2023-05-24 Avienda Rowhomes Circulation Memo to Eric MaassLandform®, SensiblyGreen® and Site to Finish® are registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC. 1 DATE May 24, 2023 TO Eric Maass CC FROM Steve Sabraski RE Avienda Rowhomes – Internal Site Circulation Analysis Related to this Phase Site circulation for vehicles within this subdivision will be on the new private street and alley and will be accessed off Bluff Creek Boulevard and Avienda Parkway. The interface with Bluff Creek Boulevard will be at the north side of the constructed intersection immediately east of the west roundabout. The interface with Avienda Parkway will be across from the intersection with Mills Lane. This will require the construction of the new leg of this intersection to the southeast. Emergency service access and circulation will be on the new private street and alley as well as on Bluff Creek Boulevard and Avienda Parkway. Refer to the Fire Access exhibit for the internal routes. Pedestrian circulation will be via a new sidewalk on the west and south sides of the new private street which will connect to the internal parking areas and to the walk and trail in the rights-of-way for Avienda Parkway and Bluff Creek Boulevard. New pedestrian curb ramps will be constructed at Avienda Parkway to carry the existing sidewalk in the right-of-way across the new private street. Refer to the Pedestrian Connections Exhibit showing this circulation route. Maintenance of the private street, alley, and internal sidewalks will be handled by the rowhomes homeowner’s association. This will cover all areas outside the public rights-of-way. MEMO