PC 94-01 City of Chanhassen Carver and HennePin Counties, Minnesota Planning Co~sion ._~ DATE: February 16, 1994 RESOLUTION NO: 94-01 ... _o MOTION BY: Mancino ~- ,~;- SECONDED BY: Harberts RESOLUTION F!NDING;~DIFICAT~ON NO. 13 TO TH~ FOR THE C~~SS~ ~TO~ ~D~~P~T CONS?TENT WITH THE P~N~ ~OR ~~P~T.~.. · ':'. T~{E CITY OF C~N~SS~ :' . _ . WHEREAS, the Chanhassen City Council an~ the Housing alt~__~eVe!op~t.~ Authority have authorized preparation of Modification No. 13 to t,~e Reaevelopment and Tax Increment Financing Plans for the Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Project and have submitted Modification No. 13 to the Ylan~Jng comment and; '~:: ~ 'm~' - WHEREAS, the P~.n~ng Com~ssion has made a thorough review of Mod~ioation No. 13 and has compared it ~th the plan~, [or develo~ent of the Ci~ as a whole. ?' ':~ ' -~ '~:'~' ~' ' "' . :. .1., of Chanhassen, Minnesota as fonows:, - , l~:crem~a Financing 1. That Modification No. !3 to the Redevelopment a~:d Tax . 16th Plans is found to be consistent with the plan fo:x, development of the City of Chanhassen. as, ~ .whole.,~: ............ -.. ' ~r.~ alIlca ,~ ..... : - "' ... · It is recommenfled that ~e City Council o~he Cit~ of~~asse~ h~d a public heamng as reqtnPet<~i a~i~ a'~t-'~~~o~ No. 13. Passe~ and adopted by ~Jxe Ptanm~.g' Commission of the City of Ch~hassen t~s day oC: ~ebruary : 1994. 1~i~:,29487 CHi30-5