CC Staff ReportCity Council Item July 24, 2023 Item Resolution 2023-XX: Consider a Request for Approval of a Metes and Bounds Subdivision at 2630 Orchard Lane File No.2023-17 Item No: G.1 Agenda Section PUBLIC HEARINGS Prepared By Bob Generous, Senior Planner Reviewed By Laurie Hokkanen SUGGESTED ACTION The Chanhassen City Council adopts a resolution approving a Metes and Bounds subdivision creating two single-family lots subject to the conditions of approval, and adopts the Findings of Fact and Decision." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority Development & Redevelopment SUMMARY The applicant is requesting a metes and bounds subdivision of his property to create two building sites. The city council may approve a metes and bounds subdivision of a lot into two lots if both resulting lots meet the minimum requirements of the zoning ordinance and abut a public or private street. To the extent possible, the new boundary line shall be parallel to a previously existing lot line. The city council shall hold a public hearing on the proposed subdivision. BACKGROUND Minnewashta Park was platted in 1887. The existing house was built in 1982. DISCUSSION 258 The applicant is requesting splitting a 1.79-acre parcel zoned Single-Family Residential and guided for Residential Low-Density development into two lots. The minimum lot area and dimensions for both proposed parcels exceed the city’s zoning code requirement. City sewer and water are available to the property. The site is accessed via Orchard Lane. BUDGET RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that City Council approve the metes and bounds subdivision to allow the construction of a single-family home subject to the conditions of approval and adopt the Findings of Fact and Decision. ATTACHMENTS Resolution Findings of Fact and Decision Staff Report Supporting Documents Application for Development Review Public Hearing Notice 259 1 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: July 24, 2023 RESOLUTION NO: 2023-XX MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: A RESOLUTION APPROVING A METES AND BOUNDS SUBDIVISION RICHARD J. BROWN, 2630 ORCHARD LANE WHEREAS, Richard J. Brown has requested approval of a metes and bounds subdivision creating two single-family lots on property in Chanhassen described as follows: Lot 4, Minnewashta Park, Carver County, Minnesota PID 255150030 WHEREAS, the property is guided for Residential Low-Density use; and WHEREAS, the property is zoned Single-Family Residential District, RSF; and WHEREAS, the proposed metes and bounds subdivision complies with all requirements of the Chanhassen City Code; and WHEREAS, the proposed metes and bounds subdivision adequately provides for water supply, storm drainage, sewage disposal, streets, erosion control, and all other improvements required by the city; and WHEREAS, the proposed metes and bounds subdivision is consistent with the Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chanhassen City Council hereby approves a metes and bounds subdivision consisting of two tracts, Parcels A and B, subject to the following conditions of approval: 1. A building permit must be obtained prior to demolishing any structures on the site and before beginning any construction on the site. 2. Building plans must provide sufficient information to verify that the proposed building meets all requirements of the Minnesota State Building Code; additional comments or requirements may be required after plan review. 3. A building permit must be obtained before beginning any construction. 4. Retaining walls (if present) more than four feet high, measured from the bottom of the footing to the top of the wall, must be designed by a professional engineer, and a building permit must be obtained prior to construction. Retaining walls (if present) under four feet in height require a zoning permit. 260 2 5. If any soil corrections are done on the property, a final grading plan and soil report must be submitted to the Inspections Division before permits will be issued. 6. Public drainage and utility easements shall be recorded prior to, or concurrently with, the recording of the subdivision in accordance with the Proposed Property Division plan drafted by Advance Survey and Engineering Company, dated November 8, 2021. 7. The development fees associated with this subdivision shall be paid prior to the recording of the subdivision. Fees are based on rates in effect at the time of recordation, and for 2023 they total 25,232.00 and are enumerated as such: a. Partial hookup fees: a Water Hook-Up of $2,652.00 and a Sewer Hook-Up of $715.00 b. Surface water development fee: $16,065.00 c. Park dedication fee: $5,800.00 8. Park Dedication fee in the amount of $5,800 shall be paid prior to recording the subdivision. 9. A minimum of one tree shall be planted in the front yard of Parcel B. BE IT ALSO RESOLVED that the City Council adopts the Findings of Fact and Decision. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Chanhassen City Council this 24th day of July 2023. ATTEST: Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Elise Ryan, Mayor YES NO ABSENT 261 1 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND DECISION IN RE: Application of Richard J. Brown for Subdivision approval. On July 24, 2023, the Chanhassen City Council met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Richard J. Brown for approval of a metes and bounds subdivision of property into two lots. The City Council conducted a public hearing on the proposed subdivision preceded by published and mailed notice. The City Council heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak and now makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is currently zoned Single-Family Residential district, RSF. 2. The property is guided in the 2040 Comprehensive Land Use Plan for Residential Low Density uses. 3. The legal description of the property is: Lot 4, Minnewashta Park, Carver County, Minnesota. 4. 5. The Subdivision Ordinance directs the City Council to consider seven possible adverse effects of the proposed subdivision. The seven (7) effects and our findings regarding them are: a. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the zoning ordinances; Finding:The proposed lots meet or exceed the minimum standards established by the Single Family Residential District. No conflicts were found between the zoning ordinance and the proposed subdivision. b. The proposed subdivision is consistent with all applicable city, county and regional plans including but not limited to the City's Comprehensive Plan; Finding:The proposed subdivision is consistent with the property’s guidance under the City’s 2040 Comprehensive Plan and aligns with following polices and goals: 1) Land Use: a. Create a mixture of development capable of providing a high quality of life and a reliable tax base; b. Encourage development within the MUSA; 262 2 c. Support low density residential development in appropriate areas of the community in such a manner as to maintain the aesthetic of existing single- family areas, and to create new neighborhoods of similar character and quality; and 2) Housing: a. Provide housing opportunities for all residents, consistent with the identified community goals; b. Housing development that respects the natural environment of the community while striving to accommodate the need for a variety of housing types and costs; c. and the city shall require development within the density range given by the Comprehensive Plan; No conflicts were found between the proposed subdivision and applicable city, county, and regional plans. c. The physical characteristics of the site, including but not limited to topography, soils, vegetation, susceptibility to erosion and siltation, susceptibility to flooding, and stormwater drainage are suitable for the proposed development; Finding:The aforementioned physical characteristics of the site are conducive to residential low densitydevelopment. d. The proposed subdivision makes adequate provision for water supply, storm drainage, sewage disposal, streets, erosion control, and all other improvements required by the subdivision ordinance, Chapter 18, and Water, Sewers and Sewage Disposal, Chapter 19; Finding:Public water and sewer services, as well as access to a public street, are present, and development is proposing erosion control, stormwater, and other improvements that meet the requirements of the City Code. e. The proposed subdivision will not cause significant environmental damage; Finding:The proposed subdivision is not expected to cause significant environmental damage. f. The proposed subdivision will not conflict with easements of record; and Finding:The proposed subdivision will not conflict with existing easements and the applicant will grant additional easement along the proposed lot lines and over the property’s wetland area. g. The proposed subdivision is not premature since adequate infrastructure is available. A subdivision is premature if any of the following exists: 1). Lack of adequate stormwater drainage. 263 3 Finding:The proposed stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) meet the requirements of the city code. 2). Lack of adequate roads. Finding:Access is provided by an existing public street. 3). Lack of adequate sanitary sewer systems. Finding:The property will be served by the city’s sanitary sewer system 4). Lack of adequate off-site public improvements or support systems. Finding:The proposed subdivision has access to adequate off-site public improvements and support system. 5.The planning report #2023-17 dated July 24, 2023, prepared by Robert Generous et al, is incorporated herein. DECISION The City Council approves the resolution approving the metes and bounds subdivision creating two single-family lots subject to the conditions of the planning report. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen City Council this 24th day of July 2023. CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL BY:___________________________________ Its: Mayor g:\plan\2023 planning cases\23-17 2630 orchard lane metes & bounds lot split\findings of fact and decision 2630 orchard ln.docx 264 Application: Consider a request for a metes and bounds subdivision to create two lots and allow the construction of a single-family home. (Planning Case #2023-17) City Council Review Date: July 24, 2023, 2023 SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicant is requesting subdivision approval to create two lots. LOCATION:2630 Orchard Lane (Lot 4, Minnewashta Park) PID 255150030 APPLICANT:Richard Brown 2630 Orchard Lane Excelsior, MN 55331 PROPOSED MOTION: The Chanhassen City Council approves the resolution for a metes and bounds subdivision creating two lots subject to the conditions of approval and adopt the attached Findings of Fact and Decision.” 265 Page 2 of 6 PRESENT ZONING:Single-Family Residential, RSF 2040 LAND USE PLAN:Residential – Low Density ACREAGE:1.79 acres (77,927 sq. ft.)DENSITY:1.12 units per acre LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION-MAKING: The city’s discretion in approving or denying a subdivision is limited to whether or not the proposed subdivision meets the standards outlined in the Subdivision Regulations and Zoning Ordinance. If it meets these standards, the city must approve the subdivision. This is a quasi- judicial decision. PROPOSAL/SUMMARY The applicant is requesting the splitting of a 1.79 acre parcel zoned Single-Family Residential and guided for Residential Low Density development into two lots. The minimum lot area and dimensions for both proposed parcels exceed the requirement of the city’s zoning code. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Chapter 18, Subdivision, Chapter 20, Article XXII, RSF Single-Family Residential District BACKGROUND Minnewashta Park was platted in 1887. The existing house was built in 1982. EXISTING CONDITIONS SITE CONSTRAINTS Environmental Protection Districts Bluff Creek corridor - This property is not located within the Bluff Creek Overlay District. Wetland Protection - There are no wetlands on the site. Bluff Protection - There are no bluffs on the property. Shoreland Management - The property is partially located within a shoreland protection district for Lake Minnewashta. 266 Page 3 of 6 Floodplain Overlay - This property is not within a floodplain adjacent to the lake. SUBDIVISION REVIEW The applicant is requesting a metes and bounds subdivision to create two lots. The lots are proposed to be served via Orchard Lane. Both the proposed lots meet the minimum area, width and depth requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Parcel A contains an existing single-family home. Staff notes that the proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning Ordinance. Approving the subdivision would create one additional buildable lot which would have access to a public street and municipal services. The proposed subdivision would establish new drainage and utility easements. The proposed amount of canopy cover preserved exceeds the minimum required by city code. 267 Page 4 of 6 EASEMENTS Drainage and utility easements shall be recorded along the new common property line. GRADING The applicant is proposing minimal grading for the proposed house on Parcel B. The preliminary grading plans indicate that drainage will be routed away from the proposed new housing pad as well as the existing home on Parcel A in accordance with City Ordinances. SANITARY SEWER AND WATER MAIN The proposed subdivision has access to adequate public sanitary and water service from the existing eight-inch PVC sanitary main and six-inch DIP water main within Orchard Lane right-of- way. As part of the street reconstruction project for Orchard Lane in 2022, the applicant paid to install additional water and sewer stubs to his property for the additional lot. SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT FEES Section 4-30 of City Code sets out the fees associated with surface water management. A water quality and water quantity fee are collected with a subdivision. These fees are based on land use type and are intended to reflect the fact that the more intense the development type, the greater the degradation of surface water. 268 Page 5 of 6 This fee will be applied to the entire subdivision. It is calculated as shown in the table below these are the 2023 rates and are subject to change in 2024): Surface Water Development Fees Area (acres)Per Acre Fee Fee 1.75 $9,180 $16,065.00 ASSESSMENTS Water and sewer partial hookups are due at the time of recording of the subdivision. The partial hookup fees will be assessed at the rate in effect at that time. The remaining partial hookups fees are due with the building permit. Based on the proposal the following fees will be collected prior to recording of the subdivision (these are 2023 rates and are subject to change in 2024): a) Partial hookup fees: a Water Hook-Up of $2,652 and a Sewer Hook-Up of $715.00 b) Surface water development fee: $16,065.00 c) Park dedication fee: $5,800.00 COMPLIANCE TABLE Setbacks: Front - 30 ft., Side - 10 ft., Rear - 30 ft. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that City Council approve the metes and bounds subdivision to allow the construction of a single-family home subject to the conditions of approval and adopt the attached Findings of Fact and Decision. 1. A building permit must be obtained prior to demolishing any structures on the site and before beginning any construction on the site. Area sq. ft.) Frontage ft.) Depth ft.) Lot Cover Notes% impervious (sq. ft.)/ pervious (sq. ft.) Code 15,000 90 125 25% (3,750 sq. ft.)/5% 750) Parcel A 48,818 214.8 307 25% (12,204) A portion of the lot is within the shoreland district and not allowed pervious pavers Parcel B 27,422 90.4 305 25% (6,855)/5% (1,371) Total 76,240 1.75 acres 269 Page 6 of 6 2. Building plans must provide sufficient information to verify that the proposed building meets all requirements of the Minnesota State Building Code, additional comments or requirements may be required after plan review. 3. A building permit must be obtained before beginning any construction. 4. Retaining walls (if present) more than four feet high, measured from the bottom of the footing to the top of the wall, must be designed by a professional engineer and a building permit must be obtained prior to construction. Retaining walls (if present) under four feet in height require a zoning permit. 5. If any soil corrections are done on the property, a final grading plan and soil report must be submitted to the Inspections Division before permits will be issued. 6. Public drainage and utility easements shall be recorded prior to, or concurrently with, the recording of the subdivision in accordance with the Proposed Property Division plan drafted by Advance Survey and Engineering Company, dated November 8, 2021. 7. The development fees associated with this subdivision shall be paid prior to recording of the subdivision. Fees are based on rates in effect at the time of recordation and for 2023 they total $25,232.00, and are enumerated as such: a. Partial hookup fees: a Water Hook-Up of $2,652.00 and a Sewer Hook-Up of 715.00 b. Surface water development fee: $16,065.00 c. Park dedication fee: $5,800.00 8. Park Dedication fees in the amount of $5,800 shall be paid prior to recording the subdivision. 9. A minimum of one tree shall be planted in the front yard of Parcel B. ATTACHMENTS 1. Findings of Fact and Decision 2. Resolution 3. Development Review Application. 4. Narrative. 5. Plans 6. Affidavit of Mailing. 270 Advance rw:twEEt!@,Co. ffimkrffi4ffimffirE@€daGlffinffii9JmDftfl T^Ui TO5@NffilmETSTnZr ffi WEMBER!,2@1 ouwtNc oRrENland t sc&E op40ffi: 1>.z- Y' CUENT /J@AOORESS RICHARD BROWN 2630 ORCIIARD LN. CHANHASSEN. MN sffiEOUG muE ffit&r g6ru LOTSPLITSURVET E%2Xg ffiffi 2l I130 wP S1 9EE_l!!88 36&#.*HMb6!m m{t, of tt ft. w. hE e Fwu a rE h tuiniBrfrvtu fdffiio tutuml#mlt bftffi!* nq. Ultkkffiul.iEdi. kE m6ftryf,lt6ffiiEotlE rhE5iEmt hb{tui{@h. 6 qlcicd ri{!d e bcft of a {ffi & k my bc ai*i4 ffi d ok uld h Bar.db.ffit lithmmilffi aqkdprplb$owqffitr r rfia r|l. (,E hn taEtr. DIAIN.AGE & |mM-E EASEMEM - P-{€ & rlr lqdEly, dy .d ' ety 5 fd d ft snHy l0 hd of tt folbsiry kib.d Fl: ld {. Mimr6lfi Pidq Cmn Cmty, Mi@ d(rF dr r*rly { n tuf [d dqr hi8finy. i DRANAGE & MN'E ENEMENN - PMGL B: Th. mina!. csEly Ed ?c*dy 5 fd rtd h snbctly folbwios desriH rcl: 'tu asly S ftd of l-d 4. H ( e6G.dy. Mh.s. acql [i!$qzy # S PREOP MYA'frS_PARGT A RRsr R@ (S-fl6) - 9s.@r@6FlWAnq - W.@ GSAG ftW - 96.50 arcE&6 \ S & CONYENTONS: dd. f@dEkiotueismld I GFtrO I amrctrcrcmwo I asremcrytuoera I pmowqEreErcv{ ESGJEIESTIruIIAIINmBl6AC6. r.79ACES06:@.@A Fr) MMIEIET M ffBCI5M.O& FI MMIE3TEM CffUGE85,2$ EITEIEIIIALTIEIEdS. E@{ eo)rrE(.I 61 5,S.6$ CM @t mmllGMff&EgS.$SFr SMIMTE Im@WNTTIEE (:M 6WBGE 76 G ffiil:artrrE l@B . ,ffl a mol@ai - rcL a mffiffi ..D4.fr. AAg A.QA-d- frffi lr.a I L-*--EWEEffiffii 6E EffirutffilF6r&aldmDrrrffitfuEmertd(Grur$aff ffi ,Hl t{ Ets:s @ffsr{ffi ffirr&rElffi@* Gffi,&ruIf.fffir! * tdtH,E y'* c;i PARC!:L i i;r (y! / ',(." 1"' € t ,' r.. : : ../ .., l. Sa/.fl' 27'+P- 4' \ a**\ d i i )r+' I sf.t.rz \_ taa{a I I I I 1 l f4-\ a f lPIECEI t- ai.t I 0tl ra ikri t, 1\ i Gr\ 7.'-.-Clw- l f, e" frit"\ 0-,_ i t\; \.( 0; @. I I*l r...... u/ i ls u E* il_ g- I IT n I t... rlt; I t I t I I II 271 Advance SuMying d Ervi@titp, Co. LECAL DESCRIMION OF ORIGINAL PARCEL: Lor l. MiN.wSE P.tk CNc.CMry, Mims., cxcq higtwly. PROPOSED LEGAL DHCRImloN OF PARCELAi Lor 4, Minncwsho P!&, CaN.( Cou.ty, MinreE. crccnr rh.6r.ily e0 ft thd€of ud.xcqr bighmy. PROPOSED LEOAL DESCRIFTION OF PARCEL B: Th. €srcily 90 f.d of Lot 4, Minn.wNhtr P!*. C!flcr County, Minncsoh. crcQr hidwry SCOPEOF WOK & LMIANONS: L Shoeins dc t.a8h d didiod of bu&ry lin6 of fr. 1.8!l bo!€. ftc $oF of N wics dG not imlu& you own. whch is r lqd to.n€.. Plcu. ch.ck fris 93503 E, f oMwN6 oREfrAnONt SCIE A, f- r icx t 20FEEI 0 t0' {' FtrFEI=-I r I @ 1 2il22 CUEM/JOB AOORESS RICIIARD BROWN 2630 ORCHARD LN. CHANHASSEN MN 1-l I Hr" is" SUFffDOAE: AUGUST 2. h21 E1EIE9.-0AIEi NOWUBER a 2@t 0 SBEELI!!]E LOTSPLITSURWY E@ w22Xg ORAWNG NUMBER 211130W SbwinS .ldrtiotrq on fic rilc !r kl.crcd lcrimi ro givc sft DRAINACE & UTILITYE USEMENTS. PARCELA: Thc oo&dy, c*dy sd rerty 5 fd {d tu @tcdy l0 fcd of Uc fouo*ing krihd rel: bt 4, MtuS6 M. Cffir Couty, Mims6. scet 6€ .srdly S ft ddof md .rcei highmy. DRAINAGE & UTILTYE EASEil(ENTS . P^RCEL B: Th. nodh.dy, a3bdy and wcar.ily 5 fet ind rh.3ourh.rly l0 fet of the followinS d&rib.d p0Glr ft€ astsly 90 fcr ol h 4. Mhn w*ra Park, C6q Couty. Mimgoq cxqi hidway. for U. on thk suNcy. Usc rhit &nchm!* lnd chcck d l6t on. fcrrft shoM on tha ddmioitrg 06.r h$ b.cn cohplqcd wilhout rhc b.ncfir of . clJlmr rirl€ Thcro m.y k cilting cdcmcnts or oihcr thrl *ould k il.rl.d by i dftni iitl. commih..r.$s PRW ATANilS-PAR@ E Mf tuw(ffi-n@)- tu@@qwAw - ra@B.gflrnffi- m.@WA6il& - M.hlhclcgal lny m!nc6 ol rccor( sh & itrclu&d o d. s6'.y hivcben2. Shwh8 6c lcllion of obsrud cxislin8 improv.m.nb w. &m ncRsry for th. sry. 3. Sctirg sq d.R or vsi&in8 qisrilt swq d.6 b I shblish 6. com6 ofrh. 4 Eri3lnS buildin8 dimc.sions 5.Showing ed mbul.ting impcrvios sdicc covcmg. of hc bl fo. you u,i€w ud 61 6€ flicw of such Sovcm.nol !8dcid tut miy hav. junsdicrion ov6 rhccc rcquircmmG to v.nry ihry m coGil, sosn hfoE pmcedins wi&oBtuction. @ tu..*ffidft s.dd(ddm-dnEdlId drtubh-dUdbdUt@d s& ffiryE'dhd vryu dk dd trin etr'd'n A trIl'|q croi!M'6ilMnilbdidrd @Fdroeard:.dLr!dl 6rdda@ ilkF fdh & rE d&ibddrktutr lm*r.dlak&.lGdb'tfd@. @i, rySM{ild.irh,tddqilturirdtdddao-str!rib rddffitu d{@{rb.btffia6lrd@ d!*dldl*Fffiil{9mH rbE@d irrF6 tr rb ''di4i.r@ffiMmdtusri.rk r cueilr d@ l* ' kakdddrE r u'tuilEg! rid hdori(@d. 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Ld @rEE 17..r L!IIIM{ TCEI&!! t hfi{dtkbcr.l@unhd.dirdddr'rbih"iryillbhFOry.r6-h.Et @ffibtunrdn6Nrk h !rEildtddBb@d drEe!d E.ddd@ryn in.lffihdf(srrr o&d 66d&Jn@ordFra!is Ciik &rr m'd$ En'w tu'S1 1 1@ I I I I I I I II l t l 272 Building Sketch (Page - 1) Borrower N/A Property Address 2630 Orchard Ln City Excelsior County 6srvg1 state MN zip code 55331 Lender/Client FHA 5'? 34'5'40' t4' ul t2' 22', 2 Car Garage Nq oN o6' n, N t4'6 q6' 74 48' Iul 6, 0qooN ul 8 Second Floor Bedroom Bedroom BathBath Bedroom Bedroom qoverffborcta Dining area First Floor Kitchen Bath (half) 6sa 8', Living Entrance Bedroom Laundry o^ n, oA o Patio Work Shop Game Room Family Bedroom Basement Bath?.r 74', 13' ul 22' 273 Buildins Sketch (Pase - 2) Borrower N/A Propefi Address 2630 Orchard Ln City Excelsior County Carver State IMN Zip Code 55331 Lender/Client FHA TOTAL Sketch by a la mode, inc. Ljncovered Patio Covered Porch 2 Car Garage Covered Deck Unfinished Basement Basement Area Calculations 140 Sq ft 56Sqft 396 Sq ft 96Sqft 166 Sq ft 1191 Sq ft 0.5x3x3 0.5x3x3 6x3 0.5x2x2 0.5x2xz 5x2 48x17 40x8 26x4 4.5 4.5 18 2 2 10 816 320 104 1281 SqftFirstFloor 1140 SqftSecondFloor Total Area 25xt4 14x29 1?x32 350 406 384 14x10 =140 78x22 = 396 4xl4 = 56 12x8 = 96 13x7 = 91 l2x4 = 48 6x3 = 18 0.5x3x3=4.5 0.5x3x3= 4.5 15x6 14x11 73x7 17x8 18x40 90 154 91 136 720 2421 Sq ft 274 2Q9 COMM UNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTM ENT Planning Division -7700 Market Boulevard Mailing Address - P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone: (952)227-1100 / Fax: (952)227-1110 CITY OT CIIAI{HASSII'I HJ#,APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PC Date: _ CC Date:6GDay Review Date: _Submiftal Date: Section 1 ication Type (check allthat apply) Refer to the appropriate Application Checklist for required submittal information that must accompany this application) E Comprehensive Plan Amendment............ E Minor MUSA line for failing on-site sewers... fl Conditional Use Permit (CUP) E Single-Family Residence. E ggooivision (sUB) trtr Create 3 lots or less Create over 3 lots .$600 + $15(_ lots) Rtr Metes & Bounds (2 lots) Consolidate Lots Lot Line Adjustment.. FinalPlat..... lncludes $450 escrow for attorney costs)* Additional escrow may be required for other applications E eltothers......... lnterim Use Permit (lUP) 325 425 tr!ln conjunction with Single-Family Residence.. $325 All Others.... ............. $425 trtr Administrative .......... $100 Commercial/lndustrial Districts"$50o 600 100 through the development confact. 750 ! Vacation of Easements/Right-of-way (VAC)........ $300 100 (Additional recording fees may apply) E Sign Plan Review ...........$150 E Site Plan Review (SPR) n WettanO Alteration Permit (WAP) trtr Single-Fam ily Residence AllOthers.... 300 per lot 300 150 150 700 1 50 275 100 500 M, Ei- Plus $10 per 1,000 square feet of building area:(_ thousand square feet) lnclude number of g1g!49 employees: lnclude number of ryemployees:! Residential Districts $500 Plus $5 per dwelling unit (_ units) Notification Sign (city to install and remove) Property Owners' List within 500' (city to generate after pre-application meeting) Zoning Appeal........ Zoning Ordinance Amendment (ZOA) p[!: When multiple applications are processed concurrently, the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application, appry).......... 5.1- E lnterim Use Permit El Variance fl Easements (- easements) 4 x $3 per address addresses 50 per docum ent[l Escrow for Recording Documents (check all that n Conditional Use Permit E Vacation E Metes & Bounds Subdivision (3 docs.)nntr Site Plan Agreement Wetland Alteration Permit Deeds TOTAL FEE: Section 2: Required Information Description of Proposal: Property Parcel #: Address or Location L A dR TotalAcreage: Present Zoning Present Land Use Desig nation: fg!"C O19 r? Ty't wetands Present? Select Onf Y(L,-l flyes N" Requested Zoning Select One Requested Land Use Designation:Select One Existing Use of Property:Rn S ,[-ua^elr <-t nCne* box if separate narrative is attached 2D t*l dD Legal Description: 275 Section 3: Property Owner and Applicant lnformation APPLICANT OTHER THAN PROPERTY OWNER: ln signing this application, l, as applicant, represent to have obtained authorization from the property owner to file this application. I agree to be bound by conditions of approval, subject only to the right to object at the hearings on the application or during the appeal period. lf this application has not been signed by the property owner, I have attached separate documentation of full legal capacity to file the application. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additionalfees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any aulhorization to proceed with the study. lcertify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Name:Contact: Phone:Address: City/State/Zip: Email: Signature PROPERTY OWNER: ln signing this application, l, as property owner, have full legal capacity to, and hereby do, authorize the filing of this application. I understand that conditions of approval are binding and agree to be bound by those conditions, subject only to the right to object at the hearings or during the appeal periods. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the Cell: Fax: Date study- I Name: certifvr)' l( tr,,h *rcL"J1 r(KJN that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Contact: Address: City/State/Zip: Email: Signature: PROJECT ENGINEER (if applicable) Name: 3 Cell: Fax: bt2-fn+*3bL7- N[0il< Date:/l-/4-ZZ- Address: Contact Phone: City/State/Zip: Email: Cell: Fax: This application must be completed in full and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before flling this application, refer to the appropriate Application Checklist and confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and applicable procedural requirements and fees. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application. Who should receive copies of staff reports?*Other Contact lnformation: E Property owner Via: E Email E Applicant Via: EEmailEEngineerVia: E Email E other. Via: E Email E Maited Paper copy rr/laiteo Paper copy E Maileo Paper copy E rrilaiteo Paper Copy Name: Address: City/State/Zip: Email: INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT: Com plete all necessary form fields, then select SAVE FORM to save a copy to your device. PRINT FORM and deliver to city along with required documents and payment. SUBMIT FORM to send a digital copy to the city for processing. SAVE FORM PRINT FORM SUBMIT FORM Ph^'o Section 4: Notification lnformation 276 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER & HENNEPIN COUNTIES NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING CASE NO. 2023-17 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Chanhassen City Council will hold a public hearing on Monday, July 24, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. The purpose of this hearing is to consider a request for approval of a Metes and Bounds subdivision of 1.79 acres into two single-family lots for property located at 2630 Orchard Lane. Zoned Single-Family Residential (RSF). Applicant/Owner: Richard Brown. A plan showing the location of the proposal is available for public review on the city’s website at www.chanhassenmn/ProposedDevelopments. All interested persons are invited to express their opinions with respect to this proposal. Bob Generous, AICP Senior Planner Email: bgenerous@chanhassenmn.gov Phone: 952-227-1131 Publish in the Chanhassen Villager on July 13, 2023) g:\plan\2023 planning cases\23-17 2630 orchard lane metes & bounds lot split\ph notice to villager 2630 orchard lane.docx 277