9-13-23 MIN1
Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC)
6:00 pm
September 13, 2023
Members Present: Kristin Fulkerson, Leslie Elhadi, Greg Hawks, Scot Lacek, Scott Grefe, Billy Cripe,
Kaisa Buckholz
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Jamie Marsh, Environmental Resources Intern, Jenny Potter, Administrative Assistant
Visitors: Judy Harder
Oath of Office
Jenny Potter administered the oath of office to new Youth Commissioner Ryan Farnan.
July minutes were approved.
Visitor Presentations - GreenSteps presentation from Kristin Mroz- MPCA
147 communities participate in GreenSteps. It is a partnership of state agencies and non-profits, including the
League of Minnesota Cities. Step 1 – City Council resolution committing to sustainability. Then one point of
contact is identified. Steps 2 & 3 are implementing and reporting best practice actions. Steps 4 & 5 look at metrics
and outcomes. There are 181 different actions that communities can take. Chanhassen joined in August of 2018
and is at step 2. Kristin gave an overview of resources and information to continue on the GreenSteps path.
Zebra Mussel Update
Zebra mussels were found in Lake Ann at the end of July. Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed
District, Carver County, and the Minnesota DNR worked together to do a copper sulfate treatment of
the lake near the boat launch. The lake will continue to be monitored for zebra mussels.
Plan Fall Trivia Night Event
November 14 is booked for the event at 7 to 9 pm. Food waste, holiday waste, invasive species,
Chanhassen local questions, trees, and sustainability will be the categories for questions. Questions need
to be in by the next meeting in October. Kristin and Billy will compile the questions that each
commissioner creates. Scot & Greg invasive species, Kaisa – holiday waste, Leslie – food waste,
Kristin – local questions (environmental academy questions), Billy - pollinators and one tie-breaker
category. 5 questions on each topic.
August Environmental Academy Re-cap
Scott. G, Greg, Jamie, & Matt all attended the August Academy. Manuel did a presentation on trees, and
he gave a great presentation on “What is wrong with my tree”. Questions were answered and overall,
everyone who came was engaged. There were approximately 9 attendees.
September Environmental Academy Planning
The event is ready. Tour of the Environmental Center in Chaska. Facility tour will be given with time
for questions. Thursday, September 21, at 7 pm. There are 21 people signed up.
Scott Carver Community Recycling Ambassador Program
Carver and Scott County partnered on this program but it is being postponed until the spring.
Commissioner Presentation
Watershed meeting – Chanhassen is going to work with the watershed and Highway 5 to redo the
underpass at Galpin and Bluff Creek.
Harvest Moon Pot Luck
It was originally where the commissioners brought food from their garden and shared it with everyone.
It is during the October meeting. It has turned into a potluck/bring-your-own meal since 2020. It is the
October 11 meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 7:49 pm
Minutes prepared by Jenny Potter