09-11-2023 City Council Work Session MinutesCHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL
SEPTEMBER 11, 2023
Mayor Ryan called the work session to order at 5:30 p.m.
COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ryan, Councilman von Oven, Councilwoman
Schubert, and Councilman Kimber.
STAFF PRESENT: Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager; Matt Unmacht, Assistant City Manager;
Eric Maass, Planning Director; Charlie Howley, Public Works Director/City Engineer; Don
Johnson, Fire Chief; Rick Rice, IT Manager; Jerry Ruegemer, Park & Recreation Director; Ari
Lyksett, Communications Manager; Kelly Grinnell, Finance Director; and Kim Meuwissen, City
Bryan Harjes, HKGi
Trace Jacques, BKV Group
Paul Michell, BKV Group
Bruce Schwartzman, BKV Group (online)
Michael Healy (online)
Mayor Ryan thanked Public Works Director Charlie Howley and Park and Recreation Director
Jerry Ruegemer for displaying the recently purchased Toolcat™ and Speed Trailer in the parking
lot prior to the work session.
Bryan Harjes of HKGi presented a site and landscape schematic design for the Civic Campus,
including grading, paving, lighting, landscaping, key park components, and site furnishings. A
grading diagram was presented. The design intent included ADA accessibility between all
existing and new buildings and around all play area, maintaining an elevation of 995’ of the
upper terrace for the upper park, skate park, and pickleball courts, and maintaining an elevation
of 983’ to preserve existing trees south of the current city hall building. A diagram showing
paving throughout the site was presented, along with a list of paving materials, and photos of
paving precedents were displayed. Next, lighting information, diagram, and lighting materials
were presented. A landscaping diagram was presented along with photos of materials and
precedents. Details of the key park components were presented, including the performance area,
playground, water features, central plaza, skate park, pickleball, and transportation and parking.
City Council Work Session Minutes – September 11, 2023
Site furnishings were reviewed which included detailed information on seating, amenities,
wayfinding, planters, and the ice rink.
Trace Jacques of BKV Group presented interior plans for all three levels of the new city hall.
Photos of exterior materials were displayed followed by exterior building elevations from every
direction, as well as three-dimensional aerial views.
Mr. Jacques then presented exterior building elevations of the park pavilion building, again
including aerial views from all directions.
The City Council discussed the presentation and asked questions as well as provided a lot of
positive feedback. Concerns included that the banner on the park pavilion building was too tall,
and if the location of the city hall generator would cause noise disturbance to the building
occupants. City Manager Laurie Hokkanen asked the City Council for feedback on the council
chamber’s size and layout. The current plan provides for seating for 145. Photos of the Fridley
and Shakopee council chambers were shown as comparisons to the current plan. The size of the
room and the seating could be reduced and sufficient space for the occasional overflow
attendance could be accommodated in the lobby. The size of the dais was discussed as well as
staff seating.
Mayor Ryan recessed the work session at 6:50 p.m.
Mayor Ryan reconvened the work session at 7:30 p.m.
Finance Director Kelly Grinnell provided a brief recap of August 14, 2023 City Council work
session which included a decrease in the preliminary 2024 General Fund budget totaling
$56,383. Budget changes were made to Communications by removing website accessibility and
text messaging items, and the Connection newsletter budget was decreased. The Finance budget
was decreased due to favorable proposals received for audit costs. The Public Works and Parks
and Recreation budgets were decreased due to lower electric and natural gas expenses. The
Senior Center budget offered lower program costs. Health insurance premium cost increases
were reduced from 7% to 2.8% resulting in a potential wellness program being funded from the
Fire Chief Don Johnson presented a phased approach to Fire Department staffing, including
triggers and cost-benefit through 2023, and current triggers were presented. Funding options and
opportunities were discussed, and future phases were presented.
Ms. Grinnell reviewed significant inflationary items affecting the 2024 budget. These included
increases for salt for winter road conditions, street light utility poles, a traffic signal cabinet, the
lab charge for Lake Ann Beach water quality, Cartegraph/SeeClickFix software, and 4th of July
event rentals and services.
Next, Ms. Grinnell presented information on costs for trail rehabilitation and street
reconstruction. Current funding allows for 1.25 miles of trail rehabilitation, excluding trail work
included with annual street projects. Grants have been received for the following projects:
City Council Work Session Minutes – September 11, 2023
• Minnetonka Middle School West Roundabout: $950K from MnDOT – now fully funded
• Lake Ann Preserve: $250K from DNR for Phase 1
• Lake Ann Preserve: $158K buckthorn removal (2025)
Ms. Grinnell reminded the council of last year’s levy increase of 6.4% and provided comparisons
to the average levy increase for all Minnesota cities (6.36%), and Carver County cities (8.93%).
Ms. Grinnell presented a chart showing comparable cities and their 2023 levy increase amounts.
Chanhassen ranked sixth lowest out of 21 cities. Next, Ms. Grinnell presented a chart showing
comparable cities and their proposed 2024 levy increase. Chanhassen ranked fourth lowest out of
15 cities.
Unfunded items were presented which included facility study recommendations for the Fire
Station and Rec Center, Lake Ann ballfield light replacement, Lake All Park Preserve future
phases, park items identified from the Park Referendum task force, and a pension increase
request from the Fire Relief Association.
A levy comparison detailed a 7.4% increase versus a 6.9% increase. Impacts on homeowners and
businesses were presented. Tables showing future levy amounts through 2033 were presented if
the 2024 levy is either 7.4% or 6.9%.
Ms. Grinnell provided the upcoming budget review schedule, with adoption scheduled for
December 11, 2023.
City Manager Laurie Hokkanen presented this item with three items for council discussion:
1. Implement an annual $250 background investigation fee for Premises Permits
2. Implement application fee of up to $100 for Exempt Permits
3. Limit organizations applying for Premises Permits to only those based in Chanhassen
The council discussed the proposed changes and unanimously decided to adopt items 1 and 3
above concerning Premises Permits, and not require an application fee for Exempt Permits.
September 25, 2023
• 2024 Preliminary Budget and Levy (continued discussion)
• Chanhassen Civic Campus – City Council Update
• Lot Cover Discussion
• Lake Ann Park Preserve Update
• City Council Roundtable
October 9, 2023
• Presentation of Preliminary 2024 Utility Fund Budgets and 2024-2028 CIP
October 23, 2023
City Council Work Session Minutes – September 11, 2023
November 13, 2023
• 2024 Budget?
• Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Discussion
• Police Contract Service Levels Discussion
November 27, 2023
• Final Review of Proposed 2024 Levy, Budgets, and CIP for all funds
December 11, 2023
• City Council Roundtable
The work session adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Submitted by Laurie Hokkanen
City Manager
Prepared by Kim Meuwissen
City Clerk