Taxes paid 7301 Laredo DriveDocufiEnt Number: T2Zlr79 Torens @rtifi cate: 42577.0 Cancelled Certificate: 22986.0 Rled and/or Recorded on bc.17, 7021 2:57 PM Ofnce of tlE County Recorder/@tstrar of .l-rtles Can€r County, Minn€sota Kaaren Lewh, Regbbar of Titles Crystal Campo6, Arldttor Mary l..a!E Wahl, Treasurer Deputy DL Cedftate of Real Estate value * 1359959 PID: 25.8200120 No ddinquent Ees Transfu enEred Docurnert Recording Fees $ 46.m Conservatbn Fee $ 5.00HTax $.1445.10 Doc.tmefitrd,t $ 11496,10 RequesurE Party: Watsflnart Tttle Agercy - Qualia P4es: 4 This ortr paqE has been ad&d b thb document by Caryer Cqrnty land Recods ard b now an ffial part of thb r€@fded docum€nt