MAY 3, 1995
Chairman Mancino called the meeting to order at 7' 15 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Ron Nutting, Ladd Conrad, Nancy Mancino, Mike Meyer, Bob
Skubic, and Jeff Farmakes
STAFF PRESENT: Kate Aanenson, Planning Director; Sharmin A1-Jaff, Planner II, Bob
Generous, Planner II, Dave Hempel Assistant City Engineer.
Public Present:
Name Address
Kelly Schulte
Doug & Jackie Jacobson
Anne Graupmann
Don Ketcham
Kirby Paulson
Marry Campion
Jim Jasper
Jay Jasper
8420 West Lake Drive
1121 Dove Court
8400 West Lake Drive
8380 West Lake Drive
8410 West Lake Drive
Otto Associates
Waconia, MN
Waconia, MN
Sharmin AI-Jaff presented the staff report on this item.
Mancino: Any questions for staff at this time? Okay, thank you very much. Is the applicant
or their designee wish to address the Planning Commission?
Larry Harris: My name's Larry Harris. I'm Jasper Development's attorney. I know some of
you and some not. There are some new faces since the last proposal was before you. This
development has been nominated the Lake Susan Hills Townhomes. By and large it's
identical in terms of...market and interior features to the Prairie Creek Townhomes, which
Jasper also developed and built. Those units are the units that are on the north side of Lake
Susan Hills Boulevard. Obviously Jasper's also the developer for the third medium density
parcel situated in the Lake Susan PUD which is the twinhomes known as Power Place on the
west side of County Road 17... Because this is essentially a repeat of a project the Planning
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Commission and the City has seen before, I'll attempt as much as possible to short circuit the
presentation. I think the quality of the units is well known. The sizing is going to be
consistent with what you've seen before. Retail price point, probably between $175,000.00
and $225,000.00, depending on how the units are finished. My client has met with the staff
on several occasions and has, by and large agrees with the staff's recommendations. I'd like
to highlight just some areas for consideration and then I'll mm the presentation over to Marty
Campion, Jasper's engineer for the project. First of all Jasper does agree with staff. We
think the 35% impervious surface is achievable and based on the calculations, we find that
reasonable for this project. There are, at least from the developer's point of view, four issues
which we think need to be addressed with the Planning Commission. Marty Campion will
deal with all of those because they're really engineering issues. Staff raises a legitimate
concern. It's also a concern that was raised on the Power Place development on the west side
of CR 17 concerning having sump pumps discharge directly into the storm sewer. It creates
icing problems on the street and legitimately we'd like to avoid that. Jasper acknowledges
that that is a concern. However they don't, Jasper doesn't necessarily see the need to install
drain tile beyond curb cuts. But my approach, what our review will show you is that sump
pumps for these units are all going to discharge out the rear. Not out the front. So these
units, the drainage and flow will naturally come down, and there are some changes Marty
Campion will explain, with all of these units here, the discharge is going to be away from the
streets anyways. It will be the same on this property where it will come away from the street
and what the developer is proposing is that the site grading plan will show swales through
this property, taking the drainage up to a catch basin not located in the street, but located
internally, to deal with that situation. We would also propose as a means of dealing with
that, of course the City wants assurances that sump pumps aren't running out the front yards
into the streets. It seems to be an issue that we can pretty easily deal with first of all in the
developer's agreement, but we would also incorporate it in the restrictive covenants that we're
going to have to put in...such as this indicated that the requirement that all sumps discharge
out the rear. What we're suggesting, if the developer is sensitive to the problem but has
another solution. The location of the storm water pond is an issue that Marty Campion will
deal with in greater issue and the storm water pond is a great issue. It's more the NURP
pond, the creek before it reaches the water the storm water pond, and a primary issue is the
need to provide increased treatment of drainage for the old Lake Susan Hills 2nd Subdivision.
Mr. Campion will talk about that and we'll explain how the model has been reconfigured
slightly since it was...excuse me. How the development's been reconfigured slightly... Staff
raises some site grading concerns that the developer does have a significant problem with.
There is a rise that exists in this part of the property. It's going to have to be removed for
access. Staff has concerns that the developer will be grading back in this area to create
additional walkouts. That's not really the case. Mr. Campion will explain, which goes
through, the plans show that we're not grading, the developer's not grading to create walkouts.
They're following the natural topography. There's a significant amount of grading, the
grading that occurs right along the interest of the development at Lake Susan Hills. That area
is going to have to be reduced probably 5 to 6 feet so it is not going to create walkouts in
that area anyway... The last issue is number 26 in the recommendations. Staff has indicated
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that they have an objection to the lot lines for the individual lots extending into, essentially
extending into what I'll call the rear yard setbacks. This is an issue that is, it came up in both
Powers Place and also in the development for Prairie Creek. The issue becomes, in order to
address concerns of the city's zoning ordinance, the city's inspection department, that
overhangs are all within lot lines. That is that certain windows have to be, cannot extend any
closer than 3 feet to a lot line. And garage overhangs, the eaves off of a garage, according to
your city inspection department, must exist within lot lines. The lot lines get expanded but
obviously the developer is not bfiilding within the setback. It's nothing more of an issue than
extending lot lines into the setback. It's no different than, when a single family development
comes in, the lot lines run to the rear of the property. There are setbacks that can't be built
into and that's the exact situation here. The developer will covenant both in the plat and the
development agreement, that there is not going to be any building in the setbacks but in order
to deal with code interpretation issues, we need the flexibility to have lot lines extend within
the setback and we would submit that that is really no different than any single family
development. The other I think 22 points that staff has raised, the developer is in agreement
with. The developer has worked with staff pretty intensively on this project and I think it
shows in the fact that there are, what we perceive are relatively few issues to discuss with the
Planning Commission. At this point I'll mm it over to Marty Campion.
Mancino: Thank you.
Marty Campion: Good evening. My name is Marry Campion. I'm an engineer with Otto
Associates, the project engineer for Jasper. As mentioned earlier there have been some
revisions to the site plan. I reduced a copy of the revised site plan, revised preliminary plat
and that's the same plat that Sharmin has shown on the overhead. What I would like to
discuss are some of the engineering concerns that staff had raised. In particular concerns
with the grading. Generally the site is accessed from two points, here and here. As Larry
had mentioned, there's a significant elevation difference between this area right in here and
the perimeter of the site back along here. What we're proposing, in order to access the site
from both points, is to cut the knob off and we're proposing that just to provide safe access.
There's approximately a 10 to 12 feet difference in elevation from the street to the top of the
knob, so to provide access to the units, we have to shave the top of the hill off. And what
we're proposing to do with that material is grading off of that, is to fill in the front sides of
these pads along here. And in doing so we create walkouts along the back. Along these two
sides. The walkout elevations, the walkouts, all walk out to the existing elevations so we
aren't filling the pads just in order to create walkouts. What we're trying to do is to balance
the material on the site as much as possible. We still have some access material that's going
to have to be removed, which we'll address some of that in berms along Lake Susan Hills
Drive and berms along County Road 17. The other concern that we have, if we can't build
up this area, is we end up putting the, we end up getting the basements deeper than what
we're proposing and we have a 100 year water elevation that's a concern of our's with the
pond. We have to keep ourselves or keep the basements at least 3 feet above the 100 year
elevation and we're doing that with the walkouts. Another concern that staff had mentioned
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and we attempted to address in the revised plan was a NURP pond or a treatment pond to
treat the runoff that's coming from the 2nd Addition here. So what we're proposing is a
NURP pond that is shaped something like this that would address the runoff coming from off
site and treat it prior to discharge into this wetland. Again the grades are such that all our
grades are going downhill from a high point here and we're grading along like that. It's
impossible without considerably cost to run storm sewer through that point and still provide a
pond that can outlet into the existing wetland. So what we're proposing in addition to that
pond, which the sole purpose of this pond is to treat runoff from that area, is a smaller,
revised pond than what was shown originally in this area to treat the runoff from the
townhomes. There was some concern with the safety and the location of that pond. What
we're doing is, we've modified it somewhat. The grades for the first 25 feet off the property
line aren't proposing to change at all. So if there was a concern, it should exist today. I don't
know that it is a concern given those modifications. So the current plan shows two ponds.
One in this location to treat the runoff from the proposed development, and a second pond in
this location which will treat the runoff from the 2nd Addition there. The other item that
Larry had touched on was the drain tile, and given that these units are all walkouts, we're
proposing to outlet the drain tile into the swales to grade or at existing grade and it will run,
in these cases, it will run to the pond. In this case it will run south. Where we have the
interior units that aren't walkouts, this unit, this unit and this unit, they aren't walkouts. What
we're proposing to do is provide overland drainage through these units to a catch basin down
here. So these units would outlet their drain tile to the rear of the building. It would flow
overland to a catch basin here and that catch basin would be graded in such a manner that it
wouldn't allow for drainage to get into either Lake Susan Hills Drive or the private streets.
Thus eliminating the concern of icing of either of the roads. I think we've touched on the
issues, or attempted to address the issues that were a concern of staff's based on our initial
meeting. If there are any questions either from staff or the commission, we'd be more than
willing to address them.
Mancino: Any questions for Mr. Campion? Thank you. I think Dave we'll ask you to
respond to the drain tile relocation and the grading and also the two sediment ponds.
Hempel: Thank you. Four issues that were brought up... Sump pump discharge. The city is
more concerned about the draining of sump pumps and the sanitary sewer line which would
cause additional sanitary sewer water to be treated. Typically what happens with sump pump
discharge, it is discharged in the back yard. The neighbor downstream gets the water...pretty
soon has a wet back yard... That's the primary reason for a drain tile system. We've also
incorporated in the street systems to help with the street drainage... These streets are proposed
to be private. Not maintained or owned by the city. Our concern though is...There may be
an alternative to run one single drain tile from the back yard and these sump pumps to tie
into... As far as the site grading goes, my initial concerns is with regards to the previous...
This proposal here before you tonight does reduce the grading... So I am comfortable that
these lots can be graded with walkout type homes... One of the concerns I do have however is
with the storm ponding on a two pond system. I believe that the storm ponds could be
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relocated to the southerly portion of the wetland as shown on the sanitary storm sewer pipe...
An opportunity for the city to pre-treat some more storm water that currently goes into the
wetland... In regards to, he covered 26. I guess I can't address that point in regards to lot line
A1-Jaff: We basically tried to avoid a situation that took place with Prairie Creek townhouses
and what had happened as the applicant mentioned was a deck or porch encroached into a
setback. If we do not allow any of the lot lines to encroach into the required setback and if
the building code required an additional 3 foot setback from the property lines to a building, a
structure, then you're guaranteed that those buildings will not encroach into a required, we're
not going to create an variances in the future.
Aanenson: Let me just maybe make it a little bit more simplified. The issue we had with
Prairie Creek is there was never an expectation that there would be three season porches on
there. There was enough setback that they could put them on there so because the ordinance
allowed them to put a porch on and still meet the setbacks, the developer did. I think the
expectations from the neighbors was what was represented to show a certain facia and then
all of a sudden the three season porches went on so what we're saying is we want to make
sure that they are going to put them on. That the setback is known now so people understand
what they will be seeing from the backs of their homes. So we just want to make sure that
that's clear now and not have that same issue arise.
Mancino: Thank you. Any questions from the commissioners to either Dave or Sharmin?
Thank you.
Farmakes: I have one question. Do you feel that you've had sufficient amount of time and
notification of what these questions were tonight?
Hempel: We've met with the applicant previously to go over these matters...
Farmakes: Okay, thank you.
Mancino: So you feel comfortable being on the spot, as it were, tonight in dealing with it?
Anyone else from the applicant that would, are you finished? Okay.
Larry Harris: Oh I think just on the setback issue. I think I hear what staff is saying. That
issue we can deal with. It may have to be... if the concern is making sure that we know
exactly where porch lines are going to be and that, that's a plat issue that I think we can work
out without any difficulties now that we understand that. And in terms of the tiling issue, it
just sounds to me like that's an engineering issue that we can work out.
Mancino: Thank you. May I have a motion to open a public heating.
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Nutting moved, Farmakes seconded to open the public hearing. All voted in favor and the
motion carried. The public hearing was opened.
Mancino: The public hearing is open and anyone like to come up and address the Planning
Commission. Please do. Come up. State your name and address.
Kirby Paulson: My name's Kirby Paulson. I reside at 8410 West Lake Drive. There have
been some concerns through the neighbors. The first one is the street, and the mess left on it.
When they first built the addition on the other side, on the north side of West Lake Drive, or
Lake Susan Hills Drive, they told us, the neighborhood, that they'd keep it clean and ever
since they started there, I don't think there's been a day gone by it has been clean. We had a
neighborhood meeting here a couple weeks ago, as they brought in this plat and they said
they were going to keep it clean at that time because they had just gotten done making a
mess and it still hasn't been cleaned up from two weeks ago. If you go there right now, it
looks like a mess. If it rains, it's even worse. I guess at the time of the neighborhood
meeting people were concerned then and Jasper said that they would keep it clean and they
haven't. That was one of the concerns that we're afraid if they start building on the south side
of Lake Susan, it's going to get worse. To deal with that, there's two pictures here that deal
with also the mess of construction material. And I came home today and I looked out my
back door to this open field that they were going to develop and all there was was paper and
debris from everywhere. That's not really nice to look at and I'm not real pleased about going
in my back yard every other day and picking up building materials. I don't think that's fair to
any of the other neighbors around there and the person, the other person that lives behind this
first development that had the big deal about the variance, he couldn't make it but he had the
same problem and those were the pictures he took. The mess that's being left. I did have a
question about the slope from being in the back. Would you turn that on please? They had
said there was going to be a 3:1 slope. I guess they changed the roadway here. It used to
come here and they said it was going to be a 3:1 slope. I guess the question I have now is
just how close to the property line they are going to be. This is a natural drain in here that
goes into the pond and I've lived here for 4 years and we haven't had a problem yet. I
guess...townhomes that have a walkout there, I just want to make sure that they're not going
to be that close to the fight-of-way and have to go into a variance like they did on the other
one and was such a big hassle about it.
Mancino: Can Dave, can you answer that?
Hempel: As far as building setbacks for the site, they're 25 feet from the rear property
line...there is a 20 foot wide drainage and utility easement in the back yard here for drainage.
Mancino: And that will stay and nothing will be destroyed?
Hempel: That's in the general vicinity where the pond in the plat will be placed...
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Kirby Paulson: Okay. And also they're backed up on the south side of that, right up to the
park. We want to make sure that there's no way they're going to destroy the park. The Cub
Scouts were in there last weekend and planted over 100 trees. We want to make sure they're
not destroyed. And I guess I had another question. When we first moved into that
Mancino: Can you tell us where the 100 trees are? Which end of the park?
Kirby Paulson: Okay. Joe Miller, when he bought part of this property he donated park
property. I think there's 5 acres which sits right here. Prairie Knoll Park. And the Boy
Scouts were in there and they planted over 100 trees in that area. I just want to make sure
that it's not going to get destroyed. They were just done last weekend.
Mancino: They were getting destroyed?
A1-Jaff: I don't think they will be impacted.
Mancino: Okay. There won't be any construction equipment. Nothing will be in that park
Kirby Paulson: Make sure they put up some kind of silt fence to make sure that it doesn't get
destroyed. And then also I know if, since Jasper's going to finish developing that, if they're
going to do anything within that park, it was donated and we were told at the time that when
everything was developed that someone somehow that park would be developed. Whether it
was going to be both developments were going to take on that or that had to go right to the
Park Department and go through that.
Mancino: Park and Recreation Commission.
Kirby Paulson: Okay. We just don't want to lose the park or we want to see it developed
and the other half of Joe Miller development... One other question I had. On the south end of
Lake Susan, which is here. I guess this is also for the Planning Commission. They had a
sign put up, Joe Miller put up a nice sign and I want to know if Jasper's going to do anything
for the other, on the north entrance since it is pretty much one development, or they're...
Mancino: Sharmin, is there going to be any sort of a monument sign?
Kirby Paulson: Do they have anything proposed for that?
A1-Jaff: Nothing was proposed.
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Kirby Paulson: ...so I had a question about it. And also, one other question that was brought
up. Is there any way a temporary entrance could be put in off of County Road 17 so we
don't get any construction traffic on Lake Susan Hills Drive, or not?
Marty Campion: Sometimes going through the County is very hard.
Hempel: On Powers Boulevard there is County Road 17 which is under the jurisdiction...as
you know on Powers Boulevard, the speed limit exceeds 50 mph.
Kirby Paulson: Not right now.
Hempel: Well.
Kirby Paulson: Not yet anyways.
Hempel: Well the hazard...
Kirby Paulson: That's all I had.
Mancino: Okay, thank you. Anyone else like to come up?
Kelly Schulte: Hi. My name is Kelly Schulte. I'm at 8420 West Lake Drive and I was
concerned with on the Jasper Development. If they could put their road in before they build
because of the mud and the construction and the mess and the crews standing out in the
middle of the road when we're going to work and not...and being that we moved into that
development with the road finished until...is it possible that Jasper could put the roads in
before they're built?
Hempel: One of the requirements is from a public safety standpoint to have a hard surface or
to serve for a 7 ton design for emergency vehicles to access the site should...or fire or
whatever. The city's policy has been in the past that we allow one model home to go in
adjacent to a hard surface. The remaining buildings have to wait for the 7 ton blacktop.
Mancino: So they will be put in.
Kelly Schulte: The roads will be put in then before the buildings are in?
Hempel: There will be one building. One model home.
Mancino: There will be one model home.
Kelly Schulte: And the model home will be where?
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Hempel: Adjacent to Lake Susan Hills Drive. The first unit in.
Kelly Schulte: The first unit in. Could you go in further?
Hempel: No.
Kelly Schulte: Okay. How many trees will be built inbetween the townhomes and the
homes...border and how much of those...
A1-Jaff: This is the landscaping plan. Berming will be put in along the easterly portion of
the site as well as along CR 17. We also have some along Lake Susan Hills.
Kelly Schulte: What kind of trees will they put in?
A1-Jaff: We have a mixture of evergreens, basically deciduous and I think those will...
Kelly Schulte: ...they plant them and then they die...some of them are dead. If the neighbors
don't take care of them, they're...
Marry Campion: This is an irrigated site so as far as plants and...
Kelly Schulte: Yeah. I guess I'm a little concerned because that...sewage drainage, there's a
lot of drainage there and...make sure that the berm is high enough...
Hempel: It will continue to do that. Their drainage...
Mancino: Thank you. If you could continue that after the meeting and meet with staff.
Thank you. Anyone else like to come up?
Don Ketcham: Could you put that overhead up? My name's Don Ketcham. I live at 8380
West Lake Drive, which is about the fourth lot from Lake Susan Hills Drive. My only
concern about this, when we attended the meeting 2 weeks ago, two concerns. Number one,
they did talk to us about cleaning the streets and I've not seen any progress in that whatsoever
and as Kirby said, we feel lucky we haven't had a lot of rain. When it does rain, it's a mess
there. And we've seen no progress to take care of that. The other thing, I wasn't aware that
there was going to be a couple of small drainage spots within there and my only question is
on the one right off Lake Susan Hills Drive, if that is a shallow pond, that's going to be, I'm
just wondering if there's any plans to landscape or use rock around that. Otherwise it's just
going to be a mud hole and all of our traffic, all of us who live there, come in that road.
We'd like to have that looking as nice as we can without having to have an eyesore and just a
swamp there. A little pond is very nice. But my concern is a very small drainage pond like
that, if it dries up and...wondering if there's going to be rocks around it or any kind of an
attempt to keep it being other than a mud hole?
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Mancino: Dave.
Marty Campion: ...proposed landscaping between it and Lake Susan Hills Drive. There's tree
Hempel: On storm water ponds we do...
Mancino: And we can ask for vegetation around the pond to be planted.
Hempel: We usually have grass...
Mancino: Thank you. Anyone else? Anyone else wish to address the Planning
Commission? May I have a motion to close the public hearing?
Farmakes moved, Nutting seconded to close the public hearing. All voted in favor and the
motion carried. The public hearing was closed.
Mancino: Now that the public hearing is closed, please there will be no comments from your
chairs. If one of the commissioners or if the staff wish to address you, they will address me
and then I will address you so with that, I'd like to hear comments from the commissioners.
Meyer: Dave, there's going to be a berm along the southerly side as well as the easterly side
of that development?
Hempel: No. There will be berms eventually along Powers Boulevard, which is the west
side and some berming along Lake Susan Hills Drive. The eastefly...site does slope off from
the site there.
Meyer: I had my directions mixed up.
Mancino: Any more questions?
Meyer: That's all I had.
Mancino: Jeff.
Farmakes: I have no questions with regards to the development itself or the staff
recommendations. The one question I do have, the comment I do have is that the issue of
site clean-up should be addressed at this point. But I, for the life of me cannot remember
what our standards are for that issue. If we have established standards, which I believe we
do. But I can't.
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Mancino: Do we have standards for site clean-up for the streets?
Hempel: We do require rock construction entrances to minimize tracking onto city streets.
But weather conditions...in the city, we've had problems this spring with dirty streets...hire
somebody to do it, to clean the streets unless the private developers can find a way to do it...
The city does require the developer to clean up storm sewer lines and storm sewer ponds...
Farmakes: I'm going to support staff's issues on the issue of the drainage and the NURP
pond and code issue, number 26. I'm okay with the grading issue as described by our
engineer and no further comments.
Mancino: Okay, Ladd.
Conrad: Them is not a sidewalk on Lake Susan Hills.
Mancino: Is there on the north side?
Conrad: Is there on the north side? I think other than the resident issue with the
maintenance of the streets, I think I'll support the staff report. Ask the applicant to work with
the staff on the issues that they had concerns with but I'll let the staff report go through pretty
much as worded, unless staff would like any changes based on what they've heard tonight to
the report. I'm comfortable with the impervious surface going up to 35%. I think that makes
sense. I don't think we're gaining anything by holding the developers to less than that. My
only other issue is the back of the building. Design wise. It is real routine. Real, and I
thought we asked to change that. So that's the only issue that I see that's real straight
forward. I just think we need some, I'm not sure that color. I think they solved the street
side. I'm pleased with the street side. That was a good job. I'm not pleased with the back
side. At least from the elevations that I've been given, no one tried.
Mancino: Ron.
Nutting: In general I'm also in support of staff recommendations. You know I guess a few
issues. The impervious surface. Again, I'm okay with the 35%. The sump pump drainage.
Having some experience myself with that, I agree with staff that resident re-direct is a very
strong possibility there and I think there needs to be some consideration given for that. It
sounds like the applicant is in some agreement in working with an engineering staff to
accommodate that. Maybe with drain tile and with the art situation. The grading does not
sound like there is an issue anymore from the staff perspective and the ponding system looks
like it will need some work in the direction of staff recommendation right now. And I also
support the lot line issue for the reasons that staff is, what they're trying to avoid. It looks
like that issue should be worked out with the applicant as well so aside from staff working
with the applicant there as well as good faith efforts of the party in terms of addressing the
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neighbor's concerns and keeping the area as reasonably clean as they can during the
construction period, which is sometimes difficult. That would be my main concern.
Mancino: Bob.
Skubic: I'm in agreement with the other commissioners regarding the impervious, 35%
impervious surface requirement and the grading. I'd just like to reiterate that I also agree
with engineering regarding the sump pump alterations. I agree that something will have to be
done that is agreeable to staff...
Mancino: Thank you. ! would just like to add a couple comments. One is that, which has
nothing to do with mine but simply the paper and the debris all over. That that be, we have
in our conditions and that that be picked up on a weekly basis, whatever and that area be
maintained from that debris. Secondly, when I saw your townhomes on the north side of
Lake Susan Hills, I liked them. They looked great. One of the variations that you did there
that I don't see here was what you did with the brick. On some of the townhomes the brick
went up. It didn't stop halfway but it went up all the way at the front of the townhome. I
mean there was just a variation in the use of brick and how much of it was used and I
thought that that helped quite a bit to show, have a difference in the townhome look so I
would like to see that also happen across the street.
Marty Campion: Can I just answer that? We're working with stone, variations of stone...
We're not going to have the brick, brick, brick. We're going to have different kinds of stone.
I think you'll see more variation in unit to unit already. We just thought that there needed to
be differences from across the street and more variation than just colors of brick and heights
so we make the stone. I think that that will accomplish that.
Mancino: Okay, thank you. And lastly, I would just like staff to make sure on the
landscaping that the, that they are consistent with our tree preservation ordinance as far as
average. What the average height of coniferous trees at 7 feet and the average caliper is 2
1/2 inches so we get some varying in the landscaping too, which I think will also help to
break up the monotony of the townhomes. That's it. Do I have a motion? Hear a motion.
Farmakes: I'll make a motion that the Planning Commission approve the preliminary plat for
7.29 acres into 34 lots and an outlot, PUD #87-3 and Site Plan Review #95-7, approval of 34
units in 9 structures as shown on the plans dated March 20, 1995 and subject to the following
conditions. 1 thru 27 and I believe, and staff can correct me on this but I believe (b) covers
the issue of grading. On 23.
A1-Jaff: Yes.
Hempel: We can modify it to the applicant shall work with staff at minimizing site grading.
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May 3, 1995
Page 13
Farmakes: So be it. The applicant shall minimize site grading to minimize the amount of
earthwork to create building pads. This may result in limited type of dwellings to ramblers
and/or lookouts on the east and south ends of the project. I'd like to add 28. That the
applicant shall work with city staff in establishing criteria for site clean-up and that some sort
of system be worked out to insure that that clean-up is complied with.
Meyer: Second.
Mancino: Any discussion?
Farmakes moved, Meyer seconded that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the
preliminary plat of 7.29 acres into 34 lots and one outlot (PUD #87-3) and Site Plan Review
#95-7 for approval of 34 units (9 structures) as shown on the plans dated March 20, 1995,
and subject to the following conditions:
Amend the PUD contract to state the impervious surface coverage of the site cannot
exceed 35%.
The townhome units shall conform to the design and architecture as proposed by the
applicant in their attached narrative. Introduce some variation among the rear of
buildings through the shape of windows, adding louvers, adding dormers, or color.
The applicant should submit a street lighting plan for staff review and approval. A
lighting plan shall be submitted for the interior private streets.
4. A cross access easement shall be conveyed to all the lots for use of the private street.
Park and trail dedication fees shall be paid in lieu of park land dedication. The PUD
contract requires no trail fees and 1/2 park fees.
6. Plans shall provide one visitor parking space per 6 units.
A revised landscaping plan shall be submitted which provides berming along Powers
Boulevard (CR 17) and Lake Susan Hills Drive. The agreement also states that the
applicant shall provide $500.00 of landscaping per multiple family unit. The applicant
shall provide the city with a cost estimate for the required landscaping.
8. Fire Marshal conditions:
Install "No Parking Fire Lane" sign on all private roads in compliance with Fire
Prevention Policy #06-1991 (copy enclosed). Contact Chanhassen Fire Marshal for
exact location.
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May 3, 1995
Page 14
Submit proposed street names to the Public Safety Department, Inspections Division
for review prior to final plat approval. The plat must be revised to include the
approved names after their review.
Fire hydrant changes - contact Fire Marshal for additional fire hydrants and their
specific locations. A 10 foot clear space must be maintained around fire hydrants.
An additional fire hydrant shall be installed at the new "T" intersection. The
remaining fire hydrants shall re relocated with equal spacing. Fire hydrants shall be
placed a maximum of 300 feet apart. Contact the Chanhassen Fire Marshal for exact
9. Building Official conditions:
a. Submit soil reports to the Inspections Division. This should be done prior to
issuance of any building permits.
Furnish details on each size of dwelling unit. These details should include exterior
dimensions, overhangs, exterior openings and proposed optional additions.
Designate which unit will be constructed on which lots. These details must be
supplied prior to preliminary plat approval.
All areas disturbed as a result of construction activities shall be immediately restored
with seed and disc-mulched or wood-fiber blanket or sod within two weeks of
completion of each activity in accordance with the City's Best Management Practice
All utility improvements shall be constructed in accordance with the latest edition of the
City's Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. Detailed utility plans and specifications
shall be submitted for staff review and approval. The streets shall be constructed in
accordance to the City's private driveway ordinance for multi-family zoning (Ordinance
No. 209). Radii at all intersections shall be 20 feet. The street width shall be widened
to 26 feet from back of curb to back of curb. Issuance of permits and inspection of the
utility lines will be performed by the city's Building Department. The streets and
utilities, except the ponding areas, storm sewer outlet and pipe systems, shall be owned
and maintained by the homeowners association. The applicant will need to incorporate
cross access and maintenance agreements in the homeowners covenants to provide
access to all the parcels.
Wetland buffer areas shall be surveyed and staked in accordance with the City's wetland
ordinance. The City will install wetland buffer edge signs before construction begins
and will charge the applicant $20.00 per sign.
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May 3, 1995
Page 15
The applicant shall provide detailed storms ewer calculations for 10 year and 100 year
storm events and provide ponding calculations for stormwater quality/quantity ponds in
accordance with the City's Surface Water Management Plan for the City Engineer to
review and approve. The applicant shall provide detailed pre-developed and post
developed stormwater calculations for 100 year storm events and normal water level and
high water level calculations in existing basins and individual storm sewer calculations
between each catch basin segment will also be required to determine if sufficient catch
basins are being utilized.
The applicant shall enter into a site development contract with the City and provide the
necessary financial security to guarantee compliance with the terms of the development
Applicant will meet wetland rules and regulations as stated in Corps of Engineers
section 404 permit, the State Wetland Conservation Act, and the City's Wetland
The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory
agencies, i.e. Carver County Highway Department, Watershed District, Metropolitan
Waste Control Commission, Health Department, and Minnesota Pollution Control
Agency, and comply with their conditions of approval.
The applicant shall include a drain tile system behind the curbs to convey sump pump
discharge from the units which are not adjacent to a storm pond or wetland. The
applicant shall report to the City Engineer the location of any drain tiles found during
construction and shall re-locate or abandon the drain tile as directed by the City
The appropriate drainage and utility easements should be dedicated on the final plat for
the ponding areas lying outside the right-of-way. The easement width shall be a
minimum of 20 feet wide. Consideration should also be given for access for
maintenance of the ponding areas.
No berming or landscaping will be allowed within the right-of-way or utility and
drainage easements without approval by the city and the applicant shall enter into an
encroachment agreement.
The lowest floor elevation of all buildings adjacent to storm water ponds or wetlands
shall be a minimum of 3 feet above the 100 year high water level. The proposed
stormwater treatment pond shall be relocated to the south end of the wetland.
21. The proposed storm water ponds must have side slopes of 10:1 for the first ten feet at
the normal water level and no more than 3:1 thereafter or 4:1 throughout for safety
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May 3, 1995
Page 16
purposes. The pond shall be sized to accommodate the storm runoff from Lake Susan
Hills West 2nd Addition which drains into the wetland from the south.
Water quantity and quality connection fees will be based in accordance with the City's
SWMP requirements. Credit for SWMP fees will be evaluated at the time of final
construction plan review.
23. The final grading plan shall be revised to incorporate the following:
Relocation of the stormwater treatment pond to the south end of the wetlands. The
stormwater treatment pond shall be expanded to accommodate runoff from Lake
Susan Hills West 2nd Addition. The applicant shall be credited against the storm
fees for the over sizing of the stormwater pond.
The applicant shall work with the staff on the site grading to minimize the amount
of earthwork to create the building pads. This may result in limiting the type of
dwellings to ramblers and/or lookouts on the east and south ends of the project.
c. The drainage pattern and site grades adjacent to Powers Boulevard shall be
compatible with the future upgrading plans for Powers Boulevard.
d. Berms shall be incorporated around the perimeter of the site adjacent to Powers
e. Grading shall be eliminated within the wetland buffer strip areas. Erosion control
fence shall be placed outside of the buffer strip.
The street pavement design shall be reviewed and, if necessary, redesigned by a
professional soils engineer after review of the subgrade. The applicant shall submit to
the City written documentations from the soils engineer that the street design will meet
or exceed a 7 ton design.
25. The utility construction plans shall be designed to extend sanitary sewer for the entire
site from the existing stub provided in Lake Susan Hills Drive.
Many of the proposed lot lines encroach upon the building setback line. The lot lines
should be modified to avoid encroaching into the building setback areas. No decks or
any portion of the dwellings may encroach into the City's drainage and utility easements.
27. Upon completion of the utility improvements, the applicant shall supply the city with as-
built construction plans.
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May 3, 1995
Page 17
28. The applicant shall work with city staff in establishing criteria for site clean-up and
some sort of system to insure clean-up is complied with.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
(Insert Lake Lucy Estates portion of Minutes here.)
Lake Lucy Estates final discussion begins at this point.
A1-Jaff: Can you give us some direction as to how do you feel about 5 homes being served
via a private drive? Is it something that should be incorporated into the plat?
Conrad: Yeah. I'm going to talk I guess for a second. I think if it can environmentally work
with this property, I think we're going to bend to make it environmentally happen. So I don't
care if it's 3, 4, 5, 6. I really don't. If we can make this, if we can preserve something of
what's there, then we do. If we can't, then we don't. Then we apply the ordinance. So that's
you guys.
Mancino: Ron, do you have a comment on that?
Nutting: I was going to go along the same lines. To me I guess the answer is, put it on
paper. If we think it's going to make this site work better than it is fight now for
consideration, I will look at it.
Mancino: I would also endorse the elimination of as many 20 foot variances to front yard
setbacks. That was one of the things that I supported the staff sketch on that one. The
reduction of those. Otherwise I have no new comments. May I have a motion?
Nutting: I'll make a motion that the Planning Commission table the rezoning of 14.53 acres
of property zoned Rural Residential to Residential Single Family, Preliminary Plat #95-3 to
subdivide 14.53 acres into 18 single family lots and three outlots with variances, as
designated in the staff report.
Conrad: Second.
Mancino: Any discussion?
Nutting moved, Conrad seconded that the Planning Commission table action on the Rezoning
of 14.53 acres of property zoned RR, Rural Residential to RSF, Residential Single Family
(REZ #95-1), and Preliminary Plat #95-3 to subdivide 14.53 acres into 18 single family lots
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May 3, 1995
Page 18
with three outlots, for further review. All voted in favor, except Farmakes who abstained,
and the motion carried.
Mancino: When can we bring this back?
AI-Jaff: On the 17th and hopefully we will get revised plans by Monday. That would give
us a week of working on those plans.
Mancino: So Mike needs to get you revised plans on Monday, okay. Thank you.
Public Present:
Name Address
Alan Weingart
Joe & Gayle Morin
Nancy Tichy
Mary Knudten
Ed Jannusch
Bill & Joanne Lambrecht
Dale Carlson
Michael J. Byrne
Robert R. Christensen
5330 St. Albans Bay Road, Shorewood
(Lake Lucy Peninsula)
1441 Lake Lucy Road
1471 Lake Lucy Road
6850 Utica Terrace
6831 Utica Terrace
6990 Utica Lane
6900 Utica Lane
5428 Kimbefly Road, Minnetonka
1511 Lake Lucy Road
Sharmin AI-Jaff presented the staff report on this item.
Mancino: Are there any questions of staff?.
Meyer: Sharmin, the conditions as they are outlined here, do they correspond to your plan?
A1-Jaff: Mainly yes, they do.
Meyer: So what this is translating into is what you have laid out here?
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May 3, 1995
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A1-Jaff: Correct. There are a few conditions that address the applicant's plan; however, what
we are trying to achieve here is to incorporate staff's plan because is significantly reduces
grading on the site. There are details that need to be worked out.
Meyer: OK.
Mancino: I have a couple questions. Can you talk a little bit about the entry into the western
property, how that changes? And the retaining walls that I saw on the preliminary plat from
the applicant? And is there a difference between what staff proposed versus that one?
A1-Jaff: The difference between the property to the east and the property to the west is the
property to the east actually had a surveyor go out there, look at potential sites that could be
located on their parcel and we know exactly how many homesites they could get.
Mancino: OK.
A1-Jaff: We have not been able to get that from the applicant to the west. The more staff
looked at the Willis property, the more we believed that you could get maybe more than four
homes on the site. If we allowed a private drive to access the Willis property which is what
was shown previously on the previous plat, that would have limited the number of homes to
four unless the City grants a variance. We didn't want to put ourselves in that predicament;
therefore, what we are recommending is a 50-foot right-of-way through the Willis property
that would service the entire site now. The Willis property will continue to gain access off of
Lake Lucy until such time when she decides to subdivide.
Mancino: And you want to close that access off of Lake Lucy when the Willis property is
subdivided? Because I go down Lake Lucy quite a bit and there is no other way to access
the Willis property because isn't, it doesn't go, its a wetland or, I'm not sure what it is on
A1-Jaff: It is a wetland...
Mancino: Through the whole length of that property that abuts Lake Lucy, is that correct?
Hempel: The driveway basically follows the ridge line that bisects the parcel.., further review
after you extend sewer and water to the parcel... Staff felt that right now we have to...4.5 on
Mancino: Would there be significant retaining walls with this...
Hempel: There would be retaining walls at the intersection of the public street there as
proposed on the grading plans where you can see...5.5 on the tape
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May 3, 1995
Page 20
Mancino: Sure.
Hempel: I would like to just touch on one other point...about private driveways. You may
recall the previous submittal, the initial submittal, showed thc private driveway going off to
the east of the Morin's property similar to what is seen here in staff's layout .... there is two
groups of significant trees right in the area where the private driveway comes out on the
public street. In this proposal, as with the other ones, it is kind of a trade-off. Do we lose
one group of trees and save the other group or vice versa? Looking at this scenario I felt that
this would allow the sewer lines also to go under the private driveway...While the value of
saving trees is about equal in both scenarios, but this had greater benefit because it had run
the utility lines through the rear yards...
Mancino: Aren't you on more level ground, too?
Hempel: You're following the grade of the hillside versus going up the hill.
Mancino: With a 3% to 7% difference in grade. I just have one more question and that is
Lots 9 and 10 again on the applicant's plat were walkouts. Now that has changed to lookouts.
Does that mean that it requires less fill in that area because it is a lookout versus a walkout?
Hempel: Yes, about a foot or two less fill in that area. The only other concern we had was
the sanitary sewer elevation is very shallow and in a lookout-type home the lower level...
Mancino: Any other questions of staff?.
Nutting: Sharmin, I guess, just to help me kind of bring things together. The applicant has
submitted a revised plan attempting to incorporate various changes that came through staff
and the Planning Commission at the initial meeting. Staff has concluded that there are good
efforts towards obtaining the goals but haven't quite met the spirit and so staff has come up
with an alternate layout. Is it the assumption that the developer has embraced staff's plan?
A1-Jaff: We'll let the applicant answer that. Dave met with the applicant this afternoon
briefly around 5:00 today and he agreed to incorporate some of the suggestions that we had;
however, there were others that he didn't believe they would work out, so...
Nutting: So the applicant is not putting forth this plan for approval. Staff is putting forth
this plan for approval. OK.
Meyer: Sharmin, could you clarify that street grade of 10%, is that Lakeway Drive from the
A1-Jaff: Correct.
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May 3, 1995
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Meyer: Do I understand correctly that you said there are only three lots that require a 20-foot
front yard setback?
A1-Jaff: We haven't worked out the details. The plans that staff put together need to be fine-
tuned and we believe the applicant should be doing that. From the layout that was put
together, yes, we believe only two or three of the units will require a variance, a front-yard
setback variance and not ten.
Meyer: OK. Thank you.
Mancino: Thank you. Does the applicant wish to address the Planning Commission?
Michael Byrne: Madam Chair, members of the Planning Commission, my name is Michael
Byrne and I reside at 5428 Kimberly Road in Minnetonka. Could not hear tape at this point.
The question was asked, "Does the developer approve of staff's...your last location on...The
cul-de-sac going north...from staff in that area. As a matter of fact, the southerly alignment
of Lakeway Court was a part of our proposal at one time or another. They have implied
there was a decision that we had to work with staff...Tape was not clear. If you look at your
copies of the plan, the grading plan and...tape was not clear. Mark Gronberg conducted the
redesign... If you will note...we submitted 14... If you will note on version 14 Mark
accomplished the process of rearranging the lot line to grade. The three-level road was the
major reason for the improvement working from tree loss, major tree loss... Subsequently,
with the reshowing of the grading lines... Mr. Gronberg, as you will note on your grading
plan, tried to design a 30-foot northerly as recommended at that time to avoid alot of trees.
Obviously, with the straight line road we're going to lose some trees. Another question was
asked if the staff designed the project. No, staff does not design the project. They have
taken at least 13 different versions and is trying to take the best of each to accomplish their
goals and maintain as much tree coverage as you can. I have to bring this conversation to a
real sharp point right away. Both the staffs goals and ours are quite similar in the sense that
you are trying to save as much trees as you can and still maintain financial... We're working
and will work... There is a concept plan in the sense that I am going to develop the site to be
sold to builders who build with custom homes. Families that wish to have their homes in the
woods. That's why I purchased the site. Once you are in the woods you are going to cut
trees down but the concept of being in the woods also includes having trees behind the house,
in front of the house, and on the sides of the house, ideally. As I spoke with Mr. Conrad,
your ordinances are not really designed for that purpose. The new ordinance, for example,
six months ago calls for tree conservation. As staff tries to make this tree conservation
easement as large as possible, this tends to move the house toward the street and create a
little townhome and that's not what I'm trying to do. The process we are going through is to
find a balance of what I hope to be in the woods and the staffs focusing to create as large a
tree conservation easement as possible. I think we are able to work with that. I haven't seen
anything yet that tells me otherwise. I have one question and brings up my point very
clearly. If you look at your color diagrams, there is two of them, one showing the grading on
Planning Commission Meeting
May 3, 1995
Page 22
the lake. If you look at the first one which is Lake Lucy Estates you will note the building
pads are as far apart as we could get them. The easterly one is as far east as we can get it
and the westerly one is as far west as we can get it. Lot 8 had to an approximately 180-foot
area where you can move the house back and forth to balance. That was done for two
reasons. Number one, the neighbors had indicated that they wished to see less intense use of
their shorelines. These are going to be large homes. There's no question about that.
Building pads of 80 feet to 85 feet by 50 are not going to be uncommon. With staffs
proposal, which is the second one, you'll see two building pads approximately 20 feet apart.
While it does in fact save some of the tree plantings, we've got 7 over lots that are deep in
the... Their pads are totally surrounded. That's what we're trying to do is we're trying to put
house pads in trees. It irritates people, some, it irritates the neighbors. I can understand that,
but what we are trying to do is create in the woods a process here with.., putting two vaulted
homes 20 feet apart, I don't think it will detract. It will create a mass on the... I could only
ask that you look at provision 27... I'm asking you confirm... Two reports that are on...tape
was not clear at this point... That's the other part of ... As we work with custom
homeowners, these are the people that are going to try to place their home in the site given
the limitations of sideyard, frontyard and rearyard, etc. We try to reinforce with them saving
the best of the site. The tree can't be... We wish to do those after we sit down with staff...
each individual lot. We've done this before and its not... If you read the entire package you
will notice the difference on lot widths. I believe that's page 3. Staff has...tape was not clear
at this point... I placed Exhibit A in there. There was some question in the staff report about
the sewer easement... I would welcome any questions from you now.
Mancino: Excuse me. Mike, I just have a question. This was prepared yesterday for us?
Michael Byme: Yes.
Mancino: I appreciate it.
Michael Byrne: We received staffs revision on Friday...
Mancino: Are there any questions for Mr. Byrnes? Thank you. Can I have a motion to
open the public hearing?
moved, Mancino seconded to open the public hearing. All voted in favor and
the motion carried. The public hearing was opened.
Mancino: This is open for a public heating. Anyone who would like to come up and address
the Planning Commission may.
Alan Weingart: Madam Chair. Commissioners. My name is Alan Weingart and I own the
peninsula on Lake Lucy and will be buying 1695 Steller Court in September and currently
reside at 5330 St. Albans Bay Road in Shorewood and we have a group of us here tonight
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May 3, 1995
Page 23
that have obviously some strong feelings about what's being proposed. Did everyone of you
get a copy of Eric Rivkin's letter that he faxed to you yesterday or today? I just wanted to be
sure that you received it from him and, if not, let us know and we will get you a copy.
We've chosen someone to speak to some of the things that are in there. I guess I have a, I
question I have is what was just given to you? Is something new?
A1-Jaff: I haven't seen it. I don't know.
Mancino: This is what Mike delivered to our homes.
Alan Weingart: OK. So you have not seen that?
Mancino: Staff has not seen it.
Alan Weingart: Well, we're sort of segregating the various things that we want to talk about
here tonight amongst a few of us and I probably have the most tedious and boring aspect of
this to talk about because as Mike was saying, he started to quote ordinances and basically it
sounded like we have a case of martyrdom here where the ordinances are forcing him to tear
down trees and make small lots. What he's getting to is a situation where we have to look at
this thing on a very technical ordinance basis and technical analysis of what the ordinances
will allow or won't allow and it is unfortunate that we have been pushed to the situation
where everything is coming down to what are technicalities of the ordinance. Usually, it is
my understanding the process between Planning Commission, staff, residents and applicant is
typically one of give and take and we haven't seen a whole lot of give and take in this
particular situation. So, if the applicant in this case wishes to push things to the technical
aspects of what the ordinance says or doesn't say, then I guess I would like to look at what
those technical rights, or what the technical obligations are under the ordinance relative to
what you guys have received and kind of go through this. It sounds like Mike is seeking to
have his application approved subject to the conditions that are laid out in the staff report
except for lots along the lake and we're asking for it to be tabled because, from an ordinance
standpoint, we don't think that what you have in front of you right now constitutes what the
ordinance calls a preliminary plat. The ordinance basically says that the Planning
Commission is to make a recommendation on the preliminary plat which assumes that the
preliminary plat is in existence, that there is one and right now, based upon various conditions
in the staff report, it doesn't appear to us that there is any kind of preliminary plat on this to
make a recommendation and, therefore, I think the applicant deserves the opportunity to go
back and incorporate the various comments that staff has made, also hopefully some of them
that we have made and that you will make and come back with a plat, a preliminary plat that
qualifies underneath the technical provisions of the ordinance so that you guys can have
something to recommend, approve, deny, or whatever and you have ample time to do that.
To support that intention I guess is... I'd like to have Sharmin put this up on the overhead. I
have copies of this too that I can give to you. This basically, uh, oh boy. Do you want
copies? Let me get you copies. Basically what we're saying here is that you don't have a
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May 3, 1995
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preliminary plat. Therefore, we can't really make a decision one way or another. That's our
contention, anyway. The reason that we can't because basically the various things I have
listed here, No. 1 - Lot dimensions and revised layout. Well, Sharmin mentioned that she
doesn't have the lot dimensions and revised layout because it hasn't been drawn yet. She has
a sketch of what it would, should look like and according to the technical verse of the
ordinance you got to have a plat that has lot dimensions and revised layout. You have to
show location and width of right-of-way to the Willis property and Lakeway Court. It doesn't
appear that we have that now. We have a private drive as opposed to a 50-foot street. Not
to bore you with all these but basically the name of Outlot A isn't mentioned. I mean, we're
talking technicalities here and if that's the game that's going to be played, that's the game
unfortunately we have to play. Accurate soil reports, compliance with minimum setbacks on
revised plan... There is no revised grading plan because of the grades that are coming off of
Lakeway Court. We don't know what that looks like and how the sewer goes underneath it or
not. We just don't know that. The reforestation plan, I'll get to that in a minute and, of
course, the replatting with the, and the reassessment of the requested variances. We don't
know how those variances are going to be impacted on the property because we haven't seen
a drawing of what the impact of that is. So these are the kinds of things that we don't think
we have complete preliminary plat similar to the ordinance. Therefore, I don't think we can
make a decision to approve something that we don't have enough information about. Now
what Sharmin is saying is it's merely a matter of degree, too. There are conditions that can
be approved if you in fact have a preliminary plat. But what we have here, in my opinion,
are a lot of requirements that are not met. There is a difference between conditions and
requirements and that is the distinction I think is important in this particular case.
Changed tape at this point.
Alan Weingart: ...is the tree canopy and we don't have a reforestation plan. Mike even
admitted that he doesn't know what kind of trees are going to be taken down and there's no
way to know without having a new plan drawn relative to reforestation. In this particular
case based upon the staff reports, there's a total acreage of 14.5 acres plus the wetlands gives
us the buildable acreage and roads and the canopy ordinance requires 46% of that to be
maintained allowing 5.2 acres in this case. The required canopy to be maintained has been
reduced by what staff feels is the applicant's additional canopy that he is going to remove...
So now we're down to the canopy that's being maintained as 4.34 acres on 11.37 buildable
acres. Therefore, he is removing a little over 7 acres of trees. Now I don't know, it just
sounds a bit unreasonable. Maybe the applicant should take a look at the site and figure out
that, it doesn't take alot to figure out, that maybe this isn't the kind of site to put that much
density of ... homes into having to remove 62% of the trees which he's acknowledged and it
just frustrates me I guess because it just seems obvious and even the staff note at the bottom
where they indicated in the staff report that "realistically, more trees may ultimately be
removed than is shown on the grading and tree inventory SUlwey". So, I think 62% is
probably the minimum here and its.., from there. Anyway, if any of you have any questions
on the technical aspects of this stuff I would be happy to attempt to address them. This may
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May 3, 1995
Page 25
not be the case but we have plenty of time between now and May 17 to discuss whether or
not these various things are being met or are not being met and I think the Planning
Commission has asked for time to allow the applicant to come back with plans that, in our
opinion, constitute a preliminary plat and also give us time to respond to those. Maybe not
through a public hearing but through correspondence and I think that's only fair to both sides
to do that. So, any questions for me? OK.
Mancino: Thank you. Anyone else?
Joe Morin: Madam Chair, members of the Planning Commission. My name is Joe Morin
and I live at 1441 Lake Lucy Road. ! own the parcel immediately to the west of the, to the
east of the proposed development taking place. At the last hearing of this proposal the
proposal was so far off that the applicant did not make an attempt to present it for
consideration and during that discussion Mr. Conrad detailed 5 major points which were not
adequately addressed by the applicant's initial submittal. These were the water quality pond,
sensitivity to the physical characteristics of the site, storm damage, environmental damage and
variances. Nancy Mancino cited ordinances about preserving and protecting natural amenities
on the site such as vegetation, wetlands, steep slopes, water courses and other members of the
Planning Commission were in agreement that these issues were not adequately addressed.
What I want to do tonight is to kind of outline or use Mr. Conrad's 5 major points as a guide
to quickly highlight as many specific areas as I can where these concerns are still not
adequately addressed. The first area, water quality pond. This is an improvement to what
was originally submitted since there is a water quality pond; however, there are numerous
springs that Eric Rivkin spoke of at his last meeting that are in this general location pretty
close to where this water quality pond is being proposed. All I can say is pretty close
because Eric spoke of them as bubbling out of ground when he was cross-country skiing
through there and he spoke of them as being fight in this general area near Lot 6 and near the
area where the proposed pond is going in. These springs have not been located, they have
not been identified and they have not even been addressed at all by the applicant and I don't
what impact to put in a holding pond near a natural spring is going to have or, for that
matter, trying to install a building pad. So I think that is something that is significantly
missing. The second item related to the water quality pond is a matter of personal interest to
me. I need to understand.., staff has managed to take this time to speak to many of us and
members of the Planning Commission which also have this concern but the ponding area is
located to the west of the proposed road but there's a pipe going under the road back into the
existing pond on the site and the overflow water from the holding pond is being dumped into
the larger or bigger pond which has a direct flow fight into Lake Lucy and my questions here
is why not have the overflow go into the large vegetation acreage to the east and allow a
better sense of filtration... OK. Major point No. 2 relates to sensitivities to the physical
characteristics of the site. I am very happy to see a cul-de-sac and the road realigned. I
think that was a bit of a no-brainer to move the cul-de-sac over and not within the middle of
a grove of trees and that was a good thing to do. The realignment of the road also
compensated significant trees. I acknowledge that. But there are still significant problems
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May 3, 1995
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remaining. In the applicant's proposal, and I couldn't tell from the staff's proposal, but in the
applicant's proposal there are three 15,000 square foot lots on very steep terrain. If you have
your maps in front of you or if Sharmin could put a map up on the overhead you could see
that in Block 1, Lots 3 and 4 are 15,000 square feet and located in extremely, that's Block 2,
Lots 5, right? That also is in a very extremely sensitive terrain area. In Block 1 if Sharmin
could show Lots 3 and 4 right where all those high-density contour lines come together and
also they are very heavily wooded as well. I guess I have a question, Sharmin. In your
experience, has anyone ever submitted a plan showing 15,000 square-foot lots on this kind of
terrain with this kind of tree cover.
A1-Jaff: I haven't reviewed a plan with that type of terrain and a 15,000 square-foot lot. I
personally have not.
Joe Morin: OK. The other area I want to point out is right near Lot 4 and between Lots 4
and 5 there's a 14-foot elevation difference between the two sites. In fact, Lot 4 is
surrounded on three sides with retaining walls 14 to 17 feet high. We're talking about
sensitivity to physical characteristics of the site. The private drive going into the Willis
property that was shown here and I think that's going to be changed but that shows 13 to 14-
foot retaining walls on either side of that private drive and, of course, more important,
inadequate access to her property. Now, I'm pleased that the developer, or the applicant is
wanting to accept the changes that staff has made. I don't know if the changes that staff has
made are an improvement. I can't tell from the layout. But I do have some grave concerns
about the way that the terrain, the natural terrain and steep slopes are being torn up in this
area. Sharmin, if you could show the drawing that you had before showing the point of
setbacks. The point I'm trying to make here and that staff recognizes is that when you have
20-foot setbacks and you have houses that close to the road on either side you have kind of a
tunnel effect. Now, Mike is trying to create an environment that's in the woods. I would
expect an in-the-woods kind of environment would put homes in the woods you would have
some with trees in the front and some forward. Obviously you would have few lots if you
wanted an in-th-woods kind of environment. This submittal by the way does not in any way
to me show an in-the-woods kind of consideration. What I'm showing here is part of the plan
the applicant submitted at the request of staff to show what could be accomplished if no
variances were granted. The lot shown to the top of the page, Lot 9, has no access to it.
There is no access there. There is also grading and fill right up to the edge of the wetland
here all along the wetland in fact. But there is no access to that point... The applicant can't
get to that site without a variance. Now, how many houses he could get on without variances
is still a matter of dispute. I understand from the staff report they said probably 4 less than
what is submitted. Certainly, if you can't access to a site you can't build. What this one
shows is the applicant's current design for Lot 10. I'm going to point out a few things here
related to sensitivity and physical characteristics. You'll notice right along the wetland area
all along in here there's 10 feet of fill right up to the edge of the wetland. You'll notice that
right in the center of this driveway is the loss of that 24" oak that we spoke of. We've been
out to the site many times. This is a tree that could easily be saved with just a minimum
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May 3, 1995
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amount of consideration for this area. With respect to this site there is an ironwood, 12"
ironwood here that's not identified on the applicant's plan. We were out there with Jill, the
City Forester and the DNR Forester whose had 40 years of experience in this, in forestry and
he said this is a very tree. An ironwood doesn't usually get to be that big. It's a very old
tree. He also identified another oak in here. He said that was a 12" oak. All along here are
10", 11", 9" oaks. There's a whole grove of oak trees in this area. Many of them are on my
property right in here. And these oaks will be damaged with this kind of a plan that the
applicant has submitted. The applicant is filling 9 feet of fill on this site. 9 feet of fill going
right up to my property line here. But 9 feet of fill more importantly between this pond and
this lake. He's also showing.., a 1 O-foot setback from the property line .... asking for a
variance? If the ordinance is 20. I'm gravely upset by this. Putting 9 feet of dirt and then a
house on top of that in an area that's this sensitive to the environment I think is a desecration.
The basements of all of those sites located in that southern area are at a elevation of 972
roughly and the natural contour's at 964. This could require 8 feet of fill for Lots 7 and 8,
8½ feet of fill for Lot 9 and 10 feet of fill for Lot 10. I think that staff's plan is alot better in
that these work in this area. It's a heck of a lot, a huge improvement over what the applicant
proposed. I don't believe that, I think a sensitive plan of these lower sites would have one or
two houses there, one or two houses and homes without basements so that no fill at all would
be required. ! don't believe that this plan adequately addresses the Planning Commission's
concerns about sensitivity to the physical characteristics of the site. The third major point is
with sto~n drainage. Now the applicant's proposal, Sharmin mentioned a 10% grade in part
of the areas 14% grade. Sharmin, if you could put the applicant's sketch up there again. I
don't know if 14% is even reasonable whether it meets the City standards or not. I'll let you
be the judge of that. My concern with this kind of a layout is the flow of uncontrolled and
untreated runoff coming from the street coming from the properties north of that road that's
Lakeway Court flowing at a 10% to 14% grade straight into my property in an area that is
already Iow and takes a certain amount of time in the spring to dry up I think I don't need
anymore water from.., and this is not addressed. The impact of flowing into our properties is
not addressed in this plan. The applicant has still not submitted a plan showing storm sewer
calculations. He has still not addressed the concern expressed by Mr. Conrad about erosion
control on the southern part of the site which he is still showing as 8 to 9 feet of fill such as
previously mentioned. He has not addressed how the lake and pond will be protected either
before construction, during construction or after construction. I don't think the applicant has
adequately addressed this point either. The fourth major point, environmental damage, who
knows what the impact of 8 to 9 feet of fill and dirt will be on the pond and the lake. We
don't know that. But the impact of a big house out there after you level all the forest on 9
feet of dirt in the middle of a wildlife migration area which is a travel zone for the entire
area, not just our area but the broad areas I spoke of this last time surrounding us, I think its
still abusive to the environment. I talked about cutting into the slopes pretty severely. I'm
not sure if staff's plan will minimize that or not. I don't believe that the.., calculations have
been done correctly or are missing. I think there's an issue there. Certainly there is
significant tree loss removing 7 acres of trees. Speak of being sensitive to environmental
damage I think that's horrible. I still believe there is excessive density for the site. There
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May 3, 1995
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ought to be 4 to 6 less homes. If you want an in-the-woods kind of environment you have to
have fewer homes. With the density that he has, he has to chop down all the trees. I believe
that this is a very rare and very unique site. The man from the DNR with 40 years of
experience, those are his words. He said this is... We don't see.., like this. We don't see
oaks like this. Gayle and I took a bike ride out to Eden Prairie around Rice Marsh Lake and
we looked at the big woods that they have there that they've been struggling so hard to
preserve. This is something like we already have right here in Chanhassen. I think that this
is such a unique site that it needs special considerations in its development and that
significant pieces ought to be left alone and the design ought to be sensitive to that. Eric
spoke of the other environmental issues. He did send a letter to the members of the Planning
Commission but you haven't received that yet. I hope that you do take what he says under
consideration. He's talking about destruction of valuable natural habitat necessary to support
abundant wildlife. He speaks of a beaver lodge newly constructed this year 150 feet from
where the applicant wants to level the woods. He talks about the beaver depending on small
caliper trees and not being afraid to take the landscape trees that Mike plants. He talked
about many too-tall houses close to the lake referring to aesthetics and so on. Natural, year-
around springs. He address that. And the storm pond's relationship to the spring and the
stormwater flows on the site and he speaks to the developer that the applicant not be
unresponsive to staff's and resident's input. I know, I've seen the wildlife there. The fox,
mink, deer, beaver. These are the large mammals. Eric spoke of 14 different species of
mammals. The red-tail fox, great-homed owls on the property. I saw them there just a few
days ago .... woodpecker, a dozen great blue herons underneath the large canopy trees where
they're nesting. Migrating water fowl such as loons. We've heard loons this spring. We've
seen pelicans out on the lake. Other waterfowl basically too numerous to mention that nest
here and make their homes. This is what Eric spoke of and this is part of the aesthetic
enjoyment that the entire community sees for this property. The lack of erosion control and
drainage pipes. I have serious concerns for this. This is a very important watershed area.
This is the headwaters of Lake Lucy which is the headwaters of the entire chain of lakes, the
Riley chain of lakes. And so pollution into this area not only affects Lake Lucy but
everything downstream. The development that's occurring here is in a natural basin. The
Mason homes development is high on a ridge where they have pulled their homes away from
this natural basin. They left it natural. My home is high on the basin. The Tichy home is
also high on the basin. Christensen's and the Willis property are also high up on the basin
but now we're taking about developing down into this basin and Lake Lucy gets most of its
flow from groundwater seepage and runoff from this area and we better be real careful about
what we do there. I don't think that, I believe that a much higher standard of care must be
exercised in this area and I don't believe the expectations of the Planning Commission have
been met yet with this plan or with staff's plan either for that matter. The fifth major point
was variances. I'm going to go over that very quickly because A1 talked about them. There
are several variances that area being requested. The question is has the applicant earned the
right to these variances? Has the applicant earned the right to private driveways and so on?
I really worry about the history of this applicant. I don't know that he has experience with
this size of a development, let alone a development that requires this degree of sensitivity. I
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have very grave concerns about the wherewithall to complete the development which is
sensitive to the area. Even this could be mitigated if he at least was cooperative with the
planning staff. But I'm worried about the history of him using variances simply to cram in
more lots and not preserving the environment. So, I'm worried about that and I'm worried
about his lack of cooperation. There are numerous citations that we have in the letter that
was sent to each of you showing his unwillingness to work with the concerns of the staff, the
concerns of the Planning Commission and the concerns of the neighbors and local residents.
He didn't even take notes at our neighborhood meeting. Sharmin, have you ever in your
experience encountered a more uncooperative residential developer?
Mancino: Mr. Morin, all those...
Joe Morin: Is that a fair question?
Mancino: No. That is not a fair question. Any questions should be directed towards me.
Thank you.
Joe Morin: I would ask you the same question... If you think it's inappropriate I'11...
Mancino: It's inappropriate. Thank you.
Joe Morin: I think that staff's layout has some improvements. I think the applicant's reaction
to it is very disappointing but not unexpected. I appreciate the long hours and hard work that
staff has put in and overtime to try to get to an acceptable plan. Unfortunately, I don't think
we're there. What we have here is a layout and a sketch. We have the document that was
submitted to Planning Commission members but not the staff. I have no... We have kind of
a hybrid between a sketch and recommendations of staff and the applicant's choosing not to
accept so I'm really not sure what we have. I want to conclude with just making two points
here. Number 1: As I tried to show I don't think your concerns have been adequately
addressed by the applicant. I think that staff's layout is better but undefined. I'm still
confused by this hybrid of the south and north and the unknown document. Number 2: The
applicant, I'm upset by his not agreeing to the changes recommended by staff. ! think its still
a plan even in its hybrid form that's unacceptable to staff. I think its unacceptable to the
Planning Commission. I hope it is. Its unacceptable to the residents and will most certainly
be sent back by the City Council. This forum is here to stay. Gayle and I just.., that
anything looking like this request that a preservation easement be placed over all the property
outside all of the grading limits. We request that Lot 10 be eliminated. We request that
homes without basements be placed in southern area if any homes are put down there at all.
We request that Lakeway Court be realigned the way staff has proposed and the rest of the
project be re-engineered as shown in the staff layout. Finally, Gayle and I can accept the
development next door. We'll even profit from the development next door. But we don't
want it rushed into the City Council in this form. We believe that the site deserves a better
effort. A much better effort. We believe that the City Council should be presented a clean
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plan. A complete plan. A plan that is much more responsive to all of our concerns and we
request that this application be tabled. Thank you.
Mancino: Thank you. Anyone else like to approach the Planning Commission?
Jill Willis: Hi. My name is Jill Willis. I'm the property that's to the west. I have a couple
of questions I would like to just coincide on Ai's and Joe's comments. Sharmin, could you
put up the...
Tape ended at this point.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Farmakes moved, Conrad seconded to note the Minutes of the
Planning Commission meeting dated April 19, 1995 as presented.
Kate Aanenson updated the Planning Commission on actions taken at the last City Council
meeting and stated that she had included a copy of the draft on the ethics proposal.
Farmakes: I have a question for you on that.
Mancino: I have a couple too.
Farmakes: Under the issue of interest. I don't see the word good will used anywhere. Did I
miss it? Or would we interpret that as being a benefit?
Aanenson: What do you mean good will?
Farmakes: Good will, I believe it's defined where you act for the benefit of someone else
without pay or any type.
Aanenson: If you look under Section 13. Special treatment. It may fall under that category
Farmakes: Special consideration or treatment.
Aanenson: Right.
Farmakes: The issue of good will I believe, there is a legal definition for it in the...of
business. That it is not a tangible, defined piece of property. However, they do come up
with defining financial compensation for it so the question is, is it a property and the issue of,
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May 3, 1995
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if you do something for the good will of the business and even though you don't benefit
financially directly from it. One could assume that it is a benefit.
Aanenson: Right. I guess that's how I would look at 13. To say you could give special
consideration of treatment...and that you would benefit from that. Good will or whatever.
Farmakes: Could you check with the attorney on that issue and look at the definition?
Aanenson: But I don't know how that fits into the Council's drafting of this ordinance but I
can certainly pass that on to...
Farmakes: Yeah, it's just a matter because I think that is something that comes up in business
quite often.
Nutting: I'm agreeing with where Jeff's going and under Section A, official acts and number
2. It is real vague when you're trying to define that.
Mancino: Under conflict of interest?
Nutting: Yeah.
Mancino: Well that's the part I have too. Tell me what this really means.
Nutting: An interest in the affairs of any person and without getting specific and I think it
hits on the point Jeff's making too.
Farmakes: Are you talking about 2?
Nutting: Yeah.
Mancino: Section 3.
Farmakes: Section 3, line 2?
Mancino: Yeah. Well and it's also in the present sense because it says, if they have an
Aanenson: Then you have to look up the definition of interest.
Mancino: But it's present. It's not past. It's current.
Farmakes: But going back to my comment that if there is a legal, accepted legal definition of
good will, maybe that should be considered as a word that turns into...
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May 3, 1995
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Mancino: And at what point is this an ordinance?
Aanenson: They've reviewed one draft. I'm not, it hasn't been adopted. They've reviewed
one draft and...
Mancino: Do the elected officials of Chanhassen have to make public all their donations?
People who contribute to their election?
Aanenson: I don't know. We could check on that.
Mancino: I just, out of the blue. I mean you talk about conflict of interest and other areas. I
just wondered...
The regtflar portion of the meeting was closed and the Planning Commission continued with a
work session on the buffer yard/transition zone ordinance and code revisions.
Nutting moved, Farmakes seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the
motion carried. The meeting was adjourned.
Submitted by Kate Aanenson
Planning Director
Prepared by Nann Opheim