RLS 123 REGISTERED LAND SURVEY NO. CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA R.L.S. FILE No. R.T. DOC. No. L A K E: CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED C H R IS T.M A 5 N'E OF CHRISTMAS LAKE sHOREL I I MAY 0 4 2007 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT It) o JLM ...... ~~:, T- O) C\/ W I: ...... T- O 'l:t o C\/ o Z SCALE IN FEET I r ~ -- ~ o 60 120 /.1./ JL M ::? o~€> " ~. ~CQ 1JJ It) I.t) 0) !:fj "1-' co ~ 00 "- - <' ,,'f:: ........-> .'. ~.r.l , ...". c:.~~.~ '\" ;"'.. "..' JLM 0 Denotes Judicial landmark found TRACT A ,-."-1 ...... o Denotes 1/2 inch x 18 inch Iron Monument set and marked RLS 24992 /1 Right-at-way -L~ Easement / 0 C\J JLM ~r 3(}- Utility and ""'1: ) Ori veway Easemen t.~'::::"l 25 lit: per doc. no. 112260 'l1.6 JLM rr. I.~ - - - -<()ffi':" 00 ~07' 00"[ 156. 13 .: I ill ................{....1/0 ~t~ 20: . ~ ~gj I' I CO ~ ~ g ~ I I ~~ cci 0;\ I f8b III 0 <-.., I ('f')0 ~-o Z ~ ~ ~I I lIlo. - en 't- 'f t' ~ ~ I .....-t,. III E . ~ E ~J ! ..:::'; :g Ingress and Egress ii/I' Utility Easement per ~ Easement per doc. / I / doc. no. 112260 and .. _~~/AC_~_B_. ~ no. ~I,:~,\ l ~-t ~::,e.:'s"8el~ per doc ."~;"1 ~1 /.r y /II,!I I ~~4.50 '" .,::: ;::, ~ / "';' :/~~y/ Ill,' !VI~J J ......-} o.y f . NORTH LINE OF THE 2 (j) / / ,'I I . G/ ~ :..... SF 1/4. NE 1/4. SEC. _C\ - / I .~O/ ')1 : "', / / !:: :3 I I JLM ?,CP' ~~ __I_+-__~~! 1::.:,.201~__;.~.:~ '; ,0 ~'" ~I 12 61 ~ T 101.4784.......... ....-.~~i~~4! WW ~~ L-~ i>:~ ~ . 131. "Wi I ~. 195. ?6o"w ..... -c: 582024'26 L:.~ 1? 0 AD; S8J .00 ~ l' :: I /...... _ ; I:' :.<t ~ t:: ~ ..."...- ~/ 1 1-'; ~~ ..: ~ . . '. . "':" Sanitary sewer and watermain easement. per doc. no. 22372 THE EAST LINE OF THE SE 1/4, NE 1/4, SEC. 2. TWP. 116, R. 23 IS ASSUMED TO BEAR NORTH /... '\:,:,.: ,. ':.Y .,. .'. ! - "') (.:. to.l ::./ . N90.00'OO"E 90.00 :' :.": '.,r", .\.: :...... .to .1 "- a 0) C\J C\J ~ CV) s:> o ~ o "- a 2 121.03 133.64 588035'41 "W ~~ ;.t:\ :,>-:1( .)., ",1 '. "3 ;... .. f f..! C... .'~' .\..' I .- ,,",0 o 'lJ L..Jl/) SE corner of SE 1/4. NE 1/4. Sec. 2. Twp. 116, R. 23 .............. LOT SURVEYS COMPANY, INC. LAND SURVEYORS CAST IRON MONUMENT rOUND SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS R.L.S. FILE No. REGISTERED LAND SURVEY NO. CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA R.T. DOC. No, '."' I hereby certify that in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 5081 Minnesota Statues of 1949 as amended, I have surveyed the following described property in the County of Carver. State of Minnesota, to wit: Tract D. Registered Land Survey Number 123, Carver County, Minnesota. and That part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and of Government lot 1 in Section 2. Township 116 North. Range 23 West of the 5th Principal Meridian described os follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of said Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter; thence on on assumed bearing of North, along the east line of said Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, 0 distance of 1320.00 feet; thence on 0 bearing of West a distance of 544.50 feet; thence South 42 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 100.32 feet; thence South 83 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 195;95 feet; thence North 3 degrees 15 minutes 50 seconds West a distance of 32.09 feet; thence South 82 de~rees 24 minutes 26 seconds West a distance of 188.12 feet, to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing South 82 degrees 24 minutes 26 seconds West a distance of 101.48 feet; thence South 88 degrees 35 minutes 41 seconds West a distance of 133.64 feet; thence North 7 degrees 40 minutes 03 seconds East a distance of 299.07 feet; thence North 31 degrees 39 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 89.59 feet; thence North 88 degrees 07 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 156.13 feet. to the intersection with 0 line bearing North 0 degrees 06 minutes 41 seconds West from the point of beginning; thence South 0 degrees 06 minutes 41 seconds East 0 distance of 291.73 feet to the point of beginning. The boundaries of the premises an!~marked by Judicial landmarks (except for the southerly boundary located in Pleasant View Road) set pursuant to Torrens Case No. T -630 as shown on the plat of survey on file in the ,office of the Clerk of Court. The above described property is subject to on easement for public right-of-way purposes in Pleasant View Road over the southerly 20 feet thereof. That the survey shown hereon is a correct delineation of said survey. Dated this day of ,20~ CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED Gregory R. Prosch Minnesota License No. 24992 MAY 0 4 2007 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT CHANHASSAN, MINNESOTA The Registered land Slrvey was approved and accepted by the City Council of the City of Chanhassan, Minnesota, at 0 regula- meeting held this day of 20~ CITY COUNCL OF THE CITY OF CHANHASSAN, MINNESOTA By Mayor By Clerk COUNTY SURVEYOR, Carver County. Minnesota Pursuant to Chapter 395, Minnesola laws of 1971. this Registered land Survey has been approved this of , 20~ day John E. Freemyer Carver County Surveyor COUNTY AUDITOR Carver County, Minnesota I hereby certify that there are no delinquant taxes for all years prior to 20_ for land described on this Registered land Survey and transfer entered. Dated this day of , 20~ Mark lundgren Carver County Auditor COUNTY TREASURER Carver County, Minnesota I hereby certify that the taxes payable for the year 20_ for land described on this Registered land Survey have been paid on this day of , 20~ Tom Kerber Carver County Treasurer REGISTRAR OF TITLES, Carver County, Minnesota . I hereby certify thot this Registered land Survey was filed on this at 0' clock _ M. os DOCUTlent No. day of 20_ Carl W. Hanson JR. Registrar of Titles LOT SURVEYS COMPAN~ INC. LAND SURVEYORS SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS