5-19-2023CHANHASSEN COMMISSION ON AGING MINUTES May 19, 2023 CALL TO ORDER Vice-Chair Camarata called the meeting to order at 10:04 MEMBERS PRESENT: Laura Baumtrog, Gwen Block, Jim Camarata, Kara Cassidy, Ruth Lunde (zoom), Beth Mason, Bhakti Modi (Zoom), and. MEMBERS ABSENT: Ruth Slivken STAFF PRESENT: Mary Blazanin, Senior Center Coordinator, MacKenzie Young-Walters, Associate Planner, Eric Maass, Planning Director GUESTS PRESENT: Allison Streich, Carver County CDA Deputy Director, Dawn Plumer, Carver County Public Health, Linnea Fonnest, Adults Services Librarian APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Lunde made the motion to approve the agenda. Commissioner Cassidy seconded. All members voted in favor and the motion carried. Agenda was approved. COMMISSION ON AGING MINUTES APRIL 21, 2023: Commissioner Cassidy Camarata moved to approve the minutes as amended. Commissioner Baumtrog seconded the motion. All members voted in favor and the motion carried. MONTHLY REPORTS: Allison Streich, Deputy Director of Carver County CDA – Carver Oaks Senior Residence Project. - Allison gave an overview of the Senior Residence Project. Commissioners heard the updates from Deputy Director Streich and gave more feedback on design ideas. DISCUSSION ITEMS: Arbor Day Update – Tree Planting happened on May 6 at Bandimere. They planted trees and made seed-bombs. Manuel Jordan’s talk was very informative about planting trees. Memorial Day on Monday, May 29th, 2023, at Noon, City Center Park Eric Maass gave an update. The Commission on Aging table will be ready for Jerry Cerchia and other volunteers when they arrive. July 4th Bingo Event Update Commissioners were asked to reach out to the businesses to get donations for the event. Chair Lunde said that in the past, she would have to reach out to the businesses several times before any donations were made. The question was asked how the businesses get recognized. There is a large poster that will have the names of those that donated that is posted at the event. Commissioner Block will be the point person for the Bingo event and Commissioners Mason and Baumtrog will assist. A question was raised about attending the Trade Fair Expo on July 3rd. Commissioner Modi may be able to assist with the table on that day. Eric will report back to the Commission about that event. Act on Alzheimer's Update Chair Lunde reported that they prepare for the month of November. Some of the Act on Alzheimer’s materials are used for the Trade Fair Expo. Mary Blazanin will assist with getting information out to the Commissioners on how to order brochures for use at these events. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS Community Health Update: Dawn Plummer told the commission that a 2nd bivalent booster for COVID was approved for those 65 and older or with other risk factors and provided a handout. The emergency order for COVID ended May 11. Library Adult Program Update: Linnea Fonnest, Adults Services Librarian, shared all the upcoming programs that will be offered by the library. Saturday, June 17th, there will be a jigsaw puzzle swap at the library. They will also have a Book Bingo during the swap. Games and Gathering will be a program offered to engage all ages this summer and fall. The Library is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. Senior Center Update: Mary is working on fall and winter programs. They have had requests for more trips, so they are working on additional programs. Mary gave an overview of programs. Jerry Ruegemer’s presentation was praised for being very informative. The presentation included information about the new Senior Center and that Mary will be taking feedback about what should be included. Eric Maass gave an update that they will be looking for input on design, but it might be in the next few months and will add it to the agenda when appropriate. Commissioner Modi would like to be added to the agenda for next month. ADJOURNMENT: Vice-chair Camarata called for meeting adjournment. Commissioner Lunde moved to adjourn; Commissioner Cassidy seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 11:16 am Minutes Prepared by Jenny Potter Submitted by Eric Maass, Planning Director