Chapter 04 Natural ResourcesCity of Chanhassen 2040 Comprehensive Plan68 Chapter 4NaturalResources City of Chanhassen 2040 Comprehensive Plan69 4 | Natural Resources At a Glance »140 acres are currently managed for invasive species such as buckthorn, wild parsnip, garlic mustard and black locust. »The Chanhassen tree inventory has compiled over 6,000 open grown, individual trees on public property. »A single mature tree can retain as much as the first two to four inches of rainfall. »Home values can increase by as much as 12 percent if there are mature, healthy trees on the property. »There are 504 public trees along West 78th Street from downtown to west of Hwy 41. »Chanhassen has 50 different species of trees planted along its streets and in its parks. »Much of the soil within Chanhassen are loams and clay loams which have high water-holding capacity. »The emerald ash borer threatens 25 percent of the city’s public trees. Natural resources in the City of Chanhassen serve many purposes. They offer recreation on lakes, trails and parks, respite from busy lives, and remediation of development consequences. Collectively, the woods, wetlands, streams, rivers and prairies contribute to a high quality of life for Chanhassen residents and visitors. The City of Chanhassen recognizes this important value and works to protect and enhance these natural features for the benefit of all. This chapter of the Comprehensive Plan outlines accomplishments, challenges and future goals for the city’s natural resources. In conjunction with ongoing development, the city has continued to make preservation of natural resources a priority. While directly improving the quality of life for Chanhassen residents, the city’s natural resources also indirectly enhance this community by offering environmental benefits. Collectively, ‘green infrastructure’ such as trees, wetlands and open space provides significant economic value by offering stormwater management, heat island reduction, erosion control, carbon sequestration, energy savings and increased property values. Protecting and enhancing the city’s green infrastructure is an investment in the community’s well-being as well as its future sustainability. 4.1 | Introduction As time goes on and communities grow and change, so too do their goals and challenges. For natural resources in Chanhassen, the emphasis has shifted to resiliency and sustainability from acquisition and documentation. While there are still open spaces that could become public amenities, management of the existing public lands has taken center stage and requires not only current responses but also long term planning. As the few remaining large piec- es of private property are developed, the tapestry and function of the city’s natural resources becomes solidified. Management and protection strategies are being revised to reflect the need for high-functioning natural resources that not only provide aesthetics and recreation, but also stormwater management, energy conservation and diversi- ty. Valuable natural resources must also be functioning resources. Green infrastructure is now a necessary part of a well-managed community that brings tangible and intangible benefits to every facet of the community. The natural resources challenges over the next decade encompass a broad spectrum from localized invasive species control to regional stormwater management. It will take vision and commitment to protect and enhance the natural resources in Chanhassen. The city’s land use policies should recognize that natural areas and open space are long term uses in our community. The city’s ordinances should reflect best management practices for trees, water and soil. The city’s goals and policies should serve to protect and enhance our natural resources. City of Chanhassen 2040 Comprehensive Plan70 4.2 | Urban Forests and Forestlands Chanhassen: meaning ‘tree of sweet sap’ in the Dakota language. The Minnesota Land Survey of 1830 document- ed that Chanhassen was located in the Big Woods, one of three major ecosystems in the state. The Big Woods was a massive area of forests dominated by sugar maple and basswood trees that stretched from the Minnesota River northwest to the Red River Valley. The trees were punctuated by wooded wetlands and open marshes around the many lakes. In time, the rich soil and plentiful timber gave rise to agriculture and development in the area. Much of Chanhassen, perhaps nearly all, was cleared of forests to create agricultural fields and homesteads. Along bluffs and in scattered remnants, the remains of the Big Woods existed. Today, pockets of mature woods with sugar maple and basswood trees allow visitors to envision the historical Big Woods. Ownership of these remnant woods today is a mix of private and public. Camp Tanadoona and private property to the west of Lake Ann comprise the ownership of large tracts of high quality woods. Park land belonging to the City of Chanhassen and Carver County encompass numerous acres of Big Woods and allow community members to be immersed in a wooded environment. 4.2.1 | Chanhassen’s Urban Forest While no one would consider Chanhassen to be ‘urban’, it does contain an ‘urban forest’ – the many trees that line our city streets, shade our playgrounds and parks and dot the yards of every neighborhood. These trees make up a significant portion of the overall tree cover in the city. They provide multiple and important benefits to the health and economic viability of Chanhassen. Trees increase home values, decrease energy costs, reduce stormwater runoff, provide clean air, sequester carbon, keep people healthy, provide wildlife habitat and enhance community aesthetics. These benefits rise along with the percentage of canopy cover in a community. Currently, the city averag- es about 30 percent tree cover. Optimal tree cover depends on the intersecting aspects of costs, community desires and services provided by trees. Chanhassen has many opportunities to increase canopy cover throughout the city. At a minimum, the city should maintain the overall 30 percent cover and strive to increase it in specific areas that fall short. The city benefits from city ordinances that require tree planting in new developments to assist in replacing lost canopy. Depending on the type of proposed development, tree preservation or replacement plantings in new con- struction must meet an overall canopy goal for the site. The percentages of cover range from 28 percent to 68 per- cent based on the existing conditions of the site and the Comprehensive Plan designation for the site. This ordinance is intended to maintain a minimum canopy coverage for the community. Other programs by which the city adds new trees to the community includes the annual tree planting program for Arbor Day and tree coupons given to residents. Programs such as these work to maintain tree cover, but more can be done. 4.2.2 | Diversity is Key Planting trees to increase canopy cover must be a well-intentioned and well thought-out process. “The right tree in the right place” is not only a catchy phrase, but advice that provides a long term return on the investment. Plant- ing with the intention of seeing that trees grow to maturity and beyond is a cost-effective process that places trees suited to the specific environment in the right places. There are several considerations to make when selecting trees and creating planting plans. Along with selections for height and size, the type of tree is also important. Species diversity will be the key to a sustainable urban forest. At a minimum, the city follows the 30-20-10 rule. No more than 30 percent of trees from any one family, no more than 20 percent of tree from any one genus and no more than 10 percent from any one species. In other words, no more than 30 percent of trees from the Betulaceae, or birch, family; no more than 20 percent of trees from the birch genus, and no more than 10 percent of trees should be paper birch species. A more conservative approach would be to reduce the quantity totals to 20-10-5. A diverse urban for- est is more resilient to pests and diseases. An analysis of the current public tree inventory revealed that the city has overplanted ash and maples. Spruce trees are also too common. Future plantings do not include ash trees at all and have very limited additions of maple trees as well. With the mainstay tree species selection out of the running, new City of Chanhassen 2040 Comprehensive Plan71 choices need to be added. Climate change is promising to expand the palette of tree selections by opening up lists of trees previously not cold hardy in Minnesota. These new selections will be necessary to maintain diversity for our city forest. 4.2.3 | Specifications Additionally, planting specifications are important to the long term sustainability of the city’s urban forest. If the tree is planted improperly, then all the time, money and resources are wasted. Planting specifications that are up-to-date with current research and industry innovations need to be included in all public and private landscaping projects. Chanhassen’s clay soils are unforgiving when it comes to planting depth. Planted too deep, a tree will struggle to thrive. Soil compaction exacerbates the problem so in new developments it can often be challenging to maintain a healthy landscape. Planting specifications included on landscape plans for developments should include the best practices for planting techniques and soil requirements. !(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!( !(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!( !(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!( !( !(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!( !( !(!( !(!( !( !(!( !(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!( !(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!( !(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!( !(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!( !( !(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!( 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!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!( !(!( !(!(!( !( !( C astle Ridge Ca s c a d e P a s s PleasantViewRoad Ca scade Pass Trappers Pass TimberHill R oad StagHornLane TrapLine Circle TrapLineLane Oxb owB endOxbowBend OxbowBend Shast a C i r E CascadeCircle M ountain Vie wCourtPiedmontCourt Trapp ersPassO xb owBendOxbo wBend FoxHollowDrive Pleasan t V i e w R o a d F oxHollow DriveHuntersCourt BluffRidge C ourtFox HollowDrive Gra yFoxCur ve FoxtailCo urt Quail Cro ssing GrayFoxCurv GreyFoxCurve GrayFo xCurveGrayFoxC urve BruleCircleChoctaw Circle SandyHookRoad H wy 10 1GreatPlainsBlvdFox P a t h Fox Court LakePoint Lotus Tr ail Na v a j o D rCa r v e r B e a c h R o a d Pond e r o s a D r i v e Bro k e n A r r o w D r Lot u s T r a i l Lotus Tr a i l R oji na Lane Plea s a n t V i e w R o a d Pleas ant Vi ew R oadHorseshoeC urve PleasantView Road Fox Pa thFox P a t h VinelandCourt Holly Lane HollyLane W illowC reekPo w e r s B l v d ( C . R . 1 7 )PleasantView Cove Pleasant View Road Peaceful LanePleasant View Road NezPerce Dri vePowers Blvd (C.R. 17) Dev onshireDr WelsleyC ourtArlingtonCrt.Devonsh ireDriveStrattonCourtBrettonWay TetonLane BrettonWay Ashton Court Teton LaneIthilien Troendle Circ le CharingBendShadowLaneYosemite AveYosemite AveLakewayLane PointeLakeLucyKerberBlvd Kerber BlvdPowers Blvd (C.R. 17) Pimlic oLaneK e r b e r B l v d Pontiac Lane Buc kingw ood Ct Trotters Cir cl ePontiac CirclePontiacCourt Butte CourtPontiacCircle PontiacLane Redman LaneDeclara tio nDrShawnee LaneUtica Lane Powers B l vd (C .R . 17 ) CactusCurve CanyonCurve Powers Blvd (C.R. 17)Santa Vera D riveTargetLaneW 78th St Hw y 10 1 G r eat P lains B lvd Hw y 10 1 G rea t P lains B lvd Hwy101GreatPlainsBlvdWest Village R o a d Sandy Hook Road S andy Hook CirCh e y enne DakotaDakota Circle Dakota Cheyenne Bassw o o d C i r Ku rversPoint Road WillowViewCove Twin Maple Lane SouthSho re CourtChan View Erie AvenueE rie AvenueSouthShoreDriveSouth Shore Driv e Hill S t r e et W 77th St Canterbury Circle DerbyDriveBelmont L n Kerber BlvdKe r b e r B l v d Lar edo Drive (W78thSt) Ch an View StoneCr ee k Dr AudubonRoadCommer c e D r i v e AudubonRoadParkR oa d Par k Road Park C o u r t ParkPlace Park Driv e Park R o a d PowersBlvd(C.R.17)Valley View Crt ValleyRidgeCrtVal le yRidge Trail North Coulter Boulevard Ti m b e rw o o dD r Pin e w o o d C i r Oakw o o d R i d g eTimberwoodDr Ti mberwoodDrBluffView Crt StoneCreekDr CreekviewCrt StoneCreekDrRenais s a n c e C r t Lyman Blvd (CSAH 18) B o u ld e rR o ad St oneCree k Dr Bethesda Cir Was hi ngt onBlvdWashi ngtonBl vdCommonwealthBlvdLincoln Ln Wa shingtonCir Franklin L nJefferson DrMadis on D r TWIN C I T I E S & W E S T E R N R A I L R O A D LakeR ile yTrlHighover Lane Je rseyWay LakeAnn P a r kDrIr oquois AveHuronKiowa GreatPlainsBlvdW 78th St W 76th St Frontier TrailW 78th Street State Hwy No.5 Hill S t r e et Chippewa C i r Chippewa Tr ail Santa Vera Drive SaratogaDriveSaratoga DriveSaratogaCir Lar e d o L a n e Lar edo Lane Iro quois Santa Fe TrailDelRioDrive Del Rio D r i v e Cimarron CircleLaredoDrive FrontierTrailFrontier C o ur t Fr o n t i e r T r a i l Kurv ers Point Road Frontier Trail Highland DriveLaredoDriveLongview C i rcle Sierra Court Si erra T ra il ConestogaCourtConestoga T railBighorn D rive Frontier Trail Kio wa Fronti er Tr ail Highland Drive Sh a d o w m e r e Bighorn Drive State Hwy 5 Arboretum Boulevard Shast a C ir W O l y m p i c C i r Ca st l e R i d g e Ca s t l e R i d g e C o u r t Casca d e C o u r t NearMou ntainBlvdNearMo untain Blv dNearMountainBlvdMounta i n W a y Su m m i t C i r c l e Pleasan t V i e w R o a d Indian H ill R dPleasantParkD rGrayFoxLane Market Blv dMarketBlvd State Hwy 5 Arb oretum B oulev a rd StateHwy5ArboretumBoulevardKerberBlvdPicha Chan View Viol etR oadCarverBeac h Ro adCr e e D r i v eYuma Dr ive Rin g o D r i v e Yum a D r i v eDeerwoodDrNe z P e r c e D r i v e Imper i a l D r Pond e r o s a D r i v eNezPerceDrive NezPerceCt He ather Court Ho p i R d Ca r v e r B e a c h R o a d Penamint Court Penamint LaneRedwing LaneCh aparr al Lane Ch aparr al C tRe dman L aneUtica Cir cleTecumseh L ane Pre a k n e s s L a n e RedwingLane Redwing Lane Pim a L aneUtica LanePreakness Lane CarverBeach Road Roosevelt DrLake Lu c y R o a d Weste r n D r i v e Hiaw a t h a D r Cr e e D r i v e Wood h i l l D r Re d w i n g C rt Chap arral Lane Utica LaneUticaTerraceLakewayDriveLake Lucy R o a d Lake Lucy R o a d Wes t 6 3 r d S tAudubon CirCreekRu nTrail CardinalBlue Jay C ir Wes t 6 3 r d S t Koehnen Circle East Koehnen Circle West Ringneck Drive PheasantCirRing n e c k D r ive WoodD uck LanePartridge C i r White DoveDrive PheasantDrive StellerCir Wood DuckCi rWoodDuck L ane Teal C i r PintailCir WhiteDoveCirWood Duc k Lane Lak e LucyRoad Lake L u c y L a n eMurray Hill RoadGalpin Blv d.(C.R.117)Chas kaRo a dMelody H i l l LakeLucyRoadHummingbird RoadMolineCirMelody Hill CirGalpinBlvd.(C.R.117)MelodyHill West 65thStreetMurrayHillRoad White Tail RidgeCt CrestviewCir GalpinBlvd.(C.R.117)CrestviewDr Steller Co u r t Galpin Blvd. (C.R . 117) Highgate C i r Briarwood C t.ManchesterDriveLakeLucyRoadLakeLucyRoad Bre n d en C r t LakeLucy Road HighoverDriveHighoverWay HighoverCrtSH arris onHillTrailHarrisonHillCrtHazeltineBlvd(Hwy41)Galpin Blvd. (C.R . 117)NorthwoodCrtLongacres Drive FawnHillRoadRedFoxCirLodgepolePointLongacresDrive Hunt er Drive HunterDrive GalpinBlvd.(C.R.117)HunterDriveFawnHillRoad FawnHillRoadFawnHillCrt Longacres Dri veSouthernCrt GunflintCrt GunflintTrailHillsdaleCourt MoccasinTrl BentBowTrail Mocca sinTrl Bent Bo wTr ail LongacresDrive HazeltineBlvd(Hwy41)Tanadoona Drive MajesticWay Windmill Dr ive Brinker St r e e tTulip C rtCrocusCrtWalnutCurve Praire FlowerBlvd Galpin Blvd. (C.R. 117)State Hwy 5 Arboretum Boulevard State Hwy 5 Arboretum Boulevard C actus Cu rv e Sa d dlebrookCurveS addlebrook Pass Canyo n Curve StateHwy 5 Arboretum Boulevard A rbo re tum D rCrim so nBayRoadDogw o od R d Do gw ood R d Tanadoona D r i v e Chaska R o ad HazeltineBlvd(Hwy41)Sommer G a t e Hazeltine Blvd (Hwy 41)North Ma norRoad Tanag er sPoi nt Piper Ridge LaneTanagers Lane Sandpiper T railMinnewashta WoodsDriveOrchard Lane ForestCirForestAve Fox ford R oad EastwoodCourt Fox ford R oad Pio ne er Tra il (C SA H 14)Pioneer CirDeerbr ook Driv e Meado wla rkLaneHwy101GreatPlai nsBlvdW94th S TSummerfieldDrive Su mmerfie ld D riveGreenviewDriveStone C reek C t Lake D rive E as t Lake D r i v e E a s t Esse xRdSuffolkDrBurlwood DrRosewoo d DrRo s e w o o d D r PowersPlacePowers PlacePowersPlaceLake R iley Blv d Lake Rile y B l v d W 78thStreet 64 t hSt reetState Hwy 7 OrchardLane O riole Ave State Hwy 7 Fir treeAveDogwoodAveBarberr yCir cl eCypr ess Drive El mtr eeAveMaplew o o d C i r Gre en briar AveShore Driv e ShoreDrive S ta te H w y 7Chur c h Roa d Meadow Crt MeadowLaneCartway LaneS tate H w y 7 LandingsC ou rtLand ingsD rive Land ing sD riveMinnewashtaParkwayKirkwood Cir LindenCircleJ os hu aCir LindenCircle Pip ew oodCurvePaddockLane StateHwy7Leslee C urveGlendaleDrive LesleeCurveCres t v i e w D r Crestv iew Dr Maple D riv e Maple C ir Glendale D rive Glendale D r i v e MinnewashtaParkwayCountryOaksRoadWhite O a k L a n e RedOakLane CountryOaksRoadKings R o a d MinnewashtaParkwayJuniper Avenue RedCedarPointRoad Sout h C e dar D ri v e Red Ce d a r P o i n t R o a d MapleShoresDrive Hawt horne Cir Lakeridge R d MinnewashtaCrt MinnewashtaParkwayL akeridgeRd Lakeridge Rd Fo rrestRidgeCir77thSt 77th S t LoneCedarLane StateHwy5 W 82ndStW 82 nd St Highway 41 W 82nd St CenturyBlvdGalpin Blvd (C.R. 15)BridleCreekCir StoneCreekLn W LukewoodDr Ben woodCir StoneCreek Ln ESto neCreekRdGal pi nBlv d(C.R.19) StoneCreekD r S tone Cre ekD r LymanBlvd(C S A H 18) L y man Blv d (CSA H1 8)ValleyViewP lac eValley Ridge Place ValleyRidgeTrailSouth Sunridge C ourtAudubon RoadAudubon RoadAudubon RoadLake D rive W es t Lyman Blvd (CSAH 18) LymanBlvd(CSAH18)Alisa LaneAlisaCourtOs p r e y L a n e Os p r e y L a n e O spre y LaneBluebillTrail SpoonbillCirBluebill TrailHeronDr H ero nD rBitternC ourt SwanC ourtHeron D r MallardCrt Ibis C o urt SunsetTrail Fla mingoDr Heron Dr L ake S usan HillsDrive EgretCou rtPel i c a n C rt M erg anserCrt Tern C r t Lake Susan Hills D rive PowersBlvd(C.R.17)LakeDrive W e stLake Drive W e s tMallo r y C r tUpla nd C i rc l e Lake Drive WestL akeCourt L akeSusanHillsDrive West Lak e Dr LakeS us anHillsDri veDove C o u r t LakeSusanHills D riveWestLakeDr DrakeCourtLa ke S usan Hills DriveLake S u s a n D r i v e Mary Ja neCirLake S u s a n Dri v eChanhassenHillsDrNorthBarbara C r t LymanCourt Lake Su sanDri veLymanBlvd(CSAH 18)PowersBlvd(C.R.17)OaksideC irLakeSusanHills Drive F lamingoDrThrushCrt Kingfisher Crt FlamingoD rLyman Blvd (CSAH 18)AudubonRoad(CSAH15)Audubon Road (CSAH 15)Pioneer T ra il (C SAH 14) Blu f f C r e e k D r i v e Bluff Creek Drive WestFarmRoad WestF ar mRoadHeidi Lane West F a r m R o a d Bluff CircleWest F a r m R oa d HesseFarmRd Hes s e F a r m C i r c l e Bl u f f C r e e k D r i v e Hess e F a r m R d CSA H 6 1 / F l y i n g C l o u d D r i v e S tou g hto n A ve (C .R .N O .10 ) CSAH 61/ F l yi n g Cl o u d Dr CSAH 61/Flyi n g C l o u d D r CSAH 61/Flying Cloud Dr Hwy101G reatP lai ns Bl v d State Hig h w a y 1 0 1 CSAH 61/F lyin g Clou d D r Co Rd 61 / Fl yi n g C l o u d D r Vogelsber g T r l Hwy 1 0 1 Gr ea tPlainsBlvdLakota LaneMandanCreek w o o d D r i v e Hwy101 G r e at Pl ai nsBl v dBrambleDriveDelphinum LaneRaspberryHillH wy101GreatPlainsBlvdPioneer Trail (CS AH 14) Homestead LaneHomesteadLane Flintloc k TrailH ome s te adLaneW. 96th S t r e e t Hwy101GreatPlainsBlvdPioneer Trail (CSAH 14) Pinev i e w C o u r t Foxfor dRoadOverlookCrtSpringfieldDr ive SpringfieldDriveSunnyvale Drive Sunnyvale Drive Shorevie wCrt ParklandWay G reenleafCrtDeerfoot Trail DeerfootTrail LymanBlvd(CSAH 18)Kiowa TrailLyman Blvd (CSAH 18)Quinn RoadLymanBlvd Lake v i e w R o a d E N orth BayDr W 8 6 t h S t Ti g u a L a n e MissionHillsCrt Missio nHill sLaneHwy101GreatPlainsBlvdHwy10 1Great P lain s B lvd LakeDrive Main Street Hidden CourtHidd en L ane H id de nL an eHiddenCourtSinnen C ir Mar sh Dri veDakota Lane Lake D ri v e E a s t Hi d d e n C i r DakotaLaneErie C ir DakotaLaneErie SpurErie Av eErie Av e Che yenneAveDakota A v e CheyenneAveDakota Av e Erie Av e Lake D r i v e E a s t LakeDriveEa stDell R oadDell R oad W78thSt. W 79th St Dakot aAveDakotaCir CheySpur Marsh Drive Grandview RdDakotaLnSantaFeCirESa ddlebrookTrail Sa ddle bro o kTrailHighoverDriveChes Mar D r Lilac Lane Lilac Lane Ridg e R oad Indi a n H i l l R d Quiver D r Napa D r Fox H i l l D r Autumn Ridge Ct AutumnRidgeWayAutumn Ridge LNHarvestWay Au tumnRidgeA veHarvestLaneAndrewCourt McGlynnDrive 77thSt.77th S t .W 187th Ave. Q uat troDrDell R oadDell R oadDell R oad Blue Sage LN E S n apdragonDr LadySlipperLN BlueBonnetBlvd BlueBonnetBlvdPoppy Dr ConeflowerC rvSBaneberryWayE BaneberryWayE Butte rcu pCrtConeflowerCrvN Primrose P l ChicoryWayCentury BlvdTrailsEnd RdTrails En d R dTrailsEndRdArboretumVillageCt.Highwood D r MarketSt Crestv i e w D r ManchesterDr iveChestnutLN EdgewoodCt Explorer Tr.TrailsEndRdBridleCreekTrail BridleCreekTrail TWIN C I T I E S & W E S T E R N R A I L R O A D TWIN C I TI E S & W E S T E R N R A I L R O A D TWIN C I T I E S & W E S T E R N R A I L R O A D W 86th S t Marshland Trl Mo n k C r t Rice Cr tMissionWayHillW MissionWa yHillEHeartlandCrtBlackbirdCrt Ma yfi eldCrtLake S us an Dri v e Lake Riley D rMission HillsDr. MissionHills Dr. Frisc oCr tCoulter Blvd. Coulter Blv d . Acorn L an e Maplew oo d Ter MissionHillsLane MissionHillsCircleMerr y P l a c e Lone E agle D r Mel o d y H i l l Melody LaneCypressDrive TopazDri ve Sa pphireLaneDia mond Crt R ub yL ane Ruby L a n e BaneberryWayW C lover Court Clov e r C o u rt BlueSageLNW WaterleafLaneEWaterleafLaneW CenturyCir W78thStre et Arboretu mVillageCir(pvt. r d)Pleasan t View W ayRedCedarCoveRedCedarCove Ches Mar F a r m R d BigWoodsBlvd Kimberly Ln KimberlyLN Kelly Ct Nicko lasWaySantaFeCirWMul ber ry Circle WMulberry Circle ECh an hass en Hi lls D rS out h Lake Susan C ourt Hallgren La n e Count ry O aks Drive St r a t f o r d L nStratfordBlvdStratfordRidge Ho rseshoeCrvState Hwy 5 Arboretum Boulevard W78THStreet W78THStreet ChanhassenHillsDrNorth T.H.212 T.H.212 T.H.212T.H.212T.H.212CenturyTrail A rbo retum Vi llag eCirLucyRidgeCourtLucyRidgeLan eCoulterBoulev ardCentury BlvdCorpora t e P l a c e Village La n e Village C r t Powers BlvdWestwo od Dr Village C i r Vill age P l Vill a ge S t C oa chC tCoachDr ArboretumVillage TrCoachLn Coach PlArboretum V ill. Ln. Century C tCentury PlArboretum Village Crv ArboretumVillagePl.W78THStreet Murray H i l l C r t La k e Drive P o n d Promenad ePipewoodCurvePipew ood Lane PipewoodCurve Leslee C u r v e EmeraldLane RubyLaneTo p a z D r i v e Ridgeview Poin t WaterTowerPlace VassermanTr RidgeviewWayRi d g e v i e w W a y Mohaw k D rPaw nee D riveArbor La ne WashtaBayCt DartmouthDrive Ridgehill RdTristinK n oll TristinDrive Wash ta B ayRoad KNOBHILLLANE Vasser manTrailVassermanPlace Hickory Rd Hickory Road Shen a n d o a h GoldenCourtTreeto p R oadMill C reek Ln Kings R oad Kings R oad PipewoodCrt PipewoodCir W79thSt Great Plains Blv dGreat Plains Blv d StellersCtPinehurstDr Amberwood La ne Ald e r W a y Fox DrLakeHarrison Circle Lake HarrisonRoad HighoverTrail Galpin Court Lo ng acres DriveArrowheadLnGunflintTrailHighcrestCirHighoverDrHighoverCrtNPipew o o d L a n e StonefieldLaneBl uf fC ree kB lv dColonial Ln Plymouth Ln Freedom LnIndependence CirIn d ependenceCirHo r s e s h o e L nBlaze T rl B lu ffCreekBlvdEllendale LnPembrokePass DeglerCircle RiverRockDriveN78thStW BeaconCrtW atersEdgeD rWaters Edge DrFoxHollowCtCrossroad sBl vd ColumbiaLn Com m onwealthBlvd Bluff Creek BlvdHwy 101 Great Plains BlvdWestwo o d D r Westwo od Dr Southw est Village Dr Southw es t Vi l lage DrApple Tree LaneBlu ffCre ek Driv e Mayapple P ass Hemlock Way Mills D r i v e Mills D r i v e Lake Riley DrHallgren C t 6829RockyIslandLN Ril eyRidge Arrow -head Ct Refle ctionsRdChesterfieldLn Motorpl ex Ct C oulterBoulevard Ref lec tions RdBellevueCtLakevi ewRoadEDegler C i r cl e Hemloc k Way Hemlock Wa yCottongra s s Ct MarigoldCourt Wyn s o n g L N Jeur iss e n L n RiverRock Dr SRiver R ock Dr N RiverRockDriveS CamdenRidgeDrHenryCour tSout hWestVillage LoopStra wberryLaneStra w be r r y L a n e F a wnHillRoad Preserve C tDegler LNRiver R o c k D r N StateHWY10 1 EagleRidgeR d HawkcrestCir HawkcrestC tEagle CtEagleRidgeRdCross r o a d C t AnthemPlace Maples (blue highlight) on public property City of Chanhassen 2040 Comprehensive Plan72 4.3 | Greenways/Natural Areas The Bluff Creek Corridor runs diagonally through the city connecting Lake Minnewashta with the Minnesota River. The entire watershed of Bluff Creek lies within city boundary lines and because of this, the city had the opportunity to shape the development and protection of the creek. The creation of a green way along the creek has presented opportunities for valuable development and recreational activities. Trail users benefit greatly from the connected web of corridors following Bluff Creek and its tributaries. There remain opportunities to connect areas in the water- shed. These preserved pieces vary in quality but not in value. The city should maintain these greenways and natural areas for native plant and animal habitats. The city should also set a goal to limit fragmentation of natural areas and maintain green corridors that connect open space. City of Chanhassen 2040 Comprehensive Plan73 Areas of Potential Greenways Lake Minnewashta Areas of Potential Greenways Bluff Creek Corridor Lakes City Owned Parks and Property Tax Parcel Other Parkland Minnesota River ² City of Chanhassen 2040 Comprehensive Plan74 4.4 | Soil Soil is one of the most important and complicated assets on any site. And yet, soil is treated at times as an easy thing to manipulate, replace or remove. Construction activities that prepare soil for the addition of a road, house or other non-living, artificial surfaces do significant damage to this resource. Then sod and trees are placed into these sites and expected to perform as though the activities never happened. Rarely, does this work out well. Visit most new neighborhoods and you’ll find struggling young trees and over-watered turf. The city has recognized this negative result and now requires the replacement of six inches of topsoil on every lot in each new development. With this quality soil, water retention improves, roots grow better, runoff takes longer and money is saved through reduced water use and landscape replacement. To gain even better results, soil reconstruction should be done in areas of heavy compaction. Breaking up the soil and rebuilding it with compost and tree planting will provide optimal ben- efits to any site. The city should reassess what measures could be taken during development to protect soils from compaction in the first place and rebuilding it when the protection isn’t enough. 4.5 | Biological Diversity and Invasive Species The significance of conservation areas to plants and animals cannot be understated. It’s critical for people, too, offer- ing valuable recreational and quality of life assets. Ideally, the City of Chanhassen should conduct a natural resource inventory. Currently, the Minnesota County Biological Survey Inventory done in 2000 is the only resources avail- able to assist in documenting what environmental assets may be present. The city should commit to protecting and managing any rare species and unique habitats noted in the survey. A current map, produced by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, of habitat areas of high potential for the rusty patched bumble bee includes Chanhassen. Not only is this an endangered species but also a pollinator, a group of insects that provide vital services to our landscapes and food production. Chanhassen has the opportunity to address and commit to pollinator friendly practices. Most neighboring communities have already adopted city policies that benefit pollinators while incurring no additional costs or labor for the community. Chanhassen can help make an impact on protecting this crucial group of insects. All of our natural resources are under threat from invasive species. Whether aquatic or terrestrial, these invaders wreak havoc on local natural areas and community budgets. The City of Chanhassen should continue to work to manage terrestrial and aquatic invasive species to the best of its ability. Protecting our natural resources from these threats may come at a cost but the benefit of healthy, sustainable natural areas translates into higher real estate val- ues, reduced long term costs, greater quality of life and more valuable natural assets. Examples of Invasive Species of Concern in Chanhassen Terrestrial Aquatic Insects/Animals Japanese Knot Weed Hydrilla Spotted Lanterfly Wild Parsnip Zebra Mussel Jumping Worms Water Hemlock Starry Stonewort Spiny Waterflea Narrowleaf Bittercress Flowering Rush Asian Longhorn Beetle Knapweed Emerald ash borer Nonnative Bush Honeysuckle Gypsy moth Common Tansy Black Locust City of Chanhassen 2040 Comprehensive Plan75 Endangered Species -Rusty Patched Bumble Bee Endangered Species - Rusty Patched Bumble Bee Habitat Area City of Chanhassen 2040 Comprehensive Plan76 Bluff Creek Vegetation City of Chanhassen 2040 Comprehensive Plan77 MBS Sites of Biodiversity Significance Outstanding High Moderate City Border Tax Parcel Lakes ² Areas of Biological Significance in Carver County City of Chanhassen 2040 Comprehensive Plan78 Arbor Day Tree Tags July 3rd Business Expo - Environmental Commission Table - Focus on Pollinators July 4th Recycling/Composting 4.6 | Education The City of Chanhassen acknowledges the importance of educational outreach in the implementation of its natu- ral resources goals and policies and desires to have the public engaged in the overall discussion. To help facilitate this goal, the city’s 7-member Environmental Commission is charged by the city council to promote and educate Chanhassen residents on the importance of natural resources. This volunteer commission works each year to provide opportunities for Chanhassen residents to learn more about the environment and become involved in the stewardship of it. City staff also endeavors to provide current, factual natural resources-related information to the public, utilizing various means of communication such as the Chanhassen Connection quarterly city newsletter and the city’s website and public events. The City of Chanhassen plans to maintain its current educational activities, as well as continue to expand its natural resources education program into the future. Future public education programs may focus on invasive species, water conservation, tree cover and diversity and wildlife habitat. City of Chanhassen 2040 Comprehensive Plan79 4.7 | Resiliency As our weather continues to change and intense patterns are experienced more and more, the city is challenged to respond to extreme weather events that threaten public infrastructure, water and energy supplies and public health and safety. Making a community more resilient to these threats is a process of adaptation and planning. Resiliency is an approach focusing on how well a community can respond to, and ultimately emerge from, climate change effects. One way for a community to increase its resiliency is by joining the GreenStep Cities program. Minnesota GreenStep Cities is “a voluntary challenge, assistance and recognition program to help cities achieve their sustain- ability and quality-of-life goals.” The requirements for becoming a recognized city vary according to the recognition level. To start, a city only has to pass a resolution committing to pursuing a Green Step City status. From there, cities complete a certain number of action items to progress to a Step 2 or 3. The city of Chanhassen endeavors to become a GreenStep City and adopt best management practices throughout the organization that strive to plan for mitigation of and adaptation to climate change impacts. 4.8 | Solar Energy In Chanhassen, certain areas have high potential as solar generation sites as shown in the figure below. Areas that have low potential have inadequate access to sunlight. Factors such as tree cover and slope direction play a signifi- cant role in the solar potential of a site. The city has prioritized tree planting before solar production, therefore, future public investments will be limited. The city has provisions in City Code that accommodate private pursuit of solar energy on businesses and residences. The city is currently participating in two community solar garden contracts. These agreements account for 50 percent of the eligible electrical load from Xcel Energy. If desired, the city could purchase up to 110 percent of its energy from Community Solar Gardens. Chanhassen’s Solar Resource Calculations Community Gross Potential (Mwh/yr) Rooftop Potential (Mwh/yr) Gross Generation Potential (Mwh/yr) Rooftop Generation Potential (Mwh/yr) Chanhassen 28,456,130 1,663,295 2,845,613 166,329 City of Chanhassen 2040 Comprehensive Plan80 Gross Solar Potential City of Chanhassen, Carver, & Hennepin Counties City of Chanhassen 2040 Comprehensive Plan81