CC MinutesCity Council Minutes – April 10, 2023 3 terms ending March 31, 2024: Laura Baumtrog and Gwendolyn Block. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. 2. Ordinance 705: SouthWest Village - PUD amendment and Site Plan amendment to allow a Multi-Tenant User and a Drive-Through for a Coffee Shop, 680 SouthWest Village Drive Senior Planner Generous gave a summary of the staff report noting this is an amendment request and site plan approval for SouthWest Village. The proposed PUD is consistent with the land-use designation and staff would recommend approval. In 2006 an overall site plan was approved. As part of the amendment, the applicant is requesting permission for a coffee shop drive-through and revising the commercial building from 8,500 square feet to a 12,600 square-foot footprint. They are also requesting revisions to permit signage on the south side of the building and expand the monument sign. He showed the proposed plans on screen and shared about site plan review on the building, coffee shop, and drive-through stacking area. A traffic study was done, and Mr. Generous noted there should not be problems with traffic circulation on site. He noted that stormwater improvements will be made on-site and architectural details were shown on screen. Staff and the Planning Commission recommend approval of Planning Case #2023-04, PUD Ordinance Amendment and Site Plan prepared by Westwood Professional Services, Inc., dated 02/17/2023, subject to the conditions of the staff report and adoption of the Planning Commission's Findings of Fact and Recommendation. Councilman McDonald asked about signage, specifically the 2-foot expansion to the monument sign and signage above the drive-through. Mr. Generous replied as part of the current Ordinance, Staff does not recommend those signage changes. He provided the language necessary to permit signage on the south side of the building and noted that signage would not be illuminated. Mayor Ryan asked, for consistency, what signage is on the development on the west side of Highway 101? Mr. Generous does not think there is separate monument signage. Mayor Ryan wants to be sure they do not experience stacking issues at the coffee shop. Mr. Generous noted new standards in the city require additional stacking and the Applicant anticipates a 10-stacking and has provided for 14-stacking. There is also an area that cars could back up into that would not impact access to the rest of the site. Jay Scott, Solomon Real Estate Group, and Len Simich, former CEO of SouthWest Transit and owner’s representative for the agency approached the podium. Mr. Scott noted staff has been wonderful and they have been working closely to prevent questionable or challenging issues. Mr. Simich shared about signage on the site noting additional signage helps from a tenant standpoint as there is always concern about whether people will be able to find their business. He City Council Minutes – April 10, 2023 4 stated they can live without those two signs, but they would like them, and the applicant understands about not having the signage lit. He has a concern about the second patio as they are looking at redoing the entire plaza area for emergency access and would like to utilize that space better versus creating another area of hardscape. The council discussed signage and the patio on site. Councilman Kimber is fine with the drive-through sign and struggles with the signage on the building near the patio. Mr. Generous explained either the applicant would need an entrance at the spot indicated on the screen, or the city would need to amend the design standards to permit signage on that side of the building. Mr. Scott explained that the signage in the design was intentional to create architectural interest noting they are glass panels and not doors. Mayor Ryan asked to discuss the monument sign. Councilman McDonald wants this to be successful and any business wants people to know they are there. He thinks the monument sign should be increased and is in favor. He feels the same about the signage on the north face and is in favor of amending the PUD. Councilman von Oven watched the Planning Commission meeting and is not a fan of setting precedence. He is perfectly fine with the monument sign; however, he feels the signage is only allowed because the patio is a loophole to get a sign. He is in favor of allowing the applicant not to create a patio, allowing offices on the side and not having a sign, and creating a precedent. Part of the reason they have this Ordinance is to prevent buildings from looking like strip malls with signs everywhere. The signage above the drive-through would be part of an amendment to the PUD and would not create a precedent. Councilwoman Schubert would rather not see unnecessary hardscape on the north side and does not have a problem with signage on that side without forcing a door there. She is not a huge fan of the monument sign but could probably be convinced. She is fine with the drive-through sign if it is not illuminated. Councilman Kimber spoke about the monument and thinks it is important to have that two-foot expansion. Regarding the drive-through sign, it is important to identify the business that is there and is important. He struggles with the north elevation side and noted the tenant is membership- based with one access in and out with limited access on who is entering and exiting. He also understands the precedent that would set. Mayor Ryan supports the monument sign, is not in favor of the sign on the north side, and is fine with the signage on the south side for identification of the business. She asked how big the menu sign would be. City Council Minutes – April 10, 2023 5 Mr. Generous does not have the details, however, it would be oriented to the drive-through area rather than off-site. Councilman McDonald moved, Councilman Kimber seconded that the Chanhassen City Council adopts the SouthWest Village Planned Unit Development – Mixed Use/Transit Oriented Development, PUD, amendment ordinance and site plan approval for a 12,600 square-foot, one-story commercial building with a drive-through coffee shop subject to the conditions of approval in the Planning Commission staff report, and adopts the Planning Commission's Findings of Fact and Recommendation. He would like to add language that signs along the side of the retail buildings are allowed without an actual entrance, and to allow the monument sign expansion. The motion carried with a vote of 3-2. Councilman von Oven and Mayor Ryan voted nay. 3. Ordinance 706: Xcel Service Center - Rezoning from A-2 to PUD, Site Plan Review, and Wetland Alteration Permit, 1891 Arboretum Boulevard Senior Planner Generous gave a summary of the item noting that the city will be re-addressing the site due to access from the south and the buildings will be A through D for fire purpose designations. The existing site is a farm field with a small wetland in the south-central area and a wetland running diagonal from the northeast corner ending with a stream into a tributary into Bluff Creek. Mr. Generous explained the PUD district is specifically designed for the Xcel Service Center development and the proposed rezoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Staff recommends approval. He explained the project and showed design plans on screen. The PUD has been amended so that any wall signage on the south elevation will not be illuminated. Screening fences are proposed for the storage areas with additional landscaping between the building and Coulter Boulevard. Mr. Generous walked the council through architectural materials on the buildings and a proposed communications tower. Due to co- location difficulties with another tower, the city recommends Xcel be permitted to have a tower but also provide co-location opportunities for the future. He shared about landscaping, stormwater improvements, grading and erosion control, and sanitary sewer on the site. Mr. Generous explained wetland alteration with credits from Sibley County and the Army Corps of Engineers’ approval of wetland credits which is in process. Staff and Planning Commission recommend approval of the rezoning and site plan approval. Leigh Stoakes, Project Engineer with Xcel Energy, stated they are looking forward to this project and have been working on it for many years. He thanked city staff for their cooperation and support. Councilman Kimber asked if the EV charging stations on the site are for Xcel Energy or for residents. Mr. Stoakes replied it would be strictly for Xcel Energy. Councilman Kimber asked whether there would be a gate on the property. Mr. Stoakes replied there are two security gates.