Administrative Section ministrative ection 2007 SCHEDULE PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION ATTENDANCE A T CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS Date An agenda and park and recreation items will be delivered to you the week prior to your assigned dates. Commissioners are invited to attend council work sessions starting at 5:30 p.m. If no items pertaining to Parks and Recreation are on the agenda, no packet will be delivered and you are not required to attend. Representative January 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeffl)aniel January 22 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vacant February 12 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tom Kelly February 26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Glen Stolar March 12 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paula Atkins March 26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jack Spizale April 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steve Scharfenberg April 23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeff I)aniel May 14 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1) an Campi on May 2 9 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tom Kelly June 11-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Glen Stolar June 25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Paula Atkins J ul y 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thor Smith J ul Y 23 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steve Scharfenberg August 13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeff I)aniel August 27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I)an Campion September 1 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tom Kelly September 24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Glen Stolar October 8 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paula Atkins October 22 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thor Smith November 13 --------------------------------------------------------------------------Steve Scharfenberg November 26 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeff Daniel December 1 0---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dan Campi on Glenn Stolar Home: 952-474-7671 VVork: 952-833-6560 stolardad@vahoo.com Paula Atkins Home: 952-934-0501 VVork: 952-380-4953 patkins @ goldengate.net Steve Scharfenberg Home: 952-368-3596 VVork: 952-838-4462 steves@sfmic.com Thor Smith Home: 952-470-6254 VVork: 952-746-8821 thoresmith @yahoo.com Jeff Daniel Home: 952-474-1227 VVork: 651-248-7574 ieffdanielll11 @mchsl.com Tom Kelly Home: 952-445-7417 VVork: 612-307-7386 thomas .kell y @target.com Dan Campion Home: 952-760-0811 Work: 763-954-2154 Daniel.campion @honeywell.com Todd Hoffman VVork: 952-227-1129 thoffman @ci.chanhassen.mn.us g: \park\th\ccschedule07 cc IcP~ ,#J'-IN ~~)/t7"/ May 4, 2007 To Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent: It is with great difficulty that I am informing you of my resignation from the City of Chanhassen, Recreation Supervisor Position. As you know, I have been offered and accepted a position with the City of St. Louis Park. I have greatly enjoyed working here during my short time and will miss working with the wonderful staff at the City of Chanhassen. I wish to thank you, the park and recreation staff, and the rest of the city staff for giving me a great place to work and in gaining valuable experiences, both professionally and personally. If there is anything I can do to help during the upcoming transition phase, please let me know. My last day here will be Friday, May 18th, pursuant to the City of Chanhassen's two week resignation notification policy. Again, I thank you for my time spent here, and appreciate the chance you have given me. Sincerely, ~-~~ -------, Nathan Rosa Cc: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Laurie Hokkanen, Assistant City Manager CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission iI! FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director DA TE: April 17, 2007 SUBJ: Lotus Woods Subdivision This application is for a preliminary plat to subdivide 7.6 acres into eleven single-family lots and one outlot with a variance to allow a 50-foot wide street right-of-way. The property is located south of Fox Hill Drive, east of Carver Beach Road, north of Big Woods Drive, and west of Lotus Lake. The proposed plat combines four separate parcels of land, currently best described as a woodlot, allowing for the orderly subdivision of the entire parcel into eleven single family lots. Eight of the lots are located in Block 1 and will be marketed as new home sites. The remaining three lots, comprising Block 2, are existing homes to three of the four owners and are located on Lotus Lake. Outlot A has been set aside at the request of staff as a means of preserving a small, intact section of the woodlot. PARK AND TRAIL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN REVIEW Parks This property is located within the park service area of Carver Beach Playground and Carver Beach Park. Carver Beach.Playground is located at 900 Carver Beach Road ~d is a two- acre site featuring a ball field, basketball court, and creative playground. Carver Beach Park is located at 6891 Lotus. Trail and is a six-acre waterfront park featuring two public swimming beaches, a picnic area, nature trail, and small playground. The nature trail follows the shoreline of Lotus Lake and is nearly Yz mile in length. Trails With the exception ofthe.nature trail and one section of concrete sidewalk, the Carver Beach neighborhood is void of trails and sidewalks. This condition is directly attributable to the age of the area and the narrow street grid and road rights-of-way. There is very limited, if notnon-existent,.right-or-way to construct sidewalks and/or trails in the area. Carver Beach Road serves as a main transportation comdor in the neighborhood for both vehicles and pedestrians. The one sidewalk mentioned is located on Carver Beach Road starting at Carver Beach Park and traveling west to Powers Boulevard. In addition to this sidewalk, an important "trail connector". is located at the terminus of Carver Beach Road linking pedestrians to Big Woods Boulevard, Kerber Pond Park, and south to the downtown area. The City of Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live) work, and play. Park & Recreation Commission April 17, 2007 Page 2 Outlot A The Park and Recreation Commission has the choice of recommending the City Council accept cash park fees or land dedication as a condition of approval for the Lotus Woods Subdivision. The cash park fees required of this application as submitted are $63,800 or $5,800 per lot. It is staffs recommendation that the Commission seek land dedication of Outlot A in lieu of cash park fees as a means of preserving some of the woodlot character that currently exists on this site. The location of Outlot A is at the intersection of Carver Beach Road and Fox Hill Drive and will serve as a landmark for the new residents. In addition, the larger neighborhood and community will view this dedication as a worthy investment in preserving the unique character of Carver Beach. Staff s request of the applicant was to maximize the size of the "no touch" outlot preservation on the comer. The maximum dedication of land allowed by our ordinance is one acre for every 75 people. With eleven single family lots, we use the calculation of 3.5 persons per home arriving at .51 acres or 22,361 square feet of dedication. As drawn, Outlot A currently contains 30,527 square feet with 8,050 of that being wetland. Wetlands are not accepted as parkland dedication. The wetland also has a 16.5-foot wide protected buffer that does not count towards the 22,361 square feet of dedication. Additionally, the upland area of the outlot is split into three separate parcels, the largest of which is located on the comer. However, this portion of the outlot is partially subjected to tree clearing, grading and filling, further reducing the "no touch" preservation node desired at this location. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend the City Council require, as a condition of approval for the proposed Lotus Woods subdivision, the full dedication of "no touch" parkland (22,361 sq. ft. for 11 lots or 20,328 sq. ft. for 10 lots) at the comer of Carver Beach Road and Fox Hill Road. This is an area with the general dimensions of 140 feet by 150 feet. The area currently depicted at this location is generally 140 feet by 86 feet with a full one-third of that area being subjected to clearing and grading. This land dedication would be in lieu of the collection of cash dedication fees. PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION ACTION On April 24, 2007, the Park and Recreation Commission visited this property prior to their regular meeting. Upon calling the official meeting to order, commissioners asked that the staff report be presented. Chair Stolar then called upon the applicant and members of the audience to speak. Upon listening to all of the speakers, commissioners discussed their positions on the proposed application. At the conclusion of the discussion, the following motion was made: Daniel moved, Scharfenberg seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission table the Lotus Woods subdivision request to allow staff time to discuss with the property owners and engineers their recommended approach towards dedicating land in lieu of park fees in an area estimated at 22,475 square feet and discuss the specific G:\PLAN\2007 Planning Cases\07-09 Lotus Woods\Park & Rec Report.doc Park & Recreation Commission April 17, 2007 Page 2 points listed by the commission such as grading, drainage swale, tree inventory, redesign of the house on Lot 8, and signage. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to O. On Monday, April 30, staff met with the applicant and agreed upon the configuration of the 22,475 square foot Outlot A and confirmed the requirements that no grading be conducted within the Outlot, the rip rap swale be deleted, and that the border of the Outlot be identified with appropriate signage. G:\PLAN\2007 Planning Cases\07-09 Lotus Woods\Park & Rec Report.doc Chanhassen Jazzercise Center 431:0 Coulter Boulevard Chanhassen,MN 55317 (952)949-3792 CD .!! "E t:!....cu CD CD> N.....!! NCO caCDo ..,013 CUI.. c>>CDCD (DG::=S fnCO cacaO .cc3c c ~ a1 f') .c N o E .. 0 u ~- J! ~ eN I) oC>>e 0.... @) c: C? c: 00)0 ~~t: E'~2 .2lOca c G) ... ._~CI .. E o e u. J! , _&. (J., e .. w s:.8 ..... ...... ~ ...:' .... '. ""i. .' . !: .i',; .- . ~.O'."""'O..'.:.'.....'."'........., ~ ... .' u eel) CD", (1)._ UJu as ... .eCD c~ elas .c.., o '-'"Oz (I) > .' N cm~m I'- (J.) .... C ~ 0 U<D Q) C? ~. o ..... 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So when his mother, Carmen, signed him up for the Chaska Parks and Recreation Prai- rie Fire Children's Theatre this spring, she called REACH for Resources to request an Inclusion Specialist to help make Wesley's experience a success. Inclusion is a service that REACH offers year round to help people with disabilities take part in non-adaptive community programs. The service is available to people of all ages, although children and teens are the primary users. REACH Inclu- sion Specialists can attend the program to help the participant blend in and pro- vide assistance to help them make the most of their experience. That assistance might include interpreting directions from coaches/instructors, redirecting behav- iors, adapting activities to meet the child's needs, or helping the child inter- act with other children in the program. In Wesley's case, REACH Inclusion Spe- cialist Mara LaNasa, made him feel com- fortable in the situation and helped him with breathing techniques when he be- came frustrated or nervous. Wesley's play was a success and his mother Car- More Inside men says that the service made all the dif- ference. "It helped him blend in with the other kids so he didn't stick out/ and that's something that's really important to a sixth grader." Carmen says that Reach Inclu- sion is "a great service" and that she would definitely use it again. REACH one-to-one Inclusion assistance is available for city park and recreation pro- grams to residents of Brooklyn Park, Brook- lyn Center, Chanhassen, Chaska, Crystal, Hopkins, Golden Valley, Minnetonka, New Hope Robbinsdale, and St. Louis Park. There is no additional cost for inclusion be- yond the standard program fee. Partici- pants simply register for the program through the city and then call REACH at least two weeks before the program be- gins to request an Inclusion Specialist. Wesley Edman (Continued on page 10) .... Parents Want to Know... page 2 .... Summer Programs...pages 3 - 7 .... Toke 5 Respite... page 9 Parents Want to Know! Q: How can I get my son/daughter's school to support my educational ideas during the IEP (Individual Education Plan) planning process? A: A relationshi p of mutual respect is the key . Your relation- ship with your child's school, especially the special educa- tion staff assigned to your child, can have a significant im- pact on the educational outcomes he/she will achieve. Therefore, it's an important relationship and well worth your time and investment. The best approach is to try to build a positive relationship with these teachers before any big decisions need to be made or conflicts resolved. What you want to do is to build some reserves in the "good will" bank from the start. At the beginning of the year, inquire as to who will be serving your child and then stop by before or after school to briefly intro- duce yourself. Explain how you see your child's educational needs and let staff know that you look forward to working as a team. Inquire as to which mode of communication the teacher prefers be it voicemail, email orwritten notes and if possible respect their wishes. Communicate frequently about how you see your child responding to the school day, highlighting not just problems but also any positives, any gains, and any excitement about learning that you observe. Understand that school staff are stretched thin and very hard pressed for time, so ask for only brief responses and ex- press appreciation for the teacher's time. Prepare for the annual I EP well ahead of time by reading about what it is and by planning what you'd like to request. A good IEP should help establish the process whereby your child's educational goals will be met. Recognize that it's a process; there is not just one right answer but rather, there are always multiple ways to accomplish goals. Try your best to be open and don't get defensive if your ideas are not immediately embraced by staff. Instead, ask questions to discover what barriers staff see to implementing your ideas. There may be issues with time, cost, personnel etc. that you are unaware of. Think about what the most essential ingre- dients are in your plan and ask school staff to do the same. Then think through with them any potential barriers and work to jointly create a hybrid plan that includes your essentials but also their ideas. Lastly, be sure to identify what the specific indicators for suc- cess will be. How will both you and your student as well as the teachers know if the plan is working? Remember, an IEP is not written in cement and it can be changed. If neces- sary, you can get some breathing room by saying, "Ok, let's try it for 4 - 6 weeks and then evaluate how it's going, by looking at our indicators". Then before you leave the room, get everyone to agree that should the indicators point to a lack of success, the plan will" be revised and the process continued. (Thank you to Pam Taylor, Educational Consultant, for shar- ing her expertise for this article.) REACH Introduces A New Program! Community Living HUB Services Each year, REACH receives many requests for services from individuals with mild or borderline cognitive disabilities who have been denied eligibility for governmental support, and we predict that the need for services will continue to outpace government funding for services. In keeping with our legacy of identifying needs and developing creative solutions for the people we serve, we are very excited to announce the launch of a new service concept that will allow REACH to serve even more people in need. REACH has begun a two year pilot project named HUB Services, which will provide community living support and training to in- dividuals and families who are not able to qualify for government services, and adults who are unable to pay for services them- selves. HUB Service participants will receive support from a case manager who will work with participants weekly during desig- nated hours at a central community location, such as a public library. The locations have not yet been chosen, but will be based on where participants live and ease of transportation. The HUB Service is designed specifically for individuals who have mild/borderline disabilities and are able to live independently, but need a minimal amount of support to do so. Once participants have enrolled in the program, it will be their responsibility to attend the HUB meetings and seek the help they need. Support offered will be tailored to individual needs and include: housing concerns, employment search and job skills, financial skills, health, nutrition and safety, socialization, connecting to other services in the community, and crisis prevention. For example, a participant could come to the HUB for help with an issue such as setting a monthly budget, applying for rental assistance, negotiating a conflict at work, developing a weekly meal plan, or finding help with a medical problem. The goal of the program is to maximize independent community living and self-sufficiency skills for those that participate. Because the HUB Services are offered at a central location, they are more cost-effective, and as a result we can serve even more people each year. There is NO COST to qualified participants for this service. If you feel the HUB Service may be an option for you, please contact Amber Norcutt at 952-988-4177 for more information about enrolling in the program · 2 Summer 2007 Schedules **.>f- for Resources Inc. Helping individuals with Diabilities Reach Their Full Potential 1001 Highway 7, #217 Hopkins, MN 55305 (952) 988-4177 Phone (952) 988-6728 fax EDUCATION, THERAPY, LEISURE ACTIVITIES REACH is an agency that serves individuals with developmental disabilities and their families in the West and Northwest metro area. Services include counseling, therapy groups, commu- nity living training and support, therapeutic recreation and leisure, information & referral. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Counseling & Educ-ation Counseling Reach for Resources specializes in working with people with developmen- tal disabilities such as mental retarda- tion, down syndrome, autism, and mild to borde~ine cognitive difficulties, and their families. Reach for Resources be- lieves in a friendly, supportive, person- centered approach, and in setting per- sonalized goals for each client. Reach accepts: Medical Assistance, Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN, Medica, America's PPO. To schedule an intake interview or for information on counseling op- tions call Usa Rivers, MA, LP at (952) 988-4177 Empowerment Group Our personal empowerment group for adults with mild developmental disabili- ties will resume in September 2007. We will be conducting intake interviews for new members over the summer. Adults in this group leam to support each other, solve their own problems, and advocate for themselves. For more information or to request an intake, contact Annie at 952-988-4161. Play It Safe! This fun course will teach you how to be safe and protect yourself at home and in the community PPL-Adair 4172 Adair Ave. N., Robbinsdale In the Community Room May 1 6 & 23 6:30 - 8:30 pm $15.00 WHERE: WHEN: TI ME: FEE: Housing Optionsl Home Living (Rescheduled from March) Choose the right home for you and learn to take care of it WHERE: Eisenhower Community Ctr. 1001 Hwy 7, Hopkins May 30, June 6, 13 6:30 - 8:30 pm $19.00 WHEN: TIME: FEE: Contact Matt at 952-988-4177 for more information REACH Annual Empowerment Banquet This exciting event is designed to teach participants valuable skills they need to speak up for their needs and make their own decisions. Speakers will include individuals who are active self- advocates in the community, as well as Reach Self-Advocacy Trainers. Individuals with disabilities and their families are invited to join us for this fun evening of leadership training and celebration of the accomplishments of self-advocates in our community! WHEN: Tuesday, June 5 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. WHERE: Vescio's Restaurant 401 Hwy 7, St. Louis Park COST: FREE For Self-Advocates Dinner Included! Call Annie at (952) 988-4161 for more information or sign up on the enclosed registration form. REACH OUT Life Skills Support for Adults with Disabilities Reach Out is a private pay in-home support service for adults with disabilities who want to live independently, but have been denied eligibility for other public assistance programs. Clients are assigned a case manager who provides on-going support with: . Housing . Employment . Managing Rnances . Health & Safety . Socialization . Transportation . Government Benefits Application . Regular phone Check Ins . Crisis Support Reach Out is tailored to your individual needs and offered at an affordable per session fee! Call May Perkins at 952-98-4177 for a Free Preliminary Assessment 3 Youth Programs (Ages 5 - 12) Kid Fu WHERE: Chanhassen Rec Center 2310 Coulter Blvd. Chanhassen Sports Sampler Playa variety of sports in this fun six- week programl A six-week martial arts program for kids. Come leam the moves of Jackie Chon and Bruce Leel Plymouth Creek Center 14800 - 34th Ave N Plymouth Wednesdays May 16-June 20 6:00 - 6:45 pm $40.00 Resident $45.00 Non-resident Program Minimum 5, Maximum 10 For more information, call Tara at (952) 988-4176 WHERE: TI ME: FEE: Tuesdays June 26-July 31 6:30 - 7:30 pm $30.00 Resident $35.00 Non-resident Program Minimum 5, Maximum 10 For more information, call Tara at (952) 988-4176 WHEN: TIME: FEE: WHEN: Bowling Join us for fun, non-competitive open bowling. You will bowl two games each week. Northwest West WHERE: Doyle's WHERE: Park Tavern 5000 W Broadway 3401 Louisiana Ave S Crystal St Louis Park WHEN: Tuesdays WHEN: Mondays June 19-Aug 14 June 18-Aug 13 TIME: 6:3~:30 pm TI ME: 6:3~:30 pm FEE: $30.00 Resident FEE: $30.00 Resident $35.00 Non-resident $35.00 Non-resident Plus $3.00 each week Plus $3.00 each week Program Minimum 3, Maximum 10 Program Minimu~ 3, Maximum 10 Rainbow Kids Club A mini day camp that focuses on games, activities, and crafts. WHERE: WHEN: Maple Grove area school. Location TBA Tuesdays and Thursdays, July 10-26 1 :00-3:00 pm $50.00 Resident $55.00 Non-resident For more information, call Becca at (952) 988-4178 Program Minimum 5, Maximum 10 TIME: FEE: 4 August Action This is a day camp designed espe- cially for you with fun, safe, supervised field trips throughout the metro area. WHERE: Various locations WHEN: Mon-Thurs August 13-1 6 1 :00-4:00 pm $35.00 Resident $40.00 Non-resident (Plus occasional fees depend- ing on activities) For more information, call Becca at (952) 988-4178 TIME: FEE: Teen Programs (Ages 13 - 2,1 ) Bowling Join us for fun, non- competitive bowling. You will bowl two games each week. Northwest Doyle's 5000 W Broadway Crystal Tuesdays June 19-Aug 14 6:30-8:30 pm $30.00 Resident $35.00 Non-resident Plus $3.00 each week Program Minimum 3, Maximum 10 WHERE: WHEN: TI ME: FEE: West Park Tavern 3401 Louisiana Ave S St Louis Park Mondays June 18-Aug 13 6:30-8:30 pm $30.00 Resident $35.00 Non-resident Plus $3.00 each week Program Minimum 3, Maximum 10 WHERE: WHEN: TIME: FEE: Weekend Ventures at Valleyfair! This is an overnight respite program where we will stay at a hotel in Shako- pee and spend all day Saturday at yalleyfair. Come join us for games, rides, movies, and lots of fun! WHEN: June 8th-10th FEE: $350 for entire weekend For more information or for an application, please call Becca at (952) 988-4178 Teen Explorers Note: New Days! A weekly social group that will explore your community by enjoying activities like concerts, plays, shopping, swim- ming, movies, and eating out. A North and West group are offered. WHERE: Various Metro area locations WHEN: North Explorers - Mondays June 18-Aug 6 West Explorers - Thursdays June 21-Aug 9 TIME: Approx. 6:30 - 8:30 pm FEE: $35.00 Resident $40.00 Non-resident Plus additional activity fee Program Minimum 5, Maximum 20 The Depot Group This unique program is designed to meet the social needs of teens with High-Functioning Autism or Asper- ger's Syndrome. We meet once a week at the Depot Coffee House in downtown Hopkins for plenty of FUN and social interaction. The summer session will run 8 weeks. WHERE: The Depot Coffee House Hopkins WHEN: Tuesdays & Thursdays Beginning week of June 12 TI ME: 4:00 - 5:30 pm (Jr High) 6:00 - 7:30 pm (High School) FEE: $200.00 To receive more information about this program and a registration form, please call Tara at (952) 988-4176 Softball This is a fun, non- competitive softball league just for teens! WHERE: Parker's Lake Field 15205 County Rd. 6 Plymouth Fridays June 15-Aug 10 6:30-8:00 pm $25.00 Resident $30.00 Non-resident WHEN: TIME: FEE: Take 5 Respite (NOW 3 WEEKS LONGER!) Com.e join summer respite to meet new friends, experience recreation ac.tjvities, and get out of the house! See- page 9 for more details WHERE: Minnetonka HS and St. Louis Park Rec. Center WHEN: Mon-Fri July 16-Aug 24 dIIIIft. 9:00 am - 3:30 pm ~~ $70.00 per day $30 per day for door-te-door transportation* $5 per day activity fee *Transportation provided within a spe- cific geographic location TI ME: FEES: For further questions or to discuss payment options, please contact Tara at: (952) 988-4176 Girl's Club. Join other girls ages 13-17 for fun and social skills development. Girl's Club is designed for girls who are independent in their personal care and can manage their own behavior. WHERE: Various Locations WHEN: May 19, June 23, July 28, & August 25 FEE: $35.00 Resident $40.00 Non-resident For more information, please call Tara at (952) 988-4176 5 Adult Athletics r( Join us for fun, non- competitive bowling. You will bowl two games each week. Northwest Doyle's 5000 W Broadway Crystal Tuesdays June 19-Aug 14 6:3D-8:30 pm $30.00 Resident $35.00 Non-resident Plus $3.00 each week Program Minimum 5, Maximum 30 WHERE: WHEN: TIME: FEE: WHERE: Earle Brown Bowl 6440 James Cir N Brooklyn Center Sundays June 17-Aug 12 6:30 - 8:30 pm $30.00 Resident $35.00 Non-resident Plus $4.00 Per Sunday Program Minimum 5, Maximum 30 WHEN: TIME: FEE: West Park Tavern 3401 Louisiana Ave S St Louis Park Mondays June 18-Aug 13 6:30-8:30 pm $30.00 Resident $35.00 Non-resident Plus $3.00 Per Saturday Program Minimum 5, Maximum 30 WHERE: WHEN: TI ME: FEE: Non-Competitive Softball Get outside and enjoy summerl Join us for some relaxing, fun games of softball. WHERE: Harley Hopkins Fields 108 Jackson Ave. S. Hopkins WHEN: Thursdays June 7-Aug 9 TIME: 6:30 - 8:00 pm FEE: $30.00 Resident $35.00 Non-resident * A competitive adaptive softball league is available through the Ridgedale YMCA. Call Molly at (952) 582-8264 for registration information. THANK YOU TO OUR WINTER 2006-2007 BASKETBALL SPONSORS We had a great season thanks to your generosity! The Barbetta Family Bechler Landscape Inc. Crystal VFW Bert Gardner and Betty Goodman Registration Notes and Information . If you are a new participant in On the Town, call Tara at (952) 988- 4176 for information and to-sched- ule an intake interview. . Please Note: Participants may only register for one social program per quarter. . Please do not sign up unless you will be able to attendl . If you are concerned about your program filling up quickly, please feel free to stop by the Reach for Resources office to complete a registration form in person. . Residents of our consortium cities are given priority in registration. Non-resident registrations will be held until one week before the start of the program. . You will receive a letter confirming your registration along with sched- ules for all programs you have been registered for at least one week prior to the start of the pro- gram. Summer registration will begin April 30 Fall registration will begin July 30 The Adaptive Recreation program is a cooperative effort of cities of Brooklyn Park, Brooklyn Center, Crystal, Golden Valley, Maple Grove, New Hope, Plymouth, Robbinsdale and REACH for Resources. REACH is an agency, which serves individuals with developmental disabilities and their families in the West and Northwest metro area. Services include information, referral, advocacy and counseling. Programs include social! recreation groups and education programs. An integration specialist is on staff to assist people who are interested in participating in "non- adaptive" recreation programs. For information and registration procedures, call Tara or Becca at 952-988-4177. NOTE: For persons not living in one of the above communities, you are considered a "non-resident" and need to add a $5 to the registration fee. 6 Adult Soc-ial Programs On the Town I A social goup foryoung adutts, ages 18 - 25, who are indeperdent and would like to explore their commurity. Meets 1wice per month. WHERE: Various locafions in the Norttwest & West Suburbs WH8'J: Every other Friday evering BeginringJune15 TItv1E: Varieswithactivity . ~ FEE: $15.00 Resident $20.00 Non-resident Plus ocJdifiond ocfivify fees Program Mrimun 5, Maximum 15 On the Town II A social goup for adults, ages 26 - SO, who can access the c011munity irdependently with nirimal supervision. Two Saturdays per month beginring Jan 13. WHERE: Various Iocafions in the Norttwest & West Suburbs V\lH8'I: Every other Saturday evening BeginringJune16 TIME: Varies with activity FEE: $15.00 Resident f.);;. $20.00 Non-resident Plus ocJdifional ocfivify fees Program Mrimun5, MCDdmum 15 Club West (west metro) and Wednesday Night Social (northwest metro) are social progams for adults age 18 and older. Meet new friends and visit with old friends while enjoying games, dances, movies, bingo, etc. Staff to pcrfidpa1t ratio is 1: 10 Progam Mnimum 5, tv\(]ximum 30 (for each progam) Club West Wednesday Night Social WHERE: Variouswestmetro locafions WHEN: Wednesdays June :.D-Aug 15 f.);;_ TItv1E: 6:30 - 8:30 pm FEE: $37.00 Resident $4200 Non-resident Plus cddtiond octivi1y fee WHERE: Crystal Communi1y Center {and other nearby locafions} WHEN: Wednesdays June :.D-Aug 15 6:30 - 8:30 pm $37.00 Resident $4200 Non-resident ,- _ Plus cddtimd activi1y fee TIME: FEE:. ~. Dances for All WHEN: WHERE: Friday, June 15 Minnetonka HS 18301 Hwy 7 WHEN: Friday, July 20 & Aug 17 WHERE: St. Louis Park HS 6425 W. 33rd St. TIME: 7 - 9 pm FEE: $4.00 at the door Sponsored by REACH & Project Soar Weekend Ventures For Adults Join us for a "mini-vacation" in Sha- kopee. We will be staying in a ho- tel and enjoying a trip to Valleyfair! WHEN: WHERE: Beat the Heat Dance* Wednesday, August 15 Crystal Community Center 4800 Douglas Dr., Crystal 7-9pm $4.00 at the door For more information or for an application, please call Becca at (952) 988-4178 WHEN: FEE: June 8-10 $350 for entire weekend TI ME: FEE: *Free for Wednesday Night Social and Club West participants! Ticket to Ride Reminder... To receive Ticket to Ride services, you must be a member of our consortium cities and live within the transportation boundaries established for your program (contact Tara or Becca at 952-988-4177). Your registration must be received by us at least one week prior to the start of the program to be eligible to receive a ride the first week. NEW! Members of the general public may use Ticket to Ride services to go to a Reach activity destination. For a list of destinations and to register, call Mary at 952-988-4177. To schedule transportation to the program, please caB Dial-a-Ride at 952-474-7441. ~. 7 Registration Form-Summer 2007 Advance payment is required for all programs. NO REGISTRATION AT PROGRAMS OR BY PHONE. To ensure a spot in the prog'ram(s) of your choice, mail in payment and registration form as soon as possible. Residents of the West & Northwest consortium of cities receive preference in registration. Registration is then open to non-residen1s of the consortium cities one week prior to the start of the programs (unless program is full). Registration Begins April 30, 2007 Name: Gender: M F Birth date: Address: City: Zip Code: Home Phone: Work Phone: Emergency Contact: Emergency Phone: DYes 0 No I have waivered services and an authorization for Reach For Resources to bill for these programs. DYes 0 No Do you require wheelchair access? o Yes, I want Ticket To Ride services. I will maintain responsibility for scheduling my own rides th[ough Dial-A-Ride at (952)474-7441. Photo Waiver: My photo may be taken at Reach programs and used for promotional materials, unless I check below: o No, I DO NOT wish to have my photo used. Disability (please include specific information such as seizures, allergies, special diet etc.): Social Worker: Parent (s) / Guardia n (s) : Home Address: Parent(s) E-Mail: Parent (s) Employer: Social Worker's Phone: Parent/Guardian's Phone: City: Parent(s) Cell Phone: Employer Phone: Zip: Employer Address: City: Zip: Annual House- 0 $0 - $24,999 0 $25,000 - $49,999 0 $50,000 - $74,999 0 $75,000 - 99,999 hold Income: 0 $100,000-$124,999 0 $125,000-$149,999 0 $150,000-$174,999 0 $175,000-$199,999 0 $200,000+ I, the undersigned, certify that the above information is accurate. I understand that participation in this activity is completely voluntary and the activity is being offered for the benefit of the participant. Reach for Resources shall not be liable for any claims, injuries, or damages of whatever nature, incurred by the participant arising out of, or connected with, the activity. On behalf of myself and the participant, I expressly forever release and discharge Reach for Resources, its agents or employees, from any such claims, injuries or damages. I have received a copy of Notice of Privacy as required by HI P AA. I have read, understood and agree to these privacy practices. Legal Guardian: Date: Pro r m Resid nt Non-Res 0 ram Resident/N on-Res 0 Adult Bowling Doyle's $30.00 I $35.00 Summer 0 $35.00 / $40.00 0 Adult Bowling Earle Brown $30.00 / $35.00 2007 0 Teen No-Compete Softball $25.00 / $30.00 0 Adult Bowling Park Tavern $30.00 / $35.00 0 Adult No-Compete Softball $30.00 / $35.00 0 Youth/Teen Bowling Doyle's $30.00 / $35.00 0 On the Town I $15.00/$20.00 0 Youth/Teen Bowling Park Tav. $30.00 / $35.00 TICKET 0 On the Town II $15.00/$20.00 .--...---------.-....---.--.--.--.....-....-....--.-..---..-.-...---.-.-----..-.----.--.--------.---.---.......---. 0 Kid Fu $40.00 / $45.00 TO 0 Club West $37.00 / $42.00 ~; 0 sports Sampler $30.00 / $35.00 RIDE 0 Wednesday Night Social $37.00/$42.00 ~ 0 August Action $35.00/$40.00 ~ 0 Housing /Home Living $ 1 9.00 0 Rainbow Kids Club $50.00 / $55.00 0 Play It Safe $15.00 0 West Teen Explorers $35.00 / $40.00 0 Empowerment Banquet Free I 0 North Teen Explorers $35.00 / $40.00 0 Take Five Respite Send me registration info 0 Weekend Ventures Send me info Please mail completed form with payment to Reach at: 1001 Highway 7 #217Hopkins, MN 55305 Office (952) 988-4177 www reachforresources.org ---------------------------------------------------------- Expanded Summer Respite Fills Crucial Care Need for Teens Each summer, teens with disabilities from across the west metro get together for fun, games and activities at Reach for Resources Take 5 Summer Respite. This program is designed specifically for teens ages 13-21 and provides them with supervised, age-appropriate activities during summer break. More importantly, it gives their families peace of mind and a break from care-giving while school is not in session. This year we are happy to announce that Take 5 Respite has been expanded from three weeks to six weeks. The 2007 summer program will run Monday through Friday from July 16 through August 24. The program hours are from 9:00 am-3:30 pm. and transportation is available within a specific geographic area. See Page 5 for fee informa- tion. Participants may bill their Waiver or PCA hours for the program and we also offer a number of scholarships each year. Take 5 Respite activities include field trips, games, crafts and lots of time to socialize with old and new friends. Community field trips may include visits to local parks or museums, bowling, swimming, and theater productions. Past participants have had wonderful experiences in the program. Evaluations conducted with both parents and participants are always very positive. Bonnie Kelso, whose daughter Colleen has participated in the program noted, " REACH is great! Thank you for the variety of activities you plan." She also added that the p~ograms have taught her daughter social skills and given her a connection to people in the community. Teens who participate in the program routinely say that fun activities and meeting new friends are the best part of respite. We hope to see even more teens in the Take 5 Respite Program this summer! ----------------------------------------------------------. Visit to the Hopkins Fire Department Archery lesson at Baker lake Park Enjoying the rides at Valley Fair REACH Shares Expertise with the Community REACH recreation staff, Tara Hallberg and Becca Stenzel, were recently asked to conduct a training workshop sponsored by the Brain Injury Association of Minnesota. The workshop, entitled "Recreation and Leisure After Dis- ability" was designed to train fifteen professionals to assess leisure needs and develop appropriate recreation pro- grams for individuals who have sustained brain injuries. The workshop involved an in-depth presentation that covered the definition of therapeutic recreation, how to as- sess individual leisure needs, and how to design recreation programs based upon the findings of the assessment. Hallberg and Stenzel offered suggestions for adapting activities and tips for working with people with disabilities in a recreational setting. Participants were also given a list of community resources and agencies that offer recrea- tional opportunities for people with disabilities. Hallberg and Stenzel concluded with a hands-on training in which participants were asked to complete leisure as- sessments for themselves. They were also provided with an assessment for a hypothetical client with a brain injury. Participants were then divided into groups to create goals and a leisure plan for their hypothetical client. Trainings such as this are just another way that REACH aims to improve community-wide service delivery and ulti- mately better the lives of people with disabilities in our community. 9 **~ 1001 Highway 7 ##,217 Hopkins, MN 55305 (952) 988-4177 Address Service Requested NON-PROFIT ORG. 101 US POSTAGE PAID LITTLE FALLS, MN PERMIT NO. 653 RECEIVED MAY 0 7 2007 CITY OF CHANHASSEN ,/t,:;~:*~:;~i~ 1.1.11,1.1...II...,IIt:iJ]t"",II.I.,II...I,I"II,..I.11111 1 0*1 "A..,..............&....A~~..&3-DIGIT 553 # Jerry Ruegemer C.itv of Chanhassen PO BOX 147 CHANHASSEN MN 55317-0'147 The Reach Advocate Club allows our supporters to make repeat donations via elec- tronic funds transfer or major credit card. Automatic monthly or quarterly gifts provide Reach with predictable, stable funding in a way that's more convenient for donors and cost-effective for us. No more writing checks and it's easy to track your gifts! Donors may designate gifts of any amount and may change or discontinue participa- tion at any time. At the end of the year, we will send you a summary report of your do- nations for tax purposes. Automatic giving is easy, secure, and makes a big difference to Reach programs and services! If you would like to becqme a Reach Advocate, please contact Cyndi Bade at 952-988-4177 or cbade@"eachforresources.org. to receive an enrollment form. Fitting In (continued from page 1) SOFTBALL SPONSORS NEEDED! Reach can also provide free information and advocacy for participants in non-city pro- grams such as scouting or youth groups. W. .. /.'/;{f ~ It just wouldn't be summer without Softball! REACH provides approximately 50 one-to- one inclusions each year, with very positive results. Janell Elyea, whose daughter Samantha recently used Inclusion Services for her swimming lessons had this to say about the experience: "The class has been a wonderful experience for her compared to the last swim class she took. She really has progressed with her swim skills and she feels confident about going to class. A big THANK YOU for helping her feel and be successfull" We are seeking sponsors for the REACH summer league teams. Your $275 spon- sorship will provide t -shirts, trophies, and a banquet for your team. If you would like to help REACH clients make the most of their summer, please call Tara at 952-988-4176.