Geotechnical Evaluation Report - Avienda Rowhomes, B2106624 Geotechnical Evaluation Report Avienda Rowhomes NE of Intersection of Bluff Creek Boulevard and Avienda Parkway Chanhassen, Minnesota Prepared for Level 7 Development, LLC Professional Certification: I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Bradley J. McCarter, PE Director, Senior Engineer License Number: 48478 June 23, 2023 Project B2106624.00 Braun Intertec Corporation AA/EOE Braun Intertec Corporation 11001 Hampshire Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55438 Phone: 952.995.2000 Fax: 952.995.2020 Web: braunintertec.com June 23, 2023 Project B2106624.00 Mr. Mark Nordland Level 7 Development, LLC 4600 Kings Point Road Minnetrista, MN 55331 Re: Geotechnical Evaluation Avienda Rowhomes NE of Intersection of Bluff Creek Boulevard and Avienda Parkway Chanhassen, Minnesota Dear Mr. Nordland: We are pleased to present this Geotechnical Evaluation Report for the above referenced project. This report contains our recommendations and should be read in its entirety. Thank you for making Braun Intertec your geotechnical consultant for this project. If you have questions about this report, or if there are other services that we can provide in support of our work to date, please contact Pat Sink at 706.691.6878 (psink@braunintertec.com) or Brad McCarter at 612.708.2790 (bmccarter@braunintertec.com). Sincerely, BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION Patrick W. Sink, EIT Staff Engineer Bradley J. McCarter, PE Director, Senior Engineer c: Steven Sebraski, PE - Landform Table of Contents Description Page A. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 1 A.1. Project Description .............................................................................................................. 1 A.2. Site Conditions and History ................................................................................................. 3 A.3. Purpose ................................................................................................................................ 3 A.4. Background Information and Reference Documents .......................................................... 3 A.5. Scope of Services ................................................................................................................. 4 B. Results .............................................................................................................................................. 4 B.1. Geologic Overview .............................................................................................................. 4 B.2. Mass Grading Activities ....................................................................................................... 5 B.2.a. Locations and Elevations ........................................................................................ 5 B.2.b. Procedures ............................................................................................................. 5 B.2.c. Excavation Observations ........................................................................................ 5 B.2.d. Fill Placement ......................................................................................................... 6 C. Recommendations ........................................................................................................................... 7 C.1. Subgrade Preparation ......................................................................................................... 7 C.1.a. Building Subgrade Excavations ............................................................................... 7 C.1.b. Engineered Fill Materials and Compaction ............................................................ 7 C.1.c. Special Inspections of Soils ..................................................................................... 8 C.2. Spread Footings ................................................................................................................... 8 C.3. Interior Slabs ....................................................................................................................... 9 C.3.a. Subgrade Modulus ................................................................................................. 9 C.3.b. Moisture Vapor Protection .................................................................................... 9 C.3.c. Radon ................................................................................................................... 10 C.4. Frost Protection ................................................................................................................. 10 C.4.a. General ................................................................................................................. 10 C.4.b. Frost Heave Mitigation ......................................................................................... 10 C.5. Pavements ......................................................................................................................... 12 C.5.a. Pavement Subgrade Preparation ......................................................................... 12 C.5.b. Pavement Subgrade Proofroll .............................................................................. 12 C.5.c. Design Sections .................................................................................................... 12 C.5.d. Bituminous Pavement Materials .......................................................................... 13 C.5.e. Concrete Section .................................................................................................. 13 C.5.f. Subgrade Drainage ............................................................................................... 14 C.5.g. Performance and Maintenance ........................................................................... 14 C.6. Utilities .............................................................................................................................. 14 C.6.a. Subgrade Stabilization .......................................................................................... 14 C.6.b. Corrosion Potential .............................................................................................. 15 C.7. Equipment Support ........................................................................................................... 15 D. Procedures ...................................................................................................................................... 15 D.1. Material Classification and Testing ................................................................................... 15 D.1.a. Visual and Manual Classification .......................................................................... 15 D.1.b. Laboratory Testing ............................................................................................... 15 D.2. Groundwater Measurements ............................................................................................ 15 E. Qualifications .................................................................................................................................. 16 E.1. Continuity of Professional Responsibility .......................................................................... 16 Table of Contents (continued) Description Page E.1.a. Plan Review .......................................................................................................... 16 E.1.b. Construction Observations and Testing ............................................................... 16 E.2. Use of Report ..................................................................................................................... 16 E.3. Standard of Care ................................................................................................................ 16 Appendix Avienda Grading Summary Lot by Lot Tabulation Field Compaction Report (22 pages) Standard Proctor M-D Relationship Tests (6 pages) Descriptive Terminology of Soil A. Introduction A.1. Project Description This Geotechnical Evaluation Report addresses the design and construction of the proposed Avienda Rowhomes, located on the Avienda Development northeast of the Intersection of Bluff Creek Boulevard and Avienda Parkway in Chanhassen, Minnesota. The project will include the construction of new two- story row homes constructed on conventional concrete spread footing foundations with grade supported slabs (no basements) and wood framing. There will be a total of ten prepared rowhome lots, with eight 4-plex and two 3-plex construction. Associated site construction will include light- and medium-duty bituminous pavements for Avienda lane and private alley, exterior concrete flatwork, new utilities, and stormwater management. Table 1 provides our known and assumed project details, as provided to us at the time of this report. Table 1. Rowhome Buildings Description Aspect Description Nature of construction Cast-in-place frost depth concrete footings with grade supported concrete slabs with wood framing for remaining levels Below grade levels None Above grade levels 2 Finished Floor Elevation (feet) Lot 1 924.4 Lot 2 925.4 Lot 3 925.0 Lot 4 925.7 Lot 5 926.4 Lot 6 926.2 Lot 7 925.2 Lot 8 923.9 Lot 9 925.2 Lot 10 925.8 Lot 11 926.5 Lot 12 926.2 Lot 13 925.6 Lot 14 925.0 Level 7 Development, LLC Project B2106624.00 June 23, 2023 Page 2 Aspect Description Assumed Maximum Wall loads (kips) 5 or less Utilities Utilities will generally be within 4 to 10 feet of finished grades throughout the development, with exception of sanitary, which will range from about 7 to 12 feet from finished grades. Pavements Pavements for the development will consist of a bituminous pavement section for Avienda Lane (private) and the private alley. At this time, pavement design is still in conceptual stages. We assumed that the bituminous pavements may experience up to 50,000 ESALs.* *Equivalent 18,000-lb single axle loads based on 20-year design life. Figure 1 below displays the current site plan, as provided at the time of this report. Figure 1. Site Plan Site Plan prepared by Landform, dated May 5, 2023. Level 7 Development, LLC Project B2106624.00 June 23, 2023 Page 3 We have described our understanding of the proposed construction and site to the extent others reported it to us. Depending on the extent of available information, we may have made assumptions based on our experience with similar projects. If we have not correctly recorded or interpreted the project details, the project team should notify us. New or changed information could require additional evaluation, analyses and/or recommendations. A.2. Site Conditions and History We have previously prepared a Preliminary Geotechnical Evaluation Report (Braun Project B1701407) for the Avienda Development, dated April 12, 2017. Since the preliminary report has been issued and at the time of this report, mass grading activities and soil corrections within the Avienda Rowhomes area has been completed. The proposed Avienda Rowhome Development site is bound to the north and west by Avienda Parkway, to the south by Bluff Creek Boulevard, and to the east by the undeveloped Outlot B, as noted in the Avienda Rowhome Development plan set. A.3. Purpose The purpose of this geotechnical evaluation is to document subgrade conditions, evaluate their impact and provide recommendations for use in the design and construction of the planned rowhome development. A.4. Background Information and Reference Documents We reviewed the following information: ▪ Avienda Phase 1 Construction Set prepared by Landform, dated October 12, 2022. ▪ Avienda Rowhomes Civil and Landscaping Plans prepared by Landform, dated May 5, 2023. ▪ A Preliminary Geotechnical Evaluation Report prepared by Braun Intertec (Braun Project B14-07461) dated November 18, 2014. Level 7 Development, LLC Project B2106624.00 June 23, 2023 Page 4 ▪ A Preliminary Geotechnical Evaluation Report prepared by Braun Intertec (Braun Project B1701407) dated April 12, 2017. ▪ A Piezometer Water Level Summary Letter prepared by Braun Intertec (Braun Project B1701407.00) dated October 16, 2017. ▪ Communications with Landform regarding the development. A.5. Scope of Services The following list describes the geotechnical tasks completed in accordance with our authorized scope of services. ▪ Reviewing the background information and reference documents previously cited. ▪ Preparing this report containing a summary of the soils encountered, results of laboratory tests, and recommendations for structure and pavement subgrade preparation and for use in the design and construction of foundations, floor slabs, exterior slabs, utilities, and pavements for the planned rowhome development. Our scope of services did not include environmental services or testing and our geotechnical personnel performing this evaluation are not trained to provide environmental services or testing. B. Results B.1. Geologic Overview We based the geologic origins used in this report on the soil types, in-situ and laboratory testing, and available common knowledge of the geological history of the site. Because of the complex depositional history, geologic origins can be difficult to ascertain. We did not perform a detailed investigation of the geologic history for the site. Level 7 Development, LLC Project B2106624.00 June 23, 2023 Page 5 B.2. Mass Grading Activities Since the issuance of our original Geotechnical Evaluation Report for the overall Avienda development, the current subgrade conditions (and surface grades) have been altered significantly by earthwork and soil corrections that have been completed during mass grading activities. The following sections discuss procedures used during earthwork activities and soil corrections at the time of mass grading. The Avienda Grading Summary in the Appendix displays the bottom elevations for the soil corrections. B.2.a. Locations and Elevations Locations and elevations provided in this report are referenced to the site staking as provided during construction by the project surveyor and contractor. Excavation bottom elevation measurements were provided to us by the contractor using their equipment-mounted Global Positioning System (GPS). B.2.b. Procedures A senior engineering technician working under the direction of a professional engineer performed the excavation observations. Visual observations and hand auger borings were performed to aid in evaluating the suitability of the exposed subgrade soils within the bottom of excavations for support of the anticipated backfill, fill and foundation loads. The recommendations provided in our original Geotechnical Evaluation Report were generally followed during the mass grading activities for the Rowhome development area of the site. B.2.c. Excavation Observations For preparation of the soils below the building pad, we observed that any topsoil, existing fill, and organic swamp deposited soils were removed from the rowhome building pads and their oversize areas prior to construction. The locations and to the depths of the soil corrections observed are shown on the Grading Summary Sketch attached in the Appendix. The excavation to remove the unsuitable material was oversized to extend at least 1 foot laterally for each foot of fill required below proposed house pad hold- down elevation. After the topsoil and unsuitable materials were removed, hand-auger borings were performed in the soils exposed in the bottom of the excavations. The hand auger borings indicated the soils primarily consisted of stiff lean clays that were judged to be naturally deposited and generally consistent with the materials encountered during our original geotechnical evaluation. The pads identified as “Cut” on the Lot-by-Lot Tabulation indicates the native soil observed at the house pad hold-down elevation generally appeared suitable and further excavations were not warranted. Level 7 Development, LLC Project B2106624.00 June 23, 2023 Page 6 Therefore, the excavations for foundation installations on these lots will bear in native soils. If questionable or poor soil conditions are encountered during townhomes excavations, we recommend that a geotechnical engineer perform observations to further evaluate the soil conditions and the need for additional corrective actions. Based on the results of the soil boring, excavation observations and testing at the time of construction, it can be concluded that the unsuitable soils were removed during soil corrections from the rowhome pad locations as shown on the sketch in the Appendix. It can also be concluded that the subgrade soils exposed in the bottom of the excavations were naturally deposited soils similar to those encountered in the boring and suitable for support of backfill and fill. Based on the staking provided by others, it appears that the recommended excavation oversizing was provided for soil corrections (where necessary) in reference to the pad hold down elevation(s). B.2.d. Fill Placement After observing the subgrade soils, backfill and additional fill was placed to achieve design elevations in the area of the rowhome foundations and slabs. The fill placed was tested periodically for compaction and moisture content at random locations during site grading in reference to the soil’s maximum dry density and optimum moisture content (ASTM D 698). The soils used to backfill the excavations generally consisted of clays that were taken from on-site cut areas. A total of 151 compaction tests were performed by Braun Intertec personnel in the fill and backfill placed in rowhome pads and are provided for reference in the Field Compaction Report in the Appendix. During the site grading, fill was typically dumped by scrapers, spread by bulldozers, and then compacted using a large, self-propelled, vibratory sheepsfoot compactor. Compaction tests were used to evaluate the relative density and moisture content of the fill being placed. It is noted that compaction tests performed in fill areas of the Avienda Rowhome Development are labelled in the Field Compaction Report with the location nomenclature of Lot 9, Block 4 as the Avienda Rowhome Plan Set prepared by Landform was not available at the time of grading. Thus, test location naming was labelled based on the Avienda Development grading plans available at the time of site grading in 2021. We also recommend referencing the sketch in the Appendix that indicates the compaction test locations in the area of the rowhomes. Based on the results of the compaction testing performed during mass grading activities, it can be concluded that the compaction procedures used by the contractor were generally effective in compacting and moisture conditioning the fill as indicated by the recommendations in the Preliminary Geotechnical Evaluation Report and the new fill is suitable for support of the rowhome foundations. Level 7 Development, LLC Project B2106624.00 June 23, 2023 Page 7 C. Recommendations We provide the following recommendations for use in the design and construction of the rowhome portion of this development. C.1. Subgrade Preparation C.1.a. Building Subgrade Excavations The subgrade across the Avienda Rowhome pads is anticipated to primarily consist of clayey engineered fill placed during mass grading activities and soil correction work or native clay soils. Subgrade preparation below the proposed Rowhomes is generally anticipated to include stripping of any topsoil cover and any loose or disturbed soils as well as surface compaction of the exposed subgrade soils. Additional soil correction excavations are not anticipated prior to foundation construction. C.1.b. Engineered Fill Materials and Compaction Table 2 below contains our recommendations for engineered fill materials. Table 2. Engineered Fill Materials Locations To Be Used Engineered Fill Classification Possible Soil Type Descriptions Gradation Additional Requirements ▪ Below foundations ▪ Below interior slabs Structural fill CL, SC 100% passing 2-inch sieve < 2% Organic Content (OC) Plasticity Index (PI) < 20% ▪ Drainage layer ▪ Non-frost- susceptible ▪ Free-draining ▪ Non-frost- susceptible fill ▪ Clean Sand SP 100% passing 1-inch sieve < 50% passing #40 sieve < 5% passing #200 sieve < 2% OC Pavements Pavement fill CL, SC, SP, SP-SM, SM 100% passing 3-inch sieve < 3% OC PI < 20% We recommend spreading engineered fill in loose lifts of approximately 8 inches thick. We recommend compacting engineered fill in accordance with the criteria presented below in Table 3. The project documents should specify relative compaction of engineered fill, based on the structure located above the engineered fill, and vertical proximity to that structure. Level 7 Development, LLC Project B2106624.00 June 23, 2023 Page 8 Table 3. Compaction Recommendations Summary Reference Relative Compaction, percent (ASTM D698 – Standard Proctor) Moisture Content Variance from Optimum, percentage points Sand (SP, SP-SM) Clayey or Silty Soils (SC, CL,SM) Below foundations and oversizing zones 98 ±3 -1 to +3 Below interior slabs 95 ±3 -1 to +3 Within 3 feet of pavement subgrade 100 ±3 -1 to +3 More than 3 feet below pavement subgrade 95 ±3 ±3 The project documents should not allow the contractor to use frozen material as engineered fill or to place engineered fill on frozen material. Frost should not penetrate under foundations during construction. We recommend performing density tests in engineered fill to evaluate if the contractors are effectively compacting the soil and meeting project requirements. C.1.c. Special Inspections of Soils We recommend including the site grading and placement of engineered fill within the building pad under the requirements of Special Inspections, as provided in Chapter 17 of the International Building Code, which is part of the Minnesota State Building Code. Special Inspection requires observation of soil conditions below engineered fill or footings, evaluations to determine if excavations extend to the anticipated soils, and if engineered fill materials meet requirements for type of engineered fill and compaction condition of engineered fill. A licensed geotechnical engineer should direct the Special Inspections of site grading and engineered fill placement. The purpose of these Special Inspections is to evaluate whether the work is in accordance with the approved Geotechnical Report for the project. Special Inspections should include evaluation of the subgrade, observing preparation of the subgrade (surface compaction or dewatering, excavation oversizing, placement procedures and materials used for engineered fill, etc.) and compaction testing of the engineered fill. C.2. Spread Footings Table 4 below contains our recommended parameters for rowhome foundation design for spread footings bearing on engineered fill or native soils. Level 7 Development, LLC Project B2106624.00 June 23, 2023 Page 9 Table 4. Spread Footing Design Parameters Item Description Maximum net allowable bearing pressure (psf) 2,000 Minimum factor of safety for bearing capacity failure 3.0 Minimum width (inches) Wall Footings – 24 Column Footings – 36 Minimum embedment below final exterior grade for heated structures (inches) 42 Minimum embedment below final exterior grade for unheated structures or for footings not protected from freezing temperatures during construction (inches) 60 Total estimated settlement (inches) 1 Differential settlement Typically, about 2/3 of total settlement C.3. Interior Slabs C.3.a. Subgrade Modulus The anticipated floor subgrade for the rowhomes is generally anticipated to consist of clayey engineered fill. We recommend using a modulus of subgrade reaction, k, of 100 pounds per square inch per inch of deflection (pci) to design the slabs. If the slab design requires placing 6 inches of compacted crushed aggregate base immediately below the slab, the slab design may increase the k-value by 50 pci. We recommend that the aggregate base materials be free of bituminous. In addition to improving the modulus of subgrade reaction, an aggregate base facilitates construction activities and is less weather sensitive. C.3.b. Moisture Vapor Protection Excess transmission of water vapor could cause floor dampness, certain types of floor bonding agents to separate, or mold to form under floor coverings. If project planning includes using floor coverings or coatings, we recommend placing a vapor retarder or vapor barrier immediately beneath the slab. We also recommend consulting with floor covering manufacturers regarding the appropriate type, use and installation of the vapor retarder or barrier to preserve warranty assurances. Level 7 Development, LLC Project B2106624.00 June 23, 2023 Page 10 C.3.c. Radon We recommend installing radon resistant construction components for the proposed building, including appropriate sub-slab material and vent piping, if required by applicable local building codes. Our radon mitigation professionals can assist with evaluation of site-specific radon resistant construction requirements and/or design of a system, at your request. C.4. Frost Protection C.4.a. General Generally, clayey engineered fill soils or native clays will underlie exterior slabs (i.e., sidewalks or stoops). We consider these soils to be moderately to highly frost susceptible. Soils of this type can retain moisture and heave upon freezing. In general, this characteristic is not an issue unless these soils become saturated, due to surface runoff or infiltration, or are excessively wet in situ. Once frozen, unfavorable amounts of general and isolated heaving of the soils and the surface structures supported on them could develop. This type of heaving could affect design drainage patterns and the performance of exterior slabs and pavements, as well as any isolated exterior footings and piers. Note that general runoff and infiltration from precipitation are not the only sources of water that can saturate subgrade soils and contribute to frost heave. Roof drainage and irrigation of landscaped areas in close proximity to exterior slabs and isolated footings and piers, contribute as well. C.4.b. Frost Heave Mitigation To address most of the heave related issues, we recommend setting general site grades and grades for exterior surface features to direct surface drainage away from buildings, across large, paved areas and away from walkways. Such grading will limit the potential for saturation of the subgrade and subsequent heaving. General grades should also have enough “slope” to tolerate potential larger areas of heave, which may not fully settle after thawing. Even small amounts of frost-related differential movement at walkway joints or cracks can create tripping hazards. Project planning can explore several subgrade improvement options to address this condition. One of the more conservative subgrade improvement options to mitigate potential heave is removing any frost-susceptible soils present below the exterior slab areas down to a minimum depth of 4 feet below subgrade elevations or to the bottom of adjacent footing elevations. We recommend filling the resulting excavation with non-frost-susceptible clean sand backfill. We also recommend sloping the bottom of the excavation toward one or more collection points to remove any water entering the engineered fill. This approach will not be effective in controlling frost heave without removing the water. Level 7 Development, LLC Project B2106624.00 June 23, 2023 Page 11 An important geometric aspect of the excavation and replacement approach described above is sloping the banks of the excavations to create a more gradual transition between the unexcavated soils considered frost susceptible and the engineered fill in the excavated area, which is not frost susceptible. The slope allows attenuation of differential movement that may occur along the excavation boundary. We recommend slopes that are 3H:1V, or flatter, along transitions between frost-susceptible and non- frost-susceptible soils. Figure 2 shows an illustration summarizing some of the recommendations. Figure 2. Frost Protection Geometry Illustration Another option is to limit frost heave in critical areas, such as doorways and stoops, via frost-depth footings or localized excavations with sloped transitions between frost-susceptible and non-frost- susceptible soils, as described above. Over the life of slabs, cracks will develop, and joints will open up, which will expose the subgrade and allow water to enter from the surface and either saturate or perch atop the subgrade soils. This water intrusion increases the potential for frost heave or moisture-related distress near the crack or joint. Therefore, we recommend implementing a detailed maintenance program to seal and/or fill any cracks and joints. The maintenance program should give special attention to areas where dissimilar materials abut one another, where construction joints occur and where shrinkage cracks develop. Level 7 Development, LLC Project B2106624.00 June 23, 2023 Page 12 C.5. Pavements C.5.a. Pavement Subgrade Preparation We recommend the following steps for pavement subgrade preparation. 1. Strip any surficial topsoil or organic soils from the pavement subgrade area. 2. Have a geotechnical representative observe the excavated subgrade to evaluate if additional subgrade improvements are necessary. Where necessary pavement subcuts on the order of about 2 feet will be adequate at this site. 3. Slope subgrade soils to allow the removal of accumulating water. 4. Scarify, moisture condition and surface compact the subgrade with at least five passes of a large roller with a minimum drum diameter of 3 1/2 feet. 5. Place pavement engineered fill to grade and compact in accordance with Section C.1.b to bottom of pavement section. See Section C.4 for additional considerations related to frost heave. 6. Proofroll the pavement subgrade as described in Section C.5.b. C.5.b. Pavement Subgrade Proofroll After preparing the subgrade as described above and prior to the placement of the aggregate base, we recommend proofrolling the subgrade soils with a fully loaded tandem-axle truck. We also recommend having a geotechnical representative observe the proofroll. Areas that fail the proofroll likely indicate soft or weak areas that will require additional soil correction work to support pavements. The contractor should correct areas that display excessive yielding or rutting during the proofroll, as determined by the geotechnical representative. Possible options for subgrade correction include moisture conditioning and recompaction, subcutting and replacement with soil or crushed aggregate, chemical stabilization and/or geotextiles. We recommend performing a second proofroll after the aggregate base material is in place, and prior to placing bituminous or concrete pavement. C.5.c. Design Sections Our scope of services for this project did not include laboratory tests on subgrade soils to determine an R-value for pavement design. Based on our experience with similar clayey soils anticipated at the pavement subgrade elevation, we recommend pavement design assume an R-value of 12. Note the Level 7 Development, LLC Project B2106624.00 June 23, 2023 Page 13 contractor may need to perform limited removal of unsuitable or less suitable soils to achieve this value. Table 5 provides our recommended minimum pavement sections, based on the soils supporting and assumed traffic loads. Table 5. Bituminous Pavement Sections Use Light Duty Medium Duty Minimum bituminous thickness (inches) 3 1/2 4 Minimum aggregate base thickness (inches) 8 10 Minimum granular subbase --- --- To help improve pavement life and performance, the design sections could consider using a sand section below the aggregate base course. A sand section would include a minimum 18 inches of clean sand with a separator fabric (MnDOT Type 5) placed between the sand and clay subgrade. Drain tile would be needed throughout the sand section to help remove collected water and is critical to pavement performance with a sand section. If a sand section is incorporated into design, the aggregate base course can be reduced by 2 inches for both the light and medium duty sections. C.5.d. Bituminous Pavement Materials Appropriate mix designs are critical to the performance of flexible pavements. We have assumed that bituminous pavement mix designs will be similar to those of surrounding private roads in the Avienda Development. C.5.e. Concrete Section Where concrete pavements are needed (i.e., entrances), we recommend they consist of a minimum 5 inches of Portland concrete placed over 4 inches of aggregate base course. We assume concrete sections at the development will have edge support. We recommend placing an aggregate base below the pavement to provide a suitable subgrade for concrete placement, reduce faulting and help dissipate loads. Appropriate mix designs, panel sizing, jointing, doweling and edge reinforcement are critical to performance of rigid pavements. Level 7 Development, LLC Project B2106624.00 June 23, 2023 Page 14 C.5.f. Subgrade Drainage We recommend installing perforated drainpipes (drain tile) throughout pavement areas at low points, around catch basins, and behind curb in landscaped areas. We also recommend installing drainpipes along pavement and exterior slab edges where exterior grades promote drainage toward those edge areas. The contractor should place drainpipes in small trenches below the s aggregate base material or sand section as applicable. C.5.g. Performance and Maintenance We based the above pavement designs on a 20-year performance life. This is the amount of time before we anticipate the pavement will require reconstruction. This performance life assumes routine maintenance, such as seal coating and crack sealing. The actual pavement life will vary depending on variations in weather, traffic conditions and maintenance. It is common to place the non-wear course of bituminous and then delay placement of wear course. For this situation, we recommend evaluating if the reduced pavement section will have sufficient structure to support construction traffic. Many conditions affect the overall performance of the pavements. Some of these conditions include the environment, loading conditions and the level of ongoing maintenance. With regard to bituminous pavements in particular, it is common to have thermal cracking develop within the first few years of placement and continue throughout the life of the pavement. We recommend developing a regular maintenance plan for filling cracks in pavements to lessen the potential impacts for cold weather distress due to frost heave or warm weather distress due to wetting and softening of the subgrade. C.6. Utilities C.6.a. Subgrade Stabilization Earthwork activities associated with utility installations located inside the building area should adhere to the recommendations in Section C.1.b. For exterior utilities, we anticipate the soils at typical invert elevations will be suitable for utility support. However, if construction encounters unfavorable conditions such as soft clay, organic soils or perched water at invert grades, the unsuitable soils may require some additional subcutting and replacement with sand or crushed rock to prepare a proper subgrade for pipe support. Project design and construction should not place utilities within the 1H:1V oversizing of foundations. Level 7 Development, LLC Project B2106624.00 June 23, 2023 Page 15 C.6.b. Corrosion Potential Based on our experience, the soils encountered by the borings are moderately corrosive to metallic conduits, but only marginally corrosive to concrete. We recommend specifying non-corrosive materials or providing corrosion protection, unless project planning chooses to perform additional tests to demonstrate the soils are not corrosive. C.7. Equipment Support The recommendations included in the report may not be applicable to equipment used for the construction and maintenance of this project. We recommend evaluating subgrade conditions in areas of shoring, scaffolding, cranes, pumps, lifts and other construction equipment prior to mobilization to determine if the exposed materials are suitable for equipment support or require some form of subgrade improvement. We also recommend project planning consider the effect that loads applied by such equipment may have on structures they bear on or surcharge – including pavements, buried utilities, below-grade walls, etc. We can assist you in this evaluation. D. Procedures D.1. Material Classification and Testing D.1.a. Visual and Manual Classification We visually and manually classified the geologic materials encountered based on ASTM D2488. When we performed laboratory classification tests, we used the results to classify the geologic materials in accordance with ASTM D2487. The Appendix includes a chart explaining the classification system we used. D.1.b. Laboratory Testing The exploration logs in the Appendix note the results of the laboratory tests performed on geologic material samples. We performed the tests in general accordance with ASTM procedures. D.2. Groundwater Measurements During mass grading activities, our field personnel observed the sides and bottoms excavations for evidence of groundwater seepage and/or accumulation. Level 7 Development, LLC Project B2106624.00 June 23, 2023 Page 16 E. Qualifications E.1. Continuity of Professional Responsibility E.1.a. Plan Review We based this report on a limited amount of information, and we made a number of assumptions to help us develop our recommendations. We should be retained to review the geotechnical aspects of the designs and specifications. This review will allow us to evaluate whether we anticipated the design correctly, if any design changes affect the validity of our recommendations, and if the design and specifications correctly interpret and implement our recommendations. E.1.b. Construction Observations and Testing We recommend retaining us to perform the required observations and testing during construction as part of the ongoing geotechnical evaluation. This will allow us to correlate the subsurface conditions exposed during construction with those encountered by the borings and provide professional continuity from the design phase to the construction phase. If we do not perform observations and testing during construction, it becomes the responsibility of others to validate the assumption made during the preparation of this report and to accept the construction-related geotechnical engineer-of-record responsibilities. E.2. Use of Report This report is for the exclusive use of the addressed parties. Without written approval, we assume no responsibility to other parties regarding this report. Our evaluation, analyses and recommendations may not be appropriate for other parties or projects. E.3. Standard of Care In performing its services, Braun Intertec used that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar circumstances by reputable members of its profession currently practicing in the same locality. No warranty, express or implied, is made. Appendix GRADE BREAKGRADEBREAKGRADE BREAK Three 7.5" Steps @ 1'Three 6.25" Steps @ 1'Three 5" Steps @ 1'Two 6" Steps @ 1.5' Three 7" Steps @ 1' Four 6.5" Steps @ 0.75' Five 7" Steps @ 0.6' Five 6.5" Steps @ 0.6' Four 7.5" Steps @ 0.75' Four 7" Steps @ 0.75' Five 6.5" Steps @ 0.6' Five 6.25" Steps @ 0.6' Four 7" Steps @ 0.75' Five 6.75" Steps @ 0.6' Five 6.5" Steps @ 0.6' Four 7.25" Steps @ 0.75' Four 6.75" Steps @ 0.75' Four 7" Steps @ 0.75' Four 6.5" Steps @ 0.75' Four 5.75" Steps @ 0.75' Three 7" Steps @ 1' Three 6" Steps @ 1' Three 5.5" Steps @ 1' Three 5" Steps @ 1' Two 6" Steps @ 1' Two 5" Steps @ 1.5' Two 4.25" Steps @ 1.5 One 7.25" step One 2.75" step Three 6.5" Steps @ 1' Two 7" Steps @ 1.5' One 6" step Five 7" Steps @ 0.6' Five 6.5" Steps @ 0.6' Three 5.5" Steps @ 1.5'Two 7" steps @ 1.5'"Three 7.5" Steps @ 1' Four 6.75" Steps @ 0.75' PROPOSED BUILDING FFE = 924.95 GFE = 924.53 PROPOSED BUILDING FFE = 925.60 GFE = 925.18 PROPOSED BUILDING FFE = 926.20 GFE = 925.78 PROPOSED BUILDING FFE = 926.50 GFE = 926.08 PROPOSED BUILDING FFE = 925.75 GFE = 925.33 PROPOSED BUILDING FFE = 925.20 GFE = 924.78 PROPOSED BUILDING FFE = 923.85 GFE = 923.43 PROPOSED BUILDING FFE = 924.40 GFE = 923.98 PROPOSED BUILDING FFE = 925.35 GFE = 924.93 PROPOSED BUILDING FFE = 925.70 GFE = 925.28 PROPOSED BUILDING FFE = 925.15 GFE = 924.73 PROPOSED BUILDING FFE = 926.40 GFE = 925.98 PROPOSED BUILDING FFE = 926.15 GFE = 925.73 PROPOSED BUILDING FFE = 925.00 GFE = 924.58 SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>927 895 896 896 898 890 890900900 900 901 901 894 901 895 895 902 902 896 896 896 899 898 900 898 902 902 901 900 900900900 900 901 902 901 901 901 902 900 903 903 903 903 903 903904 905 919 918 920 920 921 921 906 906 906 907 907 907 908 908 908 908 917 918 916 918 918 917 917 909 909 910 910 910 906904 911 911 910 909 911 908 910 911 908 911 911 911 913 913 914 916 917 916 916 915 915916 918 918 918 919 919 920 920 920 920 911 912 913 914 915 905 911910 903 908 907 904 908 905 908 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120'60' BOTTOM FILL ELEVATION Lot by Lot Tabulation Page 1 Project:B2106624 Avienda Rowhomes Development Front Rear Garage Basement Garage Basement Garage Basement Garage Basement A 1 SOG 915 918 924.4 924.4 920.4 920.4 7 4 5 2 yes A 2 SOG 920 915 925.4 925.4 921.4 921.4 3 8 1 6 yes A 3 SOG 921 922 925.0 925.0 921.0 921.0 2 1 ----------yes A 4 SOG 916 Cut 925.7 925.7 921.7 921.7 8 -----6 -----yes A 5 SOG 912 915 926.4 926.4 922.4 922.4 12 9 10 7 yes A 6 SOG 913 915 926.2 926.2 922.2 922.2 11 9 9 7 yes A 7 SOG Cut Cut 925.2 925.2 921.2 921.2 --------------------NA A 8 SOG Cut Cut 923.9 923.9 919.9 919.9 --------------------NA A 9 SOG Cut Cut 925.2 925.2 921.2 921.2 --------------------NA A 10 SOG Cut Cut 925.8 925.8 921.8 921.8 --------------------NA A 11 SOG 917 Cut 926.5 926.5 922.5 922.5 8 -----6 -----yes A 12 SOG 910 922 926.2 926.2 922.2 922.2 14 2 12 -----yes A 13 SOG 916 Cut 925.6 925.6 921.6 921.6 8 -----6 -----yes A 14 SOG 921 Cut 925.0 925.0 921.0 921.0 2 ---------------yes Note:For Split Entry (SE), garage hold down is 1.2 feet. For Split Entry Walk-Out (SEWO), garage hold down is 1.9 feet. Was lot observed and tested? Lyman and Powers Blvd, Chanhassen, Minnesota Block Lot House Type Elevation Bottom of FootingBottom of Unsuitable Soils Slab Elevation Slab Hold Down Footing Subgrade Fill Required for: Date: 6/16/2023 Client: Level 7 Development, LLC Assumed all garage footings are 4.0 feet below proposed garage floor. NA=Not Applicable NC=Not Corrected Test Information Test #Test Location Elevation Reference Gauge Make / Model / SN / Calibrated Field Technician 90 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172860 E:553665 917.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 91 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172842 E:553670 917.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 92 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172853 E:553685 917.5 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 93 Sub-grade Fill: Block 4 Lot 9. N:172890 E:553638 916.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 94 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172870 E:553653 918.5 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 95 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172847 E:553690 918.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 96 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172885 E:553660 917.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 97 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4 N:172889 E:553690 917.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac Remarks A: Test results comply with specifications Comments Tests are "Direct Transmission" (Method A) unless probe depth is noted as "Backscatter". Gauge calibration data on file with the testing agency. Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor ID Method Soil Classification Optimum Moisture (%) Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture (%) In Place Dry Density (pcf) In Place Wet Density (pcf) Probe Depth (in) Percent Compaction Min Comp. (%)Remark 90 08/05/21 P-03-std A CL 18.3 105.4 20.8 104.9 126.7 12 100 98 A 91 08/05/21 P-03-std A CL 18.3 105.4 20.7 107.7 130.0 12 102 98 A 92 08/05/21 P-01-std A CL 15.5 111.3 15.5 109.0 125.9 12 98 98 A 93 08/05/21 P-01-std A CL 15.5 111.3 17.6 110.1 129.5 12 99 98 A 94 08/05/21 P-01-std A CL 15.5 111.3 15.4 111.5 128.7 12 100 98 A 95 08/05/21 P-03-std A CL 18.3 105.4 17.7 104.1 122.5 12 99 98 A 96 08/05/21 P-03-std A CL 18.3 105.4 17.4 106.0 124.4 12 101 98 A 97 08/05/21 P-03-std A CL 18.3 105.4 17.4 105.9 124.3 12 100 98 A Uncertainty was not taken into account in determining whether the test results meet the requirements. The results included in this report relate only to the items inspected or tested. Sampled per project specifications or industry standards. Also, this report is for the exclusive use of the addressed parties. We assume no responsibility to other parties regarding this report. The information indicated in this report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without prior written approval. Page 1 of 2 Field Compaction Report Test Method: ASTM D6938 Report Date: 06/08/2023 Client: Level 7 Development, LLC Chanhassen, MN 55317 2902 Corporate Place Project: Avienda - Grading and Utilities B2106624 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Lyman Blvd and Powers Blvd11001 Hampshire Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55438 Phone: 952-995-2000 Test Information Test #Test Location Elevation Reference Gauge Make / Model / SN / Calibrated Field Technician 98 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4 N:172715 E:554025 909.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 99 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172662 E:554039 909.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 100 Sub-grade Fill: Block 4 Lot 9. N:172644 E:554010 910.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac Remarks A: Test results comply with specifications Comments Tests are "Direct Transmission" (Method A) unless probe depth is noted as "Backscatter". Gauge calibration data on file with the testing agency. Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor ID Method Soil Classification Optimum Moisture (%) Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture (%) In Place Dry Density (pcf) In Place Wet Density (pcf) Probe Depth (in) Percent Compaction Min Comp. (%)Remark 98 08/05/21 P-03-std A CL 18.3 105.4 17.7 105.2 123.8 12 100 98 A 99 08/05/21 P-03-std A CL 18.3 105.4 16.6 106.1 123.7 12 101 98 A 100 08/05/21 P-03-std A CL 18.3 105.4 19.3 106.0 126.5 12 101 98 A Uncertainty was not taken into account in determining whether the test results meet the requirements. The results included in this report relate only to the items inspected or tested. Sampled per project specifications or industry standards. Also, this report is for the exclusive use of the addressed parties. We assume no responsibility to other parties regarding this report. The information indicated in this report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without prior written approval. Page 2 of 2 Field Compaction Report Test Method: ASTM D6938 Report Date: 06/08/2023 Client: Level 7 Development, LLC Chanhassen, MN 55317 2902 Corporate Place Project: Avienda - Grading and Utilities B2106624 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Lyman Blvd and Powers Blvd11001 Hampshire Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55438 Phone: 952-995-2000 Test Information Test #Test Location Elevation Reference Gauge Make / Model / SN / Calibrated Field Technician 101 Mass Grading :: lot 9 Block 4, N:172730 E:554038 910.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 102 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 block 4, N:172720 E:554003 910.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 110 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172725 E:554036 911.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 111 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172629 E:554080 911.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 128 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172725 E:554036 911.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29429 / 04/15/2021 Colcord, Isaac 129 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172629 E:554080 911.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29429 / 04/15/2021 Colcord, Isaac 130 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172725 E:554030 913.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29429 / 04/15/2021 Colcord, Isaac 131 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172740 E:554075 913.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29429 / 04/15/2021 Colcord, Isaac Remarks A: Test results comply with specifications B: Test results do not comply with specifications Comments Tests are "Direct Transmission" (Method A) unless probe depth is noted as "Backscatter". Gauge calibration data on file with the testing agency. Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor ID Method Soil Classification Optimum Moisture (%) Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture (%) In Place Dry Density (pcf) In Place Wet Density (pcf) Probe Depth (in) Percent Compaction Min Comp. (%)Remark 101 08/05/21 P-03-std A CL 18.3 105.4 17.9 103.7 122.3 12 98 98 A 102 08/05/21 P-03-std A CL 18.3 105.4 17.9 106.5 125.6 12 101 98 A 110 08/06/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 13.8 94.9 108.0 12 89 98 B 111 08/06/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 14.6 103.4 118.5 12 97 98 B 128 110 08/11/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 19.3 108.6 129.6 12 101 98 A 129 111 08/11/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 19.2 104.4 124.4 12 98 98 A 130 08/11/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 19.2 104.4 124.4 12 98 98 A 131 08/11/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 19.3 105.6 126.0 12 99 98 A Uncertainty was not taken into account in determining whether the test results meet the requirements. The results included in this report relate only to the items inspected or tested. Sampled per project specifications or industry standards. Also, this report is for the exclusive use of the addressed parties. We assume no responsibility to other parties regarding this report. The information indicated in this report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without prior written approval. Page 1 of 3 Field Compaction Report Test Method: ASTM D6938 Report Date: 06/08/2023 Client: Level 7 Development, LLC Chanhassen, MN 55317 2902 Corporate Place Project: Avienda - Grading and Utilities B2106624 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Lyman Blvd and Powers Blvd11001 Hampshire Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55438 Phone: 952-995-2000 Test Information Test #Test Location Elevation Reference Gauge Make / Model / SN / Calibrated Field Technician 132 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172680 E:554030 914.5 Troxler / 3430 / 29429 / 04/15/2021 Colcord, Isaac 133 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172700 E:554035 916.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29429 / 04/15/2021 Colcord, Isaac 134 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172668 E:554025 917.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29429 / 04/15/2021 Colcord, Isaac 135 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172620 E:554049 916.5 Troxler / 3430 / 29429 / 04/15/2021 Colcord, Isaac 176 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172545 E:553670 916.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 177 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172490 E:553790 915.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 178 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172565 E:553580 915.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 179 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172570 E:553630 916.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac Remarks A: Test results comply with specifications Comments Tests are "Direct Transmission" (Method A) unless probe depth is noted as "Backscatter". Gauge calibration data on file with the testing agency. Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor ID Method Soil Classification Optimum Moisture (%) Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture (%) In Place Dry Density (pcf) In Place Wet Density (pcf) Probe Depth (in) Percent Compaction Min Comp. (%)Remark 132 08/11/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 19.0 106.4 126.6 12 99 98 A 133 08/11/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 18.4 109.5 129.6 12 102 98 A 134 08/11/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 18.2 108.5 128.3 12 101 98 A 135 08/11/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 20.3 105.8 127.3 12 99 98 A 176 08/12/21 P-10-std CL 17.2 107.1 17.3 108.6 127.4 12 101 98 A 177 08/12/21 P-10-std CL 17.2 107.1 18.3 106.3 125.7 12 99 98 A 178 08/12/21 P-10-std CL 17.2 107.1 19.7 106.5 127.5 12 99 98 A 179 08/12/21 P-10-std CL 17.2 107.1 17.2 106.6 124.9 12 100 98 A Uncertainty was not taken into account in determining whether the test results meet the requirements. The results included in this report relate only to the items inspected or tested. Sampled per project specifications or industry standards. Also, this report is for the exclusive use of the addressed parties. We assume no responsibility to other parties regarding this report. The information indicated in this report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without prior written approval. Page 2 of 3 Field Compaction Report Test Method: ASTM D6938 Report Date: 06/08/2023 Client: Level 7 Development, LLC Chanhassen, MN 55317 2902 Corporate Place Project: Avienda - Grading and Utilities B2106624 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Lyman Blvd and Powers Blvd11001 Hampshire Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55438 Phone: 952-995-2000 Test Information Test #Test Location Elevation Reference Gauge Make / Model / SN / Calibrated Field Technician 180 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172510 E:553620 918.2 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 181 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172490 E:553750 917.8 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 182 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172340 E:553310 917.5 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac Remarks A: Test results comply with specifications Comments Tests are "Direct Transmission" (Method A) unless probe depth is noted as "Backscatter". Gauge calibration data on file with the testing agency. Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor ID Method Soil Classification Optimum Moisture (%) Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture (%) In Place Dry Density (pcf) In Place Wet Density (pcf) Probe Depth (in) Percent Compaction Min Comp. (%)Remark 180 08/13/21 P-10-std CL 17.2 107.1 18.7 105.8 125.6 12 99 98 A 181 08/13/21 P-10-std CL 17.2 107.1 19.8 106.5 127.6 12 99 98 A 182 08/13/21 P-10-std CL 17.2 107.1 20.2 105.7 127.1 12 99 98 A Uncertainty was not taken into account in determining whether the test results meet the requirements. The results included in this report relate only to the items inspected or tested. Sampled per project specifications or industry standards. Also, this report is for the exclusive use of the addressed parties. We assume no responsibility to other parties regarding this report. The information indicated in this report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without prior written approval. Page 3 of 3 Field Compaction Report Test Method: ASTM D6938 Report Date: 06/08/2023 Client: Level 7 Development, LLC Chanhassen, MN 55317 2902 Corporate Place Project: Avienda - Grading and Utilities B2106624 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Lyman Blvd and Powers Blvd11001 Hampshire Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55438 Phone: 952-995-2000 Test Information Test #Test Location Elevation Reference Gauge Make / Model / SN / Calibrated Field Technician 208 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172250 E:553950 919.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 209 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172320 E:553900 919.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 210 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172390 E:553850 920.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 211 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172400 E:553790 920.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 212 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172450 E:553840 920.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 213 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172460 E:553820 920.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 268 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172694 E:554096 905.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 271 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:173022 E:553820 911.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac Remarks A: Test results comply with specifications Comments Tests are "Direct Transmission" (Method A) unless probe depth is noted as "Backscatter". Gauge calibration data on file with the testing agency. Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor ID Method Soil Classification Optimum Moisture (%) Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture (%) In Place Dry Density (pcf) In Place Wet Density (pcf) Probe Depth (in) Percent Compaction Min Comp. (%)Remark 208 08/16/21 P-07-std A CL 15.5 109.9 15.2 110.8 127.6 12 101 98 A 209 08/16/21 P-07-std A CL 15.5 109.9 17.2 113.4 132.9 12 103 98 A 210 08/16/21 P-08-std A SC 17.2 109.0 18.6 106.9 126.8 12 98 98 A 211 08/16/21 P-08-std A SC 17.2 109.0 16.4 112.3 130.7 12 103 98 A 212 08/16/21 P-08-std A SC 17.2 109.0 17.2 106.7 125.1 12 98 98 A 213 08/16/21 P-08-std A SC 17.2 109.0 19.0 106.4 126.6 12 98 98 A 268 08/19/21 P-08-std A SC 17.2 109.0 17.9 109.8 129.4 12 101 98 A 271 08/19/21 P-08-std A SC 17.2 109.0 18.2 110.0 130.0 12 101 98 A Uncertainty was not taken into account in determining whether the test results meet the requirements. The results included in this report relate only to the items inspected or tested. Sampled per project specifications or industry standards. Also, this report is for the exclusive use of the addressed parties. We assume no responsibility to other parties regarding this report. The information indicated in this report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without prior written approval. Page 1 of 3 Field Compaction Report Test Method: ASTM D6938 Report Date: 06/08/2023 Client: Level 7 Development, LLC Chanhassen, MN 55317 2902 Corporate Place Project: Avienda - Grading and Utilities B2106624 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Lyman Blvd and Powers Blvd11001 Hampshire Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55438 Phone: 952-995-2000 Test Information Test #Test Location Elevation Reference Gauge Make / Model / SN / Calibrated Field Technician 272 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:173018 E:553792 911.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 273 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:173023 E:553723 910.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 289 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:1727741 E:554128 908.0 Troxler / 3430P / 72582 / 05/08/2020 Loosbrock, Tom 290 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172672 E:554155 903.0 Troxler / 3430P / 72582 / 05/08/2020 Loosbrock, Tom 291 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172565 E:554190 908.0 Troxler / 3430P / 72582 / 05/08/2020 Loosbrock, Tom 292 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172799 E:554203 907.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 293 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172848 E:5542760 904.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 294 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172799 E:554203 908.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac Remarks A: Test results comply with specifications Comments Tests are "Direct Transmission" (Method A) unless probe depth is noted as "Backscatter". Gauge calibration data on file with the testing agency. Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor ID Method Soil Classification Optimum Moisture (%) Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture (%) In Place Dry Density (pcf) In Place Wet Density (pcf) Probe Depth (in) Percent Compaction Min Comp. (%)Remark 272 08/19/21 P-08-std A SC 17.2 109.0 18.0 109.1 128.7 12 100 98 A 273 08/19/21 P-08-std A SC 17.2 109.0 18.8 107.7 128.0 12 99 98 A 289 08/23/21 P-01-std A CL 15.5 111.3 15.9 113.0 131.0 12 102 98 A 290 08/23/21 P-01-std A CL 15.5 111.3 18.0 109.4 129.1 12 98 98 A 291 08/23/21 P-01-std A CL 15.5 111.3 16.4 110.1 128.2 12 99 98 A 292 08/25/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 19.0 107.1 127.5 12 100 98 A 293 08/25/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 20.1 104.9 126.0 12 98 98 A 294 08/25/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 18.2 108.6 128.4 12 101 98 A Uncertainty was not taken into account in determining whether the test results meet the requirements. The results included in this report relate only to the items inspected or tested. Sampled per project specifications or industry standards. Also, this report is for the exclusive use of the addressed parties. We assume no responsibility to other parties regarding this report. The information indicated in this report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without prior written approval. Page 2 of 3 Field Compaction Report Test Method: ASTM D6938 Report Date: 06/08/2023 Client: Level 7 Development, LLC Chanhassen, MN 55317 2902 Corporate Place Project: Avienda - Grading and Utilities B2106624 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Lyman Blvd and Powers Blvd11001 Hampshire Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55438 Phone: 952-995-2000 Test Information Test #Test Location Elevation Reference Gauge Make / Model / SN / Calibrated Field Technician 295 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172844 E:554264 905.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 296 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172821 E:554248 908.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 297 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172789 E:554183 910.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 298 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172788 E:554192 910.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 299 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172823 E:554253 908.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 300 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172630 E:554140 906.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac Remarks A: Test results comply with specifications Comments Tests are "Direct Transmission" (Method A) unless probe depth is noted as "Backscatter". Gauge calibration data on file with the testing agency. Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor ID Method Soil Classification Optimum Moisture (%) Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture (%) In Place Dry Density (pcf) In Place Wet Density (pcf) Probe Depth (in) Percent Compaction Min Comp. (%)Remark 295 08/25/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 18.4 105.8 125.3 12 99 98 A 296 08/25/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 18.5 105.1 124.5 12 98 98 A 297 08/25/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 18.4 108.4 128.3 12 101 98 A 298 08/25/21 P-01-std A CL 15.5 111.3 16.1 112.7 130.9 12 101 98 A 299 08/25/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 18.4 106.1 125.6 12 99 98 A 300 08/25/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 21.3 104.6 126.9 12 98 98 A Uncertainty was not taken into account in determining whether the test results meet the requirements. The results included in this report relate only to the items inspected or tested. Sampled per project specifications or industry standards. Also, this report is for the exclusive use of the addressed parties. We assume no responsibility to other parties regarding this report. The information indicated in this report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without prior written approval. Page 3 of 3 Field Compaction Report Test Method: ASTM D6938 Report Date: 06/08/2023 Client: Level 7 Development, LLC Chanhassen, MN 55317 2902 Corporate Place Project: Avienda - Grading and Utilities B2106624 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Lyman Blvd and Powers Blvd11001 Hampshire Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55438 Phone: 952-995-2000 Test Information Test #Test Location Elevation Reference Gauge Make / Model / SN / Calibrated Field Technician 301 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172670 E:554120 906.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 302 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172690 E:554135 907.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 303 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172644 E:554151 907.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 304 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172602 E:554134 909.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 305 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172548 E:554188 912.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 306 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:1722670 E:554120 910.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 310 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172702 E:554176 899.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 311 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172733 E:554168 904.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac Remarks A: Test results comply with specifications Comments Tests are "Direct Transmission" (Method A) unless probe depth is noted as "Backscatter". Gauge calibration data on file with the testing agency. Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor ID Method Soil Classification Optimum Moisture (%) Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture (%) In Place Dry Density (pcf) In Place Wet Density (pcf) Probe Depth (in) Percent Compaction Min Comp. (%)Remark 301 08/25/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 19.0 107.5 127.9 12 100 98 A 302 08/25/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 20.4 106.5 128.2 12 100 98 A 303 08/25/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 19.8 106.7 127.8 12 100 98 A 304 08/25/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 20.2 105.9 127.3 12 99 98 A 305 08/25/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 18.4 106.8 126.5 12 100 98 A 306 08/25/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 18.7 106.7 126.6 12 100 98 A 310 08/26/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 18.5 108.4 128.4 12 101 98 A 311 08/26/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 19.6 107.7 128.8 12 101 98 A Uncertainty was not taken into account in determining whether the test results meet the requirements. The results included in this report relate only to the items inspected or tested. Sampled per project specifications or industry standards. Also, this report is for the exclusive use of the addressed parties. We assume no responsibility to other parties regarding this report. The information indicated in this report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without prior written approval. Page 1 of 8 Field Compaction Report Test Method: ASTM D6938 Report Date: 06/08/2023 Client: Level 7 Development, LLC Chanhassen, MN 55317 2902 Corporate Place Project: Avienda - Grading and Utilities B2106624 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Lyman Blvd and Powers Blvd11001 Hampshire Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55438 Phone: 952-995-2000 Test Information Test #Test Location Elevation Reference Gauge Make / Model / SN / Calibrated Field Technician 312 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172671 E:553985 916.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 313 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172551 E:554114.7 904.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 314 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172681 E:554103 912.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 315 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172692 E:554176 900.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 316 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172714 E:554182 902.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 317 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172687 E:554175 903.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 318 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172714 E:55417 905.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 319 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172728 E:554185 907.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac Remarks A: Test results comply with specifications Comments Tests are "Direct Transmission" (Method A) unless probe depth is noted as "Backscatter". Gauge calibration data on file with the testing agency. Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor ID Method Soil Classification Optimum Moisture (%) Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture (%) In Place Dry Density (pcf) In Place Wet Density (pcf) Probe Depth (in) Percent Compaction Min Comp. (%)Remark 312 08/26/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 18.9 105.8 125.8 12 99 98 A 313 08/26/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 19.4 107.8 128.7 12 101 98 A 314 08/26/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 18.7 106.6 126.5 12 100 98 A 315 08/26/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 18.5 106.6 126.3 12 100 98 A 316 08/26/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 19.3 106.7 127.3 12 100 98 A 317 08/26/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 18.8 107.7 128.0 12 101 98 A 318 08/26/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 19.0 106.3 126.5 12 99 98 A 319 08/26/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 18.5 106.9 126.7 12 100 98 A Uncertainty was not taken into account in determining whether the test results meet the requirements. The results included in this report relate only to the items inspected or tested. Sampled per project specifications or industry standards. Also, this report is for the exclusive use of the addressed parties. We assume no responsibility to other parties regarding this report. The information indicated in this report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without prior written approval. Page 2 of 8 Field Compaction Report Test Method: ASTM D6938 Report Date: 06/08/2023 Client: Level 7 Development, LLC Chanhassen, MN 55317 2902 Corporate Place Project: Avienda - Grading and Utilities B2106624 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Lyman Blvd and Powers Blvd11001 Hampshire Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55438 Phone: 952-995-2000 Test Information Test #Test Location Elevation Reference Gauge Make / Model / SN / Calibrated Field Technician 320 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172698 E:5541832 906.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 321 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172734 E:554185 900.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 322 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172748 E:554053 915.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 323 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172652 E:554077 914.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 324 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172606 E:554020 917.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 325 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172697 E:553969 918.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 326 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172686 E:554061 915.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 327 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172631 E:554013 919.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac Remarks A: Test results comply with specifications Comments Tests are "Direct Transmission" (Method A) unless probe depth is noted as "Backscatter". Gauge calibration data on file with the testing agency. Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor ID Method Soil Classification Optimum Moisture (%) Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture (%) In Place Dry Density (pcf) In Place Wet Density (pcf) Probe Depth (in) Percent Compaction Min Comp. (%)Remark 320 08/26/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 18.2 105.5 124.7 12 99 98 A 321 08/26/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 18.7 107.5 127.6 12 100 98 A 322 08/30/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 20.6 105.6 127.4 12 99 98 A 323 08/30/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 19.8 108.7 130.2 12 102 98 A 324 08/30/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 18.4 105.5 124.9 12 99 98 A 325 08/30/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 19.2 107.7 128.4 12 101 98 A 326 08/30/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 19.5 107.3 128.2 12 100 98 A 327 08/30/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 18.5 107.1 126.9 12 100 98 A Uncertainty was not taken into account in determining whether the test results meet the requirements. The results included in this report relate only to the items inspected or tested. Sampled per project specifications or industry standards. Also, this report is for the exclusive use of the addressed parties. We assume no responsibility to other parties regarding this report. The information indicated in this report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without prior written approval. Page 3 of 8 Field Compaction Report Test Method: ASTM D6938 Report Date: 06/08/2023 Client: Level 7 Development, LLC Chanhassen, MN 55317 2902 Corporate Place Project: Avienda - Grading and Utilities B2106624 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Lyman Blvd and Powers Blvd11001 Hampshire Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55438 Phone: 952-995-2000 Test Information Test #Test Location Elevation Reference Gauge Make / Model / SN / Calibrated Field Technician 328 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172531 E:554071 918.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 329 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172761 E:553934 919.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 330 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172750 E:554128 911.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 331 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172680 E:554311 913.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 332 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172573 E:554137 914.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 333 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172727 E:553964 918.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 334 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172609 E:55400 914.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 343 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172742 E:554082 915.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac Remarks A: Test results comply with specifications Comments Tests are "Direct Transmission" (Method A) unless probe depth is noted as "Backscatter". Gauge calibration data on file with the testing agency. Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor ID Method Soil Classification Optimum Moisture (%) Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture (%) In Place Dry Density (pcf) In Place Wet Density (pcf) Probe Depth (in) Percent Compaction Min Comp. (%)Remark 328 08/30/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 18.2 106.9 126.4 12 100 98 A 329 08/30/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 20.6 106.8 128.8 12 100 98 A 330 08/30/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 19.1 107.6 128.1 12 101 98 A 331 08/30/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 19.4 107.1 127.9 12 100 98 A 332 08/30/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 20.9 106.1 128.3 12 99 98 A 333 08/30/21 P-01-std A CL 15.5 111.3 15.1 111.9 128.8 12 101 98 A 334 08/30/21 P-01-std A CL 15.5 111.3 16.8 112.5 131.4 12 101 98 A 343 08/31/21 P-01-std A CL 15.5 111.3 17.6 111.1 130.6 12 100 98 A Uncertainty was not taken into account in determining whether the test results meet the requirements. The results included in this report relate only to the items inspected or tested. Sampled per project specifications or industry standards. Also, this report is for the exclusive use of the addressed parties. We assume no responsibility to other parties regarding this report. The information indicated in this report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without prior written approval. Page 4 of 8 Field Compaction Report Test Method: ASTM D6938 Report Date: 06/08/2023 Client: Level 7 Development, LLC Chanhassen, MN 55317 2902 Corporate Place Project: Avienda - Grading and Utilities B2106624 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Lyman Blvd and Powers Blvd11001 Hampshire Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55438 Phone: 952-995-2000 Test Information Test #Test Location Elevation Reference Gauge Make / Model / SN / Calibrated Field Technician 344 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172634 E:554097 916.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 345 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172511 E:554085 919.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 346 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172557 E:553968 919.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 347 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172666 E:553915 920.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 348 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172783 E:553875 920.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 349 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172549 E:554226 907.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 350 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172597 E:554214 905.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 351 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172647 E:554202 904.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac Remarks A: Test results comply with specifications Comments Tests are "Direct Transmission" (Method A) unless probe depth is noted as "Backscatter". Gauge calibration data on file with the testing agency. Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor ID Method Soil Classification Optimum Moisture (%) Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture (%) In Place Dry Density (pcf) In Place Wet Density (pcf) Probe Depth (in) Percent Compaction Min Comp. (%)Remark 344 08/31/21 P-01-std A CL 15.5 111.3 16.7 109.5 127.8 12 98 98 A 345 08/31/21 P-01-std A CL 15.5 111.3 16.6 108.9 127.0 12 98 98 A 346 08/31/21 P-01-std A CL 15.5 111.3 18.4 110.3 130.6 12 99 98 A 347 08/31/21 P-01-std A CL 15.5 111.3 17.8 110.5 130.2 12 99 98 A 348 08/31/21 P-01-std A CL 15.5 111.3 18.4 110.7 131.1 12 99 98 A 349 08/31/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 20.0 106.8 128.2 12 100 98 A 350 08/31/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 19.1 106.5 126.8 12 100 98 A 351 08/31/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 18.8 107.7 127.9 12 101 98 A Uncertainty was not taken into account in determining whether the test results meet the requirements. The results included in this report relate only to the items inspected or tested. Sampled per project specifications or industry standards. Also, this report is for the exclusive use of the addressed parties. We assume no responsibility to other parties regarding this report. The information indicated in this report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without prior written approval. Page 5 of 8 Field Compaction Report Test Method: ASTM D6938 Report Date: 06/08/2023 Client: Level 7 Development, LLC Chanhassen, MN 55317 2902 Corporate Place Project: Avienda - Grading and Utilities B2106624 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Lyman Blvd and Powers Blvd11001 Hampshire Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55438 Phone: 952-995-2000 Test Information Test #Test Location Elevation Reference Gauge Make / Model / SN / Calibrated Field Technician 352 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172549 E:554229 909.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 353 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172627 E:554215 907.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 354 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172661 E:554206 906.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 363 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172744 E:554039 917.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 364 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172633 E:554050 919.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 365 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172573 E:554040 920.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 366 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172671 E:553985 920.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 367 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172699 E:554220 902.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac Remarks A: Test results comply with specifications Comments Tests are "Direct Transmission" (Method A) unless probe depth is noted as "Backscatter". Gauge calibration data on file with the testing agency. Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor ID Method Soil Classification Optimum Moisture (%) Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture (%) In Place Dry Density (pcf) In Place Wet Density (pcf) Probe Depth (in) Percent Compaction Min Comp. (%)Remark 352 08/31/21 P-08-std A SC 17.2 109.0 19.1 108.3 129.0 12 99 98 A 353 08/31/21 P-08-std A SC 17.2 109.0 19.1 108.3 129.0 12 99 98 A 354 08/31/21 P-08-std A SC 17.2 109.0 18.9 108.4 128.9 12 99 98 A 363 09/01/21 P-08-std A SC 17.2 109.0 18.4 110.1 130.4 12 101 98 A 364 09/01/21 P-08-std A SC 17.2 109.0 18.5 109.7 130.0 12 101 98 A 365 09/01/21 P-08-std A SC 17.2 109.0 18.6 109.0 129.3 12 100 98 A 366 09/01/21 P-08-std A SC 17.2 109.0 17.6 111.8 131.5 12 103 98 A 367 09/01/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 18.4 108.0 127.9 12 101 98 A Uncertainty was not taken into account in determining whether the test results meet the requirements. The results included in this report relate only to the items inspected or tested. Sampled per project specifications or industry standards. Also, this report is for the exclusive use of the addressed parties. We assume no responsibility to other parties regarding this report. The information indicated in this report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without prior written approval. Page 6 of 8 Field Compaction Report Test Method: ASTM D6938 Report Date: 06/08/2023 Client: Level 7 Development, LLC Chanhassen, MN 55317 2902 Corporate Place Project: Avienda - Grading and Utilities B2106624 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Lyman Blvd and Powers Blvd11001 Hampshire Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55438 Phone: 952-995-2000 Test Information Test #Test Location Elevation Reference Gauge Make / Model / SN / Calibrated Field Technician 368 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:1722711 E:554200 904.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 369 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172687 E:554220 905.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 370 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:17235 E:554214 906.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 371 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172699 E:554214 907.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 372 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172756 E:554208 909.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 384 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:1732758 E:554262 900.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 385 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172785 E:554251 902.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 386 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172782 E:554244 905.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac Remarks A: Test results comply with specifications Comments Tests are "Direct Transmission" (Method A) unless probe depth is noted as "Backscatter". Gauge calibration data on file with the testing agency. Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor ID Method Soil Classification Optimum Moisture (%) Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture (%) In Place Dry Density (pcf) In Place Wet Density (pcf) Probe Depth (in) Percent Compaction Min Comp. (%)Remark 368 09/01/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 18.2 107.3 126.8 12 100 98 A 369 09/01/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 18.2 109.4 129.3 12 102 98 A 370 09/01/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 19.2 108.1 128.9 12 101 98 A 371 09/01/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 18.2 107.7 127.3 12 101 98 A 372 09/01/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 18.3 107.1 126.7 12 100 98 A 384 09/02/21 P-03-std A CL 18.3 105.4 19.0 103.7 123.4 12 98 98 A 385 09/02/21 P-03-std A CL 18.3 105.4 18.6 105.9 125.6 12 100 98 A 386 09/02/21 P-03-std A CL 18.3 105.4 19.2 105.5 125.8 12 100 98 A Uncertainty was not taken into account in determining whether the test results meet the requirements. The results included in this report relate only to the items inspected or tested. Sampled per project specifications or industry standards. Also, this report is for the exclusive use of the addressed parties. We assume no responsibility to other parties regarding this report. The information indicated in this report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without prior written approval. Page 7 of 8 Field Compaction Report Test Method: ASTM D6938 Report Date: 06/08/2023 Client: Level 7 Development, LLC Chanhassen, MN 55317 2902 Corporate Place Project: Avienda - Grading and Utilities B2106624 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Lyman Blvd and Powers Blvd11001 Hampshire Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55438 Phone: 952-995-2000 Test Information Test #Test Location Elevation Reference Gauge Make / Model / SN / Calibrated Field Technician 387 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172775 E:554259 902.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 388 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:172713 E:554254 900.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 389 Mass Grading :: Lot 9 Block 4, N:171245 E:554258 903.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 390 Mass Grading :: Lot 6 Block 4, N:171974 E:554122 892.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 391 Mass Grading :: Lot 6 Block 4, N:171956 E:554228 892.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 392 Mass Grading :: Lot 6 Block 4, N:171942 E:553954 892.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac Remarks A: Test results comply with specifications Comments Tests are "Direct Transmission" (Method A) unless probe depth is noted as "Backscatter". Gauge calibration data on file with the testing agency. Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor ID Method Soil Classification Optimum Moisture (%) Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture (%) In Place Dry Density (pcf) In Place Wet Density (pcf) Probe Depth (in) Percent Compaction Min Comp. (%)Remark 387 09/02/21 P-03-std A CL 18.3 105.4 18.6 102.9 122.0 12 98 98 A 388 09/02/21 P-03-std A CL 18.3 105.4 20.5 105.1 126.6 12 100 98 A 389 09/02/21 P-03-std A CL 18.3 105.4 19.1 105.8 126.0 12 100 98 A 390 09/02/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 18.7 106.7 126.7 12 100 98 A 391 09/02/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 18.7 106.4 126.3 12 99 98 A 392 09/02/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 20.3 107.4 129.2 12 100 98 A Uncertainty was not taken into account in determining whether the test results meet the requirements. The results included in this report relate only to the items inspected or tested. Sampled per project specifications or industry standards. Also, this report is for the exclusive use of the addressed parties. We assume no responsibility to other parties regarding this report. The information indicated in this report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without prior written approval. Page 8 of 8 Field Compaction Report Test Method: ASTM D6938 Report Date: 06/08/2023 Client: Level 7 Development, LLC Chanhassen, MN 55317 2902 Corporate Place Project: Avienda - Grading and Utilities B2106624 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Lyman Blvd and Powers Blvd11001 Hampshire Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55438 Phone: 952-995-2000 Test Information Test #Test Location Elevation Reference Gauge Make / Model / SN / Calibrated Field Technician 999 Mass Grading :: Lot 9, Block 4 - N 172577 E 554374 912.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 1000 Mass Grading :: Lot 9, Block 4 - N 172624 E 554320 914.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac Remarks A: Test results comply with specifications Comments Tests are "Direct Transmission" (Method A) unless probe depth is noted as "Backscatter". Gauge calibration data on file with the testing agency. Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor ID Method Soil Classification Optimum Moisture (%) Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture (%) In Place Dry Density (pcf) In Place Wet Density (pcf) Probe Depth (in) Percent Compaction Min Comp. (%)Remark 999 10/14/21 P-08-std A SC 17.2 109.0 18.4 111.1 131.5 12 102 98 A 1000 10/14/21 P-08-std A SC 17.2 109.0 17.1 108.2 126.7 12 99 98 A Uncertainty was not taken into account in determining whether the test results meet the requirements. The results included in this report relate only to the items inspected or tested. Sampled per project specifications or industry standards. Also, this report is for the exclusive use of the addressed parties. We assume no responsibility to other parties regarding this report. The information indicated in this report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without prior written approval. Page 1 of 1 Field Compaction Report Test Method: ASTM D6938 Report Date: 06/08/2023 Client: Level 7 Development, LLC Chanhassen, MN 55317 2902 Corporate Place Project: Avienda - Grading and Utilities B2106624 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Lyman Blvd and Powers Blvd11001 Hampshire Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55438 Phone: 952-995-2000 Test Information Test #Test Location Elevation Reference Gauge Make / Model / SN / Calibrated Field Technician 1001 Mass Grading :: Lot 9, Block 4 - N 172757 E 554294 914.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 1002 Mass Grading :: Lot 9, Block 4 - N 172848 E 554268 916.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 1011 Mass Grading :: Lot 9, Block 4 - N 172551 E 554382 913.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 1012 Mass Grading :: Lot 9, Block 4 - N 172668 E 554390 912.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 1013 Mass Grading :: Lot 9, Block 4 - N 172759 E 554353 914.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 1014 Mass Grading :: Lot 9, Block 4 - N 172909 E 554339 916.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 1032 Mass Grading :: Lot 9, Block 4 - N 172196 E 554801 906.0 Troxler / 3430 / 33414 / Becket, Ian 1033 Mass Grading :: Lot 9, Block 4 - N 172305 E 554819 904.0 Troxler / 3430 / 33414 / Becket, Ian Remarks A: Test results comply with specifications Comments Tests are "Direct Transmission" (Method A) unless probe depth is noted as "Backscatter". Gauge calibration data on file with the testing agency. Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor ID Method Soil Classification Optimum Moisture (%) Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture (%) In Place Dry Density (pcf) In Place Wet Density (pcf) Probe Depth (in) Percent Compaction Min Comp. (%)Remark 1001 10/14/21 P-08-std A SC 17.2 109.0 19.3 107.7 128.5 12 99 98 A 1002 10/14/21 P-08-std A SC 17.2 109.0 19.4 107.2 128.0 12 98 98 A 1011 10/14/21 P-08-std A SC 17.2 109.0 18.2 109.6 129.5 12 101 98 A 1012 10/14/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 20.6 106.7 128.7 12 100 98 A 1013 10/14/21 P-08-std A SC 17.2 109.0 16.7 111.6 130.2 12 102 98 A 1014 10/14/21 P-08-std A SC 17.2 109.0 20.1 107.7 129.3 12 99 98 A 1032 10/15/21 P-01-std A CL 15.5 111.3 17.4 112.8 132.4 12 101 98 A 1033 10/15/21 P-01-std A CL 15.5 111.3 17.7 111.9 131.7 12 101 98 A Uncertainty was not taken into account in determining whether the test results meet the requirements. The results included in this report relate only to the items inspected or tested. Sampled per project specifications or industry standards. Also, this report is for the exclusive use of the addressed parties. We assume no responsibility to other parties regarding this report. The information indicated in this report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without prior written approval. Page 1 of 4 Field Compaction Report Test Method: ASTM D6938 Report Date: 06/08/2023 Client: Level 7 Development, LLC Chanhassen, MN 55317 2902 Corporate Place Project: Avienda - Grading and Utilities B2106624 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Lyman Blvd and Powers Blvd11001 Hampshire Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55438 Phone: 952-995-2000 Test Information Test #Test Location Elevation Reference Gauge Make / Model / SN / Calibrated Field Technician 1034 Mass Grading :: Lot 9, Block 4 - N 172308 E 554684 905.0 Troxler / 3430 / 33414 / Becket, Ian 1035 Mass Grading :: Lot 9, Block 4 - N 172405 E 554693 906.0 Troxler / 3430 / 33414 / Becket, Ian 1036 Mass Grading :: Lot 9, Block 4 - N 172394 E 554555 906.0 Troxler / 3430 / 33414 / Becket, Ian 1037 Mass Grading :: Lot 9, Block 4 - N 172526 E 554550 908.0 Troxler / 3430 / 33414 / Becket, Ian 1042 Mass Grading :: Lot 9, Block 4 - N 172294 E 554838 905.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 1043 Mass Grading :: Lot 9, Block 4 - N 172270 E 554767 905.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Becket, Ian 1044 Mass Grading :: Lot 9, Block 4 - N 172267 E 554686 906.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Becket, Ian 1045 Mass Grading :: Lot 9, Block 4 - N 172395 E 554657 906.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Becket, Ian Remarks A: Test results comply with specifications Comments Tests are "Direct Transmission" (Method A) unless probe depth is noted as "Backscatter". Gauge calibration data on file with the testing agency. Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor ID Method Soil Classification Optimum Moisture (%) Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture (%) In Place Dry Density (pcf) In Place Wet Density (pcf) Probe Depth (in) Percent Compaction Min Comp. (%)Remark 1034 10/15/21 P-01-std A CL 15.5 111.3 17.9 111.3 131.2 12 100 98 A 1035 10/15/21 P-01-std A CL 15.5 111.3 18.1 112.9 133.3 12 101 98 A 1036 10/15/21 P-01-std A CL 15.5 111.3 18.4 111.5 132.0 12 100 98 A 1037 10/15/21 P-01-std A CL 15.5 111.3 16.6 112.0 130.6 12 101 98 A 1042 10/18/21 P-08-std A SC 17.2 109.0 16.4 109.4 127.3 12 100 98 A 1043 10/18/21 P-08-std A SC 17.2 109.0 18.4 109.2 129.3 12 100 98 A 1044 10/18/21 P-08-std A SC 17.2 109.0 18.7 110.9 131.6 12 102 98 A 1045 10/18/21 P-08-std A SC 17.2 109.0 19.2 109.7 130.8 12 101 98 A Uncertainty was not taken into account in determining whether the test results meet the requirements. The results included in this report relate only to the items inspected or tested. Sampled per project specifications or industry standards. Also, this report is for the exclusive use of the addressed parties. We assume no responsibility to other parties regarding this report. The information indicated in this report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without prior written approval. Page 2 of 4 Field Compaction Report Test Method: ASTM D6938 Report Date: 06/08/2023 Client: Level 7 Development, LLC Chanhassen, MN 55317 2902 Corporate Place Project: Avienda - Grading and Utilities B2106624 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Lyman Blvd and Powers Blvd11001 Hampshire Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55438 Phone: 952-995-2000 Test Information Test #Test Location Elevation Reference Gauge Make / Model / SN / Calibrated Field Technician 1046 Mass Grading :: Lot 9, Block 4 - N 172767 E 554670 907.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Becket, Ian 1092 Mass Grading :: Lot 9, Block 4 - N 172186 E 554818 907.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Becket, Ian 1093 Mass Grading :: Lot 9, Block 4 - N 172292 E 554212 907.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Becket, Ian 1094 Mass Grading :: Lot 9, Block 4 - N 172383 E 554776 907.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Becket, Ian 1095 Mass Grading :: Lot 9, Block 4 - N 172533 E 554612 910.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Becket, Ian 1096 Mass Grading :: Lot 9, Block 4 - N 172647 E 554484 912.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Becket, Ian 1097 Mass Grading :: Lot 9, Block 4 - N 172179 E 554804 908.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 1098 Mass Grading :: Lot 9, Block 4 - N 172270 E 554627 909.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac Remarks A: Test results comply with specifications Comments Tests are "Direct Transmission" (Method A) unless probe depth is noted as "Backscatter". Gauge calibration data on file with the testing agency. Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor ID Method Soil Classification Optimum Moisture (%) Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture (%) In Place Dry Density (pcf) In Place Wet Density (pcf) Probe Depth (in) Percent Compaction Min Comp. (%)Remark 1046 10/18/21 P-08-std A SC 17.2 109.0 18.7 109.1 129.5 12 100 98 A 1092 10/19/21 P-01-std A CL 15.5 111.3 18.3 110.3 130.5 12 99 98 A 1093 10/19/21 P-01-std A CL 15.5 111.3 18.2 111.6 131.9 12 100 98 A 1094 10/19/21 P-06-std A CL 19.2 107.0 18.8 107.7 128.0 12 101 98 A 1095 10/19/21 P-01-std A CL 15.5 111.3 18.3 110.7 131.0 12 99 98 A 1096 10/19/21 P-08-std A SC 17.2 109.0 19.0 107.9 128.4 12 99 98 A 1097 10/20/21 P-08-std A SC 17.2 109.0 19.7 107.4 128.6 12 99 98 A 1098 10/20/21 P-08-std A SC 17.2 109.0 19.0 108.5 129.1 12 100 98 A Uncertainty was not taken into account in determining whether the test results meet the requirements. The results included in this report relate only to the items inspected or tested. Sampled per project specifications or industry standards. Also, this report is for the exclusive use of the addressed parties. We assume no responsibility to other parties regarding this report. The information indicated in this report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without prior written approval. Page 3 of 4 Field Compaction Report Test Method: ASTM D6938 Report Date: 06/08/2023 Client: Level 7 Development, LLC Chanhassen, MN 55317 2902 Corporate Place Project: Avienda - Grading and Utilities B2106624 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Lyman Blvd and Powers Blvd11001 Hampshire Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55438 Phone: 952-995-2000 Test Information Test #Test Location Elevation Reference Gauge Make / Model / SN / Calibrated Field Technician 1099 Mass Grading :: Lot 9, Block 4 - N 172417 E 554466 913.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 1100 Mass Grading :: Lot 9, Block 4 - N 172623 E 554478 913.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac Remarks A: Test results comply with specifications Comments Tests are "Direct Transmission" (Method A) unless probe depth is noted as "Backscatter". Gauge calibration data on file with the testing agency. Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor ID Method Soil Classification Optimum Moisture (%) Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture (%) In Place Dry Density (pcf) In Place Wet Density (pcf) Probe Depth (in) Percent Compaction Min Comp. (%)Remark 1099 10/20/21 P-08-std A SC 17.2 109.0 19.7 109.4 131.0 12 100 98 A 1100 10/20/21 P-08-std A SC 17.2 109.0 20.2 107.5 129.2 12 99 98 A Uncertainty was not taken into account in determining whether the test results meet the requirements. The results included in this report relate only to the items inspected or tested. Sampled per project specifications or industry standards. Also, this report is for the exclusive use of the addressed parties. We assume no responsibility to other parties regarding this report. The information indicated in this report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without prior written approval. Page 4 of 4 Field Compaction Report Test Method: ASTM D6938 Report Date: 06/08/2023 Client: Level 7 Development, LLC Chanhassen, MN 55317 2902 Corporate Place Project: Avienda - Grading and Utilities B2106624 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Lyman Blvd and Powers Blvd11001 Hampshire Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55438 Phone: 952-995-2000 Test Information Test #Test Location Elevation Reference Gauge Make / Model / SN / Calibrated Field Technician 1101 Mass Grading :: Lot 9, Block 4 - N 172748 E 554412 920.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 1102 Mass Grading :: Lot 9, Block 4 - N 172637 E 554562 912.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 1103 Mass Grading :: Lot 9, Block 4 - N 172448 E 554656 910.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 1104 Mass Grading :: Lot 9, Block 4 - N 172306 E 554803 907.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 1109 Mass Grading :: Lot 9, Block 4 - N 172722 E 554386 915.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac 1110 Mass Grading :: Lot 9, Block 4 - N 172802 E 554470 916.0 Troxler / 3430 / 29618 / 05/04/2020 Colcord, Isaac Remarks A: Test results comply with specifications Comments Tests are "Direct Transmission" (Method A) unless probe depth is noted as "Backscatter". Gauge calibration data on file with the testing agency. Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor ID Method Soil Classification Optimum Moisture (%) Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture (%) In Place Dry Density (pcf) In Place Wet Density (pcf) Probe Depth (in) Percent Compaction Min Comp. (%)Remark 1101 10/20/21 P-08-std A SC 17.2 109.0 18.9 111.4 132.5 12 102 98 A 1102 10/20/21 P-08-std A SC 17.2 109.0 19.5 108.3 129.4 12 99 98 A 1103 10/20/21 P-08-std A SC 17.2 109.0 19.9 108.5 130.1 12 100 98 A 1104 10/20/21 P-08-std A SC 17.2 109.0 17.2 109.5 128.3 12 100 98 A 1109 10/22/21 P-01-std A CL 15.5 111.3 17.3 110.7 129.9 12 99 98 A 1110 10/22/21 P-01-std A CL 15.5 111.3 18.1 111.5 131.7 12 100 98 A Uncertainty was not taken into account in determining whether the test results meet the requirements. The results included in this report relate only to the items inspected or tested. Sampled per project specifications or industry standards. Also, this report is for the exclusive use of the addressed parties. We assume no responsibility to other parties regarding this report. The information indicated in this report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without prior written approval. Page 1 of 1 Field Compaction Report Test Method: ASTM D6938 Report Date: 06/08/2023 Client: Level 7 Development, LLC Chanhassen, MN 55317 2902 Corporate Place Project: Avienda - Grading and Utilities B2106624 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Lyman Blvd and Powers Blvd11001 Hampshire Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55438 Phone: 952-995-2000 Sample Information Sample Number:389257 Sample From:Stockpile Alternate ID:P­1 Sampled By:Johnson, Erik Location Details:SE pond cut Sample Date:07/19/2021 Received Date:07/19/2021 Lab:11001 Hampshire Ave S, Bloomington, MN Tested Date:07/19/2021 Tested By:Vang, Yang Laboratory Data Proctor ID:P­01­std Maximum Dry Density (pcf):111.3 Optimum Moisture (%):15.5 Method:Method A Preparation Method:Moist Rammer Type:Manual Round Specific Gravity:2.65 Specific Gravity Source:Assumed Passes #200 (%):60.0 Retained #200 (%):40.0 Retained On 3/4 (%):0 Retained On 3/8 (%):2 Retained On #4 (%):5 Passing #4 (%):95 Classification:CL Sandy lean clay, brown General Remarks:The % passing the #200 is for informational purposes only. Standard Proctor M­D Relationship ASTM D698 11001 Hampshire Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55438 Phone: 952­995­2000 Client: Level 7 Development, LLC 2902 Corporate Place Chanhassen, MN 55317 Project: B2106624 Avienda ­ Grading and Utilities Lyman Blvd and Powers Blvd Chanhassen, MN 55317 The results included in this report relate only to the items inspected or tested. Additionally, this report is for the exclusive use of the addressed parties. We assume no responsibility to other parties regarding this report. The information indicated in this report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the prior written approval. Page 1 of 2Page 1 of 1 Sample Information Sample Number:391994 Sampling Method:Grab Bag Location:Sub­base Fill : Sampled By:Colcord, Isaac Specification:Unknown Sample Date:07/28/2021 Material:Not Given Received Date:07/29/2021 Lab:11001 Hampshire Ave S, Bloomington, MN Tested Date:07/29/2021 Tested By:Golembeck, Wayne Laboratory Data Proctor ID:P­03­std Maximum Dry Density (pcf):105.4 Optimum Moisture (%):18.3 Method:Method A Preparation Method:Moist Rammer Type:Manual Round Specific Gravity:2.65 Specific Gravity Source:Assumed Passes #200 (%):60.0 Retained #200 (%):40.0 Retained On 3/4 (%):0 Retained On 3/8 (%):1 Retained On #4 (%):2 Passing #4 (%):98 Classification:CL Sandy lean clay, brown General Remarks:The % passing the #200 is for informational purposes only. Standard Proctor M­D Relationship ASTM D698 11001 Hampshire Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55438 Phone: 952­995­2000 Client: Level 7 Development, LLC 2902 Corporate Place Chanhassen, MN 55317 Project: B2106624 Avienda ­ Grading and Utilities Lyman Blvd and Powers Blvd Chanhassen, MN 55317 The results included in this report relate only to the items inspected or tested. Additionally, this report is for the exclusive use of the addressed parties. We assume no responsibility to other parties regarding this report. The information indicated in this report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the prior written approval. Page 1 of 2Page 1 of 1 Sample Information Sample Number:394377 Sampling Method:Grab Bag Location:Sub­base Fill : Sampled By:Colcord, Isaac Specification:Unknown Sample Date:08/05/2021 Material:Native Soil Received Date:08/05/2021 Lab:11001 Hampshire Ave S, Bloomington, MN Tested Date:08/06/2021 Tested By:Limley, Jason Laboratory Data Proctor ID:P­06­std Maximum Dry Density (pcf):107.0 Optimum Moisture (%):19.2 Method:Method A Preparation Method:Moist Rammer Type:Manual Round Specific Gravity:2.65 Specific Gravity Source:Assumed Passes #200 (%):53.0 Retained #200 (%):47.0 Retained On 3/4 (%):0 Retained On 3/8 (%):2 Retained On #4 (%):4 Passing #4 (%):96 Classification:CL Sandy lean clay, brown General Remarks:The % passing the #200 is for informational purposes only. Standard Proctor M­D Relationship ASTM D698 11001 Hampshire Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55438 Phone: 952­995­2000 Client: Level 7 Development, LLC 2902 Corporate Place Chanhassen, MN 55317 Project: B2106624 Avienda ­ Grading and Utilities Lyman Blvd and Powers Blvd Chanhassen, MN 55317 The results included in this report relate only to the items inspected or tested. Additionally, this report is for the exclusive use of the addressed parties. We assume no responsibility to other parties regarding this report. The information indicated in this report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the prior written approval. Page 1 of 2Page 1 of 1 Sample Information Sample Number:394782 Sampling Method:Grab Bag Location:Sub­grade Fill Sampled By:Colcord, Isaac Specification:Unknown Sample Date:08/06/2021 Material:Native Soil Received Date:08/06/2021 Lab:11001 Hampshire Ave S, Bloomington, MN Tested Date:08/09/2021 Tested By:Dhanraj, Tasho Laboratory Data Proctor ID:P­07­std Maximum Dry Density (pcf):109.9 Optimum Moisture (%):15.5 Method:Method A Preparation Method:Moist Rammer Type:Manual Round Specific Gravity:2.65 Specific Gravity Source:Assumed Passes #200 (%):60.0 Retained #200 (%):40.0 Retained On 3/4 (%):0 Retained On 3/8 (%):0 Retained On #4 (%):3 Passing #4 (%):97 Classification:CL Sandy lean clay, dark brown General Remarks:The % passing the #200 is for informational purposes only. Standard Proctor M­D Relationship ASTM D698 11001 Hampshire Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55438 Phone: 952­995­2000 Client: Level 7 Development, LLC 2902 Corporate Place Chanhassen, MN 55317 Project: B2106624 Avienda ­ Grading and Utilities Lyman Blvd and Powers Blvd Chanhassen, MN 55317 The results included in this report relate only to the items inspected or tested. Additionally, this report is for the exclusive use of the addressed parties. We assume no responsibility to other parties regarding this report. The information indicated in this report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the prior written approval. Page 1 of 2Page 1 of 1 Sample Information Sample Number:396608 Sampling Method:Grab Bag Sampled By:Colcord, Isaac Specification:Unknown Sample Date:08/13/2021 Material:Native Soil Received Date:08/15/2021 Lab:11001 Hampshire Ave S, Bloomington, MN Tested Date:08/16/2021 Tested By:Kylander, Joshua Laboratory Data Proctor ID:P­08­std Maximum Dry Density (pcf):109.0 Optimum Moisture (%):17.2 Method:Method A Total Retained:3 % on #4 Sieve Preparation Method:Moist Moisture As Received (%) Rammer Type:Manual Round Specific Gravity:2.65 Specific Gravity Source:Assumed Liquid Limit:Plastic Limit: Plastic Index: Passes #200 (%):51.0 Retained #200 (%):49.0 Retained On 3/4 (%):0 Retained On 3/8 (%):1 Retained On #4 (%):3 Passing #4 (%):97 Classification:SC Clayey sand, brown General Remarks:The % passing the #200 is for informational purposes only. Standard Proctor M­D Relationship ASTM D698 11001 Hampshire Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55438 Phone: 952­995­2000 Client: Level 7 Development, LLC 2902 Corporate Place Chanhassen, MN 55317 Project: B2106624 Avienda ­ Grading and Utilities Lyman Blvd and Powers Blvd Chanhassen, MN 55317 The results included in this report relate only to the items inspected or tested. Additionally, this report is for the exclusive use of the addressed parties. We assume no responsibility to other parties regarding this report. The information indicated in this report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the prior written approval. Page 1 of 2Page 1 of 1 Sample Information Sample Number:398052 Sampled By:Colcord, Isaac Sample Date:08/19/2021 Received Date:08/20/2021 Lab:11001 Hampshire Ave S, Bloomington, MN Tested Date:08/20/2021 Tested By:Kylander, Joshua Laboratory Data Proctor ID:P­10­std Maximum Dry Density (pcf):107.1 Optimum Moisture (%):17.2 Method:Method A Preparation Method:Moist Rammer Type:Manual Round Specific Gravity:2.65 Specific Gravity Source:Assumed Passes #200 (%):57.0 Retained #200 (%):43.0 Retained On 3/4 (%):0 Retained On 3/8 (%):1 Retained On #4 (%):4 Passing #4 (%):96 Classification:CL Sandy lean clay, dark brown General Remarks:The % passing the #200 is for informational purposes only. Standard Proctor M­D Relationship ASTM D698 11001 Hampshire Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55438 Phone: 952­995­2000 Client: Level 7 Development, LLC 2902 Corporate Place Chanhassen, MN 55317 Project: B2106624 Avienda ­ Grading and Utilities Lyman Blvd and Powers Blvd Chanhassen, MN 55317 The results included in this report relate only to the items inspected or tested. Additionally, this report is for the exclusive use of the addressed parties. We assume no responsibility to other parties regarding this report. The information indicated in this report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the prior written approval. Page 1 of 2Page 1 of 1 Descriptive Terminology of Soil Based on Standards ASTM D 2487-11/2488-09a (Unified Soil Classification System) Group Symbol Group NameB Cu ≥ 4 and 1 ≤ Cc ≤ 3D GW Well-graded gravelE Cu < 4 and/or (Cc < 1 or Cc > 3)D GP Poorly graded gravelE Fines classify as ML or MH GM Silty gravelE F G Fines Classify as CL or CH GC Clayey gravelE F G Cu ≥ 6 and 1 ≤ Cc ≤ 3D SW Well-graded sandI Cu < 6 and/or (Cc < 1 or Cc > 3)D SP Poorly graded sandI Fines classify as ML or MH SM Silty sandF G I Fines classify as CL or CH SC Clayey sandF G I CL Lean clayK L M PI < 4 or plots below "A" lineJ ML SiltK L M Organic OL CH Fat clayK L M MH Elastic siltK L M Organic OH PT Peat Criteria for Assigning Group Symbols and Group Names Using Laboratory TestsA Soil Classification Coarse-grained Soils (more than 50% retained on No. 200 sieve)Fine-grained Soils (50% or more passes the No. 200 sieve) Sands (50% or more coarse fraction passes No. 4 sieve) Clean Gravels (Less than 5% finesC) Gravels with Fines (More than 12% finesC) Clean Sands (Less than 5% finesH) Sands with Fines (More than 12% finesH) Gravels (More than 50% of coarse fraction retained on No. 4 sieve) Highly Organic Soils Silts and Clays (Liquid limit less than 50) Silts and Clays (Liquid limit 50 or more) Primarily organic matter, dark in color, and organic odor Inorganic Inorganic PI > 7 and plots on or above "A" lineJ PI plots on or above "A" line PI plots below "A" line Liquid Limit −oven dried Liquid Limit −not dried <0.75 Organic clay K L M N Organic silt K L M O Liquid Limit −oven dried Liquid Limit −not dried <0.75 Organic clay K L M P Organic silt K L M Q Particle Size Identification Boulders.............. over 12" Cobbles................ 3" to 12" Gravel Coarse............. 3/4" to 3" (19.00 mm to 75.00 mm) Fine................. No. 4 to 3/4" (4.75 mm to 19.00 mm) Sand Coarse.............. No. 10 to No. 4 (2.00 mm to 4.75 mm) Medium........... No. 40 to No. 10 (0.425 mm to 2.00 mm) Fine.................. No. 200 to No. 40 (0.075 mm to 0.425 mm) Silt........................ No. 200 (0.075 mm) to .005 mm Clay...................... < .005 mm Relative ProportionsL, M trace............................. 0 to 5% little.............................. 6 to 14% with.............................. ≥ 15% Inclusion Thicknesses lens............................... 0 to 1/8" seam............................. 1/8" to 1" layer.............................. over 1" Apparent Relative Density of Cohesionless Soils Very loose ..................... 0 to 4 BPF Loose ............................ 5 to 10 BPF Medium dense.............. 11 to 30 BPF Dense............................ 31 to 50 BPF Very dense.................... over 50 BPF A.Based on the material passing the 3-inch (75-mm) sieve. B.If field sample contained cobbles or boulders, or both, add "with cobbles or boulders, or both" to group name. C. Gravels with 5 to 12% fines require dual symbols: GW-GM well-graded gravel with silt GW-GC well-graded gravel with clay GP-GM poorly graded gravel with silt GP-GC poorly graded gravel with clay D.Cu = D60 / D10 Cc = 𝐷30 2 / (𝐷10 𝑥𝐷60) E.If soil contains ≥ 15% sand, add "with sand" to group name. F.If fines classify as CL-ML, use dual symbol GC-GM or SC-SM. G. If fines are organic, add "with organic fines" to group name. H. Sands with 5 to 12%fines require dual symbols: SW-SM well-graded sand with silt SW-SC well-graded sand with clay SP-SM poorly graded sand with silt SP-SC poorly graded sand with clay I.If soil contains ≥ 15% gravel, add "with gravel" to group name. J. If Atterberg limits plot in hatched area, soil is CL-ML, silty clay. K.If soil contains 15 to < 30% plus No. 200, add "with sand" or "with gravel", whichever is predominant. L. If soil contains ≥ 30% plus No. 200, predominantly sand, add “sandy” to group name. M. If soil contains ≥ 30% plus No. 200 predominantly gravel, add “gravelly” to group name. N. PI ≥ 4 and plots on or above “A” line. O. PI < 4 or plots below “A” line. P. PI plots on or above “A” line. Q.PI plots below “A” line. Laboratory Tests DD Dry Density,pcf OC Organic content, %PL Plastic limit WD Wet Density, pcf qp Pocket penetrometer strength, tsf LL Liquid limit P200 % Passing #200 sieve MC Moisture conent, %PI Plasticity Index Consistency of Blows Approximate Unconfined Cohesive Soils Per Foot Compressive Strength Very soft................... 0 to 1 BPF................... < 1/4 tsf Soft........................... 2 to 4 BPF................... 1/4 to 1/2 tsf Medium.................... 5 to 8 BPF .................. 1/2 to 1 tsf Stiff........................... 9 to 15 BPF................. 1 to 2 tsf Very Stiff................... 16 to 30 BPF............... 2 to 4 tsf Hard.......................... over 30 BPF................ > 4 tsf Drilling Notes: BPF: Numbers indicate blows per foot recorded in standard penetration test, also known as “N” value. The sampler was set 6 inches into undisturbed soil below the hollow-stem auger. Driving resistances were then counted for second and third 6-inch increments, and added to get BPF. Partial Penetration:If the sampler cannot be driven the full 12 inches beyond the initial 6-inch set, the number of blows for that partial penetration is shown as "No./X" (i.e., 50/2"). If the sampler cannot be advanced beyond the initial 6-inch set, the depth of penetration will be recorded in the Notes column as "No. to set X" (i.e., 50 to set 4"). WH: WH indicates the sampler penetrated soil under weight of hammer and rods alone; driving not required. WR: WR indicates the sampler penetrated soil under weight of rods alone; hammer weight and driving not required. WL: WL indicates the water level measured by the drillers either while drilling or following drilling. Moisture Content: Dry:Absence of moisture, dusty, dry to the touch. Moist: Damp but no visible water. Wet: Visible free water, usually soil is below water table. 1/2018