Certified Resolution of Adoptionsq CERTIFICATION STATE OFMINNESOTA COUNTY OF CARVER I, Kim Meuwissen, Deputy Clerk of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, do hereby certiff that I have compared the foregoing copy of Resolution No.2020'l0 "Approving The City ofChanhassen 2040 Comprehensive PIan" adopted by the Chanhassen City Council on February 10,2020 with the original copy now on file in my office and have found the same to be a true and correct copy thereof. Witness my hand and offrcial seal at Chanhassen, Minnesota, this l4th day of February, 2020. ss ) ) ) -T: Kim euwissen, Deputy DATE:F CITY OF CHANHASSEN CAR\'ER AND HENNEPIN COfINTIES' MINNESOTA 10. TiornhomMOTION BY: CamPion SECONDED BY: Overview of ComPrehensive Plan Sewer, Transportation, and Water Housing, Land Use, Sewer, Water, and Parks & Open Space Natural Resources Water Resources Surface Water, Goals & Policies, Implementation and CIP Public Hearing to Review the 2040 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission voted on July 17,2018 to recommend that the City Council adopt the 2040 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS,onDecemberl0,20l8,thechanhassurcitycouncilapprovedthesubmittalofthe 2040 Comprehensivi Plan ro the Metropolitan Council for their review pursuant to Minnesota Statues 473.175 arld 473.851 to 473.866; and WIIEREAS,theMefopolitanCouncilcompleteditsreviewoftheCityofChanhassen Colnpret "*i] e nhn update, found that the Plan me;ts Metropolitan Land Pl2nning Act requirements; conformstotheregionalsystemplansincludingtransportation,aviation'watelresourcesmanagement' -i p*tr; i. ""r.iit*t .'oim Z,ri* MSP 20401 afi ii compatible with the plans of adjacent jurisdictions; and WEEREAS,theMetropolitanCouncilvotedonJanuary22,202otoalthoizetheCityof chanhassen to put its 2040 comprehensive Plan into effect without any Plan modifications. Now,TEEREFoRE,BEITREsoL\rEDthattheChanhassenCityCouncilapprovesand adopts the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. Apil4,2017 April 18, 12017 July 18, 2017 August 1,2017 August 15, 2017 October 3, 2017 October 17, 2017 RESOLUTIONNO: 2020-10 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CITY OF CHANIIASSEN 2O4O COMPREHENSIVE PLAII WEEREAS,theCityofChanhassensubmittedthedraft2040ComprehensivePlantoadjaceut communities on o ctober 24,-2017,for their review. The six month agency review period ended on April 25, 2018; and WHEREAS, the Planning commission has considered the proposed comprehensive Plan and all public comments on the following dates: I Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this lOd day ofFebruary 2010' ATTEST: Jl^ Todd City Manager YES Ryan Campion Coleman McDonald 'ljomhom Mayor NO ABSENT 2