1) 08:00PM West Co6rt (2) .. ··Away· Home · · ' Inetium va Packer~-Plus Southwest Material va Rock~ts Papa Murphy's vs Team Nyen - · Lone Lakers ' vi POP J~apa Murphy's va POP l~ackers Plus vs Team Nyea Inctium vs Rocke~s · Southwest Material va · Lone Lakers )ii Apr 07 Apr 14 Apr 21 Apr 28 07:00PM -East Court ( i ) 07:00PM West Court (2) 08:00PM .East Court (I) 08:00PM West Court (2) 07:00PM 'Fast Court (!) 07:00PM West Court (2) O8:OOPM East Court (!) 08:00PM West Court (2) 07:00PM East Court (1) 07:00PM West Court (2) 08:00PM East Court (1) 08:00PM West Court (2) 07:00PM .East Court (1) 0?:00PM West Court (2) 08:OOPM East Court (1) 08:00PM West Court (2) Papa Murphy's va Southwest Material Lone Lakers 'rs Ineflum Rockets va Pac. k-er~ Pi6s Team Nyen va POP :4· ..' · Rock~ts va Lone Lakers -. Team Nyen va Southwest Material' POP va Packers Pitts Inetium va Papa Packers Plus va Lone ." . Rockets va Papa Murphy'a POP va Southwest Mat~a~R Team Nyen va Inetium .. · . ; ':. Rockets va Team Nyen Packers Plus va Southwest Material m May 05 07:00PM East Court (1) 07:00PM West Court (2) 08:00Pm ~t'~urt (1) 08:00PM West Court (2) Lone Lakers va Team. Nyen · Papa Murphy's va Packers Pi,,, Southwest Material va Inefium POP va Rock~ TYOF 7700 Marklt Itoukvard PO Box 147 (~, MN 55317 Englnemtng Plme: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952..227.1170 Flfllnu Pad[ & Recreation Photo: ~.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 ~Cen~ 2310 Couttw Boulev'wd Phme: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.22'/.1404 rllnnllg & Natal ~ Phon~ 952.227.1130 Fac 952.22'/.1110 Sealm' Centm' Phooe: ~.11~ Fsx: 952.227.1110 Wlb Sb www. d~ MI:TMO~~ Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director FROM: Susan Marek, Recu~tion Center Manager DATE: March 17, 2003 SUBJ: Park Commission Report- March 2003 Recreation Center User Fees and Room Rental Fees The Recreation Cent~ will increase punch card fees and room rental fees effective April 1, 2003. Punch card fees will be increased $.50/punch from $2 to $2,50; room rent~ rote incre~es are from $10 and $12,50/hour to $15/hour. Gym rates increase from $35/hour to $40/hour. Dance recita!.p.re, parations are in full swing. Thc significantly createA the : . .... .. g::. :_.2 . Con/~Rulations Recreation Cent~i;:i" anchored the covered by current Supervisor, but will ..-. -.:.,.: '..:~-.- ::~ -.-' .... "--~ :::!:.' ~'.'.':--.;:¢':!: · . . . .... -. -...-.,~:-.- · .- . %:..- number of" ".. :- -.:''-.' · ...- ..'- · .... ....: ..-~.f... ,. · ., .:._.:'.:':'.'.. , .., .,. .--'.~: :"-:-: ~i-'~:::-~-:(i.. .. ~.....- ~-.-. ..-, -..~ held at Eden The City of Cllankaull · A gnaving comflmlty with cJeafl lakes, quaJlty schools, a chan111flg downtown, b'lrivtng ~ winding trails, and beautiful parks. A gteat place tt) live, wodr, snd play. CffYOF -fltANI EN 7700 IValta B(xJievard PO Box 147 Chadms~ MN 55317 Photo: ~.1100 Fax: 95Z.227.1110 hlldlng bmpectlons Photo: ._1~L~_:~7/.1180 Fax: ff~ :Y'~Z'.1190 Engineering Photo: 952227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 FIimo~ Phem: 952227.1140 Fax: 952.,227.1110 Pad[ & Rm'eallen Ptm~ 962.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recnmlioe ~ 2310 Couflm Boulevmd Photo: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952227.1404 Ptannlng & Natal Reaemces Fax: 9~,'7'/'.1110 PoME Wedm 1591 P'wk Road Ph(me: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director FROM: Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent DATE: March 17, 2003 SUBJECr: Park and Trail Maintenance Report This year~s skating rink season finally came to an end on March 12. '~liis year we set two reco~; one being the latest date for opening our rink~ (Jan 12), and the other being the latest date for Closing (March 12). With the late start it was decided to cancel the seven, family rink.q in nel parks and to only maintain the four main skating parks that have Reports attached:-'- , Skating;rink.og~_._n!Bg and closing dates :....'.':: . .. :.-, .:...: ..'~. ~ · Skatin '7.--".';'c:.. Park mainten .~'-~-' houses and · ._ year's 63% · . helped us out these houses w'.ffi_.: north of the pond at Lake ;... ':'-. ~'-..~.'.-.':- :-~ .: Currently sign's, trimmin needed ...m..Pa~.'... :~:..fl!~'- :"1':' '-" i.' ':'"' ""':' ~-;'' Iam worked with' degree in Park &' . ..-: :; .~: i.: · ... , ~ .. ::.-.~ :.:..~ who has for his The City of Chaaka#en · A orow4no community with clean lalms, quaJlty schools, a chamdng dewntown, thriving busJ~, vdndlng trails, and beaJUful pad~ A gmat place to I~, wodr,, and play. SKATING RINKS OPEN/CLOSE DATES YEAR OPEN CLOSE REOPEN CLOSE I 1982 Dec. 17 Feb. 16, 1983 1983 Dec. 22 Feb. 21, 1984 1984 Dec. 25 Feb. 19, 1985 1985 Dec. 20 Feb. 18, 1986 1986 Dec. 18 Feb. 7, 1987 1987 Dec. 19 Feb. 15, 1988 1988 Dec. 9 March 8, 1989 1989 Dec. 16 Feb. 8, 1990 1990 Dec. 21 Feb. 2, 1991 1991 Dec. 21 . Jan. 3, 1992 Jan. 13 Jan. 29 1992 Dee. 19 Feb. 12, 1993 1993 Dec. 27 Feb. 18, 1994 1994 Dec. 16 Dee. 21, 1994 1an. 6, 1995 Feb. 17 1995 Dec. 16 1an. 18, 1996 San. 22, 1996 Feb. 19 1996 Dee. 23 Feb. 19, 1997 1997 Jan. 12 Feb. 9, 1998 1998 Dec. 26 Feb. 10, 1999 1999 Dec. 23 Feb. 20, 2000 2000 Dec. 15 March 6, 2001 2001 Dec. 29 Jan. 8, 2002 Jan. 18, 2002 Feb. 13, 2002 Jan. 25, 2002 Jan. 30, 2002 (for season) Feb. 7, 2002 Feb. 12, 2002 2002 lan. 12 March 12 2003 M. 2OO4 2005 2002-2003 SKATING RINKS I I 2002 Re~lular Hrs. $ Overtime $ TOTAL $ DALE 0.0 8.5 $382.50 $ 382.50 DEAN 14.0 $ 373.94 7.5 $300.48 $ 674.42 JIM 12.0 $ 310.32 12.0 465.48 $ 775.80 CHARLIE 8.0 $ 177.68 8.0 $266.52 $ ~?. ~..20 BRAD 8.0 $ 161.68 8.0 $242.44 $ 404.12 JERRY 34.0 $ 648.72 8.0 $228.96 $ 877.68 ROB 16.0 $ 305.28 8.0 $228.96 $ 534.24 TOTAL 92.0 $ 1,977.6260.0 $2,115.34 $ 4,092.96 2003 DALE 20.5 $ 629.35 2.5 $115.13 $ 744.48 DEAN 37.5 $ 1,025.2520.0 $820.20 $ 1,845.45 JIM 42.5 $ 1,123.707.0 $277.62 $ 1,401.32 CHARLIE 52.0 $ 1,181.4447.5 $1,618.80 $ 2,800.24 BRAD 154.5 $ 3,297.03 41.5 $1,328.42 $ 4,625.45 JERRY 107.5 $ 2,231.70 39.0 $1,214.46 $ 3,446.16 ROB 113.0: $ 2,345.88 36.0 $1,121.04 $ 3,466.92 TOTAL 527.5 $ 11,834.35 193.5- $6,495.67 $ 18,330.02 TOTAL REGULAR HOURS: 519.s $ 13,811.97 TOTAL OVERTIME HOURS: 253~ $8,611.01 TOTAL $ FOR RINK MAINTENANCE-LABOR: -- -~ 22,422~98- I Fuel Used: 873 Cost Per Gallon: $ 1.13 TOTAL FUEL USAGE & COST: $ 985.49 I I Equipment-Hours of Usage: 686.5 Cost Per Hour:. I $ 50.00 TOTAL TRUCK & TRACTOR USAGE & COST: .$ 34~.s.00 TOTAL COST FOR RINK MAINTENANCE 2000-2001: $ s7,734A7 open c~os~! DAYS OPla~ ;OST/O~Y 1/12/03 3/12/03 60 $ 962.24 I Neighborhood rinks not flooded this year. P:~w_users~aleG~lceRInks~Rlnk Malnt CosLxls Page I WOOD DUCK HOUSE-INSPECTION" ~.. · ood HOUSENOJLOCATION 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 , · _ Lake Susan Park: 1 Y Y Y : Y '..Y N. N Y N ': ' Pond West 2 Y Y Y N Y Y Y .-N ..-.Y. Pond East 3 Y Y Y Y. Y Y N N Y . . Pond East 4 Y Y Gone Y Y Y N N Y' " Pond South 5 Y Y N N Y ' Y N Y N · . Pond South 6 Y' Y' Y N N N Y' Y Y : Middle of Swamp East Side 7 Y Y Y Y Y. N Y . y. · Tree. :,- · Over· Middle of Swamp 8 Y Y Y N Y Y ' Y N N W of Bend in Trail (New 2000) 32 N N Y Burger Brothers (New:~00O) 33 Y · N .- y · (New 2000) 34 - . N Gone -- ... Tall Tree (New 2000) 35 " "' N" ' Y N Creek E.of Bridge(New 2000) 36 ' N -N; N ' ' Archery Range (New 2000) 37 N N · Power Hill Park: 9 N N ' N Gone· .Gone Gone -- ' '-- -- 10 N N Y Gone Gone Gone ...... 11 Y Y Gone N N N N Y Y 12 Y Y N Y N N Y Y Sunset Ridge Park: 13 Y N Y N Y Y Y Y N 14 Y N N Y Y Y Y N N Herman Field: West 15 Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y West 16 Y Y Y Y Y. Y Y Y; Y East 17 Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y East 18 Y N Y N N Y N Y Y Curry Farms: 27 N N 'Gone Y Y Y Y N N 29 Y Y Gone Y Y N Y N N · ! Bandlmer Heights Park: 21 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N . 22 Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y N Lake Ann Park: 23 N N N N N N N. N Y 24 N Y N Y Y N Y Y Y 25 Y Y N Y Y N N N Y APPLIC~ ~ION FOR ~ 07'F' ~OMIi~8iON ~ 2/28/03 CO. MiItTS~ON'D.~IRr~. p~4RK O' RFXSRF_~T/ON AL~Tlg- n0n~ Name; Susau M. ~ Ad~, 821 Plealmess Laae Home P/m~ 952-906-3534 Wazk Pham~' none N~ Yem~/n O~m/ums~- 2 Please see the ~uw. hed mmme ~ 1 8:2). the C~ ia m offs:hlmmner ~ ~ ~ of~~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'s temstimd ~ --d offetigs. SecoMl/, I ~,- ~g tt~ my bactgmmd md ~ ~!. be able to be ofuse in ~i. capaci~. resklents ~nd lm~.. mo~e ~mt out wondetfid city mdits ~ O,_,~.n~__,-~3om,_/at t/~Poa/t/am' I hsve over lOye~s ofpzo~mde~pe~mceworlringia themmmicm ~ A~mosthss beea ia campus ~muim, I ~r~ve d~ tomy of~ ~ ~ md Ph~hi~ cm be i~pli~ ~o a mmm~ ~.~ I hsve ser~l on n"m~us ~ in the l~tSt md mi°Y a tram impoRaace ofb~hr~7ing and ~ a heslthy ~ I hsve seen the "good times" sad the SUSAN ROBINSON 11/99.3/01 8~5--12~P7 Citim-area fixlrth grade~ ~ ~ ~ (a ~ ~~ American Red Croe~, 6reder'Mlnneepolb Amc Chq~r;, Mlnneq:mtl~, ilJnnem~te _ _ _ Taug~ a ~ oFCPR and first aid chum~ to alimt glxx~ amt ;a~udzafim~ Arizona 8tare University; Tempe, Artzona WcrkedwilhUmmofl0 Stuff' members to suoomsfi~opmsnd~now$14 nfillimfl~T~y. Do~lop~ , i Vlminla Ted~; BIm~abu~, Virglnl~ July1990 May1988 ~ T[F[C,,I TION & ~G 1991-2001 1990-20~ 7/9.~-10/96 1983-1987 All Sainls C_.ntho~ Cinm:h Befrin,d~ & mbit.t n, ~v~ HOly Spil~ ~ ~ Youth Lmdu' & Psslm~ Csre ~mist~, Tempe, Ariama ~~ cms v~ A ~ & HONORS ! ~ C. umdm~ Tmchi~ mt Ammi, V'w#uh Tec~ BIm:/mbm~ Ifl~ PRE~E~A TION~ 12/99 1~V99 7/98 11/97 7/96 "Wei~TART: A Collnlmrali~ ~ nt Aritmm Sln~ ~ POS~ lm~Smlmim st fl~eN _~m~ ! Welkins ~ ~ Point, W'nomsin ~ ~.~ th~ Wennms Way" NIRSA Nntionnl Cen~ Nadnn~ Tennma~ 12/93 612463-31B3 ' PO Bo~ K/1412 Ten~ AZ 85287-1412 200 SAC Mt. Plemm~ MI 48~9 517-774-3686 m~o m~ NARC/WARC -Winter 2003 Adult Special Events West Dance 'Golden Valley Plymouth Holiday Super Bowl Total City Average-2 Dance Dance Party' Par[7 Brooklyn Center 6 1 3 5 1 16 Brooklyn Park 6 7 4 4 0 21 Chanhassen 0 0 0 0 0 ' 0 Chaska 0 . 0 0 0 0 CrTsta! 7 e 4 3 1 23 Golden Valle]/ 9 8. 11 1 0 29 Maple Grove 2 ,. 1 ; 7 2 0 12 New Hope 11 8 5 5 6 35 Pl~/mouth 28 21 18 3 10 - 80 Robbinsdale 1 5 7 0 0 13 Hopkins 2 2 1 1 0 6 Minnetonka 12 3 3 3 2 - 23 St. Louis Park 12 4 7 12 10 45 i . Other 63 13 37 7 ~ 3 123 . . Total 159 81 107 46 33 426 Minneapolis-23 Excelsior-1 Eden Prairie-13 Victoria-9 Bloomington-33 Maple Plain-2 Blaine-1 Wayzata-9 Edina-6 Hamel-1 New Brighton-5 Excelsior-1 Omno-1 Medina-1 Champlin-1 Mound-2 Richfield-6 ~ ' · M~-~h 25, 2003 ~ A. Center for Recreation- Education Advocacy Counseling Dear Friends of Reach For Resources, Our Governor's current budget is a frontal assault on services for people with Developmental Disabilities in this state. Here are a few items to consider: The Governor's budget will eliminate any further distribution of waivered services "slots" for two years. ~tly 600 people are waiting. , Current reimbursement rates for services Will be reduced 5-30%, causing current services to be reduced or eliminated. m The legal mandate requiring day training and vocational programs will be repealed and 'the requirement that people be placed in jobs eHminatedl , , Parental fees will sharply increase as will medical assistance co-payments. Meanwhile, the household income needed to qualify for cash assistance will be reduced. .- Aid to counties and cities will be reduced/or eliminated C.'ausing City recreation services- and COunty DD community support programs like Reach For Resources to be reduced or eliminated. The above listing is just a sampl, ing of the devastation tlmt could occur should the governor's proposed. budget go forward as planned. Your involvement is critical to save.our supports. Let your opinions be known! Please'write or email: Governor Tim Pawlenty 130 .State Capitol St. Paul, MN 55155 Tim.Pawlenty _C~tate.rnn.us , J .4.- Speaker Steve Sviggum 463 State Office Building St. Paul, MN 55155 rep.steve.s.vig~ouse.state.mn.us Senate Majority Leader John Hottinger 208 state Capitol st. Paul, MN 55155 Sen.j ohn.hottinger _(_~senate.leg.state.mn.us .Your. !egislators.. Call 651 ~29,6-2.146 for hO'use-inforn~tion and 65-1:296-0504 foi'. The Senate or go ~o www. leg,statC.~.u~e~&~cffinder,~ Please see the sample letter enclosed. Contact Mary with questions or concerns and let's work together! 1001 Highway 7 Room 217 Hopkins, MN 55305 952.988.4177 Fax' 952.988.4C SAMPLE LETrp_,~ TIPS Keep it short IntrodUce yourself : -' -. -- .. .. Tell how the issue affects you - - Include your name, address & phone # Don't send form letters -. Call 651-296-2146 or 651-296-0504 to get your legislntots' names and ~ State your purpose and what action you want them t~ talin in'the .fiyst lwra~h. Then tell the official briefly about the services you receive and what difference it lms made in your life or in the lives of people you'know. - .- .- Dea~ RepJSenJGov. - - .. '.. I know the legislative process'is challenging this. year because Of the ~ offla~ deficit, but I urge ,. I am the (mother, sister, father, friend) of a (.Vomlg tsavm, 'adult) with disabilities'who is receiving (therapeutic recreation, respite, counseling, daily living ~ki~ls, etc.) from Reach For Resources. Without these supports, our famay would ~ enormously stressed and have to consider placing our (son) in a costly institutiOn rathgr than helping him ~ a semi- independent productive citizen. Even in times of defidt, plea~ honor the long standing values in this state and pro~ our most vulnerable children and adults from these drastic ~ts. We urge you to-use a balan~ appmac, h to the deficit including raising revenues to fired critical services, · · . . -. .. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sinee~ly, .' Your Name, Address and Phone