4-21-2023CHANHASSEN COMMISSION ON AGING MINUTES April 21, 2023 CALL TO ORDER Eric Maass called the meeting to order at 10:00. MEMBERS PRESENT: Laura Baumtrog, Gwen Block, Jim Camarata (Zoom), Kara Cassidy, Ruth Lunde, Beth Mason, Bhakti Modi (Zoom), and Ruth Slivken. MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Mary Blazanin, Senior Center Coordinator, Bob Generous, Senior Planner, Eric Maass, Planning Director, and Jenny Potter, Senior Administrative Support Specialist. GUESTS PRESENT: Barbara Hicks, Linnéa Fonnest, Adults Services Librarian, Chanhassen Library, Dawn Plumer, Carver County Public Health. Oaths of Office: Jenny Potter administered the oaths of office for Commissioners Laura Baumtog, Gwen Block, Beth Mason, and Ruth Slivken. Each Commission then executed the oaths. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Camarata moved the order of the agenda to place 5.A. before 3.A. Commissioner Camarata moved to approve the Agenda. Commissioner Slivken seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Election of Officers Commissioner Camarata nominated Ruth Lunde as Chair and Commissioner Cassidy seconded the nomination. Commissioner Lunde stated that she would be willing to serve. The Commissioners all voted in favor and the motion passed. Commissioner Lunde nominated Jim Camarata as Vice-Chair and Commissioner Modi seconded the nomination. Commissioner Camarata stated that he would be willing to serve. The Commissioners all voted in favor and the motion passed. Commission on Aging Minutes March 17, 2023: Commissioner Camarata moved to approve the minutes. Commissioner Cassidy seconded the motion. All members except the new commissioners voted in favor and the motion carried. DISCUSSION ITEMS Arbor Day Invitation – Saturday, May 6, 2023, from 9 – 10 am, rain or shine, Bandimere Community Park – 9405 Great Plains Boulevard, north parking lot by the playground area. Several members stated that they would be in attendance. It is great to add trees to the community. July 4th Bingo Event Update Chair Lunde explained that this was a fundraising event held by the Commission on Aging at the 4th of July celebration. The Commission on Aging invites businesses to contribute prizes to raise money for the cause – Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans (MACV). The Commissioners will divvy up the letters which have been prepared by Sharmeen and ask for business support to raise funds for MACV. Mary Blazanin will coordinate the list of Commissioner and the businesses. The donations will be collected by Eric Maass. Memorial Day on Monday, May 29th, 2023 at Noon, City Center Park The Commission on Aging has a table at the event to promote Commission activities and programs. Jerry Cerchia will be present at the event. Two Additional Commissioners volunteered to attend: Commissioners Mason and Slivken GOALS/STRATEGIC PLAN: Commission Camarata requested that since there were new people everyone should introduce themselves. Chair Lunde directed that people should give a brief description. The members in attendance went around and gave a one-minute or less introduction of themselves. Appointment of Senior Center Volunteer Corps Representative Mary Blazanin explained that the Commission on Aging appoints a member to act as a liaison to the group which consists of 8 – 10 seniors who meet monthly to discuss programs at the Senior Center. Commissioner Block stated that she would volunteer. Commissioner Cassidy moved to appoint Commissioner Block as liaison, Commissioner Camarata seconded the appointment. The Commission voted unanimously to appoint Commissioner Block. Approval of Onboarding Document Commissioner Cassidy noted that her zip code was incorrect. The Commission also noted that the Chair and Vice Chair need to be updated. Commissioner Cassidy moved to adopt the Onboarding Document subject to the revisions noted. Commissioner Camarata seconded the motion. The Commission voted unanimously to approve the Onboarding Document. Goals and Objectives. Chair Lunde stated that the Commission on Aging had adopted several strategic goals for the group to pursue. The Commission’s five strategic goals include:  Strategic Area: Housing  Strategic Area: Transportation and Mobility  Strategic Area: Information, Education and Outreach.  Strategic Area: Opportunities for People to Interact  Strategic Area: Maintain and Foster a Sense of Safety and Security Chair Lunde noted that the Commission on Aging had advocated for affordable senior housing as part of the Lake Place development. The city created a Tax Increment Financing District to assist in providing these units. 50 of the 110 units in the building are to be affordable to seniors at 60 percent or less of the area median income. There was additional discussion about various safety programs that were held through the Senior Center. Chair Lunde noted that the city had held an open house regarding City Hall on April 20, 2023. Commissioner Baumtrog said that it was very well organized and there appeared to be mostly in support of the plan. However, there are lots of issues to discuss and it may require a raise in taxes. VISITOR PRESENTATION Community Health Update: Dawn Plummer noted that a senior health program funding using COVID relief funds fell through. Plummer told the commission that a 2nd bivalent booster for COVID was approved for those 65 and older or with other risk factors. The County has free at- home COVID tests available. Countywide, there are monthly free food distribution events available for seniors. Library Adult Program Update: Linnea Fonnest, Adults Services Librarian, shared all the upcoming programs that will be offered by the library. She noted that she was impressed by the Senior Center’s many programs and they tried not to duplicate them. Programs that were covered included: • Book sale at the library. Helps to fund their programs. There is a buy one get one free coupon available. • All Ages or Generations • Art/Poetry Mash-up • Chess Club • Planting a Seed • May is Mental Health Awareness Month  Mindfulness Mondays in May: Yoga at the Library for Every Body • Cooking in the Kitchen • Adults • Women’s History Month • Home & Garden • Author Talk • Readers & Writers • Music in May • Chan-o-laires in Concert • Carnatic Music and National Instrument of India • Curtis & Loretta “Where there’s good to be done”. • Lehto & Wright • Summer of Youth Programming The library has intergeneration opportunities including board games and play events. Provided a discussion about reading programs and the need to keep the youth reading during the summer months. Fonnest told the Commission that the library was celebrating its 20th Anniversary this year. COMMISSION PRESENTATIONS Commission on Ageing Comments: The new Commissioners were welcomed to the Commission. Chair Lunde shared that the Chanhassen Villager had an article about Sharmeen Al-Jaff in its last edition (April 20, 2023). She also shared that Chanhassen Neighbors had a story about Lee who has several pictures around the Senior Center. MONTHLY REPORTS None ADJOURNMENT: Chair Lunde called for meeting adjournment. Commissioner Cassidy moved to adjourn; Commissioner Slivken seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Prepared and submitted by Eric Maass, Planning Director and Bob Generous, Senior Planner