09-12-2023 EDC Agenda PacketA.5:30 P.M. - CALL TO ORDER B.APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioners may add or delete items at this time. C.APPROVAL OF MINUTES C.1 Approve Economic Development Commission Minutes of August 8, 2023. D.VISITOR PRESENTATIONS E.DISCUSSION / GENERAL BUSINESS ITEMS E.1 Follow-up discussion on Downtown Zoning District Uses F.DIRECTOR'S REPORT G.ADJOURNMENT AGENDA CHANHASSEN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2023 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD 1 Economic Development Commission Item September 12, 2023 Subject Approve Economic Development Commission Minutes of August 8, 2023. Section APPROVAL OF MINUTES Item No: C.1 Prepared By Amy Weidman, Admin Support Specialist File No: SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Economic Development Commission approve the August 8, 2023 Commission minutes. ATTACHMENTS Economic Development Commission Minutes dated August 8, 2023 2 CHANHASSEN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 8, 2023 Chairman Anderson called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Eric Anderson, Commissioners Duke Zurek, Chris Freeman, Stacy Goff, and Luke Bame. MEMBERS ABSENT: Cohen Lee STAFF PRESENT: Samantha DiMaggio, Economic Development Manager PUBLIC PRESENT: None. Member Zurek moved, Member Freeman seconded to approve the agenda. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: APPROVE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES DATED JULY 11, 2023 Member Zurek moved, Member Bame seconded to approve the Minutes of the Economic Development Commission meeting dated July 11, 2023, as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. DISCUSSION/GENERAL BUSINESS ITEMS: 1. Tax Increment Financing and Tax Abatement Training Economic Development Manager DiMaggio explained Tax Increment Financing (TIF.) The commission discussed the purpose, types, and mechanics of how the financing tool works. A TIF district doesn’t exclude a development from paying taxes; the taxes collected before the redevelopment are still paid as usual and the increased tax is used to help finance portions of the development for no more than the statutory allotted time. They reviewed the TIF Financing used for the development of The Venue. The Commissioners then reviewed what Tax Abatement is, how this tool differs from TIF, and how that tool can also be used to promote economic development. 3 Economic Development Commission – August 8, 2023 2 Director’s Report: Ms. DiMaggio shared two recommendations from the city attorney regarding the business subsidy policy. First, the attorney recommended using language about demonstrated ability. The second suggestion is to state that only the minimum amount of subsidy needed to make a project financially feasible can be provided. The commission agreed to the suggested updates. The proposed business subsidy policy will have two public hearings on September 25 with the EDA and City Council. Ms. DiMaggio discussed recent meetings with both established businesses and potential new projects, including a gas station, an apartment building, the Chanhassen Dinner Theatre, a hotel, Southwest Transit, and a daycare. She also is working with a dance studio regarding SAC & WAC fees. The next Economic Development Commission meeting is scheduled for September 12, 2023. ADJOURNMENT: Member Freeman moved, Member Zurek seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. The Economic Development Commission meeting was adjourned the meeting at 6:48 p.m. Submitted by Samantha DiMaggio Economic Development Manager Prepared by Amy Weidman Administrative Support Specialist 4 Economic Development Commission Item September 12, 2023 Subject Follow-up discussion on Downtown Zoning District Uses Section DISCUSSION / GENERAL BUSINESS ITEMS Item No: E.1 Prepared By Sam DiMaggio, Economic Development Manager File No: SUMMARY The City Council adopted a moratorium ordinance on July 17 directing staff to complete a study to update the Central Business District (CBD) zoning ordinance. Staff has been working with HKGi on draft updates and has met with the City Council, as well as conducted public engagement surrounding potential policy changes for the CBD district. Staff is now seeking feedback from the Economic Development Commission (EDC) as it relates to potential ordinance revisions. BACKGROUND Update below on the anticipated timeline for updating of the CBD zoning district ordinance. July 17 – City Council Adopts Moratorium in CBD July 24 – City Council, Planning Commission, and Economic Development Commission participated in a joint meeting to discuss the future vision for the downtown CBD area. August 14 – City Council Meeting Work Session Discussion August 15 – Community Engagement Open House September 5 – Planning Commission September 12 – Economic Development Commission September 19 – Planning Commission (ordinance public hearing) September 25 – City Council (formal ordinance adoption anticipated) DISCUSSION RECOMMENDATION Staff does not have a formal recommendation for this agenda item and is seeking general feedback from the Economic Development Commission at this time. ATTACHMENTS 023-029 July City Council Presentation 5 CBD Discussion City Council 8-14 Unofficial Conditional Uses- CBD Zoning District Table Interim Uses- CBD Zoning District Table Lot Standards- CBD Zoning District Table Permitted Uses- CBD Zoning District Table Accessory Uses - CBD Zoning District Table Height & Setbacks - CBD Zoning District Table 6 CHANHASSEN DOWNTOWN STANDARDS + DESIGN GUIDELINES JOINT CITY COUNCIL, PLANNING COMMISSION, & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEETING JULY 24TH, 2023 7 DOWNTOWN DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES CHANHASSEN, MN 2 AGENDA • Introduction (5 minutes) • Presentation (25 minutes) »Overview Downtown Districts »Key Streets • Discussion (30 minutes + ) 8 DOWNTOWN DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES CHANHASSEN, MN 3 PROCESS / SCHEDULE Chanhassen DT Standards + Design Guidelines Schedule - 6/6/2023 2024 June July August September October November December January Task Task Description 1 Understand What Exists 1.1 Conduct Project Kickoff Meeting w/ City Staff 1.2 Collect Background Info + Understand Project Area 1.3 Create Revitalization Scenarios for Downtown 1.4 Create a Visual Preference Survey 1.5 Meet with City Staff 1.6 Meet with CC/PC/EDC #1 1.7 Conduct Property Owners Meeting #1 1.8 Conduct Neighborhood Meeting #1 2 Prepare Draft Recommendations 2.1 Recommend Potential Land Use & Zoning Changes 2.2 Meet with City Staff (Land Use, Zoning, District Recommendations) 2.3 Develop Draft Design Guidelines 2.4 Meet with City Staff (Site and Building Design Guidelines) 2.5 Refine the Draft Guidelines based on Staff Feedback 2.6 Meet with CC/PC/EDC #2 2.7 Conduct Neighborhood Meeting #2 2.8 Follow up Online Review of Recommendations 3 Refine to a Preferred Design Guideline Document & Seek Approvals 3.1 Develop Draft Design Guidelines Document 3.2 Meet with City Staff (Review Draft Guidelines Document) 3.3 Share Draft Design Guidelines Document for Public Review (Online) 3.4 Review Draft with PC 3.5 Review Draft with CC 3.6 Develop Final Design Guidelines Document 3.7 Review with Staff 3.8 Present Final Design Guidelines Document for CC Adoption Staff Meeting Property Owners City Council Joint CC/PC/EDC Neigbhorhood Meeting Planning Commission 9 DOWNTOWN DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES CHANHASSEN, MN 4 CURRENT GUIDANCE FOR DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT LakeVirginia ChristmasLake Lotus LakeBrendanPondLakeHarrison Kerber Pond Lake Susan Rice Marsh Lake Lake Riley Rice Lake Lake St. JoeLakeMinnewashta Lake Ann Lake Lucy ST18 ST14 ST15 ST17 ST61 MinnewashtaRegional Park North LotusLake ParkMeadowGreen Park Lake Ann Park Chanhassen Pond Park Chanhassen Nature Preserve Chanhassen Recreation Center Lake Susan Park Rice Marsh Lake Preserve Power Hill Park Bandimere Community Park Bluff Creek Golf Course Hesse Farm Park Preserve Lake Susan Preserve Raguet Wildlife Management Are MN Valley National Wildlife Re MN Landscape Arboretum Seminary Fen Scientific & Nat* Bluff Creek Preserve Independent School District 11 Independent School District 112 IndependentSchoolDistrict 276 Riley Ridge Park Fox Woods Preserve Lake Ann ParkPreserve SA5SA5 SA7 SA101 SA5 SA41 )212PowersBlvd AudubonRdL y manBl vdChanhassen RdArboretum Blvd Pio n e e rT rlGalpinBlvdHazeltineBlvdMarketBl v dPowersBlvdGreatPlains BlvdArboretumBlvd Flying Cl o u d D r ST101 ST101 GH117 Document Path: K:\Wall Maps\Zoning_Map\Zoning_Map.aprxDate Created: 2/10/2023 Created By: City of Chanhassen - Engineering Department µ0 3,000 Feet 0 0.5 Mile Zoning MapCity of Chanhassen Zoning Districts A2 - Agricultural Estate District BC-1 Bluff Creek Primary Corridor BF - Fringe Business District BG - General Business District BH - Highway and Business Services District BN - Neighborhood Business District CBD - Central Business District HC - Hwy 5 Overlay District 2 IOP - Industrial Office Park District NE - Natural Environment Lake OI - Office Institutional District PUD - Planned Unit Devel. District PUDR - Planned Unit Devel./ Residential District PUDRC - Planned Unit Devel. District/Regional Commercial R-8 - Mixed Medium Density District R12 - High Density Residential District R-16 - High Density Residential District R4 - Mixed Low Density Residential District RD - Recreational Lake RLM - Residential Low and Medium Density District RR - Rural Residential District RSF - Single Family Residential District Lake Virginia Christmas Lake Lotus Lake Brendan Pond Lake Harrison Kerber Pond Lake Susan Rice Marsh Lake Lake Riley Rice Lake Lake St. Joe Lake Minnewashta Lake Ann Lake Lucy ST18 ST14 ST15 ST17 ST61 Minnewashta Regional Park North Lotus Lake Park Meadow Green Park Lake Ann Park Chanhassen Pond Park Chanhassen Nature Preserve Chanhassen Recreation Center Lake Susan Park Rice Marsh Lake Preserve Power Hill Park Bandimere Community Park Bluff Creek Golf Course Hesse Farm Park Preserve Lake Susan Preserve Raguet Wildlife Management Are MN Valley National Wildlife Re MN Landscape Arboretum Seminary Fen Scientific & Nat* Bluff Creek Preserve Independent School District 11 Independent School District 112 Independent School District 276 Riley Ridge Park Fox Woods Preserve Lake Ann Park Preserve SA5SA5 SA7 SA101 SA5 SA41 )212PowersBlvd AudubonRdL y manBl vdChanhassen RdArboretum Blvd Pion e e rT rlGalpinBlvdHazeltineBlvdMarketBl v dPowersBlvdGreatPlains BlvdArboretumBlvd Flying Cl o u d D r ST101 ST101 GH117 Document Path: K:\Wall Maps\Zoning_Map\Zoning_Map.aprxDate Created: 2/10/2023 Created By: City of Chanhassen - Engineering Department µ0 3,000 Feet 0 0.5 Mile Zoning Map City of Chanhassen Zoning Districts A2 - Agricultural Estate District BC-1 Bluff Creek Primary Corridor BF - Fringe Business District BG - General Business District BH - Highway and Business Services District BN - Neighborhood Business District CBD - Central Business District HC - Hwy 5 Overlay District 2 IOP - Industrial Office Park District NE - Natural Environment Lake OI - Office Institutional District PUD - Planned Unit Devel. District PUDR - Planned Unit Devel./ Residential District PUDRC - Planned Unit Devel. District/Regional Commercial R-8 - Mixed Medium Density District R12 - High Density Residential District R-16 - High Density Residential District R4 - Mixed Low Density Residential District RD - Recreational Lake RLM - Residential Low and Medium Density District RR - Rural Residential District RSF - Single Family Residential District • Downtown Vision (2018) • Zoning Districts »CBD Central Business District »BH Highway and Business Services District »OI Office Institutional District »PUD Planned Unity Development District • Design Standards for Commercial, Industrial, and Office-Institutional Developments • Design Standards for Multifamily Developments 10 DOWNTOWN DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES CHANHASSEN, MN 5 2018 DOWNTOWN VISION PLAN GUIDING PRINCIPLES BUILD COMMUNITY Chanhassen’s downtown is a focus of the community’s culture. Constructing a downtown provides opportunities to build a commitment to Chanhassen “the place,” to reinforce the traditions of the community and to strengthen the ties between its citizens CREATE A CITY COMMONS A public open space for celebrating community life should be a highlight of the downtown, creating a center of activity and a focus for the downtown. CONNECT TO THE NEIGHBORHOODS Surrounding downtown neighborhoods should be linked, strengthening the relationship between the downtown and the community it serves DEFINE THE PEDESTRIAN NETWORK Some areas within the downtown should be dedicated solely to pedestrian use. They should be clearly defined, safe and provide convenient access to a variety of destinations. Larger outdoor rooms should be linked to the pedestrian network, allowing for planned community gatherings, informal activities or quiet retreat from the more active uses of the downtown. MARK THE DOWNTOWN The downtown’s entry points and edges should be defined, making them distinct and identifiable. The distinguishing features of the larger Chanhassen landscape should be reflected throughout the downtown. MIX USES IN NEW DEVELOPMENT Uses within the downtown should be mixed, encouraging people to visit at different times and for a variety of purposes. ELEVATE THE PEDESTRIAN REALM Users of the downtown should be able to walk conveniently and comfortably between destinations safely, thereby enlivening the public space and reducing automobile traffic. ANTICIPATE THE FUTURE The downtown should keep pace with technological change and readily adapt to the opportunities of the future. DOWNTOWN CHANHASSEN - VISION UPDATE NOVEMBER 13, 2018 11 PHYSICAL FEATURES ANALYSISCONNECTIVITY AND PROPOSED ENHANCEMENTS ENHANCED STREETSCAPE / PUBLIC REALM EXISTING HIGHWAY 5 OVERPASS IMPROVED PEDESTRIAN CROSSING OF HIGHWAY 5 POTENTIAL LONG-TERM CROSSING UNDER HIGHWAY 5 ENHANCE CONNECTIONS FROM STREETS TO LOCAL BUSINESSES ENHANCED PEDESTRIAN INTERSECTION CROSSINGS DOWNTOWN CHANHASSEN - VISION UPDATE NOVEMBER 13, 2018 13 DISTRICTS (LAND USE AND CHARACTER)LAND USE AND SUB-DISTRICTS 11 DOWNTOWN DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES CHANHASSEN, MN 6 DOWNTOWN DISTRICT BOUNDARY 12 DOWNTOWN DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES CHANHASSEN, MN 7 SUB-DISTRICT DIAGRAM 13 DOWNTOWN DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES CHANHASSEN, MN 8 SUB-DISTRICT DIAGRAM DIMENSIONS 14 DOWNTOWN HOPKINS, MN DOWNTOWN DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES CHANHASSEN, MN 9 DOWNTOWN COMPARISON 15 DOWNTOWN DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES CHANHASSEN, MN 10 DOWNTOWN COMPARISON DOWNTOWN WAYZATA, MN 16 DOWNTOWN DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES CHANHASSEN, MN 11 DOWNTOWN COMPARISON 50TH & FRANCE EDINA, MN 17 DOWNTOWN DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES CHANHASSEN, MN 12 DOWNTOWN COMPARISON HEART OF THE CITY BURNSVILLE, MN 18 DOWNTOWN DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES CHANHASSEN, MN 13 SUB-DISTRICT DIAGRAM • Are they still accurate? • Is there a downtown core? »Downtown Core is its own sub district? »78th & Market? • Where does housing go? 19 DOWNTOWN DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES CHANHASSEN, MN 14 TRAILS AND SIDEWALKS • Where are connections desired? 20 DOWNTOWN DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES CHANHASSEN, MN 15 BUILDING & PARKING LOT LOCATIONS 21 DOWNTOWN DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES CHANHASSEN, MN 16 KEY STREETS • Retail focused on these streets? • 78th over Market St for commercial frontage 22 DOWNTOWN DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES CHANHASSEN, MN 17 W 78TH ST CHARACTER 145’70’ 340’ 125’ 23 DOWNTOWN DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES CHANHASSEN, MN 18 W 78TH ST CHARACTER 55’ 140’ 60’25’ 24 DOWNTOWN DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES CHANHASSEN, MN 19 MARKET BLVD CHARACTER 65’50’ 280’ 165’ 25 DOWNTOWN DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES CHANHASSEN, MN 20 DOWNTOWN ENTRIES/GATEWAYS 26 DOWNTOWN DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES CHANHASSEN, MN 21 KEY STREETS 27 DOWNTOWN DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES CHANHASSEN, MN 22 KEY INTERSECTIONS 28 DOWNTOWN DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES CHANHASSEN, MN 23 DRIVEWAY ACCESS POINTS 29 DOWNTOWN DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES CHANHASSEN, MN 24 POTENTIAL NEW STREETS 30 DOWNTOWN DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES CHANHASSEN, MN 25 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. Aspirational districts or downtowns? What are some downtowns or other mixed activity districts that are good examples for future downtown Chanhassen? 31 DOWNTOWN DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES CHANHASSEN, MN 26 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 2. What are we striving for with the updated design standards? What are the priorities? »Building placement & scale? »Building design/architectural? »Parking area placement and design? »Pedestrian experience? 32 DOWNTOWN DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES CHANHASSEN, MN 27 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 3. Where does additional housing make sense in the downtown? 33 DOWNTOWN DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES CHANHASSEN, MN 28 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 4. Noting the challenges of vertical mixed use, how does stand-alone retail mix with multi-story, pedestrian-oriented development? 34 DOWNTOWN DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES CHANHASSEN, MN 29 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 5. Where are the logical redevelopment sites? 35 DOWNTOWN DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES CHANHASSEN, MN 30 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 6. Should W 78th and Market Blvd both have commercial at the street level? Is housing OK at the street level along these streets? 36 DOWNTOWN DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES CHANHASSEN, MN 31 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 7. Convenience/ auto-oriented commercial vs. pedestrian-oriented district or both? »Parking in front vs. parking at the side or behind buildings »Prioritize pedestrian connections 37 DOWNTOWN DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES CHANHASSEN, MN 32 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 8. Should the City push for additional connections (streets, trails, sidewalks) in the downtown with redevelopment? 38 City Council Work Session Minutes – August 14, 2023 3 FOLLOW-UP DISCUSSION ON CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT (CBD) ZONING DISTRICT ORDINANCE Planning Director Eric Maass presented recommendations for updates to the CBD zoning code, including the permitted uses table, accessory uses table, interim uses table, two options for conditional uses tables, lot standards table, and setbacks and height standards table. Council discussed commercial/retail uses on the first floor of a building in the CBD, whether existing commercial/retail uses adjacent to a residential area would stay commercial/retail if the site redevelops in the future, not allowing single-story strip malls, mixing commercial and residential uses, clarifying definitions, retaining existing businesses, signage requirements, fast food and drive-through restaurants, downtown west area, sidewalk displays, building height, and sidewalk setbacks. Mr. Maass stated that the next steps would be to present updates to the Planning and Economic Development Commissions, hold a public hearing at the Planning Commission, and ordinance adoption at a City Council meeting. FUTURE WORK SESSION SCHEDULE August 28, 2023 • Meeting Canceled September 11, 2023 • Presentation of Preliminary 2024 Levy and Gov Fund Budgets; 2024-2028 Gov Fund CIP September 25, 2023 • Fire Station Open House • City Council Roundtable October 9, 2023 • Police Contract Service Levels Discussion October 23, 2023 • Presentation of Preliminary 2024 Utility Fund Budgets and 2024-2028 CIP November 13, 2023 • November 27, 2023 • Final Review of Proposed 2024 Levy, Budgets, and CIP for all funds December 11, 2023 • City Council Roundtable The work session adjourned at 9:11 p.m. Submitted by Laurie Hokkanen City Manager Prepared by Kim Meuwissen City Clerk 39 # Currently Listed Notes for Proposed Revision # Proposed1 Brewery operated in conjunction with taproom producing over 3,500 barrels per year Unchanged 1Brewery operated in conjunction with taproom producing over 3,500 barrels per year2 Day care center2 Drive-through facilities Removed3 Convenience store with gas pumps Removed4 Freestanding fast-food restaurants RemovedConditional Uses within the CBDMoved from permitted use in CBD -> 40 # Currently Listed Notes for Proposed Revision # Proposed1 Farmers Markets Unchanged 1 Farmers Markets2 Reserved Unchanged 2 Reserved3 Churches RemovedInterim Uses within the CBD41 Chanhassen - CBD DistrictExcelsior - Downtown Commercial DistrictHopkins - Mixed Use Downtown Center District (MX-D)Wayzata - C-4 DistrictPerformance StandardMinimum Lot Area 10,000 square 008,000 square feetMinimum Lot Frontage 100 feet 000Minimum Lot Frontage on cul-de-sac60 feet 000Minimum Lot depth 100 feet 000Lot Coverage No maximum 100%85% impervious + 15% semi-perviousF.A.R. of 2.0Front Yard Setback No minimum 00 Min / 5 Max0*Rear Yard Setback No minimum 120' Min with 20' Alley, 10' Min without0*Side Yard Setback No minimum 00 Min0*Maximum Height No maximum 2 stories (<28 ft)2 stories Min / 4 stories Max3 stories or 35 ft*if adjacent to residential district then the setback applicable for that residential district shall applyWayzata Zoning Code https://library.municode.com/mn/wayzata/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=CD_ORD_PTIXZO_CH978CEBUDIExcelsior Zoning Codehttps://library.municode.com/mn/excelsior/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=PTIICOOR_APXEZO_ART50CODIHopkins Zoning Codehttps://www.hopkinsmn.com/DocumentCenter/View/4001/City-of-Hopkins-Land-Development-Code-PDFPerformance Standard DimensionMinimum Lot Area 0Minimum Lot Frontage 0Minimum Lot depth 0Lot Coverage 100%Roof Type Flat or ParapetDraft ProposalProposed Lot Requirements and Roof Type within the CBDDimensionExisting 42 # Currently Listed Notes for Proposed Revision # Proposed1 Clubs and lodges Considered "Restaurant" in proposed2 Fast-food restaurants as part of shopping cenerConsidered "Restaurant" in proposed3 Bars and taverns Considered "Restaurant" in proposed4 Standard restaurantsConsidered "Restaurant" in proposed5 Ballroom Considered "Entertainment" in proposed6 Community Center Considered "Entertainment" in proposed7 Cultural facilities Considered "Entertainment" in proposed8 Bowling Center Considered "Entertainment" in proposed9 Barber/Beauty Salons Considered "Commercial Services" in proposed10 Health and recreation clubs Considered "Commercial Services" in proposed11 Health services, outpatientConsidered "Commercial Services" in proposed12 Laundry and garment services Considered "Commercial Services" in proposed13 Locker rental Considered "Commercial Services" in proposed14 Print shops Considered "Commercial Services" in proposed15 Shoe repair shops Considered "Commercial Services" in proposed16 Tattoo and body art with piercing services Considered "Commercial Services" in proposed17 Theatrical producers and services Considered "Commercial Services" in proposed18 Coin-opeated service machines Considered "Commercial Services" in proposed19 Clothing Rental Considered "Commercial Retail" in proposed20 Convience stores without gas pumps Considered "Commercial Retail" in proposed21 Costume rental Considered "Commercial Retail" in proposed22 Photographic studios Considered "Commercial Retail" in proposed23 Quilting and scrap booking Considered "Commercial Retail" in proposed24 Retail sales Considered "Commercial Retail" in proposed25 Shopping centerConsidered "Commercial Retail" in proposed26 Sporting goods rental Considered "Commercial Retail" in proposed27 Financial institutions Considered "Commercial Office" in proposed28 Newspaper Offices Considered "Commercial Office" in proposed29 offices Considered "Commercial Office" in proposed30 Brewery with Taproom <3,500 Barrels subject to section 20-969 Unchanged 6 Brewery with Taproom <3,500 Barrels subject to section 20-96931 Brew pub subject to section 20-968 Unchanged 7 Brew pub subject to section 20-96832 Hotels Unchanged 8 Hotels33 Multiple-family dwellings including senior housing Unchanged 9 Multi-family housing [b]34 Microdistillery with cocktail room Unchanged 10 Microdistillery with cocktail room subject to section 20-96735 parking ramp Unchanged 11 Public Parking Ramp12 Post Office13 Library36 Utility service Moved to "accessory use" witin CBD37 Antennas Moved to "accessory use" witin CBD38 Day care center as part of shopping center39 Schools40 Convention and conference facilities41 Wedding chapelMoved to "conditional use" within CBDRemovedRemovedRemoved [a] Use cannot be located at street level on West 78th Street? [b] First floor commercial retail/service space required on first story along West 78th Street?Commercial Office [a]12345Permitted Uses in CBDRestaurantEntertainmentCommercial ServicesCommercial Retail43 # Currently Listed Notes for Proposed Revision # Proposed1 Parking lots and ramps Unchanged 1 Parking lots and ramps2 Signs Unchanged 2 Signs3 Temporary outdoor sales and events subject to section 20-964 Unchanged 3 Temporary outdoor sales and events subject to section 20-9644 Accessory Solar Energy Systems subject to section 20-1093 Unchanged 4 Accessory Solar Energy Systems subject to section 20-10935 Utility ServiceAccessory Uses within the CBD Moved from permitted uses -> 44 Min Max Min Max Min MaxDowntown Core16*1418912Downtown West16*1215912*3rd stories and higher shall have a setback of at least 10 feet from the front street property line and adjacent to any property line shared with properties zoned RSFChanhassen - CBD DistrictPerformance StandardFront Yard SetbackNo minimumRear Yard SetbackNo minimumSide Yard SetbackNo minimumMaximum HeightNo maximumWayzata - C-4 DistrictDimension*if adjacent to residential district then the setback applicable for that residential district shall apply0*0*0*3 stories or 35 ftDraft ProposalExisting Standards1202 stories (<28 ft)0 Min / 5 Max0' Min with 20' Alley, 10' 0 Min2 stories Min / 4 stories Excelsior - Downtown Commercial DistrictHopkins - Mixed Use Downtown Center District (MX-D)0Laredo Dr, Chan View, Kerber Blvd, Market St0-30'10-30'78th St, Market Blvd, Great Plains Blvd5-25'0-15'CBD Character AreasUpper StoriesTotal StoriesMinimum00Build To ZonesSide Yard SetbackPrimary Roadway Secondary RoadwayGround StoryHeight (ft)45