CC Minutes 23-17City Council Minutes – July 24, 2023 3 Councilman von Oven congratulated the fire chief on excellent data. He asked the chief to expand on the differences between emergency and non-emergency calls. Mr. Johnson stated that if the fire department can avoid using emergency lights, it benefits motorists. The fire department aims to respond appropriately to each call. As the department has consistent staffing, the immediate appeal to respond to Code 3 calls has decreased. City Manager Laurie Hokkanen stated that in 2014 the average response time to get out the door was over 9 minutes. Due to council changes to the fire department, the average response time to arrive at the call has decreased. 2. Quarterly Law Enforcement Update Lt. Lance Pearce updated the council with quarterly activity from April, May, and June. For A offenses, there were 101 incidents. For B offenses, there were 35 incidents. For non-criminal incidents, there were 1296 incidents, including fire, medical, suspicion calls, and mental health calls. There were 1269 traffic incidents, including traffic stops, impaired drivers, speeding violations, and expired vehicle registration. There were 114 property damage incidents, 14 personal injury accidents, and two fatalities. Lt. Pearce shared that there were additional training opportunities for officers, including two sessions of on-duty range, legal update with the county attorney’s office, and tactical response team training. Mr. Pearce stated that July 4th was a successful event with only minor incidents. Lt. Pearce stated that the mid-year crime rate has decreased by 31 percent since last year. Significant incidents have occurred this year, including four weapons-related calls, a robbery, and a homicide. These types of calls did not occur last year. For non-criminal offenses, there has been a decrease in alarms, animals, and suspicion calls. There has been an increase in missing person calls, mental health calls, and abuse calls. Lt. Pearce highlighted there have been five police officers killed in the line of duty regionally. Dispatcher Lisa Anderly and Deputy Jeff Trick retired after many years of service. One final highlight is that the CrisisGo Responder starts next week. He hopes to bring them to council in the future. Mayor Ryan thanked the Lieutenant for the information. She asked if there were any changes to patrol with the legalization of marijuana. Lt. Pearce stated they completed the training with the county attorney’s office, but they are adapting to the changes by the legislature. Mayor Ryan thanked both the fire department and law enforcement for their continued service. PUBLIC HEARINGS. 1. Resolution 2023-62: Consider a Request for Approval of a Metes and Bounds Subdivision at 2630 Orchard Lane Senior Planner Bob Generous shared information about the property. The owner wants to split his lot into two parcels, which exceed the minimum area, frontage, and depth requirements. City Council Minutes – July 24, 2023 4 There is sewer and water available in Orchard Lane, and a roadway is in place, so no public improvements are required for this property. Mayor Ryan opened the public hearing. There were no public comments. Mayor Ryan closed the public hearing. Councilman von Oven moved, Councilwoman Schubert seconded that the City Council adopts the resolution approving a Metes and Bounds subdivision creating two single-family lots subject to the conditions of approval and adopts the findings of fact and decision. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. GENERAL BUSINESS. 1. Resolution 2023-63: Consider a Request for an Amendment to the 2040 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map from Residential – Large Lot (2.5-acre minimum) to Residential – Low Density (net density 1.2-4 units per acre) on property located at 7750 Crimson Bay Road Senior Planner Bob Generous shared that the city is considering extending Dogwood Road and connecting it to Crimson Bay. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on June 20, supporting the applicant’s desire to subdivide her property. Other residents did not want their properties subdivided. Councilwoman Schubert moved, Councilman Kimber seconded that the Chanhassen City Council adopt a Resolution amending the 2040 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map from Residential – Large Lot to Residential – Low Density for 7750 Crimson Bay Road. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. 2. Consider a Request for a Preliminary Plat, Site Plan, and Easement Vacation for 53 Rowhomes located at the Southwest Corner of Powers and Lyman Boulevards Planning Director Eric Maas shared the PUD Master Plan previously approved by City Council for the Avienda Rowhomes. Mr. Maass shared the general architecture information, site plan review, and renderings. One concern with the renderings is the lights near the roof, which would be recommended to change to decrease light pollution. Within the floor plans, there is an opportunity for an added feature of an elevator. Mayor Ryan asked if the council had any questions or comments. She appreciated the architecture, which will add to the overall look and feel of the rowhomes. Councilman von Oven moved, Councilwoman Schubert seconded that the Chanhassen City Council approves the Preliminary Plan, Site Plan, and Vacation of Existing Easement for the construction of 53 Rowhomes subject to the conditions of approval (Planning Case #2023-10) and adopt the Findings of Fact and Recommendation. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0.