4a. 2007 Adult Softball Update
7700 Market Bou levard
PO Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
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Park & Recreation
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Recreation Center
2310 Coulter Boulevard
Phone: 952.227.1400
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1591 Park Road
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Senior Center
Phone: 952.227.1125
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Web Site
Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director
Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent 1\\
May 15, 2007 .
2007 Adult Softball
Monday - Men's Corporate Leaeue
This season, again, the Men's Corporate League and the Men's Open League combined
to make an 8-team league. Doubleheaders will be played again on this evening. They
will playa 28 game schedule. Their season began Monday, April 23, and concludes on
August 6. They will play on Lake Ann fields #4 and #5.
Tuesday - Women's Leaeue
The Women's League, for the eighth year in a row, combined leagues with the City of
Eden Prairie. Their season began Tuesday, April 24, and concludes on July 24. They
will play on Lake Ann fields #4 and #5 and at Round Lake Park and Lake Riley in Eden
Prairie. A total of 14 teams are participating, an increase of four teams from last year.
Wednesday - AdwtO"er40..Lea~e
This league has '1 teams this season and began play on Wednesday, April 25, and
concludes August I.. They willbe using Lake Ann fields #4 and #5. An end of the
season tournament will be scheduled, which will conclude on Wednesday, August 22.
Thursday - Men'sOpellLeacue
This league is popular again with 18 teams. The league is split into three divisions, with
an upper, middle and lower. Their season began Thursday, April 25, and will conclude on
July 26. They will play on L.akeAnn fi~lds #4,#5, and #6.
Fridav -Co-Ree Lei)lue
This league will.have 4 teams, which is the same as last year. Their season began Friday,
April 27, and will conclude on August 3. They will play on Lake Ann field #4.
I am looking forward. to another fun softball season. If you need any additional
information, please see me.
g: \park\s b\ THMemoInfo07
The City of Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play.