PC MinutesPlanning Commission Minutes – March 21, 2023 5 know it is there whether there is a lighted sign or not. She is okay with the sign as long as it is not lit and meets the city brand standards for signage. Commissioner Johnson agrees that a lighted sign is not necessary. Regarding adding height to the monument, is it really necessary as the buildings will also have signs on them and will be seen from the road. Commissioner Schwartz noted an illuminated sign indicates that a business is open. In the winter when it gets darker at 4:00 p.m. it could suggest to customers that the businesses are not open. Commissioner Goff stated the way it reads now the two sign variances are not included. If approved, it will get the Applicant off and running and the Commission may see them again for a sign variance. It was mentioned that the applicant has worked closely with the city. He would be in favor of moving forward with the motion as-is. Mr. Generous noted the applicant is allowed to have a lighted sign on the east and west elevation. It is the south elevation that is directly facing residential that is prohibited because there is no entrance and it is not street frontage. Commissioner Schwartz moved, Commissioner Soller seconded the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends approval of Southwest Village Planned Unit Development (PUD) Mixed-Use, Transit-Oriented Development PUD, Amendment Ordinance, and site plan approval for a 12,600 square foot one-story commercial building with a drive-through coffee shop as shown in plans dated February 17, 2023, subject to the conditions of approval, and adopts the Findings of Fact and Recommendation. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. 3. XCEL SERVICE CENTER- REZONING FROM A-2 TO PUD, SITE PLAN REVIEW AND WETLAND ALTERATION PERMIT, 1891 ARBORETUM BOULEVARD Senior Planner Generous gave a summary of the Staff report noting the Applicant is requesting a rezoning from Agricultural Estate District to Planned Unit Development Office Industrial PUD, as well as site plan approval and wetland alteration permit for development on the site. The land use plan has guided it for office industrial use on the north side, and Mr. Generous shared about topography and wetlands on the site. This PUD is specifically for the Xcel Service Center which defines five buildings, parking lot, storage buildings, and a communications tower. Mr. Generous noted a maintenance building for the servicing of boom trucks that will be extended 55 feet in the air. He shared about sewer, water, storm water treatment, an outdoor storage area on the site, and walked the Commissioners through the proposed design. The top of the vehicle storage building will be constructed and designed to install solar panels at a later time. Mr. Generous shared about architectural design, sidewalks, an employee patio area, lighting, and landscaping. Water Resources Engineer Seidl stated this is a very challenging and complex site regarding stormwater design and water resources. There are two wetlands on site, as well two waters of the U.S. under Army Corps of Engineers jurisdiction, which are a tributary to Bluff Creek, and a tributary to the tributary of Bluff Creek. He also noted a 42-inch culvert that conveys water to Planning Commission Minutes – March 21, 2023 6 wetland 2, and very steep grades. He spoke about documented erosion problems on the site, as well as grading and erosion control plans with installation of retaining walls, erosion and sediment control plans, and stormwater design including BMPs to maintain existing drainage patterns on the site. Mr. Seidl gave detail on the wetland alteration permit, noting it is a vigorous process and the applicant worked with the city on revised designs, the City of Chanhassen and the Army Corps of Engineers also need to approve the permit, and explained the process of wetland mitigation banks and credits. Mr. Generous noted staff recommends approval of the rezoning and site plan approval for the five buildings, communication tower and screen, outdoor storage, and wetland alteration permit subject to the conditions of approval and adoption of the Findings of Fact and Recommendation. Commissioner Schwartz asked why it is not possible to mitigate the wetland on the property or within the City of Chanhassen. Mr. Seidl noted that is a great question that he also asked. He noted it has been proven that smaller wetland mitigation projects are not very successful, and the Army Corps of Engineers would not approve an application showing wetland mitigation on site. This is what was approved by the Technical Evaluation Panel and it is common. He clarified the process of purchasing wetland credits in the State. Commissioner Goff asked if the entire site will be fenced. Mr. Generous replied the yard area will have security fencing with gates. Commissioner Schwartz asked if any yard lighting will adversely affect the townhomes to the south. Mr. Generous replied they should not as they will all be directed on site with a 90-degree cutoff. Leigh Stoakes, Project Engineer with Xcel Energy, explained the goal of the project is to combine the Waconia and Shorewood Service Centers into a single site. This site in Chanhassen met their criteria, and although it is a very challenging site, he thinks it will be an asset to the city and will provide a critical service. Chairman Noyes opened the public hearing. Nancy Crain lives just west of the development and shared concerns regarding the lighting. She noted the Coulter Boulevard is at a high point in Chanhassen and everything goes down to the south. If they go up 60 feet it will probably clear the tree line and have visibility for quite a distance. The idea of having a lighted sign on the building runs counter to the way the residential neighborhood feels with marshland, the creek, woods, and wildlife. She uses her deck in the evening and enjoys a dark night sky. She thinks the impact on residents is worth considering and she hopes they will not have a lighted sign on the building. Planning Commission Minutes – March 21, 2023 7 Tim Crain noted they live in the townhouse units and spoke about a berm with some trees but noted the high point is where this facility will be and there will be some light pollution from the sidewalk and parking lot lights which will filter down into the backyards of some residents. He shared Ms. Crain’s concern about the light from the sign on the 60-foot building noting the light will project and residents will see that from their properties. He noted he went to the open house and said the building looks nice, the land looks nice, they are keeping much of the area natural, but his main concern is lighting and light pollution. Mr. Stoakes commented on the lighting noting they are proposing two signs, one on the north facing Highway 5 and they would like to have that lit. The sign on the south side, which would be on the fleet garage, is a secondary sign and because it is facing a residential area, the advantage to have it lit is not there. He noted in this case the secondary sign does not have to be lit and he stated they want to be a good neighbor and not a nuisance. Commissioner Schwartz asked Ms. Crain if that sign was not illuminated would it satisfy their concern? Ms. Crain replied in the affirmative, noting it would. Chairman Noyes closed the public hearing. Mr. Generous suggested the Commissioners memorialize the condition regarding the secondary sign, noting that will also help city staff with direction in the future. Commissioner Alto moved, Commissioner Goff seconded the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends approval of Planning Case #2023-01 Xcel Service Center, including rezoning the Planned Unit Development Office Industrial Park PUD, site plan approval for five buildings, a communication tower, and screened outdoor storage, with the agreement that any south-facing signage will not be lit, and a wetland alteration permit subject to the conditions of approval, and adopts the Findings of Fact and Recommendation. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. GENERAL BUSINESS: None. APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES DATED MARCH 7, 2023: Commissioner Goff noted the summary Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated March 7, 2023 as presented. ADJOURNMENT: