Traffic Review Memo_Life Time Pickleball_Chanhassen_05192023 1 | P a g e Life T ime Pickleball Development , Chanhassen, MN May 19th, 2023 To: Kristie Elfering; Elfering & Associates From: Katie Schmidt, PE Re: Initial Traffic Review Memorandum – Life Time Pickleball –Chanhassen, MN SSTS, LLC has conducted a trip generation and parking review for the proposed Life Time Pickleball Development in Chanhassen, MN. The location of the Pickleball Development is in the area of the temporary parking lot in the southwest quadrant of the Life Time Corporate Campus, as illustrated by Figure 1. The proposed Pickleball Development consists of 14 total courts with 8 indoor courts and 6 outdoor courts. It is noted the indoor court building will house the 8 courts and restrooms with no other uses. Parking for the Pickleball Development is proposed to be accommodated by cross parking in the existing parking lot for Life Time Corporate Office Building 3 directly to the east. This memorandum discusses the trip generation potential for the proposed pickleball use and the parking demand. Trip Generation The volume of vehicle trips generated by the proposed Pickleball Development has been estimated for the weekday AM and PM peak hours of adjacent street traffic and on a daily basis using the data methodology described in the Institute of Transportation Engineers’ Trip Generation Manual 1, 11th Edition. The ITE data does not have a specific Pickleball land use. Rather, the Tennis Court land use was used as very similar operations are expected with the same number of players per court. Table 1 summarizes the trip generation estimate for the Proposed Pickleball Development. Table 1 - Trip Generation for Apartments *Trip generation rate for AM is based on a correlation of AM/PM of generator for land use 491 (Tennis Club). As shown in Table 1, the Pickleball Development is estimated to generate the following: 1 Trip Generation Manual, Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), 11th Edition Trips Generated: Enter Exit Enter Exit Tennis Courts 490 14 courts 20 20 27 27 379 20 20 27 27 54Totals40 379 PM Peak Weekday ADT Land Use Land Use Code Size AM Peak* Figure 1 - Project Location 2 | P a g e Life T ime Pickleball Development , Chanhassen, MN • 40 trips (20 entering and 20 exiting) during the morning traffic peak, • 54 trips (27 entering and 27 exiting) during afternoon traffic peak hour, and • 379 trips per day. These estimates could be conservative as no reductions were taken for shared trips from the Life Time Campus. It is likely that some of the pickleball players could walk over from the health club and/or employees could play before/during/after their work day. Additionally, site generated trips during the winter would be reduced as the outdoor courts will not be open. Parking Considerations Per Chanhassen City Code, 48 parking stalls for the proposed Pickleball Development would be required. The code states that a Recreational Facility shall have 20 spaces plus two spaces per court. Similar to the trip generation estimates this requirement does not consider shared trips from the Life Time Campus. Cross parking directly to the east with the Life Time Corporate Office Building #3 (2932 Water Tower Pl) existing park lot is proposed. With the inclusion of some additional handicap parking spaces for the proposed development this existing parking lot will have 117 spaces. Due to hybrid work policies at Life Time Corporate this parking lot is underutilized. To provide a current snapshot of parking use in Life Time Corporate Office Building #3 lot, a parking inventory was taken on Monday, May 15th at 2 PM. During this timeframe 21 vehicles were parked in the lot and 96 spaces we empty. It is likely that there will be available capacity for cross parking for the Pickleball Development. Additionally, parking could be available in the southwest portion of the health club lot with the pickleball courts accessible by the stairs and sidewalk. The parking inventory indicated only 6 cars parked in this corner with 81 open spaces. On the weekends it is likely that the Life Time Corporate Office Building #3 parking lot will be empty as no employees will be working and more than ample space will be available for Pickleball parking. Conclusion The proposed Pickleball Development is estimated to generate 40 AM peak hour trips, 54 PM peak hour trips and 379 daily trips. This estimate could be high as it does not consider shared trips with Life Time Health Club guests or use by Life Time Corporate employees. Additionally, there is existing parking capacity for cross parking operations in the Life Time Corporate Office Building #3 parking lot. Please contact Katie Schmidt at katie@s2traffic.com or 952-212-7625 with any questions.