08-14-2023 Agenda and PacketA.5:30 P.M. - WORK SESSION Note: Unless otherwise noted, work sessions are held in the Fountain Conference Room in the lower level of City Hall and are open to the public. If the City Council does not complete the work session items in the time allotted, the remaining items will be considered after the regular agenda. A.1 Interview Youth Applicants for Park & Recreation and Environmental Commissions A.2 2024 Preliminary General Fund Budget and Levy Discussion A.3 Follow-Up Discussion on Central Business District (CBD) Zoning District Ordinance A.4 Future Work Session Schedule B.7:00 P.M. - CALL TO ORDER (Pledge of Allegiance) C.PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS C.1 Thank Senator Julia Coleman D.CONSENT AGENDA All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the city council and will be considered as one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately. City council action is based on the staff recommendation for each item. Refer to the council packet for each staff report. D.1 Approve City Council Minutes dated July 24, 2023 D.2 Approve City Council Minutes dated July 17, 2023 D.3 Receive Economic Development Commission Meeting Minutes dated July 11, 2023 D.4 Approve Claims Paid dated August 14, 2023 AGENDA CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, AUGUST 14, 2023 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD 1 D.5 Appoint Youth Commissioners to the Economic Development Commission, Park and Recreation Commission, and the Environmental Commission D.6 Approve Temporary Modification of the Licensed Premises to serve Beer in the Hackamore Brewing Company Parking Lot Area D.7 Approve Quote for Lake Susan Park Ballfield Reconstruction D.8 Approve the Site Plan Agreement between the City of Chanhassen and Life Time Inc. for the Construction of a Pickleball Facility Including Indoor and Outdoor Courts D.9 Adopt Updated Drug, Alcohol, and Cannabis Testing and Drug-Free Workplace Act Policy for Non-Commercial Drivers (Non-DOT) to Incorporate the Legalization of Cannabis D.10 Resolution 2023-XX: Approve Purchases for Annual Lift Station Maintenance D.11 Resolution 2023-XX: Approve Application of Holy Family Catholic High School to Conduct Off-Premise Lawful Gambling at Axel's Bonfire Restaurant located at 560 West 78th Street D.12 Resolution 2023-XX: Grant of TH 101 Highway Easements D.13 Approve First Amendment to Development Contract between Dakota Retail LLLP and the City of Chanhassen D.14 Approve 12-Month Extension to Approved 10-Foot Shoreland Setback Variance for Property at 3609 Red Cedar Point Road E.VISITOR PRESENTATIONS Visitor Presentations requesting a response or action from the City Council must complete and submit the Citizen Action Request Form (see VISITOR GUIDELINES at the end of this agenda). E.1 The Grief Club of Minnesota F.PUBLIC HEARINGS F.1 Resolution 2023-XX: Adopt Resolution Approving Vacation of Public Drainage and Utility Easements and Public Right-of-Way Over Lot 1, Block 1 and Outlot A, McGlynn Park, and Outlot A, McGlynn Park 2nd Addition; and Approve the Preliminary and Final Plat, Development Contract, Site Plan, and Wetland Alteration Permit for Audubon Business Park G.GENERAL BUSINESS G.1 Ordinance XXX: (1) Amending Chapter 14 of the Chanhassen City Code Concerning Smoking in City Parks; and (2) Amending Chapter 11 of the Chanhassen City Code Concerning Cannabis Use in Public H.COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS I.ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS J.CORRESPONDENCE DISCUSSION 2 J.1 2023 Second Half Suburban Rate Authority Assessment J.2 2023 Building Permit Activity K.ADJOURNMENT GUIDELINES FOR VISITOR PRESENTATIONS Welcome to the Chanhassen City Council Meeting. In the interest of open communications, the Chanhassen City Council wishes to provide an opportunity for the public to address the City Council. That opportunity is provided at every regular City Council meeting during Visitor Presentations. Anyone seeking a response or action from the City Council following their presentation is required to complete and submit a Citizen Action Request Form. An online form is available at https://www.chanhassenmn.gov/action or paper forms are available in the city council chambers prior to the meeting. A total of thirty minutes is alloted for Visitor Presentations. Priority is given to Chanhassen residents. An additional thirty minutes may be provided after General Business items are complete at the discretion of the City Council. Anyone indicating a desire to speak during Visitor Presentations will be acknowledged by the Mayor. When called upon to speak, state your name, address, and topic. All remarks shall be addressed to the City Council as a whole, not to any specific member(s) or to any person who is not a member of the City Council. If there are a number of individuals present to speak on the same topic, please designate a spokesperson that can summarize the issue. Limit your comments to five minutes. Additional time may be granted at the discretion of the Mayor. If you have written comments, provide a copy to the Council. Comments may also be emailed to the City Council at council@chanhassenmn.gov. During Visitor Presentations, the Council and staff listen to comments and will not engage in discussion. Council members or the City Manager may ask questions of you in order to gain a thorough understanding of your concern, suggestion or request. Please be aware that disrespectful comments or comments of a personal nature, directed at an individual either by name or inference, will not be allowed. Personnel concerns should be directed to the City Manager. Members of the City Council and some staff members may gather at Tequila Butcher, 590 West 79th Street in Chanhassen immediately after the meeting for a purely social event. All members of the public are welcome. 3 City Council Item August 14, 2023 Item Interview Youth Applicants for Park & Recreation and Environmental Commissions File No.Item No: A.1 Agenda Section 5:30 P.M. - WORK SESSION Prepared By Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Reviewed By Laurie Hokkanen SUGGESTED ACTION Interview Youth Commission Applicants Motion Type N/A Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY The following applicant has applied for the youth commissioner vacancies: Nischay Pattanashetty, Park and Recreation Commission Ryan Farnan, Environmental Commission No other applications were received. BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET 4 RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS 5 City Council Item August 14, 2023 Item 2024 Preliminary General Fund Budget and Levy Discussion File No.Item No: A.2 Agenda Section 5:30 P.M. - WORK SESSION Prepared By Kelly Grinnell, Finance Director Reviewed By Laurie Hokkanen SUGGESTED ACTION N/A Motion Type N/A Strategic Priority Financial Sustainability SUMMARY Staff will present an overview of the preliminary 2024 General Fund budget and maximum tax levy for Council discussion and direction. BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION 6 ATTACHMENTS Preliminary 2024 General Fund Budget and Levy 2023-08-14 7 Preliminary 2024 General Fund Budget and Levy 2024 Preliminary General Fund Budget Staff has met several times to draft a preliminary budget for the General Fund. The current draft is balanced, with revenues &transfers in totaling $15,735,350 and expenditures also totaling $15,735,350. Projected unassigned fund balance at the end of 2024 is estimated at $7,453,891, which is above target for unassigned fund balance. Total revenues and transfers in are 9.7%, or $1,392,280 higher than the 2023 budget. Most of this is due to the $1,102,000 increase in the General Fund levy. A significant portion of the levy increase, $350,000 is due to a shift in expenses from the Transportation Infrastructure Management (TIM) Fund. Some of the expenses in the TIM fund are operational versus capital in nature, so staff has moved those operating expenses from the TIM fund and reduced the levy for that fund. Transfers into the General Fund is projected to increase by $150,000. The City is receiving approximately $1.1 million in Public Safety Aid from the State at the end of 2023. Staff recommends using $300,000 in 2024 to offset increases in police and fire expenses and is analyzing uses for the remaining aid. Other revenue is up by about $80,000. About $60,000 is due to an increase in interest income due to increased interest rates. Charges for service is up about $61,000, largely due to increased park and recreation revenues. Total expenditures and transfers out are expected to increase 8.4%, from $14.5 million to $15.7 million. Staff is still refining amounts and there are still some unknowns at this point. The full effect on inflation over the past two years has impacted many line items for 2024. The COLA for wages is 3% per the existing union agreement. Health insurance premiums will be known later this month but are capped and currently budgeted at a 5% increase. As mentioned earlier, Public Works expenditures are $350,000 higher due to the shift in TIM Fund expenses. Another significant increase is $270,000 for the police contract increase. These two items account for over half of the increase in the budget. Staff will review other significant changes at the workshop. Since the budget is currently balanced, fund balance is expected to remain unchanged. For the fiscal year ended 2022, General Fund balance was made up of the following components: Nonspendable (Prepaid Items)$ 91,340 Assigned (2022 Budget Carryovers, other)$ 657,000 Unassigned $7,623,891 Total $8,372,231 Current fund balance policy calls for a minimum unassigned fund balance equal to 50% of the following year’s levy. This translates to a minimum of $5,925,500. Projected ending fund balance for 2023 is $7,435,891, which is about $1.5 million over target. 8 Preliminary CIP Staff is still working on the 2024 to 2028 Preliminary Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). The levy amounts for the tax-supported funds are set and staff is working on fitting in projects that fit within those limits. A council workshop will be held later to review the CIP. There are two funds that are not tax-supported that have either no dedicated funding source or a limited funding source. The Park Renovation Fund does not have a dedicated funding source. Staff has identified $250,000 in projects through 2028. These projects are for the replacement of existing park equipment and infrastructure and cannot be paid from the Park Dedication Fund. In the past the Council has opted to use General Fund balance reserves to fund these projects. This option is feasible in the short-term. Staff has researched whether additional street or trail projects are possible. They are not with existing funding levels but could be should the council decide to increase funding via a levy or franchise fee increase. Each 1% increase in the levy would add $134,000 in funding. Market Values The County Assessor’s report for taxes payable in 2024 shows a market value increase of 3.98%, compared to 16.45% last year. New construction added 1.24% and changes in value for existing properties added 2.74%. Residential values increased 3.17% and commercial/industrial properties increased 7.77% Preliminary Levy, Tax Rate, and Taxes The total preliminary levy for all funds is $14,455,000, up $992,000 or 7.4%, from last year’s levy of $14,463,000. The table below shows the breakdown: The increase is consistent with last year’s projection. Future levy increases between 7.0% and 7.7% are expected though 2027 as the levy is ramped out in anticipation of debt service on the Civic Campus starting in 2025 and taking full effect in 2030. Staff will provide tax rate info and taxes on sample homes and businesses at the workshop. Next Steps There are several council workshops and meetings planned between now and final levy adoption in December. The council must adopt a maximum preliminary levy in September. 9 City Council Item August 14, 2023 Item Follow-Up Discussion on Central Business District (CBD) Zoning District Ordinance File No.Item No: A.3 Agenda Section 5:30 P.M. - WORK SESSION Prepared By Eric Maass, Planning Director Reviewed By Eric Maass SUGGESTED ACTION Staff is requesting general feedback from the City Council as it relates to potential options for revisions to the CBD Zoning District. Motion Type N/A Strategic Priority Development & Redevelopment SUMMARY Staff has prepared options for potential CBD zoning ordinance amendments and is seeking City Council feedback before those options are brought to the Planning Commission and Economic Development Commission for additional review and refinement. BACKGROUND On July 17, 2023, the City Council enacted a development moratorium within the area zoned as Central Business District. On July 24, 2023 the City Council, Planning Commission, and Economic Development Commission participated in a joint meeting to discuss the future vision for the downtown CBD area. DISCUSSION 10 Staff has reviewed the zoning code for communities that the City Council/Commissions have referenced previously that reflect the general vision for the future of downtown Chanhassen: City of Wayzata Zoning Code City of Excelsior Zoning Code City of Hopkins Zoning Code BUDGET RECOMMENDATION No formal staff recommendation. ATTACHMENTS CBD - Draft Permitted Uses Table CBD - Draft Accessory Uses Table CBD - Draft Interim Uses Table CBD - Draft Conditional Uses Option 1 Table CBD - Draft Conditional Uses Option 2 Table CBD - Draft Lot Standards Table CBD - Draft Setbacks and Height Standards Table 11 # Currently Listed Notes for Proposed Revision # Proposed1 Clubs and lodges Considered "Restaurant" in proposed2 Fast-food restaurants as part of shopping cenerConsidered "Restaurant" in proposed3 Bars and taverns Considered "Restaurant" in proposed4 Standard restaurantsConsidered "Restaurant" in proposed5 Ballroom Considered "Entertainment" in proposed6 Community Center Considered "Entertainment" in proposed7 Cultural facilities Considered "Entertainment" in proposed8 Bowling Center Considered "Entertainment" in proposed9 Barber/Beauty Salons Considered "Commercial Services" in proposed10 Health and recreation clubs Considered "Commercial Services" in proposed11 Health services, outpatientConsidered "Commercial Services" in proposed12 Laundry and garment services Considered "Commercial Services" in proposed13 Locker rental Considered "Commercial Services" in proposed14 Print shops Considered "Commercial Services" in proposed15 Shoe repair shops Considered "Commercial Services" in proposed16 Tattoo and body art with piercing services Considered "Commercial Services" in proposed17 Theatrical producers and services Considered "Commercial Services" in proposed18 Coin-opeated service machines Considered "Commercial Services" in proposed19 Clothing Rental Considered "Commercial Retail" in proposed20 Convience stores without gas pumps Considered "Commercial Retail" in proposed21 Costume rental Considered "Commercial Retail" in proposed22 Photographic studios Considered "Commercial Retail" in proposed23 Quilting and scrap booking Considered "Commercial Retail" in proposed24 Retail sales Considered "Commercial Retail" in proposed25 Shopping centerConsidered "Commercial Retail" in proposed26 Sporting goods rental Considered "Commercial Retail" in proposed27 Financial institutions Considered "Commercial Office" in proposed28 Newspaper Offices Considered "Commercial Office" in proposed29 offices Considered "Commercial Office" in proposed30 Brewery with Taproom <3,500 Barrels subject to section 20-969 Unchanged 6 Brewery with Taproom <3,500 Barrels subject to section 20-96931 Brew pub subject to section 20-968 Unchanged 7 Brew pub subject to section 20-96832 Hotels Unchanged 8 Hotels33 Multiple-family dwellings including senior housing Unchanged 9 Multi-family housing [b]34 Microdistillery with cocktail room Unchanged 10 Microdistillery with cocktail room subject to section 20-96735 parking ramp Unchanged 11 Public Parking Ramp12 Post Office13 Library36 Utility service Moved to "accessory use" witin CBD37 Antennas Moved to "accessory use" witin CBD38 Day care center as part of shopping center39 Schools40 Convention and conference facilities41 Wedding chapelMoved to "conditional use" within CBDRemovedRemovedRemoved [a] Use cannot be located at street level on West 78th Street? [b] First floor commercial retail/service space required on first story along West 78th Street?Commercial Office [a]12345Permitted Uses in CBDRestaurantEntertainmentCommercial ServicesCommercial Retail12 # Currently Listed Notes for Proposed Revision # Proposed1 Parking lots and ramps Unchanged 1 Parking lots and ramps2 Signs Unchanged 2 Signs3 Temporary outdoor sales and events subject to section 20-964 Unchanged 3 Temporary outdoor sales and events subject to section 20-9644 Accessory Solar Energy Systems subject to section 20-1093 Unchanged 4 Accessory Solar Energy Systems subject to section 20-10935 Utility Service6 Antennas as regulated by article XXX of this chapterAccessory Uses within the CBD Moved from permitted uses -> Moved from permitted uses -> 13 # Currently Listed Notes for Proposed Revision # Proposed1 Farmers Markets Unchanged 1 Farmers Markets2 Reserved Unchanged 2 Reserved3 Churches RemovedInterim Uses within the CBD14 # Currently Listed Notes for Proposed Revision # Proposed1 Brewery operated in conjunction with taproom producing over 3,500 barrels per year Unchanged 1 Brewery operated in conjunction with taproom producing over 3,500 barrels per year2 Drive-through facilities Modified 2 Drive-through facilities within area shown as "Downtown West"3 Day care center3 Convenience store with gas pumps Removed4 Freestanding fast-food restaurants RemovedConditional Uses within the CBDMoved from permitted use in CBD -> 15 # Currently Listed Notes for Proposed Revision # Proposed1 Brewery operated in conjunction with taproom producing over 3,500 barrels per year Unchanged 1Brewery operated in conjunction with taproom producing over 3,500 barrels per year2 Day care center2 Drive-through facilities Removed3 Convenience store with gas pumps Removed4 Freestanding fast-food restaurants RemovedConditional Uses within the CBDMoved from permitted use in CBD -> 16 Chanhassen - CBD DistrictExcelsior - Downtown Commercial DistrictHopkins - Mixed Use Downtown Center District (MX-D)Wayzata - C-4 DistrictPerformance StandardMinimum Lot Area 10,000 square 008,000 square feetMinimum Lot Frontage 100 feet 000Minimum Lot Frontage on cul-de-sac60 feet 000Minimum Lot depth 100 feet 000Lot Coverage No maximum 100%85% impervious + 15% semi-perviousF.A.R. of 2.0Front Yard Setback No minimum 00 Min / 5 Max0*Rear Yard Setback No minimum 120' Min with 20' Alley, 10' Min without0*Side Yard Setback No minimum 00 Min0*Maximum Height No maximum 2 stories (<28 ft)2 stories Min / 4 stories Max3 stories or 35 ft*if adjacent to residential district then the setback applicable for that residential district shall applyWayzata Zoning Code https://library.municode.com/mn/wayzata/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=CD_ORD_PTIXZO_CH978CEBUDIExcelsior Zoning Codehttps://library.municode.com/mn/excelsior/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=PTIICOOR_APXEZO_ART50CODIHopkins Zoning Codehttps://www.hopkinsmn.com/DocumentCenter/View/4001/City-of-Hopkins-Land-Development-Code-PDFPerformance Standard DimensionMinimum Lot Area 0Minimum Lot Frontage 0Minimum Lot depth 0Lot Coverage 100%Roof Type Flat or ParapetDraft ProposalProposed Lot Requirements and Roof Type within the CBDDimensionExisting 17 Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min MaxDowntown Core 0 5 0 10 0 0 1 6* 14 18 9 12Downtown West 0 2004504516*1215912**3rd stories and higher shall have a setback of at least 10 feet from the front street property line and adjacent to any property line shared with properties zoned RSFChanhassen - CBD DistrictPerformance StandardFront Yard SetbackNo minimumRear Yard SetbackNo minimumSide Yard SetbackNo minimumMaximum HeightNo maximum*if adjacent to residential district then the setback applicable for that residential district shall apply0*0*0*3 stories or 35 ftDraft ProposalExisting Standards1202 stories (<28 ft)0 Min / 5 Max0' Min with 20' Alley, 0 Min2 stories Min / 4 Excelsior - Downtown Commercial DistrictHopkins - Mixed Use Downtown Center District (MX-D)0Ground StoryWayzata - C-4 DistrictDimensionCBD Character AreasUpper StoriesSetbacks (ft) Height (ft)Total StoriesSideFront Street Rear18 City Council Item August 14, 2023 Item Future Work Session Schedule File No.Item No: A.4 Agenda Section 5:30 P.M. - WORK SESSION Prepared By Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Reviewed By Laurie Hokkanen SUGGESTED ACTION N/A Motion Type N/A Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY The City Council is tentatively scheduled to hold the following work sessions: August 28, 2023 September 11, 2023 Presentation of Preliminary 2024 Levy and Gov Fund Budgets; 2024-2028 Gov Fund CIP September 25, 2023 Fire Department Open House City Council Roundtable October 9, 2023 19 Police Contract and Service Levels Discussion October 23, 2023 Presentation of Preliminary 2024 Utility Fund Budgets and 2024-2028 CIP November 13, 2023 November 27, 2023 Final Review of Proposed 2024 Levy, Budgets, and CIP for all funds December 11, 2023 City Council Roundtable BACKGROUND Staff or the City Council may suggest topics for work sessions. Dates are tentative until the meeting agenda is published. Work sessions are typically held at 5:30 pm on the second and fourth Monday of each month in conjunction with the regular City Council meeting, but may be scheduled for other times as needed. DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS 20 City Council Item August 14, 2023 Item Thank Senator Julia Coleman File No.Item No: C.1 Agenda Section PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS Prepared By Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager Reviewed By SUGGESTED ACTION Recognize and thank Senator Coleman Motion Type N/A Strategic Priority Communications SUMMARY Senator Julia Coleman will attend the City Council meeting and be recognized by Mayor Ryan for her efforts to advance the city's legislative agenda. Learn more about Senator Coleman on her Minnesota Senate website. BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION 21 ATTACHMENTS 22 City Council Item August 14, 2023 Item Approve City Council Minutes dated July 24, 2023 File No.Item No: D.1 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Reviewed By SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council approves the City Council minutes dated July 24, 2023." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS City Council Work Session Minutes dated July 24, 2023 23 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes dated July 24, 2023 24 CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MINUTES JULY 24, 2023 Mayor Ryan called the work session to order at 5:30 p.m. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ryan, Councilman McDonald, Councilman von Oven, Councilwoman Schubert, and Councilman Kimber. COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT:None. STAFF PRESENT: Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager; Matt Unmacht, Assistant City Manager; Eric Maass, Planning Director; Charlie Howley, Public Works Director/City Engineer; Don Johnson, Fire Chief; Jerry Ruegemer, Park & Recreation Director; Bob Generous, Senior Planner; Samantha DiMaggio, Economic Development Manager; and Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk. PUBLIC PRESENT: Consultants: Bryan Harjes, HKGi Jeff Miller, HKGi Paul Michell, BKV Group Bruce Schwartzman, BKV Group Dustin Phillips, Kraus-Anderson Scott Caron, Ballard King Kelly Baylor, BKV Group Economic Development Commissioners: Eric Anderson Duke Zurek Chris Freeman Luke Bame Cohen Lee Planning Commissioners: Kelsey Alto Steve Jobe Erik Johnson Perry Schwartz Ryan Soller 25 City Council Work Session Minutes – July 24, 2023 2 JOINT MEETING WITH PLANNING COMMISSION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION TO DISCUSS DOWNTOWN ZONING DISTRICT USES AND THE DOWNTOWN DESIGN GUIDELINES PROJECT WITH HKGI Planning Director Eric Maass asked all attendees to introduce themselves and thanked them for completing the survey prior to the meeting. He then introduced Bryan Harjes and Jeff Miller from HKGi. Mr. Harjes provided an overview of the evening’s agenda and presented the schedule for completing the following three tasks: understanding what exists, preparing draft recommendations, refining the draft to a preferred design guideline document, and seeking approvals. Mr. Jeff Miller reviewed the current guidance for downtown redevelopment, which includes the 2018 Downtown Vision Plan, zoning districts, design standards for commercial, industrial, and office-institutional developments, and design standards for multifamily developments. Mr. Harjes reviewed the guiding principles of the 2018 Downtown Vision Plan and presented an aerial view showing the downtown district boundary and a sub-district diagram with dimensions. downtown character and scale. Mr. Harjes presented overlays showing downtown comparisons of the size and scale of the cities of Hopkins, Wayzata, 50 th and France in Edina, and Burnsville’s Heart of the City. These comparisons were significantly smaller than the current Chanhassen Central Business District (CBD) boundary. Reviewed building and parking lot locations, key streets that carry the majority of traffic, West 78th Street character showing different spaces between building faces, downtown entries and gateways, and potential new streets. Mr. Harjes also presented slides showing the location of current trails and sidewalks, building and parking lot locations, and key streets in the downtown. The current character of West 78th Street and Market Boulevard was presented with photos, downtown entries and gateways, key streets, driveway access points, and potential new streets. Following the presentation, Mr. Harjes reviewed the discussion questions that were previously sent to meeting members and asked for feedback to assist HKGi in setting the foundations for the questions that are asked of the community and our recommendations for the downtown. 1.Aspirational districts or downtowns?Excelsior, Hopkins, and Wayzata were mentioned due to unique destinations, pedestrian access to retail, and how storefronts are close to the street, with parking provided in public ramps and lots within the downtown. An increase in structured parking in Chanhassen was suggested. Architectural cohesiveness is preferred to the mish-mash of different styles and building materials currently in downtown Chanhassen; however, the goal of cohesion should not be to create another Arbor Lakes but for timelessness. Design guidelines should be developed and incorporated. Victoria and Waconia were also mentioned as desirable downtowns because they have corridors with multiple shops, restaurants, green space, and a smaller block pattern. Most of these downtowns have some sort of primary draw, such as a lake or a theater. The proposed Civic Campus could be a new downtown draw for Chanhassen. 2.What are we striving for with the updated design standards? What are the priorities? Existing parking areas could be repurposed, and buildings could be placed closer to the 26 City Council Work Session Minutes – July 24, 2023 3 street. The pedestrian experience could be more dog friendly. Prioritization should be given to small businesses. Increase green space and landscape architecture and include sculptures and art installations. 3.Where does additional housing make sense in the downtown?Commercial uses versus residential uses were discussed. Not just apartments, but maybe include rowhomes or townhomes or a rooftop venue. Possibly include a hotel. 4.Noting the challenges of vertical mixed-use, how does stand-alone retail mix with multi- story, pedestrian-oriented development? Preference for vertical mixed-use development but important that any new development or redevelopment remains compact and walkable. Multi-story apartment buildings without ground level retail or townhomes could be appropriate in the outer edges of the downtown area. 5.Where are the logical redevelopment sites?Either west or south of the proposed Civic Campus block. The streets decide what spaces are available for urban development. 6.Should West 78th Street and Market Boulevard both have commercial uses at the street level? Is housing OK at the street level along these streets? The core of the downtown should contain street level commercial uses which activate the street frontages and create activity. Areas with topography issues that would make commercial storefronts that are ADA compliant unlikely could result in those areas being used for residential uses. 7.Convenience/ auto-oriented commercial vs. pedestrian-oriented district or both? Can speeds be lowered in the heart of downtown to become less car dominant and more bike- oriented? Another suggestion is to narrow the streets to calm traffic with no parking on the main downtown arteries but instead on internal downtown streets. Consider roundabouts. 8.Should the City push for additional connections (streets, trails, sidewalks) in the downtown with redevelopment? The group’s general consensus was that the city should support adding internal streets. Mr. Harjes asked the group if the survey questions made sense for the broader public and should new streets be added. The number of comparable images could be increased with detailed descriptions and comparisons. A suggestion was made to play off of Paisley Park within the downtown as far as art and design. HKGi will take the comments received from tonight’s meeting and return in a couple of months with some ideas. Anticipated future meeting schedule on the CBD Zoning District Ordinance Amendment: August 8th Economic Development Commission August 15th Planning Commission September 5th Planning Commission (public hearing) September 11th City Council 27 City Council Work Session Minutes – July 24, 2023 4 ADULT USE CANNABIS City Manager Laurie Hokkanen reviewed the recently adopted statewide legislation legalizing recreational cannabis starting on August 1. Cities are authorized to adopt an ordinance deeming it a petty misdemeanor to use cannabis flower, cannabis products, lower-potency hemp edibles, or hemp-derived consumer products in public places. Without such an ordinance, a person could use them in public places if such use is not separately prohibited by another existing law, e.g. the Minnesota Clean Indoor Air Act. For example, someone could legally use these products in city parks or while on streets, sidewalks, or public parking lots unless the city has an ordinance deeming such use a petty misdemeanor. Ms. Hokkanen provided ordinance examples from the cities or Carver and Duluth and asked for city council direction on creating an ordinance prohibiting the use of cannabis and hemp in public spaces. The consensus of the city council was to create an ordinance prohibiting all tobacco and cannabis smoking and vaping in public and to schedule the ordinance for the August 14, 2023 City Council meeting. Mayor Ryan recessed the work session at 6:55 p.m. Mayor Ryan reconvened the work session at 8:10 p.m. UPDATE ON CIVIC CAMPUS WITH BKV GROUP AND HKGI The Civic Campus Project Team was introduced and presented an update on the Civic Campus programming work completed to date as well as presented a roadmap of upcoming meetings, deadlines, and engagement opportunities. Mr. Paul Michell presented project activities to date, including kickoff and goal setting, City Hall Senior Center programming, review of draft program results/space standards, confirm program with department staff, site masterplan program refinements, and final project program, schedule, and budget review. He reviewed the city hall program. The Project Team provided facilities program updates for city hall, the senior center, and the park pavilion, including a summary comparing proposed program square footage results compared to prior studies. Mr. Harjes reviewed the site amenities, including relocation of the Veterans Memorial, level of finish for the skate park, additional pickleball court (4 total), sculptural splash pad, and integration with West 78th Street and Market Boulevard intersection. Mr. Harjes discussed open topics, including the stair/elevator at the parking garage, café at the park pavilion, multi-purpose council chambers versus a dedicated training room, senior center fitness areas, and makers space. Mr. Schwartzman asked for council input on these topics. The council was in favor of including the parking garage elevator. Mr. Schwartzman asked about adding a café component at the park pavilion. Park and Recreation Director Jerry Ruegemer stated that a concession area could be an option for splash 28 City Council Work Session Minutes – July 24, 2023 5 pad users, outdoor concerts, and winter activity users. Concern was expressed about the size and purpose of the park pavilion and if the facility would be private or public. Mr. Michell asked about the council chambers being a multipurpose room that can be used for training. Ms. Hokkanen responded that there are concerns regarding seating and the ability to move the podium and that a separate council chamber is preferred. Mr. Schwartzman asked about the senior center fitness areas, which would include equipment designed specifically for senior fitness programs and low-impact cardio that is handicap accessible, and weight equipment geared toward pulley systems as opposed to free weights. The council consensus was not to include a senior fitness area in the senior center space as the Rec Center is available for fitness. Additionally, many senior living facilities incorporate their own fitness areas. Mr. Caron asked about the makerspace, which is defined as a collaborative workspaceinside a school, library, or separate public/private facility for making, learning, exploring, and sharing that uses high-tech to no tech tools. Ms. Hokkanen discussed the current wood carvers group, their need for a workspace, and future growth opportunities for other groups. The council consensus was to include the makerspace. Mr. Michell reviewed upcoming stakeholder engagement, including a senior center listening session, city council workshops, library/parking, farmers market, public workshop, and project website. Mr. Schwartzman reviewed each phase of the upcoming project schedule, including schematic design, design development, construction documents, bidding and award, and construction. Upcoming dates for additional project work with the city council are: July 31 at 6:30 p.m. – Visioning Workshop August 21 at 5:30 p.m. – Design Workshop RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY (RSF) ZONING DISTRICT LOT COVER DISCUSSION The city council asked for additional discussion on lot coverage requirements at the April City Council Roundtable. Planning Director Eric Maass reviewed the city’s current standard for lot coverage in the RSF district, which allows a maximum of 25% impervious surface, and was approved by the city council in December 1986. In June 2018, the city council approved an additional 5% impervious surface coverage for areas outside of the Shoreland Overlay District (SOD) if permeable pavers were used. RSF zoning in Chanhassen covers 2513 acres (20%) of the city, of which 1360 acres are either within the SOD or Bluff Creek Overlay District (BCOD). This consideration would affect 1153 acres (9%) in the city. The frequency of requests for lot cover variances has increased over the past 18 years. Twelve other cities were researched, generally in the range of 25-40% impervious allowed. 29 City Council Work Session Minutes – July 24, 2023 6 Public Works Director/City Engineer Charlie Howley reviewed potential quantitative and qualitative impacts and offered five potential options and their impacts on the city, the applicant, and natural resources. Council discussed the proposed options and came to a consensus to bring this item back to a future work session to discuss considering the option to increase the maximum lot cover percentage and whether or not an impact study should be initiated and/or public engagement on the topic. FUTURE WORK SESSION SCHEDULE August 14, 2023 Interview Youth Commissioner Applicants Review Early Draft of the 2024 General Fund Budget & Levy August 28, 2023  September 11, 2023 Presentation of Preliminary 2024 Levy and Gov Fund Budgets; 2024-2028 Gov Fund CIP September 25, 2023 Fire Station Open House City Council Roundtable The work session adjourned at 10:10 p.m. Submitted by Laurie Hokkanen City Manager Prepared by Kim Meuwissen City Clerk 30 CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JULY 24, 2023 Mayor Ryan called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ryan, Councilwoman Schubert, Councilman McDonald, Councilman von Oven, Councilman Kimber. COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT:None. STAFF PRESENT: Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager; Matt Unmacht, Assistant City Manager; Eric Maass, Planning Director; Charlie Howley, Public Works Director/City Engineer; Don Johnson, Fire Chief; Lt. Lance Pearce, CCSO; Jerry Ruegemer, Park and Recreation Director; Bob Generous, Senior Planner; Samantha DiMaggio, Economic Development Manager; Andrea McDowell Poehler, City Attorney; and Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk. PUBLIC PRESENT: Eric Hanson, CEO SouthWest Transit Tom Stiles Prairie School of Dance, 18946 Lake Drive East PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS: None. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman McDonald, Councilman Kimber seconded that the City Council approve the following consent agenda items 1 through 8 pursuant to the City Manager’s recommendations: 1. Approve Planning Commission Minutes dated June 20, 2023 2. Receive Environmental Commission Meeting Minutes dated June 21, 2023 3. Receive Economic Development Commission Meeting Minutes dated June 13, 2023 4. Approve Claims Paid dated July 24, 2023 5. Approve Contract with Kraus-Anderson Construction Company for Construction Manager for Civic Campus 6. Approve Contract for Annual Sanitary and Storm Sewer Televising to Pipe Services 7. Approve an Encroachment Agreement between the City of Chanhassen and Jeffrey Babcock and Lynnea Babcock 8.Resolution 2023-61:Approve Contract with Rochon Corporation for Fire Station Kitchen Remodel Project All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. 31 City Council Minutes – July 24, 2023 2 VISITOR PRESENTATIONS. 1. Southwest Transit CEO Erik Hansen Erik Hansen, CEO of SouthWest Transit, is a new resident of Chanhassen and the new CEO of SouthWest Transit. The company is experiencing a ridership increase of 26 percent with express services downtown and 40 percent with Prime services. Mr. Hansen encouraged residents to download the app or visit the website for more information. Mayor Ryan welcomed Mr. Hansen to the community. She encouraged him to visit again and share additional updates in the coming months. 2. Citizen Action Request – Tom Stiles Tom Stiles, a middle school science teacher in Minnetonka, shared information about his wife’s dance studio, Prairie School of Dance. They are building this dance studio in Chanhassen. During the building process, they were assessed a water and sewer accessibility charge. They budgeted $10,000 for the MET Council Fees and water and sewer accessibility charge. Chanhassen charges $11,224 per SAC charge. Mr. Stiles felt the calculated water usage does not match the dance studio water usage, as the studio will have a water fountain, sink, and two bathrooms. He stated that the assumed occupancy was less than the previous tenant in the space, meaning the water usage should not increase. He stated that the fees would significantly impact the financial means of the small business. He requested that their SAC charge be decreased to one SAC charge. Mayor Ryan thanked Mr. Stiles for sharing the information. She stated the fees are at the Met Council level based on received feedback. She encouraged Mr. Stiles to work with city staff regarding the concerns moving forward. FIRE DEPARTMENT/LAW ENFORCEMENT UPDATES. 1. Quarterly Fire Department Update Fire Chief Don Johnson updated the council regarding current fire department staffing. There are 24 paid-on-call firefighters and 4 paid-on-call battalion chiefs. There is a battalion chief and a full-time firefighter currently on military duty. Since 2022, the fire department has collected individual data to determine decisions. Mr. Johnson shared a map highlighting fire department responses to show high-volume responses. A majority of calls are residential. There has also been a large percentage of medical response calls. The fire department has continued to change, including staffing the station 24 hours. This has decreased the number of all-staff calls. The website highlights other data, including the monthly volume of calls and overlapping calls. The fire department open house is on September 25, and he encouraged the council members to attend. Mayor Ryan thanked the chief for sharing data which will assist the council in making decisions in the future regarding staffing and response time. 32 City Council Minutes – July 24, 2023 3 Councilman von Oven congratulated the fire chief on excellent data. He asked the chief to expand on the differences between emergency and non-emergency calls. Mr. Johnson stated that if the fire department can avoid using emergency lights, it benefits motorists. The fire department aims to respond appropriately to each call. As the department has consistent staffing, the immediate appeal to respond to Code 3 calls has decreased. City Manager Laurie Hokkanen stated that in 2014 the average response time to get out the door was over 9 minutes. Due to council changes to the fire department, the average response time to arrive at the call has decreased. 2. Quarterly Law Enforcement Update Lt. Lance Pearce updated the council with quarterly activity from April, May, and June. For A offenses, there were 101 incidents. For B offenses, there were 35 incidents. For non-criminal incidents, there were 1296 incidents, including fire, medical, suspicion calls, and mental health calls. There were 1269 traffic incidents, including traffic stops, impaired drivers, speeding violations, and expired vehicle registration. There were 114 property damage incidents, 14 personal injury accidents, and two fatalities. Lt. Pearce shared that there were additional training opportunities for officers, including two sessions of on-duty range, legal update with the county attorney’s office, and tactical response team training. Mr. Pearce stated that July 4th was a successful event with only minor incidents. Lt. Pearce stated that the mid-year crime rate has decreased by 31 percent since last year. Significant incidents have occurred this year, including four weapons-related calls, a robbery, and a homicide. These types of calls did not occur last year. For non-criminal offenses, there has been a decrease in alarms, animals, and suspicion calls. There has been an increase in missing person calls, mental health calls, and abuse calls. Lt. Pearce highlighted there have been five police officers killed in the line of duty regionally. Dispatcher Lisa Anderly and Deputy Jeff Trick retired after many years of service. One final highlight is that the CrisisGo Responder starts next week. He hopes to bring them to council in the future. Mayor Ryan thanked the Lieutenant for the information. She asked if there were any changes to patrol with the legalization of marijuana. Lt. Pearce stated they completed the training with the county attorney’s office, but they are adapting to the changes by the legislature. Mayor Ryan thanked both the fire department and law enforcement for their continued service. PUBLIC HEARINGS. 1. Resolution 2023-62: Consider a Request for Approval of a Metes and Bounds Subdivision at 2630 Orchard Lane Senior Planner Bob Generous shared information about the property. The owner wants to split his lot into two parcels, which exceed the minimum area, frontage, and depth requirements. 33 City Council Minutes – July 24, 2023 4 There is sewer and water available in Orchard Lane, and a roadway is in place, so no public improvements are required for this property. Mayor Ryan opened the public hearing. There were no public comments. Mayor Ryan closed the public hearing. Councilman von Oven moved, Councilwoman Schubert seconded that the City Council adopts the resolution approving a Metes and Bounds subdivision creating two single-family lots subject to the conditions of approval and adopts the findings of fact and decision. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. GENERAL BUSINESS. 1. Resolution 2023-63: Consider a Request for an Amendment to the 2040 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map from Residential – Large Lot (2.5-acre minimum) to Residential – Low Density (net density 1.2-4 units per acre) on property located at 7750 Crimson Bay Road Senior Planner Bob Generous shared that the city is considering extending Dogwood Road and connecting it to Crimson Bay. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on June 20, supporting the applicant’s desire to subdivide her property. Other residents did not want their properties subdivided. Councilwoman Schubert moved, Councilman Kimber seconded that the Chanhassen City Council adopt a Resolution amending the 2040 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map from Residential – Large Lot to Residential – Low Density for 7750 Crimson Bay Road. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. 2. Consider a Request for a Preliminary Plat, Site Plan, and Easement Vacation for 53 Rowhomes located at the Southwest Corner of Powers and Lyman Boulevards Planning Director Eric Maas shared the PUD Master Plan previously approved by City Council for the Avienda Rowhomes. Mr. Maass shared the general architecture information, site plan review, and renderings. One concern with the renderings is the lights near the roof, which would be recommended to change to decrease light pollution. Within the floor plans, there is an opportunity for an added feature of an elevator. Mayor Ryan asked if the council had any questions or comments. She appreciated the architecture, which will add to the overall look and feel of the rowhomes. Councilman von Oven moved, Councilwoman Schubert seconded that the Chanhassen City Council approves the Preliminary Plan, Site Plan, and Vacation of Existing Easement for the construction of 53 Rowhomes subject to the conditions of approval (Planning Case #2023-10) and adopt the Findings of Fact and Recommendation. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. 34 City Council Minutes – July 24, 2023 5 COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS. None. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS. None. CORRESPONDENCE DISCUSSION. None. Councilman Kimber moved, Councilwoman Schubert seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. The City Council meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m. Submitted by Laurie Hokkanen City Manager Prepared by Kim Meuwissen City Clerk 35 City Council Item August 14, 2023 Item Approve City Council Minutes dated July 17, 2023 File No.Item No: D.2 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Reviewed By SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council approves the City Council minutes dated July 17, 2023." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS City Council Work Session Minutes dated July 17, 2023 36 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes dated July 17, 2023 37 CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MINUTES JULY 17, 2023 Mayor Ryan called the work session to order at 5:30 p.m. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ryan, Councilman McDonald, Councilman von Oven, Councilwoman Schubert, and Councilman Kimber. COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT:None. STAFF PRESENT: Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager; Matt Unmacht, Assistant City Manager; Eric Maass, Planning Director; Charlie Howley, Public Works Director/City Engineer; Jerry Ruegemer, Park & Recreation Director; Kelly Grinnell, Finance Director; Bob Generous, Senior Planner; Ari Lyksett, Communications Director; Samantha DiMaggio, Economic Development Manager; and Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk. PUBLIC PRESENT: Andy Hering, Redpath and Company Jonathan Ingram, Raftelis Nick Asta, Roers Companies Andy Bolig, Roers Companies Bob Loken, ESG Architecture & Design Mayor Ryan called the work session to order at 5:30 p.m. PRESENTATION OF AUDIT RESULTS, REDPATH Finance Director Kelly Grinnell introduced Andy Hering from Redpath and Company. Mr. Hering presented an overview and results of the reports the auditor issued: Report Result Opinion on Financial Statements An unmodified or “clean” opinion was issued on the 2022 financial statements (highest level received) Report on Internal Controls over Financial Reporting No internal control findings (1 finding in prior year audit) Report on Minnesota Legal Compliance No internal control findings (1 finding in prior year audit) Communication with those charged with Governance No Corrected or Uncorrected Misstatements Mr. Hering added that the Minnesota Government Finance Officers Association (MGFOA) awarded the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting in 2021 for the 30th consecutive year. Mayor Ryan congratulated the Finance Department on an excellent report. 38 City Council Work Session Minutes – July 17, 2023 2 ORGANIZATIONAL STUDY/STAFFING STUDY PRESENTATION, RAFTELIS Assistant City Manager Matt Unmacht provided a background of the organizational study. There were three reasons for the study: 1) to understand the staffing needs of the new city hall facility; 2) in response to the request for additional staffing from the Carver County Sheriff’s Office (CCSO); and 3) to respond to recent retirements and recent attrition. Mr. Unmacht introduced Jonathan Ingram of Raftelis via video conference. Mr. Ingram shared a presentation on screen entitled Organizational Assessment. He stated that Raftelis has a niche expertise in strengthening local government organizations and 28 years of experience serving local governments and utilities. The project’s purpose was to assess whether the city is structured and staffed effectively to deliver services to the community and position the city effectively to meet anticipated growth. Mr. Ingram began with a high-level project overview starting with their engagement with staff following the Six R approach: Responsibilities, Resources, Requirements, Results, Recommendations, and Roadmap. General observations from staff engagement were that staff takes pride in their work and are dedicated to the community, they see the recent staffing and structure reorganization as a positive change, determined that defined metrics can be created to analyze future staffing needs and responsibilities and that there is a need for efficient technology and integration of software programs across divisions. Mr. Ingram presented performance management results, which define service standards for city functions and establish metrics to track performance. Strategic plan metrics exist, but there is a need for a broader performance measurement program. The city should also establish clear service level standards metrics for each functional area, and metrics will help the city make data- driven decisions about resource needs. Mr. Ingram recommended changes to the organizational structure, city hall, and future staff needs. Each city department was then reviewed with recommended changes. Mr. Ingram provided a summary of recommended staffing and the potential cost. Mayor Ryan thanked Mr. Ingram for the report and asked the council if they had any questions. Councilman von Oven asked for two or three recommendations that should be prioritized. Mr. Ingram responded that the reorganization should move forward quickly and focus on adding facilities management resources and law enforcement recommendations. Councilman von Oven asked if there are ways staff and or council can engage the community thoughtfully and positively regarding public safety priorities. Mr. Ingram responded by building relationships outside of incidents and public safety priorities. Mayor Ryan asked staff what should be the next steps. Ms. Hokkanen responded that each department head had seen the draft report, and staff would be working on implementation reports provided by Raftelis. Mr. Ingram responded that they would formulate recommendations working in conjunction with staff. Ms. Hokkanen added that the data and analysis provided in the report do not match current law enforcement efforts from the CCSO. Mayor Ryan mentioned the Strategic Plan and how the recommendations relate to the plan and the council evaluating the city’s partnership with the CCSO and understanding what is included in the contract in relation to the city’s expectations. Mr. Unmacht stated next steps are to take the recommendations and implement them. Mayor Ryan asked that council be made aware of changes as they are implemented. Ms. Hokkanen added that the report and the presentation represent the conclusion of the work with Raftelis. Mayor Ryan thanked Mr. Ingram again for the report and presentation. 39 City Council Work Session Minutes – July 17, 2023 3 2024 PRELIMINARY BUDGET AND LEVY DISCUSSION Finance Director Kelly Grinnell reviewed the 2023 adopted levy as well as levy projections for 2024 and beyond. At that time, levy increases were anticipated to be between 7% and 7.5% for years 2024-2026 to fully incorporate the new debt payments that will be becoming on board. A major factor driving the General Fund budget increase includes a shift in expenses for street maintenance from the Transportation Infrastructure Management (TIM) Fund. Other factors include overall inflation resulting in several expense increases, the labor contract, health insurance rate increases, police service contract increases, updating the Strategic Plan, lobbying expenses, and election expenses. Public Works Director/City Engineer Charlie Howley provided an update on the Enterprise leasing program. Ms. Grinnell added that since we are technically leasing, an interest rate is associated, and our projections included much lower interest rates than what is currently. Ms. Grinnell added some good news; recent legislation authorized a one-time public safety aid of $1.134 million that will be paid to the city in December. Another item to consider is spending the remaining American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds of $1,288,849, which must be obligated by December 2024 and fully spent by December 2026. Ms. Grinnell requested council feedback on the preliminary projections for the levy and general fund budget and ideas for the public safety aid and remaining ARPA funds. Mayor Ryan directed the council to contact Ms. Grinnell directly if they have further questions regarding the budget. Mayor Ryan recessed the work session at 6:55 p.m. Mayor Ryan reconvened the work session at 7:45 p.m. DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP Mayor Ryan iterated that this is an opportunity for the council to provide feedback regarding the proposed redevelopment on the southeast corner of West 78th Street and Market Boulevard. Planning Director Eric Maas reviewed that the council adopted a development moratorium in this area. Recent changes include the purchase of the movie theater and the Country Inn & Suites properties by Roers Companies, and they would like to present their development ideas. Senior Development Associate Nick Asta from Roers Companies introduced himself and Development Partner Andy Bolig. Mr. Asta reminded the council that Roers also developed the Venue project in downtown Chanhassen and added that he also lived there for two years. Bob Loken from ESG Architecture & Design introduced himself and provided a company overview focusing on urban or suburban repositioning. An aerial location map of the site was presented, showing the boundaries of the proposed project which includes six parcels and three buildings. Mr. Loken reviewed the current site layout and existing buildings and amenities and presented multiple photos showing different views of the existing properties. The project goals are to increase housing within the downtown core, redevelop several auto-oriented sites to help create a walkable, mixed-use neighborhood and divide development into two separate buildings to allow for a future north/south street extension connecting West 78th Street and Market Street. The west 40 City Council Work Session Minutes – July 17, 2023 4 building is proposed to have 185 apartments, 15,000 square feet of retail facing West 78th Street, and structured parking serving residents and retail guests. The east building is proposed to have 150 apartments, 8,000 square feet of retail facing the parking lot, structured parking serving residents, and surface parking serving retail guests. Mr. Asta presented the proposed site plan overlaying the existing site, showing the apartment buildings' location, retail space, parking areas, street connection, and the different building levels. ESG-designed architecture precedents and precedents from the City of Victoria were presented for consideration. Mr. Maass added that there is a potential for the future extension of Laredo Drive through the property. Mayor Ryan asked if the abutting property owner Kraus-Anderson (KA) is familiar with the proposed development. Mr. Maass responded that KA is aware of the plan and happy to see that something is proposed; however, they are not in a position to redevelop their property at this time. Mayor Ryan stated that it is important for the council to understand the development of multiple blocks while providing feedback and looking at the inclusion of green space. Councilman Kimber asked about the height of buildings. Mr. Asta responded that they would be similar in height to the Venue building. Councilwoman Schubert asked how many apartments were in the Venue and if the underground parking was sufficient for the residents. Mr. Asta responded that the Venue contained 34 apartments and, from his experience living in the building, had plenty of underground parking spots available. Councilwoman Schubert asked if condominiums were a possibility. Economic Development Manager Samantha DiMaggio responded that Minnesota laws are not favorable for condominium developers. Additionally, almost every unit must be sold before construction to maintain a cash flow. Councilman Kimber asked if there would be retail along Market Boulevard. Mr. Loken responded that there could be, but retail needs to have accessible access from a sidewalk it would be trickier. The current plan expands the retail along West 78th Street all the way to Market Boulevard. Mayor Ryan asked if there was a possibility to move the easterly building closer to West 78 th Street in order to maintain a corridor feel with the westerly building. Mr. Loken responded that it could be considered if that is what council and staff desire. Mayor Ryan stated that she prefers a tiered look to a flush front. Councilman von Oven asked if the restaurant patio was at ground level and are patios proposed on the roof. Mr. Loken responded that the restaurant patio was at ground level, but there could be resident terraces on top of the retail. Councilman von Oven asked how the retail parking would work with the retail businesses. Mr. Loken described how the retail parking would work, including a couple of paseos (walkways) which are common in southern states, that would bring customers to enter at the front of the building. Rear entrances are challenging for retailers to monitor two entrances. Mayor Ryan asked about the timing of the Market Boulevard reconstruction and the associated roundabout. Mr. Maass responded that staff provided the Market Boulevard design consultant with the sketch site plan. Mr. Howley added that the developer is the same consultant as the street project so the information exchange will be pretty seamless. The consultant for Market Boulevard is performing an overall downtown traffic study, envisioning redevelopment in other places so that we can get the numbers right and plan for most of the intersections and access. The Downtown Design Guidelines are also being updated, so all of these things are coming together at the same time. Councilwoman Schubert expressed concern regarding the Prince mural on the side of the movie theater building. Mr. Loken responded that they were looking at ways to preserve the mural, if possible. Ms. Hokkanen expressed that the city council would like the developer to keep considering ways to preserve the mural. Mr. Maass added that a Tax Increment Financing (TIF) request would be submitted with this proposal, but exact details and eligibility need to be determined. 41 City Council Work Session Minutes – July 17, 2023 5 Mayor Ryan encouraged community outreach to the surrounding residents regarding the proposal, considering the public comment that was received when the Venue was developed. Mr. Asta responded that they didn’t have enough information to reach that point. Councilman von Oven appreciated the examples of different architectural styles. Councilman Kimber agreed with the Mayor’s comment about moving the easterly retail closer to West 78th Street. Councilwoman Schubert asked when the downtown traffic study would be completed. Mr. Howley responded that he would receive a draft at the end of this month. Questions were asked concerning the surrounding parking. Ms. DiMaggio stated that Mr. Asta was introduced to SouthWest Transit as transit parking is available downtown. Mr. Maass stated that the next step is fine-tuning the site plan based on tonight’s feedback and the Central Business District moratorium results. Mr. Maass responded that the developer may provide a sketch plan review to the Economic Development Commission to inform them of the proposal. Councilman McDonald suggested that Buy Chanhassen should be made aware of the proposal. Ms. Hokkanen responded that effort has been put into engaging businesses to become involved with economic development. FUTURE WORK SESSION SCHEDULE July 24, 2023 Joint Meeting with Planning Commission and Economic Development Commission to discuss the Downtown Design Guidelines project with HKGi (Senior Center) Residential Single Family (RSF) Zoning District Lot Cover Discussion Update on Civic Campus with BKV Group and HKGi Adult Use Cannabis August 14, 2023 Interview Youth Commissioner Applicants Review Early Draft of the 2024 General Fund Budget & Level August 28, 2023  September 11, 2023 Presentation of Preliminary 2024 Levy and Gov Fund Budgets; 2024-2028 Gov Fund CIP September 25, 2023 City Council Roundtable The work session adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Submitted by Laurie Hokkanen City Manager Prepared by Kim Meuwissen City Clerk 42 CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JULY 17, 2023 Mayor Ryan called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ryan, Councilwoman Schubert, Councilman McDonald, Councilman von Oven, and Councilman Kimber. COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT:None. STAFF PRESENT:Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager; Matt Unmacht, Assistant City Manager; Eric Maass, Planning Director; Charlie Howley, Public Works Director/City Engineer; Jerry Ruegemer, Park & Recreation Director; Bob Generous, Senior Planner; Ari Lyksett, Communications Director; Samantha DiMaggio, Economic Development Manager; Amy Schmidt, City Attorney, and Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk. PUBLIC PRESENT: Judy Harder, 551 West 78th Street Thomas Meyers, 11501 Northlake Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45255 Megan Eaton, Life Time, Inc., 2302 Corporate Place PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS: None. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman McDonald, Councilman von Oven seconded that the City Council approve the following consent agenda items 1 through 14 pursuant to the City Manager’s recommendations: 1. Approve City Council Minutes dated June 26, 2023 2. Receive Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes dated May 23, 2023 3. Receive Environmental Commission Minutes dated May 10, 2023 4. Approve Claims Paid July 17, 2023 5. Approve Officer Change for CL Sushi 568, Inc. as it Relates to the On-Sale Wine and Malt Liquor Licenses for Kai’s Sushi & Grill located at 586 West 78th Street, and approve a request to expand the licensed premises to include the patio immediately contiguous to the restaurant. 6. Approve a Massage Therapy Business License for N. Gioi Life LLC, located at 8951 Crossroads Boulevard, Suite 207 (My Salon Suite) 43 City Council Minutes – July 17, 2023 2 7. Approve a Massage Therapy Business License for Jaime DeBoer, LLC, located at 8951 Crossroads Boulevard, Suite 206 (My Salon Suite) 8. Approve a Massage Therapy License for Meraki Massage & Wellness, located at 8951 Crossroads Boulevard, Suite 205 (My Salon Suites) 9. Approve Temporary On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor License for Hackamore Invitational Brew Fest Event, August 26, 2023, Hackamore Brewing Company 10. Approve Proposal from HKGi to provide Design Services for the Site Improvements for Civic Campus 11.Resolution 2023-57:Designate No Parking Along Both Sides of Galpin Boulevard 12.Resolution 2023-58:Authorize execution of an Aquatic Invasive Species Watercraft Inspection Agreement with Carver County 13.Resolution 2023-59:Approve Cooperative Agreement with MCES related to the Lift Station #3 Forcemain Replacement Project 14.Resolution 2023-60:Authorize entering into a Professional Services Agreement with SRF for the Design Phase of the Minnetonka Middle School West (MMSW) Roundabout Project All voted in favor, and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS. Judy Harder, 551 West 78th Street, shared that she appreciates the trees in Chanhassen, but some trees in the right-of-way look dead or unhealthy. She would like to make sure new trees are planted and would like to help with the planting. Tom Meyers of Phillips Edison encouraged the city council to remain progressive, especially post-COVID-19. He stated that drive-throughs, including fast-casual dining restaurants, are important for retailers post-COVID. He encouraged staff members to table the moratorium. He feels Zupa’s would be a good community partner, noting that Zupa’s location and design need to remain the same and should not impact the flow of customers at Lunds and Byerlys. PUBLIC HEARINGS.None. GENERAL BUSINESS. 1. Consider a request for a Site Plan approval to build an indoor Pickleball facility and outdoor courts for the property located at 2970 Water Tower Place, Life Time Fitness, Inc. Planning Director Eric Maass shared the site plan for the pickleball facility at Life Time Fitness located at 2301 Corporate Place in Chanhassen. This location would have one organization sharing parking, which seems sufficient. Mr. Maass shared the City Code / PUD Review, noting 44 City Council Minutes – July 17, 2023 3 they require 50 parking spaces, which are available through Life Time Fitness and the corporate office building parking. The light fixtures need to be updated at the cut-off angle of 90 degrees or less. The applicant is aware of this necessary change. Mayor Ryan asked the City Council if there were any questions. Ms. Ryan invited the applicant to come forward. Megan Eaton, Senior Director of Real Estate Development of Life Time Fitness, shared that pickleball is a growing sport across the country, and Life Time Fitness achieved the status as the #1 operator of pickleball in the nation. She shared images of updated renderings and current existing conditions. She presented the building materials to encourage natural design and renderings from multiple different directions so staff could see the planned changes. The proposed operations are between dusk to closing. Mayor Ryan stated that pickleball is growing in popularity in Chanhassen. She thanked staff for their hard work in bringing the project forward. Councilwoman Schubert moved, Councilman Kimber seconded that the Chanhassen City Council approve the proposed site plan to build an indoor pickleball facility and outdoor courts for property located at 2970 Water Tower Place subject to the conditions of approval and adopt the findings of fact and recommendation. 2. Ordinance 712: Consider a Six-Month Moratorium on Land Use Applications for Properties Zoned Central Business District (CBD) to Study Allowed Uses Planning Director Eric Maass shared the details of the moratorium. The moratorium would be in place until January 23, 2024, or the date of adoption of updated allowed uses in the CBD. Staff will take steps to review and update the CBD Zoning District during a workshop on July 24, 2023. Staff will also work with business partners throughout the moratorium. Councilman McDonald previously agreed with the moratorium. He shared updated concerns about including the Zupas development in the Lunds and Byerlys development. He stated there had been pushes for development in certain areas for years, including at the Target Shopping Center. He recommended that if the moratorium moves forward, it should only apply to the property on West 78th Street from Kerber Boulevard to the east, where a majority of development occurs. He encouraged that the Café Zupas development move forward. Councilman von Oven asked if there were existing preliminary plats meeting the exemptions. Mr. Maass stated no. Councilman von Oven stated he was still in favor of the moratorium. Councilwoman Schubert shared that citizens seem split on the addition of Café Zupas. She stated she is in favor of the moratorium to eliminate the trend of quick building in favor of thoughtful building plans. 45 City Council Minutes – July 17, 2023 4 Councilman Kimber shared that residents want downtown Chanhassen to be a walking space. He stated there is a good opportunity to define how the downtown should be developed. He supports the moratorium, including the six-month deadline. Mayor Ryan shared that the Council wants to invest in the city to ensure the development is appropriate for the ideal downtown. Councilman Kimber moved, Councilman von Oven seconded that the Chanhassen City Council adopts an Interim Ordinance temporarily prohibiting development within the area zoned as Central Business District. The motion carried with a vote of 4 to 1. Councilman McDonald voted nay. COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS. Mayor Ryan thanked city staff, the fire department, the police, the Rotary, and other community partners for their hard work and effort during the 40 th anniversary 4th of July event. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS. None. CORRESPONDENCE DISCUSSION. 1. Letter from Arbor Day Foundation Congratulating Chanhassen on receiving a 2022 Tree City USA Growth Award ADJOURNMENT Councilman Kimber moved, Councilwoman Schubert seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor, and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. The City Council meeting was adjourned at 7:39 p.m. Submitted by Laurie Hokkanen City Manager Prepared by Kim Meuwissen City Clerk 46 City Council Item August 14, 2023 Item Receive Economic Development Commission Meeting Minutes dated July 11, 2023 File No.Item No: D.3 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Amy Weidman, Admin Support Specialist Reviewed By SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council receives the Economic Development Commission Meeting Minutes dated July 11, 2023." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION 47 ATTACHMENTS Economic Development Commission Meeting Minutes dated July 11, 2023 48 CHANHASSEN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING JULY 11, 2023 Chairman Anderson called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Eric Anderson, Commissioners Duke Zurek, Chris Freeman, Cohen Lee, and Luke Bame MEMBERS ABSENT: Stacy Goff STAFF PRESENT: Samantha DiMaggio, Economic Development Manager PUBLIC PRESENT: None Member Zurek move, Member Lee seconded to approve the agenda. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: APPROVE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES DATED JUNE 13, 2023 Member Zurek moved, Member Lee seconded to approve the Minutes of the Economic Development Commission meeting dated June 13, 2023, as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. DISCUSSION/GENERAL BUSINESS ITEMS: 1. Updating the City’s Business Subsidy Policy Economic Development Manager Samantha DiMaggio shared a draft of an updated Business Subsidy Policy. Members discussed various cities’ business subsidy policies, including how employee pay is tied to the subsidy, and benefits of industrial versus commercial jobs. They discussed minimum wage, average wage, and living wage. Business subsidies can’t be based only on increasing tax base. The commission expressed the desire to keep the wage requirements feasible for employers. Member Zurek moved to recommend that 33% of full-time equivalent positions be paid 200% of the State of Minnesota minimum wage at the time of the subsidy grant. Member Lee seconded this motion. The motion carried with a vote of 4 to 1. Member Freeman voted nay. 49 Economic Development Commission – July 11, 2023 2 Director’s Report: Ms. DiMaggio took a tour of Lake Place, a 55-plus apartment complex in town. They received a Housing TIF, so a percentage of units need to remain affordable. She shared that there will be an open house on August 8, 2023. Ms. DiMaggio stated there will be a City Council work session on July 17, 2023, with Roers about the redevelopment project in downtown Chanhassen. Roers has the hotel and movie theater land under contract. The city would like retail on the lower level. ADJOURNMENT: Member Zurek moved, Member Lee seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. The Economic Development Commission meeting was adjourned the meeting at 6:52 p.m. Submitted by Samantha DiMaggio Economic Development Manager Prepared by Amy Weidman Administrative Support Specialist 50 City Council Item August 14, 2023 Item Approve Claims Paid dated August 14, 2023 File No.Item No: D.4 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Danielle Washburn, Assistant Finance Director Reviewed By Kelly Grinnell SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council Approves Claims Paid dated August 14, 2023." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority Financial Sustainability SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION The following claims are submitted for review and approval on August 14, 2023: Total Claims $1,224,133.50 BUDGET RECOMMENDATION 51 ATTACHMENTS Payment Summary Payment Detail 52 Accounts Payable Checks by Date - Summary Vendor Name Check Date Void Checks Check Amount Aaron Stark 07/20/2023 0.00 28.50 Advanced Engineering & Environmental Services, LLC 07/20/2023 0.00 3,834.00 ALL AMERICAN TITLE 07/20/2023 0.00 83.32 BANKER'S TITLE 07/20/2023 0.00 61.34 Barr Engineering Company 07/20/2023 0.00 1,655.50 BOLTON & MENK INC 07/20/2023 0.00 24,933.50 BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION 07/20/2023 0.00 16,475.75 CAMPBELL KNUTSON 07/20/2023 0.00 18,012.74 Carver County 07/20/2023 0.00 250.00 CARVER SWCD 07/20/2023 0.00 385.00 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 07/20/2023 0.00 196.46 CivicPlus 07/20/2023 0.00 1,500.00 COMPUTER INTEGRATION TECHN. 07/20/2023 0.00 547.20 CORE & MAIN LP 07/20/2023 0.00 177.51 DAKOTA SUPPLY GROUP 07/20/2023 0.00 2,297.45 David Erickson 07/20/2023 0.00 50.00 DEM-CON LANDFILL 07/20/2023 0.00 343.14 Edina Heating & Cooling Inc 07/20/2023 0.00 2,410.00 EDINA REALTY TITLE 07/20/2023 0.00 18.69 EDINA REALTY TITLE 07/20/2023 0.00 64.02 EXECUTIVE TITLE SERVICES 07/20/2023 0.00 13.19 Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. #1657 07/20/2023 0.00 853.75 Ferguson Waterworks #2518 07/20/2023 0.00 886.35 Flow Control Automation LLC 07/20/2023 0.00 6,944.00 GLOBAL SPECIALTY CONTRACTORS INC 07/20/2023 0.00 17,950.00 GMH ASPHALT CORP 07/20/2023 0.00 11,290.00 GRAEBEL RELOCATION SERVICES WORLDWIDE, INC. 07/20/2023 0.00 67.26 GREAT LAKES COCA-COLA DISTRIBUTION LLC 07/20/2023 0.00 699.81 HANSEN THORP PELLINEN OLSON 07/20/2023 0.00 17,720.11 HAWKINS CHEMICAL 07/20/2023 0.00 30.00 HealthPartners, Inc. 07/20/2023 0.00 83,046.93 HELEN/LOREN NELSON 07/20/2023 0.00 97.76 Heritage Shade Tree Consultants, Inc 07/20/2023 0.00 7,750.00 HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP 07/20/2023 0.00 22,068.76 Horwitz, Inc 07/20/2023 0.00 6,000.00 Ideal Service Inc. 07/20/2023 0.00 500.00 Innovative Office Solutions LLC 07/20/2023 0.00 74.16 Jeff's SOS Drain & Sewer Services Inc 07/20/2023 0.00 140.00 Jerilyn Schwalen 07/20/2023 0.00 100.00 Jill Fynboh 07/20/2023 0.00 100.00 JOHN & HEIDI HAKALA 07/20/2023 0.00 74.03 JOHN P. RYAN 07/20/2023 0.00 80.66 KATH FUEL OIL SERVICE 07/20/2023 0.00 4,467.33 Kerry Maus 07/20/2023 0.00 1,156.50 Page 1 of 4 53 Vendor Name Check Date Void Checks Check Amount KEVIN & MICHELLE WEBER 07/20/2023 0.00 6.58 LAKE TITLE 07/20/2023 0.00 22.59 LEVEL 7 DEVELOPMENT 07/20/2023 0.00 10.06 LEVEL 7 DEVELOPMENT 07/20/2023 0.00 132.83 LEVEL 7 DEVELOPMENT 07/20/2023 0.00 10.06 LEVEL 7 DEVELOPMENT 07/20/2023 0.00 128.31 Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P 07/20/2023 0.00 3,333.33 MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT 07/20/2023 0.00 125.49 Marco Inc 07/20/2023 0.00 735.00 Matheson Tri-Gas, Inc. 07/20/2023 0.00 22.94 Matt Unmacht 07/20/2023 0.00 347.80 MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 07/20/2023 0.00 1,139.24 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL 07/20/2023 0.00 229,343.98 Metropolitan Council, Env Svcs 07/20/2023 0.00 2,460.15 MID COUNTY COOP 07/20/2023 0.00 9,763.58 MN DEPT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY 07/20/2023 0.00 2,558.27 MN DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION 07/20/2023 0.00 121.14 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 07/20/2023 0.00 4,803.34 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 07/20/2023 0.00 170.70 Parts Alliance South 07/20/2023 0.00 179.66 Peterson Bros Roofing and Construction, Inc 07/20/2023 0.00 7,100.00 Premium Waters, Inc 07/20/2023 0.00 4.32 REDPATH AND COMPANY, LLC 07/20/2023 0.00 40,085.00 Rent N Save Portable Services 07/20/2023 0.00 11,029.20 RMB Environmental Laboratories Inc 07/20/2023 0.00 217.80 RYAN & MALIA ROETMAN 07/20/2023 0.00 125.08 Schwickert Company 07/20/2023 0.00 24,375.00 SCOTT & SARAH SABOL 07/20/2023 0.00 116.09 Shai Hayo 07/20/2023 0.00 1,250.00 SHELLEY K. LUNDBORG 07/20/2023 0.00 79.30 Shelly Nahan 07/20/2023 0.00 915.00 Spectrum Screen Printing Inc 07/20/2023 0.00 94.20 THE TITLE GROUP 07/20/2023 0.00 17.94 TimeSaver Off Site Secretarial, Inc 07/20/2023 0.00 393.50 TITLE SPECIALIST INC 07/20/2023 0.00 42.50 TITLESMART INC 07/20/2023 0.00 109.23 TOWN & COUNTRY FENCE 07/20/2023 0.00 3,975.00 TRADEMARK TITLE SERVICES 07/20/2023 0.00 13.22 TWIN CITIES & WESTERN RR CO 07/20/2023 0.00 821.81 Warning Lites of Minnesota, Inc. 07/20/2023 0.00 2,830.25 WATERMARK TITLE AGENCY 07/20/2023 0.00 109.24 WATSON COMPANY 07/20/2023 0.00 1,486.62 WILLIAM & WENDI MOFFLY 07/20/2023 0.00 92.78 WM MUELLER & SONS INC 07/20/2023 0.00 484.53 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 07/20/2023 0.00 21,147.01 WW GRAINGER INC 07/20/2023 0.00 1,087.62 XCEL ENERGY INC 07/20/2023 0.00 3,081.42 ALLIED BLACKTOP 07/27/2023 0.00 131,838.32 APACHE GROUP 07/27/2023 0.00 1,984.08 ARAMARK Refreshment Services, LLC 07/27/2023 0.00 819.29 ASPEN MILLS 07/27/2023 0.00 56.95 BS & A Software 07/27/2023 0.00 2,564.00 Carver County 07/27/2023 0.00 20,422.07 Page 2 of 4 54 Vendor Name Check Date Void Checks Check Amount CenturyLink 07/27/2023 0.00 56.79 Cintas Corporation No. 2 07/27/2023 0.00 137.71 Colliers Funding, LLC 07/27/2023 0.00 121,248.74 CUB FOODS 07/27/2023 0.00 49.40 CUT ABOVE INC 07/27/2023 0.00 600.00 FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 07/27/2023 0.00 249.94 Fidelity Security Life 07/27/2023 0.00 314.18 Go Gymnastics 07/27/2023 0.00 1,668.75 GREEN MEADOWS INC 07/27/2023 0.00 640.26 GS DIRECT INC 07/27/2023 0.00 5,713.00 Guard Guys, LLC 07/27/2023 0.00 637.00 Guava Entertainment 07/27/2023 0.00 550.00 HAWKINS CHEMICAL 07/27/2023 0.00 29,917.11 Jasper Services, LLC 07/27/2023 0.00 2,350.00 Juli Al-Hilwani 07/27/2023 0.00 360.00 K2 Electrical Services Inc 07/27/2023 0.00 11,709.00 KATH FUEL OIL SERVICE 07/27/2023 0.00 285.60 Kromer Company 07/27/2023 0.00 35.05 Lakes at Chanhassen, LLC 07/27/2023 0.00 12,062.70 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST 07/27/2023 0.00 4,576.71 Lennar 07/27/2023 0.00 11,600.00 Low Voltage Contractors, Inc. 07/27/2023 0.00 3,754.00 MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT 07/27/2023 0.00 5,562.53 Matt Unmacht 07/27/2023 0.00 5,000.00 Michael Homes Inc 07/27/2023 0.00 2,000.00 MN DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION 07/27/2023 0.00 316.55 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 07/27/2023 0.00 109.44 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 07/27/2023 0.00 710.10 NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 07/27/2023 0.00 324.30 North American Safety, Inc. 07/27/2023 0.00 412.50 NORTHLAND RECREATION LLC 07/27/2023 0.00 846.25 NOVEL SOLAR THREE, LLC 07/27/2023 0.00 12,005.91 Pinnacle Pest Control 07/27/2023 0.00 1,805.00 Premium Waters, Inc 07/27/2023 0.00 45.30 Prudence Busch 07/27/2023 0.00 250.00 RMB Environmental Laboratories Inc 07/27/2023 0.00 217.80 Ryan Severson 07/27/2023 0.00 50.00 SEH 07/27/2023 0.00 9,546.80 Snow Kreilich Architects 07/27/2023 0.00 2,600.00 SUMMIT COMPANIES 07/27/2023 0.00 420.00 US Home Corporation 07/27/2023 0.00 22,500.00 VERIZON WIRELESS 07/27/2023 0.00 250.20 Waste Management of Minnesota, Inc 07/27/2023 0.00 77.28 WATSON COMPANY 07/27/2023 0.00 434.09 WM MUELLER & SONS INC 07/27/2023 0.00 1,511.55 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 07/27/2023 0.00 4,517.50 XCEL ENERGY INC 07/27/2023 0.00 54.60 ZACK'S INC. 07/27/2023 0.00 339.68 Zoe Erpelding 07/27/2023 0.00 5.00 ALEX AIR APPARATUS 2 LLC 08/03/2023 0.00 582.00 ALLSTREAM 08/03/2023 0.00 564.47 American Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus 08/03/2023 0.00 124.80 Amy Davison 08/03/2023 0.00 50.00 Page 3 of 4 55 Vendor Name Check Date Void Checks Check Amount Blackburn Manufacturing Company 08/03/2023 0.00 20.89 BOYER BUILDING CORPORATION 08/03/2023 0.00 5,800.00 BRETT MARTINSON 08/03/2023 0.00 330.00 CENTURYLINK 08/03/2023 0.00 1,756.10 Cintas Corporation No. 2 08/03/2023 0.00 280.40 Cleaning Solutions Services 08/03/2023 0.00 7,871.70 Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Co 08/03/2023 0.00 128.46 Daniel Ryan 08/03/2023 0.00 104.00 Ferguson Waterworks #2518 08/03/2023 0.00 7,991.53 GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL INC 08/03/2023 0.00 749.25 Holton Electric Contractors LLC 08/03/2023 0.00 810.00 Indoor Landscapes Inc 08/03/2023 0.00 187.00 Innovative Office Solutions LLC 08/03/2023 0.00 56.95 Jim Haider 08/03/2023 0.00 50.00 John Ragan 08/03/2023 0.00 150.00 Keith Raney 08/03/2023 0.00 700.00 Kelly Woods 08/03/2023 0.00 750.00 Lennar 08/03/2023 0.00 14,000.00 MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT 08/03/2023 0.00 1,490.38 Matheson Tri-Gas, Inc. 08/03/2023 0.00 236.39 Matt Mason 08/03/2023 0.00 100.00 Michael and Susan Thorud 08/03/2023 0.00 150.00 Minuteman Press 08/03/2023 0.00 118.02 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 08/03/2023 0.00 6,860.85 Northern Audio Production, Inc. 08/03/2023 0.00 3,328.00 Performance Pool & Spa 08/03/2023 0.00 500.00 PILGRIM DRY CLEANERS 08/03/2023 0.00 438.50 PRAIRIE RESTORATIONS INC 08/03/2023 0.00 365.00 Rain for Rent 08/03/2023 0.00 9,362.48 Senja Inc 08/03/2023 0.00 96.00 Shadywood Tree Experts and Landscaping 08/03/2023 0.00 7,437.00 SiteOne Landscape Supply 08/03/2023 0.00 1,742.51 Springbrook 08/03/2023 0.00 1,606.50 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET 08/03/2023 0.00 446.25 TargetSolutions Learning, LLC 08/03/2023 0.00 4,828.60 Titan Energy Systems 08/03/2023 0.00 2,780.66 Universal Athletic Services, Inc. 08/03/2023 0.00 1,769.35 USA BLUE BOOK 08/03/2023 0.00 1,514.21 VALLEY-RICH CO INC 08/03/2023 0.00 10,102.29 VESSCO INC 08/03/2023 0.00 457.38 Waste Management of Minnesota, Inc 08/03/2023 0.00 887.04 Water Heaters Now Inc 08/03/2023 0.00 128.80 WATSON COMPANY 08/03/2023 0.00 1,347.73 WM MUELLER & SONS INC 08/03/2023 0.00 1,665.83 XCEL ENERGY INC 08/03/2023 0.00 51,269.72 Report Total:0.00 1,224,133.50 Page 4 of 4 56 AP Check Detail User: dwashburn Printed: 8/4/2023 10:02:36 AM Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description Advanced Engineering & Environmental Services, LLC 700-0000-4300 3,834.00 7/20/2023 2023 SCADA Services- Project: P05126-2022-003 Period: June 2023 3,834.00 7/20/2023 Advanced Engineering & Environmental Services, LLC 3,834.00 ALEX AIR APPARATUS 2 LLC 101-1220-4530 305.00 8/3/2023 Quarterly Air Quality Test - Station #1 ALEX AIR APPARATUS 2 LLC 101-1220-4530 277.00 8/3/2023 CAT Sensor 582.00 8/3/2023 ALEX AIR APPARATUS 2 LLC 582.00 Al-Hilwani Juli 101-1530-4347 285.00 7/27/2023 10 pk - Fitness Training Al-Hilwani Juli 101-1539-4343 75.00 7/27/2023 Pickleball Lesson 360.00 7/27/2023 Al-Hilwani Juli 360.00 ALL AMERICAN TITLE 701-0000-2020 42.09 7/20/2023 Refund Check 008809-000, 7301 BENT BOW TRAIL ALL AMERICAN TITLE 700-0000-2020 1.55 7/20/2023 Refund Check 008809-000, 7301 BENT BOW TRAIL ALL AMERICAN TITLE 700-0000-2020 27.06 7/20/2023 Refund Check 008809-000, 7301 BENT BOW TRAIL ALL AMERICAN TITLE 720-0000-2020 12.62 7/20/2023 Refund Check 008809-000, 7301 BENT BOW TRAIL 83.32 7/20/2023 ALL AMERICAN TITLE 83.32 AP - Check Detail (8/4/2023)Page 1 of 37 57 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description ALLIED BLACKTOP 420-1310-4542 131,838.32 7/27/2023 Fox Path/Carver Beach Sealcoat 131,838.32 7/27/2023 ALLIED BLACKTOP 131,838.32 ALLSTREAM 101-1160-4310 564.47 8/3/2023 Mitel phone system maintenance Sept - Oct, 2023 564.47 8/3/2023 ALLSTREAM 564.47 American Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus 101-0000-2008 124.80 8/3/2023 July, 2023 124.80 8/3/2023 American Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus 124.80 APACHE GROUP 101-1120-4110 1,984.08 7/27/2023 Towel Roll, Toilet Tissue, Coreless Rolls 1,984.08 7/27/2023 APACHE GROUP 1,984.08 ARAMARK Refreshment Services, LLC 101-1120-4110 180.29 7/27/2023 Caribou Blend, Caribou Regular, Intl Del Fr Vanilla ARAMARK Refreshment Services, LLC 101-1120-4110 461.00 7/27/2023 Caribou Blend, Caribou Decaf, Caribou Regular, CoffeeMate ARAMARK Refreshment Services, LLC 101-1120-4110 178.00 7/27/2023 Caribou Blend, Caribou Regular, Creamer Canister, Vanilla Latte 819.29 7/27/2023 ARAMARK Refreshment Services, LLC 819.29 ASPEN MILLS 101-1220-4240 56.95 7/27/2023 Clothing - R Murphree 56.95 7/27/2023 AP - Check Detail (8/4/2023)Page 2 of 37 58 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description ASPEN MILLS 56.95 BANKER'S TITLE 720-0000-2020 14.57 7/20/2023 Refund Check 100113-000, 2061 WEST 65TH STREET BANKER'S TITLE 701-0000-2020 26.07 7/20/2023 Refund Check 100113-000, 2061 WEST 65TH STREET BANKER'S TITLE 700-0000-2020 1.79 7/20/2023 Refund Check 100113-000, 2061 WEST 65TH STREET BANKER'S TITLE 700-0000-2020 18.91 7/20/2023 Refund Check 100113-000, 2061 WEST 65TH STREET 61.34 7/20/2023 BANKER'S TITLE 61.34 Barr Engineering Company 700-7025-4300 1,655.50 7/20/2023 Chanhasen Well 10 and 12 Rehabilitation Project 1,655.50 7/20/2023 Barr Engineering Company 1,655.50 Blackburn Manufacturing Company 700-0000-4150 10.45 8/3/2023 Location Equipment - Flags Blackburn Manufacturing Company 701-0000-4150 10.44 8/3/2023 Location Equipment - Flags 20.89 8/3/2023 Blackburn Manufacturing Company 20.89 BOLTON & MENK INC 720-6049-4300 470.90 7/20/2023 2022 Street Rehab 22-01 BOLTON & MENK INC 700-6049-4300 423.81 7/20/2023 2022 Street Rehab 22-01 BOLTON & MENK INC 601-6049-4300 3,625.93 7/20/2023 2022 Street Rehab 22-01 BOLTON & MENK INC 701-6049-4300 188.36 7/20/2023 2022 Street Rehab 22-01 BOLTON & MENK INC 700-6051-4300 2,224.69 7/20/2023 2023 Street Rehabilitation BOLTON & MENK INC 601-6051-4300 14,763.89 7/20/2023 2023 Street Rehabilitation BOLTON & MENK INC 720-6051-4300 2,426.94 7/20/2023 2023 Street Rehabilitation BOLTON & MENK INC 701-6051-4300 808.98 7/20/2023 2023 Street Rehabilitation 24,933.50 7/20/2023 BOLTON & MENK INC 24,933.50 BOYER BUILDING CORPORATION 101-0000-2073 500.00 8/3/2023 Erosion Control - Permit 2018-01195 - 7721 Erie Ave AP - Check Detail (8/4/2023)Page 3 of 37 59 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description BOYER BUILDING CORPORATION 101-0000-2073 250.00 8/3/2023 Erosion Control - Permit 2022-03941 - 6501 Nez Perce Dr BOYER BUILDING CORPORATION 101-0000-2073 500.00 8/3/2023 Erosion Control - Permit 2022-01482 - 7716 Vasserman Place BOYER BUILDING CORPORATION 101-0000-2073 3,550.00 8/3/2023 Erosion Control - Permit 2021-04127 - 3868 Agustin Trail BOYER BUILDING CORPORATION 101-0000-2073 1,000.00 8/3/2023 Erosion control - permit 2021-01347 - 608 Pleasant View Road 5,800.00 8/3/2023 BOYER BUILDING CORPORATION 5,800.00 BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION 601-6048-4300 3,200.88 7/20/2023 Galpin Blvd Imp-Geotechnical Evaluation BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION 601-6040-4300 2,739.25 7/20/2023 Galpin Blvd-Geotechnical Evaluation BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION 701-6048-4300 1,269.31 7/20/2023 Crimson Bay-Geotechnical Evaluation BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION 601-6140-4300 8,217.75 7/20/2023 Galpin Blvd-Geotechnical Evaluation BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION 700-6048-4300 717.44 7/20/2023 Crimson Bay-Geotechnical Evaluation BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION 720-6048-4300 331.12 7/20/2023 Crimson Bay-Geotechnical Evaluation 16,475.75 7/20/2023 BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION 16,475.75 BS & A Software 101-1160-4326 2,564.00 7/27/2023 Sevice Fee - Online Permit Applications 4/6 - 7/3 2,564.00 7/27/2023 BS & A Software 2,564.00 Busch Prudence 101-0000-2073 250.00 7/27/2023 Erosion Control - Permit 2022-03802 - 8113 Marsh Dr 250.00 7/27/2023 Busch Prudence 250.00 CAMPBELL KNUTSON 101-1140-4302 18,012.74 7/20/2023 Legal Services, June, 2023 18,012.74 7/20/2023 CAMPBELL KNUTSON 18,012.74 AP - Check Detail (8/4/2023)Page 4 of 37 60 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description Carver County 101-1210-4300 250.00 7/20/2023 Background investigation-My Salon Suites 250.00 7/20/2023 Carver County 101-1210-4506 19,822.07 7/27/2023 2nd Quarter 2023 Police Contract Overtime - 3/27/23 - 07/02/23 Carver County 101-1210-3629 600.00 7/27/2023 Background Investigation - Meraki Massage, Kai's Sushi 20,422.07 7/27/2023 Carver County 20,672.07 CARVER SWCD 400-0000-1155 385.00 7/20/2023 CSEC Monitoring/Inspections 385.00 7/20/2023 CARVER SWCD 385.00 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 101-1530-4321 73.65 7/20/2023 Gas charges CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 101-1220-4321 102.81 7/20/2023 Gas charges CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 101-1170-4321 20.00 7/20/2023 Gas charges 196.46 7/20/2023 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 196.46 CenturyLink 700-7043-4310 56.79 7/27/2023 Monthly Service - July 13 to August 12, 2023 56.79 7/27/2023 CENTURYLINK 101-1550-4310 30.78 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - July 21 - Aug 20, 2023 CENTURYLINK 101-1190-4310 123.64 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - July 21 - Aug 20, 2023 CENTURYLINK 101-1312-4310 49.24 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - July 21 - Aug 20, 2023 CENTURYLINK 101-1220-4310 0.74 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - July 21 - Aug 20, 2023 CENTURYLINK 101-1160-4325 250.78 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - July 21 - Aug 20, 2023 CENTURYLINK 101-1540-4310 61.82 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - July 21 - Aug 20, 2023 CENTURYLINK 700-0000-4310 15.51 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - July 21 - Aug 20, 2023 CENTURYLINK 701-0000-4310 15.51 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - July 21 - Aug 20, 2023 CENTURYLINK 700-7019-4310 215.69 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - July 21 - Aug 20, 2023 CENTURYLINK 700-0000-4310 6.16 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - July 21 - Aug 20, 2023 CENTURYLINK 701-0000-4310 6.16 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - July 21 - Aug 20, 2023 AP - Check Detail (8/4/2023)Page 5 of 37 61 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description CENTURYLINK 101-1170-4310 823.57 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - July 21 - Aug 20, 2023 CENTURYLINK 101-1350-4310 30.78 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - July 21 - Aug 20, 2023 CENTURYLINK 101-1160-4325 125.72 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - July 21 - Aug 20, 2023 1,756.10 8/3/2023 CENTURYLINK 1,812.89 Cintas Corporation No. 2 101-1550-4300 137.71 7/27/2023 skin tone bndg, stb fingertip box, hard surface disinfec 137.71 7/27/2023 Cintas Corporation No. 2 101-1312-4510 280.40 8/3/2023 Bandages, Disinfec, Burn Relief 280.40 8/3/2023 Cintas Corporation No. 2 418.11 CivicPlus 101-1160-4207 1,500.00 7/20/2023 Municode Self-Publishing Sofware Reformat 1,500.00 7/20/2023 CivicPlus 1,500.00 Cleaning Solutions Services 700-0000-4511 62.10 8/3/2023 Cleaning - Public Works Cleaning Solutions Services 101-1170-4511 3,090.00 8/3/2023 Cleaning - City Hall Cleaning Solutions Services 101-1220-4511 248.40 8/3/2023 Cleaning - Fire Station # 1 Cleaning Solutions Services 101-1312-4511 496.80 8/3/2023 Cleaning - Public Works Cleaning Solutions Services 101-1190-4511 3,912.30 8/3/2023 Cleaning - Library Cleaning Solutions Services 701-0000-4511 62.10 8/3/2023 Cleaning - Public Works 7,871.70 8/3/2023 Cleaning Solutions Services 7,871.70 Colliers Funding, LLC 480-0000-4804 121,248.74 7/27/2023 TIF #11 Pay-Go Note - Venue Project 121,248.74 7/27/2023 AP - Check Detail (8/4/2023)Page 6 of 37 62 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description Colliers Funding, LLC 121,248.74 Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Co 700-0000-2008 75.96 8/3/2023 Monthly - July, 2023 Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Co 101-0000-2008 37.20 8/3/2023 Monthly - July, 2023 Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Co 701-0000-2008 15.30 8/3/2023 Monthly - July, 2023 128.46 8/3/2023 Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Co 128.46 COMPUTER INTEGRATION TECHN.101-1160-4211 442.00 7/20/2023 Datto Office365 Backup Service-August COMPUTER INTEGRATION TECHN.101-1160-4211 105.20 7/20/2023 Azure AD/Visio/EMS & Exchange Add on licenses 547.20 7/20/2023 COMPUTER INTEGRATION TECHN. 547.20 CORE & MAIN LP 700-6051-4290 177.51 7/20/2023 O-Ring/Gaskets 177.51 7/20/2023 CORE & MAIN LP 177.51 CUB FOODS 101-1220-4290 24.95 7/27/2023 Cub Water CUB FOODS 101-1220-4290 24.45 7/27/2023 Ice Cubes, Cub Water 49.40 7/27/2023 CUB FOODS 49.40 CUT ABOVE INC 101-1550-4300 600.00 7/27/2023 Trim All City Trees 600.00 7/27/2023 CUT ABOVE INC 600.00 DAKOTA SUPPLY GROUP 700-6051-4290 2,007.11 7/20/2023 Sleeve/Gasket/DIP AP - Check Detail (8/4/2023)Page 7 of 37 63 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description DAKOTA SUPPLY GROUP 700-0000-4260 145.17 7/20/2023 Erico Cartridge for DIP DAKOTA SUPPLY GROUP 701-0000-4260 145.17 7/20/2023 Erico Cartridge for DIP 2,297.45 7/20/2023 DAKOTA SUPPLY GROUP 2,297.45 Davison Amy 700-7204-4901 50.00 8/3/2023 Waterwise Rebate - Toilet 50.00 8/3/2023 Davison Amy 50.00 DEM-CON LANDFILL 101-1320-4150 343.14 7/20/2023 Street Sweepings 343.14 7/20/2023 DEM-CON LANDFILL 343.14 Edina Heating & Cooling Inc 700-0000-4510 2,410.00 7/20/2023 City pump enclosure cooling system repair 2,410.00 7/20/2023 Edina Heating & Cooling Inc 2,410.00 EDINA REALTY TITLE 701-0000-2020 7.94 7/20/2023 Refund Check 005658-000, 8628 CHAN HILLS DR NO EDINA REALTY TITLE 700-0000-2020 0.54 7/20/2023 Refund Check 005658-000, 8628 CHAN HILLS DR NO EDINA REALTY TITLE 700-0000-2020 5.76 7/20/2023 Refund Check 005658-000, 8628 CHAN HILLS DR NO EDINA REALTY TITLE 720-0000-2020 4.45 7/20/2023 Refund Check 005658-000, 8628 CHAN HILLS DR NO EDINA REALTY TITLE 700-0000-2020 2.03 7/20/2023 Refund Check 018719-000, 4004 HALLGREN COURT EDINA REALTY TITLE 720-0000-2020 16.57 7/20/2023 Refund Check 018719-000, 4004 HALLGREN COURT EDINA REALTY TITLE 700-0000-2020 19.94 7/20/2023 Refund Check 018719-000, 4004 HALLGREN COURT EDINA REALTY TITLE 701-0000-2020 25.48 7/20/2023 Refund Check 018719-000, 4004 HALLGREN COURT 82.71 7/20/2023 EDINA REALTY TITLE 82.71 AP - Check Detail (8/4/2023)Page 8 of 37 64 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description Erickson David 700-7204-4901 50.00 7/20/2023 Smart Irrigation Controler rebate 50.00 7/20/2023 Erickson David 50.00 Erpelding Zoe 101-1638-4130 5.00 7/27/2023 Lake Ann Camp; Pennies for game 5.00 7/27/2023 Erpelding Zoe 5.00 EXECUTIVE TITLE SERVICES 701-0000-2020 6.94 7/20/2023 Refund Check 101218-000, 8728 NORTH BAY DRIVE EXECUTIVE TITLE SERVICES 700-0000-2020 4.51 7/20/2023 Refund Check 101218-000, 8728 NORTH BAY DRIVE EXECUTIVE TITLE SERVICES 720-0000-2020 1.37 7/20/2023 Refund Check 101218-000, 8728 NORTH BAY DRIVE EXECUTIVE TITLE SERVICES 700-0000-2020 0.37 7/20/2023 Refund Check 101218-000, 8728 NORTH BAY DRIVE 13.19 7/20/2023 EXECUTIVE TITLE SERVICES 13.19 FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 701-0000-4120 249.94 7/27/2023 Del31g950A 249.94 7/27/2023 FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 249.94 Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. #1657 101-1550-4120 853.75 7/20/2023 Lk Ann Concession repair supplies 853.75 7/20/2023 Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. #1657 853.75 Ferguson Waterworks #2518 700-0000-4550 369.34 7/20/2023 3" x 7/8" Filler Flg Ferguson Waterworks #2518 700-6051-4290 517.01 7/20/2023 1x60 K soft cop tube 886.35 7/20/2023 AP - Check Detail (8/4/2023)Page 9 of 37 65 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description Ferguson Waterworks #2518 700-1384-4556 26.28 8/3/2023 3 RR 1/8 FF 150# Gskt Ferguson Waterworks #2518 701-1384-4556 2,730.12 8/3/2023 1 Mach10 USG Ferguson Waterworks #2518 700-1384-4556 2,730.13 8/3/2023 1 Mach10 USG Ferguson Waterworks #2518 700-0000-4150 1,502.90 8/3/2023 3/4 x 100 K Soft Cop Tube, L 3/4 CC Brs Serv Plug w sq hd Ferguson Waterworks #2518 700-0000-4550 1,002.10 8/3/2023 FS1 - 13.50 X 30 Clamp 7,991.53 8/3/2023 Ferguson Waterworks #2518 8,877.88 Fidelity Security Life 701-0000-2007 9.11 7/27/2023 August 2023 Vision Fidelity Security Life 101-0000-2007 282.69 7/27/2023 August 2023 Vision Fidelity Security Life 700-0000-2007 15.75 7/27/2023 August 2023 Vision Fidelity Security Life 720-0000-2007 6.63 7/27/2023 August 2023 Vision 314.18 7/27/2023 Fidelity Security Life 314.18 Flow Control Automation LLC 701-0000-4551 6,944.00 7/20/2023 Foxwood Lift Station FM Upgrade 6,944.00 7/20/2023 Flow Control Automation LLC 6,944.00 Fynboh Jill 700-7204-4901 100.00 7/20/2023 WaterWise Rebate 100.00 7/20/2023 Fynboh Jill 100.00 GLOBAL SPECIALTY CONTRACTORS INC 101-1320-4150 14,950.00 7/20/2023 Guardrail Repair- CAT-350 GLOBAL SPECIALTY CONTRACTORS INC 101-1320-4150 3,000.00 7/20/2023 Guardrail Repair- 1221 Bluff Creek Drive 17,950.00 7/20/2023 GLOBAL SPECIALTY CONTRACTORS INC 17,950.00 AP - Check Detail (8/4/2023)Page 10 of 37 66 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description GMH ASPHALT CORP 700-0000-4552 2,815.00 7/20/2023 Utility Patch areas GMH ASPHALT CORP 701-0000-4553 5,775.00 7/20/2023 Utility Patch areas GMH ASPHALT CORP 700-0000-4552 2,700.00 7/20/2023 Utility Patch areas 11,290.00 7/20/2023 GMH ASPHALT CORP 11,290.00 Go Gymnastics 101-1538-4343 600.00 7/27/2023 5 week Go gymnastics Go Gymnastics 101-1537-4343 1,068.75 7/27/2023 5 week Go gymnastics 1,668.75 7/27/2023 Go Gymnastics 1,668.75 GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL INC 700-0000-4300 374.63 8/3/2023 July, 2023 Calls GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL INC 701-0000-4300 374.62 8/3/2023 July, 2023 Calls 749.25 8/3/2023 GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL INC 749.25 GRAEBEL RELOCATION SERVICES WORLDWIDE, INC.700-0000-2020 20.50 7/20/2023 Refund Check 102343-000, 8511 MISSION HILLS LANE GRAEBEL RELOCATION SERVICES WORLDWIDE, INC.701-0000-2020 37.49 7/20/2023 Refund Check 102343-000, 8511 MISSION HILLS LANE GRAEBEL RELOCATION SERVICES WORLDWIDE, INC.720-0000-2020 8.26 7/20/2023 Refund Check 102343-000, 8511 MISSION HILLS LANE GRAEBEL RELOCATION SERVICES WORLDWIDE, INC.700-0000-2020 1.01 7/20/2023 Refund Check 102343-000, 8511 MISSION HILLS LANE 67.26 7/20/2023 GRAEBEL RELOCATION SERVICES WORLDWIDE, INC. 67.26 GREAT LAKES COCA-COLA DISTRIBUTION LLC 101-1540-4130 699.81 7/20/2023 Lake Ann-Soda,Water 699.81 7/20/2023 GREAT LAKES COCA-COLA DISTRIBUTION LLC 699.81 GREEN MEADOWS INC 101-1220-1193 161.06 7/27/2023 Lawn Service - 7410 Dogwood Rd AP - Check Detail (8/4/2023)Page 11 of 37 67 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description GREEN MEADOWS INC 101-1220-1193 479.20 7/27/2023 Lawn Service - 470 W 78th St 640.26 7/27/2023 GREEN MEADOWS INC 640.26 GS DIRECT INC 101-1160-4133 5,713.00 7/27/2023 Canon Pro-4100S Wide Format Printer 5,713.00 7/27/2023 GS DIRECT INC 5,713.00 Guard Guys, LLC 101-1320-4300 637.00 7/27/2023 Drug Testing 637.00 7/27/2023 Guard Guys, LLC 637.00 Guava Entertainment 101-1620-4345 550.00 7/27/2023 Concert series perfomance 550.00 7/27/2023 Guava Entertainment 550.00 Haider Jim 700-7204-4901 50.00 8/3/2023 Waterwise Rebate - Smart Irrigation Controller 50.00 8/3/2023 Haider Jim 50.00 HAKALA JOHN & HEIDI 700-0000-2020 24.90 7/20/2023 Refund Check 102225-000, 1023 PONTIAC LANE HAKALA JOHN & HEIDI 701-0000-2020 41.51 7/20/2023 Refund Check 102225-000, 1023 PONTIAC LANE HAKALA JOHN & HEIDI 700-0000-2020 1.83 7/20/2023 Refund Check 102225-000, 1023 PONTIAC LANE HAKALA JOHN & HEIDI 720-0000-2020 5.79 7/20/2023 Refund Check 102225-000, 1023 PONTIAC LANE 74.03 7/20/2023 AP - Check Detail (8/4/2023)Page 12 of 37 68 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description HAKALA JOHN & HEIDI 74.03 HANSEN THORP PELLINEN OLSON 400-0000-1155 57.00 7/20/2023 Observation Services-Cunningham 2nd Addn HANSEN THORP PELLINEN OLSON 400-0000-1155 342.00 7/20/2023 Observation Services-Berrospid Addition HANSEN THORP PELLINEN OLSON 420-1310-4710 14,150.61 7/20/2023 Trail/Walk Improvements-Survey & Design HANSEN THORP PELLINEN OLSON 400-0000-1155 741.00 7/20/2023 Observation Services-Lake Place Apartments HANSEN THORP PELLINEN OLSON 701-7025-4300 2,017.00 7/20/2023 LS #3 Forcemain Replacement-Survey/Design/Con Admin HANSEN THORP PELLINEN OLSON 400-0000-1155 412.50 7/20/2023 Observation Services-Fox Ridge Estates 17,720.11 7/20/2023 HANSEN THORP PELLINEN OLSON 17,720.11 HAWKINS CHEMICAL 700-7043-4160 30.00 7/20/2023 Chlorine Cylinder 30.00 7/20/2023 HAWKINS CHEMICAL 700-7019-4160 17,461.46 7/27/2023 Hydrofluosilici Acid, Corrosion Inhibitor, Sodium Permanganata HAWKINS CHEMICAL 700-7043-4160 2,298.97 7/27/2023 Hydrofluosilici Acid HAWKINS CHEMICAL 700-7019-4160 10,156.68 7/27/2023 Azone 15 29,917.11 7/27/2023 HAWKINS CHEMICAL 29,947.11 Hayo Shai 101-1620-4345 1,250.00 7/20/2023 Summer Concert Series 1,250.00 7/20/2023 Hayo Shai 1,250.00 HealthPartners, Inc.101-0000-2012 1,776.22 7/20/2023 Health-August HealthPartners, Inc.720-0000-2013 91.08 7/20/2023 Dental-August HealthPartners, Inc.101-0000-2013 136.66 7/20/2023 Dental-August HealthPartners, Inc.700-0000-2013 409.94 7/20/2023 Dental-August HealthPartners, Inc.101-0000-2012 26,296.27 7/20/2023 Health-August HealthPartners, Inc.700-0000-2012 2,842.85 7/20/2023 Health-August HealthPartners, Inc.720-0000-2012 1,421.42 7/20/2023 Health-August HealthPartners, Inc.701-0000-2012 1,421.41 7/20/2023 Health-August AP - Check Detail (8/4/2023)Page 13 of 37 69 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description HealthPartners, Inc.101-0000-2012 1,421.42 7/20/2023 Health-August HealthPartners, Inc.701-0000-2013 318.86 7/20/2023 Dental-August HealthPartners, Inc.101-0000-2012 42,629.28 7/20/2023 Health-August HealthPartners, Inc.101-0000-2013 4,281.52 7/20/2023 Dental-August 83,046.93 7/20/2023 HealthPartners, Inc. 83,046.93 Heritage Shade Tree Consultants, Inc 720-7202-4300 3,875.00 7/20/2023 Urban Forestry Consulting-May Heritage Shade Tree Consultants, Inc 720-7201-4300 3,875.00 7/20/2023 Urban Forestry Consulting-May 7,750.00 7/20/2023 Heritage Shade Tree Consultants, Inc 7,750.00 HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP 410-4410-4300 14,796.00 7/20/2023 Lake Ann Preserve Design HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP 101-1420-4300 5,602.76 7/20/2023 DT Design Guidelines HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP 101-1420-4300 1,670.00 7/20/2023 Downtown Wayfinding & Signage Plan 22,068.76 7/20/2023 HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP 22,068.76 Holton Electric Contractors LLC 700-0000-4140 405.00 8/3/2023 Labor - Gen Truck Holton Electric Contractors LLC 701-0000-4140 405.00 8/3/2023 Labor - Gen Truck 810.00 8/3/2023 Holton Electric Contractors LLC 810.00 Horwitz, Inc 101-1220-4510 6,000.00 7/20/2023 Fire Station No 1 Controls 6,000.00 7/20/2023 Horwitz, Inc 6,000.00 Ideal Service Inc.700-0000-4550 500.00 7/20/2023 Troubleshoot & repair Well #3 Drive AP - Check Detail (8/4/2023)Page 14 of 37 70 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 500.00 7/20/2023 Ideal Service Inc. 500.00 Indoor Landscapes Inc 101-1170-4300 187.00 8/3/2023 Plant Service for August 187.00 8/3/2023 Indoor Landscapes Inc 187.00 Innovative Office Solutions LLC 101-1120-4110 68.64 7/20/2023 Tape/Scissors/Pad/Theme book Innovative Office Solutions LLC 101-1120-4110 5.52 7/20/2023 Tab-Hanging Folder 74.16 7/20/2023 Innovative Office Solutions LLC 101-1120-4110 13.10 8/3/2023 Roll, Laminating Innovative Office Solutions LLC 101-1120-4110 43.85 8/3/2023 Pen, Dry Eraser, Pencil, 56.95 8/3/2023 Innovative Office Solutions LLC 131.11 Jasper Services, LLC 101-1731-3636 2,350.00 7/27/2023 July Fish Camp 2,350.00 7/27/2023 Jasper Services, LLC 2,350.00 Jeff's SOS Drain & Sewer Services Inc 101-1550-4510 140.00 7/20/2023 Repair to Womens Restroom Toilet 140.00 7/20/2023 Jeff's SOS Drain & Sewer Services Inc 140.00 K2 Electrical Services Inc 101-1550-4300 191.00 7/27/2023 State Permit Fees for Temp power for vendors K2 Electrical Services Inc 101-1550-4300 4,902.00 7/27/2023 Materials for repair of ball field lights K2 Electrical Services Inc 101-1550-4300 6,616.00 7/27/2023 Labor - Light blub and Power Wiring AP - Check Detail (8/4/2023)Page 15 of 37 71 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 11,709.00 7/27/2023 K2 Electrical Services Inc 11,709.00 KATH FUEL OIL SERVICE 101-1370-4170 4,467.33 7/20/2023 Fuel 4,467.33 7/20/2023 KATH FUEL OIL SERVICE 101-1370-4170 285.60 7/27/2023 Mystik JT 6 Shd 460 Grease 285.60 7/27/2023 KATH FUEL OIL SERVICE 4,752.93 Kromer Company 101-1550-4120 35.05 7/27/2023 Hypro D252 Oil Sight Glass Tube Kit 35.05 7/27/2023 Kromer Company 35.05 LAKE TITLE 701-0000-2020 13.01 7/20/2023 Refund Check 103158-000, 7685 NICHOLAS WAY LAKE TITLE 700-0000-2020 0.57 7/20/2023 Refund Check 103158-000, 7685 NICHOLAS WAY LAKE TITLE 700-0000-2020 7.81 7/20/2023 Refund Check 103158-000, 7685 NICHOLAS WAY LAKE TITLE 720-0000-2020 1.20 7/20/2023 Refund Check 103158-000, 7685 NICHOLAS WAY 22.59 7/20/2023 LAKE TITLE 22.59 Lakes at Chanhassen, LLC 481-0000-4804 12,062.70 7/27/2023 Tax Increment 12,062.70 7/27/2023 Lakes at Chanhassen, LLC 12,062.70 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST 101-1170-4483 4,576.71 7/27/2023 Claim # LMC CA 292258 AP - Check Detail (8/4/2023)Page 16 of 37 72 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 4,576.71 7/27/2023 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST 4,576.71 Lennar 101-0000-2073 1,500.00 7/27/2023 Erosion Control - Permit 2021-04897 - 7206 Purple Parkway Lennar 101-0000-2073 1,500.00 7/27/2023 Erosion Control - Permit 2021-00847 - 7145 Purple Parkway Lennar 101-0000-2073 1,500.00 7/27/2023 Erosion Control - Permit 2021-04225 - 7205 Purple Parkway Lennar 101-0000-2073 2,200.00 7/27/2023 Erosion Control - Permit 2022-00665 - 1914 Visionary Ct Lennar 101-0000-2073 1,800.00 7/27/2023 Erosion Control - Permit 2021-02988 - 7169 Purple Parkway Lennar 101-0000-2073 1,500.00 7/27/2023 Erosion Control - Permit 2021-04874 - 7133 Purple Parkway Lennar 101-0000-2073 1,600.00 7/27/2023 Erosion Control - Permit 2021-05173 - 7170 Purple Parkway 11,600.00 7/27/2023 Lennar 101-0000-2072 1,250.00 8/3/2023 As-Built - Permit 2015-00043 - 9476 River Rock Drive Lennar 101-0000-2072 2,500.00 8/3/2023 As-Built - Permit 2015-02367 - 3649 Strawberry Lane Lennar 101-0000-2072 1,250.00 8/3/2023 As-Built - Permit 2015-00035 - 9460 River Rock Drive S Lennar 101-0000-2072 1,250.00 8/3/2023 As-Built - Permit 2015-00033 - 9456 River Rock Drive S Lennar 101-0000-2072 2,500.00 8/3/2023 As-Built - Permit 2014-03080 - 3608 Strawberry Lane Lennar 101-0000-2072 1,250.00 8/3/2023 As-Built - Permit 2015-00041 - 9472 River Rock Drive S Lennar 101-0000-2072 2,500.00 8/3/2023 As-Built - Permit 2014-03076 - 3680 Strawberry Lane Lennar 101-0000-2072 1,500.00 8/3/2023 As-Built - Permit 2011-02780 - 8970 Reflections Road 14,000.00 8/3/2023 Lennar 25,600.00 LEVEL 7 DEVELOPMENT 720-0000-2020 123.59 7/20/2023 Refund Check 097665-004, PID 25-0230410 LEVEL 7 DEVELOPMENT 720-0000-2020 4.72 7/20/2023 Refund Check 097665-004, PID 25-0230410 LEVEL 7 DEVELOPMENT 720-0000-2020 10.06 7/20/2023 Refund Check 097665-000, PID 25-0910010 LEVEL 7 DEVELOPMENT 720-0000-2020 123.59 7/20/2023 Refund Check 097665-002, PID 25-0230420 LEVEL 7 DEVELOPMENT 720-0000-2020 9.24 7/20/2023 Refund Check 097665-002, PID 25-0230420 LEVEL 7 DEVELOPMENT 720-0000-2020 10.06 7/20/2023 Refund Check 097665-003, PID 25-0910030 281.26 7/20/2023 LEVEL 7 DEVELOPMENT 281.26 Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P 101-1110-4312 3,333.33 7/20/2023 Professional Services-July AP - Check Detail (8/4/2023)Page 17 of 37 73 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 3,333.33 7/20/2023 Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P 3,333.33 Low Voltage Contractors, Inc.101-1190-4530 3,754.00 7/27/2023 Cat 6 Cable, Lockbox, mount and conduit pathway 3,754.00 7/27/2023 Low Voltage Contractors, Inc. 3,754.00 LUNDBORG SHELLEY K.700-0000-2020 20.41 7/20/2023 Refund Check 101405-000, 3921 MINNEWASHTA COURT LUNDBORG SHELLEY K.701-0000-2020 34.04 7/20/2023 Refund Check 101405-000, 3921 MINNEWASHTA COURT LUNDBORG SHELLEY K.720-0000-2020 22.13 7/20/2023 Refund Check 101405-000, 3921 MINNEWASHTA COURT LUNDBORG SHELLEY K.700-0000-2020 2.72 7/20/2023 Refund Check 101405-000, 3921 MINNEWASHTA COURT 79.30 7/20/2023 LUNDBORG SHELLEY K. 79.30 MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT 101-1320-4120 44.75 7/20/2023 Shoulder Screw MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT 101-1320-4120 80.74 7/20/2023 Curtain-Center D2A 125.49 7/20/2023 MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT 701-0000-4120 5,562.53 7/27/2023 Hose, Rubber Gasket, Air Seal, Inter Plate 5,562.53 7/27/2023 MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT 701-0000-4120 278.21 8/3/2023 Dual Sol Air Vl MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT 701-0000-4120 363.41 8/3/2023 Boom hose end MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT 701-0000-4120 801.57 8/3/2023 Hose end weld MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT 701-0000-4120 47.19 8/3/2023 Seal Retainer 1,490.38 8/3/2023 MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT 7,178.40 Marco Inc 101-1160-4411 735.00 7/20/2023 copier contract payment AP - Check Detail (8/4/2023)Page 18 of 37 74 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 735.00 7/20/2023 Marco Inc 735.00 MARTINSON BRETT 700-0000-4370 330.00 8/3/2023 Utility Water AWWA Conference 330.00 8/3/2023 MARTINSON BRETT 330.00 Mason Matt 700-7204-4901 100.00 8/3/2023 Waterwise Rebate - Clothes Washer 100.00 8/3/2023 Mason Matt 100.00 Matheson Tri-Gas, Inc.101-1370-4170 22.94 7/20/2023 Propane 22.94 7/20/2023 Matheson Tri-Gas, Inc.101-1370-4170 236.39 8/3/2023 Propane 33lb 236.39 8/3/2023 Matheson Tri-Gas, Inc. 259.33 Maus Kerry 101-1539-4343 1,156.50 7/20/2023 Line Dancing 1,156.50 7/20/2023 Maus Kerry 1,156.50 MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 700-7043-4510 9.98 7/20/2023 Misc supplies MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 700-0000-4150 7.59 7/20/2023 Misc supplies MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 101-1550-4150 106.31 7/20/2023 Misc supplies MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 101-1320-4240 201.98 7/20/2023 Misc supplies MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 700-7043-4120 4.59 7/20/2023 Misc supplies AP - Check Detail (8/4/2023)Page 19 of 37 75 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 101-1550-4120 435.14 7/20/2023 Misc supplies MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 101-1310-4140 30.69 7/20/2023 Misc supplies MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 101-1220-4142 230.88 7/20/2023 Misc supplies MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 101-1550-4151 33.96 7/20/2023 Misc supplies MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 700-7019-4510 16.16 7/20/2023 Misc supplies MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 700-0000-4550 19.99 7/20/2023 Misc supplies MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 101-1320-4154 11.99 7/20/2023 Misc supplies MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 101-1320-4120 20.99 7/20/2023 Misc supplies MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 700-7019-4120 8.99 7/20/2023 Misc supplies 1,139.24 7/20/2023 MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 1,139.24 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL 701-0000-4509 229,343.98 7/20/2023 Water Water Services 229,343.98 7/20/2023 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL 229,343.98 Metropolitan Council, Env Svcs 101-1250-3816 -24.85 7/20/2023 SAC-June Metropolitan Council, Env Svcs 701-0000-2023 2,485.00 7/20/2023 SAC-June 2,460.15 7/20/2023 Metropolitan Council, Env Svcs 2,460.15 Michael Homes Inc 101-0000-2073 1,000.00 7/27/2023 Erosion Control - Permit 2021-03780 - 865 Pleasant View Rd Michael Homes Inc 101-0000-2073 1,000.00 7/27/2023 Erosion Control - Permit 2021-03779 - 855 Pleasant View Rd 2,000.00 7/27/2023 Michael Homes Inc 2,000.00 MID COUNTY COOP 101-1370-4170 9,763.58 7/20/2023 Diesel Fuel 9,763.58 7/20/2023 AP - Check Detail (8/4/2023)Page 20 of 37 76 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description MID COUNTY COOP 9,763.58 Minuteman Press 101-1120-4110 118.02 8/3/2023 Business Cards - Lenz, Blazanin, Petite 118.02 8/3/2023 Minuteman Press 118.02 MN DEPT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY 101-1250-3818 -52.24 7/20/2023 Surcharge-June 2023 MN DEPT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY 101-0000-2022 2,610.51 7/20/2023 Surcharge-June 2023 2,558.27 7/20/2023 MN DEPT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY 2,558.27 MN DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION 101-1350-4566 121.14 7/20/2023 Traffic Signal Maintenance 121.14 7/20/2023 MN DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION 101-1350-4566 316.55 7/27/2023 Traffic Signal Inspection 316.55 7/27/2023 MN DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION 437.69 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 101-1350-4320 226.63 7/20/2023 Electricity charges MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 101-1550-4300 4,576.71 7/20/2023 Stone Creek Street Light LOC #04-15-3C-60A 4,803.34 7/20/2023 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 101-1350-4320 109.44 7/27/2023 Monthly Service - Bluff Crk & Flying Cloud Dr 109.44 7/27/2023 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 101-1350-4320 36.41 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - 96th St & St Hwy 101 Lights MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 701-0000-4320 518.77 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - Hwy 101 / Pionr Trl Signl MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 101-1350-4320 49.65 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - Bluff Crk & Audubon Rd MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 101-1600-4320 48.41 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - Hwy 101 / Pionr Trl Signl MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 101-1350-4320 95.30 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - 2151 Lyman Blvd AP - Check Detail (8/4/2023)Page 21 of 37 77 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 700-0000-4320 161.64 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - Hwy 101 / Pionr Trl Signl MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 101-1350-4320 183.50 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - Bluff Crk Blvd Lights MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 101-1350-4320 108.24 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - Bandimere Park Lights MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 101-1350-4320 5,618.80 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - Hwy 101 / Pionr Trl Signl MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 101-1350-4320 40.13 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - Kiowa Trl & St Hwy 101 Lights 6,860.85 8/3/2023 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 11,773.63 MOFFLY WILLIAM & WENDI 701-0000-2020 37.45 7/20/2023 Refund Check 098475-000, 6651 HORSESHOE CURVE MOFFLY WILLIAM & WENDI 700-0000-2020 22.83 7/20/2023 Refund Check 098475-000, 6651 HORSESHOE CURVE MOFFLY WILLIAM & WENDI 700-0000-2020 3.55 7/20/2023 Refund Check 098475-000, 6651 HORSESHOE CURVE MOFFLY WILLIAM & WENDI 720-0000-2020 28.95 7/20/2023 Refund Check 098475-000, 6651 HORSESHOE CURVE 92.78 7/20/2023 MOFFLY WILLIAM & WENDI 92.78 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 101-1550-4120 170.70 7/20/2023 Seal-Oil, Bearing, O'Ring, Washer-Lock, Gasket, Shim 0.2 170.70 7/20/2023 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 101-1550-4120 427.94 7/27/2023 Tie Rod, Bearing Toller, Gear Bevel, Panel Side MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 101-1550-4120 282.16 7/27/2023 Gear Bevel Tooth, Panel Side 710.10 7/27/2023 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 880.80 Nahan Shelly 101-1538-4343 240.00 7/20/2023 SafeKids Training Nahan Shelly 101-1538-4343 675.00 7/20/2023 Babysitting Training 915.00 7/20/2023 Nahan Shelly 915.00 NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 101-1550-4120 324.30 7/27/2023 Oil Filter, Fuel Filter, Hydraulic Filter AP - Check Detail (8/4/2023)Page 22 of 37 78 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 324.30 7/27/2023 NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 324.30 NELSON HELEN/LOREN 701-0000-2020 52.30 7/20/2023 Refund Check 019623-000, 1740 PHEASANT CIRCLE NELSON HELEN/LOREN 700-0000-2020 1.81 7/20/2023 Refund Check 019623-000, 1740 PHEASANT CIRCLE NELSON HELEN/LOREN 700-0000-2020 28.87 7/20/2023 Refund Check 019623-000, 1740 PHEASANT CIRCLE NELSON HELEN/LOREN 720-0000-2020 14.78 7/20/2023 Refund Check 019623-000, 1740 PHEASANT CIRCLE 97.76 7/20/2023 NELSON HELEN/LOREN 97.76 North American Safety, Inc.101-1320-4260 412.50 7/27/2023 Safety Clothing 412.50 7/27/2023 North American Safety, Inc. 412.50 Northern Audio Production, Inc.101-1613-4404 3,328.00 8/3/2023 4th of July 2023 Lights 3,328.00 8/3/2023 Northern Audio Production, Inc. 3,328.00 NORTHLAND RECREATION LLC 101-1550-4150 846.25 7/27/2023 Playground surfacing repair material 846.25 7/27/2023 NORTHLAND RECREATION LLC 846.25 NOVEL SOLAR THREE, LLC 700-0000-4320 7,840.49 7/27/2023 Monthy Service - Production Period ending 05/31/2023 NOVEL SOLAR THREE, LLC 101-1350-4320 190.83 7/27/2023 Monthy Service - Production Period ending 05/31/2023 NOVEL SOLAR THREE, LLC 701-0000-4320 3,974.59 7/27/2023 Monthy Service - Production Period ending 05/31/2023 12,005.91 7/27/2023 AP - Check Detail (8/4/2023)Page 23 of 37 79 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description NOVEL SOLAR THREE, LLC 12,005.91 Parts Alliance South 101-1220-4140 179.66 7/20/2023 filters 179.66 7/20/2023 Parts Alliance South 179.66 Performance Pool & Spa 101-0000-2073 500.00 8/3/2023 Erosion Control - Permit 2022-01548 - 2910 Washta Bay Rd 500.00 8/3/2023 Performance Pool & Spa 500.00 Peterson Bros Roofing and Construction, Inc 101-1190-4510 7,100.00 7/20/2023 Roof Repair: 7711 Kerber Blvd 7,100.00 7/20/2023 Peterson Bros Roofing and Construction, Inc 7,100.00 PILGRIM DRY CLEANERS 101-1220-4300 438.50 8/3/2023 July, 2023 Laundry Service 438.50 8/3/2023 PILGRIM DRY CLEANERS 438.50 Pinnacle Pest Control 101-1170-4300 150.00 7/27/2023 Pest Control - Bait Stations Pinnacle Pest Control 101-1550-4300 80.00 7/27/2023 Pest Control - Lake Anne Workshop Pinnacle Pest Control 700-7043-4300 125.00 7/27/2023 Pest Control - West Water Treatment Plant Pinnacle Pest Control 101-1170-4300 200.00 7/27/2023 Pest Control - City Hall Pinnacle Pest Control 101-1220-4300 200.00 7/27/2023 Pest Control - Fire Station Pinnacle Pest Control 701-0000-4300 80.00 7/27/2023 Pest Control - Lift Station 24 Pinnacle Pest Control 101-1190-4300 225.00 7/27/2023 Pest Control - Library Pinnacle Pest Control 101-1530-4300 80.00 7/27/2023 Pest Control - Rec Center Pinnacle Pest Control 101-1312-4300 250.00 7/27/2023 Pest Control - Public Work Pinnacle Pest Control 700-0000-4300 210.00 7/27/2023 Pest Control - Reservoir, Tower 2, Tower 3 Pinnacle Pest Control 700-7019-4300 125.00 7/27/2023 Pest Control - East Water Treatment Plant Pinnacle Pest Control 101-1550-4300 80.00 7/27/2023 Pest Control - Lake Anne Picnic Area AP - Check Detail (8/4/2023)Page 24 of 37 80 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 1,805.00 7/27/2023 Pinnacle Pest Control 1,805.00 PRAIRIE RESTORATIONS INC 101-1550-4300 365.00 8/3/2023 Vegetation Integrated Plant Management 365.00 8/3/2023 PRAIRIE RESTORATIONS INC 365.00 Premium Waters, Inc 101-1550-4120 4.32 7/20/2023 water 4.32 7/20/2023 Premium Waters, Inc 101-1550-4120 45.30 7/27/2023 chip 5 gal 45.30 7/27/2023 Premium Waters, Inc 49.62 Ragan John 700-7204-4901 50.00 8/3/2023 Waterwise Rebate - Toilet Ragan John 700-7204-4901 100.00 8/3/2023 Waterwise Rebate - Clothes Washer 150.00 8/3/2023 Ragan John 150.00 Rain for Rent 701-0000-4405 583.69 8/3/2023 Hauling Rebillable Rain for Rent 701-0000-4405 8,778.79 8/3/2023 Box Filter, Spillguard, Adapter, Box Roll Off Ramp 9,362.48 8/3/2023 Rain for Rent 9,362.48 Raney Keith 101-1620-4345 700.00 8/3/2023 8/3/2023 Concert Series Performance AP - Check Detail (8/4/2023)Page 25 of 37 81 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 700.00 8/3/2023 Raney Keith 700.00 REDPATH AND COMPANY, LLC 101-1130-4301 20,285.00 7/20/2023 2022 audit services REDPATH AND COMPANY, LLC 720-0000-4301 4,800.00 7/20/2023 2022 audit services REDPATH AND COMPANY, LLC 700-0000-4301 7,600.00 7/20/2023 2022 audit services REDPATH AND COMPANY, LLC 701-0000-4301 7,400.00 7/20/2023 2022 audit services 40,085.00 7/20/2023 REDPATH AND COMPANY, LLC 40,085.00 Rent N Save Portable Services 101-1550-4410 5,447.20 7/20/2023 Portable toilet rental Rent N Save Portable Services 101-1613-4400 5,582.00 7/20/2023 4th of July restrooms 11,029.20 7/20/2023 Rent N Save Portable Services 11,029.20 RMB Environmental Laboratories Inc 720-0000-4300 217.80 7/20/2023 beach monitoring 217.80 7/20/2023 RMB Environmental Laboratories Inc 720-0000-4300 217.80 7/27/2023 Beach Monitoring 217.80 7/27/2023 RMB Environmental Laboratories Inc 435.60 ROETMAN RYAN & MALIA 700-0000-2020 3.75 7/20/2023 Refund Check 102655-000, 6340 DOGWOOD ROETMAN RYAN & MALIA 701-0000-2020 55.04 7/20/2023 Refund Check 102655-000, 6340 DOGWOOD ROETMAN RYAN & MALIA 700-0000-2020 35.66 7/20/2023 Refund Check 102655-000, 6340 DOGWOOD ROETMAN RYAN & MALIA 720-0000-2020 30.63 7/20/2023 Refund Check 102655-000, 6340 DOGWOOD 125.08 7/20/2023 AP - Check Detail (8/4/2023)Page 26 of 37 82 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description ROETMAN RYAN & MALIA 125.08 Ryan Daniel 101-1220-4300 104.00 8/3/2023 NREMT Test 104.00 8/3/2023 Ryan Daniel 104.00 RYAN JOHN P.700-0000-2020 17.08 7/20/2023 Refund Check 009553-000, 6685 HORSESHOE CURVE RYAN JOHN P.701-0000-2020 35.76 7/20/2023 Refund Check 009553-000, 6685 HORSESHOE CURVE RYAN JOHN P.720-0000-2020 24.97 7/20/2023 Refund Check 009553-000, 6685 HORSESHOE CURVE RYAN JOHN P.700-0000-2020 2.85 7/20/2023 Refund Check 009553-000, 6685 HORSESHOE CURVE 80.66 7/20/2023 RYAN JOHN P. 80.66 SABOL SCOTT & SARAH 700-0000-2020 34.29 7/20/2023 Refund Check 020456-000, 1561 HERON DRIVE SABOL SCOTT & SARAH 720-0000-2020 17.55 7/20/2023 Refund Check 020456-000, 1561 HERON DRIVE SABOL SCOTT & SARAH 701-0000-2020 62.10 7/20/2023 Refund Check 020456-000, 1561 HERON DRIVE SABOL SCOTT & SARAH 700-0000-2020 2.15 7/20/2023 Refund Check 020456-000, 1561 HERON DRIVE 116.09 7/20/2023 SABOL SCOTT & SARAH 116.09 Schwalen Jerilyn 700-7204-4901 100.00 7/20/2023 Dishwasher rebate 100.00 7/20/2023 Schwalen Jerilyn 100.00 Schwickert Company 101-1190-4510 23,055.00 7/20/2023 installed new condenser coil Schwickert Company 101-1190-4510 1,320.00 7/20/2023 Aquire/Replace damper actuat 24,375.00 7/20/2023 AP - Check Detail (8/4/2023)Page 27 of 37 83 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description Schwickert Company 24,375.00 SEH 700-0000-4300 9,546.80 7/27/2023 Chan Water Model Update & Calibration 9,546.80 7/27/2023 SEH 9,546.80 Senja Inc 101-1539-4343 96.00 8/3/2023 Tai Chi Instruction 96.00 8/3/2023 Senja Inc 96.00 Severson Ryan 700-7204-4901 50.00 7/27/2023 Waterwise Rebate - Toilet 50.00 7/27/2023 Severson Ryan 50.00 Shadywood Tree Experts and Landscaping 101-1220-1193 2,197.00 8/3/2023 Tree Removal Shadywood Tree Experts and Landscaping 101-1550-4572 1,165.00 8/3/2023 Sugar Maple Removal - 6290 Ridge Rd Shadywood Tree Experts and Landscaping 101-1550-4572 735.00 8/3/2023 Spruce Removal - 2155 Murrary Hill Ct Shadywood Tree Experts and Landscaping 101-1550-4572 3,340.00 8/3/2023 Maple Removal - 1405 W Farm Rd 7,437.00 8/3/2023 Shadywood Tree Experts and Landscaping 7,437.00 SiteOne Landscape Supply 101-1550-4150 1,742.51 8/3/2023 Curlex Blanket Double Green, Compost Log 9 in X 20ft 1,742.51 8/3/2023 SiteOne Landscape Supply 1,742.51 Snow Kreilich Architects 402-4003-4300 2,600.00 7/27/2023 Chanhassen Fire Station 1 AP - Check Detail (8/4/2023)Page 28 of 37 84 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 2,600.00 7/27/2023 Snow Kreilich Architects 2,600.00 Spectrum Screen Printing Inc 720-7202-4130 94.20 7/20/2023 T-Shirts 94.20 7/20/2023 Spectrum Screen Printing Inc 94.20 Springbrook 700-1130-4307 535.50 8/3/2023 Standard Professional Services Springbrook 701-1130-4307 535.50 8/3/2023 Standard Professional Services Springbrook 720-1130-4307 535.50 8/3/2023 Standard Professional Services 1,606.50 8/3/2023 Springbrook 1,606.50 Stark Aaron 101-1766-4341 28.50 7/20/2023 Softball umpire 28.50 7/20/2023 Stark Aaron 28.50 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET 101-1220-4140 446.25 8/3/2023 Cover Pkg 446.25 8/3/2023 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET 446.25 SUMMIT COMPANIES 101-1312-4300 420.00 7/27/2023 Service Call (Fire Alarm) 420.00 7/27/2023 SUMMIT COMPANIES 420.00 AP - Check Detail (8/4/2023)Page 29 of 37 85 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description TargetSolutions Learning, LLC 101-1220-4237 4,828.60 8/3/2023 TSPremier TSmaintfees 4,828.60 8/3/2023 TargetSolutions Learning, LLC 4,828.60 THE TITLE GROUP 700-0000-2020 3.48 7/20/2023 Refund Check 100642-007, 9121 RIVER ROCK DRIVE N THE TITLE GROUP 720-0000-2020 5.43 7/20/2023 Refund Check 100642-007, 9121 RIVER ROCK DRIVE N THE TITLE GROUP 701-0000-2020 8.36 7/20/2023 Refund Check 100642-007, 9121 RIVER ROCK DRIVE N THE TITLE GROUP 700-0000-2020 0.67 7/20/2023 Refund Check 100642-007, 9121 RIVER ROCK DRIVE N 17.94 7/20/2023 THE TITLE GROUP 17.94 Thorud Michael and Susan 700-7204-4901 100.00 8/3/2023 Waterwise Rebate - Dishwasher Thorud Michael and Susan 700-7204-4901 50.00 8/3/2023 Waterwise Rebate - Toilet 150.00 8/3/2023 Thorud Michael and Susan 150.00 TimeSaver Off Site Secretarial, Inc 101-1125-4300 393.50 7/20/2023 City Council/Park & Rec Commission Meeting 393.50 7/20/2023 TimeSaver Off Site Secretarial, Inc 393.50 Titan Energy Systems 700-7025-4704 1,390.33 8/3/2023 Winco 175 KW Model DR175F4 480V Generator Titan Energy Systems 701-7025-4704 1,390.33 8/3/2023 Winco 175 KW Model DR175F4 480V Generator 2,780.66 8/3/2023 Titan Energy Systems 2,780.66 TITLE SPECIALIST INC 700-0000-2020 11.22 7/20/2023 Refund Check 010852-000, 7107 PONTIAC CIRCLE TITLE SPECIALIST INC 701-0000-2020 20.84 7/20/2023 Refund Check 010852-000, 7107 PONTIAC CIRCLE TITLE SPECIALIST INC 700-0000-2020 1.66 7/20/2023 Refund Check 010852-000, 7107 PONTIAC CIRCLE AP - Check Detail (8/4/2023)Page 30 of 37 86 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description TITLE SPECIALIST INC 720-0000-2020 8.78 7/20/2023 Refund Check 010852-000, 7107 PONTIAC CIRCLE 42.50 7/20/2023 TITLE SPECIALIST INC 42.50 TITLESMART INC 700-0000-2020 33.38 7/20/2023 Refund Check 099533-000, 6893 CHAPARRAL LANE TITLESMART INC 700-0000-2020 2.94 7/20/2023 Refund Check 099533-000, 6893 CHAPARRAL LANE TITLESMART INC 720-0000-2020 24.00 7/20/2023 Refund Check 099533-000, 6893 CHAPARRAL LANE TITLESMART INC 701-0000-2020 48.91 7/20/2023 Refund Check 099533-000, 6893 CHAPARRAL LANE 109.23 7/20/2023 TITLESMART INC 109.23 TOWN & COUNTRY FENCE 101-1550-4300 3,975.00 7/20/2023 remove/replace 50LF of 2" posts & 1-5/8" rail 3,975.00 7/20/2023 TOWN & COUNTRY FENCE 3,975.00 TRADEMARK TITLE SERVICES 720-0000-2020 2.70 7/20/2023 Refund Check 102394-000, 7299 PAISLEY COURT TRADEMARK TITLE SERVICES 700-0000-2020 4.01 7/20/2023 Refund Check 102394-000, 7299 PAISLEY COURT TRADEMARK TITLE SERVICES 701-0000-2020 6.18 7/20/2023 Refund Check 102394-000, 7299 PAISLEY COURT TRADEMARK TITLE SERVICES 700-0000-2020 0.33 7/20/2023 Refund Check 102394-000, 7299 PAISLEY COURT 13.22 7/20/2023 TRADEMARK TITLE SERVICES 13.22 TWIN CITIES & WESTERN RR CO 700-0000-4509 821.81 7/20/2023 Annual Fee for Utility Crossing 821.81 7/20/2023 TWIN CITIES & WESTERN RR CO 821.81 Universal Athletic Services, Inc.101-1638-4130 1,769.35 8/3/2023 Lake Ann Camp Shirts AP - Check Detail (8/4/2023)Page 31 of 37 87 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 1,769.35 8/3/2023 Universal Athletic Services, Inc. 1,769.35 Unmacht Matt 101-1120-4381 347.80 7/20/2023 Flight-ICMA Conference 347.80 7/20/2023 Unmacht Matt 101-1120-4370 5,000.00 7/27/2023 Tuition Reimbursement 5,000.00 7/27/2023 Unmacht Matt 5,347.80 US Home Corporation 101-0000-2072 2,500.00 7/27/2023 As Built - Permit 2021-04874 - 7133 Purple Pkwy US Home Corporation 101-0000-2072 2,500.00 7/27/2023 As Built - Permit 2021-05225 - 7028 Pearl Dr US Home Corporation 101-0000-2072 2,500.00 7/27/2023 As Built - Permit 2022-01672 - 7089 Pearl Dr US Home Corporation 101-0000-2072 2,500.00 7/27/2023 As Built - Permit 2022-01090 - 7065 Pearl Dr US Home Corporation 101-0000-2072 2,500.00 7/27/2023 As Built - Permit 2022-00662 - 7109 Purple Pkwy US Home Corporation 101-0000-2072 2,500.00 7/27/2023 As Built - Permit 2022-01671 - 7137 Pearl Dr US Home Corporation 101-0000-2072 2,500.00 7/27/2023 As Built - Permit 2022-00661 - 7121 Purple Pkwy US Home Corporation 101-0000-2072 2,500.00 7/27/2023 As Built - Permit 2022-01174 - 7130 Alphabet St US Home Corporation 101-0000-2072 2,500.00 7/27/2023 As Built - Permit 2022-00665 - 1914 Visionary Ct 22,500.00 7/27/2023 US Home Corporation 22,500.00 USA BLUE BOOK 700-7019-4120 64.95 8/3/2023 Lutz Poly Foot Strainer USA BLUE BOOK 700-7019-4120 1,449.26 8/3/2023 Drum Pump Motor, Clear Braid PVC Hose 1,514.21 8/3/2023 USA BLUE BOOK 1,514.21 VALLEY-RICH CO INC 700-0000-4552 4,884.79 8/3/2023 Equipment & Labor VALLEY-RICH CO INC 700-0000-4552 5,217.50 8/3/2023 Equipment & Labor Charges AP - Check Detail (8/4/2023)Page 32 of 37 88 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 10,102.29 8/3/2023 VALLEY-RICH CO INC 10,102.29 VERIZON WIRELESS 700-0000-4310 125.10 7/27/2023 Monthly Service June 19 - July 18 VERIZON WIRELESS 701-0000-4310 125.10 7/27/2023 Monthly Service June 19 - July 18 250.20 7/27/2023 VERIZON WIRELESS 250.20 VESSCO INC 700-7043-4120 457.38 8/3/2023 EVOQUA Rotameter 457.38 8/3/2023 VESSCO INC 457.38 Warning Lites of Minnesota, Inc.101-1613-4410 2,830.25 7/20/2023 4th of July cone rental 2,830.25 7/20/2023 Warning Lites of Minnesota, Inc. 2,830.25 Waste Management of Minnesota, Inc 101-1613-4410 77.28 7/27/2023 4th of July garbage 77.28 7/27/2023 Waste Management of Minnesota, Inc 101-1613-4410 455.94 8/3/2023 4th of July Garbage Waste Management of Minnesota, Inc 101-1613-4410 431.10 8/3/2023 4th of July Garbage 887.04 8/3/2023 Waste Management of Minnesota, Inc 964.32 Water Heaters Now Inc 101-1250-3306 127.25 8/3/2023 Refund Permit 2023-02175 4040 Pipewood Lane Water Heaters Now Inc 101-0000-2022 1.55 8/3/2023 Refund Permit 2023-02175 4040 Pipewood Lane AP - Check Detail (8/4/2023)Page 33 of 37 89 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 128.80 8/3/2023 Water Heaters Now Inc 128.80 WATERMARK TITLE AGENCY 720-0000-2020 26.36 7/20/2023 Refund Check 007441-000, 93 OLYMPIC CIRCLE WATERMARK TITLE AGENCY 700-0000-2020 3.24 7/20/2023 Refund Check 007441-000, 93 OLYMPIC CIRCLE WATERMARK TITLE AGENCY 700-0000-2020 29.40 7/20/2023 Refund Check 007441-000, 93 OLYMPIC CIRCLE WATERMARK TITLE AGENCY 701-0000-2020 50.24 7/20/2023 Refund Check 007441-000, 93 OLYMPIC CIRCLE 109.24 7/20/2023 WATERMARK TITLE AGENCY 109.24 WATSON COMPANY 101-1540-4130 740.99 7/20/2023 Lk Ann Concession supplies WATSON COMPANY 101-1540-4130 745.63 7/20/2023 Lk Ann Concession supplies 1,486.62 7/20/2023 WATSON COMPANY 101-1540-4130 434.09 7/27/2023 Candy, Paper/Janitorial Supplies 434.09 7/27/2023 WATSON COMPANY 101-1540-4130 1,347.73 8/3/2023 Candy, Snacks, Beverage, Paper/Janitorial Supplies, Food 1,347.73 8/3/2023 WATSON COMPANY 3,268.44 WEBER KEVIN & MICHELLE 701-0000-2020 2.62 7/20/2023 Refund Check 011214-000, 1500 KNOB HILL LANE WEBER KEVIN & MICHELLE 720-0000-2020 1.70 7/20/2023 Refund Check 011214-000, 1500 KNOB HILL LANE WEBER KEVIN & MICHELLE 700-0000-2020 0.21 7/20/2023 Refund Check 011214-000, 1500 KNOB HILL LANE WEBER KEVIN & MICHELLE 700-0000-2020 2.05 7/20/2023 Refund Check 011214-000, 1500 KNOB HILL LANE 6.58 7/20/2023 WEBER KEVIN & MICHELLE 6.58 WM MUELLER & SONS INC 101-1320-4157 484.53 7/20/2023 1/4" virgin sand AP - Check Detail (8/4/2023)Page 34 of 37 90 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 484.53 7/20/2023 WM MUELLER & SONS INC 101-1320-4157 596.13 7/27/2023 1/4 Virgin Sand WM MUELLER & SONS INC 700-0000-4552 915.42 7/27/2023 SPWEA240B 1,511.55 7/27/2023 WM MUELLER & SONS INC 101-1320-4157 342.24 8/3/2023 1/4" Virgin Sand WM MUELLER & SONS INC 700-0000-4550 1,155.59 8/3/2023 SPWEA24B WM MUELLER & SONS INC 700-0000-4150 168.00 8/3/2023 Lundquist CY 1,665.83 8/3/2023 WM MUELLER & SONS INC 3,661.91 Woods Kelly 101-1320-4157 750.00 8/3/2023 Reimbursement for driveway project 750.00 8/3/2023 Woods Kelly 750.00 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 101-1311-4306 669.00 7/20/2023 2023 GIS/AMS support services WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 414-4010-4300 1,736.75 7/20/2023 City Hall Campus Drone Survey WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 601-6140-4300 12,753.38 7/20/2023 Galpin Blvd Improvement Project PW176 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 414-4011-4300 1,736.75 7/20/2023 City Hall Campus Drone Survey WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 601-6040-4300 4,251.13 7/20/2023 Galpin Blvd Improvement Project PW176 21,147.01 7/20/2023 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 720-0000-4300 3,745.50 7/27/2023 2023 Water Resources Support Services WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 720-0000-4300 280.00 7/27/2023 1811 Lake Lucy Ln Wetland Violation WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 720-7025-4300 492.00 7/27/2023 2021 Pond Maintenance Project 4,517.50 7/27/2023 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 25,664.51 WW GRAINGER INC 101-1550-4510 1,087.62 7/20/2023 City Hall Fountain Pump AP - Check Detail (8/4/2023)Page 35 of 37 91 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 1,087.62 7/20/2023 WW GRAINGER INC 1,087.62 XCEL ENERGY INC 700-0000-4320 3,081.42 7/20/2023 Electricity charges 3,081.42 7/20/2023 XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1350-4320 27.23 7/27/2023 Monthly Service - Pedestrian Flashers XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1350-4320 27.37 7/27/2023 Monthly Service - Pedestrian Flashers 54.60 7/27/2023 XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1350-4320 -69.11 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - Service Walk Bridge, 500 Market Streetlight XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1600-4320 111.39 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - Parks XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1540-4320 4,282.92 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - Parks XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1600-4320 291.46 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - Park Shelter XCEL ENERGY INC 700-7043-4320 11,224.61 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - WWTP XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1600-4320 34.53 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - 7700 Market Blvd XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1600-4320 15.16 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - 7599 Minnewashta Pkwy XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1170-4320 -973.29 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - City Utilities XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1312-4320 1,902.63 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - City Utilities XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1550-4320 -346.22 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - Parks XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1350-4320 20,674.86 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - Signal/Lights XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1350-4320 -3.88 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - 1532 Lyman Blvd XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1350-4320 27.60 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - 9000 Audubon Rd Signal XCEL ENERGY INC 700-7019-4320 8,002.66 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - East Water Treatment Plant XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1220-4320 1,286.16 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - City Utilities XCEL ENERGY INC 700-0000-4320 264.26 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - Lift Stations XCEL ENERGY INC 701-0000-4320 237.83 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - City Utilities XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1350-4320 32.76 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - 1178 Lake Lucy Rd XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1190-4320 3,015.16 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - City Utilities XCEL ENERGY INC 700-0000-4320 2,572.48 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - Wells XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1120-1193 71.20 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - City Utilities XCEL ENERGY INC 700-0000-4320 93.79 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - 6431 Hazeltine Blvd XCEL ENERGY INC 701-0000-4320 -1,714.67 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - Lift Stations XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1350-4320 -2.40 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - 1701 Valley Ridge Trl S, 1591 Heron Dr XCEL ENERGY INC 700-0000-4320 237.83 8/3/2023 Monthly Service - City Utilities 51,269.72 8/3/2023 AP - Check Detail (8/4/2023)Page 36 of 37 92 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description XCEL ENERGY INC 54,405.74 ZACK'S INC.101-1320-4120 339.68 7/27/2023 Lute Rake, Bungee Cords, Ratchet Strapes 339.68 7/27/2023 ZACK'S INC. 339.68 1,224,133.50 AP - Check Detail (8/4/2023)Page 37 of 37 93 City Council Item August 14, 2023 Item Appoint Youth Commissioners to the Economic Development Commission, Park and Recreation Commission, and the Environmental Commission File No.Item No: D.5 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Reviewed By Laurie Hokkanen SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council reappoints Cohen Lee to the Economic Development Commission, appoints Nischay Pattanashetty to the Park and Recreation Commission, and appoints Ryan Farnan to the Environmental Commission for one-year terms ending August 31, 2024." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY BACKGROUND Chapter 2, Administration, of the Chanhassen City Code allows youth representatives to serve on the Economic Development, Park and Recreation, and Environmental Commissions as voting members for one-year terms ending August 31. The City Council appointed Cohen Lee to the Economic Development Commission on May 22, 2023, serving a partial term, with the expectation of reappointment to serve a full one-year term beginning September 1, 2023. The terms of the current Park and Recreation and Environmental Youth Commissioners expire on August 31, creating three vacancies (1-2 for the Park & Recreation Commission and 1 for the Environmental Commission). These vacancies were advertised in the Chanhassen Villager and on the city's website and social media platforms. 94 DISCUSSION Two applications were received: Nischay Pattanashetty to serve on the Park and Recreation Commission Ryan Farnan requesting to serve on the Environmental Commission Applications will remain open on the city's website until all of the youth commission positions are filled. BUDGET N/A RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the City Council appoint youth commissioners to the Economic Development, Park and Recreation, and Environmental Commissions. ATTACHMENTS 95 City Council Item August 14, 2023 Item Approve Temporary Modification of the Licensed Premises to serve Beer in the Hackamore Brewing Company Parking Lot Area File No.Item No: D.6 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Reviewed By Laurie Hokkanen SUGGESTED ACTION “The Chanhassen City Council approves a temporary modification to the licensed premises of Hackamore Brewing Company to include the parking lot area on the east side of the building, as shown in the attached map, for the purpose of serving beer during the Hackamore Invitational Brew Fest Event scheduled for Saturday, August 26, 2023, between the hours of 12:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY Hackamore Brewing Company has submitted a Special Event Permit Application to hold a Hackamore Invitational Brew Fest outdoor event on their property on Saturday, August 26, 2023 between 12:00 p.m. and 80:00 p.m. As part of the event, the Brewery is requesting the expansion of their licensed premises to include the parking lot area on the east side of the building. City Council approval is required for this request. BACKGROUND Hackamore Brewing Company currently holds a Brewer off-sale and an on-sale and Sunday Brewer 96 Taproom liquor license. The licensed premises currently consists of the building and the proposed outdoor patio once it has been constructed. In order to provide an outdoor area for the event and to serve alcohol in the parking lot on August 26, 2023, Hackamore Brewing Company is requesting that the City Council grant a temporary modification to expand the licensed premises to include the east parking lot area as shown in the attached map. DISCUSSION In order to expand liquor service beyond the current licensed premises, Hackamore Brewing Company is requesting the City Council grant a temporary modification to the licensed premises to include the east parking lot as shown on the attached map with the following conditions: 1. The applicant must apply for and receive a permit through the temporary outdoor event ordinance from the City for the expanded seating area. 2. The applicant must apply for a Temporary On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor License to be able to serve beer from other breweries. 3. The applicant must provide a specific diagram of the area in which the temporary modification to the licensed premises is to occur. The diagram must indicate how the area will be physically enclosed and the location of tables, chairs, food and beverage stations, and any other important features. 4. The applicant must submit proof of the necessary liquor liability insurance coverage for the expanded serving area. The applicant has met all of the required conditions. BUDGET RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council approve Hackamore Brewing Company's request to expand the licensed premises to include the east portion of the parking lot as shown on the attached map. ATTACHMENTS Location Map Certificate of Liquor Liability Insurance Temporary On-Sale Intoxicating License Application 97 t t1, I a. -\ B It J t.'r rl-f (D L a #"+1 r r,l 0 h i .4 \ ),; At,. t.n16 l '{ \ 7 \ 98 ACORD'\--' HACKA-2 CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE (MM/DD/YYYY) THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: lf the certificate holder is an ADDTTIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must have ADDITIO lf SUBROGATION lS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). NAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. require an endorsement. A statement on fiRilI+ct Josh Havlik lit. No).9s2469-1881952469-5502PHONE (AJC, No, Ext): .com rNsuRER a, Cincinnati lnsurance Co 10677 PRODUCER Miller Hartwig lnsurance P-O. Box 1177 20960 Holyoke Avenue Lakeville, MN 550/t4 Josh Havlik 952-469-5502 42376rNsuRER B.AmTrust Financial Services lnc INSURER C : INSI.JRER D : INSURER E INSURER F INSUREDHatlamore Brewing Company LLC DBA Hackamore Brewing Company 18651 Lake Dr E Chanhassen, MN 55317 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAN,'IED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REOUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIN,lS. INSRITR TYPE OF INSURANCE ADDLtNsn SUBR POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFF rMM/DT}/YYYYI POLICY EXP ,MM/hh/m LIMITS A x COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS.I\,,1ADE OCCUR AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIESE PER: LOCx,o,-,"t fl3ry; x X ETO0658673 07t01t2022 07t0112023 EACH OCCURRENCE $1,000,000 DAMAGE TO RENTED PRFI\,4lSFS f Fa o.currence)$500,000 i,4FD EXP /Anv one oerson)$5,000 PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $1,ooo,ooo GENERAL AGGREGATE $2,000,000 PRODUCTS. CON,4PIOP AGG $2,000,000 s A AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO OWNED AUTOS ONLY HIRED AUTOS ONLY SCHEDULED AUTOS NON.OWNED AUTOS ONLYxX ETD0658673 0710112022 07t0'U2023 $1,000,000 BODILY INJURY (Per person)$ BODILY INJURY (Per accident)$ PROPERry DA|\.4AGE(Per accident)s $ A x UMBRELLA LIAB EXCESS LIAB x OCCUR CLAIMS-MADE ETD0658673 07t01t2022 0710112023 EACH OCCURRENCE $4,000,000 AGGREGATE $ DED RETENTION $$ B WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ANY PROPRIETORYPARTNERYEXECUTIVE OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? (Mandatory in NH) lf yes, describe under nFscRlPTlON OF OPERATIONS below N/A swc1429907 0210112023 02t01t2024 x PERSTATI ITtr OTH. FR F I EACH ACCIDENT $500,000 E.L. DISEASE - EA EI\,4PLOYEE 500,000$ E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIN,4IT 500,000 A A Property Section Liquor Liability ETD0658673 ETD0658673 07t01t2022 07t0112022 07t0112023 07t0112023 BPP/TIB Liquor 1MI2M DESCRtpTtON OF OpERATTONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD '101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may bo attached if more space is required) -Brewerv and TaDroom- Liouor tjiaUilitv riolicv continues until cancelled. lf coverage is cancelled, noh-renewed. bi if th'e renewal is not picked up, notice wi[l be given. Coveraqe is riot location specific and'does extend to patios, parking lots, and extEnds to off premisds events such as fairs and festivals. City of Chanhassen PO Box147 7700 Market Blvd Chanhassen, MN 55317 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION OATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE sl1auffia,</^- O 1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD ACORD 2s (2016/03) INSI IPFP/SI AFF6PNINC COVFPAGF NAIC { H 99 100 101 City Council Item August 14, 2023 Item Approve Quote for Lake Susan Park Ballfield Reconstruction File No.Item No: D.7 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Adam Beers, Park Superintendent Reviewed By Laurie Hokkanen SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council approves the $29,300 quote provided by Magic Turf for ballfield work to be completed at Lake Susan Park." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority Asset Management SUMMARY Lake Susan Park baseball field reconstruction. BACKGROUND Lake Susan Park was built in 1989 and is one of our busiest community parks in Chanhassen. Over the years, the Lake Susan Park baseball field has grown into a premier and desired field for local associations and other user groups. In the last five years, new amenities have been added to the field to provide the best user experience possible, including covered dugouts, LED ballfield lighting, and artificial turf batting cages. As these new features have been added to the facility, limited work has been done outside of normal maintenance of the field itself. After 30-plus years of use, the field is in need of repair. The base paths and infield edges have become built up, and with years of use, the ag lime has migrated beyond the infield areas while the grass continues to grow through, which creates a negative park user experience for base runners and fielders. 102 Park Maintenance staff have taken measures to mitigate the effects and reduce the raised edges; however, the scope of work and equipment required to complete this project is greater than our current capabilities. Reconstructing the infield will ensure that the Lake Susan Park baseball field continues to be a premier destination for our local associations and all other user groups while meeting the city's strategic goals of maintaining our infrastructure to the highest level. DISCUSSION BUDGET Quotes were received from Magic Turf and Minnesota Sodding Company to complete the reconstruction of the Lake Susan Park baseball infield. Funds for the project are included in the 2023 CIP. Contractor Quote Magic Turf $29,300 Minnesota Sodding Company $47,404.23 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends city council approve the quote from Magic Turf in the amount of $29,300 for ballfield work to be completed at Lake Susan Park. ATTACHMENTS Contract Magic Turf Quote Minnesota Sodding Company Quote 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Magic Turf 19462 Ogden St NW Elk River, MN 55330 (612) 900-5295 jerrod@magicturf.com magicturf.com ADDRESS Adam Beers City of Chanhassen Estimate 1211 DATE 07/21/2022 DATE ACTIVITY / DESCRIPTION QTY RATE AMOUNT Lake Susan Park- Reconstruct Baseball Infield The base paths and infield edges on this field are extremely unsafe and in need of reconstruction. After years of use, aglime has migrated beyond the infield areas and the grass continues to grow through it, causing these raised areas. They are unsafe for players in the infield and base runners alike. The other major impact is to the drainage pattern on the field. In order to correct these issues, it is best to remove the raised areas, strip the infield grass, strip 5' beyond the arc to remove the lip, 10' beyond each baseline, and 7.5' around the home plate circle. 110 DATE ACTIVITY / DESCRIPTION QTY RATE AMOUNT Reconstruction- Baseball Sod/Lip Removal- Because of the lips that have developed in the grass portion of the infield, we are proposing to strip and remove the sod from the edges of the grass infield, as well as along the entire perimeter of the outside edge of the infield face. ( the arc, outside 1st and third base lines, home plate circle. We will grind down and collect the material that the lips are composed of. This material will be discarded on-site for owner to haul away. Stripped areas: -Entire grass infield -7.5' around home plate circle -5' outfield arc -10' 1st and 3rd base paths (to arc) Regrade- Grade areas to provide safe transitions and proper drainage. Sod- All stripped areas will be sodded back at the proper measurements with big roll Bluegrass sod. **Notes** --Material that we strip will need to be discarded on site. --City/School staff will need to remove irrigation heads and cap them, then flag exactly where heads were located prior to our arrival. We will GPS their locations so the staff can re install the irrigation heads after areas are cut out, but prior to sodding. 1 17,500.00 17,500.00 Bluegrass Sod- Large Rolls Bluegrass Sod Roll @ yard 1,260 4.75 5,985.00 Pitching Mound- Renovate 18' Full-Size Clay Mound *Reconstruct pitching mound, based on the new infield elevation. We will utilize as much of the existing mound clay as possible, and top with new Dura Edge Premium mound clay (estimating 40 bags needed) reconstruct pitching mound 1 2,250.00 2,250.00 Dura Edge Premium Pitching Mound Clay Bagged, premium clay blend for pitching mounds and home plate areas. 50 lb. bag (each) 40 34.00 1,360.00 Grade Infield Grade existing aglime on infield surface, filling holes and promoting proper surface drainage. 1 750.00 750.00 Home Plate w/ Solid Wood Core New home plate w/ solid wood core design. (Price includes installation, assuming we are onsite performing field maintenance). (each) 1 375.00 375.00 4-Sided Pitching Rubber- Adult 24" 24" adult 4-sided pitching rubber (Price includes installation, assuming we are onsite performing field maintenance). (each) 1 330.00 330.00 111 DATE ACTIVITY / DESCRIPTION QTY RATE AMOUNT Mobilization Mobilization of crew and equipment. 1 750.00 750.00 Aglime- Red Ball *Provided by City- Estimating 25 tons needed Red Ball Aglime for ball field construction 25 0.00 0.00 80/20 Topdressing Material *Provided by City (if needed) We could also use sand and blend with existing soil with our vertical tine tiller to provide better drainage, oxygen to rootzone, and soil structure. May need 10-15 tons. 80/20 sand peat blend for top dressing athletic fields 10 0.00 0.00 Optional Work Option to remove the pitching mound approach path, fill with owner supplied soil, and sod. 0 750.00 0.00 Optional Work Option to strip, grade, and lay sod in additional space between proposed sodding area and fencelines/backstop (Estiamting 7200 sq ft of additional area) 0 4,500.00 0.00 Bluegrass Sod- Large Rolls Sod for Optional area- 840 yds estimated @ $4.75/yd ($3,990) Bluegrass Sod Roll @ yard 0 4.75 0.00 TOTAL $29,300.00 Accepted By Accepted Date 112 Lake Susan Baseball Field Date: 7901 PARK PLACE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CITY OF CHANHASSEN Jul-25-2023 Chanhassen Lake Susan Park Baseball Field 903 Lake Drive Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 ABeers@ci.chanhassen.mn.us (952) 227-1304 Email: Phone: EST4052099Est ID: Ben BoedingSales: Survey of Lake Susan baseball field $726.66 ·Total station survey of the baseball infield to quantify materials and field renovation quantities for the renovation from 6 feet beyond the back arc and through the infield. ·Survey details shared with client to quantify materials and final details. Infield renovation ·The infield renovation process would include the following- o Infield removal of grass o Reset of grade o Reset of edges on the back arc, infield lips, baselines pitching mound and home plate circle o Reset and reshaping of the boxes near the dugout o Removal of the coaches boxes o Removal of the batters circles o Removal of grass 6 feet beyond the back arc o Removal of walkup lane to the mound o Installation of Bulldog 40# double sided home plate o Topsoil provided owner ·Baselines expanded to 8 feet for ease of maintenance ·Machine controlled grading of the infield soil and aglime ·Spoils removed through the right field gate and to the parking lot for removal by owner. ·Option to remove spoils by MSC listed below Aglime price per load if needed $1553.54 ·Price to import 25 ton load of ag lime and graded. ·The survey will quantify material needs if warranted. o Survey details shared with the client following design. Mound Rebuild page 1 of 255089 Welch, MN 14 Old Deerfield Rd Bboeding@mnsodco.com Minnesota Sodding Company P.651-438-3867 www.mnsodco.com |I| 113 ·Rebuilding and rest of the mound with DuraPitch Premium mound clay in the landing areas ·DuraEdge Professional Infield on the rest of the mound ·Installation of a Bulldog 40# pitching rubber. ·Reslope and tabletop rebuilt ·Topdressed with Turface Heritage Red topdressing. Infield Sod ·Highland sod installation o Small roll o Starter fertilizer applied prior to installation o Irrigation marked and functional prior to installation by owner ·Post installation care following installation by owner Removal of spoils by MSC $3500 ·Removal of all spoils offsite and disposed by MSC Estimate Total $47,404.23 Subtotal Taxes $47,404.23 $0.00 Contractor: Signature Date: Ben Boeding Client: Signature Date:07/27/2023 |SNGT| |mm/dd/yyyy|  ALL HEADS AND VALVE BOXES TO BE MARKED BEFORE FIELD RENOVATION. *QUOTE IS GOOD FOR 30 DAYS* *PRICE DOES NOT INCLUDE TAX* ·If this estimate is approved, please sign and return it with a fully executed ST3 Certificate of Tax Exemption form. ·Please also include any billing contact information required. ·Thank you for choosing MSC! page 2 of 255089 Welch, MN 14 Old Deerfield Rd Bboeding@mnsodco.com Minnesota Sodding Company P.651-438-3867 www.mnsodco.com |I| 114 City Council Item August 14, 2023 Item Approve the Site Plan Agreement between the City of Chanhassen and Life Time Inc. for the Construction of a Pickleball Facility Including Indoor and Outdoor Courts File No.Planning Case 23-13 Item No: D.8 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Eric Maass, Planning Director Reviewed By Eric Maass SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council approves a site plan agreement between he City of Chanhassen and Life Time Inc. for the construction of a Pickleball Facility including indoor and outdoor courts subject to any minor revisions as may be required by the City Attorney." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority Development & Redevelopment SUMMARY The City Council previously approved the site plan for the proposed 25,410-square-foot building for the use of indoor pickleball courts and associated amenities, as well as the construction of outdoor pickleball courts. The project does not include any public improvements; however, the city still requires that the Applicant enter into a Site Plan Agreement for the development of the proposed project. BACKGROUND The site is currently used for an outdoor fitness facility and is within the Life Time Fitness campus. DISCUSSION 115 The applicant was given site plan approval to construct a 25,410-square-foot indoor pickleball facility and outdoor pickleball courts. The project requires a site plan agreement between the city and the applicant for the proposed improvements on site. BUDGET RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the City Council approves the attached site plan agreement between the City of Chanhassen and Life Time Inc., for the construction of a pickleball facility, including indoor and outdoor courts. NOTE: the draft site plan agreement is not complete and will be added by noon on Friday, or the item will be rescheduled. ATTACHMENTS 116 City Council Item August 14, 2023 Item Adopt Updated Drug, Alcohol, and Cannabis Testing and Drug-Free Workplace Act Policy for Non-Commercial Drivers (Non-DOT) to Incorporate the Legalization of Cannabis File No.Item No: D.9 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Matt Unmacht, Assistant City Manager Reviewed By Laurie Hokkanen SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council adopts the updated drug, alcohol, and cannabis testing and drug-free workplace act policy for non-commercial drivers (non-dot) to incorporate the legalization of cannabis." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority Operational Excellence SUMMARY BACKGROUND In March 2022, the city updated its Drug and Alcohol Policies for city employees. Two policies were approved by City Council, one entitled DOT Drug and Alcohol Testing for Commercial Drivers Policy and the other titled Non-DOT Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy. These updates were made to come into compliance with changes in Minnesota law made in 2023. The policies were developed based on the League of Minnesota Cities model policies and reviewed by the City Attorney. On May 30, 2023, Governor Tim Walz signed a cannabis legalization bill into law, allowing the recreational use of cannabis for adults 21 and older starting August 1, 2023. As a result, the city has 117 updated its Non-DOT Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy to reflect changes in state law. This policy has been renamed the Drug, Alcohol, and Cannabis Testing and Drug-Free Workplace Act Policy for Non- Commercial Drivers (Non-DOT). These updates are only necessary for the Non-DOT Policy because commercial drivers are still subject to federal law, and cannabis is not legal at the federal level at this time. As with the previous updates, this update was based on the League of Minnesota Cities model policies and reviewed by the City Attorney. More information will be coming from the League of Minnesota Cities with regard to drug testing protocol and how it relates to this new law; however, the League has encouraged enrolling employees, specifically supervisors, in Reasonable Suspicion training. City employees with supervisory responsibility completed a Reasonable Suspicion training in May of 2022. This policy, and the DOT policy, which is not getting updated, shall be incorporated as appendixes to the Personnel Policy in a future update of that document. DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION taff recommends the City Council adopt the August 2023 Drug, Alcohol, and Cannabis Testing and Drug-Free Workplace Act Policy for Non-Commercial Drivers (Non-DOT) which will replace the August 2022 Non-DOT Drug Testing and Drug Free Workplace Policy. ATTACHMENTS Non-DOT Drug Testing and Drug-Free Workplace 2023 Cannabis Update 118 City of Chanhassen 3/21/2022 Non-DOT Drug, Alcohol, and Cannabis Testing and Drug-Free Workplace Act Policy Page 1 City of Chanhassen, Minnesota Drug, Alcohol, and Cannabis Testing and Drug-Free Workplace Act Policy for Non-Commercial Drivers (Non-DOT) Purpose and Objectives The City of Chanhassen (“City”) has a vital interest in maintaining safe, healthful, and efficient working conditions for employees, and recognizes that individuals who are impaired because of drugs and/or alcohol jeopardize the safety and health of other workers as well as themselves. The City of Chanhassen does not intend to intrude into the private lives of its employees, but strongly believes that a drug, alcohol, and cannabis-free workplace is in the best interest of employees and the public alike. Alcohol, drug, and cannabis abuse can cause unsatisfactory job performance, increased tardiness and absenteeism, increased accidents and workers’ compensation claims, higher insurance rates, and an increase in theft of city property. The City of Chanhassen’s Drug, Alcohol, and Cannabis Testing Non-DOT policy has been established for the purpose of providing a safe workplace for all. City employees required to hold a commercial driver’s license by the United States Department of Transportation (“DOT”) for their job will be tested under the City’s Policy on Controlled Substance and Alcohol Testing for Commercial Drivers (the “DOT Policy”). All other employees offered employment with the city must undergo testing as described by this policy. To ensure the policy is clearly communicated to all employees and to comply with state law, employees are required to review this policy and sign the “policy acknowledgement.” Persons Subject to Testing and Circumstances Under Which Testing May Be Required Under this policy, the city may test employees for alcohol and/or drugs, including cannabis, under the following circumstances with a properly accredited or licensed testing laboratory, in accordance with Minn. Stat. § 181.953, subd. 1. (1) Reasonable Suspicion Testing: Consistent with Minn. Stat. § 181.951, subd. 3, employees will be subject to alcohol, drug, and cannabis testing when reasonable suspicion exists to believe that the employee: Is under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or cannabis; or Has violated written work rules prohibiting the use, possession, sale or transfer of drugs, alcohol, or cannabis while working, while on city property, or while operating city vehicles, machinery or any other type of equipment; or Has sustained a personal injury as defined in Minn. Stat. § 176.011, subd. 16 or has caused another employee to sustain an injury or; Has caused a work-related accident or was operating or helping to operate machinery, equipment, or vehicles involved in a work-related accident. 119 City of Chanhassen 3/21/2022 Non-DOT Drug, Alcohol, and Cannabis Testing and Drug-Free Workplace Act Policy Page 2 Reasonable suspicion may be based upon, but is not limited to, facts regarding appearance, behavior, speech, breath, odor, possession, proximity to or use of alcohol, drugs, or cannabis or containers or paraphernalia, poor safety record, excessive absenteeism, impairment of job performance, or any other circumstances that would cause a reasonable employer to believe that a violation of the city’s policies concerning alcohol, drugs, or cannabis may have occurred. These observations will be reflected in writing on a Reasonable Suspicion Record Form. For off-site collection, employees will be driven to the employer-approved medical facility by their supervisor or a designee. For an on-site collection service, the employee will remain on site and be observed by the supervisor or designee. The medical facility or on-site collection service will take the urine or blood sample and will forward the sample to an approved laboratory for testing. Pursuant to the requirements of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, all City employees, as a condition of continued employment, will agree to abide by the terms of this policy and must notify the Assistant City Manager of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace not later than five days after such conviction. If required by law or government contract, the City will notify the appropriate federal agency of such conviction within 10 days of receiving notice from the employee. (2) Treatment Program Testing: In accordance with Minn. Stat. § 181.951, subd. 6., the City may request or require an employee to undergo drug, alcohol, or cannabis testing if the employee has been referred by the City for chemical dependency treatment or evaluation or is participating in a chemical dependency treatment program under an employee benefit plan. In such a case, the employee may be requested or required to undergo drug or alcohol testing, including cannabis testing, without prior notice during the evaluation or treatment period and for a period of up to two years following completion of any prescribed chemical dependency treatment program. Right of Refusal: Employees have the right to refuse to submit to an alcohol, drug, or cannabis test under this policy. However, such a refusal will subject an employee to immediate termination. Any intentional act or omission by the employee that prevents the completion of the testing process constitutes a refusal to test. An employee who substitutes, or attempts to substitute, or alters, or attempts to alter a testing sample is considered to have refused to take a drug alcohol or cannabis test. In such a case, the employee is subject to immediate termination of employment. Refusal on Religious Grounds: An employee who, on religious grounds, refuses to undergo drug, alcohol, or cannabis testing of a blood sample will not be considered to have refused testing, unless the employee also refuses to undergo drug, alcohol, or cannabis testing of a urine sample. Cost of Required Testing: 120 City of Chanhassen 3/21/2022 Non-DOT Drug, Alcohol, and Cannabis Testing and Drug-Free Workplace Act Policy Page 3 The City will pay for the cost of all drug, alcohol, or cannabis testing requested or required of all employees, except for confirmatory retests. Employees are responsible for paying for all costs associated with any requested confirmatory retests. Prohibition against Drugs and Alcohol Use and Possession of Alcohol or Drug(s): Employees are prohibited from the use, possession, transfer, transportation, manufacture, distribution, sale, purchase, solicitation to sell or purchase, or dispensation of alcohol, drugs, including cannabis, or drug paraphernalia while on duty; is on City premises; while operating any City vehicle, machinery, or equipment; or when performing any city business, except (1) pursuant to a valid medical prescription used as properly instructed; (2) the use of over-the- counter drug used as intended by the manufacturer; or (3) when necessary for approved law enforcement activity. Besides having a zero-tolerance policy for the use or possession of alcohol, illegal drugs, or misused prescription drugs on the worksite, we also prohibit the use, possession of, impairment by any cannabis or medical cannabis products (e.g., hash oils, edibles, or beverages containing cannabinoids, or pills) on the worksite by a person working as an employee at the city or while “on call” and subject to return to work. Having a medical marijuana card, patient registry number, and/or cannabis prescription from a physician does not allow anyone to use, possess, or be impaired by that drug here. Likewise, the fact that cannabis may be lawfully purchased and consumed in some circumstances does not permit an employee to use, possess, or be impaired by them on City premises. The federal government still classifies cannabis as an illegal drug, even though some states, including Minnesota, have decriminalized its possession and use. There is no acceptable concentration of marijuana metabolites in the blood or urine of an employee who operates City equipment or vehicles or who is on the City’s premises. Employees are still subject to being tested under our drug,alcohol, and cannabis testing policy. And employees are subject to being disciplined, suspended, or terminated after testing positive for cannabis if the employee used, possessed, or was impaired by cannabis products, including medical cannabis, while on the premises of the place of employment or during the hours of employment. While Impaired of Alcohol, Drugs, or Cannabis: Employees are prohibited from being under the influence of alcohol or drugs, including cannabis, or having a detectable amount of an illegal drug in the blood or urine when reporting for work; while on duty; is on the City’s premises; while operating any city vehicle, machinery, or equipment; or when performing any City business, except (1) pursuant to a valid medical prescription used as properly instructed; or (2) the use of over-the-counter drug used as intended by the manufacturer. Driving While Impaired: A conviction of driving while impaired in a City-owned vehicle at any time during business or non-business hours, or in an employee-owned vehicle while conducting city business, may result in discipline, up to and including discharge. 121 City of Chanhassen 3/21/2022 Non-DOT Drug, Alcohol, and Cannabis Testing and Drug-Free Workplace Act Policy Page 4 Criminal Drug Convictions: Any employee convicted of any criminal drug statute must notify his or her supervisor and the Assistant City Manager in writing of such conviction no later than five days after such conviction. Within 30 days after receiving notice from an employee of a drug-related conviction, the City will take appropriate personnel action against the employee up to and including discharge or require the employee to satisfactorily participate in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program as an alternative to termination. In the event notice is not provided to the supervisor and the employee is deemed to be incapable of working safely, the employee will not be permitted to work and will be subject to disciplinary action, including dismissal from employment. In accordance with the Federal Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, if the City is receiving federal grants or contracts of over $25,000, the City will notify the appropriate federal agency of such conviction within 10 days of receiving notice from the employee. Failure to Disclose Lawful Drug: Employees taking a lawful drug, including prescription and over-the-counter drugs or cannabis, which may impair their ability to perform their job responsibilities or pose a safety risk to themselves or others, must advise their supervisor of this before beginning work. It is the employee’s responsibility to seek out written information from his/her physician or pharmacist regarding medication and any job performance impairment and relay that information to his/her supervisor. In the event of such a disclosure, the employee will not be authorized to perform safety-sensitive functions. Review and Notification of Test Results Notification of Negative Test Results: In accordance with Minn. Stat. § 181.953, the city will notify the employee of a negative drug and/or alcohol result within three days of receipt of result by the city. A “Negative Test Results Notification” form will be sent to the employee, and he or she may request a copy of the test result report from (Assistant City Manager). Notification of Positive Test Results: In the event of a confirmed positive blood or urine alcohol, drug, or cannabis test result, the city will notify the employee of a positive drug and/or alcohol result within three days of receipt of the result. The Assistant City Manager will send to the employee a “Positive Test Results Notification” letter containing further instructions. The employee may contact the Assistant City Manager to request a copy of the test result report if desired. In accordance with Minn. Stat. § 181.953, subd. 3, a laboratory must report results to the City within three working days of the confirmatory test result. Right to Provide Information after Receiving Test Results: Within three working days after notice of a positive drug, alcohol, or cannabis test result on a confirmatory test, the employee may submit information to the City to explain the positive result. In accordance with Minn. Stat. § 181.953, subd. 10, if an employee submits information either before a test or within three working days after a positive test result that explains the positive test result, (such as medications the employee is taking), the City will not take an adverse 122 City of Chanhassen 3/21/2022 Non-DOT Drug, Alcohol, and Cannabis Testing and Drug-Free Workplace Act Policy Page 5 employment action based on that information unless the employee has already been under an affirmative duty to provide the information before, upon, or after hire. Right to Confirmatory Retest: An employee may request a confirmatory retest of the original sample at the employee’s own expense after notice of a positive test result on a confirmatory test. Within five working days after notice of the confirmatory test result, the employee must notify the City in writing of the employee’s intention to obtain a confirmatory retest. Within three working days after receipt of the notice, the City will notify the original testing laboratory that employee has requested the laboratory to conduct the confirmatory retest or transfer the sample to another qualified laboratory licensed to conduct the confirmatory retest. The original testing laboratory will ensure the control and custody procedures are followed during transfer of the sample to the other laboratory. In accordance with Minn. Stat. § 181.953, subd. 3, the laboratory is required to maintain all samples testing positive for a period of six months. The confirmatory retest will use the same drug and/or alcohol threshold detection levels as used in the original confirmatory test. Access to Reports: In accordance with Minn. Stat. § 181.953, subd. 10, an employee will have access to information contained in his or her personnel file relating to positive test results and to the testing process, including all information gathered as part of that process. Dilute Specimens: A negative or positive dilute test result (following a second collection) which has been confirmed will subject an employee to immediate termination. Consequences for Employees Engaging in Prohibited Conduct No Adverse Action without Confirmatory Test. The City will not discharge, discipline, discriminate against, or request or require rehabilitation of an employee based on a positive test result from an initial screening test that has not been verified by a confirmatory test. Suspension Pending Test Result. The City may temporarily suspend a tested employee with or without pay, or transfer that employee to another position at the same rate of pay pending the outcome of the requested confirmatory retest, provided the City believes that it is reasonably necessary to protect the health or safety of the employee, co-employees, or the public. The employee will be asked to return home and will be provided appropriate arrangements for return transportation to his or her residence. In accordance with Minn. Stat. § 181.953, subd. 10, an employee who has been suspended without pay will be reinstated with back pay if the outcome of the requested confirmatory retest is negative. Discipline and Discharge: Confirmatory Positive Test Result: The City will not discharge an employee for a first confirmatory positive test unless the following conditions have been met: 123 City of Chanhassen 3/21/2022 Non-DOT Drug, Alcohol, and Cannabis Testing and Drug-Free Workplace Act Policy Page 6 The City has first given the employee an opportunity to participate in either a drug or alcohol counseling or rehabilitation program, whichever is more appropriate, as determined by the City after consultation with a certified chemical use counselor or physician trained in the diagnosis and treatment of chemical dependency. Participation by the employee in any recommended substance abuse treatment program will be at the employee’s own expense or pursuant to the coverage under an employee benefit plan. The certified chemical use counselor or physician trained in the diagnoses and treatment of chemical dependency will determine if the employee has followed the rehabilitation program as prescribed; and The employee has either refused to participate in the counseling or rehabilitation program or has failed to successfully complete the program, as evidenced by withdrawal from the program before its completion or by a refusal to test or positive test result on a confirmatory test after completion of the program. Other Misconduct: Nothing in this policy limits the right of the City to discipline or dismiss an employee on grounds other than a positive confirmatory test result, including conviction of any criminal drug statute for a violation occurring in the workplace or violation of other city personnel policies. Emergency Call Back to Work Provisions: If an employee is called out for a City emergency and he or she reports to work and is suspected of being under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or cannabis, he or she will not be subject to the testing procedures of this policy, but may be subject to discipline and will not be allowed to work. Appropriate arrangements for return transportation to the employee’s residence will be made. It is the sole responsibility of the employee who is under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or cannabis and who is called out for a City emergency, to notify his or her supervisor of this information and advise if he or she is unable to respond to the emergency call back. Non-Discrimination The City of Chanhassen policy on work-related substance abuse is non-discriminatory in intent and application; however, in accordance with Minn. Stat., ch. 363, disability does not include conditions resulting from alcohol or other drug or cannabis abuse which prevents an employee from performing the essential functions of the job in question or constitutes a direct threat to property of the safety of individuals. Furthermore, the City will not retaliate against any employee for asserting his or her rights under this policy. City’s Employee Assistance Program The City has in place a formal employee assistance program (EAP) to assist employees in addressing serious personal or work-related problems at any time. The City’s EAP provides confidential, cost-free, short-term counseling to employees and their families. Employees who may have an alcohol, cannabis, or other drug abuse problem are encouraged to seek assistance before a problem affects their employment status. Employee assistance program services are available by contacting Sand Creek EAP at 888-243-5744. 124 City of Chanhassen 3/21/2022 Non-DOT Drug, Alcohol, and Cannabis Testing and Drug-Free Workplace Act Policy Page 7 Policy Contact for Additional Information If you have any questions about this policy or the City’s drug, alcohol, and cannabis testing procedures, you may contact the Assistant City Manager. By this policy, the City of Chanhassen has established a drug-free awareness program to inform employees about the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace and its policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace. Each City employee will receive a copy of this policy and will be required to read it. Definitions Alcohol:Means the intoxicating agent in beverage alcohol or any low molecular weight alcohols such as ethyl, methyl, or isopropyl alcohol. The term includes but is not limited to beer, wine, spirits, and medications or products such as cough syrup that contain alcohol. Alcohol use or usage:Means the consumption of any beverage, mixture, or preparation, including any medication or products containing alcohol. Cannabis: Means cannabis and its metabolites, including cannabis flower, cannabis products, lower-potency hemp edibles, and hemp-derived consumer products. Cannabis testing: Mean analysis of a body component sample according to the standards established under one of the programs listed in Minn. Stat. § 181.953, subd.1, for the purpose of measuring their presence or absence of cannabis in the sample tested. City:Means the City of Chanhassen. City premises:Means, but is not limited to, all City job sites and work areas. For the purposes of this policy, city premises also includes any other locations or modes of transportation to and from those locations while in the course and scope of employment of the City. City vehicle:Means any vehicle which employees are authorized to use solely for City business when used at any time; or any vehicle owned or leased by the City when used for City business. Collection site:Means a place designated by the City where employees present themselves for the purpose of providing a specimen of their breath, urine, and/or blood to be analyzed for the presence of drugs and alcohol. Confirmatory test:Means a drug, alcohol, or cannabis test on a sample to substantiate the results of a prior drug, alcohol, or cannabis test on the same sample, and that uses a method of analysis allowed under one of the programs listed in Minn. Stat. § 181.953, subd. 1. Drug:Includes any “controlled substance” as defined in Minn. Stat. § 152.01, subd. 4, and also includes all cannabis and cannabinoids, including those that are lawfully available for public consumption that do not otherwise qualify as being a “controlled substance” as defined in Minn. Stat. §154.01, subd. 4. Cannabis and its metabolites are considered a “drug” for positions in the following categories, regardless of the kind of testing involved: safety sensitive positions; peace 125 City of Chanhassen 3/21/2022 Non-DOT Drug, Alcohol, and Cannabis Testing and Drug-Free Workplace Act Policy Page 8 officer positions; firefighter positions; positions requiring face-to-face care, training, education, supervision, counseling or medical assistance to children, vulnerable adults or patients receiving treatment, examination or emergency care for a medical, psychiatric or mental condition; positions requiring a commercial driver's license or requiring the employee to operate a motor vehicle for which state or federal law requires drug or alcohol testing; positions funded by a federal grant; or other positions for which state or federal law requires testing of a job applicant or employee. Drug and alcohol testing, drug or alcohol testing, and drug or alcohol test:Mean an analysis of a body component sample according to the standards established under one of the programs listed in Minn. Stat. § 181.953, subd.1, for the purpose of measuring their presence or absence of drugs, alcohol, or their metabolites in the sample tested. "Drug and alcohol testing," "drug or alcohol testing," and "drug or alcohol test" do not include cannabis or cannabis testing, unless stated otherwise. Drug paraphernalia: Has the meaning set forth in Minn. Stat. § 152.01, subd. 18. Employee:Means a person who performs services for compensation for the City and includes independent contractors except where specifically noted in this policy. Initial screening test:Means a drug, alcohol, or cannabis test that uses a method of analysis under one of the programs listed in Minn. Stat. § 181.953, subd. 1. Positive test result:Means a finding of the presence of alcohol, drugs, cannabis or their metabolites that exceeds the cutoff levels established by the City. Minimum threshold detection levels are subject to change as determined in the City’s sole discretion. Random selection basis:Means a mechanism for selection of employees that (1) results in an equal probability that any employee from a group of employees subject to the selection mechanism will be selected, and (2) does not give an employer discretion to waive the selection of any employee selected under the mechanism. Reasonable suspicion:Means a basis for forming a belief based on specific facts and rational inferences drawn from those facts. Safety-sensitive position: Means a job, including any supervisory or management position, in which an impairment caused by drug, alcohol, and/or cannabis usage would threaten the health or safety of any person. Under the influence: Means (1) the employee tests positive for alcohol, drugs, or cannabis or (2) the employee’s actions, appearance, speech, and/or bodily odors reasonably cause the City to conclude that the employee is impaired because of drug use or alcohol use. 126 City of Chanhassen 3/21/2022 Non-DOT Drug, Alcohol, and Cannabis Testing and Drug-Free Workplace Act Policy Page 9 ATTACHMENT A STATEMENT OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT I hereby certify that I have read the City’s Drug, Alcohol, and Cannabis Policy and I understand that it is my responsibility to become familiar with and abide by the policy. Signature: ____________________________________ Printed Name: _________________________________ Date: __________________ 127 City Council Item August 14, 2023 Item Resolution 2023-XX: Approve Purchases for Annual Lift Station Maintenance File No.PW055 Item No: D.10 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Alison Albrecht, Public Works Support Specialist Reviewed By Charlie Burke SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council adopts a resolution authorizing purchases for annual maintenance work for sanitary sewer lift stations." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority Asset Management SUMMARY The city annually rehabilitates selected public sanitary sewer lift station components to keep them in reliable and proper working order. BACKGROUND The city has a total of 32 public sanitary sewer lift stations. A city map showing all of the stations is attached for reference. Lift stations collect and pump sewage from low points up to higher-elevation gravity lines. All sewage eventually enters the Met Council Interceptors for conveyance and treatment. DISCUSSION N/A BUDGET 128 The Utility Division of the Public Works Department solicited quotes for lift station maintenance components, as summarized below. Item #1 Lift Station 7 - Replacement of existing pump Contractor Quote Minnesota Pump Works $12,970.00 Item #2 Lift Station 10 - Three (3) Check Valve Replacements Contractor Quote Quality Flow Systems $9,860.00 Minnesota Pump Works $10,542.38 Item #3 Lift Station 10 - Adding a Wet Well Wizard (Odor and FOG control) Contractor Quote Northwestern Power Equipment Co., Inc.$10,342.00 Item #4 Lift Station 24 - Replacement of existing Pump Contractor Quote Minnesota Pump Works $31,500.00 Item #5 Lift Station 27 - Guide System Replacement Contractor Quote Quality Flow Systems $11,040.00 Minnesota Pump Works $13,479.68 The total of the low quotes is $75,712.00. This work is budgeted for in the CIP as project # SS-017, which has a 2023 budget of $170,000. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends Council approval of the identified lift station maintenance purchases. ATTACHMENTS Resolution Sanitary Lift Stations Map 129 Quotes CIP SS-017 130 1 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: August 14th, 2023 RESOLUTION NO:2023-XX MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PURCHASES FOR ANNUAL MAINTENANCE WORK FOR PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER LIFT STATIONS WHEREAS, there are 32 public sanitary sewer lift stations in the City; and WHEREAS,the lift stations need rehabilitation from time to time in order to keep them in proper working order; and WHEREAS,the City obtained competitive quotes for the applicable portions of the work; and WHEREAS,the quoted improvements are within the identified project budget. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chanhassen City Council hereby authorizes the purchases for annual maintenance work for public sanitary sewer lift stations. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Chanhassen City Council this 14th day of August, 2023. ATTEST: Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Elise Ryan, Mayor YES NO ABSENT 131 Xä Xä Xä Xä XäXä Xä Xä Xä Xä Xä Xä Xä Xä Xä Xä Xä Xä Xä Xä Xä Xä Xä Xä Xä Xä Xä Xä Xä Xä Xä Xä Xä Xä Lake Dr E Po nd Promen ade RedCedar PointRd NezPerceDrMissionHillsDrConestoga CtC o lu mbiaLn Blueb o nnetBlvdWashi ngtonBl vdTristanKnollMarketBlvdC h a s k a Rd HarvestLnDogwo o d Rd BaneberryWayWW 96th St Kiow a TrlBaneberry Way EShorewoodOaksDr LakeSusa n HillsDrO akside Cir LakeDr WPark Rd Bl uf f Cr eekDr Lake Dr AudubonRdW 78th St Eag l e RidgeRdBrettonWay Pontiac Ln Carver Beach Rd SunsetTrlCommonwealt hBlvdLakeHazeltineDrPheas a nt Dr Blue Sage Ln W W77th StHighwood Dr GrayFox Curv Nicholas Way PleasantViewRdWas htaBayRd CharingBndAutumnRidgeAvePlymouth Ln Colonial Ln Mayfield CtCree Dr Riley R d gLakeRiley DrPonderosa DrHummingbirdRd ChoctawCirPipewoodCurvRojinaLn Ri verRockDrNMeadow Ct Sandpi perTrlCamden Ri dge Dr Kings Rd Frisco Ct Teal Cir Wildflower LnRosewood Dr Arr o w h e a d Ct MissionHill s Way W KurversPoint Rd HesseFarmCir Eagle CtDogwood Ave Minnewashta Ct MainStRubyLnFaw n Hi l l RdW9 4th StSuffolkDr R ileyCurvSanta Ve r a Dr Dengler LnPintail CirMurrayHillRd MillCreekLn L a keLucyRd Sh o r e v i e w C t BluffRidgeCtMerganser Ct DakotaAveHunte r s C t Cheyenne Spur HenryCtSpoonbillCirTern CtArboretumVillageLn La k e SusanDr WhiteDoveCir Santa Fe TrlCoach CtSt a gH or n L n DelphiniumLnGunflint Ct Arboretum Village Cir Maple Rd Southern Ct Linden Cir Coach LnAutumnRidgeCtCoach PlIndependence CirDiamondCt Erie SpurSh a d o wm e r eYosemiteAve Rockburn Rd OverlookCtMission HillsCt W oodDuck Ln Sierra CtArlingtonCtMolineCir ValleyRidgeCtPontiacCtSaratogaCirVogelsbergTrlOriole AveCascade C t CardinalAveParkland Way Lesle e C u r v CrocusCtTulipCtSantaFeCirMiranda Way Mountain View CtMil l s Dr Deerfoot Trl Jo shuaCir LakeSusanCtForestAveEdge w o o d C t Southwest VillageDr Ha wkcrestCirConeflowerCurvNCentury CtMurray HillCt Basswood Cir Sprin gf ieldD rChippewaTrlPaddockLn LakewayDrMinnew a sh ta P kwyRedwing Ct DeglerCi rManchesterDr WashingtonCir Harrison HillCtStratford BlvdThrush Ct PleasantViewLnPi nehurst Dr KerberBlvdWi ndmillDrTo pazDr Ellendale LnMulberr yCirWels ley CtRockyIslan dLn CenturyTrl Creekview Ct Koehnen CirE Primrose PlFox Hollo wDr PioneerCirGreenleafCtCentury PlFoxtail Ct ArboretumVill ageTrlL on gacres Dr LakeAnnParkDr Preakness Ln Rice CtComme rc e D rSouthwestVill a g eLoopPoppy Dr L a redoL n Bighorn DrMaple Cir D akota LnMa rshDrAlde r WayRiverR o c kDr S SouthShoreDrMa lla rd Ct Village Ct PaisleyCtHighcrestCirMe a d o w L n CastleRdgMoccasi nTrl Vil l a g e S t Olympic Cir Lak e view RdE Sandy Hook Rd A utu mn RidgeWay Village Ln Waterleaf Ln E CrestviewDr Frontier CtHopi Rd Blue Sage Ln E TrappersPassGreatPlainsBlvdD evonsh ire Dr Frontier TrlHid d e n Ci r Bluff ViewCt Picha Dr Bent z Ct CoulterBlvd Chaparral CtWa t e r s E d g e D rIthilien ShastaCirE Hallgren Ct Erie AveStoneCreek CtLaredo DrFox Ct Quiver DrWoodDuckCir Sier r a Trl Settlers Ct Br oken Ar r ow Dr Stoug h t o n A v e Yuma DrHighover Ct SBelmont LnBramble Dr Melody Hill Rd Lincoln Ln B arbaraCt Redwing Ln Ridgehill RdPheasant Cir RedFox Cir St oneCreekDr GrayFoxLnMis si onHillsLnForest CirUticaLnFoxHollowCtRedCedarCvValley View Ct Sadd lebrook Cur v Dove Ct Ospre yLnRoosevelt DrFlamingo DrTecumseh Ln SaratogaDr Pai sl ey Path Stratford R d g Shenendoah Sinn e n Cir Gunf l i nt Tr l LoneCedarCir TetonLn Highland Dr Hick or yRd ShoreDr Clover Ct W78thSt Egret Ct Pelican Ct JeffersonDrVioletRdAudubonRdLucyRidge LnOxbow B ndVas sermanTrlMadison DrBenwoodCirChanhassen Hills Dr N KiowaCirNez PerceCt Partridge Cir DerbyDrNearMountain Blvd Highov e rDrSwanC tW86th StBurlwoodDrLakeHarri s onCir FoxPathDak o t a C i r Pipewood Cir West VillageRd Ashton Ct Valley R idge Trl S BlueJayCirJuniper Ave Bluebill TrlMelodyHillPr a i ri eFlower BlvdUticaCirMonkCtPleasantView CirSouth Cedar Dr Pipe w o o d C t M elodyL nNorthwoodCtRidgeviewPt CountryOaks Dr Willow CrkOrchardLn Heml o c kWayWestern Dr Timberwoo dDrPenamint Ln LodgepolePtW 76th St Ch eyenneAv eLucyRidgeCt Acorn L nWindsorCt AlisaLnHighgateCir HiddenCtConef lower CurvSPleasantParkDrPur plePkwyBuckingwoodCtC entury Cir WalnutCurv Oakwood Rdg Creekwood Dr BlackbirdCt Saddlebro okTrlFreedom LnGreenbriarAveWashtaBay Ct Pi maLnW 77thSt TreetopRdCanterburyCir BridleCreek Cir FawnHill CtW62ndSt Chan ViewCountryOaksRdForestRidgeCir Greenview Dr Jeurissen LnRingneckDr ChesterfieldLn FoxDrBarbe r ry C ir Lone Eagle Dr HesseFarm R d Kelly CtRidgevi ewWayCrestview Cir CactusCurv Lyman BlvdTanagersLn MelodyHillCir AudubonCirBrinkerSt Lakeway CtRenai ssanceCtArrowheadLnAutumnRidgeLn Peaceful Ln BitternCtH o rse sh o e CurvWi llowView C vBriarwoodCt MalloryCtLandin gs Ct Highover TrlLilac Ln WestLakeDrTrailsEndRd Mary Jane CirTanagers PtIbisCtHeartlandCtAmberwo o d L n Heron Dr Saddlebrook Pass Hawthorne Cir Quail XingRedman LnI ndi anHillRdPark Ct Maplewood Ter Cascade Cir WhiteDoveDr 63rd St W RaspberryHillCreek Run Trl Sunnyval e DrMissionHillsCirSteller Cir Mari go ld C tMaplewood Cir Quinn Rd CottongrassCtAppleTreeLnHarrisonHillTrlHwy 5 Park DrEmerald Ln Jersey WayValleyViewPlBe a conCt Declaration DrCenturyBlvdChurch RdCrossroad s BlvdStoneCreekRdHighoverCtNKirkwoodCir Twin Maple Ln DartmouthDr PinewoodCir HighoverWay L a k eLucy Ln Vineland Ct FoxfordRdPleasant View CvPineview Ct Whitetai l Ridge Ct Nor thMano rRdTroendle CirValle y R idgeTrl N Koehnen Cir Chestnut L nBluffC r eek Blvd Hidden Ln Del RioDr South Shore Ct Andrew Ct Lyman Ct Cheyenne Trl Vasserma nPl Eri eCi r PowersPlBentBowTrlCascadePassKno b HillL n HawkcrestCtWhite Oak Ln Maple Shores Dr Canyo nCurvRefle c tionsRdPim licoLnDeerwood Dr Ironwood Rd Corporate Pl Hill StStonegate R dPontiacCir P e n a mintCt Wyns o n g L n Hill sdaleCtCones t o g a Trl Trapline Ln PawneeDrStoneCreek LnW ChaparralLnStrattonCt Cimarron Cir Glendale Dr Timber HillRd Bluff CirUticaTerLandi ngs Dr UplandCirBellevueCtPower sBlv d BruleCirTr ottersCirLa kePtSommergate Moha wkDrMandanCirHunt erDr Summit Cir GoldenCtMa ggie Way 82nd StE IroquoisTownline Rd P i pewood Ln 64th StWW65th St Flintlo c k T r lW187thStMcGlynn Dr UnnamedSa p p h ireLnLa keRiley TrlLuke woodDrRedOakLn Highover Ln Eastwood CtCypressDrMarshlandTrl Piper Ridge Ln CastleRidgeCt LongviewCirArboretu mBlv d AlisaCtShadow LnHuronTiguaLnCartwayLnStoneCreek LnE Hiawatha Dr WestFar m Rd Crossroads Ct Bethes d a C i r KiowaFox Hill D r Par k PlBigWoods Blvd Gr and viewRd Mayapple Pass PointeLa k eLucyCoR d 101 Woodhill Dr Dell Rd M ountai n Way DrakeCtBrendenCtWestLakeCtChesMarDr LakeRileyBlvdSunr idge Ct Arboretum Blvd Ho mesteadLnMin n e was ht a WoodsDrButte Ct Hol l y Ln Lotus Trl Majestic Way Gal pinCt CrestviewDr RidgeRdFirTreeAveKimbe rly Ln North BayDrShawneeLnCrimsonBayRdWater TowerPl Quattro DrStrawberryLn Mul b erryCirE SandyHookCir Heidi L n Preserv e Ct Ches MarFarm Rd Moto r pl ex Ct TanadoonaDr L a keHa rri son RdStonefieldLnElmTreeAve Mea d owlarkLnS umme rfield Dr LakotaLn W79t h StMarket St C h a n h a s s e nHillsD rS West wo odDrDeer br ook DrBridleCreek Trl Bou ld e r RdW82ndStAr b oretu mDrLakeridgeRd Red Cedar Cv Arbo re tum Vill a geCirMain St Pleasant ViewCir Bluff Creek Blvd HesseFar m CirHeidiLnWest F a r m RdLakeridgeRd 32. 32 34. 34 7. 7 4. 4 36. 36 12. 12 9. 9 22. 22 30. 30 27. 27 13. 13 20. 20 24. 24 35. 35 1. 1 2. 2 19. 19 21. 21 15. 15 33. 33 31. 31 16. 16 6. 6 23. 23 29. 29 17. 17 37. 37 28. 28 10. 10 3. 3 14. 14 18. 18 8. 8 38.38 5. 5 26. 26 11. 11 25. 25 ST15 ST18 ST17 ST14 ST61 SA5 SA5 SA7 SA7 SA101 SA41 SA41 )212 LS 21: Trappers Pass LS 14: Pleasantview E LS 6: Minnewashta S LS 28: Kings Rd LS 4: Washta Bay Rd LS 3: Hwy 7 LS 16: Pleasantview W LS 12: Lotus Landing LS 5: Holly Lane LS 25: Heather Court LS 7: Minnewashta N LS 27: Moccasin Trail LS 30: Lake Lucy Road LS 11: Utica Lane LS 31: Stonefield LS 10: Big Woods LS 13: Sandy Hook LS 2: Frontier Trail LS 1: Frontier Beach LS 24: Garage LS 26: Galpin LS 20: 96th St LS 22: Dell Rd LS 18: Lake Riley S LS 17: Lake Riley N LS 29: LS 8: Shore Dr LS 15: Horse Shoe LS 19: Dogwood LS 23: Lake Ann LS 32: Foxwood 8600 Lyman/Galpin: 1730 Motorplex/Audub: ST101 STMarket ST101 ST101 GH117 Lift Stations Xä Lift Stations - City Xä Lift Stations - Private Xä Lift Stations - Planned 0 1,0002,0003,0004,000 Feet 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 8/7/23, 8:10 AM Capital Request | FY 2023 Preliminary https://city-chanhassen-mn-budget-book.cleargov.com/7417/capital-request/49483/view 1/3 ⎙ Budget Book Last Updated 03/02/23 Sewer - Annual Sanitary Sewer Lift Station Rehabilitation Overview Request Owner Charlie Howley, PW Director/City Engineer Department Sanitary Sewer Gen Operations Type Capital Improvement Project Number SS-017 Description The sanitary sewer lift station rehabilitation program is designed to minimize sewer backups and emergency calls due to failed lift station equipment. The City currently owns and maintains 32 lift stations. Many of these lift stations need frequent servicing due to their multiple components. The program will service or replace pumps, piping, valves, and electrical components as needed. The proposed life station rehab work over the next 5 years are as follows: 2023 - #1 and #7 2024 - #6 2025 - #20 2026 - #14 2027 - #5 Details Type of Project Improvement   w Fund Summaries Funding Sources General Fund Departments & Divisions Capital Improvements Debt〈 City of Chanhassen powered by (H T T P S ://C L E A R G O V.C O M ) 142 8/7/23, 8:10 AM Capital Request | FY 2023 Preliminary https://city-chanhassen-mn-budget-book.cleargov.com/7417/capital-request/49483/view 2/3 Spreadsheet Breakdown 〉 Capital Cost FY2023 Budget $170,000 Total Budget (all years) $620K Project Total $620K Capital Cost by Year Construction/Maintenance 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 $170,000.00 $150,000.00 $95,000.00 $100,000.00 $105,000.00 $0 $50K $100K $150K Capital Cost for Budgeted Years TOTAL $620,000.00 Construction/Maintenance (100%)$620,000.00 Spreadsheet Breakdown 〉 Funding Sources FY2023 Budget $170,000 Total Budget (all years) $620K Project Total $620K Funding Sources by Year Utility Fund - Sewer 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 $170,000.00 $150,000.00 $95,000.00 $100,000.00 $105,000.00 $0 $50K $100K $150K Funding Sources for Budgeted Years TOTAL $620,000.00 Utility Fund - Sewer (100%)$620,000.00  City of Chanhassen powered by (H T T P S ://C L E A R G O V.C O M ) 143 8/7/23, 8:10 AM Capital Request | FY 2023 Preliminary https://city-chanhassen-mn-budget-book.cleargov.com/7417/capital-request/49483/view 3/3 powered by 2023 ClearGov, Inc. (https://cleargov.com) info@cleargov.com (mailto:info@cleargov.com) About (https://cleargov.com/about) Terms & Privacy (https://cleargov.com/terms-and-conditions) Select Language ▼ City of Chanhassen powered by (H T T P S ://C L E A R G O V.C O M ) 144 City Council Item August 14, 2023 Item Resolution 2023-XX: Approve Application of Holy Family Catholic High School to Conduct Off-Premise Lawful Gambling at Axel's Bonfire Restaurant located at 560 West 78th Street File No.Item No: D.11 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Reviewed By Laurie Hokkanen SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council adopts a resolution approving an application from Holy Family Catholic High School to conduct off-premise lawful gambling at Axel's Bonfire Restaurant located at 560 West 78th Street." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY Holy Family Catholic High School ("Holy Family") has submitted a request for City Council approval to apply for a permit to conduct lawful gambling at Axel's Bonfire restaurant located at 560 West 78th Street. BACKGROUND Holy Family is applying to the Minnesota Gambling Control Board (MGCB) for a license to conduct lawful gambling. An MGCB application requirement states Holy Family must attach a Gambling Premises Permit LG214 (LG214) application showing that they have secured a location to conduct lawful gambling. The City Council must first approve the LG214, and a resolution provided to submit with the application. 145 DISCUSSION Holy Family Catholic High School has submitted a Lawful Gambling Premise Permit request to the city along with the LG214 application and a copy of the Lease for Lawful Gambling Activity LG215 document showing they have received approval from Axel's Bonfire restaurant to conduct lawful gambling on the premises. Gambling to be conducted includes paper and electronic pull tabs, bingo, bar bingo, and electronic linked bingo. Electronic games may only be conducted at a premise licensed for the on-sale of intoxicating liquor or the on-sale of 3.2% malt beverages. Bonfire Restaurant Company, LLC (Axel's Bonfire Restaurant) holds an on-sale intoxicating liquor license issued by the city. Per Chanhassen City Code Article10-V Gambling, specifically Section 10-153(b), each organization licensed to conduct gambling in the city shall complete the city's investigation form and submit any additional information required by the city. Law Enforcement conducted a background investigation, including criminal history, driving records, and outstanding warrants on the following officers of Holy Family Catholic High School, a Minnesota nonprofit corporation: Michael C. Brennan, CEO Erin M. Hesse, Treasurer/Auditor Thomas W. Murphy, Gambling Manager Lt. Lance Pearce reviewed the background investigation reports and had no negative comments on any of the officers. BUDGET N/A RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the city council adopt a resolution approving the LG214 permit application from Holy Family Catholic High School to conduct off-premise lawful gambling at Axel's Bonfire restaurant located at 560 West 78th Street. ATTACHMENTS Resolution City Application for Lawful Gambling Premise Permit Request Restaurant Floor Plan Gambling Activity Location LG214 Premises Permit Application LG215 Lease for Lawful Gambling Activity Non-Profit Corporation Business Record Details 146 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: August 14, 2023 RESOLUTION NO:2023-XX MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: RESOLUTION APPROVING A PREMISES PERMIT APPLICATION FROM HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL TO ALLOW LAWFUL GAMBLING AT AXEL’S BONFIRE RESTAURANT WHEREAS,Holy Family Catholic High School (“Holy Family”), a Minnesota non- profit corporation located at 8101 Kochia Lane in Victoria, Minnesota, is applying for a lawful gambling license from the Minnesota Gambling Control Board; and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Gambling Control Board requires an approved lawful gambling premises permit to be attached to the lawful gambling license application; and WHEREAS, Holy Family is applying for a premises permit to conduct lawful gambling at Axel’s Bonfire restaurant located at 560 West 78 th Street; and WHEREAS,Holy Family has entered into a lease with Axel’s Bonfire restaurant to conduct lawful gambling on the premises; and WHEREAS,the Minnesota Gambling Control Board requires a City Council resolution approving the premises permit application. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota approves the application from Holy Family Catholic High School for a premises permit to allow lawful gambling at Axel’s Bonfire restaurant located at 560 West 78 th Street; and that the City Clerk is hereby instructed to provide a copy of this Resolution to be included with the permit application to the Department of Gaming, Gambling Control Division, State of Minnesota. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Chanhassen City Council this 14 th day of August, 2023. ATTEST: Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Elise Ryan, Mayor YES NO ABSENT 147 CITY OF CHANHASSEN TT00Marketeoubv:rr':"rt'!&",1'{rttiT1nnr.r"n,MN55317 952-227 -1 107 | 952-227 -1 1 1A $ax) "f h@,*ili:1'"'"",.i,Hrt""," LAWFUL GAMBLING PREMISE PERMIT REQUEST Guidance relating to Lawful Gambling is contained in the Chanhassen Citv Code, Chapter 1A, Afticle V. All license holders are required to be familiar with the provisions of this Chapter and with applicable Minnesota Sfafufes and federal regulations. APPLICATION CHECKLIST: To prevent delay, please ensure the following information is submitted. lncomplete applications are not accepted and will be returned immediately. d Lawful Gambling Premise Request application ff ,* AGED Premises Permit Application (Lc214) { Copres of the following: ./ ffi Lease for Lawful Gambling Activity form (LG215) I ValiA Organization License V Scale drawing of premise, showing where gambling activity is conducted [f|- Completed Criminal History Background Investigation forms for all organization officers and gambling manager Applicant Information (individual who executes and sions this aoplication) Name ft/ichael Charles Brennan 8251 Narcissus Street, Victoria tUN. 55386Address Phone Number (612 ) 671-32A1 Gamblinq Premise (Establishment) lnformation Name of Establishm"n, Axel's E_mait Address tgemu rphy@gmail.com, brennan m@hfchs.org 560 W 78th St. Chanhassen, MN. 55317Address Contact Person Jeff Moritko Organization lnformation Name of Organization (as filed with the State of Minnesota) Address 8101 Kochia Lane, Victoria, MN.55386 Holy Family Catholic High School Phone Number (612 671-3201 FederalTax lD #41-184-8970Gambling License #Minnesota Tax lD # City of Chanhassen Lawful Gambling Premise Application Page 1 of 3 ) 148 I understand that copies of this organization's Minnesota Gambling Tax Return must be filed with the City of Chanhassen Finance Director each month, along with a check for 1A% of the organization's net profits derived from lavtful gambling. V I understand that this organization must expend at least 5A percent of its net profits derived from lawful gambling on lawful purposes conducted or located within the City or any municipality contiguous to the City. The 10/o contribution required above shall be considered as part of the 50 percent expenditure. The data in this application will be used to approve your request and shall be deemed public unless private by State Statute. Private data is available to you and the City or State staff who need this information to perform their duties but is not available to the public. You are not legally required to provide this data, but the City may not be able to approve your request if you do not provide it. I will familiarize myself with the provisions of the Chanhassen City Code, and with applicable Minnesota Statutes and federal regulations. This activity will be conducted in compliance with the above regulations, statutes and ordinances, and it is understood that failure to do so may constitute grounds for denial, suspension or revocation of this request. I declare that the information I have provided on this application is truthful and I understand that falsification of answers on this application will result in denial of the application. I authorize the City of Chanhassen to investigate and make uiries necessary to verify the information provided 1,8r,%zb Applicant S Date 7,31,2-azz" Organization Chief Officer Signature Date City of Chanhassen Lawful Gambling Premise Application Page 3 of 3 149 5#et s Cg L u foA" Oo 6. q) Oo 1futu7<- orr)ttd a \^, {. s o a a') ?_ 3 E J \-) L 4 \- <3 cC \ - D t)l4t o oe) o'3 L $a 150 MIN N ESOTA LAWFU L GAMBLING LG2l4 Premises Permit Application 6/15 Page L of 2 Annual Fee $15O (noru-neruruoaale) REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO LG214 1. If the premises is leased, attach a copy of your lease. Use LG215 Lease for Lawful Gambling Activity. 2. $150 annual premises permit fee, for each permit (non-refundable) Make check payable to "State of Minnesota." Mail the application and required attachments to Minnesota Gambling Control Board 1711" West County Road B, Suite 300 South Roseville, MN 55113 Questions? Call 651-539-1900 and ask for Licensing ORGANIZATION INFORMATION Organization Name Holy Family Catholic High School License Number Chief Executive Officer (CEO)Michael Brennen 952-443-4659 Gambling Manager Tom Murphy Daytime Phone GAM BLING PREMISES INFORMATION Current name of site where gambling will be conducted Axel's List any previous names for this location Street address where premises is located 560 W 78th St (Do not use a P.O. box number or mailing address.) City: Chanhassen OR Township County: Ca rver Zip Code: 553t7 Does your organization own the building where the gambling will be conducted? r'No If no, attach LG215 Lease for Lawful Gambling Activity A lease is not required if only a raffle will be conducted. Is any other organization conducting gambling at this site?/No Don't know Note: Bar bingo can only be conducted at a site where another form of lawful gambling is being conducted by the applying organi- zation or another permitted organization. Electronic games can only be conducted at a site where paper pull-tabs are played. Has your organization previously conducted gambling at this site?r'No Don't know GAMBLING BANK ACCOUNT INFORMATION; MUST BE IN MINNESOTA Ba nk Name: Hometown Bank Bank Account Number 000005791 Bank Street Address 1750 Tower Blvd #103 City Victoria State: MN Zip Code:ss386 ALL TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT OFF.SITE STORAGE SPACES Address (Do not use a P.O. box number) 8101 Kochia Lane City: Victoria State MN Zip Code 55386 MN MN Daytime Phone: n"", 151 LGZL{ Premlses Permlt Appllcation €/15 Pag. 2 of 2 ACI{Ho!,ltLEDctrtEHT EY LOCAL U}IIT OF GOVSRi|I{EHT: AFPEOVALAY BEf,,ALUTIO}'I {If no$e, attach meeting minut€s.} Local unlt tf gorernment must sign. Date Sloned:'Iitle City ttlame , Chanhlgsen Signature af City Pcrsonnel: O.te Approved by Cily Ccuncil Resclutisn Numben CITY APPiOVIL lor a tambllng pramlres losatgd *lthln clty llmlts TOWNSHIP I{AME; Completa balotrr only ll s*q$s'd !y tha carntf. On behalf sf th€ tolvnrhip, I a*&ovrl8'494 that the org?ntsation is applying to conduct gambling adlvit, r*itiin the bYrnship limits' (A tov{nship hat no statutory aut}orily t* awove or dtny an application, per Flinnesota Statutes y9.2L3,su!t. 2.) Print Township ilame: Date Sagnet Oate Sigced: Csunty Ha.ne r Ctrv€r Title Signature of Township Qfficer: 'ntte: Oata Agproved by Counly Board: ca'U?,T'{ A??xavAL los s ganrbllng gr**lze* lacsled l* s ia*s**hlg ACIff{CIYLEDGT'EX? Afi D O*?H 1. I hercby.orrr.nt $at lo€a lalr enforcemenl offrcers, ule Soard or its €€nts, and tie ommissioners ol revense or gublic adety rnd their agents may enter and insf{t t*e gremises. a. The Soard afid is aqenB, and the rmmisgoner: of revenue and public **y and their agents, are authorized to lnspct $e bank reords of fhe gambllng a@unt xhancven ne*s3ary to fu|fill requiremenLs of arrreilt gambliag ruta aad ta*. 3. I have read tftis applicatiofi and all informaHon submitled to $e Board is trua acGlratE, and complete. 4. AII required informaUon has bcen fully disclosed. 6. t assume full r$ponsibility far ttle fair aad lalyfrJt Weration of Iall activities to be corducted. I 7. t will familiarize rnyself yrith the lavrs of Minnesota govrning ]lawful gambling and ruls of tlte Board a*d agree, if ticensed, l to abide by those laws and rubs. inciudng a*eadrnents b l them. L Any ctranges in applica$on inlsrrnation nill be submi8ed tc rne] Boird noiater Uin ten ctays after the change has taker ] effect. 9. I under:tand that failure to provide required infomation er providing false or misleading informauon may result in the denial or revocation of the license. 10. I understand ttre fea is non-reiundable regardless of iicense approvaUdenial. may not Date 4 .zT,Va oflicer of the organization.5. t am the cfiaef Data privae/ notice: The information requested on this fo.rr (and any attachrnenB) will be used by the Gambling Control Boa.d (Board) to detemine your organiuation's qualiflc.tions to be involved in lawful gambling activities in !.linnesotn. Your organization has tfie nght to refuse to surply t}le informatton; however, if your organiaeuon refu*s to st pply this lnformation, tie ao3rd may not be abl€ to determine your onganizltion's qualitications and, as a consequence, may refuse tc issue 6 permit. If your organlzalion supdes the info.mation requested, lhe Board will be ablc to proce5r your organization'i application. Your orgBoirauonk nafie and addr€ss will be public information when received by the Board. All odrer information proyided will be private data about your organization until the Board issues the permit. When the Board ilsue: th€ prrmit, all infcrm.tlln provided will become public. If Ule goard does not issue r permit. all informarion providtd rcmalns gftvitc. trith the exc€ption of your organitatiqn's name:nd addresr which will remain public. priv.te d.ta about your orgao,Eation are avaihbbtoi Eoard rnembers, Board staF ryhosa work requires ac{ess to the informati<rn; tlinn€sota'3 Oegattrn€nt of Ptrbhc Safety. Acorn€y Ci€neral. CommiSslon€.l of Admanisrratlon. Hhn.sou l'ta.tagem€nr $ Budoet. and Revenue; Legishttve Auditor, natdnat and int:rna$onat g!mbling regulator? aqcnc€s; anyone prrrsuant to coart order; other tndividuals a(ld agences sp€{iticalty autiori:ed by state or tede'al b$' to h.Ye iccels to the hformauon; individuals lod agencies for whici law or legal order au6oizes a new u54 or 5haridg of lniormatnn after this notic! taai givefi; and anyone crith your written 'onsenL Thii form will b€ made available ln !]ternauve format, i.e.lnrge pnot, braitle. ugon request. An.qvd **.t.t.rjtydtfur Re$olution Number: -(lf nane, attach rne* Slgflature of County Parronnel: 152 MIN N ESOTA LAWFU L GAM BLING LG215 Lease for Lawful Gambling Activity 6/15 Page 1 of 2 LEASE INFORMATION Organization: Holy Family Catholic High School License/Site Number:Daytime Phone: Add ress Axels City: Chanhassen State: Zip: MN 553L7 Name of Leased Premises Axels Street Address: 560 W 78th St. City: Cha n hassen Zipi 55317 State MN Daytime Phone: 952-934-9340 Name of Legal Owner: leff Moritko Business/Street Address : 560 W 78th Sr. City: Cha n hassen State: MN Zipi 55317 Daytime Phone: 952-934-9340 Name of Lessor (if same as legal owner, write "SAME") Same Address: City State: Zip Daytime Phone Check applicable item r'New or amended lease. Effective date of the change. New owner. Effective date: Submit changes at least ten days before the effective date Submit new lease within ten days after new lessor assumes ownership.E CHECK ALL ACTMTY THAT WILL BE CONDUCTED (no lease required for raffles) ,/Electronic Pull-Tabs Electronic Linked Bingo Pull-Tabs (paper) Pull-Tabs (paper) with dispensing device I ripuoards I eaadtewheet f]eaoutewneelwithtabte Bar Bingo Bingo Electronic aames may only be conducted: 1. at a premises licensed for the on-sale of intoxicating liquor or the on-sale of 3.2o/o malt beverages; or2. at a premises where bingo is conducted as the primary business and has a seating capacity of at least 100. PULL-TAB, TIPBOARD, AND PADDLEWHEEL RENT (separate rent for booth and bar ops) BOOTH OPERATION the leased premises. Some or all sales of gambling equipment are conducted by an employee/volunteer of a licensed organization at ALL GAMES, including electronic games: Monthly rent to be paid: 20 o/o, not to exceed 1Oolo of gross profits for that month. o Total rent paid from all organizatlons for only booth operations at the leased premises may not exceed $L,75o.. The rent cap does not include BAR OPERATION rent for electronic games conducted by the lessor. BAR OPERATION: All sales of gambling equipment conducted by the lessor or lessor's employee. ELECTRONICGAMES: Monthlyrenttobepaid: 20 o/o,nottoexceedlSo/oofthegrossprofitsforthatmonthfromelectronicpull-tab games and electronic linked bingo games. ALL OTHER GAMES: Monthly rent to be paid'. 20 o/o, not to exceed 2oolo of gross profits from all other forms of lawful gambling.. If any booth sales conducted by a licensed organization at the premises, rent may not exceed 10o/o of gross profits for that month and is subject to booth operation $1,750 cap. BINGO RENT (for leased premises where bingo is the primary business conducted, such as bingo hall) Bingo rent is limited to one of the following: o Rent to be paid: 10 o/o, not to exceed 1oolo of the monthly gross profit from all lawful gambling activities held during bingo occasions, excluding bar bingo.-oR-. Rate to be paid: $ - per square foot, not to exceed 110% of a comparable cost per square foot for leased space, as approved by the director of the Gambling Control Board. The lessor must attach documentation, verified by the organization, to confirm the comparable rate and all applicable costs to be paid by the organization to the lessor.+ Rent may not be paid for bar bingo. = Bar bingo does not include bingo games linked to other permitted premises. LEASE TERMINATION CLAUSE (must be completed) The lease may be terminated by either party with a written 60 day notice. Other terms: 153 6/75 Page 2 of 2 Lease Term: The term of this agreement will be concurrent with the premises permit issued by the Gambling Control Board (Board ). Management: The owner of the prem ses or the lessor will not manage the conduct of lawful gambling at the prernises. The organization may not conduct any activity on behalf of the lessor on the leased premises. Participation as Players Prohibited: The lessor will not par- ticipate directly or indirectly as a player in any lawful gambling conducted on the premises. The lessor's lmmediate family and any agents or gambling employees of the lessor will not partici- pate as players in the conduct of lawful gambling on the premis- es/ except as authorized by Minnesota Statutes, Section 349.181. Illegal Gambling: The lessor is aware of the prohibition against illegal gambling in Minnesota Statutes 609.75, and the penalties for illegal gambling violatlons in Minnesota Rules ?465.0220, Subpart 3. In addition, the Board may authorize the organizatlon to withhold rent for a period of up to 90 days if the Board determines that illegal gambling occurred on the premises or that the lessor or its employees participated in the illegal gambling or knew of the gambling and did not take prompt action to stop the gambling. Continued tenancy of the organiza- tion is authorized without payment of rent during the time period determined by the Board for violations of this provision, as authorized by lYinnesota Statutes, Secton 349.18, Subd. 1(a). To the best of the lessor's knowledge, the lessor affirms that any and all games or devices located on the premises are not being used, and are not capable of being used, in a manner that violates the prohibitions against illegal gambling in Minnesota Statutes, Section 609.75. Notwithstanding N4innesota Rules 7865.0220, Subpart 3, an organizat on must continue rnaking rent payments under the terms of this lease, if the organization or its agents are found to be solely responsible for any illegal gambling, conducted at this site, that is prohibited by Minnesota Rules 7861.0260, S!bpart 1, item H, or Minnesota Statutes, Sectlon 609.75, unless the orqanization's agents responsible for the illegal ganrbling activity are also agents or employees of the lessor. The lessor must not modify or terminate the lease in whole or in part because the organization reported, to a state or local law enforcement authority or to the Board, the conduct of illegal gambling activity at this site in which the organization did not participate. Other Prohibitions: The lessor will not impose restrictions on the organization with respect to providers (distributor or linked bingo game provider) of gambling-related equipment and ser- vices or in the use of net profits for lawful purposes. The lessor, the lessor's immediate family, any person residing in the same residence as the lessor, and any aqents or employees of the lessor will not require the organization to perform any action that would violate statute or rule. The lessor must not modify or terminate this lease in whole or in part due to the lessor's violation of this provision. If there is a dispute as to whether a violation occurred, the lease will remain in effect pend- ing a final deterrnination by the Compliance Review Group (CRG) of the Board. The lessor agrees to arbitration when a violation of this provision is alleged. The arbitrator shaTl be the CRG. Access to Permitted Premises: Consent is given to the Board and its agents, the commissioners of revenue and publlc safety and their agents, and law enforcement personnel to enter and inspect the permitted premises at any reasonable time during the business hours of the lessor. The organization has access to the premises during any tirne reasonable and when necessary for the conduct of lawful gambling. Lessor Records: The lessor must maintain a record of all money received from the organization, and make the record available to the Board and its agents, and the commissioners of revenue and public safety and their agents upon demand. The record must be maintained for 3-1/2 years. Rent All-Inclusive: Amounts paid as rent by the organization Lo Lhe lessor dre dll-inc usive. No olher sen,ces or erpenses provided or contracted by the lessor may be paid by the organi- zation, including but not limited to: - trash removal - electricity, heat - snow removal - storage- janitorial and cleaning services- other ut lities or services - lawn services- security/ security monitoring- cost of any communication network or service required to conduct electronic pull-tabs games or electronlc bingo- in the case of bar operations, cash shortages. Any other expenditures made by an organlzatlon that is related to a leased premises must be approved by the dlrector of the Board. Rent payments may not be made to an individual. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF LEASE TERMS si Date: 7 /,/, q Si9 nat of Organi n!fficial (Lessee)o Date '7 t\ L.i'> Prin/ft*l and ritle of 'Jeec Nl Lessor: oatlKc> Print Name and ritte of LelS€6: N,t,c+q.,! Gxa...-,., E. -fn s.ul",.f Questions? Contact the Licensing Section, Gambling Control Board, at 651-539-1900. This publication will be made available in alternative format (i.e. large print, braille) upon request. Data privacy noticei The information requested on this form and any attachments will become public information when received by the Board, and will be used to determine your compliance with l'linnesota statutes and rules qoverninq lawful gamblinq activities. Mail or fax lease to: Minnesota Gambling Control Board 1711 w. county Road B, Suite 300 south Roseville, MN 5 5113Faxi 651-639-4032 LG215 Lease for Lawful Gambling Activity I affirm that this lease is the total and only agreement between the lessor and the organization, and that all obligations and agreements are contained in or attached to this lease and a.e subject to the approval of the director of the Gambling Control Board. Other terms of the lease: 154 8/3/23, 1:31 PM Business Filing Details https://mblsportal.sos.state.mn.us/Business/SearchDetails?filingGuid=a529cd41-a2d4-e011-a886-001ec94ffe7f 1/2 Filing History Filing Date Filing Effective Date 07/02/1996 Original Filing - Nonprot Corporation (Domestic) 07/02/1996 Nonprot Corporation (Domestic) Business Name (Business Name: The Southwest Metro Catholic High School) 09/22/1998 Registered Ofce and/or Agent - Nonprot Corporation (Domestic) Business Record Details » Holy Family Catholic High School Minnesota Business Name Business Type Nonprot Corporation (Domestic) MN Statute 317A File Number 1O-243 Home Jurisdiction Minnesota Filing Date 07/02/1996 Status Active / In Good Standing Renewal Due Date 12/31/2023 Registered Ofce Address 8101 Kochia Ln Victoria, MN 55386–8228 USA Registered Agent(s) (Optional) Currently No Agent President Kathleen A Brown 8101 Kochla Ln Victoria, MN 55386–8228 USA Filing History Select the item(s) you would like to order: Order Selected Copies 155 8/3/23, 1:31 PM Business Filing Details https://mblsportal.sos.state.mn.us/Business/SearchDetails?filingGuid=a529cd41-a2d4-e011-a886-001ec94ffe7f 2/2 Filing Date Filing Effective Date 09/22/1998 Nonprot Corporation (Domestic) Restated Articles 09/15/1999 Registered Ofce and/or Agent - Nonprot Corporation (Domestic) 07/30/2001 Registered Ofce and/or Agent - Nonprot Corporation (Domestic) 06/10/2008 Nonprot Corporation (Domestic) Restated Articles 06/10/2008 Nonprot Corporation (Domestic) Business Name (Business Name: Holy Family Catholic High School) 2/27/2013 Involuntary Dissolution - Nonprot Corporation (Domestic) 10/1/2013 Annual Reinstatement - Nonprot Corporation (Domestic) 3/13/2019 Involuntary Dissolution - Nonprot Corporation (Domestic) 9/4/2019 Annual Reinstatement - Nonprot Corporation (Domestic) © 2023 Ofce of the Minnesota Secretary of State - Terms & Conditions The Ofce of the Secretary of State is an equal opportunity employer  Subscribe for email updates! Vulnerability Disclosure 156 City Council Item August 14, 2023 Item Resolution 2023-XX: Grant of TH 101 Highway Easements File No.PW067F6 Item No: D.12 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Charlie Howley, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Reviewed By Laurie Hokkanen SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council adopts a resolution authorizing granting of permanent and temporary easements to MnDOT as part of the Highway 101 Resurfacing project." Motion Type 2/3 Vote Strategic Priority Operational Excellence SUMMARY MnDOT will be resurfacing TH 101 in 2024. As part of the project, the existing trail will be rehabilitated along with other ADA improvements which causes a portion of a new pedestrian ramp to encroach onto city-owned property. The city -owned property is located at the northwest corner of Fox Hollow Drive and Highway 101, which is an Outlot that contains a public stormwater pond. The encroachment is minor in nature and does not interfere with or impact the function of the pond or the property in any material way. Since this encroachment is a physical asset related to the highway infrastructure, it needs to be encumbered by a permanent easement. A temporary easement is also being sought for construction of the improvements. BACKGROUND N/A 157 DISCUSSION The total area needed for permanent easement is 88 square feet, and for temporary easement is 95 square feet. MnDOT has offered to purchase the easements for a total amount of $820.00, which is based on an appraised fair market value of the land. The appraisal report is attached, and city staff has no objection to the value of the offer. BUDGET N/A RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the adoption of the resolution authorizing the grant of easements. ATTACHMENTS Resolution Parcel Map Appraisal Offer to Sell Permanent Easement Temporary Easement 158 1 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: August 14th, 2023 RESOLUTION NO:2023-XX MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING GRANTING OF EASEMENTS TO THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OVER CITY-OWNED PROPERTY ADJACENT TO HIGHWAY 101 AND FOX HOLLOW DRIVE WHEREAS, MnDOT is planning a resurfacing project for Highway 101 between Highway 5 and Townline Road, to be completed in 2024; and WHEREAS,part of the project scope is to reconstruct ADA improvements to meet current standards; and WHEREAS,a portion of the required work encroaches out of the existing Highway Right- of-Way and onto City-Owned property located at the northwest corner of Highway 101 and Fox Hollow Drive, which requires the granting of permanent and temporary easements by the City to MnDOT; and WHEREAS,the price for the easements is based on a fair market value appraisal prepared on MnDOT’s behalf for the project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chanhassen City Council hereby authorizes granting of the permanent and temporary easements to the Minnesota Department of Transportation and authorizes the Mayor and City Manager to execute the easement documents. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Chanhassen City Council this 14th day of August, 2023. ATTEST: Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Elise Ryan, Mayor YES NO ABSENT 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 City Council Item August 14, 2023 Item Approve First Amendment to Development Contract between Dakota Retail LLLP and the City of Chanhassen File No.Item No: D.13 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Eric Maass, Planning Director Reviewed By Laurie Hokkanen SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council approves the first amendment to development contract between Dakota Retail LLLP and the City of Chanhassen." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority Development & Redevelopment SUMMARY With the development contract, the city had one year to assess whether or not to require an additional ten parking spaces to be constructed. The retail center has not been fully leased for staff to understand the parking demands fully and has proposed to the Developer to extend that window from October 10, 2023, to October 10, 2024. The Developer has agreed to this proposal, and staff is now bringing it forward for City Council approval. BACKGROUND With the initial Development Contract, the developer was granted a one-year window for the city to assess whether or not the currently constructed parking was adequate to service the retail center. If it was deemed that parking was not sufficient, then the city, in its sole discretion, is able to require that the Developer construct ten additional parking spaces. The one-year anniversary of the original development contract is October 10, 2023. It was envisioned that the retail center would be fully 190 operational with adequate time for staff to assess the parking conditions, but since Chase Bank is not yet operating, staff will not have adequate time to assess the parking conditions prior to the one-year anniversary of the development agreement. The Developer has agreed to and signed the proposed amendment that would extend the city's ability to assess the parking demand to October 10, 2024. DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council Adopt the First Amendment to Development Contract between Dakota Retail LLLP and the City of Chanhassen ATTACHMENTS First Amendment to Development Contract Between Dakota Retail LLLP and City of Chanhassen 191 1 227446v1 (reserved for recording information) FIRST AMENDMENT TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT THIS FIRST AMENDMENT TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT (“Amendment”) is made this ___ day of __________, 2023, by and between the CITY OF CHANHASSEN, a Minnesota municipal corporation (“City”), and DAKOTA RETAIL, LLLP, a Minnesota limited liability limited partnership (the “Owner” and “Developer”). RECITALS A. Developer is the fee owner of certain real property located at 190 Lake Drive, Chanhassen, MN 55317 and legally described as: Lot 1, Block 1, Dakota Retail, Carver County, Minnesota, according to the recorded plat thereof (“Subject Property”); B. The City and Developer previously entered into a Development Contract dated October 10, 2022 and filed of record on October 17, 2022 with the Carver County Recorder as Document No. A753391 concerning the conversion of portion of the building located on the Subject Property (“Development Contract”); 192 2 227446v1 C. The City and Developer desire to amend the Development Contract to extend the date review the need for additional parking spaces. NOW, THEREFORE, THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. Paragraph 4 of the Development Contract s hereby amended in its entirety to read as follows: 4. If, prior to October 10, 2024, the City determines, in its sole discretion, that the parking demand exceeds the number of constructed parking spaces, the City may terminate the parking deferment granted herein and require Developer, upon written notice from the City, to construct 10 additional parking spaces, the construction of which has been deferred pursuant to the Development Contract, and install concrete curb and gutter at the time those additional 10 spaces are striped for parking. If Developer fails to construct the 10 deferred parking spaces, additional improvements required under Paragraph 3 of the Development Contract, or fails to execute the private stormwater maintenance agreement required under Paragraph 2 within six (6) months after so requested by the City, the City may rescind the certificate of occupancy for the building located on the Subject Property. 2. Except as herein amended, the Development Contract shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Amendment to be executed this _____ day of ___________________, 2023. [The remainder of this page has been intentionally left blank. Signature pages follow.] 193 3 227446v1 CITY OF CHANHASSEN By: ___________________________________________ Elise Ryan, Mayor (SEAL) And __________________________________________ Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ______ day of _____________, 2023, by Elise Ryan and by Laurie Hokkanen, respectively the Mayor and City Manager of the City of Chanhassen, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. _________________________________________ Notary Public 194 4 227446v1 DEVELOPER: DAKOTA RETAIL, LLLP By: ___________________________________________ Dario Klasik, Its Managing Partner STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF _________ ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ________ day of ______________, 2023, by Dario Klasik, the Managing Partner of Dakota Retail, LLLP, a Minnesota limited liability limited partner, on its behalf. ______________________________________________ Notary Public DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL, KNUTSON Professional Association Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, MN 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 AMP 195 5 227446v1 MORTGAGE HOLDER CONSENT TO FIRST AMENDMENT TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT HIAWATHA NATIONAL BANK, a Wisconsin Chartered Bank, which holds a mortgage on all or part of the Property more particularly described in the foregoing First Amendment to Development Contract, which mortgage is dated October 1, 2021, recorded November 22, 2021, as Carver County Document No. A737561, and an Assignment of Rents dated October 1, 2021, recorded November 22, 2021, as Carver County Document No. A737562 (collectively “Mortgage”), agrees that the First Amendment to Development Contract shall remain in full force and effect even if it forecloses on its Mortgage. Dated this _____ day of ____________, 2023. HIAWATHA NATIONAL BANK By: ______________________________________ _____________________________ [Print name] Its __________________________ [Title] STATE OF WISCONSIN ) )ss. COUNTY OF ST. CROIX ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _____ day of __________, 2023, by ______________________________, the __________________________ of Hiawatha National Bank, a Wisconsin Chartered Bank, on behalf of said entity. ________________________________________ Notary Public DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL, KNUTSON Professional Association Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, MN 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 AMP 196 City Council Item August 14, 2023 Item Approve 12-Month Extension to Approved 10-Foot Shoreland Setback Variance for Property at 3609 Red Cedar Point Road File No.Planning Case 22-13 Item No: D.14 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Eric Maass, Planning Director Reviewed By Laurie Hokkanen SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council approves a 12-month extension for the approved 10-foot shoreland setback variance for property located generally at 3609 Red Cedar Point Road from September 20, 2023, to September 20, 2024." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority Development & Redevelopment SUMMARY The approved variance for 3609 Red Cedar Point Road stated that if, within one (1) year of the issuance of the variance to allow the construction has not been substantially completed, the variance would lapse. The City Council may approve a one-year extension to the approved variance, which is what is being requested by the property owner. Staff is supportive of the requested extension. BACKGROUND Following variance approval, the property owner needed to make changes to their building plans as well as make plans for the installation of landscape buffer requirements as stipulated by the variance approval. The property owner has been working with their contractor to make necessary changes and is preparing to apply for building permit approvals; however, the approved 10-foot shoreland setback variance will expire on September 20, 2023, necessitating the one-year extension request. 197 DISCUSSION The City Council may, at its discretion, approve a request from the petitioner to extend the variance. Such a request shall be made at least 30 days prior to the termination of the variance, shall be submitted in writing, shall state the reasons for requesting the extension, and shall state the duration of the requested extension. BUDGET RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council approve a 12-month extension for the approved 10-foot shoreland setback variance for property located generally at 3609 Red Cedar Point Road from September 20, 2023, to September 20, 2024. ATTACHMENTS Variance Extension Request - 3609 Red Cedar Point Road Variance Approval Letter Variance - 3609 Red Cedar Point Road - Recorded October 17, 2023 Staff Report For Variance Application 198 From:Jada S To:Maass, Eric Cc:Generous, Bob Subject:Re: Variance question Date:Friday, August 4, 2023 11:43:15 AM Attachments:image001.png image002.png image003.png image004.png To: City of Chanhassen From: Peter & Jada Sanders Re: Request for Variance Extension – 3609 Red Cedar Point Road, Excelsior MN 55331 Date: August 4, 2023 Greetings, We were granted a 10-foot shoreland setback variance last fall and subsequently needed to redesign our building plan, plus plan for the installation of landscape requirements. We have done so to meet the conditions of the variance, but it has taken significantly more time than we anticipated. We would like to request an extension to this variance of one year; City Planning Staff has recommended we request this extension. Our original variance approval is scheduled to expire September 20, 2023. Please let us know if there is anything else needed from us in order to process this request. Thank you for your consideration, Pete & Jada 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 Document Number: A7 53392 Filed and/or Recorded on Od 77,20221:@ PM Ofnce of the County Recorder/Regishar of ltles Carver County, Minnesota Kaaren Lewis, County Recorder Deputy DL Docurnent Recording Fees $ 46.00 Document Total $ 46.00 Requesung Party: City of Chanhassen Pages:2 CITY OF CHANIIASSEN CARVER COIJNTY, MII{MSOTA VARIANCE 2022.13 l. Permit. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth hereir:, the City ofchanhassen hereby grants the following variance: The Chanhassen Board ofAppeals and Adjustments denies the requested 22.3-foot shoreland setback variance, and approves a l0-foot shoreland setback for the construction ofa home and deck, subject to the Conditions of Approval. 2, Prouertv. The variance is for a property situated in the City of Chanhassen, Carver County, Mirmesota and legally described as Lot 5, Block 4, Red Cedar Point Lake Minnewasht4 Carver County, MN. 3, Conditioru, The variance approval is subject to the following conditions: l. A permanent 20-foot native vegetated buffer with pemranent buffer signs must be installed along both the north and south shorellnes using species native to the ecotype. Bufler strip averaging may be used to achieve the total buffer area required. The buffer may be configured around the path and stairs. The buffer must be designed and installed by an experienced professional in native shoreline restoration. Design plans must be approved by the Water Resources Engineer. 2. The installation of any improvernents on the Sitc shall meet all applicable jurisdictional requirements, including but not limited to the Minnesota Departuent of Natual Resouces and the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, and all applicable permits shall be obtained prior to any site improvements. 3. Building plaas must provide sufficient information to verifu that proposed building meels all requirements of the Minnesota State Building Code, additional comments or requirements may be required after plan review. I 206 a. A building permit must bc obtained prior to demolishing any structures on the site and trefore beginning any construction on the site. 5. Retaining walls (if present) morc thnn f6u1 feel high, measured ftom the bottom ofthe footing to the top ofthe wall, must be designed by a professional engineer and a building pemrit must be obtained prior to sonstruction. Retaining walls (if present) under four feet in height require a zoning pemrit. 6. If any soil corrections are done on tlre property a final grading plan and soil report must be submitted to the Inspections Division beforc pcrmits will be issued. 4. Laose. Ifwi&in one (l) year ofthe issunce ofthis variance the allowed construction has not been substantially completed, lhis variance shall lapse. Approved by Planning Commission: September 20, 2022 CITYOF CHANHASST]N BY: Ryan, AND Laurie Hokkanen, City ldanager STA'IEOFMINNESOTA ) (ss. COUNTYOFCARVER ) The foregoing instnrment was acknowledged u"ror".. tmJflay ofGltN,f..- 2022 by Elise Ryau, Mayor, and Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager, ofthe City ofChaohassen, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to authority granted by its City Council. c DRAFTED BY: City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 os?)2n-tl00 KIM T. MEUWISSEN Notary PuUic-Mlnnosota CoFda.hn Er*€Jdr 31.2025 t/Mw;)waNn g:Vtr\2@ plufrB cdrz-t3 36(D ttd cc& Ffttvrri@ &.tld 22-13.dc 2 \ 207 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA VARIANCE 2022-T3 1. Permit. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, the City of Chanhassen hereby grants the following variance: The Chanhassen Board ofAppeals and Adjusunents denies the requested 22.3-foot shoreland setback variance, and approves a lO-foot shoreland setback for the construction ofa home and deck, subject to the Conditions of Approval. 2. Prooertv. The variance is for a property situated in the City of Chanhassen, Carver County, Minnesota, and legally described as Lot 5, Block 4, Red Cedar Point Lake Minnewashta, Carver County, MN. 3. Conditions. The variance approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. A permanent 20-foot native vegetated buffer with permanent buffer signs must be installed along both the north and south shorelines using species native to the ecotype. Buffer strip averaging may be used to achieve the total buffer area required. The buffer may be configured around the path and stairs. The buffer must be designed and installed by an experienced professional in native shoreline restoration. Design plans must be approved by the Water Resources Engineer. 2. The installation ofany improvements on the Site shall meet all applicable jurisdictional requirements, including but not limited to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, and all applicable permits shall be obtained prior to any site improvements. 3. Building plans must provide sufficient information to veri! that proposed building meets all requirements of the Minnesota State Building Code, additional comments or requirements may be required after plan review. I 208 4. A building permit must be obtained prior to demolishing any structures on the site and before beginning any construction on the site. 5. Retaining walls (if present) more than four feet high, measured from the bottom of the footing to the top ofthe wall, must be designed by a professional engineer and a building permit must be obtained prior to construction. Retaining walls (ifpresent) under four feet in height require a zoning permit. 6. If any soil corrections are done on the property a final grading plan and soil report must be submitted to the Inspections Division before permits will be issued. 4. Lapse. Ifwithin one (l)yearofthe issuance ofthis variance the allowed construction has not been substantially completed, this variance shall lapse. Approved by Planning Commission: September 20,2022 CITY OF CHANHASSEN (Sir.il. ) BY: ise Ryan, May AND: Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager STATE OF MINNESOTA ) (ss. COUNTYOFCARVER ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thiJ$", "2022 by Elise Ryan, Mayor, and Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager, of the City of Chanhassen, a Minnesota mrmicipal corporatiog on behalf ofthe corporation and punuant to authority granted by its City Council.1 Y LIC DRAFTED BY: City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 (952)227-1100 g:\plaruo22 plmning ca6es\22-13 3609 rcd ceda poinnvaialce docurEnt 22- | 3.docx 2 KI M r. [rEUWtssEt'l Notary Public-Minnesota Co.n[e t ErPi6 J6| 31.2m5 WlAmN,\\{VWJv{k\ \ 209 CITY OF CHANHASSEN PC DATE: September 20, 2022 CC DATE: October 10, 2022 REVIEW DEADLINE: October 18, 2022 CASE #: PC 2022-13 BY: MYW SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicant is requesting a 22.3-foot shoreland setback variance to accommodate the construction of a new home and deck which would be respectively setback 64.5 and 52.7 feet from the ordinary high water level (OHWL). The property’s existing home has a nonconforming 65-foot shoreland setback and expanding and increasing the nonconformity would be require a variance from the 75-foot shoreland setback. LOCATION: 3609 Red Cedar Point Road APPLICANT: Kerber Family Homes, LLC Brad Kerber 10685 Co Rd 43 Chaska, MN 55318 PRESENT ZONING: “RSF” – Single-Family Residential District 2040 LAND USE PLAN: Residential Low Density ACREAGE: .4 acres DENSITY: NA LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION-MAKING: The City’s discretion in approving or denying a variance is limited to whether or not the proposed project meets the standards in the Zoning Ordinance for a variance. The City has a relatively high level of discretion with a variance because the applicant is seeking a deviation from established standards. This is a quasi-judicial decision. Notice of this public hearing has been mailed to all property owners within 500 feet. PROPOSAL/SUMMARY The applicant is requesting a 22.3-foot shoreland setback from the south lot line to build a new house and deck replacing an existing home with a nonconforming 10-foot encroachment into the property’s 75-foot shoreland setback. The applicant has stated that the existing home is uninhabitable and that a new home is needed to allow reasonable use of the property. The PROPOSED MOTION: “The Chanhassen Board of Appeals and Adjustments denies the requested 22.3 foot shoreland setback variance, and approves a 10 foot shoreland setback for the construction of a home and deck, subject to the conditions of approval, and adopts the attached Findings of Facts and Decision.” 210 3609 Red Cedar Point Road September 20, 2022 Page 2 applicant has noted that the property is bordered by Lake Minnewashsta on the north and south and is also bisected by a private drive. They feel these factors, combined with the location of the neighboring houses, create a practical difficulty which necessitates the requested variance. They observe that they have brought the property’s side yard setbacks into compliance with the zoning code are not proposing to exceed the zoning district’s 25 percent lot cover limit. Finally, they believe that the size of the home they are proposing and shoreland setback variance that they are requesting is comparable to what has been granted to other properties in the area. It has been the City’s general practice to require properties with existing nonconforming shoreland setbacks to maintain those setbacks and not encroach further into the required shoreland setback. In this case, the existing home has a nonconforming 65-foot shoreland setback and the applicant’s proposed house would have a 64.5-foot shoreland setback with the deck having a proposed 52.7-foot shoreland setback. While the presence of two shoreland setbacks has the potential to create a practical difficultly, the property’s 217-foot length and 79- foot width provides for a viable 67-foot by 59-foot building pad without the issuance of variances. The applicant’s desire to maintain separation from the private drive is understandable; however, the nearness of the north portion of the home to the public drive is the result of the applicant’s decision to propose 21-foot by 24-foot porch and entryway for the property that is 17 feet from the private drive at its closest point. A design choice cannot justify increasing the encroachment into the shoreland setback, and staff notes the other homes on the peninsula have been constructed with northern decks much closer to the private drive. The applicant’s house could be shifted further to the north to minimize the encroachment into the south shoreland setback and the applicant could either reduce the size of the front entryway or accept a reduced setback from the private drive. Examining the location and configuration of the surrounding houses and taking into consideration the minimum driveway length required by City Code, staff recommends that the applicant be required to shift the proposed house forward and redesign the home and deck to maintain the existing nonconforming setback. Staff believes this recommendation takes into account the practical difficulties created by the unique characteristic of the lot, the prevailing conditions of the neighborhood, and the City’s interest in not allowing homes to further encroach into the shoreland setback. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Chapter 1, General Provisions Section 1-2, Rules of Construction and Definitions Chapter 20, Article II, Division 3. Variances Chapter 20, Article II, Division 4. Nonconforming Uses Chapter 20, Article VII. Shoreland Management District. Chapter 20, Article XII, “RSF” Single-Family Residential District Section 20-615, Lot Requirements and Setbacks. Chapter 20, Article XXIV, Division 2, Parking and Loading 211 3609 Red Cedar Point Road September 20, 2022 Page 3 Section 20-1122, Access and Driveways BACKGROUND County records indicate that the house was built in 1917. Several permits for maintenance are on file with the city. SITE CONSTRAINTS Zoning Overview The property is lot zoned Single-Family Residential District and is located within the Shoreland Management District with lake frontage along the north and south lot lines. This zoning classification requires riparian lots to be a minimum of 20,000 square feet, have front yard setbacks of 30 feet, side yard setbacks of 10 feet, a shoreland setback of 75 feet, and limits parcels to a maximum of 25 percent lot cover. Riparian lots are required to have 90 feet of lake frontage and as the lot is accessed by a private street it is required to have a width of 100 feet at the building setback line. Residential structures are limited to 35 feet in height, and properties are allowed one water oriented accessory structure up to 250 square feet in size within the 75-foot shoreland setback. The lot is 16,501 square feet with an estimated 2,207 square feet (13.4 percent) lot cover. The northern and southern lot lines have only approximately 79 of the required 90 feet of lot frontage. The lot’s width at building setback is 79 feet. The existing home has nonconforming 65-foot south shoreland and 4.6-foot west side yard setbacks. The property has access to a public street via a private street that bisects the property. The other features of the property appear to meet the other requirements of the City Code. Bluff Creek Corridor This is not encumbered by the Bluff Creek Overlay District. Bluff Protection There are no bluffs on the property. Floodplain Overlay Portions of the northern and southern edges of the property are within the AE Flood Zone (1 percent annual flood chance); however, no portion of the proposed project will take place within those areas. Shoreland Management 212 3609 Red Cedar Point Road September 20, 2022 Page 4 The property is located within a Shoreland Protection District and has lake frontage along the northern and southern lot lines. This district requires a 75-foot structure setback from the lake’s ordinary high-water level and limits the property to a maximum impervious surface coverage of 25 percent. It also requires 90 feet of lot width and a minimum 20,000 square feet of lot area. Wetland Protection There is not a wetland located in the development site. NEIGHBORHOOD Red Cedar Point The plat for this area was recorded in August of 1913. Over the subsequent century, the City of Chanhassen was formed, a zoning code was passed, the zoning code was amended numerous times, and buildings were built, demolished, and rebuilt to meet the standards and needs of the existing ordinances. Additionally, the neighborhood’s roads were not always constructed within their designated right of way. In some areas, this has led to portions of buildings being located in the right of way and portions of these roads being located within residents’ property lines. Very few properties in the area meet the requirements of the city’s zoning code, and most properties either are nonconforming uses or are operating under a variance. Variances within 500 feet: 3603 Red Cedar Point Rd. (PC 2015-14): 20.2’ front setback, 17’ lake setback (two-story attached garage) - Approved 3605 Red Cedar Point Rd. (PC 1988-11): 4’ E side setback, 2’ W side setback, 26’ lake setback (garage, addition intensifying non-conforming) - Approved 3607 Red Cedar Point Rd. (PC 1981-08): 7.5’/13.5’ lake setback (deck/stairs) – Approved (PC 1992-01): 1.5’ side setback, 14.5’ lake setback (addition expanding non-conforming) - Approved 3613 Red Cedar Point Rd. (PC 1976-11):10’ lot frontage (house) - Approved (PC 1979-02): 20’ and 13’ front setback, sub 20,000 sq. ft. lot area (house) - Approved 213 3609 Red Cedar Point Road September 20, 2022 Page 5 (PC 1983-09): 12’ front setback, 2’ side setback, 7’ lake setback (house) – Approved 3616 Red Cedar Point Rd. (PC 2021-01): 18’ east front setback, 13’ lake setback (deck) - Approved 3617 Red Cedar Point Rd. (PC 2018-01): 11.5’ front setback, 22.1’ lake setback, 11% LC (home) – Approved* (PC 2019-03): 8.5’ front setback, 25.1’ lake setback, 10.4% LC (home) - Approved 3618 Red Cedar Point Rd. (PC 1993-06): 8’ side setback, 15’ lake setback (deck and porch) - Approved 3622 Red Cedar Point Rd. (PC 2017-09): Intensify non-conforming by raising garage in side yard setback (garage) - Approved 3624 Red Cedar Point Rd. (PC 1985-20): 1.2’ front setback, 4.8’ side setback (detached garage) - Approved 3625 Red Cedar Point Rd. (PC 2009-15): 15.5’ front setback, 6.5’ E side setback, 9’ driveway setback, 18.5’ lake setback, 12.3% LC, allow one car garage (house) - Approved 3627 Red Cedar Point Rd. (PC 2016-11): 13.6’ lake setback, 4.8% LC (home) - Approved 3628 Hickory Rd. (PC 2002-05: 13’ front setback (Hickory), 2’ front setback (Red Cedar Point), 5’ side setback (detached garage) - Approved 3629 Red Cedar Point Rd. (PC 1980-08): 12’ front setback, 3’ foot side setback, +1.5’ side setback for (chimney), 20’ lot width, 40’ lot frontage, 13,000 square feet lot area (house) - Approved (PC 1987-13): 12’ front setback, 3’ side (house) - Approved 3633 South Cedar Drive (PC 2006-04): 22.5’ front setback, 15.8’ front setback, 2.39% LC (garage) - Approved 3637 South Cedar Drive (PC 1978-07): 19’ front setback (garage) - Approved (PC 2004-07): 19.25’ front setback, 4’ lake setback, 15% LC (addition) - Approved (PC 2008-04): 20.2’ front setback, 8’ side setback (house) - Approved 3701 South Cedar Drive (PC 1980-04): 14’ front setback, 25’ lake setback, and sub 20,000 sq. ft. lot (house) - Approved (PC 1985-27): 5’ front setback, 35’ lake setback (house) – Approved (PC 2015-07): increase existing non-conformity (enclose deck 15’ in 214 3609 Red Cedar Point Road September 20, 2022 Page 6 lake setback) - Approved *Note: Variance 18-01 lapsed due to one year passing without construction occurring. ANALYSIS Shoreland Setback The City’s shoreland ordinance establishes a 75-foot structure setback in order to prevent the installation of lot cover near ecologically sensitive areas, creates separation between structures and the lakeshore, and provides for a consistent visual aesthetic for riparian properties. Due to the important role that this setback plays in protecting the quality of the City’s lakes and the potential for these variances to impact both the neighboring properties and all users of the city’s lakes, the city has historically been very hesitant to grant shoreland setback variances. When these properties with existing nonconforming shoreland setbacks apply for variances to expand, staff has always recommended that the expansion be required to maintain the existing lake setback. In this case, the existing home has a nonconforming 65-foot shoreland setback from the south property line. The applicant is proposing to construct a new home with a significantly larger footprint which will feature a deck with a 52.7-foot shoreland setback. The applicant has stated that this reduced shoreland setback is needed due to the presence of two shoreland setbacks, the location of the private drive, and the placement of the neighboring homes. One of the findings necessary for granting a variance is that, “The plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the property not created by the landowner.” This property has two unique elements, the presence of dual shoreland setbacks and the private drive bisecting the lot. With regards to the shoreland setbacks, the property is approximately 217 feet long at its shortest and 79 feet wide at its narrowest point. This leaves a 67-foot long (217-foot lot length minus 150-foot shoreland setbacks) by 59-foot wide (79-foot lot width minus 20-foot side yard setbacks) building pad available for construction without the need for any variance. As a point of comparison, the City’s subdivision ordinance requires that developers show a viable 60 by 60-foot building pad clear of all required setbacks when proposing lots with the expectation that this area is sufficient to provide for reasonable use of the lot (i.e. single-family home, garage, deck/patio area, etc.). Other provisions of the City Code like the RSF district’s 125-foot minimum lot length which combines with the required 30-foot front and rear setbacks to provide a 65-foot long building pad or the Residential Low and Medium Density district’s 110-foot minimum lot length which combines with the required 25-foot front 215 3609 Red Cedar Point Road September 20, 2022 Page 7 and rear setbacks to provide a 60-foot deep building pad, all reinforce the assumption that an approximately 60-foot long building pad provides for reasonable use of a parcel. Based on the above, that the difficulty that the applicant is encountering in building on the parcel is not that the two shoreland setbacks do not provide a reasonable building pad, but rather that the applicant’s proposed house, decks, and porches have a combined length of 80 feet. Numerous aspects of the applicant’s design choices such as a 12-foot-deep deck section to accommodate a hot tub or combined 21-foot deep covered porch and foyer on the front of the house could be modified to reduce the proposed encroachment into the southern setback. For these reasons, the difficulties related the two shoreland setbacks should be understood to be primarily the result of the applicant’s proposed design rather than the unique circumstances created by the parcel’s location on a peninsula. The second unique element of the property, the private drive, does serve to constrain the applicant’s placement of the proposed house on the property. While there is no formal setback required from a private drive, staff acknowledges that the house should be setback a sufficient distance to allow for guests to park in the driveway without obstructing the private drive. The applicant is proposing placing the home in a location where the closest portion of the front porch would be setback 17 feet from the edge of the private drive and the shortest portion of the driveway would be 22 feet long. A driveway of this length could accommodate the parking of one row of vehicles across the width of the garage for a total of three off street parking spaces; however, the applicant could provide a similar amount of off street parking if the home was shifted forward by four feet to better align with the area of the lot located outside of the shoreland setbacks. This would reduce the driveway length to 18 feet at its shortest point which is the minimum driveway length required by the City Code and corresponds to the required length of parking stalls. In this scenario the longest portion of the driveway still be approximately 24 feet long which would provide an area capable of accommodating longer vehicles. While shifting the home forward by four feet would also reduce the setback of the closest portion of the front porch to from the private drive from 17 feet to 13 feet, the private drive only serves four other properties and is not heavily traveled. Additionally, the other properties served by the private drive all have either decks or structures significantly closer to the private drive. Finally, as was noted above, the front porch and foyer have a combined length of 21 feet which could be reduced if the applicant desired additional separation. Staff agrees with the applicant that the private drive is a unique characteristic of the property but based on the demonstrated viability of shifting the home forward, does not agree that it necessitates the requested shoreland setback variance. 216 3609 Red Cedar Point Road September 20, 2022 Page 8 The applicant has stated that the placement of the neighboring homes near the side lot line and their respective setbacks from the lake crowds their lot and blocks lake views. They have stated that they have proposed a plan which meets the required 10-foot side yard setbacks and moves the home towards the lake to create a contiguous row of homes providing equal lake views. Staff appreciates the fact that the applicant is eliminating the property’s nonconforming side yard setbacks, but cannot agree that that requested shoreland setback variance is justified by the location of the neighboring homes. If a line is drawn connecting the closest corners of the neighboring principle, as shown in the exhibit to the right, the applicant’s proposed principal structure can be seen to extend four feet closer to the lake than the line denoting the average setback would support. As was noted above, the home could be shifted forward by four feet while still providing an adequate driveway length. In general, due to the requirement that a variance be granted due to unique characteristics of a property, nonconforming elements of surrounding properties should not be used to justify a variance. Doing so would lead to an area’s smallest setback or highest amount of lot cover becoming the standard, regardless of if a given property required that extreme of a variance to provide for reasonable use. Instead, staff has always used the standard that the property’s existing nonconformity should establish the maximum extent of the variance, under the rational that properties can be rebuilt in the same footprint of a nonconforming structure and that intensification within that boundary is generally reasonable. In this case the applicant is requesting a 22.3-foot shoreland setback variance for a property with a 10-foot nonconforming encroachment into the shoreland setback. Given all of the above, staff does not believe that the requested shoreland setback variance should be granted. The house can be shifted forward and elements of the home and deck, could be redesigned to reduce the required shoreland setback variance to 10 feet. A shoreland variance of 10 feet would be consistent with past policy and provide relief from the practical difficulties created by the shared driveway. As the City’s Water Resources Engineer notes, the City is required to encourage nonconforming properties to move towards compliance when considering variances within the shoreland overlay district and to require measures to provide for stormwater runoff management and vegetative buffers when granting variances. To meet this requirement, staff is proposing that a 20-foot vegetative buffer be required to offset the reduced shoreland setback. 217 3609 Red Cedar Point Road September 20, 2022 Page 9 Impact on Neighborhood Red Cedar Point is one of the oldest neighborhoods in the city. Many of its properties are nonconforming uses, and 16 of the 21 properties within 500 feet of 3609 Red Cedar Point Rd have been granted at least one variance. Many of the five properties which do not have a variances also have nonconforming shoreland setbacks. The applicant has noted that they believe their request is consistent with the neighborhood and the variances that have previously been issued in the area. Of the 16 properties in the area that have received variances, 11 were permitted a reduced shoreland setback; however, only three of those properties were granted a shoreland setback variance of over 20 feet. To staff’s knowledge only 2 properties have been granted a variance to increase the extent of an existing encroachment into the shoreland setback. In the first case, PC 1985-27, appears to have allowed an old cabin to reconstruct with a new deck encroaching10 feet closer the OHWL than the nonconforming primary structure setback; however, surveys show the home was actually constructed with the deck 10 feet further from the OHWL than the nonconforming setback stated in the variance. Due to the age of the case, staff is unable to determine exactly what happened and why the house was built further back from the shore than the 1985 variance would appear to have permitted. In the second case, PC 2019-03, the City Council approved reducing a nonconforming 52.9-foot shoreland setback to a 49.9-foot shoreland setback in order to accommodate a driveway capable of providing off-street parking. The applicant’s request to reduce the existing shoreland setback from approximately 65 feet to 52.7 feet is a significantly larger reduction to an existing nonconforming setback than has previously been granted in this neighborhood. The majority of the requested reduction is to accommodate a deck along the south of the house. In a previous case, PC 2021-01, the City required the homeowner to relocate a proposed deck’s stairs that would have reduced a nonconforming shoreland setback by 5 feet (from 57 to 52 feet) to maintain the pre-existing setback. Staff’s reasoning was that granting a requested variance reducing an existing non-conforming shoreland setback for even a minor item, such as deck stairs, would contribute to establishing the precedent that homeowners can increase their nonconforming shoreland setbacks, which has the potential to lead to other more impactful variance requests. In the current case, the applicant has stated that one of their reasons for wishing to move the home closer to the lake is that neighboring homes infringe on their lake view. If a variance is granted under this rational, subsequent variance requests in the area can be expected to propose reducing their respective shoreland setback to bring their property in line with the shorter setbacks of their neighbors. Since 10 of the 21 properties within 500 feet of the applicants were built prior to 1980, staff anticipates that this neighborhood will have multiple future variance 218 3609 Red Cedar Point Road September 20, 2022 Page 10 requests as homes are rebuilt or remodeled and that the precedent set by this variance with regards to shoreland setbacks will be taken into consideration in these requests. The result of switching from a policy of maintaining the existing nonconforming setback, save in extreme circumstances, to a policy of permitting new construction to match shorter surrounding setbacks would significantly alter the character of the neighborhood by decreasing shoreland setbacks and allowing the construction of larger footprint homes. Decreased shoreland setback have the potential to negatively impact the quality of the lake as runoff from impervious surfaces has less associated greenspace to slow down and absorb the run off. Regarding the proposed size of the home, staff consulted real estate listings and county records to determine if the proposal is consistent with what is present in the neighborhood. With an estimated living area of nearly 5,000 square feet the proposed home would be the second largest house in a 500-foot radius; however, once lot size was taken into account the resulting floor area ratio (FAR) is the fourth highest of the 21 nearby properties. Additionally, the proposed FAR of .29 is larger than the average FAR of .26 for the seven homes built in the area after 2000. In short, the proposed home larger than, although not dramatically so, than much of the area’s recent construction. While it is true that the home is not atypically large, the extent of the shoreland setback being requested by the applicant is largely the result of where they have chosen to place the house on the lot, their proposed home configuration, and desired amenities. For these reasons, staff believes the applicant should be required to take steps to minimize the proposed shoreland setback variance. Ideally, through a combination of moving the home forward on the site and redesigning the deck and home. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission deny the requested 22.3-foot shoreland setback variance, and approve a 10-foot shoreland setback for the construction of a home and deck, subject to the following conditions: 1. A permanent 20-foot native vegetated buffer with permanent buffer signs must be installed along both the north and south shorelines using species native to the ecotype. Buffer strip averaging may be used to achieve the total buffer area required. The buffer may be configured around the path and stairs. The buffer must be designed and installed by an experienced professional in native shoreline restoration. Design plans must be approved by the Water Resources Engineer. 2. The installation of any improvements on the Site shall meet all applicable jurisdictional requirements, including but not limited to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, and all applicable permits shall be obtained prior to any site improvements. 3. Building plans must provide sufficient information to verify that proposed building meets all requirements of the Minnesota State Building Code, additional comments or requirements may be required after plan review 219 3609 Red Cedar Point Road September 20, 2022 Page 11 4. A building permit must be obtained prior to demolishing any structures on the site and before beginning any construction on the site. 5. Retaining walls (if present) more than four feet high, measured from the bottom of the footing to the top of the wall, must be designed by a professional engineer and a building permit must be obtained prior to construction. Retaining walls (if present) under four feet in height require a zoning permit. 6. If any soil corrections are done on the property a final grading plan and soil report must be submitted to the Inspections Division before permits will be issued. ATTACHMENTS 1. Findings of Fact and Decision (Approval) 2. Variance Document (Approval) 3. Development Review Application 4. Narrative 5. Plans (Proposed) 6. Survey (Existing) 7. House Plans 8. WRE Memo g:\plan\2022 planning cases\22-13 3609 red cedar point\staff report_3609 red cedar point_var.docx 220 City Council Item August 14, 2023 Item The Grief Club of Minnesota File No.Item No: E.1 Agenda Section VISITOR PRESENTATIONS Prepared By Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Reviewed By SUGGESTED ACTION N/A Motion Type N/A Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS 221 City Council Item August 14, 2023 Item Resolution 2023-XX: Adopt Resolution Approving Vacation of Public Drainage and Utility Easements and Public Right-of-Way Over Lot 1, Block 1 and Outlot A, McGlynn Park, and Outlot A, McGlynn Park 2nd Addition; and Approve the Preliminary and Final Plat, Development Contract, Site Plan, and Wetland Alteration Permit for Audubon Business Park File No.Planning Case #2023-16 Item No: F.1 Agenda Section PUBLIC HEARINGS Prepared By Erik Henricksen, Project Engineer Reviewed By Laurie Hokkanen SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council adopts a resolution approving the vacation of public drainage and utility easements and public right-of-way over Lot 1, Block 1 and Outlot A, McGlynn Park and Outlot A, McGlynn Park 2nd Addition, approves the preliminary and final plat, authorizes executing the development contract, authorizes executing the site plan agreements, and approves the wetland alteration permit for Audubon Business Park, all subject to the conditions in the staff report and adopts the Planning Commission's Findings of Fact and Recommendation." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority Development & Redevelopment SUMMARY In conjunction with the final plat approval for Audubon Business Park, the applicant is requesting vacation of existing public drainage and utility easements and right-of-way over Lot 1, Block 1 and Outlot A, McGlynn Park and Outlot A, McGlynn Park 2nd Addition. As part of the review, City Council should consider the preliminary and final plat creating two lots, approve the development contract for Audubon Business Park, approve the site plan for two office industrial buildings of 229,688 and 164,559 square feet that will be used as an office-manufacturing-warehouse, and approve a wetland 222 alteration permit allowing the filling of wetlands on site and the requirement to mitigate these impacts. BACKGROUND The Planning Commission held a public hearing on July 18, 2023, to review the proposed Audubon Business Park development. The Commission had questions about traffic and noise from the development. The traffic study noted that there was adequate capacity in the road network. The northerly building tenant anticipated nine truck trips per day. The noise impacts on the neighborhood would be minimal. The impact on the daycare next door was negligible, and that a daycare is an allowed use within the Industrial Office Park District. The Planning Commission voted 5 - 0 on a motion recommending approval of the Subdivision, Site Plan, and Wetland Alteration Permit request for the construction of Audubon Business Park subject to the conditions of approval in the staff report. The unofficial Planning Commission minutes for July 18, 2023, are attached to this report. DISCUSSION The property owner of the proposed Audubon Business Park plat has requested the city vacate public drainage and utility easements and right-of-way dedicated with the McGlynn Park and McGlynn Park 2nd Addition. The drainage and utility easements and right-of-way were originally recorded in 1988 and 1995 with McGlynn Park and McGlynn Park 2nd Addition, respectively, and are being proposed to be re-recorded in association with the Audubon Business Park plat within the newly created lots. Staff has reviewed the vacation and finds no need for the existing drainage and utility easements nor the right-of-way as depicted in the attached exhibits and believes the proposed drainage and utility easements and right-of-way associated with the Audubon Business Park plat are appropriate for this site. The resolution is conditioned such that the vacation will be recorded simultaneously with the recording of the final plat for Audubon Business Park. The proposed subdivision, with lots of 16.38 and 11.96 acres, exceeds the minimum requirements of the Industrial Office Park District, provides all necessary infrastructure improvements, and has adequate street access. The site plans for the two buildings meet the requirements of the Industrial Office Park District and comply with all other zoning requirements. The developer is meeting the requirements of the Wetland Conservation Act and is proceeding through the wetland sequencing process. The developer shall provide mitigation for the impacted wetlands through the purchase of wetland credits. BUDGET RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends adoption of a resolution granting the vacation of the public drainage and utility easements and right-of-way over Lot 1, Block 1 and Outlot A, McGlynn Park, and Outlot A, McGlynn Park 2nd Addition, approval of the preliminary and final plat for Audubon Business Park, approval of entering the the development contract for Audubon Business Park, approval of the site plans for Audubon Business Park Buildings A and B, and approval of a Wetland Alteration permit subject to the conditions in the staff report and adoption of the Findings of Fact and Recommendation. 223 ATTACHMENTS Resolution Audubon Business Park vacation sketch City Council Staff Report Audubon Business Park Findings of Fact Development Review Application Project Narrative Civil Plans Zoning Plans Audubon Business Park Preliminary Plat Audubon Business Park Final Plat Affidavit of Mailing Unofficial Planning Commission Minutes dated July 18, 2023 224 1 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: August 14, 2023 RESOLUTION NO:2023-XX MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: RESOLUTION VACATING PUBLIC DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENTS AND PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY OVER LOT 1, BLOCK 1 AND OUTLOT A, MCGLYNN PARK, AND OUTLOT A, MCGLYNN PARK 2ND ADDITION WHEREAS,Edward Farr Architects, Inc. (“Applicant”) has applied for vacation of public drainage and utility easements and public right-of-way on behalf of the owners of the properties, Mesenbrink Construction & Engineering, Inc., and legally described as follows: Outlot A, McGlynn Park and Outlot A, McGlynn Park 2nd Addition, Carver County, Minnesota, together with vacated Buttercup Road accruing thereto. That part Lot 1, Block 1, McGlynn Park, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota and that part of Buttercup Road accruing thereto, which lie northerly of the following described line: Beginning at the southeast corner of Outlot A, McGLYNN PARK 2nd ADDITION, said Carver County; thence westerly, along the south line thereof and its westerly extension, to the northwesterly line of said Lot 1, Block 1, McGLYNN PARK and there said line terminates. (“Applicant Property”); and WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes § 412.851, the City Council of the City of Chanhassen has conducted a hearing preceded by the statutorily required two (2) weeks published and posted notice and mailed notice to the abutting property owners to consider the vacation of the portion of public drainage and utility easements and right-of-way, legally described as follows: 1. Easements: All drainage and utility easements lying within Outlot A, McGLYNN PARK and all drainage and utility easements lying within Outlot A, McGLYNN PARK 2ND ADDITION, according to the recorded plats thereof, Carver County, Minnesota which were dedicated to the public in said plats. Together with that part of the drainage and utility easement within Lot 1, Block 1, McGLYNN PARK, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota which lies northerly of the following described line: 225 2 Beginning at the southeast corner of Outlot A, McGLYNN PARK 2ND ADDITION, said Carver County; thence westerly, along the south line thereof and its westerly extension, to the northwesterly line of said Lot 1, Block 1, McGLYNN PARK and there said line terminates. Together with easement for roadway, drainage and utility purposes recorded as Document No. 187965; The foregoing are collectively referred to herein as the “Easements.” 2. Right of Way: That part of Buttercup Road dedicated to the public in McGLYNN PARK, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota which lies westerly of the northerly extension of the west line of Lot 1, Block 1, McGLYNN PARK 2ND ADDITION, said Carver County and northerly of the following described line: Beginning at the southeast corner of Outlot A, McGLYNN PARK 2ND ADDITION, said Carver County; thence westerly, along the south line thereof and its westerly extension, to the northwesterly line of said Lot 1, Block 1, McGLYNN PARK and there said line terminates. “Right-of-Way”; and WHEREAS, following the hearing and consideration of the proposed vacation, the City Council finds that the Easements and Right-of-Way are not needed for public purposes, provided that the final plat of Audubon Business Park is recorded and provides the easements and right-of- way determined necessary by the City for public drainage and utility easements and right-of- way. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Chanhassen City Council: 1. The Easements and Right-of-Way are hereby vacated, conditioned upon the simultaneous recording of this Resolution with the final plat of Audubon Business Park. 2. The vacation shall not affect the authority of any person, corporation, or municipality owning or controlling the electric or telephone poles and lines, gas lines, sanitary and storm sewer lines, water pipes, mains, hydrants, and natural drainage areas thereon or thereunder, to continue maintain the same or to enter upon such way or portion thereof vacated to maintain, repair, replace, remove, or otherwise attend thereof. 3. The City Clerk shall transmit a certified copy of this Resolution to the County Auditor and County Recorder subject to the condition in Paragraph 1 of this Resolution. 226 3 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Chanhassen City Council this 14th day of August, 2023. ATTEST: Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Elise Ryan, Mayor YES NO ABSENT 227 228 Page 1 of 19 Application: Subdivision, Site Plan, Wetland Alteration Permit, and Vacation (PC #2023-16) Planning Commission Review Date: July 18, 2023 City Council Review Date: August 14, 2023 SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicant is requesting a Subdivision replating two outlots, a Vacation of easements and right-of-way, a Wetland Alteration Permit, a Site Plan review of two office/industrial buildings with a total size of 394,247 square feet, and variances. LOCATION: Located at the SW corner of Arboretum Blvd and Audubon Blvd. Outlot A, McGlynn Park and Outlot A, McGlynn Park 2nd Addition; PID 254520020 and 254480020 (Subject Property) OWNER: Mesenbrink Construction & Engineering, Inc. 7765 165th Street East Prior Lake MN 55372 Applicant: Edward Farr Architects Inc. CURRENT ZONING: Industrial Office Park, IOP 2040 LAND USE PLAN: Office Industrial (O/I) ACREAGE: 29.52 acres DENSITY: 0.32 FAR PROPOSED MOTION: “The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends approval of the Subdivision, Site Plan, and the Wetland Alteration Permit request for the construction of Audubon Business Park subject to the conditions of approval and adopts the attached Findings of Facts and Recommendation.” 229 Page 2 of 19 LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION-MAKING: The city’s discretion in approving or denying a Preliminary Plat is limited to whether or not the proposed plat meets the standards outlined in the Subdivision Regulations and Zoning Ordinance. If it meets these standards, the city must approve the preliminary plat. This is a quasi-judicial decision. The city’s discretion in approving or denying a Site Plan is limited to whether or not the proposed project complies with Zoning Ordinance requirements. If it meets these standards, the city must then approve the site plan. This is a quasi-judicial decision. The city’s discretion in approving or denying a Wetland Alteration Permit is limited to whether the proposal meets the standards outlined in the Zoning Ordinance. If it meets these standards, the city must approve the wetland alteration permit. This is a quasi-judicial decision. Notice of this public hearing has been mailed to all property owners within 500 feet. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Chapter 20, Article II, Division 6, Site Plan Review Chapter 20, Article XII, “IOP” Industrial Office Park District Chapter 20, Article XXIII, Division 7, Design Standards for Commercial, Industrial and Office- Institutional Developments Chapter 20, Article XXVI, Signs Chapter 20, Article XXIX, Highway Corridor District ZONING OVERVIEW Zoning Designation The property is zoned Industrial Office Park District, IOP. Environmental Protection Districts Bluff Creek Corridor - This is not encumbered by the Bluff Creek Overlay District. Bluff Protection - The proposed project is located outside of the required bluff setback. Floodplain Overlay - The proposed project is located outside of the floodplain. Shoreland Management - The property is outside of the Shoreland Protection District. Wetland Protection - There are no wetlands on the site. 230 Page 3 of 19 SUBDIVISION REVIEW The applicant is replatting two outlots into two developable lots. In conjunction with the plat, they will be vacating a portion of the existing McGlynn Drive right-of-way. EASEMENTS The proposed development is at PINs 254520020 & 254480020 which were platted in 1988 (McGlynn Park) and 1995 (McGlynn Park 2nd Addition), respectively. At that time typical public drainage and utility easements (DUE) along the property lines were recorded. With the proposed development these public DUEs must be vacated concurrently with the recording of the final plat and newly platted DUE in accordance with City Ordinance provided. Additionally, public water mains will extend into the site as discussed later under “Utilities” of this report. A 20-foot easement centered over the public mains shall be provided in accordance with Sec. 18-76 of City Ordinance; the developer’s preliminary and final plat generally indicate these easements will be provided. The developer is proposing to dedicate public right-of-way (ROW) along Coulter Boulevard to meet the requirements of City Ordinance. Coulter Boulevard is a collector road and is required under Sec 18-57(b) to have an 80-foot-wide ROW. The applicant is providing adequate width associated with Coulter Boulevard abutting the south side of the proposed development by dedicating an additional 10 feet, as well as vacating a public road easement (Doc. No. 212079 231 Page 4 of 19 with Carver County) and platting the required ROW. A platted ROW is preferred over easements as they are more specific and provide more protection for their public use in perpetuity. Furthermore, the developer is proposing to dedicate ROW over the newly located McGlynn Road cul-de-sac which appears to generally be in conformance with the City’s Standards and Specifications and Detail Plates (#5205). Lastly, the developer shall provide an updated title commitment prior to the recording of the final plat, Development Contract, and Site Plan Agreement and provide any recorded encumbrances on the property identified on the title commitment. GRADING & DRAINAGE The existing Audubon Business Park site is mostly undeveloped in the current condition with McGlynn Road stubbed into the middle of the site. Runoff from the site sheet flows in all directions of the site but primarily it drains to the northwest towards an existing wetland. There are several existing wetlands and one watercourse located throughout the site. The site does not receive any offsite drainage as it is surrounded on the north, east and south sides by existing roadways which handle their own drainage and the area along the west property line sits lower than the site. Plans submitted by the applicant dated June 16, 2023, were reviewed showing improvements on the property including two large industrial buildings with parking lots along with utility including water, sanitary and storm sewer infrastructure to support the development. In the proposed condition drainage from the proposed parking lots and buildings is directed to one of five proposed infiltration basins for treatment and rate control management. The infiltration basins outlet towards either existing wetlands in the north and northwest, into existing storm sewer along McGlynn Road or into existing storm sewer along Courtier Boulevard. Four wetlands and the watercourse are shown with impacts as part of the plan. Wetlands along the northern boundary and in the northwest corner are preserved. All onsite storm sewer and stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) on the Audubon Business Park site will be privately owned and maintained. WETLANDS The proposed plans show six (6) wetlands onsite that were delineated by Jacobson Environmental PLLC on October 10, 2022. The delineation was approved by the City of Chanhassen in its role as the local governing unit (LGU) that is responsible for administering the Wetland Conservation Act (WCA). The Technical Evaluation Panel (TEP) made up of representatives from the city, Watershed District, MN Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR), and Carver County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) are all part of the WCA process in reviewing wetland applications including types and boundaries. The Wetland types and sizes on site were determined to be: • Wetland 1 - 0.16 acre shallow marsh • Wetland 2 – 0.22 acre wet meadow • Wetland 3 – 0.21 acre wet meadow 232 Page 5 of 19 • Wetland 4 – 0.17 acre shallow marsh/shrub swamp • Wetland 5 – 0.10 acre shrub swamp • Wetland 6 – 0.02 acre shrub swamp Wetland three (3) was determined to be an incidental wetland that was created from earth moving activities associated with an old farmhouse on the property. As such wetland three (3) is not governed by the Wetland Conservation Act (WCA). The proposed plan would fill wetlands three (3), four (4), five (5), and six (6). Wetlands one (1) and two (2) would be preserved and buffers would be established around them as outlined in City Ordinance Article VI, Chapter 20. The report included a Minnesota Routine Assessment Method (MNRAM) assessments to determine the size of the wetland buffer and associated setbacks. Wetlands one (1) and two (2) were classified as medium value wetlands (manage type 2) with a minimum buffer width requirement of 20 feet and a 30 feet principle structure setback from wetland buffer. The proposed plans include the required native buffers and meet the setback requirements. The grading and filling over the wetlands would facilitate the construction of the buildings, stormwater treatment BMPs, and parking lots associated with the development. The WCA and City Ordinance was created to protect wetlands because of their value as a water resource and their numerous benefits to the surrounding area (water quality, flood mitigation, wildlife habitat, etc.). The main principles of the WCA are to avoid wetland impacts, then minimize impacts, and finally replace filled wetlands where wetland altering activities could not be avoided. The 233 Page 6 of 19 process of filling wetlands and showing the avoidance and minimization are defined in State Statue 8420 and submitted to the TEP and Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) as a Joint Permit Sequencing Application. The ACOE reviews applications separate of the TEP and LGU. The applicant must secure permits for the wetland impacts from both the LGU and ACOE. The applicant submitted a Sequencing Application on March 18, 2023 which was found to be incomplete. An application was submitted by the applicant on April 12, 2023 which was determined to be complete. The sequencing application outlines why the applicant needs the specific design, alternative designs reviewed, actions to minimize wetland impacts, and a property search analysis to show the other parcels considered as an alternative site location. The application and review are a rigorous process. The complete application was determined to be deficient with regards to demonstrating the need for the project and the quality of the alternatives provided. Several meetings and additional Sequencing Applications were submitted to the TEP for review during the Months of April through July to answer the TEP’s questions. On July 12th a memo was provided by the applicant that addressed all the TEP’s concerns about the sequencing application. The additional information was needed to determine if the project met the intent of the WCA with regards to project need and wetland avoidance and minimization. During the review process, the applicant was able to demonstrate to the TEP that the building layout needed by the project could not be reconfigured on the parcel to further reduce wetland impacts. The TEP formally approved the wetland sequencing application on July 25, 2023. The filled wetlands will be offset by the purchase of 0.066 acres of wetland banking credits from Banks 175 and 176 located in Scott County and 0.5328 acres of wetland banking credits from Bank 1689 located in Sibley County. The wetland sequencing for this activity required a 2:1 purchase ratio. Impacting wetlands in Chanhassen requires a wetland alteration permit as defined in Article VI, Chapter 20 of City Ordinance which must be approved by City Council. The intent of this section of code was to give the city additional control of wetland impacting activities within the city of Chanhassen and ensure that the WCA was followed by all activities that could impact wetlands. The sequencing application provided by the applicant is consistent with the WCA and City Ordinance and has shown how the project avoided and minimized wetland impacts to the maximum extent practicable. The wetland credits purchased are not within city limits, but the TEP would not approve wetland mitigation onsite – wetland banks are generally preferred to onsite mitigation because of the proven success of the wetland banking program. The construction plans dated June 16, 2023 show wetland buffers and setbacks that are consistent with Article VI, Chapter 20 of City Ordinance - Wetland Protection and appear to meet watershed buffer requirements. The proposed plans show areas where the native wetland buffer is disturbed and filled. A vegetation management plan will be required to reestablish and maintain the proper buffer vegetation to protect the remaining wetland area. EROSION CONTROL The proposed development will impact over one (1) acre of disturbance and will, therefore, be subject to the General Permit Authorization to Discharge Stormwater Associated with Construction Activity Under the National Pollution Discharge Elimination/State Disposal System (NPDES Construction Permit). The applicant has prepared and submitted a Surface Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) to the city for review. The SWPPP is a required submittal element for final site plan review along with the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan 234 Page 7 of 19 (ESCP) in accordance with Section 19-145 of City Ordinance. No earth-disturbing activities may occur until an approved SWPPP is developed and approved. This SWPPP shall be a standalone document consistent with the NPDES Construction Permit and shall contain all required elements of the permit. The SWPPP will need to be updated as the plans are finalized when the contractor and their sub-contractors are identified, and as other conditions change. All erosion control shall be installed and inspected prior to initiation of site grading activities. STORM WATER MANAGEMENT Article VII, Chapter 19 of City Code describes the required stormwater management development standards. Section 19-141 states that “these development standards shall be reflected in plans prepared by developers and/or project proposers in the design and layout of site plans, subdivisions, and water management features.” These standards include abstraction of runoff and water quality treatment resulting in the removal of 90% total suspended solids (TSS) and 60% total phosphorous (TP). The proposed project is located within the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District (RPBCWD) and is therefore subject to the watershed’s rules and regulations. A Stormwater Management Report dated June 16, 2023 was submitted by the applicant to the city. Comments provided by the RPBCWD must be addressed and a permit from RPBCWD is required prior to construction. The site is within RPBCWD and is required to meet all applicable watershed rules which includes volume abstraction of 1.1 inches of runoff from all new or fully reconstructed impervious areas. Soil borings and results from infiltration testing were provided for all five proposed basin locations. Soil borings indicated clay soils were present through the majority of the site although the infiltration testing indicated some infiltration onsite may still be feasible, with infiltration rates ranging from 0.06 – 1.8 inches per hour. The applicant is proposing designs utilizing infiltration rates between 0.06-0.2 inches per hour. Additional investigation and information are needed to determine the viability of infiltration onsite. For example, while groundwater was not found at any of the soil boring locations, mottled soils were identified in the proposed basin locations at varying depths. Mottled soils can indicate seasonally saturated conditions in the soils, and proposed infiltration basins will need to be designed to maintain a minimum of three feet separation between the bottom of the basin and saturated soils. The site proposes 18.5 acres of new and reconstructed impervious area requiring 73,672 cubic feet of volume abstraction. Based on the current design 76,887 cubic feet of volume abstraction is proposed however confirmation that the separation requirements are being met for all proposed infiltration basins is needed before volume abstraction requirements can be confirmed to be met. P8 modeling was provided and reviewed to confirm that the site is providing the required 90% TSS and 60% TP removal requirements. The site is currently shown to meet the required water quality treatment targets through the proposed infiltration basins however confirmation of the basins meeting the required vertical separation is needed in order to confirm the site is properly modeled in P8. The Stormwater Management Report and supporting Hydrologic and Hydraulic HydroCAD models were reviewed. The HydroCAD modeling shows the site is meeting rate control to each of the discharge points for the 2-, 10-, and 100-year storm events. The applicant shall provide final versions of all modeling (HydroCAD and P8) and an updated SWMP report to address 235 Page 8 of 19 remaining comments and confirm rate, volume and water quality requirements are met as part of the final plat approval. As outlined in the City’s Surface Water Management Plan adopted in December 2018, the city requires at least 3 feet of freeboard between a building elevation and adjacent ponding features. Based on the HydroCAD modeling results all proposed buildings are meeting freeboard requirements with respect to the proposed BMPs. The proposed BMPs are to be privately owned and therefore will require an Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Agreement and associated plan. The plan shall identify the maintenance schedule, responsible party, and should include information on how the system will be maintained. The proposed BMPs are located outside of drainage and utility easements. STORMWATER UTILITY CONNECTION CHARGES City Ordinance sets out the fees associated with surface water management when subdividing properties. Water quality and water quantity fees are collected with a subdivision. These fees are based on land use type and are intended to reflect the fact that the more intense the development type, the greater the degradation of surface water. The fees will be applied to the new lots of record being created. It is assessed at the rate in effect at that time; the 2023 rate for industrial is $23,820.00 per acre of developable land: SURFACE WATER DEVELOPMENT FEE AREA PER ACRE FEE ACRES FEE GROSS AREA $9,180 2.205 $ 20,241.90 OUTLOT A $9,180 0.548 $ (5,030.64) NET AREA 1.657 $ 15,211.26 As such, the net SWMP fee due at the time of final plat (in 2023) is estimated to be $666,957.62. SANITARY AND WATER UTILITIES The site has access to public sanitary sewer and water mains abutting the property within Coulter Boulevard’s and McGlynn Road’s rights-of-way. The applicant is proposing to extend sanitary sewer from the previously installed stub from McGlynn Road and extend water mains from the previously installed stubs from Coulter Boulevard and McGlynn Road. The proposed water main and sanitary sewer main extensions shall be owned and maintained by the city after acceptance of the public improvements by the City Council. As such, the installation of these public utilities will be required to be constructed in conformance with the latest edition of the City of Chanhassen’s Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. Based on the plans provided the public water mains will be looped internally to provide better serviceability and water quality to the site. There is an extension to the north of “Building A” 236 Page 9 of 19 that will not be looped as its extension is only to provide adequate fire suppression (hydrants) to that portion of the building. All hydrant locations must be verified by the Fire Department. In order to access and maintain the newly installed public utilities adequate public drainage and utilities must be recorded prior to or concurrently with the final plat. Minimum easements are 20 feet wide from the center of the utility alignment in typical construction applications, however, easements can vary in width depending on the depth and size of infrastructure proposed. As currently proposed with the construction plans and final plat, adequate easements have been provided. The applicant will be required to supply profile drawings of all the public utilities being extended on-site, this includes the sanitary sewer main, for staff to review and approve all required easements. There is approximately 250 linear feet of public water main that are proposed to be constructed on substantial fill (>3 feet), and a total of approximately 450 linear feet of public water main on fill throughout the site. When utilities are constructed over fill, there are concerns that inadequate compaction and/or materials could be used which can lead to the fill settling over time which can cause the water main to shift or break. It does not appear that the geotechnical report provided with the application materials addresses this concern. The developer shall update the geotechnical report to incorporate recommendations and requirements when constructing utilities over fill areas. Construction plans must incorporate these recommendations, and a geotechnical engineer must be on-site to observe that the construction is in conformance with the incorporated recommendations. Final civil construction plans will be subject to review and approval by staff prior to recording the final plat. Fees Based on the proposal the following fees would be collected according to rates in effect for 2023 with the Development Contract: a) Administration Fee: If the improvement costs are less than $500,000, 3% of the improvement costs. If the improvement costs are between $500,000 and $1,000,000, 2% of the improvement costs. b) Surface water management fee: $23,820/acre. c) Park dedication fee: $12,500/acre. d) GIS fees: $100 for the plat plus $30 per parcel. LANDSCAPING AND TREE PRESERVATION The applicant for the Audubon Business Park did submit tree preservation calculations. They are as follows: Total inches (significant trees) 2,550” Total inches removed (significant trees) 2,322” Total inches preserved (significant trees) 228” The applicant’s inventory seemed accurate (most trees sampled were one to two inches larger than the diameter recorded in the inventory), based on several sample areas checked in the field. 237 Page 10 of 19 The site is not fully wooded and has been farmed for many years, based on aerial images going back to the 1930s. Trees that have been on the site have been historically located around several buildings that were located near where the current McGlynn Rd is located. No trees on the site are older than 35 years (except maybe a couple individuals in the NW wetland area). PARKS & RECREATION The quality and number of recreational facilities in a community directly contribute to its quality of life. For this reason, the City of Chanhassen places a strong emphasis on parks and open space. As the City of Chanhassen has developed and increased in population and businesses, more pressure and attention has been given to providing recreational opportunities for our residents, visitors, employees, and businesses. Increased leisure time, health awareness, greater mobility, and high disposable incomes have all contributed to the increased demand for recreational activities. The challenge of the next century will be to provide facilities for a growing and diverse population. The development is within a half mile of Chanhassen Recreation Center and 1,727 feet of Lake Ann Park. The site connects directly to trails on Audubon Road and Coulter Boulevard. Park and Trail Conditions of Approval Park fees for the new building sites in effect at the time of final plat approval shall be paid prior to recording the plat. The park fees for 2023 are $12,500.00 per acre for commercial/industrial land. The developer shall pay $349,987.50 when subdivided in 2023. (27.999 acres x $12,500 = 349,987.50) SITE PLAN REVIEW The developer is requesting site plan approval for two office industrial buildings of 229,688 and 164,559 square feet that would be used as an office-manufacturing-warehouse. 238 Page 11 of 19 The Industrial Office Park District outlines specific setbacks for development A summary of the applicable setbacks and design standards is provided below: ACCESS The Audubon Business Park development is proposed at PINs 254520020 & 254480020 which are located at the NWC of Audubon Road & Coulter Boulevard with additional access to the properties at the cul-de-sac of McGlynn Road. Two accesses are being proposed via Coulter Boulevard, a city collector road, and three accesses are being proposed from McGlynn Road, a local city road. Two of the three accesses from McGlynn Road will provide ingress/egress to the truck loading areas and truck/trailer parking, while the remaining accesses to the site will provide ingress/egress to the 482 parking stalls surrounding the north and south lots. A Traffic Analysis produced by Vernon Swing, PE with SSTS was provided which evaluated existing traffic operations and potential traffic impacts to the adjacent roadway network based on the proposed use for the anticipated 2024 build. The report concluded that traffic operations will continue to operate under acceptable levels of service for the adjacent road network. Trip generation calculations provided indicate that additional traffic generation would produce 268 and 291 trips during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours, respectively, and a weekday ADT of 1,870. These trip generation values were calculated based on the Institute of Transportation Engineers’ Trip Generation Manual, 11th Edition (ITE) by utilizing the ITE’s Land Use Code of “Manufacturing” for the entire site’s building areas (approximately 393,600 square feet). The developer in their narrative provided information that there will be office and potentially other Land Use codes associated with the development. The developer will be required to update the trip generation estimates in accordance with the anticipated Land Use Codes. If the development is estimated to generate either 250 or more peak-hour vehicle trips or 2,500 or more new daily trips after this update, the Traffic Analysis will be required to be updated to incorporate a future year analysis of 2040 and the impacts on the level of service and operations of the surrounding network. The final traffic analysis will be subject to review and approval by staff prior to recording the final plat. 239 Page 12 of 19 The development’s proposal includes the taking of a segment of McGlynn Road by relocating the cul-de-sac approximately 300 feet to the east. As McGlynn Road will not be required to be extended in the future and the proposed construction plans illustrate adequate access to the proposed development as well as maintaining the neighboring existing site’s accesses, staff is in support of the updated configuration to McGlynn Road. This will require that McGlynn Road’s existing right-of-way be vacated, and the resolution be recorded concurrently with the final plat. Further discussion on vacations, right-of-way, and easements is discussed under the “Easements” section of this report. Compliance Table IOP/HC Project Building Height 4 stories 1 story 50 feet 43 feet three inches (south elevation) Building A Setback N – 75/150 E - 30' N - 143' E - 219' W - 10' S - 30' W - 173' S – 170’ Building B Setback N - 30' E - 30' N - 125' E - 264' * W - 10' S – 50/100’ W -250' S – 96’ Wetland Buffer 30 feet 40 feet Parking Stalls 485 stalls 428 stalls with 54 proof of parking Parking Setback N - 75' E - 25' N - 83' E - 135' W - 10' S -25' W -192' S - 20' Hard Surface Coverage 70% 32% Lot Area 43,560 sq. ft. 946,994 sq. ft. (21.74 ac.) North Elevation (Facing Highway 5) 240 Page 13 of 19 West Elevation Building A Building B East Elevation (Facing Audubon Road) South Elevation (Facing Coulter Boulevard) 241 Page 14 of 19 Southeast Elevation Interior Elevations (Truck Bays) Size portion and Placement The proposed structures will be constructed parallel to Highway 5 and Coulter Boulevard. Material and Color The primary building material is textured (exposed aggregate) light and dark gray concrete panels, which are located on all sides of the building. Additionally, metallic copper metal are proposed to provide banding on the structure. Building A, north building, will be primarily light precast. Building B, south building, will be primarily dark precast. Prefinished metal coping will be provided at the top of each building with the color matching the building material color. Window framing is clear anodized aluminum with gray, low-E reflective glass. 242 Page 15 of 19 Architectural Interest The Applicant is proposing pre-cast tilt-up panel buildings. The building walls would include two colors to provide variation, large windows around the entrances to provide further articulation of the wall faces and reveals in the concrete panels throughout the building. Clerestory windows are provided above the truck docks and on the ends of the building. The proposed structure would have parapet walls over each of the entrances as well as evenly spaced along the north and south elevations. The proposed parapets and building height will aid in screening of rooftop mechanical equipment. Articulation is provided at entrances, building columns, and window openings. Roof Design The flat roof is articulated by the use of varying parapet heights. Rooftop mechanical equipment shall be screened. Façade Transparency The proposed development uses significant window areas, especially around building entrances. Additional architectural features include two different parapet heights and three color tones on the wall faces on public-facing sides of the structure. Site Furnishing The developer is providing a patio area and seating at the end of each building. Sidewalks from each building will connect to the city’s trail system on Audubon Road and Coulter Boulevard. Loading and Refuse Areas The facility will utilize an interior (truck yard) trash enclosure in the middle of the property. Lighting Submitted plans show that the applicant is proposing lighting on the building and parking lot. Monopole lights for the parking area. The plans note that poles and wall mounts will be 30 feet above grade. The wallpack lighting must be shielded with a total cutoff angle equal to or less than 90 degrees. Signage Submitted plans show both wall signage as well as a ground monument sign. Wall Signage – one wall business sign is permitted on the street frontage for each business occupant within a building. Ground signage - ground signs may be no closer than 10 feet to any property line and be no larger than 80 square feet of sign display area. The maximum height of the monument structure 243 Page 16 of 19 is eight feet. The applicant shows a monument sign at the corner of Audubon Road and Highway 5. Ground lighting may not spill skyward. Separate sign permits are required for each business sign. Signage shall comply with the Office Industrial sign regulations. Directional signage must be located outside public right of way. Landscaping The development is proposing buffer areas along the north, south, east, and west property lines. The applicant does not meet bufferyard requirements along the north property line, as they are not counting the entire length that need to be buffered along Hwy 5. Staff recommends that the applicant finalize the buffer calculations to see if the proposed landscaping quantities meet minimum requirements. The applicant will need to provide adequate screening of the northwestern corner of the property as there are no proposed plantings for this area to further screen the northwestern corner of the property from Hwy 5. The applicant will need to provide calculations for the minimum requirements for landscaping for the parking lots to see if they meet the requirements for landscape area and parking lot trees. The landscape plan meets tree diversity requirements. The planting schedule reflects that no one species will comprise more than 10% of total trees to be planted, no genus will have more than 20% of total trees and no one tree family will have more than 30% of total trees. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL SITE PLAN Required Planning Department Comments/Corrections to Plan Set: 1. Separate sign permits are required for each business sign. Signage shall comply with the Office Industrial sign regulations. 2. Directional signage must be located outside public right of way. 3. Site lighting must comply with city ordinance. Building Department Notes: 1. A building permit must be obtained before beginning any construction. 2. Building plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. 3. Building plans must provide sufficient information to verify that proposed building meets all requirements of the Minnesota State Building Code, additional comments or requirements may be required after plan review. 4. The building is required to have automatic fire extinguishing systems. 5. Structure proximity to property lines (and other buildings) will have an impact on the code requirements for the proposed buildings, including but not limited to; allowable size, protected openings, and fire-resistive construction. These requirements will be addressed when complete building and site plans are submitted. 244 Page 17 of 19 6. Building plans must include a code analysis that contains the following information: Key Plan, Occupancy group, Type of construction, Allowable height and area, Fire sprinklers, Separated or non-separated, Fire resistive elements (Ext walls, Bearing walls - exterior or interior, Shaft, Incidental use), Occupant load, Exits required (Common path, Travel distance), Minimum plumbing fixture count. 7. Retaining walls (if present) more than four feet high, measured from the bottom of the footing to the top of the wall, must be designed by a professional engineer and a building permit must be obtained prior to construction. Retaining walls (if present) under four feet in height require a zoning permit. 8. If any soil corrections are done on the property a final grading plan and soil report must be submitted to the Inspections Division before permits will be issued. Fire Department Notes: 1. Building will require a fire suppression system and fire panel to monitor the system. 2. Additional hydrants may be required after final review of utility plans. 3. If building stays under 30 feet, no additional fire apparatus entrance required. 4. Fire apparatus turnaround required, looks to be provided by N/E portion of parking lot but cannot confirm spacing until more detailed plans provided. Natural Resources 1. The applicant shall revise the landscape plan to increase quantities to meet minimum ordinance requirements for bufferyard plantings and vehicle use areas (including parking). 2. The applicant shall increase the number of trees in areas where there is a need for further screening (NW corner of property). 3. The applicant shall increase the number of plantings along the western parking lot of Building A (L2.0), so it is similar to the proposed plantings along the western parking area for building B (L2.3). 4. The applicant shall include tree protection fencing in plans in red for sheet C37, to match C35, C36 & C38. 5. Plantings of tree overstory species shall be at least 25 feet from the overhead utility lines along the N side of the property, along on Hwy 5 (see L2.0 & L2.1). 6. Plans will need to be amended to show that any boulevard trees are proposed to be removed (see the SW entrance to the site on C37). 7. When within 20 feet of the dripline of a tree to be saved, silt fences shall be replaced by mulch socks, so no roots of trees to be preserved are cut from the installation of a typical silt fence skirt. Note that silt fences are not to be used as tree protection fencing. 8. Replace white spruce trees that are N of the SW pond and S of a building with Norway spruce or other evergreen that will be large enough to screen building. The proposed variety (Black Hills, densata) is quite a bit shorter at maturity than the recommendation. Water Resources 1. The developer and their Engineer shall work with city staff in amending the construction plans, dated June 16, 2023 prepared by Rehder & Associates, Inc., to fully satisfy construction plan comments and concerns. Final construction plans will be subject to review and approval by staff prior to recording of the final plat. 245 Page 18 of 19 2. An approved permit from RPBCWD will be required prior to the commencement of construction activities. 3. The applicant shall confirm the feasibility of infiltration onsite given the mottled soils shown in several of the soil boring logs and the location of the proposed basins. If basin locations are modified, updated soil borings and infiltration testing shall be provided to confirm viability of new basin locations. 4. The applicant shall update the models (HydroCAD and P8) per city and any watershed district comments and submit updated computations and models in their native forms with the final plat submittal and final construction plans. 5. The applicant shall enter into an Operations and Maintenance Agreement for any proposed privately owned stormwater facilities which shall be recorded concurrently with the final plat. SUBDIVISION Engineering 1. The developer and their Engineer shall work with city staff in updating the Traffic Analysis, dated April 14, 2023 prepared by Vernon Swing, PE with SSTS, to fully satisfy comments and concerns by staff. The final Traffic Analysis will be subject to review and approval by staff prior to recording of the final plat. 2. All public drainage and utility easements and rights-of-way within the development shall be vacated concurrently with the recording of the final plat. 3. The developer shall supply public drainage and utility easements over all public utilities within the development prior to recording the final plat. 4. The developer shall dedicate right-of-way in accordance with Sec. 18-57(b) for Coulter Boulevard and in accordance with the City’s Specification and Detail Plates (Plate #5205) for McGlynn Road. 5. The developer shall provide an updated title commitment prior to the recording of the final plat, Development Contract, and Site Plan Agreement and provide any recorded encumbrances on the property identified on the title commitment. 6. All newly constructed water and sanitary mains shall be public, owned and maintained by the city after acceptance of the public improvements by the City Council. 7. All sanitary sewer and water main improvements on the site will be constructed in accordance with the latest edition of the City of Chanhassen’s Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. 8. The developer shall update the geotechnical report to incorporate recommendations and requirements when constructing public utilities, as well as their construction over fill areas. A geotechnical engineer shall be on-site to observe that the construction is in conformance with the incorporated recommendations. 9. The developer shall enter into a Development Contract and pay all applicable fees and securities prior to recording of final plat. 10. The developer shall enter into a site plan agreement with the City and provide necessary financial security to guarantee compliance with the terms of site plan approval. 11. The developer and their Engineer shall work with City staff in amending the construction plans, dated June 16, 2023 prepared by Rehder & Associates, Inc., to fully satisfy 246 Page 19 of 19 construction plan comments and concerns. Final construction plans will be subject to review and approval by staff prior to recording of the final plat. 12. It is the developer’s responsibility to ensure that permits are received from all other agencies with jurisdiction over the project (i.e. Carver County, RPBCWD, Board of Water and Soil Resources, MnDOT, US Army Corps of Engineers, etc.) prior to the commencement of construction activities. Parks and Recreation 1. Park fees for the new building sites in effect at the time of final plat approval shall be paid prior to recording the plat. WETLAND ALTERATION PERMIT 1. The applicant shall provide a copy of the signed Army Corps of Engineers Permit prior to the commencement of construction activities. 2. The applicant shall comply with all requirements of the approved WCA sequencing application and provide proof of purchased credits prior to the commencement of construction activities. 3. The applicant shall work with staff to create an approved plan for reestablishing the wetland buffer that will be disturbed prior to recording of the site plan agreement. ATTACHMENTS Findings of Fact and Recommendation Development Review Application Project Narrative Civil Plans Zoning (Architectural) Plans Affidavit of Mailing 247 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION IN RE: Application of Mesenbrink Construction & Engineering, Inc. and Edward Farr Architects Inc. for Subdivision approval to create two lots, Site Plan review for two office-industrial buildings of 22g,688 square feet and 164,559 square feet, respectively, and a Wetland Alteration Permit to fill wetlands on site for the construction of Audubon Business Park subject to the conditions of approval On July 18,2023,the Chanhassen Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Mesenbrink Construction & Engineering, Inc. and Edward Farr Architects, Inc. for Audubon Business Park. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed development preceded by published and mailed notice. The Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak and now makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1 The property is currently zoned Office Industrial Park, IOP, and Highway Corridor District, HC. 2. The property is guided in the Land Use Plan for office Industrial use. 3. The legal description of the property is Outlot A, McGlynn Park and Outlot A, McGlynn Park 2nd Addition; PID 254520020 and 254480020. 4. The Subdivision Ordinance directs the Planning Commission to consider seven possible adverse effects of the proposed subdivision. The seven (7) effects and our findings regarding them are: a. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the zoning ordinance; b. The proposed subdivision is consistent with all applicable city, county and regional plans including but not limited to the city's comprehensive plan; I 248 c. The physical characteristics of the site, including but not limited to topography, soils, vegetation, susceptibility to erosion and siltation, susceptibility to flooding, and stormwater drainage are suitable for the proposed development; d. The proposed subdivision makes adequate provision for water supply, storm drainage, sewage disposal, streets, erosion control, and all other improvements required by Chapter 18 of the Chanhassen City Code; e. The proposed subdivision will not cause significant environmental damage; f. The proposed subdivision will not conflict with easements of record; and g. The proposed subdivision is not premature. A subdivision is premature if any of the following exists: l) Lack of adequate storm water drainage. 2) Lack ofadequate roads. 3) Lack of adequate sanitary sewer systems. 4) Lack of adequate off-site public improvements or support systems. 5. Site Plan: a) Is consistent with the elements and objectives of the city's development guides, including the comprehensive plan, official road mapping, and other plans that may be adopted; b) Is consistent with the requirements of Chapter 20, Article II, Division 6, Site Plan; c) Preserves the site in keeping with the general appearance of the neighboring developed or developing areas; d) Creates a harmonious relationship of building and open space with natural site features and with existing and future buildings having a visual relationship to the development; e) Creates a functional and harmonious design for structures and site features, with special attention to the following: I ) An internal sense of order for the buildings and use on the site and provision of a desirable environment for occupants, visitors and general community; 2) The amount and location of open space and landscaping; 3) Materials, textures, colors and details of construction as an expression of the design concept and the compatibility of the same with adjacent and neighboring structures and uses; and 4) Vehicular and pedestrian circulation, including walkways, interior drives and parking in terms of location and number of access points to the public streets, width of interior 2 249 drives and access points, general interior circulation, separation of pedestrian and vehicular traffrc and arrangement and amount of parking. 0 Protects adjacent and neighboring properties through reasonable provision for surface water drainage, sound and sight buffers, preservation of views, light and air and those aspects of design not adequately covered by other regulations which may have substantial effects on neighboring land uses. 6. Wetland Alteration a. Will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, comfort, convenience or general welfare of the neighborhood or the city. b. Will be consistent with the objectives of the city's comprehensive plan and this chapter. c. Will be designed, constructed, operated and maintained so to be compatible in appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and will not change the essential character ofthat area. d. Will not be hazardous or disturbing to existing or planned neighboring uses. e. Will be served adequately by essential public facilities and services, including streets, police and fire protection, drainage structures, refuse disposal, water and sewer systems and schools; or will be served adequately by such facilities and services provided by the persons or agencies responsible for the establishment of the proposed use. f. Will not create excessive requirements for public facilities and services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. g. Will not involve uses, activities, processes, materials, equipment and conditions of operation that will be detrimental to any persons, property or the general welfare because olexcessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare, odors, rodents, or trash. h. Will have vehicular approaches to the property which do not create traffic congestion or interfere with traffic or surrounding public thoroughfares. Will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of solar access, natural, scenic or historic features of major significance. j. Will be aesthetically compatible with the area' k. Will not depreciate surrounding property values' l. Will meet standards prescribed for certain uses as provided in the zoning ordinance. J 250 7. The planning report #2023-16, dated July 18,2023, prepared by Robert Generous, et al, is incorporated herein. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends that City Council approve the Preliminary Plat, Site Plan, and the Wetland Alteration Permit request for the construction of Audubon Business Park subject to the conditions of approval. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 18th day of Jdy 2023 CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMIS SION By Its: 4 251 252 253 1 Project Narrative Audubon Business Park 1650 McGlynn Road (Bldg A) & 1700 Coulter Blvd. (Bldg B) Prepared By: Edward Farr Architects and Rehder & Assoc. June 16, 2023 For Application of: Site Plan Review, Subdivision (Prelim & Final Plat), Vacation of Easements, Variance, and Wetland Alteration Permit Project overview Mesenbrink Construction & Engineering, Inc. is pleased to propose the Audubon Business Park, a Class A industrial campus consisting of two Office / Warehouse buildings totaling approx. 394,400 sq. ft. on approximately 29.52 acres of undeveloped land located southwest of the intersection of Hwy 5 / Arboretum Blvd and Audubon Road. The site is already zoned properly as IOP – Industrial Office Park and is guided Office Industrial in the 2040 Comprehensive Guide Plan. The site is also in the HC-2 overlay Highway Corridor District along Hwy 5. The property is within the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District. It is our intention to start construction this summer of 2023. Basic Site and Building Data Parcel Land Area Bldg Area Bldg Height Parking Bldg A – Lot 1 Blk 1 16.38 ac 229,688 sq. ft. 40 ft.* 229 + 52 POP Bldg B – Lot 2 Blk 1 11.96 ac 164,559 sq. ft. 40 ft.* 204 Development Subtotal 28.34 ac 394,247 sq. ft. 433 (485 w/ POP) ROW dedications 1.18 ac Total Land Area 29.52 ac * Heights shown are for front and end elevations, typical wall height. Taller parapet features extend up to 42 ft. The rear loading dock side is 4 ft higher for recessed docks. Platting The 30 acre property is being subdivided into two net developable lots totaling approximately 28 acres, plus dedication of street right-of-way for Coulter Blvd, and the taking of the west half of McGlynn Road. Both new development parcels will remain under current ownership. Private easements will be created to document shared use agreements between the lots for vehicular access, signage, lighting, maintenance, and utilities; plus, drainage & utility easements are provided for stormwater and utility purposes. Site Context The property is in the northwest quadrant formed by the intersection of 35W and 85th Avenue NE / Co. Rd J. The site is bordered by single family R-1 housing to the west; L-1 light industrial to the north; 35W and B-2 community commercial to the east. 85th Avenue NE defines the property’s southern border, as well as the City border and Anoka County border. On the southern side of 85th Avenue NE is L-1 light industrial. There are no permanent structures on the site. 254 2 Screening to Residential Properties Adequate landscape buffering from the Andrew Court residential townhouses is in place already. Those homes are approximately 1,000 ft southwest from our development; and do not appear to have a sightline through the dense tree line buffer along Coulter Blvd. Impervious Coverage / Greenspace Areas We comply with the minimum 30% pervious greenspace coverage and 70% maximum impervious. Wetlands There are 6 delineated wetlands on the site. The development will remove 4 of the 6 wetlands on the site with one of the wetlands being an incidental wetland and thus the purchase wetland banking credits will only be required for 3 of the 4 wetlands. Landscaping Landscaping across the site consists of a variety of deciduous, coniferous, ornamental trees, and native prairie groundcover strategically designed to provide screening, minimize irrigation needs, minimizing the heat island effect with shading of bituminous pavements, and create a unified aesthetic across the development. Site Setbacks / Variance Requests Our building and parking setbacks meet or exceed the minimum zoning requirements for the IOP district. However, the Arboretum Blvd Highway Corridor district HC-2 requires a 150 ft maximum setback as well. Due to the necessary setback from the wetland along Arboretum Blvd, we can only achieve the 150 ft max. building setback at the east end of Bldg A, then the setback increases further west along our north façade, resulting in an average building setback of 155 feet. Technically this requires a variance as part of our approvals. The parking setbacks are met except for the south parking lot along Coulter Blvd. Parking is allowed within the setback, but we must provide 100% screening to a height of 5’ where the parking lot is within the setback. Lastly, we are requesting a variance from the 15’ minimum wetland buffer accessory structure setback from Wetland 2. Due to the constraints of meeting the 150’ building setback, there is a proposed retaining wall that falls within this setback. Utilities Utility stubs for sanitary sewer and watermain are available to both lots from McGlynn Drive; refer to Civil Utility drawings. A water main loop is proposed through the site to avoid dead-ended water service for hydrants and the services. A fire pump to boost pressure will be provided inside for each building’s ESFR sprinkler system, if the available city water pressure is deemed insufficient (flow tests will be confirmed). Stormwater runoff will be collected from roof drains and parking lot inlets and routed through infiltration basins before leaving the site, all in accordance with the local watershed district regulations. Electrical and natural gas utilities are readily available as well. Vehicular Traffic and Parking Calculations The projected occupancies for both Buildings A and B are 80% warehouse, 10% office and 10% manufacturing. Parking calculations are published on the Site Plans. The lead tenant for Building A (Federal Package) does not require all of those stalls, so we are providing Proof of Parking (POP) on that site for future use if needed. In the meantime, the POP pavement area will be used for truck trailer parking instead. Further, in the unlikely event that a building requires more parking due to increases in office or manufacturing areas while warehouse areas decrease, we can easily add more car parking in the truck dock area since the warehouse dock doors would not all be used. These ‘flex office / warehouse’ buildings offer good flexibility for parking. 255 3 A traffic engineering consultant, SSTS LLC, was hired to analyze traffic impacts to the local road system at key intersections. Their April 14, 2023 report is filed as part of our submittal. The traffic engineer’s summary concluded that the road system will have adequate capacity to serve this new development, with minimal vehicle back-ups. Pedestrian Circulation Sidewalk connections will be provided between the existing city sidewalk system and our building sidewalks at tenant entrances. Architectural Design and Building Materials The buildings will be constructed with high quality, commercial grade, low-maintenance materials; and are designed in a contemporary style with variations in color, plane, parapet height and window treatment which offer visual interest to the public way. The two buildings have ‘reversed’ colors for further variety and individual identity. Facade materials will include exposed natural stone aggregate architectural precast concrete wall panels and energy efficient aluminum & glass windows. The building includes multiple tenant office entrances articulated with recessed doors protected with an architectural accent canopy and additional wall panel detailing to provide visual interest. More glass is used at key corner entrance features. Refer to the ‘Materials Legend’ on the exterior elevations sheets for a full breakdown of finish materials and glazing percentages on each elevation. Both buildings will have a 32 foot ‘clear height’ inside, resulting in an exterior building height of 40 feet measured from floor grade up to the top of wall. Accent parapet wall features along the façade bump up to 42 feet tall. Along the back dock walls of all buildings, the grade is lowered 4 feet for truck berths, so the wall height at the docks is 4 ft higher than the heights mentioned above. The building height includes a parapet wall that serves to screen rooftop HVAC equipment from ground-level views. Refer to our Site Sections for this screening graphic. Pertaining to building codes and fire codes, the buildings will be constructed to Type II-B standards, non-combustible, and protected with an ESFR sprinkler system. We anticipate tenants having high-piled and racked storage of materials classified as commodity Types I – IV. With those commodity contents, no smoke and heat vents are required, nor smoke draft curtains; however fire access doors will be provided every 125 ft around the perimeter per MN Fire Code requirements. Site Signage One campus monument sign is requested, located near the intersection of Arboretum Blvd and Audubon Rd. Directional signage at each driveway entrance is requested, to guide vehicles toward parking or loading zones. We may also add stop signs at driveway exits, but those are not shown on the plan. All ground signs will have standardized color, size and materials for consistency; however, our designs are conceptual only at this point. Wall mounted tenant name signs are shown on the buildings; those locations will be finalized / determined later. The Owner or Tenant will submit final sign drawings for approval when applying for signage permits. Site Lighting Site lighting fixtures will use energy efficient LED lamps in architectural fixture housings with sharp cutoff, down-cast light distribution features to contain lighting within our property. A combination of pole-mounted fixtures around the perimeter plus wall-mounted lighting at the loading dock areas are needed to provide adequate site illumination. Tenant entrances will have LED down-lighting to provide proper exit illumination at the entry doors. Other exit doors will have small LED egress lights to meet code. Refer to our proposed Lighting Plan. 256 4 Trash & Recycling Storage Trash and recycling material will be placed into fully enclosed weather-proof collection containers. The containers will be stored within 4-sided, open air Trash Enclosures that provide 100% opacity of the containers stored inside. Materials for the enclosures will be of the same materials as the building. Each tenant will contract for their own trash and recycling service, as is consistent with this building type. End of Narrative 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 C30REHDER& ASSOCIATES, INC.3440 Federal Drive, Suite 110Eagan, MN 55122Telephone: 651-452-5051www.rehder.comCivil Engineers & Land SurveyorsPRELIMINARY288 C31REHDER& ASSOCIATES, INC.3440 Federal Drive, Suite 110Eagan, MN 55122Telephone: 651-452-5051www.rehder.comCivil Engineers & Land SurveyorsPRELIMINARY289 C32REHDER& ASSOCIATES, INC.3440 Federal Drive, Suite 110Eagan, MN 55122Telephone: 651-452-5051www.rehder.comCivil Engineers & Land SurveyorsPRELIMINARY290 291 292 293 294 295 296 C39REHDER& ASSOCIATES, INC.3440 Federal Drive, Suite 110Eagan, MN 55122Telephone: 651-452-5051www.rehder.comCivil Engineers & Land SurveyorsPRELIMINARY297 14 8 16 14 12 12 19 17 16 18 12 12 21192020 1212 15 16 16 16 16 15 16 15 15 14 D rainage and Utility Easem ent per M cG LYNN PARKD ra in a ge a n d U tility E a s e m e n t p e r M c G L Y N N P AR K STATE HIGHWAY NO. 5 (ARBORETUM BOULEVARD) McGLYNN ROAD COULTER BOULEVARD AUDUBON ROADAUDUBON ROADxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DAYCARE W E T WE T DOCKDRIVE-UPDRIVE-UPEXISITNG DRIVEWAYS WETLAND WETLAND RELOCATE CUL-DE-SAC BUILDING 'A' 229,688 SF PROPOSED BUILDING 'B' 164,559 SF FRONT YARD - 30' MINSIDE YARD - 10' MIN FRONT YARD -30' TO BE SAVED FRONT YARD - 30' SIDE / REAR YARDS - 10' MIN / 15' BUFFER ZONE FRONT YARD - 30' DAYCARE PARKING PLAY- GROUND 224 STALLS 204 STALLS DOCKRETAINING WALL 32 TRAILER STALLS OR 54 CAR STALLS (PROOF OF PARKING)262' - 0"1' - 0"60' - 0"4 BAYS @ 50'-0"200' - 0"1' - 0"52' - 6" 15 BAYS @ 51' - 6" 772' - 6"52' - 6" 877' - 6"4 BAYS @ 40'-0"160' - 0"60' - 0"15 BAYS @ 50'-0" 750' - 0" 10 LOADING DOCK BERTHS RETAINING WALL CONCRETE PATIO WITH TABLES. SEE CIVIL INFILTRATION BASIN INFILTRATION BASIN INFILTRATIONBASINBIOFILTRATION / INFILTRATION BASIN DOCKDOCKDOCKDOCKDOCKDOCKDOCKDOCKDOCKDOCKDOCKDOCKDOCKDOCKDOCKDOCKDOCKDOCKDOCKDOCKDOCKDOCKDOCKDOCKDOCKDOCKDOCKDOCKDOCKDOCKDOCKDOCK39 TRASH ENCLOSURE TRASH ENCLOSURE INFILTRATION BASIN TRASH ENCLOSURE DRIVE-UPVIEW 1/A8 VIEW 3/A9 VIEW 5/A10 VIEW 2/A8 VIEW 4/A9168'.96'.143'.100' - 0"MONUMENT SIGN CONCRETE PATIO WITH TABLES. SEE CIVIL A2 5 A2 5 Sim A2 5 Sim ZONING PARKING CALCULATIONS BUILDING A - 229,688 SF: 10% OFFICE = 22,968 @ 5/1000 = 115 10% MFG = 22,968 @ 3/1000 = 69 80% WHSE = 183,750 FIRST 10,000 @ 1/1000 = 10 173,750 @ 1/2000 = 87 TOTAL: 281 STALLS REQUIRED 224 STALLS PROVIDED 54 PROOF OF PARKING 278 IN FUTURE BUILDING B - 164,559 SF: 10% OFFICE = 16,456 @ 5/1000 = 83 10% MFG = 16,456 @ 3/1000 = 50 80% WHS = 131,647 FIRST 10,000 @ 1/1000 = 10 121,647 @ 1/2000 = 61 TOTAL: 204 STALLS REQUIRED 204 STALLS PROVIDED Sheet Title Project Number Sheet Number Issued For Date Project Client Project Manager Date Reg. No. I hereby certified that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota Edward A. Farr ©COPYRIGHT 2022 Location PRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION6/15/2023 6:35:51 PMA122.068 ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN 06/15/2023 16362 EAF Audubon Business Park 1650 McGlynn Road 1700 Coulter Blvd Chanhassen, MN SCALE:1" = 60'-0"A1 1 SITE PLAN N 0'30'60'120' SITE DATA: SITE AREA: 1,234,603 SF APPROX. 28.34 ACRES APPROX. ZONING: INDUSTRIAL OFFICE PARK BUILDING SIZES: 'A' = 229,688 SF 'B' = 164,559 SF TOTAL = 394,247 SF BUILDING COVERAGE: 32% PROPOSED PARKING COUNTS: BUILDING 'A' = 229 STALLS BUILDING 'B' = 204 STALLS TOTAL 433 STALLS ZONING REVIEW 06/16/2023 298 W E T T W E WETLAND 1 M ANAGE 1 - M EDIUM QUALITY WETLAND 2 M ANAGE 2 - M EDIUM QUALITY EXISTING WETLAND EX. 100-YR HWL = 955.38 PROPOSED 100-YR HWL = 955.36 (PER PLANS PREPARED BY LOUCKS) FFE = 977.5 FFE = 977.5 FFE = 977.5 FFE = 977.5 PROPOSED BUILDING 'A' PROPOSED BUILDING 'B'PROPOSED BUILDING 'B' 32 TRAILER PARKING STALLS 54 AUTOMOBILE PARKING STALLS OR PROPOSED BUILDING 'A' M ODULAR BLOCK RETAINING WALL M ODULAR BLOCK RETAINING WALL APPROXIM ATE LOCATION OF DELINEATED WETLAND PER PLANS PREPARED BY LOUCKS 14 8 16 14 12 12 19 17 16 18 12 12 21192020 1212 15 16 16 16 16 15 16 15 15 14 D rainage and U tility Easem ent per M cG LYN N PA R K D r a in a g e a n d U t ilit y E a se m e n t p e r M c G L Y NN P A R K18.00'26.00'18.00' 26.00' 18.04'26.00'60.00'9.00'6.00'18.00' 26.00'6.00'18.00' 26.00' 18.00' 18.00' 26.00' 18.00' 18.00' 26.00'18.00' 26.00' 26.00'26.00'9.00'60.00'62.00'60.00'62.00'45.00'11.00' 18.00'26.00'18.00'26.00'18.00'26.00' 6.00'6.00'18.00'26.00'18.00'6.00'6.00' 26.00' 18.00' 26.00' 18.00' 6.00'6.00'9.00'9.00' 9.00'9.00'9.00'9.00' 9.00'26.00'9.00'167.44'143.95'100.00'97.10'18.00'26.00'9.00' 9.00' 3' CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER3' CURB OPENING 3' CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER 6.00'6.00' TRASH ENCLOSURE (SEE ARCHITECTURAL) TRASH ENCLOSURE (SEE ARCHITECTURAL) TRASH ENCLOSURE (SEE ARCHITECTURAL) 40.00' CONCRETE PATIO 12.00'24.00'CONCRETE PATIO 24.00'14.00'28.00'36.00 '62.00'62.00'750.00'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 250' - 0"250' - 0" PROPERTY LINE S I G H T L I N E SIGHT LINE PROPERTY LINE BLDG A RTU RTU 6' - 0"6' - 0"INFILTRATION POND RETAINING WALL PROPERTY LINE 6' - 0"PROPERTY LINE SIGHT LINE S I G H T L I N E RTURTU BLDG B 251' - 11"264' - 0" INFILTRATION POND PROPERTY LINE 250' - 0" S I G H T L I N E SIGHT LINE PROPERTY LINE 6' - 0"6' - 0"250' - 0" BLDG BBLDG A RTU RTU RTU INFILTRATION POND COULTER BLVDHWY NO. 5 BUILDING A BUILDING B 1 A2 2 A2 3 A2 CONCRETE APRON SLOPE SLAB TO DRAIN AWAY 06 6000 TRTD 2 x 10 WOOD BUMPERS (3 SIDES) 05 5000 6" GATE POSTS CONC FILLED 03 4713 8" THK SOLID PRECAST PANELS. PAINT BOTH SIDES HOLE DRILLED INTO PAVING FOR CANE BOLT RECEIVER CONTROL JT 22' - 0"10' - 0"3' - 0"A2 7 A2 8 A2 6 05 5000 PAINTED MTL DECK SWING GATES. 100% OPACITY 05 5000 PAINTED 6" STL POST & GATE HINGE 6' - 4"8"4' - 0" 7' - 0" 07 5200 PREFINISHED METAL COPING 03 4713 SOLID PRECAST PANELS. PAINT BOTH SIDES 4' - 0" 7' - 0" 07 6200 PREFINISHED MTL COPING 05 5000 6" GATE POST. CONC FILLED. PAINTED03 4713 SOLID PRECAST PANELS. PAINT BOTH SIDES Sheet Title Project Number Sheet Number Issued For Date Project Client Project Manager Date Reg. No. I hereby certified that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota Edward A. Farr ©COPYRIGHT 2022 Location PRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION6/15/2023 6:35:56 PMA222.068 SITE SECTIONS 06/15/2023 16362 EAF Audubon Business Park 1650 McGlynn Road 1700 Coulter Blvd Chanhassen, MN SCALE: 1" = 60'-0" A2 1 BLDG A EAST WEST SITE SECTION SCALE:1" = 60'-0"A2 2 BLDG B EAST WEST SITE SECTION SCALE:1" = 60'-0"A2 3 BLDG A & B NORTH SOUTH SITE SECTION 0'30'60' 120' 0'30'60' 120' 0'30'60' 120' SCALE:1 : 2000A2 4 SECTION KEY SCALE:1/4" = 1'-0"A2 5 TRASH ENCLOSURE PLAN SCALE:1/4" = 1'-0"A2 6 TRASH ENCLOSURE FRONT ELEVATION SCALE:1/4" = 1'-0"A2 7 TRASH ENCLOSURE REAR ELEVATION SCALE:1/4" = 1'-0"A2 8 TRAHS ENCLOSURE SIDE ELEVATION ZONING REVIEW 06/16/2023 299 14 8 16 14 12 12 19 17 16 18 12 12 21192020 1212 15 16 16 16 16 15 16 15 15 14 D rainage and Utility Easem ent per M cG LYNN PARKD ra in a ge a n d U tility E a s e m e n t p e r M c G L Y N N P AR K xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SIGN S-2.1 SIGN S-2.2 SIGN S1.1 SIGN S-2.4SIGN S-2.4 BUILDING 'A' 229,688 SF PROPOSED BUILDING 'B' 164,559 SF COULTER BOULEVARD AUDUBON ROADMcGLYNN ROAD SIGN S3.1SIGN S3.1 SIGN S3.1 SIGN S3.2SIGN S3.2 SIGN S3.2 SIGN S3.2 SIGN S-2.3 EXPOSED AGGREGATE LIGHT 6" REVEAL PRECAST SANDBLAST FINISH - DARK PREFINISHED MTL COPING SIGN8' - 0"4' - 0" SIGN 10' - 0" 1700 5' - 0"SIGN2' - 0"SIGN 2' - 0" TRUCK DOCK SIGN S-2.1 1650 5' - 0"SIGN2' - 0"SIGN 2' - 0" TRUCK DOCK SIGN S-2.2 1650 5' - 0"SIGN2' - 0"SIGN 2' - 0" VISITORS & EMPLOYEES 1700 5' - 0"SIGN2' - 0"SIGN 2' - 0" VISITORS & EMPLOYEES SIGN S-2.3 SIGN S-2.4 5' - 6' DIAMETER LOGO NON-ILLUMINATED INDIVIDUAL DIMENSIONAL LETTERS WITH OR WITHOUT LOGO 24" HIGH NON-ILLUMINATED Sheet Title Project Number Sheet Number Issued For Date Project Client Project Manager Date Reg. No. I hereby certified that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota Edward A. Farr ©COPYRIGHT 2022 Location PRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION6/15/2023 6:36:02 PMA322.068 SIGNAGE PLAN 06/15/2023 16362 EAF Audubon Business Park 1650 McGlynn Road 1700 Coulter Blvd Chanhassen, MN SCALE:1" = 60'-0"A3 1 SIGNAGE SITE PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" A3 2 GROUND LOW PROFILE BUSINESS SIGN, TYPE S-1.1 METAL PANEL SIGN FACE W/ PRECAST CONC FRAME DBL SIDED ILLUMINATED BY GROUND LIGHTS SCALE:1/4" = 1'-0"A3 3 DIRECTIONAL SIGNS, TYPE S-2 POST + PANEL STYLE, SINGLE-SIDED TEXT, NON-ILLUMINATED GROUND LOW PROFILE BUSINESS SIGN ALONG HIGHWAY IN ACCORDANCE WITH CODE SEC 20-1304: MAXIMUM 8' SIGN HEIGHT MAXIMUM 80 SQ FT SIGN MINIMUM 10' FROM PROPERTY LINES SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" A3 4 FEDERAL PACKAGE LOGO SIGN, TYPE S-3.1 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" A3 5 TENANT SIGN, TYPE S3.2 0'30'60' 120' N ZONING REVIEW 06/16/2023 300 T W E 14 21192020 < << < < < < < < < < < < < < << << < < < < < << << < < < < < < < < < < < < < << <<<<<<<<< << <<<<<<< <<< l lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllll<< <<<< << << << << << << << << << << << << << << << << << <<<<<< <<<<<<<< <<<< << <<<<<< <<<< << <<<< <<<<<< <<<< A5 2 A5 3 A5 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 A B C D E F 52' - 6" 51' - 6" 51' - 6" 51' - 6" 51' - 6" 51' - 6" 51' - 6" 51' - 6" 51' - 6" 51' - 6" 51' - 6" 51' - 6" 51' - 6" 51' - 6" 51' - 6" 51' - 6" 52' - 6"61' - 0" 50' - 0" 50' - 0" 50' - 0" 51' - 0"262' - 0"16 17 18 51' - 6" 51' - 6" 52' - 6"ROOF EXPANSION JOINTROOF EXPANSION JOINTEW SAN CW STORM SAN CW STORM SANCW STORMSANSAN STORM STORMSTORMSANCWBUILDING A 229,688 SF 877' - 6" RDL RDL RDL RDLRDLRDLRDLRDL RDL RDL RDL RDL RDL RDL RDL RDL ORDORDORDORDORDORDORDORD ORD ORD ORD ORD ORD ORD ORD ORD20' - 0"5' - 0"BAY 101 BAY 102 BAY 103 BAY 104 BAY 105 BAY 106 BAY 107 BAY 108 BAY 109 BAY 110 BAY 111 BAY 112 BAY 113 BAY 114 BAY 115 BAY 116 BAY 117 COLD WATER LINE MIN 15' AWAY FROM HVAC STOOP STOOP STOOP STOOP A5 1 Sheet Title Project Number Sheet Number Issued For Date Project Client Project Manager Date Reg. No. I hereby certified that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota Edward A. Farr ©COPYRIGHT 2022 Location PRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION6/15/2023 6:36:03 PMA422.068 FLOOR PLAN BUILDING A 06/15/2023 16362 EAF Audubon Business Park 1650 McGlynn Road 1700 Coulter Blvd Chanhassen, MN SCALE:1/32" = 1'-0"A4 1 FLOOR PLAN BLDG A 0'16'32' 64' N ZONING REVIEW 06/16/2023 301 T/PRECAST 140' -0" FLOOR 1 100' -0" 123456789101112131415161718 1 2 34 5 56 789 9101011 22 T/PRECAST 140' -0" FLOOR 1 100' -0" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 121314151617 18 19204116 FIRE DEPARTMENT LOCK BOX T/PRECAST 140' -0" FLOOR 1 100' -0" ABCDEF21 SEE 1/A5.1 FOR TYPICAL MATERIAL NOTES 22 4 7 22 125 T/HIGH PRECAST 142' -0" SIGN TYPE S-3.1 TENANT LOGO SIGN SIGN TYPE S-3.1 TENANT LOGO SIGN, BOTHSIDES OF PRECAST FIN T/PRECAST 140' -0" FLOOR 1 100' -0" A B C D E F MEZZANINE 115' -0" SEE 1/A5.1 AND 3/A5.1 FOR TYPICAL MATERIAL NOTEST/HIGH PRECAST 142' -0" SIGN TYPE S-3.1 TENANT LOGO SIGN, BOTHSIDES OF PRECAST FIN Sheet Title Project Number Sheet Number Issued For Date Project Client Project Manager Date Reg. No. I hereby certified that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota Edward A. Farr ©COPYRIGHT 2022 Location PRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION6/15/2023 6:36:19 PMA522.068 EXTERIROR ELEVATIONS BLDG A 06/15/2023 16362 EAF Audubon Business Park 1650 McGlynn Road 1700 Coulter Blvd Chanhassen, MN SCALE:1/32" = 1'-0"A5 1 BLDG A NORTH ELEVATION SCALE:1/32" = 1'-0"A5 2 BLDG A SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" A5 3 BLDG A EAST ELEVATION SCALE:1/16" = 1'-0"A5 4 BLDG A WEST ELEVATION 0'8'16' 32' 0'8'16' 32' 0'16'32' 64' 0'16'32' 64' Area @ 12' Glass @ 12' Glass % Glass Abv 12' Total Glass Total Glass % 10,434 3,820 36.6 3,720 7,540 72.3 Area @ 12' Glass @ 12' Glass % Glass Abv 12' Total Glass Total Glass % 3,096 653 21.1 1,043 1,696 54.8 Area @ 12' Glass @ 12' Glass % Glass Abv 12' Total Glass Total Glass % 3,096 544 17.6 1,043 1,587 51.3 ZONING REVIEW 06/16/2023 302 14 15 15 16 15 15 14 l lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 A B C D E F 50' - 0" 50' - 0" 50' - 0" 50' - 0" 50' - 0" 50' - 0" 50' - 0" 50' - 0" 50' - 0" 50' - 0" 50' - 0" 50' - 0" 50' - 0" 50' - 0" 50' - 0" 750' - 0"40' - 0" 40' - 0" 40' - 0" 40' - 0" 60' - 0"220' - 0"FWT FD FWT FD ROOF EXPANSION JOINTWE 15' - 0"SAN STORM SAN STORM SAN STORM CW CWSAN STORM CW STORMCWSTORMSANSANBUILDING B 164,559 SF RDLRDLRDLRDLRDLRDLRDL ORDORDORDORDORDORDORD ORD RDL ORD RDL ORD RDL ORD RDL ORD RDL ORD RDL ORD RDL STOOP BAY 101 BAY 102 BAY 103 BAY 104 BAY 105 BAY 106 BAY 107 BAY 108 BAY 109 BAY 110 BAY 111 BAY 112 BAY 113 BAY 114 BAY 115 STOOP STOOP STOOP STOOPA7 4 A7 1 A7 3 A7 2 Sheet Title Project Number Sheet Number Issued For Date Project Client Project Manager Date Reg. No. I hereby certified that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota Edward A. Farr ©COPYRIGHT 2022 Location PRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION6/15/2023 6:36:20 PMA622.068 FLOOR PLAN BUILDING B 06/15/2023 16362 EAF Audubon Business Park 1650 McGlynn Road 1700 Coulter Blvd Chanhassen, MN SCALE:1/32" = 1'-0"A6 1 FLOOR PLAN BLDG B 0'16'32' 64' N ZONING REVIEW 06/16/2023 303 T/PRECAST 140' -0" FLOOR 1 100' -0" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 22 3 456 789 910 11 4 10 22 221 7 7 11 T/HIGH PRECAST 142' -0" SIGN TYPE S-3.2 TENANT SIGNAGE T/PRECAST 140' -0" FLOOR 1 100' -0" 12345678910111213141516 6 1213141516 18 192011 13 1212 T/HIGH PRECAST 142' -0" T/PRECAST 140' -0" FLOOR 1 100' -0" ABCDEF21 SEE 1/A5.2 FOR TYPICAL MATERIAL NOTES 222 7 2019 18 6T/HIGH PRECAST 142' -0" SIGN TYPE S-3.2 TENANT SIGNAGE T/PRECAST 140' -0" FLOOR 1 100' -0" A B C D E F SEE 1/A5.2 AND 3/A5.2 FOR TYPICAL MATERIAL NOTES 7 2019186T/HIGH PRECAST 142' -0" SIGN TYPE S-3.2 TENANT SIGNAGE Sheet Title Project Number Sheet Number Issued For Date Project Client Project Manager Date Reg. No. I hereby certified that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota Edward A. Farr ©COPYRIGHT 2022 Location PRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION6/15/2023 6:36:36 PMA722.068 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS BLDG B 06/15/2023 16362 EAF Audubon Business Park 1650 McGlynn Road 1700 Coulter Blvd Chanhassen, MN SCALE:1/32" = 1'-0"A7 1 BLDG B SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE:1/32" = 1'-0"A7 2 BLDG B NORTH ELEVATION SCALE:1/16" = 1'-0"A7 3 BLDG B EAST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" A7 4 BLDG B WEST ELEVATION 0'8'16' 32' 0'8'16' 32' 0'16'32' 64' 0'16'32' 64' Area @ 12' Glass @ 12' Glass % Glass Abv 12' Total Glass Total Glass % 2,676 447 16.7% 901 1,348 50.3% Area @ 12' Glass @ 12' Glass % Glass Abv 12' Total Glass Total Glass % 2,676 447 16.7% 901 1,348 50.3% Area @ 12' Glass @ 12' Glass % Glass Abv 12' Total Glass Total Glass % 9,026 3,167 35.1% 2,818 5,985 66.3% ZONING REVIEW 06/16/2023 304 PRECAST - EXPOSED AGGREGATE - LIGHT PRECAST - EXPOSED AGGREGATE - DARK GRAY LOW-E REFLECTIVE GLASS METALIC COPPER PREFINISHED METAL PANEL CLEAR ANODIZED ALUMINUM MATERIALS Sheet Title Project Number Sheet Number Issued For Date Project Client Project Manager Date Reg. No. I hereby certified that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota Edward A. Farr ©COPYRIGHT 2022 Location PRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION6/15/2023 6:36:37 PMA822.068 RENDERINGS 06/15/2023 16362 EAF Audubon Business Park 1650 McGlynn Road 1700 Coulter Blvd Chanhassen, MN VIEW 1 - BUILDING A NORTHEAST CORNER ENTRY VIEW 2 - BUILDING A FROM WESTBOUND HIGHWAY 5 - WITH TREES VIEW 2 - BUILDING A FROM WESTBOUND HIGHWAY 5 - NO TREES ZONING REVIEW 06/16/2023 305 PRECAST - EXPOSED AGGREGATE - LIGHT PRECAST - EXPOSED AGGREGATE - DARK GRAY LOW-E REFLECTIVE GLASS METALIC COPPER PREFINISHED METAL PANEL CLEAR ANODIZED ALUMINUM MATERIALS Sheet Title Project Number Sheet Number Issued For Date Project Client Project Manager Date Reg. No. I hereby certified that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota Edward A. Farr ©COPYRIGHT 2022 Location PRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION6/15/2023 6:36:38 PMA922.068 RENDERINGS 06/15/2023 16362 EAF Audubon Business Park 1650 McGlynn Road 1700 Coulter Blvd Chanhassen, MN VIEW 3 - BUILDING B SOUTHEAST CORNER ENTRY VIEW 4 - BUILDING B FROM WESTBOUND COULTER BLVD - WITH TREES VIEW 4 - BUILDING B FROM WESTBOUND COULTER BLVD - WITHOUT TREES ZONING REVIEW 06/16/2023 306 PRECAST - EXPOSED AGGREGATE - LIGHT PRECAST - EXPOSED AGGREGATE - DARK GRAY LOW-E REFLECTIVE GLASS METALIC COPPER PREFINISHED METAL PANEL CLEAR ANODIZED ALUMINUM MATERIALS Sheet Title Project Number Sheet Number Issued For Date Project Client Project Manager Date Reg. No. I hereby certified that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota Edward A. Farr ©COPYRIGHT 2022 Location PRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION6/15/2023 6:36:38 PMA1022.068 RENERINGS 06/15/2023 16362 EAF Audubon Business Park 1650 McGlynn Road 1700 Coulter Blvd Chanhassen, MN VIEW 5 - VIEW LOOKING WEST ALONG McGLYNN ROAD ZONING REVIEW 06/16/2023 307 308 309 CITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) I, Kim T. Meuwissen, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes that she is and was on July 6, 2023,the duly qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice to consider a request for a Subdivision replating two outlots, a Vacation of easements and right-of-way, a Wetland Alteration permit, a Site Plan review of two office/industrial buildings with a total size of 394,247 square feet, and variances for property located at the SW corner of Arboretum Blvd and Audubon Blvd and zoned Industrial Office Park. Property Owner: Mesenbrink Construction & Engineering, Inc. Applicant: Edward Farr Architects Inc. to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A", by enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. 1 Kim Meuwissen, City Subscribed and sworn to before me ,rri. &- aay or ACU43 ,2023.POTTERANNJENNIFER Notary 310 Subject Parcel This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. This map is a compilation of records, information and data located in various city, county, state and federal offices and other sources regarding the area shown, and is to be used for reference purposes only. The City does not warrant that the Geographic lnformation System (GlS) Data used to prepare this map are error free, and the City does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational' lracking or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 5466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this map acknowledges that the City shall not be liable for any damages, and expressly waives all claims, and agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City from any and all claims brought by User, its employees or agents, or third parties which arise out of the use/s access or use of data Provided. Disclaimer This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. ihis map is a compilation of records, information and data located in various city, county, state and federal offices and other sources regarding the area shown, and is to be used for reference purposes only. The City does not warrant that the Geographic lnformation System (GlS) Data used to prepare this map are error free, and the City does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, tracking or any other purpoie requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. The preceding disclaimer is provaded pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 5466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this map acknowledges that the City shall not be liable for any damages, and expressly waives all claims, and agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City from any and all claims brought by User, its employees or agents, or third parties which arise out of the user's access or use of data provided. (Tax_nameD <Tax_add_ll > <Tax_add_!2> <Next Record ><Tax_nameD <Tax_add_l1> <Tax_add_12> Subject Parcel 3 f I d 3 - f t; II te T! a l.l u)I -t 311 Tuesday, July 18, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. This hearing may not start until later in the evening, depending on the order of the aqenda. Date & Time: Location:City Hall Council Chambers, 7700 Market Blvd Proposal Consider a request for a Subdivision replating two outlots, a Vacation of easements and right-of-way, a Wetland Alteration Permit, a Site Plan review of two office/industrial buildings with a total size of 394,247 square feet, and variances for property located at the SW corner of Arboretum Blvd and Audubon Blvd and zoned lndustrial Office Park Applicant:Edward Farr Architects lnc Mesenbrink Construction & Engineering, lncOwner: Property Location: SW corner of Arboretum Blvd and Audubon Blvd A location map is on the reverse side of this notice. What Happens at the Meeting: The purpose of this public hearing is to inform you about the applicant's request and to obtain input from the neighborhood about this project. During the meeting, the Chair will lead the public hearing through the following steps: 1. Staff will give an overview of the proposed project. 2. The applicant will present plans for the project. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing is closed, and the Planning Commission discusses the proiect. Questions & Comments: To view project documents before the meeting, please visit the city's proposed development webpage at: urww.chanhassenmn.qov/proposeddevelooments. lf you wish to talk to someone about this project, please contact Bob Generous by email at bqenerous@chanhassenmn.oov or by phone a|952-227-1131. lf you choose to submit written comments, please send one copy to staff in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Planning Commission. The staff report for this item will be available online on the city's Agendas & Minutes webpage the Thursday priortothe Planning Co@ Sign up to receive email updates about this or other projects. Go to https ://www. chanhassenm n.qov/i-want-to/subscri be City Reviaw Ptocodure: . Subdivisions, Planned Unit Oevelopments, Site Plan Reviils, Conditional and lnterim U$s, Vvatland Alterations, Rozonings, Comprehensive Plan Amendm€nts, Varian@s, Appeals, and Code Amendments requiro a public hearing before tha Planning Commission. City ordinanBs require all property within 500 feet of the subjoct sita to be notified of the applietion in writing. Any interestsd party is invited to attond the meeting. . Stafi prepares a report on the subjecl appli€tion that includes all pertinent information and a re@mmsndation. These reports are available by request. At the Planning Commission meeting, staff will give a verbal ovoruiew of lhe report and a recommendation. The item will be opened for the public to speak about the proposal as a part of the hearing process. The Commission will close the public hearing and discuss the item and make a ro@mmendation to the City Council. Tha City Council may reverse, affirm or modfy wholly or partly the Planning Commission's rarcmmendation. Rezonings, land use and code amendments taka a simple majority vote of the City Council 6x€pt rezonings and land use amendments from residential to commercial/industrial. . Minnesota State Statute 519.99 requires all appli€tions to be proessed within 60 days unless the applicant waives this standard. Some applications due to their omplexity may take several months to complets. Any person wishing to follN an item through the pro@ss should check with the Planning Oepartment regarding its status and schsduling for the City Council mseting. . A naighborhood spokesperson/represantative is sn@uraged to provide a @ntacl for the city. Ofton developers ars enmuEged to meet with the neighborh@d regarding their proposal. Stafi is ale available to review the prcjoct wilh any interested parsn(s). . Because the Pianning Commission holds the public hsaring, the City Council does nol. Minulss are taken and any @rrespondence regarding the appli€tion will be included in the report to the City Council. lf you wish to have something to be included in lhe reDort. Dlease @ntact the Plannino Staff person named on the notification. Notice of Public Hearing Chanhassen Planni Gommission Notice of Public Hearing Chanhassen Planni Commission Tuesday, July 18, 2023, al6:00 p.m. This hearing may not start until later in the eveni d on the order of the Hall Council Chambers, 7700 Market Blvd Consider a request for a Subdivision replating two outlots, a Vacation of easements and right-of-way, a Wetland Alteration Permit, a Site Plan review of two office/industrial buildings with a total size of 394,247 square feet, and variances for property located at the SW corner of Arboretum Blvd and Audubon Blvd and zoned lndustrial Office Park Edward Farr Architects lnc Mesenbrink Construction & Engineering, lnc SW corner of Arboretum Blvd and Audubon Blvd A location is on the reverse side of this notice. The purpose of this public hearing is to inform you about the applicant's request and to obtain input from the neighborhood about this project. During the meeting, the Chair will lead the public hearing through the following steps: 5. Staff will give an overview of the proposed project. 6. The applicant will present plans for the project. 7. Comments are received from the public. 1. Public hearing is closed and the Planning Commission discusses the project. To view project documents before the meeting, please visit the city's proposed development webpage at: www.chanhassenm n.qov/proposeddevelopments. lf you wish to talk to someone about this project, please contact Bob Generous by email at bqenerous@chanhassenmn.oov or by phone a|952-227-1131. lf you choose to submit written comments, please send one copy to staff in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Planning Commission. The staff report for this item will be available online on the city's Agendas & Minutes webpage the Thursday prior to the Planning Commission meeti Sign up to receive email updates about this or other projects. Go to https : //www. cha nhassen mn. gov/i-wa nt-to/su bscribe . Subdivisions, Planned Unil Developmenls, Site Plan Raviews, Condilional and lnterim U$s, Wstland Alteratims, Rezonings, Comprehensive Plan Amsndments, Variancs, Appeals, and Code Amondments require a public hearing before the Planning Commission. City ordinancs require all prop€rty within 500 feet ot tha subject site to be notified of the appli€tion in writing. Any interosted party is invited lo attend the meeling. . Staff prepares a report on the subject application that includes all pertinent information and a recommendation. These reports are available by request. At the Planning Commission moeting, staff will give a verbal ovsruiew of the report and a re@mmendation. The item will bs opened for the public to speak about lhe proposal as a part of the hearing proess. The Commission will closs the public hearing and discuss the it6m and make a raommendation to the City Council. The City Council may reverse, affirm or modify wholly or partly the Planning Commission's reommendation. Rszonings, land us and 6de amsndmenls take a simplo majority vote of the City Council excpt rezonings and land uss amendments from residentialto mmmercial/industrial. . Minnesota State Statute 519.99 requires all applications to be proessed within 60 days unless the appli€nt waives this standard. Soma appli€tions due to their @mplexity may take sevsral monlhs to complete. Any por$n wishing to follow an item through the pro@ss should check with the Planning Departmenl regarding its status and scheduling for lhe City Council meeting. . A noighborhood spokespeEon/representative is encouragsd to provide a @ntacl for ths city. Often dovolopors are an@uEged to meet with th€ nsighborhood regarding their proposal. Staff is also available to reviil the proiect with any interssted p€rson(s). . Because ths Planning Commission holds the public hearing, the City Council does not. Minutes are taken and any correspondsnce regarding the appli€tion will be included in the report to tha City Council. lf you wish to have something to be includad in the report, Date & Time: Location: Proposal: Applicant: Owner: Property Location: What Happens at the Meeting: Questions & Comments: contact the Staff named on the notilication. 312 TAX-NAME AARON HOLZEMER ALAN M &TERESAYJOHNSON ALAN SMOLA ALICE M ENGLISH ALLAN R & MARYJ OLSON AMANDA R KARASEK AMY J DAHLGREN AMY M HERNANDEZ AMY ROGERS ANCHELA HATEY ANDREW D EVAVOLD ANDY I MARTINSON ANGIE THERESA VOLLBRECHT ANN SAUER ANNA RUDENKO AND ANDREY RUDENKO ANNE M GEYER ANNETTE M CIESZKOWSKI ANTHONY JAMES FRIBERG ANTHONY S ROCKWELL JR ARIANNE SMITH ASHVINI K THOTTEMPUDI BAK INVESTORS LLC BARBARA C ANDERSON BARBARA R YOUNGBERG BAVARIA PROPERTIES LLC BECKY CONNOLE BECKY OELSCHLAGER BENTON OLSON BERENJIAN PROPERTIES LLC BERNARDINO ROBERT LANZI JR BEVERLY GAYLE WRIGHT BLAKE M & TAMI C GOTTSCHALK BLUFF CREEK PROPERTIES LLC TAX_ADD-11 1947 ANDREW CT 8285 STONE CREEK DR 8180 STONE CREEK DR 2082 CLOVER CT 7461 WINDMILL DR 7588 WALNUT CURV 7681 PRIMROSE PLACE 7599 WALNUT CURV 2158 BANEBERRY WAY W 2011 BLUE SAGE LN E 8126 STONE CREEK DR 1929 BLUFF VIEW CT 7496 CROCUS CT 7670 BLUEBONNET BLVD 7687 PRIMROSE PL 7758 SNAPDRAGON DR 2141 BANEBERRY WAY W 8117 STONE CREEK DR 8537 POWERS PL 1934 ANDREW CT 7751 LADYSLIPPER LN 7945 STONE CREEK DR # 120 7724 BLUEBONNET BLVD 2035 CHICORY WAY 2705 PONDVIEW CURV 7627 PRAIRIE FLOWER BLVD 7685 BLUEBONNET BtVD 7547 WALNUT CURV 8192 KATIE CIR 1949 ANDREW CT 7657 PRIMROSE PL 2197 MAJESTIC WAY 7915 STONE CREEK DR #130 TAX-ADD_12 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7414 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8351 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9366 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.9393 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.8349 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8344 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7416 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8350 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8345 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8340 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9389 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.7409 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-4605 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8335 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.8347 vtcToRrA, MN 55386-4551 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.8350 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55347.1098 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7409 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9355 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-4561 313 BRADLEIGH SAWYER BRANDT M JORGENSEN BRIAN & KAREN WALKER BRIAN D & ELIZABETH J GUTHRIE BRIAN M LARAMY BRIAN P & BRENDAJ REISTER BRIAN P HANSON BRIAN R & BARBARA C FOLSOM BRIAN R ERDMAN BRIAN W MARTODAM C & J REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS II LLC CARLY A GLIEDEN CAROL ANN LEE CAROL.J BUTEYN CARVER COUNTY CDA CHADE&LINDASNELSON CHAD W MEYER REVOCABLE TRUST CHARLES E & LORETTA GOETZINGER CHARLES N ARN FELT CHAVIVAN LERDGIDKJON CHERI L HANNA CHERREE R THEISEN CHERYL L NASH CHERYL NORTON CH ERYL RUTH NORMAN CHRIS WILLIAM ORCUTT CHRISTINE G GALLAS CHRISTOPHER B CESAR CHRISTOPHER CAMPBELL CHRISTOPHER M VERNIER CHRISTOPHER R & KARI THENTGES CHUNG CHENG MANAGEMENT GROUP LLC CONNIE L MUNSON CONNIE VOS 7441 WINDMILL DR 8108 STONE CREEK DR 7591 WALNUT CURV 8123 STONE CREEK DR 7471 TULIP CT 13280 62ND ST 3859 RED CEDAR WAY 2215 BANEBERRY WAY W 2091 BRINKER ST 2103 BRINKER ST PO BOX 737 2084 BANEBERRY WAY E 7704 BTUEBONNET BLVD 7678 CONEFLOWER CURV N 705 WALNUT ST N 8135 STONE CREEK DR 3515 LILAC LN 7521 WINDMILL DR 1950 BtU FF VIEW CT 8348 STONE CREEK DR 7655 BLUEBONNET BLVD 2072 MAJESTIC WAY 7638 PRAIRIE FLOWER BLVD 2127 CLOVER CT 1952 ANDREW CT 7481 WINDMILL DR 7675 CONEFLOWER CURV N 2194 BANEBERRY WAY W 2166 BANEBERRY WAY W 8O9O STONE CREEK DR 75OO WINDMILL DR 12435 PRINCETON AVE 2068 WATERLEAF tN W 2171 BANEBERRY WAY W CHANHASSEN, MN 55317. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7416 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9394 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7416 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9330 MAYER, MN 55360-8562 CHASKA, MN 55318- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8339 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.9360 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9361 HOWARD LAKE, MN 55349- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8357 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8335 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8355 CHASKA, MN 55318-2039 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7416 MINNETONKA, MN 55345- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9365 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.7421 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.8350 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.9352 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7409 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9366 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8338 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7419 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9363 EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55347. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.8342 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8340 314 CRAIG JON SCHROEDER CREEK FIVE ASSOCIATES CUI SUN DAGMAR DIETHELM REVOCABLE INTERVIVOS TRU DAKE N & DEIRDRA CHATFIELD DANIELE&KARENKTRUE DANIEL L ACHTOR DANIEL R & LATASHA R SLINDEN DANIEL S & TAMERA K SHREVE DANIELLE M BENNETT DANNA M MOKAMBA DARLA JEAN O,FLANAGAN DARLENE A SODERLIND DAVID B & GLORIAJ SPONG DAVID COLEMAN DAVID E BENSON DAVID J GREBIN DAVID J MELOCHE DAVID J OLSON DAVID K & CHRISTINAJ STREETER DAVID K WEIBY DAVID KOELLN DAVID NENDZA DAVID SENIOR DAVID VANDENBOOM DAVID W CALLISTER DAWN FIELDS DAWN I KERBER DEBORA L STAHLECKER DEBRA L KOTZ DELGADO PROPERTY INVESTMENT TRUST DELPHA SCHRAM REVOCABTE TRUST NOV 16, 20 DENISE M MATARKEY DENNY P HOFMANN 2032 BLUE SAGE LN E PO BOX 16 24531SE 46TH TER 2085 MA.IESTIC WAY 22OO MAJESTIC WAY 8091 STONE CREEK DR 3215 GRAHAM HILL RD 7509 TULIP CT 7595 WALNUT CURV 7725 CONEFLOWER CURV S 2223 BANEBERRY WAY W 7749 BUTTERCUP CT 7656 PRAIRIE FLOWER BLVD 2066 CLOVER CT 7650 PRAIRIE FLOWER BLVD 8161 STONE CREE K DR 7748 BUTTERCUP CT 7750 SHARP DRAGON DR 2013 POPPY DR 7598 PRAIRIE FLOWER BIVD 2149 MAJESTIC WAY 2133 MAIESTIC WAY 2029 BANEBERRY WAY E 7431, WINDMILL DR 8O8O STONE CRE EK DR 7541 WINDMILL DR 8269 STONE CREEK DR 2167 BANEBERRY WAY W 2159 BANEBERRY WAY W 2145 BANEBERRY WAY W 7965 STONE CREEK DR 120 7892 AUTUMN RIDGE AVE 2116 CLOVER CT 1945 ANDREW CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- HAMEL, MN 55340- rssAQUAH, WA 98029-7818 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9354 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.7419 LONG LAKE, MN 55356- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9330 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9394 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8334 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8351 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8334 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.7416 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.8346 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9398 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.9355 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9355 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8360 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.9366 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7419 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9365 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8340 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8340 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.8447 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.8353 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7409 315 DONALD B & JANET L DAHTQUIST DONATD E KRONBERG DONALD L MCDONALD DORIS FRENCH DOUGLAS LEE PERNULA DOUGLAS W BACKSTROM DWAYNE A STRAND EARLON L MILBRATH REV TRUST EDWARDJ & SUSAN L ROBBINS EDWARD L AYEN ELIZABETH GRIERSON ETIZABETH PROVINZINO ERIC & PAMELA WOLLAN ERIC JAMES MAHER ERIC LEE WONG ERIC R CHRISTENSON ERICA L HULS ERICK D CHRISTENSEN FAMILY OF CHRIST LUTH CHURCH FLANNERY HOLDINGS tLC GEORGE H & SUSAN L BORCHARDT GK REALTY HOLDINGS LLC GLEN P & REBECCA A GAUERKE GTENR&WANDASGOURLEY GREGD&BETHMMEISEL GREGG C BERGMAN AND NANCY M BERGMAN REVO HAIGUANG WANG HANG LE CA HARRY L JONES IV HEATHER J STOHS HEIDI L MARSHALL HERITAGE PROPERTY GROUP LLC HILARY DOLAN HOFFMAN PROPERTY HOLDINGS LLC 7634 PRAIRIE FLOWER BLVD 14376 E HJATMER BLVD 2025 CLOVER CT 2189 BANEBERRY WAY W 7576 WATNUT CURV 7755 LADYSLIPPER LN 2145 BRINKER ST 7662 PRAIRIE FLOWER BLVD 2141 CLOVER CT 1936 ANDREW CT 2016 CHICORY WAY 1947 CREEKVIEW CT 1,971 ANDREW CT 7511 CROCUS CT 1967 ANDREW CT 7512 PRAIRIE FLOWER BLVD 406 N RAYMOND AVE # 2 7722 BLUEBONNET BLVD 2O2O COULTER BLVD 7925 STONE CREEK DR STE 110 2014 POPPY DR 7935 STONE CREEK DR UNIT 10 8181 STONE CREEK DR 7697 CONEFLOWER CURV S 8141 STONE CREEK DR 7642 PRAIRIE FLOWER BLVD 7728 BLUEBONNET BLVD 1974 ANDREW CT 2024 CHICORY WAY 2019 CHICORY WAY 2017 POPPY DR 7955 STONE CREEK DR #10 7550 WALNUT CURV 4425 MARGARET CIR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8334 SOLON SPRINGS, WI 54873-8473 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.8352 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.8340 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9393 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.9361 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.8334 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8354 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.7409 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.8347 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7418 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.7409 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9351 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7409 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.8334 PASADENA, CA 91103-3705 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-5300 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-4617 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8346 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-4751 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7416 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8356 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7416 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.7409 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8347 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.8346 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-4561 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- MINNETRISTA, MN 55364. 316 HOLASEK FARMS LP HOLASEK LAND MANAGEMENT INC HOLLE D SEVERSON HOLLY B ERICKSON HOLLY M WALTON HONG YAN HSIN-HUNG HUANG INSKEEP FAMILY LtC IRENE B OBERSTAR JAMES & PATRICIA HANSEN JAMES A & LESA W BOETTCHER JAMES C SCHMIT ETAL JAMES D HAIDER JAMES E & JACQUELINE A SCHMIDT JAMES E JOYCE III JAMES M COtt|NS JAMES ROLLINS JAMES VEASAW JANE GUSTAFSON JANET L TAYLOR JASON J TIDEMANN JASON RUD JEANCWULLRICHTRUST JEAN M KINGSRUD J EFFREY C WALL J E FFREY D NELSON JEFFREY MCNAMARA JEFFREY MORD JEFFREY S & CRISTIN L MASCHKA J EFFREY S SPARROW J EFFREY W MOODY I ENNIFER A JORGENSON J EN NIFER TATUM JEREMY JOSEPH SINON 917 KELLY CT r.0195 102ND ST 7743 LADYSLIPPER LN 21OO BANEBERRY WAY E 2031 CHICORY WAY 1.7720 CREEK RIDGE PASS 2045 MAJESTIC WAY 2281 W 190TH ST #200 2170 BANEBERRY WAY W 7881 CLEMSON ST f 101 7476 CROCUS CT 2089 BANEBERRY WAY E 7572 WALNUT CURV 2075 BRINKER ST 8325 STONE CREEK DR 7679 BLUEBONNET BLVD 1910 BLU FF VIEW CT 2012 BLUE SAGE LN E 2023 CHICORY WAY 2051 BLUE SAGE tN W 2113 CLOVER CT 7571 WALNUT CURV 1931 ANDREW CT 2027 BRINKER ST 7706 BLUEBONNET BLVD 8151 STONE CRE EK DR 7622 CONEFLOWER CURV S 8230 STONE CREEK DR 2086 MAJESTIC WAY 2909 PROMONTORY DR 18OO SUNRIDGE CT 7686 PRIMROSE PL 2186 BANEBERRY WAY W 7592 WALNUT CURV CHANHASSEN, MN 55317. wAcoNtA, MN 55387-9533 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.8336 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.8359 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8347 MINNETONKA, MN 55345-6235 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9355 TORRANCE, CA 90504-6000 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.8338 NAPLES, FL 34104-5369 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.9351 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8360 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.9393 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9360 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7417 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.8350 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8344 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.8347 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8341 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.8354 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9394 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7409 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9360 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.8335 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-74],6 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9352 BISMARCK, ND 58503. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9663 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8349 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9393 317 JEROLD R CLAIR JILL ELLEN JOHNSON JND COMPANIES LLC JOAN E WEIS JOCETYN J O,BRIEN JODEN D KOHLS JODI L SCHOH IOEL A MAYERLE JOELW&SUSANMREIMERS JOEL W ROBERTSON JOEL WAYNE BIEBIGHAUSER JOHN D&CAROLAPPITZ JOHN HARMS JOHN M COLLINS JOHN MICHAEL LALIM JOHN R STROM JON S& LORI ADAY JONATHAN WORRE JOSEPH BRUGGEMAN JOSEPH MARRAZZO .JOSHUA PETERSON IUDITH M IOHNSON JULIA C OHMAN JU LIE K BOLLMANN JUNE M CASEY KARI L FINBERG.SHOOLER KARI LYNN CARSTENSEN KATE MINER KATHERINE BISSEN KATHERINE M BALTERA KATHLEEN A HALDEMAN KATHLEEN A LARKIN KATHLEEN A PETERSON KATHLEEN MARCELLA PETERSON 7460 WINDMILL DR 7731 CONEFLOWER CRV S 7975 STONE CREEK DR #10 2101 MA]ESTIC WAY 2198 BRINKER ST 7708 BLUEBONNET BLVD 2016 BLUE SAGE LN E 7620 CONEFLOWER CURV S 7495 CROCUS CT 7596 WALNUT CURV 2033 POPPY DR 2117 MAJESTIC WAY 7663 PRIMROSE PL 2101 BANEBERRY WAY E 2089 CLOVER CT 8401 STONE CREEK DR 8229 STONE CREE K DR 21,33 BANEBERRY WAY W 1929 ANDREW CT 7584 WALNUT CURV 2027 CHICORY WAY 7669 PRIMROSE PL 7723 CONEFLOWER CURV S 77OO BTUEBONNET BtVD 2137 BANEBERRY WAY W 7583 WALNUT CURV 7575 WALNUT CURV 1944 ANDREW CT 2085 BANEBERRY WAY E 2060 MAJESTIC WAY 2059 BRINKER ST 2O3O WATERLEAF LN E 2155 BANEBERRY WAY W 8216 STONE CRE EK DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9362 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.456], CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9355 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.9359 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8344 CHANHASSEN, MN 5531,7-8356 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.9351 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9393 CHANHASSEN, MN 5531,7- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.9355 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8352 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7422 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.7414 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7409 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.9393 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8347 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8358 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8335 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8340 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.9360 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8343 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8340 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317. 318 KATHRYN A KEYWORTH KATHRYN T STODDART KELSEY NOAH KENNE JEAN PETERSON KENNETH LEER KEVINJ&CHERYLCKOHLER KEVIN J JOYCE KIMBERLY HEUER KIRSTEN TETZLAFF KODEY S SIMON KRISTOPHER KLUGE KYLEA&LEAHCPLATH LAC H TRINH LANCE OLSON LARRY GRAHAM LAURA M LE NERTZ LAUREN K RABE LAURIE HOLASEK LAURIE K PAQUETTE LAVINA T LUU LAVON C JOHNSON IEAH C CHRISTENSEN LEIF C GUNDERSON LEISHA RAE BARUCH LEON RODRIGUEZ LEUM PROPERTIES LLC LIANG ZHOU LINDA A KOENIG LINDA J FELGEN LINDA J YOUNG LINDA W BRODSKY LINDSEY P & ELVERA M BRADY LISA ANN HOUTS LISA BLAKEBOROUGH 7675 PRIMROSE Pt 7305 GATPIN BLVD 7746 SNAP DRAGON DR 2069 BLUE SAGE LN W 2181 MAJESTIC WAY 7510 CROCUS CT 2043 BRINKER ST 2081 BANEBERRY WAY E 7626 CONEFLOWER CURV S 7602 WALNUT CURV 7656 PRIMROSE PL 7604 WALNUT CURV 2O5O WATERLEAF LN W 7661 BLUEBONNET BLVD 2110 CLOVER CT 7676 BLUEBONNET BLVD 7669 CONEFLOWER CURV N 4608 FAIRHILLS RD E 7668 CONEFLOWER CURV N 1324 S WINCHESTER BLVD UNIT 14 7745 BUTTERCUP CT 2088 BANEBERRY WAY E 1930 BLU FF VIEW CT 2033 BANEBERRY WAY E 1913 CREEK VIEW CT 7935 STONE CREEK DR # 30 16999 CANDLEWOOD PKWY 1943 ANDREW CT 2018 WATERLEAF LN E 2057 BLUE SAGE LN W 2034 CLOVER CT 2028 CLOVER CT 7674 CONEFLOWER CURV N 7660 CONEFLOWER CURV N CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.8349 EXCELStOR, MN 55331-8059 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.8341 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9355 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.9351 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9360 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.9397 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9397 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.8342 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8350 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.8353 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8350 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317. MINNETONKA, MN 55345- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.8355 SAN JOSE, CA 95128- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8337 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7421 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.8360 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-4611 EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55347. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7409 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8343 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.8341 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8351 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8351 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- 319 LISA K CHRISTENSEN LISA M KURVERS LITTLE TREE PROPERTIES LLC UC INVESTMENTS OF MINNESOTA LLC LONG D NGUYEN LOUIS C ABELA LOVE 4 ONE ANOTHER CHARITIES LOWELL FRITZKE LUCAS BAME LUTFI L TARDIA LYNN M GOSSFELD LYNNETTE A OLSON LYNNETTE M FICKBOHM MAGA LLC MAGALIE E PATIN MARGARET L WEBER MARGARET REISDORF MARILYN PETERSON MARK&ANNMSTRUTHERS MARK E & MELINDA S SEEGERS MARK EDWARD LEHMAN & GAIL HELENE LEHMAN MARK S FEYEREISEN MARK SEEFELDT MARY JO ROBERTS MARY K SLAUGHTER MATTHEW & MICHELLE N MYERS MATTHEW GUBA MATTHEW LEE PRCHAL MATTHEW MARTIN MATTHEW R NELSON MCCALLUM ENTERPRISES LLC MCGLYNN BAKERIES INC #366 MD PROPERTIES LLC MESENBRINK CONSTRUCTION & ENGINEERING, I 1976 ANDREW CT 2093 BANEBERRY WAY E 7945 STONE CREEK DR STE 140 9413 36TH AVE N 7587 WATNUT CURV 2163 BANEBERRY WAY W PO BOX 733 1938 ANDREW CT 294 SHOREVIEW CT 7756 BUTTERCUP CT 8377 STONE CREE K DR 1954 ANDREW CT 2023 BLUE SAGE LN E 7935 STONE CREEK DR #140 7618 CONEFLOWER CURV S 2025 BANEBERRY WAY E 202O CHICORY WAY 2065 CLOVER CT 7600 WALNUT CURV 2061 CLOVER CT 1946 ANDREW CT 7501 WINDMILL DR 7470 TULIP CT 2019 CLOVER CT 7645 PRAIRIE FTOWER BLVD 7421 WINDMILL DR 2026 POPPY LN 630 COUNTY ROAD 92 N 7747 LADYSLIPPER LN 7718 BLUEBONNET BLVD 11990 TALL TIMBERS RD SW PO BOX 1113 3834 PASCOTO BND 7765 165th St E CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.8360 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- NEW HOPE, MN 55427- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.9394 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7409 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.7608 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7414 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8344 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.4765 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.8356 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8360 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9397 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8352 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7409 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9365 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.9330 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8352 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.9396 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.9366 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- MAPLE PLAIN, MN 55359-9555 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8335 GARFIELD, MN 56332-4602 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55440-1113 CHASKA, MN 55318. PRIOR LAKE, MN 55372 320 MEGAN GROSKREUTZ MEGHAN A KELZER MEGHAN ANTHONY MEHDI AYOUCHE METISSA A HEIN MG INVESTMENTS LLC MIZHOU MICHAEL BURRIS MICHAEL D & DIANE M HEMSWORTH MICHAEL D & LAURA F WOELFEL MICHAEL D GROSHENS MICHAEL G PIFF MICHAEL] & DARLENE M LEONARD MICHAEL J BINSTOCK MICHAEL L AKER MICHAEL L SANDELL MICHAEL OCHS MICHAEL PEKARNA MICHAEL WESCHE MICHELLE LAFONTAINE MIN CHIH CHANG LIV TRUST MONICA V SPIEG LER NANCY NELSON NATHAN & SARA EXSTED NATHAN SEVERSON NATHAN SLINDE NAVICKAS HOLDINGS I LLC NEIL J EU KEL NICHOLAS R HANSGEN NICOLE B OLSON NINA STEPANOVA NORMA J MAY NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY OB MULLIGAN LLC 2019 BLUE SAGE LN E 7752 BUTTERCUP CT 2056 WATERLEAF LN W 2102 MAjESTIC WAY 2193 BANEBERRY WAY W 9413 36TH AVE N 7744 BUTTERCUP CT 7451 WINDMILL DR 26248 EDNA LN 1924 CREEKVIEW CT 8289 STONE CREEK DR 1523 SPINNAKER RD 8129 STONE CREEK DR 2335 ISLAND PT 2131 BRINKER ST 1927 CREE K VIEW CT 2190 BANEBERRY WAY W 2O9O CLOVER CT 747s CROCUS CT 2022 WATERLEAF LN E 1S78 ANDREW CT 12575 TUSSOCK CT 2033 CLOVER CT 84OO STONE CREEK DR 7606 WALNUT CURV 8381 STONE CREEK DR 5250 EXCELSIOR BLVD STE 104 7626 PRAIRIE FLOWER BLVD 7555 WALNUT CURV 771.0 BLUEBONNET BLVD 2197 BANEBERRY WAY W 2O5O CLOVER CT 414 NICOLLET MALL MZ 25 LAKEVIEW AVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.8344 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8337 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.9353 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8340 NEW HOPE, MN 55427-1717 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- NlsswA, MN 56464-2777 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.7418 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7414 wAcoNrA, MN 55387-1171 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.7416 vrcroRtA, MN 55386-4539 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.9361 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7418 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.8351 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9351 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3944 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.8352 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7422 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7417 ST TOUIS PARK, MN 55415. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9394 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8335 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8340 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.8351 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401- EXCELSTOR, MN 55331-9539 321 OMAR E TAHA ORVAL E GOLDSBY PAMELA A BONK PAMELA W ILLIES PAT & MIC LAND COMPANY LtC PATRICIA A CINI PATRICIA M DAVIS PATRICK KLETT PATRICK M RUTLEDGE PAUL D JOHNSON PAULE&BARBARADBOWMAN PAUL J SCHNEIDER PAUL S & NANCYJ BODDICKER PEGGY J STEVENSON PERRY B SCHWARTZ PETER & LEAH SWARTZ BAUGH PETER WARNER PHYTLIS R HANSON PRAMOD & SHILPA TANEJA R J HERRMANN ENTERPRISES LLC RA]ESH RAJAN RANAE A DAHLBERG RANDY & KATE MORONEY REBECCA JOHNSON RE NEE M KIRKEBY RICARDO S DIAZ RICHARD & RHODA M SCHAFFER RICHARDC&LISANHART RICHARD M & MARYV ERVASTI RICHARD M GORRA ROBBY THOMAS SHULTZ ROBERT HENRY SCHINGLER JR ROBERT L & PATRICIA L PETERSON ROBERT P & SANDRA L LISTIAK CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9330 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.835], CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8357 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8355 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-4561 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8360 CHANHASSEN, MN 553],7.8340 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.7417 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9393 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9353 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7414 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.7414 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9394 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.8349 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7417 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- MAPLE GROVE, MN 55311-3929 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-4551 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8351 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.7417 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8347 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.8349 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8353 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7414 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.8340 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7414 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8357 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94TT7. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8353 7508 TULIP CT 2OO8 CLOVER CT 2096 BANEBERRY WAY E 7661 CONEFLOWER CURV N 7975 STONE CREEK DR # 20 2021 BANEBERRY WAY E 2175 BANEBERRY WAY W 8345 STONE CREEK DR 7568 WALNUT CURV 2174 MAJESTIC WAY 8272 STONE CREEK DR 8258 STONE CREEK DR 7553 WALNUT CURV 7674 PRIMROSE Pt 2057 CLOVER CT 8369 STONE CREEK DR 7559 WALNUT CURV 1950 ANDREW CT 6648 KIMBERLY LN N 7955 STONE CREEK DR #110 7721 CONEFLOWER CURV S 2042 CLOVER CT 8384 STONE CREEK DR 2063 BLUE SAGE LN W 2036 CHICORY WAY 7658 PRIMROSE PLACE 2122 CLOVER CT 8249 STONE CREEK DR 2125 BANEBERRY WAY W 8201 STONE CREEK DR 2O8O BANEBERRY WAY E 399 WEBSTER ST 1927 ANDREW CT 2138 CLOVER CT 322 ROBERT SWANSON ROBERT W MCMANUS JR ROGER & NORMA LVANHAAFTEN ROGER H SMALLBECK ROGERJ&SALLYAHAMM RONALD E & KAREN E NEITZEL ROTTLUND COMPANY INC ROYETTA I SNOW RUSSELL A MALMSTEN RUTH A WILLMS RYAN J SEIBERT RYAN PERRY ELLSWORTH RYAN R JOHNSON SANDRA ANN LEIKAM SANDRA BENZ SANDRA J HOUCK SATYA G GADHIRAJU SCOTT ALAN JESSE SCOTT BUSSELL SCOTT C ROBBINS SEAN HARVEY SEAN LAFFERTY SEASHELT PROPERTIES LLC SENGTAVANH B & MARIO S MEAS SHANNA O'BRIEN SHARON LEE MESCHKE SHELBY NYMAN STACY A OFTELIE STEPHANIE MCCARTHY STEVEN & TISHA HAWKES STEVEN A & PATRICIA E RANZ STEVEN B & PENNY.J STORO STEVEN D SCHLEY STEVEN GERALD SELINGE R 7601 WALNUT CURV 7490 TULIP CT 2102 CLOVER CT 2201 BANEBERRY WAY W 21,80 BRINKER 5T 2O2O CLOVER CT 3065 CENTRE POINTE DR 2099 CLOVER CT 7628 CONEFLOWER CURV S 7646 PRAIRIE FLOWER BLVD 7611 PRAIRIE FLOWER BLVD 2150 MAJESTIC WAY 7567 WALNUT CURV 2129 BANEBERRY WAY W 2O1O WATERLEAF LN E 8372 STONE CREEK DR 7754 SNAP DRAGON DR 8198 STONE CREEK DR 2028 BLUE SAGE tN E 2173 BRINKER ST 8297 STONE CREEK DR 2031 BLUE SAGE LN E 5760 BRENTRIDGE RD 7440 WINDMILL DR 6201 CASCADE PASS 2014 CLOVER CT 7673 BLUEBONNET BLVD 2092 BANEBERRY WAY E 2195 LAKE HARRISON RD 6498 S NEWBERN CT 2058 CLOVER CT 8244 STONE CREEK DR 7703 CONEFLOWER CURV S 7480 WINDMILL DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8353 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8339 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.9359 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8351 ROSEVTLLE, MN 55113-1130 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8352 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8334 CHANHASSEN, MN 5531,7- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.8340 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.8343 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7417 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7416 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8344 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9362 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8357 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-4624 AURORA, CO 80016-6141 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8351 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.7414 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8358 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- 323 STEVENJ&NADIAMJANSON STEVEN L & CINDY M BRODIGAN STEVEN R & JANICE M THOMPSON STEVENW&KARENABROWN STONE CREEK OFFICE GROUP LLC STONE CREEK STUDIOS LLC SUSAN LYNN WALKER SUSAN M ERICKSON SUSAN M GILLMAN SUSAN M MILBRIDGE SUSAN SCHRAD SUSANNE BOGAN SYDNEY MORTON T & J PROPERTIES OF CHANHASSEN TAMERA M BEEHN ER TAO YANG THE NELSON FAMILY TRUST THE PILLSBU RY COMPANY THEODORE A & ANGELA M ELLEFSON THOMASE&JOANNMMEYER THOMAS E WITEK THOMAS IAN MCLEAN POWELL THOMAS JAY THOMAS P & SANDRAJ OPHEIM THOMAS S & PATRICIA t BREMER THOMPSON FAMILY TRUST TIMOTHY A CRAIN JR TIMOTHY NORDBERG TIMOTHY R HOTZER TOMJ&LISALAPKA TOWNHOMES AT CREEKSIDE ASSN TRANG P HA TRENT J MAHR TRUST AGREEMENT OF MARC C DUBINSKY & DAR 2199 BRINKER ST 2159 BRINKER ST 2077 CLOVER CT 7670 PRAIRIE FLOWER BLVD 8156 MALTORY CT 7945 STONE CREEK DR #140 1932 ANDREW CT 2198 BANEBERRY WAY W 2017 BANEBERRY WAY E 2039 CLOVER CT 16752 180TH ST 7757 BUTTERCUP CT 7699 CONEFLOWER CURV S 7935 STONE CREEK DR #150 2022 POPPY DR 2117 BRINKER ST 7630 PRAIRIE FTOWER BLVD PO BOX 1113 7609 WALNUT CURV 1973 ANDREW CT 2130 CLOVER CT 2037 BANEBERRY WAY E 7580 WALNUT CURV 8305 STONE CREEK DR 7551 WALNUT CURV 7419 TULIP CT 1956 ANDREW CT 2126 MAJESTIC WAY 2015 CHICORY WAY 2014 WATERLEAF LN E PO BOX 36 2029 POPPY DR 2065 MA]ESTIC WAY 2013 CLOVER CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9361 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.9361 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.8352 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8334 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.8586 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-4506 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7409 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.8338 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.8360 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- cARROtt, lA 51401-89s3 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.8337 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-4610 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.8346 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9361 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317. MTNNEAPOLTS, MN 55440-1113 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9395 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.7409 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8353 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8360 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7417 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9394 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7409 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.9353 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.8347 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8343 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-0036 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9356 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317. 324 TRUST FOR THE BENEFIT OF JOY M GORRA VESTMENT SERVICES LLC VICTOR D II &CAROLYNRDOYLE VIRGINIA M CURTIS WATNUT GROVE HOMEOWNERS ASSN WALNUT GROVE VILLAS ASSN WATERROCK REAL ESTATE LLC WAYNE R HENDRICKSON WEST METRO AUDIO LLC WILLIAM A & BARBARA E BROWN WILLIAM BURTON WILLIAM K & KRISTINE GUGGEMOS WILLIAM R JACQUES YURI FARBER ZACHARY I KNUTSON 1680 W 78TH ST 7935 STONE CREEK DR #120 7564 WALNUT CURV 7707 CONEFLOWER CURV S 1801 E 79TH ST #21 81OO OLD CEDAR AVE S STE 3OO 7935 STONE CREEK DR STE 1,10 1972 ANDREW CT 23585 YELLOWSTONE TRL 7676 PRAIRIE FLOWER BLVD 1944 CREEKVIEW CT 2165 MAJESTIC WAY 7545 WALNUT CURV 9801 34TH AVE N 7726 BLUEBONNET BLVD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.4610 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9393 CHANHASSEN, MN 5531,7.8358 BLOOMTNGTON, MN 55425-1230 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55425. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.4611 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.7409 EXCELSTOR, MN 55331-2960 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8334 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7418 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9355 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9394 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55441.2466 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- 325 Planning Commission Minutes – July 18, 2023 6 ALTERATION PERMIT, A SITE PLAN REVIEW OF TWO OFFICE/INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS WITH A TOTAL SIZE OF 394,247 SQUARE FEET OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE SW CORNER OF ARBORETUM BLVD AND AUDUBON BLVD. Senior Planner Bob Generous reviewed the current zoning and land use of the property. Site A will contain an office warehouse manufacturing building. Walls can be used in this for separate business owners if needed. Building A and B are similar constructions with opposite color pallets. Mr. Generous reviewed the materials. The developer is proposing filling in four wetlands at the property. They are preserving wetlands on the north side of the property. Commissioner Schwartz asked where the Excel project is in relation to this project. Mr. Generous stated it is adjacent to this project. He explained and showed where it is and what it would look like. Commissioner Goff asked how a developer can remove wetlands. Joe Seidl, Water Resources Engineer, explained it is part of a sequencing application outlined by State statute and disseminated to the cities to manage this. There is a committee called the Technical Evaluation Panel (TEP) who consider the sequencing application, including the need, as a wetland is a helpful water resource. Mr. Seidl noted there are additional questions regarding the design for minimization and mitigation for these impacts. Often this is buying wetlands as a penalty. The TEP has looked at applications for numerous months. They have asked about the need for the size of the building, if there can be other considerations, or if there could be more configurations for parking. The TEP meets monthly and issued a findings of fact to the applicant with questions necessary for the applicant to answer. Mr. Seidl stated the TEP is meeting this week, so there should be an updated recommendation at this time, but the city makes the final decision. Vice Chair Alto asked when City Council reviews this application. Justin Baulm, Mesenbrink Construction & Engineering, Inc., stated the construction site is difficult with semi traffic, so truck parking in the middle is the most appropriate. There are two potential tenants if the project can move forward. Vice Chair Alto noted one tenant is growing their footprint and asked if they are a local business. It was indicated that one tenant is a local business and the other tenant is a regional business but does a lot of business in the State. Mr. Baulm showed the construction materials to help provide a better picture of the development. Commissioner Schwartz asked about the consideration of the townhouse development to the south. Mr. Baulm stated this development is about 12 miles away. Commissioner Goff asked if they have talked with the Child Care Center nearby. It was indicated the developers have not, but one tenant is excited about this possibility to provide adequate child care for their employees as a close distance. 326 Planning Commission Minutes – July 18, 2023 7 Vice Chair Alto opened the public hearing. Tim Craine, 1956 Andrew Court, asked about the entrances on Coulter Street. Vice Chair Alto stated there are two entrances going in. Mr. Craine asked how tall the buildings are and the entrances for the trucks to enter the buildings. It was noted that the parking lot is on the north and south side of the building for employees. Nichole Jesse, 8198 Stone Creek Drive, stated she came to listen to the presentation. She is a green space person and is concerned because the Excel facility was added and now this new building site. She noted Coulter is a two-lane road with truck traffic near a school so she is concerned about the additional traffic for the residents and the schools. Vice Chair Alto asked if there would be a truck study. Mr. Generous stated it was in the documentation. Mr. Baulm stated the main truck traffic would be on McGlynn Road, while the employees would drive in on Coulter. Vice Chair Alto closed the public hearing. Commissioner Johnson asked about the preschool near the building site. He also asked if there were any concerns about the preschool being near the building site with the zoning of office industrial. Mr. Generous stated it is a permitted use in the district. The preschool went in under the IOP zoning, which would permit one of the new buildings to put in a daycare, if desired, but would need to include a play area for children. Commissioner Schwartz asked if there was concern about the proximity of the preschool to the noise and pollution with the truck traffic. Mr. Generous stated he would need to review the traffic study. Commissioner Johnson asked about the wetland and tree cover. He also asked if there is green space being removed in an industrial zoned area, what are the requirements to protect the green space. Mr. Generous stated there needs to be additional site landscaping along Highway 5 for a noise buffer. There could also be trees added near the wetland area. Commissioner Johnson stated he appreciated the elements of design of this industrial business park. Commissioner Schwartz asked about the different types of building materials for other industrial parks. He also asked if the building materials were softer like brick if it would benefit. Mr. Generous stated this is a preference and the builders are including many different features for design benefit. Commissioner Schwartz moved, Commissioner Goff seconded that the Chanhassen Board of Appeals and Adjustments approves the Subdivision, Site Plan, and the Wetland Alteration Permit request for the construction of the Audubon Business Park subject to the to the conditions of approval (Planning Case #2023-16), and adopts the attached Findings 327 Planning Commission Minutes – July 18, 2023 8 of Fact and Decision. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. GENERAL BUSINESS: None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 1. APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES DATED JUNE 6, 2023 Commissioner Goff motioned to approve the Planning Commission meeting dated June 6, 2023 as presented, Commissioner Schwartz seconded. All voted in favor, and the motion carried 5 to 0. COMMISSION PRESENTATIONS: None. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS Planning Director Eric Maass shared City Council tabled the Café Zupa application and adopted a moratorium. There is a joint meeting with the City Council scheduled on July 24, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. Commissioner Goff asked if the meeting would be captured in minutes. Mr. Maass stated there would be minutes since it is a formal meeting. Commissioner Johnson asked about the duration of the moratorium. Mr. Maass stated it would be January 2024 or upon the adoption of an updated ordinance and they are working towards 60 to 90 days. Commissioner Johnson asked if it could be extended. Mr. Maass confirmed this. Commissioner Johnson asked if there would be any legal constraints. Mr. Maass stated it could not be permanent. Mr. Maass stated the city received favorable applications and completed interviews for the assistant planning role today. Commissioner Johnson asked if there would be any documentation to review prior to the July 24th meeting. Mr. Maass stated there would be a packet shared. CORRESPONDENCE DISCUSSION: None. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Schwartz moved to adjourn the meeting, Commissioner Goff seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. The Planning Commission meeting was adjourned at 7:56 p.m. OPEN DISCUSSION Submitted by Eric Maass Planning Director 328 City Council Item August 14, 2023 Item Ordinance XXX: (1) Amending Chapter 14 of the Chanhassen City Code Concerning Smoking in City Parks; and (2) Amending Chapter 11 of the Chanhassen City Code Concerning Cannabis Use in Public File No.Item No: G.1 Agenda Section GENERAL BUSINESS Prepared By Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager Reviewed By Laurie Hokkanen SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council adopts an ordinance amending Chapter 14 of the Chanhassen City Code concerning smoking in city parks; and "The Chanhassen City Council adopts an ordinance amending Chapter 11 of the Chanhassen City Code concerning cannabis use in public." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY The proposed ordinances would ban smoking or vaping tobacco or cannabis in city parks and ban smoking cannabis or hemp in a public place. Violations would be a petty misdemeanor. The city may enact regulations to promote the health, safety, order, convenience, and general welfare of the city. BACKGROUND 329 DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS Proposed Ordinance Concerning Smoking in City Parks Proposed Ordinance Concerning Cannabis Use in Public 330 227449v3 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. ____ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 14, ARTICLE 14-IV OF THE CHANHASSEN CITY CODE CONCERNING SMOKING IN CITY PARKS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN ORDAINS: SECTION 1. FINDINGS AND PURPOSE: A.By enacting 2023 Session Laws Chapter 63, the Minnesota Legislature enacted Minn. Stat. Chapter 342, legalizing adult-use cannabis. B.The new law prohibits the smoking use of cannabis only in areas where smoking is prohibited under the Minnesota Clean Indoor Air Act (“MCIAA”). C.The new law also enacted Minn. Stat. § 152.0263, authorizing the City to limit the use of cannabis in public places and establish that such use is a petty misdemeanor offense. D.The MCIAA prohibits smoking in enclosed, indoor areas open to the public. Minn. Stat. §§ 144.413–.414. The MCIAA defines smoking to include the use of nicotine, tobacco, marijuana, or other plants. Minn. Stat. § 144.413, subd. 5. E.The MCIAA does not prohibit smoking in outdoor public places, but permits cities to enact and enforce more stringent measures than the MCIAA to protect the public health. Minn. Stat. § 144.417, subd. 4. F.Pursuant to its general police powers, including but not limited to Minn. Stat. § 421.221, subd. 32, the City may enact regulations to promote the health, safety, order, convenience, and general welfare of the City. G.The City Council finds it necessary to prohibit smoking in and around public parks to protect individuals at those outdoor public places from secondhand smoke or from involuntary exposure to aerosol or vapor from electronic delivery devices. SECTION 2. AMENDMENT: Chapter 14, Article 14-IV of the Chanhassen City Code is amended to add a new Section 14-71 to read as follows: Sec 14-71 Smoking Prohibited (a) Smoking is prohibited in all City Parks, in all public parking lots that are adjacent to City Parks, and inside all motor vehicles located in any City Park or adjacent public parking lot. 331 227449v3 (1)Smoking means inhaling, exhaling, burning or carrying any lighted or heated cigar, cigarette, pipe or any other lighted or heated product containing, made or derived from nicotine, tobacco, cannabis, hemp, or other plant, whether natural or synthetic, that is intended for inhalation. Smoking also includes use of an electronic delivery device. (2)Electronic delivery device means any product containing or delivering nicotine, lobelia or any other substance, whether natural or synthetic, intended for human consumption through the inhalation of aerosol or vapor from the product. Electronic delivery devices includes, but is not limited to, devices manufactured, marketed or sold as e-cigarettes, e-cigars, e-pipes, vape pens, mods, tank systems, or under any other product name or descriptor. (b) A violation of this section is a petty misdemeanor. SECTION 3. EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ____ day of _________, 2023, by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota. ATTEST: _____________________________________________________________ Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Elise Ryan, Mayor 332 227553v1 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. XXX AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 11 OF THE CHANHASSEN CITY CODE CONCERNING THE PUBLIC USE OF CANNABIS AND HEMP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN ORDAINS: SECTION 1. Chapter 11 of the Chanhassen City Code is amended to add a new Section 11-7 “Public Use of Cannabis and Hemp” to read as follows: Sec. 11-7 Pubic Use of Cannabis Products (a)Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Cannabis means any product containing the harvested flower, bud, leaves, or stems of a plant of the genus Cannabis that has a delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol concentration of more than 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis. Cannabis includes adult-use cannabis flower, medical cannabis flower, and any derivative, concentrate, extract, resin, or other product made from a cannabis plant. Hemp means any product containing the harvested flower, bud, leaves, or stems of a plant of the genus Cannabis that has a delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol concentration of no more than 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis. Hemp includes any derivative, concentrate, extract, resin, or other product made from a hemp plant. Electronic Device means any product containing or delivering a substance intended for human consumption through the inhalation of aerosol or vapor from the product. Electronic delivery device includes, but is not limited to, devices manufactured, marketed or sold as e- cigarettes, e-cigars, e-pipes, vape pens, mods, tank systems, or under any other product name or descriptor. Smoking means inhaling, exhaling, burning or carrying any lighted or heated cigar, cigarette, pipe or any other lighted or heated product that is intended for inhalation. Smoking included using an electronic delivery device. Public Place means property owned, leased, or controlled by a governmental unit, and private property that is regularly and frequently open to or made available for use by the public in sufficient numbers to give clear notice of the property's current dedication to public use. Public Place but does not include the following: (1)a private residence including the person’s curtilage or yard; 333 2 227553v1 (2) private property not generally accessible by the public, unless the person is explicitly prohibited from consuming cannabis flower, cannabis products, lower-potency hemp edibles, or hemp-derived consumer products on the property by the owner of the property; or (3) the premises of an establishment or event licensed to permit on-site consumption. (b) Prohibited Activity. No person shall smoke cannabis or hemp in a public place. (c) Penalty. Violation of this section shall be a petty misdemeanor. SECTION 2. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication. PASSED AND ADOPTED this _____ day of __________, 2023, by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota. Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Elise Ryan, Mayor (Published in the Chanhassen Villager on ) 334 City Council Item August 14, 2023 Item 2023 Second Half Suburban Rate Authority Assessment File No.Item No: J.1 Agenda Section CORRESPONDENCE DISCUSSION Prepared By Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Reviewed By SUGGESTED ACTION N/A Motion Type N/A Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS 2023 Second Half Suburban Rate Authority Assessment 335 Offices in Minneapolis St. Cloud Fifth Street Towers 150 South Fifth Street, Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 (61 2) 337 -9 3O0 telephone (612) 337-9310 fu kennedy-graven.com Affirmative Action, Equal Opportuniry Employer C\rnt(b/)*brue CHARTERED G raYen JAMES M. STROMMEN Of Counsel Direct Dial: (612) 337 -9233 Email : j strommcn@kennedy-graven.conl l:u/ry 27,2023 Ms. Laurie Hokkanen City Manager City of Chanhassen P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 -0147 Re: 2023 Second Half Suburban Rate Authority Assessment Dear Ms. Hokkanen: Enclosed is the second half assessment for 2023 membership in the SRA. Please note that if the Citv has already Daid its full 2023 assessment.we are still enclosine the notice confirming the $0.00 owing fbr 2023. and the attached updates. The assessment with the first half assessment invoice is SRA member option to cover its lull annual always available to avoid the administration of two installments rather than one 2022 and the first half of 2023have been extremely busy and successful years for the SRA. In 2022 and 2023, all three regulated gas and electric utilities serving substantial areas of SRA membership (CenterPoint Energy, Xcel Gas, Xcel Electric) litigated their rate increase petitions before the PUC. The SRA intervened in each on behalf of its residents, businesses, and cities as customers. Customer savings and PUC-ordered additional data from the utilities on municipal customer service costs for upcoming rate cases resulted from the SRA's efforts in these cases. Details are contained in the attached, updated History of the SRA. Further, I also attach the outage credit excerpt from Xcel Electric's 2022 Anntal Service Quality Report. You will note over $600,000 in Xcel credits to customers for outages were paid in 2022, a substantial portion of those going back to customers living in SRA cities. These outage credits are due to SRA past efforts, and they will continue each year under the formulas shown. My partner, Bob Vose, has now stepped in as general counsel and I will step away more into full reiirlment now that the Xcel Electric case is completed by PUC order of July 77 ,2023. Kennedy 336 Ms. Laurie Hokkanen Iuly 27,2023 Page 2 We thank you for your City's continued membership in and valuable contribution to the SRA, a collective voice for municipal interests in gas, electric and telecommunications. very \ (,rr-' StrommenJames M Of Counsel Enclosures SRA Delegate Bob Vose, General Counsel 337 Excerpt from Xcel Ene A o ril 27. 2023 Report Below is a list of documents attached to this Annual Report that provide additional information: Attachment A: QSP Tariff Summary Attachment B: Customer Complaints by Category Attachment C: Telephone Response Time Detail Attachment D: Reliability Detail Attachment E: Major Event Days (MED, Attachment F: Gas Emergency Response.fime Detail Attachment G: Accurate Invoice Detail Attachment H: Invoice Adjustrnent Timeliness Detail B. TBr-BpHoNE RESPoNSE TrME Attachment C to this Annual Report provides a summary of our 2022 telephone respoflse metric and depicts an average annual response time of 84.600/o which is above our standard ler.el of greater than or equal to 800/o. The renegotiated metrics approved by the Commission in the 2013 Order revised the telephone respoflse time metric to include all calls to our Call Centers or business office, whether they are handled via Interactive Voice Response (IVR) or by call center fepfesefltatives. C. CustowrBR OUTAGE Cnnorrs The QSP Tanff requires that we p^y ^ $50 credit to customers experiencing six or more outages unrelated to major event days (MEDs) in the performanceyear, and those experiencing afl outage lasnng 24-hours or more. In addition, the QSP Taiff also provides a credit for customers who have continuously resided at an address experiencing consecutive years of interruptions according to the below terms: A $75 credit to customers experiencing five or more interruptions in two consecudl,e years; A $100 credit to customers experiencing fout or more interruptions in thtee consecutive years; and A $125 credit to customers experiencing four or more interruptions in fout or more consecutive years. The QSP Tanff further provides that large municipal pumping customers on the A41 'Ianff receive $200 credits for each outage unrelated to MEDs lasting more than one minute per year. Similady, small municipal pumping customers on the A40 Tanff a a 2 a 338 I Ene 127 2023 Re rt receive $100 credits for each outage unrelated to MEDs lasnng more than r>ne minute per year. Table 1 provides the detailed customer count per outage crcdit type. The majority of the credits have been implemented and we are in the process of completing credits for a small number of customers. Tesr-B l:2022 OurecB Cneorrs 2022 Ctedits Dollars Six or N[ore Service Outages 5,261 $263,050 Outages Lasting 24-Hours or Longer ,+35 $21,7s0 Consecutive Years of Outages 961 $85,825 Tracked Small Nlunicipal Pumping Outages (A,10)1,059 $105,900 Untracked Small Nlunicipal Pumping Outages (A40)218 $40,(t72 Tracked Large Nlunicipal Pumping Outages (A41)55+$110,800 Untracked Large Nlunicipal Pumping Outages (A41)19(,$52,332 Total 8,717 $680,329 As previoush. discussed in the above-referenced dockcts, thc Oompanl,is unable to track all outages for all of our customers due to the c<;nstraints of our current distriburion infrastrucfure. As a result, there are approximatelr' 200 large municipal pumping meters (on the A41 Tariff) rvhich ma1, har-e had untracked outages that were gacatcr dran onc minute and equal to or less than five minutes. 'I'hcrc arc also approximatclr'250 small municipal pumping meters (rn the ,\40'I'ariff) rvhich mav havc had untracked outages that rvere Seater than one minute and cqual to or lcss than f,rvc minutes. .l'hus, rvc havc issued proxv credits for these customcfs rvho mar,har.e had untrackcd momcntan' outages. To determine the large municipal pumping customcr proxv crcdit, u,c used the 2022 outages that rvere gfeater than one minute and equal to or lcss than fir'e minutes that rve can track for our other municipal pumping customers and determined that on a\.erage, other large municipal pumping customers received 5267 (rvhich is eclual trl 1.34 outages per \rear at $200 per outage) in credit for outagcs of this duration. Wc rcccntlv scnt thcsc customers a letter and issued a 5267 bill credit. 'l'hc lcttcr pu-idcs customcrs an opportunifi to pro\.ide documentation frrr additional credits if thev believe ther, had more than ts,o qualifi.ing outages rn 2()22. To determine the small municipal pumping customer proxy ctedit, rve used the 2022 outages that rvere greater than one minute and equal to or less than hve minutes that rve can track for our other small municipal pumping cust()mers and determined that on average, other small municipal pumping cust()mcrs reccivcd $1(r4 (rvhich is cqual t<> 7.64 outages per vear at $100 per outage) in credit for outages of this duration. $7e re cendy seflt these customers a letter and issued a $164 bill credit. 'I'he letter provides customers -) 339 SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY HISTORY AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS (UPDATED JULY 27,2023) INTRODUCTION This summary is intended to summarizethe history, purposes and accomplishments of the Suburban Rate Authority ("SRA"). The SRA has obtained important gas and electric utility rate decisions before the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission ("PUC"), most recently for Xcel Energy streetlighting and municipal pumping rate reductions from Xcel-proposed rate designs and revenue allocations saving all cities an estimated $200,000 to $300,000 a year. Over the SRA's history beginning in 1975, it has been responsible for telephone, gas and electric rate savings to suburban residents, businesses and municipalities in the millions of dollars. SRA cities have also been active in clean energy initiatives and other issues raised as utility services and use of public land evolve. The SRA is a joint powers ("JPA") organization currently consisting of 32 Twin Cities Metropolitan Area suburban cities totaling well over one million in population. (List of member cities attached) The SRA is authorized by its JPA to intervene in PUC proceedings, and address matters affecting gas, electric and telephone rates, services, franchises and utility right-of-way regulation affecting SRA cities. This has historically included assisting cities in formulating terms of gas and electric franchises, wireless communication site leases on public land and utility right- of-way use, including small cell regulation. The SRA is also authorized by its joint powers agreement to address sanitary sewer matters or other utility services provided by a governmental agency such as the Metropolitan Council. SRA HISTORY The SRA was organized in 1963, for the purpose of providing collective strength in negotiating franchises with the Minneapolis Gas Company (later Minnegasco and now CenterPoint Energy), which served the original SRA members. In 1974, the Legislature adopted the Public Utilities Act to provide for state regulation of gas and electric utilities, except for cooperative electric associations and municipal utilities. In l975,the SRA reorganized to intervene in the early gas and electric cases and employ its expertise in utility regulation as well as address suburban municipal interests before the PUC. Since that time, the SRA has been active as a party in matters concerning gas, electric and land-line and wireless telephone rate regulation of utilities serving SRA cities - Xcel Electric, CenterPoint Energy, Xcel Gas, and the telecommunication providers using city right-of-way and other public land. EXAMPLES OF SAVINGS TO CITIES/RATEPAYERS FROM SRA EFFORTS The collective voice and cornbined resources of Twin Cities suburban municipalities has allowed the SRA to address utility issues rnost single suburban cities cannot afford to take on. The SRA is careful to address unique issues not otherwise of interest or within the expertise of state agencies or other parties involved in utility matters. For example, solely through recent SRA efforts, municipalities and residential and business customers in Xcel's electric service 340 territory have received several million dollars in back credits since 2014 for unexcused electrical outages. This includes outages for municipal pumping stations totaling approximately $600.000 a year on an Xcel system-wide basis. These are ongoing savings. What is now "ancient history" in the telecommunications world - 1990-2000, SRA efforts before the PUC eliminated then Northwestern Bell's tiered telephone pricing system skewered against suburban customers located fuither away from the central Minneapolis and St. Paul area. The resulting equal Twin Cities area telephone rates saved suburban ratepayers millions of dollars until the now unrequlated rates and cell phone use has supplanted land-line phones. 2022-2023 Streetlighting, Municipal Pumping, Natural Gas Infrastructure Rate Savings/Costing Data Improvements/Continued Gas Piping Replacement Requirements. In 2022-2023 all of the PUC-regulated gas and electric utilities serving SRA cities filed for sought rate increases totaling hundreds of millions of dollars annually from ratepayers. The SRA retained an expert rate consultant to address the complex rate allocation and rate design issues affecting residential, business and municipal rates as customers. While important rate of return and revenue requirement issues were addressed successfully by Minnesota state agencies, the SRA focused on issues unique to cities as streetlighting, municipal pumping (Xcel Electric) and gas infrastructure integrity, data accuracy and use of assets during the February 2021 gas price spike (Xcel Gas and CenterPoint). Through its expert consultant, the SRA was able to obtain very successful results with savings for LED streetlighting, lowered cost allocation of revenue requirements to streetlighting, more favorable treatment of municipal pumping for sales true-ups, better data on costs for future rate cases and assured continuation of gas utility timely replacement of aging piping to minimize gas leaks and eliminate failing piping in city right-of-ways. The collective result of SRA efforts in these cases brought rate savings to customers in SRA cities totaling hundreds of thousands of dollars annually with PUC-ordered updated cost data requirements for future rate cases. 2019-2021The SRA joined the State Agencies and other parties in recommending two Xcel Electric rate case deferrals, stabilizing rates and benefiffing SRA interests. These "Stay-Out" agreements maintained electric rates at 2019 levels, avoiding large rate increases for residential and city customers during the COVID pandemic. The SRA actively participated and obtained agreement from Xcel for continuation ofprevious settlement terms for LED streetlighting, without interest costs, and separate sales true-up treatment for municipal pumping stations saving cities an estimated $200,000 in surcharges due to municipal pumping performance during COVID. 2015-2019 LED Streetlighting Changeover from HPS by Xcel in SRA Cities. The SRA was a major municipal voice in analyzing LED pricing, lamp styling and promoting new LED lighting offerings by Xcel. The SRA was at the table on behalf of municipalities and has worked with the City of Minneapolis before the PUC in reaching a settlement on streetlighting rates during the LED changeover, creating a regulatory asset to be carried forward to the next rate case, as offset by LED savings. SRA efforts resulted in moderating increases in streetlighting rates for the Xcel multi- year rate period of 2016-2019. Today, over 80o/o of SRA city streetlighting is energy saving LED lighting. The remaining regulatory asset identified and measured in the recent 2022-23 Xcel Electric rate case was very small and will be fully recovered in 2024. 2 341 2016-2017 SRA Participation in League of Minnesota Cities Small Cell Wireless ROW Access Review, Legislation. The SRA participated actively in reviewing and commenting to the League of Minnesota Cities during the 2017 Legislative Session at which new small cell siting regulations were added to the utility right-of-way use law, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 237. 2016 Small Municipal Pumping Rate Settlement. On November 2,2016, the SRA settled with Xcel on small pumping station outage credits. Xcel paid $497 .737 in credits from January 1,2014 through March 1,2016 to all Xcel municipalities. The SRA municipalities received $131,950 in credits during this period. These totals are in addition to the ongoing outage credits for large and small stations that have now been maintained at the $200 and $100 per outage amount under the tariff. 2015 Xcel-ROW Statement of Work Tariff-Undergrounding Agreement. Through the SRA's sole efforts, city customers of Xcel now have the right to scrutinize undergrounding of distribution line costs incurred by Xcel in ROW projects when the city decides to pay for the undergrounding at its option. Prior to the PUC approval of the new tariff, cities were required to pay the entire Xcel-estimated cost of the work, up front, with no opportunity to obtain a refund of unused costs or review the reasonableness of the construction costs. 2013 Xcel Residential/Business Customer Outage Credits. Due to repeated, uncompensated outages occurring within a residential neighborhood of an SRA member city (Roseville), the SRA successfully argued for an expansive formula to credit customers who have repeated electric outages in Xcel service territory that remain unrepaired. These credits range from $50 to $125 and have been implemented since 2013 to the benefit of Xcel residential and business customers. 2011 Xcel Gas $3.5 Million Rate Base Reduction. In a PUC proceeding, the SRA successfully eliminated $3.5 million requested by Xcel Gas for predicted facilities relocation projects not proven to be funded through the American Recovery Act. 2010 CenterPoint Energy $4 Million Rate Base Reduction. The SRA successfully eliminated $4 million requested by CenterPoint in its rate case related to costs to replace faulty and dangerous piping it purchased but did not inspect at the time of purchase. 2009-2016 CenturyLink Alternative Form of Regulation (AFOR). The SRA intervened actively on behalf of Twin Cities Metropolitan Area cities in the AFOR proceedings. In these AFOR proceedings, the SRA has sought and obtained important protections against potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars in pass-through costs to city residents and businesses CenturyLink sought for facilities relocation and undergrounding. 2005-2019 Model Gas and Electric Franchise, Franchise Fees. The SRA has traditionally assisted its members and established model gas and electric franchises. The SRA has served as a resource on franchise terms. includine the implementation of franchise fees. The SRA has worked with the League of Minnesota Cities to establish the published SRA-League Model Gas and Electric Franchise. aJ 342 2007 Cooperative SRA-Xcel Effort to Reduce Electric Usage in Pumping Stations. The SRA worked with Xcel during 2001 and 2008 to identifu strategies to reduce electric rates and electricity usage at municipal pumping stations. It is throueh this process that the SRA identified the method ofhow minimizins use of pumpinq stations durins the six winter months can result in the estimated $ 1.000-$20.000 annual savines in rates to city pumping station electricity bills. The hieher savines estimates would apply to larser municipalities with multiple redundant wells usine qreater than 25 KW in electricitlz. It is likelv that even small municipalities would be able to utilize some savinqs from this method. available because the SRA was able to retain the municipal pumping rate in this rate case. 2005 Service Lateral Utility Locate Rules. The Office of Pipeline Safety Rules, effective January 7, 2006, requires cities to locate water and sewer service laterals of utilities found in the right-of- way. This includes service laterals that are privately-owned for water and sewer, located deep under the right-of-way. The SRA assisted in the process of equipping cities within ordinances and permit lanquaqe to effectively obtain location information on newly-installed water and sewer service laterals. 2003 Xcel Metro Emissions Reduction Plan-Audit. The SRA was a signatory to a plan endorsed by the Governor's Office and approved by the Public Utilities Commission in December 2003. The Plan will have a significant impact on Metro Area pollution reduction as well as a reduction in the need for additional transmission upgrades and sites. 1999-2002 Right-of-Way Management. The SRA participated significantly with the League of Minnesota Cities and staff from Minneapolis and St. Paul in developing rieht-of-way leeislation, rieht-of-way rules promulgated by the PUC and model right-of-walu management ordinances based on the 1997 legislation and 1999 PUC right-of-way management rules. 1998 612 Area Code Split along Municipal Boundaries. The SRA was the original and primary advocate of area code boundaries drawn alone municipal boundaries ("952","763","657"), rather than telephone wire centers for the 612 area code split. Adoption of this position by the Minnesota PUC was the first of its type in the United States. 1997-1999 Right-of-Way Legislation and Task Force Participation. The SRA played an important role in assisting the League of Minnesota Cities in the 1997 comprehensive legislation governing telecommunication providers' use of municipal righfof-way. The SRA also actively participated in the preparation of the model right-of-way ordinance that arose out of this legislation. These righrof-way management Rules have been very successful and continue to be used, without amendment or litigation twenty-five years later. 1996 Model Wireless Communication Lease Agreement. The SRA provided primary drafting contributions to a League of Minnesota Cities Model Site Lease Agreement for PCS/cellular communication antennas. This Model has been distributed to Minnesota cities for use in negotiation on site lease agreements. 1992 US West Telephone Rate Savings. As of November l, 1992, residential and business telephone rates for US West Twin Cities local calling area became equal by class of service 4 343 throughout the metropolitan area. This PUC action eliminated the tiered telephone rates that were has saved outer Metro suburban of dollars since its implementation. The US West Tier System charged higher rates for residential and business customers living in the suburban areas. In 1984 the SRA achieved a reduction of one half of the tier ratios. This elimination of the Tier System is a direct result of SRA's intervention and arguments against differentiating telephone rates by geographic location. MEMBER ASSESSMENTS The SRA members are assessed on the basis of population and voting power. Each 5,000 in population or fraction thereof, is equal to one vote. For instance, a city of 23,000 would have five votes. Ln2023, each vote equals a$479 per year annual assessment. The SRA has been very fiscally responsible and benefits greatly from the continued membership of its members. We hope you find this summary informative. If you have any questions about the information, please contact Bob Vose, SRA general counsel, at Kennedy & Graven at 612-337- 9275. 5 344 2023 SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY MEMBER CITIES Bloomington Brooklyn Park Burnsville Carver Chanhassen Circle Pines Deephaven Eden Prairie Edina Fridley Golden Valley Hastings Hopkins Lauderdale Maple Grove Maplewood Minnetonka Mound Orono Plymouth Robbinsdale Rogers Roseville St. Anthony Village St. Louis Park Shakopee Shoreview Spring Lake Park Spring Park Victoria Wayzata Woodbury 6 345 City Council Item August 14, 2023 Item 2023 Building Permit Activity File No.Item No: J.2 Agenda Section CORRESPONDENCE DISCUSSION Prepared By Jenny Potter, Sr. Admin Support Specialist Reviewed By SUGGESTED ACTION Correspondence Motion Type N/A Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS 2023 Building Permit Activity July Year to Date 346 2023 Building Permit Activity July YTDCity of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 952-227-1100 Residential Single-Family 6 t2 0 l8 Residential Townhomes I I 0 2 Apartments/Senior Facilities 0 0 0 0 Total Residential 7 l3 0 20 Residential Building Permits I't Quarter 2od Quarter 3"d Quarter 40 Quarter Total YTD New I 0 0 I Redeveloped 0 0 0 0 Remodeled l5 25 I 4l Total Commercial 16 25 I 42 Commerciat Buitding Permits I't Quarter 2od Quarter 3'd Quarter 4tb Quarter Total YTD Single-Family Lots 63 49 49 Residential Townhome Lots 52 51 51 Total Available Lots 115 100 100 l't Quarter 2od Quarter 3'd Quarter 4th Quarter 68 98 48 l8Single-Family 49 40 0 2Townhomes56l800 Apartments/Senior Facilities 268 0 0 110 0 0 Commercial 58 62 66 74 61 42 431 120 134 282 109 62Total Number of All Permits 2019 2020 2021 20232022Total Permit H g :\admin\forms\building permit activity 2023 ytd.doc Available Lot Inventory (end of Quarter) 2018 347 BUILDING PERMIT DATA 81212023 Ilm AUGUST DECEMBER TOTALS I Sctron I R6id6tial 0 0 0 $i I SF DETACHED r0l I z 2 20 $9.735.610 SF ATTACHED r02 I 0 0 2 FAMil,Y 103 I 0 $0 104 $0 5 OR MORE FAMILY I 0 0 SO Subtotal 109 $0 $0 $0 s0 s0 20 20 20 $9,735,610 S@ti6 2 R6id6tial. Non HOTELS/MOTELS OTHER Subtolal $0 $0 s0 $0 S6tion 3 NonrGiddlial $0 Church6 $0 Industsial $0 Pdking $0 Sdicc Statior/R@arr 0 0 0 $0 H@itavlnstilutional I 0 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 0 0 0 s0 Schels 0 0 0 s0 Stor6 I I 0 $120.000 thd 2 I 0 331-975 2 $ l 05,000 4 0 0 $215.000 2 $105.000 $0 $0 $0 $0 1 2 0 s366_975 I S@tim 4 Additim I I iddtial 102 649 Nonr6idatial I $275,000 4t 4l ilag6 $185,000 3 3 s3.364.231 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 693 693 0 0 0 $0 2 Fmily $0 3'4 fmilv 0 0 0 $0 5 or m6e fmilv 0 0 0 $0 Othq 0 0 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0 0 0 $0 TOTALS s0 't20 ?15 20 s16-146-617 Av6UcValuatio Sation I R6idqtial I SF DETACHED #DM0l cDtv/o!HDn//OI ,Dru/OI SF ATTACHED gDlvot #Drv/o!#Dlvo!#Dlvo!#Dw/0! 2,FAMILY HDIV/O!,DM0!HDTV/O!fDIv0!HDTV/O!HDwlo! 3.4 FAMILY #Dtv/ot rDlvo!HDTV /O\lrDlv/o!#Drv/0! .< OR MORE FAMILY #DTV/OI llD[v/o1 HDIV/O!fDMo!/,DIv o!ilDw/0!#Dry/0! #Dw/0!HDry/OI i/Dw/0!l/DM0!#DM0!#Dw/0!$486,781 14 GIPLAN\CENSUS\RPT 2023.x1s ,JTIt,Y SEPTEMBER C'CTOBER l!s!E!!!E4 Valtratron Pffmrts. Bldgs Untr" Vr'ludrron Pomrrs. Bldgs I nrls Valuarron Ptmrrs Bld8s. I nils Valuatron Pmrls Bldgs I ni5 Valuaron Pmrr Bldgs I nrls Valualron $0r S@tion 5 Dmalitpn SF Attachql rcrB' ).14. I ltl t20 121 12) t2:1. 1)4 125' 126 121 . 128. \29 414' 411 118 645 641{, $0 (, lt rt g{) oo],,,n .lr$0 i)0o. 0{) 0 r) 0. o. 000 Officrry'Billc/Profsidrl -----+ Prblic Wnlc T+I+ + ++ ShffiodEdmbldp I Subrdrl I $0 t0l I I l14 fI-t = t\90423t oi grc,q:a,998 0l $r l.r 78,21i4 0 s430,750 o] $26,044.032 I 114subtota! Subtolal $0 I-a-ffi rDwio! l T l HDIvtol OVF]RAI-I- AVERAGE $486,78t ilDM0l 4DMol . 4DtV10l+ 348