Certified Resolution 2023-63 Lane use AmendmentsOITY OT OIIANIIASSTN Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow CERTIFICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF CARVER I certifu that the foregoing and annexed document entitled "RESOLUTION NO. 2023-63 APPROVING AMENDMENTS TO THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN 2O4O COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE CHAPTER - LAND USE AMENDMENT FOR CRIMSON BAY" adopted by the Chanhassen City Council on July 24,2023, containing one (l ) page, is a true and correct copy of an electronic document bearing one or more electronic signatures this 25ft day of July , 2023. Kim ssen,Clerk Notary Stamp KIM T. MEUWISSEN Notary Public-Minnesota My Comrtbsb.l Expitc Jfi 3'1,2025 My commission expires January 31,2025 My Notary Commission number is 6110279 City Seal PH 952.227.1 I 00 . www.cha n hassen mn. gov . FX 952.227. I I I 0 ) ) ) ss 77OO MARKET BOULEVARD.PO BOX I4T.CHANHASSEN .MINNESOTA 553I7 DocuSign Envelope I D: CB44DAFB-Fg1 B-4 1 5F-BC6A-12C'l 21 482D64 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE:Julv 24.2023 RESOLUTION NO:2023-63 MOTION BY: Schubert SECONDED BY: A RESOLUTION APPROVING AMENDMENTS TO THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN 2O4O COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE CHAPTER - LAND USE AMENDMENT FOR CRIMSON BAY WHEREAS, the City of Chanhassen adopted the 2040 Comprehensive Plan on February 10,2020; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on June 20,2023, to review amendments to the 2040 Comprehensive Plan to amend the land use map for Crimson Bay; and WIIEREAS, the Planning Commission voted on June 20,2023, to recommend that the City Council adopt the amendments to the 2040 Comprehensive Plan, Land Use Map, to revise the land use for Lot l, Block l, Crimson Bay, Carver County, Minnesota, from Residential Large Lot to Residential Low Densityi and WHEREAS, the proposed amendments have been submitted for jurisdictional review on May 23,2023, and have not had any negative comments; and WIIEREAS, the proposed amendments are minor in nature and re-guide2.84 acres of land from Residential Large Lot to Residential Low Density. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chanhassen City Council approves the amendments to Chapter 2,Land Use, Figures2- 6, Land Use in l0-Year increments, Figure 2-8,2020 - 2040 Land Use Comparison, and Figure 2-10,2040 Land Use Map, of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan contingent upon Metropolitan Council review. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Chanhassen City Council this 24ft day of Ju1y,2024. ATTEST: by:by: diy- Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Elise Ryan, Mayor YES NO ABSENT Ryan McDonald Schubert von Oven Kimber Kimber Figure 2 - 6 Land Use Tabe In 10 - Year Stages, Existing and Planned I LAND USE TABLE IN IO-YEAR STAGES rnd Phmed Lrnd Use Table Within Urban Service Area Alloweo Densrty Kange flarrsino IThlt./A.ra 2015 2020 2030 2040 Change 2015.2040 Minimum Maximum Low Densil 1.2 4 3.829 3.900 4.454 4,720 891 Low Densil 988 917 273 4 8 300 313 387 499 199 115 102 112 8 l6 68 99 15t 250 182 155 27 124 31 t5 3 4 Commercial (16 - 30 units per acre l6 t2 6 ( 16) Commercial (vacant - lifest ')l6 - 30 units per acre 24 9 Office vacant -3 16 - 30 units per acre 24 9 C/I Land Uses I-st. Emptoyees/Bldg. So. Ft. Commercial t/400 190 203 284 328 Commercral vacant 62 29 29 lndustrial 1/500-1/750 646 752 78r 843 19'l Industrial 259 153 62 Office I 'develo l/300 238 242 266 281 43 Office r t67 139 3 1t400 30 38 67 86 56 Mixed Use Primaril l3 5 l9 txfractlve ses Institutional 1.204 1.204 1.204 1.204 438 438 478 480 42 Open S 856 856 941 1,301 445 wav 1.244 1.244 1.244 1.244 Rarlroad \lrport Subtotal Sewered 10.860 10.860 10.926 11.294 2-208 Outside Urban Service Area Minimum lot size Maximum lot size 20r5 2020 2030 2040 Change 201*2040 2.5 na 950 950 930 930 (20\ use 891 891 880 512 (379\ Subtotal Unsewered l .841 1.84 I 1.810 1.442 (399\ Wetlands I use 2.089 2,089 2,089 2.089 ater,2,059 2.059 2.0s9 2.059 Total 14.760 14.760 14.795 14.795 35 G:\PLAN\COMPREHENSIVE PLANS\2040 comp Plan\Amendments\7750 Crimson Bay\Land Use 10 year.xlsx Residential Land Uses Medlum L,ensrty Resrdentlal (develoDed) Medlum L,ensrtv Resldentlal (vacant) Hlsh lJensltv Resldentlal (develoDed) Hleh Densltv Resldentlal (vacant)89 Mrxed Use Pnmarrlv Resrdentialt (develooed)2t)i9 54 58 Mrxed Use Prrmanlv Resrdential* (vacant) 138 Mixed Use Primarily C/l* (developed) Parks and Recreatron Utllrty -arse Lot Resldentral undeveloDed FIGURE 2.8 2020 - 2040 Land Use Comparisons 2020 - 2040 Land Use Comparison Land Use 2020 2030 2040 Land Use Plan Land Use Plan Land Use Plan Change 2020-2040 Acres Percent Acres Percent Acres Percent Acres Commercial Office/lndustrial Office Parks & Open Space Public/Semi-Public 268 1.8o/o 328 2.2o/o 328 2.2%60 905 6.1o/o 843 5.7o/o 843 5.70/o (62) 405 2.7%278 1.9o/o 281 1.9o/o (124) 1,294 8.8%1,419 9.60/o 1,781 12.0o/o 487 1,204 8.2%1,204 8.1o/o 1,204 8.10/o Residential Large Lot 950 6.4%930 6.3%930 6.3%(20) Residential Low Density 4,817 32.60/o 4,727 31.9o/o 4,720 31.9o/o (e7) Residential Medium Density 415 2.8%499 3.4%499 3.4o/o 84 Residential High Density 223 1.5%240 1.60/0 250 1.7o/o 27 Mixed Use 85 0.6%144 1.0o/o 144 1.Oo/o 59 Undevelopable 4,194 28.4%4,183 28.3o/o 3,815 25.8o/o (37e) TOTAL 14,760 14,795 14,795 35 Undevelopable Lakes, Floodplain, Rivers, Streams 2,089 2,059 2,059 Road Right-of-Way 1244 1,244 1,244 Agriculture 891 880 512 TOTAL 4,194 4,183 3,815 GIPLAMCOMPREHENSIVE PLANS\2040 comp Plan\Am6ndm6nts\7750 Crimson Bay\land use comparison 2020 - 2040 revised 7750 Crimson Bay.xlsx 813t2023 I ,'i E I a 1.,i m Rrrl l.rl tr I LIF Lu!.r' itr t[| H Ei - - l;I it llllt ,.; ffi .,"' ,i El ,.-l T I # I T I I i T4 2040 Land Use * P(rt.,nlial gr xrrt Crrmmpnial l I ,i,, Commereial l ql ' il fl H s [.r Olln r OIIi( r lndustridl hlixoLI E N t I l ,1 Crcefcd Ey; City of Chenhrrecn - EngincctinE D.p.rtnrrrtt D.l. Crr.Ld: ry{2023 ffi t I i7 4 t- 101 City of Chanhassen FIGURE 2 - l0 2M0 Land Use Map I I I I I \ t t Blu Crck Corridor .\_\,. RcEidcflual Lirgc tot\"\' (2.5 At.re Minimum 1/10 u/ A('ro) Reaidential tow Dosity (Net Dercig 1.2 - 4 u/ Arre) ,,,,,,, Rr.siriettiu l M.{ium DeruritvIllllll (Net rvnsitv { - 8 u / Aen) RPsidenti6l Hi8h DPnFity (Net Densitv 6 - 16 u/ &re) 1 'r Agricullurc Parks . OJren SJra* Pubh S.'mi-Puhln' .(&0 !,on Ill:]]]]fIet --Nrh