08-22-2023 PRC NotesStaff: )O,trYAU Vr\W CHANHASSEN PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 2023 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, TTOO MARKET BOULEVARI) Vi rfiiY' , v;{#{';b"wcW ss3t7 6rwP^A. B. C. .Tetr 7Aq mi l\or Pro"l Dr FtltT ,,n*""{ filyotlnat Po Ta^ ct sh ttty clro^., adding items to,a future agenda during Commissioner Member Presentations. Motion gcoil ?ha nS Second nalT K^fzvote 7_ O E. VISITORPRESENTATIoNS M-O qh Commission Procedures allow for presentations from the audience at this time. If a motion is required, the item will be forwarded to the next available agenda to allow for publication and review prior to consideration. F. APPROVAL OF MINUTES F.l Meetine,l\4inutes: June 27. 2023Motion ^prrl, -. 7^'rsecond -b7.i-b /-l) Vote G. GENERAL BUSINESS R,LL .ALL a+ Photr'e 1- O ';l lll ^r AppRovALoFAGENpA An?ff";, - S r"ro Commissioners may postpone or remove items at this time. Commissioners may discuss Heather Markert, Dan Eidsmo Matt Kutz Jim Peck Rob Swanson Scott Pharis Alexandra Jerdee, youth AGENDA H. REPORTS H.\ 2023 4th of July Celebration Elaluation Pit.,6* ftex*C 870,-l- H.2 Lake Ann Park Preserve Update S*'2 WM'Pn*d& ufA'tr qoMMrssroN MEMBER COMMITTf,E B$PORTS - coMMrssroly MEMBEB PRESENTATIONS N O*'t ADMTNTsTRATTYEPACKET f\f0"0 [tloJ"L J. K. L. Motion - 7:3fAn-an-J I iT,:"i- t^;6uT- /-o 2