Affidavit of Publication 23-10%'H.si$ffi$$$?s NOTICE OF PIIBLIC IIEARING Pt1}3&t-gBA#S3i'3?if,t B#*':SH*li,'il?L'j^i',lil,:;;;fi;;n rues.day., Jlne 2o' iir:i. iio.oo p.m. B. iheCouncil-:,',1 *;l' ;il' iriiil.1";,',7 iirt purP'ose of this heanng i'*""""."iia"r a request for a f+"?iilH*x{g'ffi"ff: 'sTv Uoritt or P*'"t and Lyman '#nii?i#et?iiiis!["'ui '--+"gi+};:H*l;f"iTil$ii ',I'J,?*.ii..-ri-"nhas sen' mn' us / ;;U.Aii";6dents or at c ity "riJriii,ii" g i6 sul ar tus ine s s ilJ"iJ' att -interested Persons ,"e invitA to attend trl'^"^:.;; o.,l cxoress their li;friiH"' iitt' i"iP"'t to this oitlposal.t^"'---bric Maass' ArcP' EDFP"--_-.irannincD$;T:i Affidavit of Publication Southwest News Media State of Minnesota) )SS. County of Carver ) Vera Kehl, being duly sworn on oath says that she is an authorized employee for the ne^wspapers known asihe C"nasfi Herald and the ihanhassen Villager and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: (A) These newspapers have complied with the requirements constituting_qualification as a legal i,.*rpup.., as pioiiOed by Minn'esota Statute 33 iA.02, 331A.07 , and other applicable laws, as amended. (B) The printed public notice that is attached to this Affidavit and identified ur r{o. i 3? 9 i7r pr[ii-riiio o', G o.t. or dates and in the newsp.aper stated. in the attached NoEcElnd'laio Noii6. ir hereby incorporated as part of this AffiOavlt. Saia notice was cut from the columns of itri n.*.pup.. ipecifitid. Printed below is a copy of the lower cale alphabet.from A to Z, bgth ir.frilriiiiO ishereby acknowledged as beingihe kind and size oftype used in the composition and publication of the Notice: abcdefgh ij klm no Pqrstuvwxyz By Subscribed and swom before me on Vera Kehl $31.20 per column inch $3 1.20 per column inch $15.63 per column inch {^r*this of 2023 Notary Public RATE INFORMATION Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space"" Ma,rimum rate allowed by law forthe above matter... Rate actually charged for the above matter....'........'... NURIE A ITBTMANN N0TARY Pg5-rr. iV'IINNESOTA MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 01i31/25 the June 08,on