Vice Chairman Nutting called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. and gave a brief introduction
of how the Planning Commission meeting would be conducted.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Ron Nutting, Mike Meyer, Bob Skubic, Jeff Farmakes and Ladd
MEMBERS ABSENT: Nancy Mancino and Craig Peterson
STAFF PRESENT: Kate Aanenson, Planning Director; Sharmin A1-Jaff, Planner II; Bob
Generous, Planner II; and Dave Hempel, Asst. City Engineer
Sharmin A1-Jaff presented the staff report on this item.
Nutting: Any questions from commissioners? May I have a motion to open the public
Meyer moved, Fmmakes seconded to open the public heming. The public heming was
Nutting: A motion's been made to open the public hearing. Does the applicant or the
designee wish to present before the commission?
Dale Saunders: My name is Dale Saunders. I'm with the Amcon Corporation... We have
gone through the staff report and everything that they've recommended and...try to make a
pleasing project...Do you have any questions?
Nutting: Any questions? I believe I erred when I opened the public hearing before the
applicant spoke. Do we need to undo that Kate or can we just go forward?
Aanenson: That's fine...
Nutting: Okay. We do have a public hearing opened. Is there anybody in the audience who
would wish to address the commission? Seeing none, do I have a motion to close the public
Planning Commission Meeting - September 6, 1995
Skubic moved, Meyer seconded to close the public heeding. The public heeding was closed.
Nutting: Comments from commissioners. Mike.
Meyer: Nothing.
Nutting: Bob.
Skubic: It looks straight forward to me. I have no comments.
Nutting: Jeff.
Farmakes: On the issue of access...one more question of staff...
A1-Jaff: This agreement is in place and has been executed. Therefore you don't find it as a
condition of approval.
Farmakes: Is there a reason why...signage plan at a later date or...I don't see any signage at
all on these plans.
A1-Jaff: We have the guidelines for the monument sign and that sign is basically out there so
they will just.
Farmakes: They will add to it?
A1-Jaff: Correct.
Farmakes: Is that correct?
A1-Jaff: And that's an existing sign that was approved with Abra and Goodyear's site plan.
Farmakes: ...underneath?
Al-Jarl: Correct. It was designed for three spots and right now there's one sign for Abra, one
sign for Goodyear so when the Chanhassen Car Wash goes in, they will get that on there.
They will be able also to do a wall sign and that sign will have to fall within the guidelines
for the BH district.
Farmakes: Are we no longer seeing this type of thing included on the architectural drawing,
how the signs are placed on the building? Just to have an idea how it interplays.
Planning Commission Meeting - September 6, 1995
AI-Jaff: Yes we do.
Dale Saunders: It was our intention to submit to the signage permit prior to getting the
building permit...rather than permitting something that's wrong.
Nutting: Kate, do you have guidelines in terms of what.
Aanenson: I guess what I would say is, if you have specific concern or wanted to give us
specific direction, I guess the staff would look at it, as long as they stay within that 15% and
individual letters, as we modified in the new sign ordinance, we'd be comfortable with that.
If you had specific directions or wanted to add a condition on that based on the fact on the
use, if you wanted to give them some direction, an added condition, that'd be fine.
Farmakes: Okay. They're submitted those as a plan however to the staff, are they not? They
still apply for a permit for the signage and then it's reviewed, correct?
A1-Jaff: Correct.
Aanenson: But if you wanted to give them direction that may add in timeliness as far as
when they come back, if you have specific criteria you want them to look at.
Farmakes: Our preference is always to see it on the scaled drawing but.
Aanenson: Correct, and when they come back they'll have to do that. What I'm saying is if
you want to give them beyond that, even more direction about colors or that sort of thing, or
an approximate location.
Farmakes: I can be patient.
Nutting: Ladd, you just walked in. Is there any comments you care to make on this?
Conrad: No. It looks real clean to me. I'm just curious. It's totally on a side. It really has
nothing to do with the staff report but how is water recycled? What facilities or how do you
utilize water effectively for a car wash?
Applicant: Basically at this point there is no recycling system... There are recycling systems
available but they tend to have a lot of problems with them and you've got to add a lot of
chemicals to them. And eventually that all has to go down anyway because you can't keep
re-using water and re-using it. Just like...you eventually have to get rid of it. Car washes
that do recycling, they do it for a cost... Basically it smells bad when you get your car
Planning Commission Meeting - September 6, 1995
washed. They really haven't come up with a clean system yet for recycling so, it basically
just goes down the drain, most of it.
Conrad: So Dave, what they end up doing is end up paying a big water bill?
Applicant: Exactly.
Nutting: Okay. Sharmin?
A1-Jaff: Condition number 2, on page 7 deals with the signage. We have requested that the
applicant submit detailed sign plans for staff's review prior to City Council meeting.
Aanenson: So Jeff if you want to see that, we should amend that condition that it should
come back to the Planning Commission.
A1-Jaff: Unless you trust staff's decision. I mean if it was completely out of the norm of
signage that is physically proposed, then we can bring it before you.
Nutting: In theory there were a lot more issues prior to the sign ordinance and perhaps there
are fewer issues with it now.
Farmakes: I guess the reason I hesitate to ask that is it seems to me that's part of the
architectural review but I can see a case for that but the ordinance is in place. In this
particular building, perhaps since the signage is already out there and as far as the pylon goes
the monument, it's probably not an issue. However, in the future I'd certainly like to see that
integrated with the building itself. Also too, just to establish whether or not the ordinance is
Nutting: Is that it? Okay. I have no further comments on this issue. May I have a motion.
Skubic: I'i1 make a motion that the Planning Commission recommend approval of Site Plan
Review #95-12 as shown on the site plan dated and received August 8, 1995 and subject to
the conditions 1 through 12 as established by the staff.
Nutting: Is there a second?
Meyer: I'll second that.
Nutting: All those in favor. Or excuse me, it's been moved and seconded. Is there any
Planning Commission Meeting - September 6, 1995
Skubic moved, Meyer seconded that the Planning Commission ~ecommend approval of Site
Plan Review #95-12 as shown on the site plan dated '~eceived August 8, 1995", and subject
to the following conditions:
The applicant shall provide alternate mix of evergreen species in the landscaping plan,
no more than 1/3 of the trees may be from any one species. The applicant shall also
provide staff with a detailed cost estimate to be used in calculating the required financial
guarantees. These guarantees must be posted prior to building permit issuance.
The applicant must obtain a sign permit prior to erecting any signage on site. Provide a
detailed sign plan for staff review prior to the City Council meeting. The car wash shall
utilize the existing monument sign facing Highway 5.
The applicant shall enter into a site plan contract with the city and provide the necessary
financial securities as required.
4. Meet all conditions outlined in the Fire Marshal Memo.
Concurrent with the building permit, a lighting plan meeting city standards shall be
No parking or stacking is allowed in fire lanes, drive aisles, access drives or public
Reduce the car wash exit driveway width from 36 feet down to 24 feet and consider
removing one of the stacking lanes or bypass lane.
The applicant shall enter into an encroachment agreement with the city for constructing
a driveway and landscaping over the City's drainage and utilities easement prior to
issuance of a building permit.
9. The areas proposed to be stabilized with erosion control blanket shall be sodded instead.
Construction access to the site shall be limited to the existing driveway/street and not
Lake Drive East. A rock filter construction entrance shall be used and maintained until
the driveways have been paved with a bituminous surface.
11. The applicant shall be responsible for adjusting and cleaning all existing utilities that are
impacted or disturbed in conjunction with this site construction. The applicant shall
Planning Commission Meeting - September 6, 1995
perform an inspection of the existing utility lines on site to ensure that they are clean
and operational prior to commencing the site work.
12. Park and trail fees will be paid at time of building permit application.
All voted in favor and the motion cm~ied unanimously.
Vernelle Clayton: It was just interesting to me that you made a bit of history tonight. This is
the last piece of the...development which is all of Chan Estates and all the way up to... The
very last piece is the only piece were we haven't had objections from the neighbors.
Objections were raised everywhere from conversations...
Bob Generous presented the staff report on this item.
Nutting: Does the applicant or their designee wish to address the commission?
Gary Brown: No, I don't have any problem with it. I don't have any problem with what they
Nutting: Okay. This is a public hearing. May I have a motion to open the public hearing.
Conrad moved, Meyer seconded to open the public heming. The public healing was opened.
Nutting: Is there anybody who'd wish to address the Planning Commission? Seeing none,
may I have a motion to close the public hearing.
Conrad moved, Meyer seconded to close the public healing. The public healing was closed.
Nutting: Comments. Jeff.
Farmakes: I'm abstaining on this issue.
Planning Commission Meeting - September 6, 1995
Nutting: Okay. For?
Conrad: You don't wash cars?
Farmakes: My daughter works here.
Nutting: Okay. Mike.
Meyer: No, it looks pretty straight forward. I don't have any concerns.
Nutting: Okay. Ladd.
Conrad: What are the odds that we get two car washes on the same night? Gary, you're late.
Why didn't you come in here a year ago and get a jump on the competition.
Gary Brown: I should have been in a year ago, you're right. Had I know Chanhassen was
going to blow up the way it has...
Conrad: Yeah, I have no comments. It looks good. Staff report is good. Product's good.
My comment would be the same as before. Recycling water, when water's plentiful, that's
great. When it's not, it's a problem.
Gary Brown: I figure you'd be happy to know is that the new machine that we're going to
buy is the most water conscience machine made. A lot of it's done by pressure. In other
words, you have rotating wands. You're pumping about as much air up there as you are
water and they agitate now. Instead of the old style, even like the one I have in the Amoco
now. It takes about 50-55 gallons a car. The one's like the Wave will be able to do a couple
hundred gallons. This one here will be down to about 30 gallons so for a change they've
gone in the right direction. Instead of using more, they've done a lot more good with less
water. Which makes nice reading because I really hate writing those checks out for two
grand every month.
Conrad: The reason, just so I can understand the conditional use permit. You can put two
buildings on one lot in this zone through a conditional use permit provided there's one owner?
What's the, what is the rationale? Could there two owners of the two buildings?
Generous: Conceivably. One owner of the property and... This is from our standpoint it's a
zoning. Even though it was shown as two parcels. Because neither of them by themselves
meet the minimum requirements of the district. So we consider it one lot. And then the
conditional use is just the way the Code is written. I don't always understand that. It permits
Planning Commission Meeting - September 6, 1995
it for residential districts so that you can have a detached garage or a shed or something on
your lot as in some of the agricultural districts. So you could have...all buildings but for
commercial, you have to go through this process just to put that second building.
Conrad: So we don't know what we're looking for here?
Aanenson: Well I think as Bob indicated, it's more a property owner should be the
underlying owner. Then you may lease two sites but you still want to have control under one
ownership where it may not meet the integrity of the whole district. And lots of times, as in
Market Square, you have out buildings but you still have one underlying development. And
they may have common parking. Share an agreement so individually they might not meet the
standards but holistically, and so somebody doesn't try to split one off where the integrity of
the whole, or all the standards aren't there. So that's why we attach conditions to make sure
that they don't break off or whatever.
Conrad: No more questions.
Nutting: Bob.
Skubic: No comments.
Nutting: Okay. I have no comments either. These two are both pretty straight forward.
May I have a motion?
Meyer: I'll make a motion. I'll make a motion that the Planning Commission recommend
that the City Council approve Conditional Use Permit #95-3 to allow two principal buildings
on one lot and Site Plan #95-13, prepared by Peter Curtis Architect dated June 28, 1995, and
site plan prepared by William R. Engelhardt Associates dated August, 1995 and stamped
received August 25, 1995, for a 1,255 square foot drive through car wash on property zoned
Highway Business District, subject to conditions 1 through 8.
Conrad: And I second that.
Nutting: Motion's been made and seconded. Is there any discussion?
Meyer moved, Conrad seconded that the Planning Commission ~ecommend that the City
Council approve Conditional Use Permit #95-3 to allow two principal buildings on one lot
and Site Plan #95-13, p~epmed by Peter Cmlis A~rhitect dated June 28, 1995, and site plan
p~epa~ed by William R. Engelhmdt Associates dated August, 1995 and stamped ~eceived
Planning Commission Meeting - September 6, 1995
August 25, 1995, for a 1,255 squme foot drive through cas' wash on pmpe~y zoned Highway
Business District, subject to following conditions:
Erosion control fence shall be installed prior to any site grading along the southerly
property line and maintained until all disturbed areas have been revegetated or paved.
The drive aisles shall be increased to 16 feet wide face to face and another drive aisle
shall be looped back to the east and north to West 79th Street to improve traffic
circulation. The applicant shall install "Do Not Enter" signs at the looped drive
(northeast) entrance and to prohibit westbound traffic south of the proposed car wash.
The applicant shall utilize the existing 6 inch water lead from West 79th Street versus
tapping the existing 8 inch water main in West 79th Street.
The applicant shall be responsible for relocation of any landscaping materials along
West 79th Street in conflict with the site improvements.
The applicant shall apply for separate sign permits for any signage on site except for
traffic circulation sign. Signage shall comply with the city's sign ordinance.
The applicant shall use alternate building elevations, sheet A2 Alternate, prepared by
Peter Curtis, stamped Received Aug 25, 1995.
7. Two of the red maples shall be relocated to the western side of the property.
The developer shall enter into a site development contract with the City and provide the
necessary financial security to guarantee compliance with the terms of approval.
All voted in favor; except Jeff Fasmakes who abstained, and the motion castled.
Planning Commission Meeting - September 6, 1995
Bob Generous presented the staff report on this item.
Nutting: Any questions for staff?.
Meyer: I've got one Bob...from Highway 5 that...
Generous: It's not, well...so we'd have views through the property rather than into, their plan
has basically the entrance, driveways facing the outside of the development and we think that
by changing that orientation, the orientation of the buildings, we get the garage doors and
most of the ends of...different view. Also reducing the grading...2 foot elevation...reduce the
grading on the west end. Also...single loaded units on the west side, you not only get a more
Conrad: What are single loaded units?
Generous: There's one entrance. So you drive in and.
Aanenson: Instead of the back to back units.
Generous: Yeah. The back to back, doubled loaded and single loaded...
Skubic: Say Bob, what kind of issues were there in the previous proposal?
Generous: One was the orientation. It's something that looks like, for lack of a better terms,
a barracks set-up that they... There were grading issues that were involved there also...
Nutting: Any guesstimates as to the number of units they would maintain with alternate
Planning Commission Meeting - September 6, 1995
Generous: We believe, this plan maintains the 94 units. There are some, what we did is
basically cut their plans out and just shifted them around on site. We elongated the single
loaded units.
Nutting: Any further questions of staff?. This is a public hearing. Or excuse me, does the
applicant or their designee wish to address the commission? Seeing no one, can I have a
motion to open the public hearing?
Conrad moved, Meyer seconded to open the public heming. The public heming was opened.
Nutting: Does anybody care to address the Commission? Seeing none, may I have a motion
to close the public hearing?
Conlad moved, Meyer seconded to close the public heming. The public heming was closed.
Nutting: Comments from commissioners, and I guess Kate, is the applicant here tonight?
Generous: I haven't seen him. He was aware, we had told them before that we were tabling
it. We were recommending that this item be tabled and his response was, well we're not
going to be able to get into...
Nutting: So basically if members of the commission have input as to.
Aanenson: Right, that's why we kept it on the agenda. We did notice it for public hearing.
It's a good opportunity to let other people give comments and give direction along as it's
tabled and then also for review, if you have specific guidance for the developer that we can...
Nutting: Jeff?.
Farmakes: ...recommendations in the report...
Generous: Right. We're recommending tabling it so that they can come back.
Farmakes: Right, I understand that. You have a list of reasons for the recommendations and
you do cover on page 6 the issue...went over that with Lundgren on the issue...decide to get
closer to the highway...
Nutting: If that's not in the conditions, similar to that condition you had on the car wash
project, there's certainly, it's an obvious but maybe it's not so obvious. Is that it?
Planning Commission Meeting - September 6, 1995
Farmakes: Yeah, that's my comments.
Nutting: Bob.
Skubic: I see that staff is directing the applicant towards a little more diversity and a little
more contrast in his units through re-arranging the site a little bit and I think in here it says
they will be using different window treatments and colors. Is there anything else that can be
done to, along these lines? What are the options and tools that can be used?
Aanenson: Well I think the one thing in this project is there's a mix of different types of
units. That's one thing. I think that's one of the reasons why we want it oriented the other
way because the way they had it before, all the garage pours on that side faced the highway
so when you drove by you saw, and as Bob indicated with the change in grading, we felt that
that gave a break between the buildings. Plus the change in elevation. Landscaping. Helped
soften some of that. Again it kind of comes into a cost, we try to have some variation in
colors. Subtle changes and still stay within...some uniformity affects cost. But I think having
them draw the different types of the number of units on the building, there's a range in there.
On the single loaded and that helps break up those too.
Generous: Plus with the grading you also get the step down and the building peak so you
will...to see that and that will provide some interest also.
Skubic: Thank you.
Nutting: Ladd.
Conrad: I think staff's direction is real good. It's excellent for a medium density. I think
you're doing exactly what we want you to do. I'm real distressed that the applicant isn't here.
That tells me something and it's sure not winning and points to be here tonight. He or she
should be here tonight. It doesn't count. They should be listening to us tonight and be here
so I'm, it's like this hasn't appeared on my desk yet.
Nutting: Mike.
Meyer: Nothing additional, no.
Nutting: Okay. I would also concur with staff's direction. I guess the issue of the grading
has come up before. Is the reason we're running into not able to resolve that issue, I mean
has anybody looked at the cost issues? Mass grading versus the refined approach, with staff.
I mean are we talking, is it an issue where we've suddenly told the developer, you know we
Planning Commission Meeting - September 6, 1995
prefer you do it this way and the developer's looking and saying, you know that adds another
$50,000.00 to my project cost. I mean that number's a bit high, I realize but I know we've
gone through the issue on the grading before so I'm just curious if there's something more
serious at play or just maybe an unclear ability to work with staff?. I don't know.
Hempel: Maybe I can address that. This applicant is the same applicant that's done Autumn
Ridge 1st, who received final plat approval recently and also received notice to proceed with
site grading on their first phase, which they have not started yet either. So I believe the
construction season as it gets shorter every day, maybe the applicant is just not intending to
proceed yet this fall and wants to think about it over the winter months further. Staff's
direction though with redesigning the placement of the units should only save the applicant
money in the long run with regards to.
Nutting: That's my assumption also but it's.
Hempel: Earth work to move and there's also a balancing act of material on the site though
too that has to be looked at in greater detail. It's looking at a flat piece of paper. Placing the
units on it but we felt pretty confident that in the long run that it will reduce the grading.
Nutting: Okay. I think it's good. Good idea. Okay. May I have a motion?
Farmakes: I make a motion that the staff recommends the Planning Commission table this
item to permit the applicant the opportunity to address the following comments and revise the
plans as appropriate, 1 through 33 with the addition of the signage...by staff. The plans that
are...date here are September 6, 1995 and the staff report.
Nutting: Is there a second?
Meyer: I'll second that.
Nutting: It's been moved and seconded. Is there any further discussion?
Fmmakes moved, Meyer seconded that the Planning Commission table action on Autumn
Ridge 2nd Addition to permit the applicant the oppo~Xunity to add~ess the following comments
and ~evise the plans as appropriate:
A ten foot clear space must be maintained around fire hydrants, i.e. street lamps, trees,
shrubs, bushes, NSP, NW Bell, cable television, transformer boxes. This is to insure
that fire hydrants can be quickly located and safely operated by firefighters. Pursuant to
Chanhassen City Ordinance 9-1.
Planning Commission Meeting - September 6, 1995
Must comply with Premises Identification - Policy #29-1992. Copy attached.
Additional address numbers must be installed at entrance of driveways to multi-dwelling
units. Contact Chanhassen Fire Marshal for details.
On the main looped road there must be posted on one side "No Parking" signs. Signs
must be installed with 75 foot intervals. Submit drawing to Fire Marshal for approval.
There are fire hydrants shown on the plan that will need relocating. There are also
additional hydrants that must be added. These changes will be addressed, and shown on
the utility plan.
Submit street names to the Public Safety Department, Inspections Division for review
prior to final plat approval.
Revise the preliminary grading plan to show the location of proposed dwelling pads,
using standard designations and the lowest level floor and garage floor elevations. This
should be done prior to final plat approval.
Obtain demolition permits for the existing structures on site. This should be done prior
to any grading on the property.
Adjust property lines to permit openings and projections in exterior walls or confirm that
no openings or projections are planned. This must be done before preliminary plat
Staff is recommending that the applicant alternate building orientations throughout the
site. The applicant should also redistribute the unit types throughout the project to
increase site diversity as well as incorporate single loaded units in the southwest corner
of the site adjacent to the wetland and along staff's proposed loop road through the
middle of the site (see attached alternate design schematic).
10. Provide the city with building materials, color schemes, etc.
11. Full park dedication fees shall be collected per city ordinance.
Trail fees for Autumn Ridge 2nd Addition, and retroactively for Autumn Ridge 1st
Addition, be waived in consideration of trail construction. This trail construction shall
be completed per city specifications within an alignment approved by the city.
Planning Commission Meeting - September 6, 1995
Revise the landscaping plan to provide a more equitable distribution of trees and provide
additional groupings of evergreens along the northern project boundary to prepare for the
possible future removal of the evergreens with the widening of Highway 5. Conifer
trees shall average seven feet with a minimum height of six feet.
Detailed storm sewer calculations for a 10 year and 100 year storm event along with
ponding calculations based on Walker's PONDNET methodology along with pre and
post runoff conditions shall be submitted to city staff for review and approval prior to
final plat consideration.
The applicant will be responsible for the appropriate water quantity connection fees
based on the city's surface water management plan. Staff has calculated that the
proposed development would be responsible for a water quantity fee of $36,592.50
assuming 12.3 acres of developable land.
The wetland and wetland buffers shall be delineated on the grading and drainage plans.
The buffer strip for Wetland A shall be 18 to 38 feet wide with an average width of 28
feet. Wetland buffer areas shall be surveyed and staked in accordance with the city's
wetland ordinance. The city will install wetland buffer edge signs before accepting the
utilities and will charge the applicant $20.00 per sign.
The developer shall construct an 8 foot wide asphalt trail per city specifications within a
20 foot wide trail easement. This construction shall be completed in conjunction with
street construction. Final alignment of this trail shall be staked by the developer and
approved by the Parks and Recreation Director and City Engineer. The legal description
of the trail easement shall be prepared by the applicant after the trail location has been
determined in the field.
The applicant may commence site grading after final plat approval and the applicant
entering into the Planned Unit Development Agreement and supplying the city with a
financial security to guarantee site grading, erosion control and site restoration.
A condition shall be placed in the PUD/Development Contract notifying residences that
Coulter Boulevard will be extended in the future.
The applicant shall be responsible for the installation of street lights along the private
streets. The applicant and the city staff shall work together to prepare a street lighting
plan to be incorporated into the street construction plans.
Planning Commission Meeting - September 6, 1995
The development plans shall be revised to incorporate staff's revisions to the street and
building unit layout (see alternate design schematic) including the following
a. Site grading shall be compatible with future grades of Coulter and Galpin Boulevard.
b. Incorporate berms and landscaping along Coulter Boulevard and increase landscaping
adjacent to TH 5.
A native buffer strip 10 feet in width should be maintained around the natural
wetland. The required buffer strip adjacent to the natural wetland shall be 18 feet to
38 feet wide with an overall average of 28 feet.
The applicant will be required to enter into a PUD Development Contract with the city
and provide the necessary financial security and administration fees to guarantee
compliance with the conditions of approval.
The applicant shall design and construct the street and utility improvements in
accordance to the city's latest edition of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates.
Detailed construction plans and specifications for the public improvements shall be
submitted to city staff for review and approval.
The applicant shall provide a copy of the covenants for review and approval by the city
and shall be filed at the County with the final plat documents.
The applicant shall provide "as-built" locations and dimensions of all corrected house
pads or other documentations acceptable to the Building Official.
The applicant shall apply for and obtain all necessary permits from the regulatory
agencies such as the MPCA, Health Department, Watershed District, DNR, Army Corps
of Engineers, MnDot, and Carver County Highway Department.
The applicant shall report to the City Engineer the location of any drain tiles found
during construction. The applicant will comply with the City Engineer's direction as far
as abandonment or relocation of the drain tile.
The applicant shall develop a sediment and erosion control plan in accordance with the
City's Best Management Practice Handbook (MBPH). Type III erosion control fencing
will be required around the wetlands. The site may also require additional erosion
control fence on the slopes and/or temporary sediment basins.
Planning Commission Meeting - September 6, 1995
Drainage and conservation easements shall be dedicated over all wetland areas within
the subdivision including outlots. Wetland mitigation measures shall be developed and
subject to approval by the city. The mitigation measures shall be completed in
conjunction with the site grading and restoration.
The final plat shall be contingent upon MnDot's State Aid office approving the street
alignment for the east/west frontage road. Construction plans shall be revised
accordingly as a result of the State Aid review process.
31. The private streets/driveways shall be constructed in accordance with the city's private
driveway ordinance for low and/or medium density zoning.
The developer shall construct an 8 foot wide asphalt trail per city specifications within
the trail easement. This construction shall be completed in conjunction with street
construction. Final alignment of this trail shall be staked by the developer and approved
by the Parks and Recreation Director and City Engineer. After construction of the trail
the applicant shall dedicate to the city a 20 foot wide trail easement.
33. Submit street names to the Public Safety Department, Inspections Division for review
and approval prior to final plat approval.
34. Submit a signage plan for the development.
All voted in favor and the motion cm~ied.
Sharmin A1-Jaff presented the staff report on this item.
Nutting: Any questions for staff?. Does the applicant or their designee wish to present for the
Planning Commission Meeting - September 6, 1995
Applicant: ...just want to point out is...away from the typical rectangle and squares around
here to get this thing, to break it up and give it a little more character... Everything we
worked at and gone through...
Nutting: Good.
Conrad: What does your company do?
Applicant: This is it. Commercial development...
Skubic: Are you the tenant?
Applicant: No.
Skubic: What does your company do?
Conrad: What does your company do?
Control Products Representative: Our company, we design and manufacture electronic
controls. Electronic temperature indicators. We ship internationally. We...Burger King,
McDonalds, if you look at their...fryers, the freezers, refrigerators, chances are our company
has manufactured that temperature indicator. Either the indicator or the control. It's a very
high tech business. We have a lot of designers. It's a very clean business. We use a lot of
robots or robotics equipment or what's referred to as circuit...technology. I'll say it's the latest
and greatest technology to use for electronic assembly. So that's kind of what we do. It's a
very clean, high tech business.
Conrad: Where are you located today?
Control Products Representative: Right now we're located on Cahill in Edina, Minnesota.
Right by Bush Lake and 494.
Conrad: What directed you out here?
Control Products Representative: Well, a long process. You know most of our employees
live in Hopkins, South Minneapolis area. Some of them live out here in Chaska, Chanhassen.
We certainly do not want to get too far away from Edina because of the fear of losing some
key employees. And myself and my brother and his parmer, we're the two principal owners
of the business. The three of us live somewhere around here so it looks just like a fantastic
community. We're real excited about the business center. It's a good business park and we
Planning Commission Meeting - September 6, 1995
do a lot of business locally with a lot of the contracts, companies here in town so we need to
be visible. We need to the building itself needs to be a good looking, I'll say a high tech
looking building and we have customers visiting from out of the country. We have visitors
from out of state. We want to be close to the International Airport. This should just be a
good location. We've been located for the last several years in Edina. Most of our locations
have been in Edina. Once we were in downtown Minneapolis. But for the most part we've
always been in the southwest suburbs.
Nutting: Thank you. This is a public hearing. May I have a motion to open the public
Meyer moved, Conrad seconded to open the public heming. The public heming was opened.
Nutting: Does anybody wish to address the commission? Seeing none, may I have a motion
to close the public hearing.
Conrad moved, Meyer seconded to close the public heating. The public heming was closed.
Nutting: Discussion from commissioners. Mike.
Meyer: I don't have any additional comments. It looks like what staff has put forward is...
Nutting: Ladd.
Conrad: Yeah, I have no comments. Looks fine to me.
Nutting: Bob.
Skubic: No comments.
Nutting: Jeff.
Farmakes: It's nice to see a warehouse building coming in with detailings and shape to it
other than just a flat box. These are really things that don't add tremendous to the cost of the
building but what will do percentage wise, but do really kind of reflect I think. I don't think
warehouses are any different than any other place. You get nice buildings around which
perpetuates more nice buildings. And I'm glad to see that. Actually tonight I'm glad to see
that some of the things that we've been working on, some of the things are going pretty
smoothly when we have applicants who are applying under those conditions. And when they
apply in good spirit, it seems to work out well. End of speech.
Planning Commission Meeting - September 6, 1995
Nutting: I have nothing further to add other than I also appreciate, I think the quality and the
appearance of the facility. I think it's going to be a nice finished product. Okay. May I have
a motion?
Skubic: I'll make a motion that the Planning Commission recommend approval of Site Plan
#95-16 for Control Products, plans dated Received August 21, 1995 and subject to the
conditions 1 through 18 as outlined by staff.
Nutting: Is there a second?
Meyer: I'll second that.
Nutting: Motion's been moved and seconded. Is there any further discussion?
Skubic moved, Meyer seconded that the Planning Commission ~ecommend approval of Site
Plan #95-16 for Control Products, plans dated Received 21, 1995, subject to the following
The pavement sections in the parking and loading dock area should be designed and
constructed in accordance with recommendations from a professional soils engineer.
The applicant shall add at least one curb cut midway through the parcel to improve
traffic circulation. All driveway access points shall incorporate the City's industrial
driveway detail (Standard Plate No. 5207).
No building permits shall be issued or site grading commence until after the
development contract and final plat of Chanhassen Business Center 3rd Addition has
been approved and recorded.
Temporary access to the site prior to the street being constructed (Lake Drive West)
may be permitted as long as the city Fire Marshal's concerns and conditions are fully
The applicant's engineer shall submit detailed storm drainage calculations for a 10 year
storm event to the city for review and approval prior to issuance of a building permit.
The storm sewer discharge points shall be revised and redesigned to convey runoff
westerly to the existing storm sewer system along the west property line. No additional
discharge points will be permitted into the storm ponding area.
Planning Commission Meeting - September 6, 1995
Erosion control measures such as rock construction entrances and protection around all
catch basins shall be employed in accordance with the City's Best Management Practice
Handbook until the parking lots are paved.
The applicant should also consider a sidewalk access and street lighting in the parking
Sod shall be placed in the following areas instead of seed:
The area labeled "Seed Area" just west of the building shall be sodded between the
two parking lots. The future parking lot area in the northwest comer of the site may
be seeded with the exception of a 10 foot wide area immediately adjacent to the curb
of the proposed parking area.
- A 10 foot wide strip of sod shall be placed along the easterly side of the building.
- The area labeled "See Area" on the easterly side of the property shall be sodded
from the fact of the building to the east property line out towards Lake Drive West.
- The City's boulevard along Lake Drive West shall be sodded.
Landscaping along the west property line within the City's drainage and utility easement
shall be minimal. The applicant shall enter into an encroachment agreement with the
city for placement of landscaping plantings within the City's easement.
The applicant shall petition the city to vacate the existing drainage and utility easement
on the parcel.
11. Fire marshal conditions:
Submit technical data to Fire marshal which spells out processes, product commodity
manufactured and warehoused. This is used to determine fire sprinkler design
b. Add one fire hydrant on the east corner of the building. Contact Chanhassen Fire
Marshal for exact location.
c. Comply with Chanhassen Fire Department Policy #04-1991. Copy enclosed. "Notes
on site plan."
Planning Commission Meeting - September 6, 1995
d. Comply with Chanhassen Dire Department Policy #07-1991. - "Pre-Fire Plan." Copy
e. Comply with Chanhassen Fire Department Policy ~¢29-1991 - "Premise
Identification". Copy enclosed.
f. Comply with Chanhassen Fire Department Policy #36-1994 - "Combination Fire
Sprinkler/Domestic Supply Pipe." Copy enclosed.
g. Comply with Chanhassen Fire Department Policy #40-1995 - "Fire Sprinkler
Systems." Copy enclosed.
The applicant shall enter into a site development contract with the city and provide the
necessary financial security to guarantee compliance with the terms of approval.
All roof mounted equipment shall be screened by walls of compatible appearing
material. Wood screen fences are prohibited. All exterior process machinery, tanks, etc.
are to be fully screened by compatible materials. As an alternative, the applicant can
use factory applied panels on the exterior to the equipment that would blend in with the
building materials.
All free standing signs shall be limited to monument signs. The sign shall not exceed
eighty (80) square feet in sigh display area nor be greater than eight (8) feet in height.
The sign treatment is an element of the architecture and thus should reflect with the
quality of the development. A common theme will be introduced at the development's
entrance monument and will be used throughout. Each property shall be allowed one
monument sign located near the driveway into the private site. The monument sign
must maintain a ten foot setback from the property line. The signs should be consistent
in color, size and material throughout the development. The applicant should submit a
sign package for staff review. A separate permit is required for all signage on site.
Lighting for the interior of the business center should be consistent throughout the
development. A decorative, shoe box fixture (high pressure sodium vapor lamps) with a
square ornamental pole shall be used throughout the development area for area lighting.
All light fixtures shall be shielded. Light level for site lighting shall be no more than
1/2 foot candle at the property line. This does not apply to street lighting. Lighting
equipment similar to what is mounted in the public street right-of-ways shall be used in
the private areas. Wall pack units may be used provided no direct glare is directed off
site and no more than 1/2 foot candle of light is at the property line.
Planning Commission Meeting - September 6, 1995
16. Park fees shall be paid in accordance with city ordinance requirements.
The landscaping ordinance requires 27 boulevard trees (9 provided) and 31 vehicular use
area (18 provided). Trees must be provided around the pond to screen the docking area
from views north of the railroad tracks (Creekside Addition). The landscape plan must
be revised to provide required changes. A landscape screen consisting of a mix of
evergreens and deciduous trees shall be incorporated.
18. Site plan review approval of this application is contingent upon final plat approval of
Chanhassen Business Center 3rd Addition by the City Council.
All voted in favor and the motion cmaied.
Kate Aanenson presented the staff report on this item.
Nutting: Any questions for staff?.
Conrad: And the reason you recommended those districts was because it had highway
exposure. Well, what is your rationale Kate?
Aanenson: Well actually they all do. If you look at the industrial office park, a lot of that
also has highway exposure. There cannot be outdoor storage. I guess we looked at
commercial districts. We looked at where cars would be permitted right now in the business
fringe district. You can do boat sales. So these are consistent with what districts are
permitted right now. It's like, we want kind of to use that as a rationale. We did consider the
office institutional district and also the industrial office park. But really this is something that
just needs a small space and we felt that because they're already listed as, they have to go
through the permitting process, which the City Council would review as a part of this
ordinance. I felt that that was pretty stringent. If you made a conditional use of some of
those districts, then we're back reviewing all those things that really aren't pertinent to land
use issues. If it's an office, if it's something we need to review every time. There's no
architectural sort of things. I don't think we want to be burdened with that sort of thing so
leaving it permitted in this district is consistent with what's kind of in place right now.
Planning Commission Meeting - September 6, 1995
Certainly I think we had discussed other districts. I think that may be a possibility.
Industrial office park. If someone has a space and wants to lease from somewhere I'm sure.
Conrad: But we're saying inside, right?
Aanenson: Right. There's no outdoor, correct. And that's the way this is written. They
could apply for a specific off site somewhere. They'd have to work that through the Council
and certainly I think the Council would go through the criteria of which we have already in
place in the code which addresses outdoor storage and screening and that sort of thing. But
the way it's intended.
Conrad: Where do we allow car sales?
Aanenson: Right now we allow it in the BG district and the business fringe district. That
may be in the business highway too.
Conrad: Wouldn't it be the same?
Aanenson: Yeah, it would be conditional in the business highway too. But they can't have
outdoor storage. It's really an office type so I really thought it was kind of a moot as long as
they're not storing.
Nutting: Is the assumption that the storage would be at that location or it could certainly be
in an off site?
Aanenson: It could be leasing space somewhere else.
Nutting: Or it could be in that location though also, just inside?
Aanenson: I guess you could put something inside, sure.
Farmakes: But that's the point. In that type of business, doesn't it kill it if it can't be
outdoors? I mean I don't know...
Aanenson: Well the indication we got from the applicant, it's my understanding when it went
to City Council, if you read through the Minutes, is that that wasn't a requirement of their
needs so.
Farmakes: No, but I meant in general terms when we were talking about car dealerships or
car sales. That essentially is the handle of that stuff. But I'm assuming if these boats, this is
Planning Commission Meeting - September 6, 1995
an existing business elsewhere is it not? Do they have a typical square footage in what
they're anticipating in regards to what they're looking for?
Aanenson: No, I'm not aware of that.
Nutting: I think it's probably difficult to go through the different permeatations of what it
could be. I guess maybe the issues, where is it appropriate. And you have to assume that it
could be on site. They could build a structure and have it on site so. But can I just ask you
to repeat the answer to Ladd's question in terms of car sales are, what is the current ordinance
on that? In terms of where they're allowed.
Aanenson: Business fringe, general business.
Conrad: General business and highway business. I thought you said the same thing?
So it's all three?
That's real consistent you know on whether, as long as it's consistent.
Yeah, that was really my comment. As long as we're consistent with that.
Aanenson: And again the intent is not to have a series of cars stored out somewhere. That's
not what we intend to do. But that's the way the ordinance, the city attorney had proposed to
City Council.
Farmakes: But it covers the same thing. The only difference essentially is that you're taking
in cars in return for a loan. Versus selling.
Aanenson: And then it would go somewhere else, correct. You take your car and then it
would go somewhere else. That's the intent. My understanding.
Farmakes: And a boat they hold them, not outdoors, or at least as it currently says.
Aanenson: They would hold all of these somewhere else, right.
Conrad: If we allow it, it should be exactly the same as an auto dealership with rules and
Planning Commission Meeting - September 6, 1995
Nutting: This is a public hearing. Or I guess, is the applicant or their designee in
attendance? Okay. We do have a public hearing. May I have a motion to open the public
Conrad moved, Meyer seconded to open the public heming. The public heming was opened.
Nutting: Anybody wish to speak before the commission on this item?
Conrad moved, Meyer seconded to close the public heming. The public heeaing was closed.
Nutting: Any comments from commissioners? Jeff.
Farmakes: As a commissioner I'm not going to, I agree with Ladd... The type of business I'm
personally I'm not crazy about. I don't think that that's relevant.
Nutting: Bob.
Skubic: I agree with the way that staff is going with this and what Ladd has stated and I
have no further comments.
Conrad: Nothing else Ron.
Nutting: Alright. May I have a motion?
Meyer: I'll make a motion. That the Planning Commission recommends, subject to the City
Council approving the limited pawnbrokers ordinance, limited pawnbroker use be a permitted
use in the following districts, BF, Fringe Business District, BG, General Business District, and
BH, Highway Business District.
Nutting: Is there a second?
Skubic: Second.
Nutting: Any further discussion?
Conrad: Well yeah. The way the motion is worded, I guess I'm okay. Subject to the City
Council approving the limited pawnbroker ordinance, huh. Yeah, I think it's worded okay.
Like Jeff's saying, we're not advocates of this. We haven't examined it. Staff I think has set
the stage. If it is allowed, these are the districts. That's all we're making a motion on. We
have done nothing else than saying those are the districts and confirming staff's direction.
Planning Commission Meeting - September 6, 1995
Meyer moved, Com,~d seconded that the Planning Commission ~ecommends, subject to the
City Council approving the limited pawnbroker o~dinance, limited pawnbroker use be a
permitted use in the following districts:
BF, Fringe Business District
BG, General Business District
BH, Highway Business District
All voted in favor and the motion cm~ied.
Nutting: And this will go to City Council?
Aanenson: It hasn't been scheduled yet because really we're not championing this cause so
I'll probably put it back to Public Safety to kind of carry it through to the Council, so we just
needed the input from the commission.
Nutting: That's the last of our public hearings. Five in less than an hour. Anybody?
Conrad: I think that's just terrific.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Conrad moved to note the Minutes of the Planning Commission
meeting dated August 16, 1995.
Aanenson: Thank you. On August 28th the City Council took the following action. They
approved the final plat for Lotus Lake Woods, which is right up on Frontier Trail here.
Seven single family lots. That was approved by you a couple of years ago. They were given
an extension so that one should be underway, and just for your information, the property
across the street probably will be developing shortly too.
Conrad: Yeah, where is that?
Aanenson: It's when you take the bend, they had the house that they had to move off the site
on Frontier Trail. If you know where the beachlot is, or the association across the street on
Lotus Lake. Right there.
Councilman Berquist: Across from Brad Johnson's house.
Conrad: Sure.
Planning Commission Meeting - September 6, 1995
Aanenson: They approved the preliminary plat for the Hiscox Addition. The three single
family lots. Again they're trying to get clarification on some title issues there and also the
Shamrock Ridge was given an extension. That's the Ryan property there next to Brendon
Pond off of Galpin, just south of Nancy Mancino's property. They approved the interim use
permit for the filling and stabilization of the Bluff Creek Golf Course. Just as an update on
that. I believe they have paved the road now too Dave. Is that correct?
Hempel: They have started hauling as well.
Aanenson: So that was a concern of the neighbors, the dust so before it went to Council, that
was a good thing that did happen on it. They did pave that road so that was a positive. And
they approved the site plan for the Highland Development office, which is in the same
business park that you just looked at tonight. The Chan Business Center. And they also
approved the subdivision and site plan and conditional use for the Children's World Daycare
center in McGlynn Park. And I just included a couple other things in your packet just for
FYI. Jill put together a letter on tree preservation, just kind of where we're at. This tree
preservation. The different approaches we've taken. The problems and where we're going.
So I just think it's kind of a good measure of some of the issues that are out there. We spent
a lot of time tweaking these projects to get the trees and then once we do that and get the
condition, it is a management thing where we spend a lot of time, or Jill does, making sure
that we're upholding these conditions. So it's kind of her comments on where we are with
those issues and kind of following up on that, I just put in an article. Maybe some of you
saw it in the Star Tribune about another city that was going to pass a tree ordinance and
somebody jumped on the gun and cut down trees. And then another issue that I'll be
discussing with the City Council on Monday night is affordable housing. The Livable
Communities Act and what the city, how the city will be responding to that. We've got our
information as far as where we need to be. They set benchmarks for each community based
on the sector that you're in and requesting that communities sign up and agree to meet these
goals. You don't have to do that but then if you want to ask for MUSA expansion or money,
it'd certainly be reviewed in where you are with your housing goals so it really kind of
becomes a comprehensive plan amendment so you're kind of amending your housing goals so
we'll be talking to the Council about that and getting some direction and see if we need to
come back through this process and what changes they want to see. So I'll give you more
information on that too.
Nutting: Okay. It looks to me like we will be going off camera into open discussion.
Conrad moved, Skubic seconded to adjourn the public pm~ion of the Planning Commission
meeting. All voted in favor and the motion cm~ied. The public po~ion of the meeting was
Planning Commission Meeting - September 6, 1995
adjourned at 8:10 p.m. Open Discussion on the Gateway Village Development and Planning
Commission Goals for 1996 was held at this point.
Submitted by Kate Aanenson
Planning Director
Prepared by Nann Opheim