17326_Klingelhutz_1560BluffCreekDr_WetDelinReport_2023062113605 1st Avenue North #100, Plymouth, MN 55441 P 763.412.4000 F 763.412.4090 ae-mn.com WETLAND INVESTIGATION JOHN KLINGELHUTZ 1560 BLUFF CREEK DR. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA JUNE 21, 2023 AE JOB NO. 17326 TABLE OF CONTENTS WETLAND INVESTIGATION KLINGELHUTZ PROPERTY CHANHASSEN, MN June 21, 2023 P a g e 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTACT INFORMATION..................................................................................................................................2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY......................................................................................................................................3 BACKGROUND ..................................................................................................................................................4 METHODOLOGY................................................................................................................................................5 RESOURCE REVIEW...........................................................................................................................................6 CONCLUSION ..................................................................................................................................................12 APPENDICES Appendix A FIGURE Appendix B ROUTINE ON-SITE DETERMINATION METHOD DATASHEETS Appendix C ANTECEDENT PRECIPITATION RECORD Appendix D OFF-SITE AGRICULTURE REVIEW Appendix E CREDENTIALS CONTACT INFORMATION WETLAND INVESTIGATION KLINGELHUTZ PROPERTY CHANHASSEN, MN June 21, 2023 P a g e 2 CONTACT INFORMATION PREPARED FOR: John Klingelhutz 1560 Bluff Creek Drive Chanhassen, Minnesota 612-369-4006 john@ddkconstruction.com PREPARED BY: Garrett Wee Environmental Scientist Dylan Kruzel Environmental Scientist Certified MN Wetland Delineator #1406 Wyatt Benton Environmental Scientist Certified MN Wetland Delineator #1402 Ben Hodapp Environmental Services Manager Certified MN Wetland Delineator #1016 bhodapp@ae-mn.com Anderson Engineering of Minnesota, LLC 13605 1st Avenue North Suite 100 Plymouth, MN 55441 Phone: (763) 412-4000 Fax: (763) 412-4090 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY WETLAND INVESTIGATION KLINGELHUTZ PROPERTY CHANHASSEN, MN June 21, 2023 P a g e 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Anderson Engineering of Minnesota, LLC was retained to provide professional wetland services using the 1987 United States Army Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual (Technical Report Y-87-1; January 1987) and all supplemental guidance documents to identify areas meeting wetland criteria at Carver County parcel ID: 250261800 located at 1560 Bluff Creek Drive, Chanhassen, Minnesota. This project area is in Section 26, Township 116 North, Range 23 West. Delineated aquatic resources or, portions thereof, was identified and delineated within the project area and summarized in Table 1 and depicted in Appendix A, Figure 5. Table 1. Summary of delineated aquatic resources, corresponding sizes, and wetland type classifications. RESOURCE TYPE CLASSIFICATION RESOURCE RESOURCE TYPE APPROXIMATE SIZE1 CIRCULAR 39 COWARDIN EGGERS & REED MnRAM Classification A Tributary 0.87 Ac Type 90 R3UBH Riverine N/A 1 Approximate size within the project area expressed in acres (ac), square feet (SF), or tributary linear feet (LF). Areas less than 0.01 acre are presented in square feet. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY WETLAND INVESTIGATION KLINGELHUTZ PROPERTY CHANHASSEN, MN June 21, 2023 P a g e 4 BACKGROUND As requested by John Klingelhutz, Anderson Engineering of Minnesota, LLC completed a wetland investigation at Carver County parcel ID: 250261800 located at 1560 Bluff Creek Drive, Chanhassen, Minnesota. This project area is in Section 26, Township 116 North, Range 23 West. The wetland delineation was completed in accordance with the 1987 United States Army Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual and the published regional supplement to the Army Corps Wetland Delineation Manual, Midwest Regional Supplement. The purpose of this study was to identify areas meeting the technical criteria for wetlands, delineate the jurisdictional extent of the wetland basins, and classify the wetland habitats in the project area. Fieldwork for this site investigation was completed by Wyatt Benton and Dylan Kruzel, on May 23, 2023. The weather was partly sunny and 76 degrees Fahrenheit. BACKGROUND & METHODOLOGY WETLAND INVESTIGATION KLINGELHUTZ PROPERTY CHANHASSEN, MN June 21, 2023 P a g e 5 METHODOLOGY U.S. Geologic Service 7.5” Topographic Quadrangle maps, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Wetland Inventory (NWI) maps, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Public Water Inventory (PWI) maps, U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service Soil Survey, and available aerial photographs were consulted to initially locate potential wetland habitats. Routine On-site Determination Method was used during this investigation. In this method, the following procedures were used: 1. The vegetative community was sampled in all present strata to determine whether it met hydrophytic vegetation criteria based on the indicators identified in the Midwest Regional Supplement. 2. Soil pits were dug using a Dutch auger to depths of twenty-four to forty-two inches. The soil profile was noted in addition to any hydric soil characteristics. 3. Signs of wetland hydrology were noted and compared to field criteria such as depth to shallow water table and depth of soil saturation found in the soil pits. Data from sample points were recorded on Army Corps of Engineers Midwest Region Wetland Determination Data Forms (Appendix B). At least one sample point transect crosses the delineated wetland edge. This transect consists of an upland sample point and a wetland sample point. Other sample points may be in areas which have one or more other wetland criteria present; where questionable conditions exist; or to verify the absence of wetland criteria. Photographs of each resource is included in the resource review summary pages. All sample points and the delineated aquatic resource extent were located using a Trimble Geo XH sub-meter GPS unit. Where appropriate, the lateral extent of perennial, intermittent, and/or ephemeral tributaries were delineated based on channel physical characteristics to include the bed and bank, water staining, shelving, disturbance to vegetation, and other characteristics identified in U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Guidance Letter 05-05 on Ordinary High-Water Mark (OHWM) Identification (2005). Perennial means surface water flowing continuously year-round and intermittent means surface water flowing continuously during certain times of the year and more than in direct response to precipitation. Ephemeral flows only during and soon after precipitation inputs; an ephemeral river has no groundwater inputs or base flow. RESOURCE REVIEW WETLAND INVESTIGATION KLINGELHUTZ PROPERTY CHANHASSEN, MN June 21, 2023 P a g e 6 RESOURCE REVIEW The below described data were reviewed as part of the aquatic resource field delineation. A summary of each resource contained within the project area follows. USDA – NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE SOIL SURVEY Soil survey data for Carver County was obtained and reviewed prior to the delineation. Table 2 provides a list of the mapped soils in the project area. Figure 3 in Appendix A depicts USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service mapped soils within the project categorized by total percentage of hydric components. Table 2. Summary of mapped soil units in the project area. MAP UNIT SYMBOL MAP UNIT NAME HYDRIC STATUS HYDRIC RATING DRAINAGE CLASSIFICATION PERCENT COVER HM Hamel loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes 90%Non-Hydric Soil Unit Poorly drained 11% KE2 Lester-Kilkenny complex, 16 to 22 percent slopes 5%Hydric Soil Unit Well drained 16% KB2 Lester-Kilkenny loams, 2 to 6 percent slopes, eroded 0%Non-Hydric Soil Unit Well drained 4% KF Lester-Kilkenny complex, 22 to 40 percent slopes 0%Non-Hydric Soil Unit Well drained 23% KD Lester-Kilkenny loams, 12 to 18 percent slopes 0%Non-Hydric Soil Unit Well drained 4% KB Kilkenny-Lester loams, 2 to 6 percent slopes 0%Non-Hydric Soil Unit Moderately well drained 1% KC2 Lester-Kilkenny complex, 6 to 10 percent slopes, moderately eroded 5%Non-Hydric Soil Unit Well drained 41% Hydric soils are defined in the Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the United States: Guide for Identifying and Delineating Hydric Soils, version 8.2, 2018; The 1987 United States Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual; and The Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Midwest Region (Version 2.0). MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES PUBLIC WATER INVENTORY The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Public Water Inventory for Carver County does identify public water in the project extent (Appendix A, Figure 4). 30-DAY ROLLING PRECIPITATION DATA A review of the 30-day rolling precipitation data collected from the University of Minnesota Climatology Working Group (Appendix C) indicates that precipitation totals for the weeks prior to the site visit were in the range of average in the general project area. The overall hydrologic conditions were suitable, (if not avg.) for completing an accurate wetland determination and boundary delineation. RESOURCE REVIEW WETLAND INVESTIGATION KLINGELHUTZ PROPERTY CHANHASSEN, MN June 21, 2023 P a g e 7 OFFSITE HYDROLOGY REVIEW An offsite hydrology review was completed in accordance with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers/Board of Soil and Water Resources Guidance for Offsite Hydrology/Wetland Determination (July 2016). One investigation area was identified based on review of aerial photos from 2003 to 2022. A total of seventeen aerial photos (2003, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022) representing normal precipitation conditions were used in the analysis (Appendix E). The analysis revealed wet signatures ≥ 50 percent of normal conditions reviewed in the investigation area. This data, along with other offsite information (i.e., National Wetland Inventory, County Soil Survey) was used to inform if the secondary hydrology indicator saturation visible on aerial imagery is checked on wetland determination forms. CONCLUSION WETLAND INVESTIGATION KLINGELHUTZ PROPERTY CHANHASSEN, MN June 21, 2023 P a g e 8 FEATURE A FIELD DELINEATED 5/23/2023 Viewing Northeast | Tributary Confined to banks and a very steep grade leading to the bank. FIELD INVESTIGATION CONCLUSION1 RESOURCE TYPE Tributary Channel AREA WITHIN ECB LENGTH WITHIN ECB 0.87-Acre(s) 2,134-LF EGGERS & REED Riverine CIRCULAR 39 Type 90 COWARDIN R3UBH DESKTOP REVIEW HYDRIC RATING - SOIL UNIT(S)Hydric - Lester-Kilkenny complex, 22 to 40 percent slopes (KF) Lester-Kilkenny loams, 2 to 6 percent slopes, eroded (KE2) NATIONAL WETLAND INVENTORY None PUBLIC WATER INVENTORY Yes – Bluff Creek (M-055-014) DISCUSSION RATIONALE FOR DETERMINATION The onsite review identified a type 90, R3UBH riverine resource (Bluff Creek (M-055-014)) with a distinct boundary and steep embankment vegetated predominantly with Sugar Maple and Green Ash with very little herbaceous understory. CONSISTENCY WITH DESKTOP REVIEW Reviewed desktop resources are consistent with field validation. Wet Point(s):N/A1 Appendix B contains wetland determination data forms supporting this investigated resource: Up Point(s):N/A CONCLUSION WETLAND INVESTIGATION KLINGELHUTZ PROPERTY CHANHASSEN, MN June 21, 2023 P a g e 9 Viewing North | Steep embankment leading down to tributary edge Viewing East | Steep topography and drainage of the landscape CONCLUSION WETLAND INVESTIGATION KLINGELHUTZ PROPERTY CHANHASSEN, MN June 21, 2023 P a g e 10 Investigation Area – A FIELD DELINEATED 5/23/2023 Viewing Northwest | Investigation point IA-A. DESKTOP REVIEW HYDRIC RATING - SOIL UNIT(S)Hydric - Hamel loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes (HM) Lester-Kilkenny loams, 12 to 18 percent slopes (KD) NATIONAL WETLAND INVENTORY None PUBLIC WATER INVENTORY None DISCUSSION RATIONALE FOR DETERMINATION The onsite review also surveyed one investigation point (IA-A) in an area of the property displaying geomorphic position and identified in the offsite aerial review as investigation area A. The concave basin has three 8–12-inch tile inlets effectively draining hydrology from the area. The vegetation primarily consists of smooth brome (Bromus inermis) and common burdock (Arctium minus) and no hydric soil indicators were identified. CONSISTENCY WITH DESKTOP REVIEW Reviewed desktop resources are consistent with field validation. Wet Point(s):N/A1 Appendix B contains wetland determination data forms supporting this investigated resource: Up Point(s):IA-A CONCLUSION WETLAND INVESTIGATION KLINGELHUTZ PROPERTY CHANHASSEN, MN June 21, 2023 P a g e 11 Viewing West | Tile inlet at investigation point IA-A Viewing Southeast | An overview of investigation point IA-A CONCLUSION WETLAND INVESTIGATION KLINGELHUTZ PROPERTY CHANHASSEN, MN June 21, 2023 P a g e 12 CONCLUSION No wetland(s), or portions thereof, were identified and delineated within the project area and in accordance with the 1987 United States Army Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual. Project area aquatic resources may be regulated by several agencies at the local, state, and/or federal level. Activities which may potentially impact wetlands should be discussed in advance with the appropriate regulating agency regarding potential permit requirements. The Local Government Unit (LGU) responsible for implementing the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act at this project location is Riley-Pugatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District. Riley-Pugatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District and the City of Chanhassen may require vegetated buffers around all regulated wetland areas. Wetland buffers must meet the standards specified by the Riley-Pugatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District and the City of Chanhassen for any project that is regulated under the Wetland Conservation Act. This wetland investigation meets the standards and criteria described in the 1987 United States Army Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual and all applicable subsequent guidance for an on-site determination. The results reflect the conditions present at the time of the delineation. I certify that I performed the field analysis and/or wrote the report for this wetland determination. June 16, 2023 Dylan Kruzel Environmental Scientist Certified MN Wetland Delineator #1406 Date I certify that I performed the field analysis and/or reviewed work completed by above staff. June 16, 2023 Benjamin J. Hodapp Environmental Services Manager MN Certified Wetland Delineator #1016 Date Appendix A FIGURES ^_ Legend ^_Project Location SOURCE : MnDNR, USDA, ESRI, TIG ER, Bin g, Carver Co., Anderso n En gi neering Project Location City of Chanh assenCarver County, MN13605 1st Ave N #100, Plymouth, MN 55441P 763.412.4000 F 763.412.4090 ae-mn.com Klingelhutz PropertyChanhassen, Minnesota Figure 1Project Location Address: 1560 Bluff Creek Dr.Chanhassen, MN 55318Lat/Long: 44.823004,-93.559244PID: MultipleProject No: 17326Date: 5.17.2023 I1 inch = 1 miles01 20.5 Miles 1560 Blu ff C ree k Dr.Chanhassen, MN 553 18 PEM1C PEM1APUBHPUBHPABH P A BHP U B HPEM1CPEM1C PEM1APUBHPUBH LegendProject ParcelCounty ParcelsNational Wetland Inventory SOURCE : MnDNR, USDA, ESRI, TIG ER, Bin g, Carver Co., Anderso n En gi neering Project Location City of Chanh assenCarver County, MN13605 1st Ave N #100, Plymouth, MN 55441P 763.412.4000 F 763.412.4090 ae-mn.com Klingelhutz PropertyChanhassen, Minnesota Figure 2National Wetland Inventory Address: 1560 Bluff Creek Dr.Chanhassen, MN 55318Lat/Long: 44.823004,-93.559244PID: MultipleProject No: 17326Date: 5.17.2023 I1 inch = 500 feet0500 1,000250 Feet TBTB KC2KL KDKD KE2K E 2 KE2 KE2 KE2KE2KE2KE2 KFKF KFTBCW HM HMHMHMHMGLK B KBGL GL HM KC2KC2KC2KC2KC2 KC2KC2KBK B KC2 KC2 KC2KD KDKE2KE2 KE2 KE2 KCKC KCKD2 KB2KB2 KB2KD2 K D 2 KD2KD2 KD2KD2 KD2 KD2KD2 K D 2 KD2LegendProject ParcelCounty ParcelsHydric Rating by Map Unit0% Hydric Components1-32% Hydric Components33-65% Hydric Components66-99% Hydric Components100% Hydric Components SOURCE : MnDNR, USDA, ESRI, TIG ER, Bin g, Carver Co., Anderso n En gi neering Project Location City of Chanh assenCarver County, MN13605 1st Ave N #100, Plymouth, MN 55441P 763.412.4000 F 763.412.4090 ae-mn.com Klingelhutz PropertyChanhassen, Minnesota Figure 3Carver Co. Soil Survey Address: 1560 Bluff Creek Dr.Chanhassen, MN 55318Lat/Long: 44.823004,-93.559244PID: MultipleProject No: 17326Date: 5.17.2023 I1 inch = 500 feet0500 1,000250 Feet Public WaterWetland10022000 Public WaterWetland10022000 BluffCreek (M -0 5 5 -0 1 4 )LegendProject ParcelCounty ParcelsMN DNR InventoriedPublic WatercourseMN DNR InventoriedPublic Waterbasin SOURCE : MnDNR, USDA, ESRI, TIG ER, Bin g, Carver Co., Anderso n En gi neering Project Location City of Chanh assenCarver County, MN13605 1st Ave N #100, Plymouth, MN 55441P 763.412.4000 F 763.412.4090 ae-mn.com Klingelhutz PropertyChanhassen, Minnesota Figure 4MnDNR Public Water Inventory Address: 1560 Bluff Creek Dr.Chanhassen, MN 55318Lat/Long: 44.823004,-93.559244PID: MultipleProject No: 17326Date: 5.17.2023 I1 inch = 500 feet0500 1,000250 Feet Trib utary A(Bluff Creek)Type 90 R3UBHRiverine0.87 Ac.2,134 L.F.8508 4 0 900SOURCE : MnDNR, USDA, ESRI, TIG ER, Bin g, Carver Co., Anderso n En gi neering Project Location City of Chanh assenCarver County, MN13605 1st Ave N #100, Plymouth, MN 55441P 763.412.4000 F 763.412.4090 ae-mn.com Klingelhutz PropertyChanhassen, Minnesota I1 inch = 350 feet0350 700175 Feet LegendProject ParcelCounty ParcelsTributary (Digitized)Sample PointDrain Tile Inlet Figure 5Delineation IA-A Address: 1560 Bluff Creek Dr.Chanhassen, MN 55318Lat/Long: 44.823004,-93.559244PID: MultipleProject No: 17326Date: 5.26.2023 Appendix B ROUTINE ON-SITE DETERMINATION METHOD DATASHEETS WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM - Midwest Region Project/Site:Klingelhutz Property - 1560 Bluff Creek Dr City/County:Chanhassen/Carver Sampling Date:05/23/2023 Applicant/Owner:Klingelhutz State:MN Sampling Point:IA-A Investigator(s):Wyatt Benton, Dylan Kruzel Section, Township, Range:S26 T116N R23W Landform (hillslope, terrace, etc):FS Local relief (concave, convex, none):concave Slope(%):1 Lat:44.82067 Long:-93.558327 Datum:WGS 84 Soil Map Unit Name:Hamel loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes (HM)NWI classification:None Are climatic / hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year?Yes X No (If no, explain in Remarks.) Are Vegetation , Soil , or Hydrology X significantly disturbed?Are "Normal Circumstances" present?Yes No X Are Vegetation , Soil , or Hydrology naturally problematic?(If needed, explain any answers in Remarks.) SUMMARY OF FINDINGS - Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. Hydrophytic Vegetation Present?Yes No X Hydric Soil Present?Yes No X Wetland Hydrology Present?Yes No X Is the Sampled Area within a Wetland?Yes No X Remarks: 3 tile inlets present in investigated basin. VEGETATION - Use scientific names of plants. Dominance Test worksheet: Number of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC:1 (A) Total Number of Dominant Species Across All Strata:2 (B) Percent of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC:50.0 (A/B) Prevalence Index worksheet: Total % Cover of:Multiply by: OBL species 0 x 1 =0 FACW species 30 x 2 =60 FAC species 5 x 3 =15 FACU species 65 x 4 =260 UPL species 0 x 5 =0 Column Totals:100 (A)335 (B) Prevalence Index = B/A =3.35 Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: 1 - Rapid Test for Hydrophytic Vegetation 2 - Dominance Test is >50% 3 - Prevalence Index ≤3.0¹ 4 - Morphological Adaptations¹ (Provide supporting Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation¹ (Explain ) ¹Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic. Absolute Dominant Indicator Tree Stratum (Plot size:30 Feet )% Cover Species?Status 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 0 = Total Cover Sapling/Shrub Stratum (Plot size:15 Feet ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 0 = Total Cover Herb Stratum (Plot size:5 Feet ) 1.Bromus inermis / Smooth brome, Smooth brome, Hungarian brome45 Yes FACU 2.Phalaris arundinacea / Reed canary grass 30 Yes FACW 3.Arctium minus / Common burdock 10 No FACU 4.Taraxacum officinale / Red seeded dandelion, Common dandelion10 No FACU 5.Plantago major / Common plantain 5 No FAC 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 100 = Total Cover Woody Vine Stratum (Plot size:30 Feet ) 1. 2. 0 = Total Cover Hydrophytic Vegetation Present?Yes No X Remarks: (Include photo numbers here or on a separate sheet.) US Army Corps of Engineers Midwest Region - Version 2.0 SOIL Sampling Point:IA-A Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.) Depth Matrix Redox Features (inches)Color (moist)%Color (moist)%Type¹Loc²Texture Remarks 0-6 10YR 3/2 100 Loam 6-24 10YR 3/4 100 Loam 24-32 10YR 4/2 100 Clay Loam ¹Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix, MS=Masked Sand Grains.²Location: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix. Hydric Soil Indicators:Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils³: Histosol (A1)Sandy Gleyed Matrix (S4)Coast Prairie Redox (A16) Histic Epipedon (A2)Sandy Redox (S5)Dark Surface (S7) Black Histic (A3)Stripped Matrix (S6)Iron-Manganese Masses (F12) Hydrogen Sulfide (A4)Loamy Mucky Mineral (F1)Very Shallow Dark Surface (TF12) Stratified Layers (A5)Loamy Gleyed Matrix (F2)Other (Explain in Remarks) 2 cm Muck (A10)Depleted Matrix (F3) Depleted Below Dark Surface (A11)Redox Dark Surface (F6) Thick Dark Surface (A12)Depleted Dark Surface (F7)³Indicators of hydrophytic vegetation and Sandy Mucky Mineral (S1)Redox Depressions (F8)wetland hydrology must be present, 5 cm Mucky Peat or Peat (S3)unless disturbed or problematic. Restrictive Layer (if observed): Type: Depth (inches):Hydric Soil Present?Yes No X Remarks: HYDROLOGY Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Primary Indicators (minimum of one is required: check all that apply)Secondary Indicators (minimum of two required) Surface Water (A1)Water-Stained Leaves (B9)Surface Soil Cracks (B6) High Water Table (A2)Aquatic Fauna (B13)Drainage Patterns (B10) Saturation (A3)True Aquatic Plants (B14)Dry-Season Water Table (C2) Water Marks (B1)Hydrogen Sulfide Odor (C1)Crayfish Burrows (C8) Sediment Deposits (B2)Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots (C3)Saturation Visible on Aerial Imagery (C9) Drift Deposits (B3)Presence of Reduced Iron (C4)Stunted or Stressed Plants (D1) Algal Mat or Crust (B4)Recent Iron Reduction in Tilled Soils (C6)X Geomorphic Position (D2) Iron Deposits (B5)Thin Muck Surface (C7)FAC-Neutral Test (D5) Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery (B7)Gauge or Well Data (D9) Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface (B8)Other (Explain in Remarks) Field Observations: Surface Water Present?Yes No X Depth (inches): Water Table Present?Yes No X Depth (inches): Saturation Present?Yes No X Depth (inches): (includes capillary fringe) Wetland Hydrology Present?Yes No X Describe Recorded Data (stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos, previous inspections), if available: Remarks: US Army Corps of Engineers Midwest Region - Version 2.0 Appendix C ANTECEDENT PRECIPITATION RECORD Appendix C, Figure 1. Graph of recent precipitation in comparison with the normal range of precipitation in the general site location. Daily precipitation data is plotted independently and as a 30-day rolling total up to the date of the site visit. The normal range is plotted from precipitation data recorded from 1981 to 2010. The normal range is represented in this graph with two lines, the 30th percentile and the 70th percentile of the period-of-record data distribution. Source: http://climate.umn.edu/ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 2/10/2023 2/22/2023 3/6/2023 3/18/2023 3/30/2023 4/11/2023 4/23/2023 5/5/2023 5/17/2023 Daily Precipitation Site Visits Normal Monthly Range 30-Day Rolling Total Antecedent Precipitation PRECIPITATION (INCHES)DATE S26 T116N R23W Carver County, MN 5/17/2023 Appendix C, Figure 2. Minnesota State Climatology Office map depicting total precipitation for the week of the site visi Source: https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/climate/weekmap/maps-produced-may-23-2023.html Appendix D OFF-SITE AGRICULTURE REVIEW Wetland Hydrology from Aerial Imagery - Recording Form Project: Klingelhutz Property - Chanhassen, MN Date:County: Carver Comm #: 17326 Legal: S. 26 & 27 Twp.116N R.23W Lat/Long: 44.823004,-93.559244 Area A Area B Area C Area D Area E Area F Area G Area H Area I Area J Area K Area L Area M 2022 Carver Co. Wet NV 2021 FSA Normal CS 2020 Carver Co. Normal NV 2019 Carver Co. Wet NV 2018 Unavailable ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2017 Carver Co. Normal NV 2016 Carver Co. Normal NV 2015 FSA Normal NV 2014 Carver Co. Normal SS 2013 Carver Co. Wet NV 2012 MnGeo Normal SS 2011 Carver Co. Normal SS 2010 FSA Dry NV 2009 FSA Dry NV 2008 Carver Co. Wet SS 2007 Unavailable ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2006 MnGEO Normal CS 2005 Carver Co.Normal SS 2004 Unavailable ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2003 FSA Wet NV Number of Normal 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Number with wet signatures 6 Percent with wet Signatures 60%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0% Acronyms: WS-wetland signature SS-soil wetness signatureCS-crop stress NC-not cropped AP-altered pattern NV-nomal vegetatic cover DO - drowned out SW-standing water NSS-no soil wetness signature Image Date Climate Condition (wet, dry, normal)Image Source 5/19/2023 Image Interpretation Anderson Engineering of MN, LLC Page 1 of 1 Wetland Hydrology from Aerial Imagery - Recording Form Project: Klingelhutz Property - Chanhassen, MN Date: 5/19/2023 County: Carver Comm #: 17326 Legal: S. 26 & 27 Twp.116N R.23W Lat/Long: 44.823004,-93.559244 Decision Matrix. YES Yes >50% YES Yes 30-50% YES Yes <30% YES No >50% YES No 30-50% YES No <30% No Yes >50% No Yes 30-50% No Yes <30% No No >50% No No 30-50% No No <30% TABLE 1. Area Hydric Soils Present NWI Mapped Percent with wet signtures from Exhibit 1 A Yes No 60% B 0% C 0% D 0% E 0% F 0% G 0% H 0% I 0% J 0% K 0% L 0% M 0% No No No No Yes Yes No Other Hydrolgy Indicators Present 1 No Wetland? Yes Hydric Soils Present NWI Mapped Percent with wet signatures from Exhibit 1 Wetland ? YesNo Yes Yes if other hydrology indicators present Yes Yes if other hydrology indicators present Field Verification Required No Yes No Yes Yes if other hydrology indicators present No Yes Yes No Yes if other hydrology indicators present 8508 4 0 900LegendProject ParcelCounty ParcelsInvestigation Area SOURCE : MnDNR, USDA, ESRI, TIG ER, Bin g, Carver Co., Anderso n En gi neering Project Location City of Chanh assenCarver County, MN13605 1st Ave N #100, Plymouth, MN 55441P 763.412.4000 F 763.412.4090 ae-mn.com Klingelhutz PropertyChanhassen, Minnesota Address: 1560 Bluff Creek Dr.Chanhassen, MN 55318Lat/Long: 44.823004,-93.559244PID: MultipleProject No: 17326Date: 5.17.2023 I1 inch = 350 feet0350 700175 Feet Offsite Wetland D eterminationInvestigation Areas A LegendProject ParcelCounty ParcelsInvestigation Area SOURCE : MnDNR, USDA, ESRI, TIG ER, Bin g, Carver Co., Anderso n En gi neering Project Location City of Chanh assenCarver County, MN13605 1st Ave N #100, Plymouth, MN 55441P 763.412.4000 F 763.412.4090 ae-mn.com Klingelhutz PropertyChanhassen, Minnesota Address: 1560 Bluff Creek Dr.Chanhassen, MN 55318Lat/Long: 44.823004,-93.559244PID: MultipleProject No: 17326Date: 5.19.2023 I1 inch = 350 feet0350 700175 Feet 2003 FSA Aerial ImageWet Precipitation Condition A LegendProject ParcelCounty ParcelsInvestigation Area SOURCE : MnDNR, USDA, ESRI, TIG ER, Bin g, Carver Co., Anderso n En gi neering Project Location City of Chanh assenCarver County, MN13605 1st Ave N #100, Plymouth, MN 55441P 763.412.4000 F 763.412.4090 ae-mn.com Klingelhutz PropertyChanhassen, Minnesota Address: 1560 Bluff Creek Dr.Chanhassen, MN 55318Lat/Long: 44.823004,-93.559244PID: MultipleProject No: 17326Date: 5.19.2023 I1 inch = 350 feet0350 700175 Feet 2005 Carver Co. Aerial ImageNormal Precipitation Condition A LegendProject ParcelCounty ParcelsInvestigation Area SOURCE : MnDNR, USDA, ESRI, TIG ER, Bin g, Carver Co., Anderso n En gi neering Project Location City of Chanh assenCarver County, MN13605 1st Ave N #100, Plymouth, MN 55441P 763.412.4000 F 763.412.4090 ae-mn.com Klingelhutz PropertyChanhassen, Minnesota Address: 1560 Bluff Creek Dr.Chanhassen, MN 55318Lat/Long: 44.823004,-93.559244PID: MultipleProject No: 17326Date: 5.19.2023 I1 inch = 350 feet0350 700175 Feet 2006 MnGEO Aerial ImageNormal Precipitation Condition A LegendProject ParcelCounty ParcelsInvestigation Area SOURCE : MnDNR, USDA, ESRI, TIG ER, Bin g, Carver Co., Anderso n En gi neering Project Location City of Chanh assenCarver County, MN13605 1st Ave N #100, Plymouth, MN 55441P 763.412.4000 F 763.412.4090 ae-mn.com Klingelhutz PropertyChanhassen, Minnesota Address: 1560 Bluff Creek Dr.Chanhassen, MN 55318Lat/Long: 44.823004,-93.559244PID: MultipleProject No: 17326Date: 5.19.2023 I1 inch = 350 feet0350 700175 Feet 2008 Carver Co. Aerial ImageWet Precipitation Condition A LegendProject ParcelCounty ParcelsInvestigation Area SOURCE : MnDNR, USDA, ESRI, TIG ER, Bin g, Carver Co., Anderso n En gi neering Project Location City of Chanh assenCarver County, MN13605 1st Ave N #100, Plymouth, MN 55441P 763.412.4000 F 763.412.4090 ae-mn.com Klingelhutz PropertyChanhassen, Minnesota Address: 1560 Bluff Creek Dr.Chanhassen, MN 55318Lat/Long: 44.823004,-93.559244PID: MultipleProject No: 17326Date: 5.19.2023 I1 inch = 350 feet0350 700175 Feet 2009 FSA Aerial ImageDry Precipitation Condition A LegendProject ParcelCounty ParcelsInvestigation Area SOURCE : MnDNR, USDA, ESRI, TIG ER, Bin g, Carver Co., Anderso n En gi neering Project Location City of Chanh assenCarver County, MN13605 1st Ave N #100, Plymouth, MN 55441P 763.412.4000 F 763.412.4090 ae-mn.com Klingelhutz PropertyChanhassen, Minnesota Address: 1560 Bluff Creek Dr.Chanhassen, MN 55318Lat/Long: 44.823004,-93.559244PID: MultipleProject No: 17326Date: 5.19.2023 I1 inch = 350 feet0350 700175 Feet 2010 FSA Aerial ImageDry Precipitation Condition A LegendProject ParcelCounty ParcelsInvestigation Area SOURCE : MnDNR, USDA, ESRI, TIG ER, Bin g, Carver Co., Anderso n En gi neering Project Location City of Chanh assenCarver County, MN13605 1st Ave N #100, Plymouth, MN 55441P 763.412.4000 F 763.412.4090 ae-mn.com Klingelhutz PropertyChanhassen, Minnesota Address: 1560 Bluff Creek Dr.Chanhassen, MN 55318Lat/Long: 44.823004,-93.559244PID: MultipleProject No: 17326Date: 5.19.2023 I1 inch = 350 feet0350 700175 Feet 2011 Carver Co. Aerial ImageNormal Precipitation Condition A LegendProject ParcelCounty ParcelsInvestigation Area SOURCE : MnDNR, USDA, ESRI, TIG ER, Bin g, Carver Co., Anderso n En gi neering Project Location City of Chanh assenCarver County, MN13605 1st Ave N #100, Plymouth, MN 55441P 763.412.4000 F 763.412.4090 ae-mn.com Klingelhutz PropertyChanhassen, Minnesota Address: 1560 Bluff Creek Dr.Chanhassen, MN 55318Lat/Long: 44.823004,-93.559244PID: MultipleProject No: 17326Date: 5.19.2023 I1 inch = 350 feet0350 700175 Feet 2012 MnGEO Aerial ImageNormal Precipitation Condition A LegendProject ParcelCounty ParcelsInvestigation Area SOURCE : MnDNR, USDA, ESRI, TIG ER, Bin g, Carver Co., Anderso n En gi neering Project Location City of Chanh assenCarver County, MN13605 1st Ave N #100, Plymouth, MN 55441P 763.412.4000 F 763.412.4090 ae-mn.com Klingelhutz PropertyChanhassen, Minnesota Address: 1560 Bluff Creek Dr.Chanhassen, MN 55318Lat/Long: 44.823004,-93.559244PID: MultipleProject No: 17326Date: 5.19.2023 I1 inch = 350 feet0350 700175 Feet 2013 Carver Co. Aerial ImageWet Precipitation Condition A LegendProject ParcelCounty ParcelsInvestigation Area SOURCE : MnDNR, USDA, ESRI, TIG ER, Bin g, Carver Co., Anderso n En gi neering Project Location City of Chanh assenCarver County, MN13605 1st Ave N #100, Plymouth, MN 55441P 763.412.4000 F 763.412.4090 ae-mn.com Klingelhutz PropertyChanhassen, Minnesota Address: 1560 Bluff Creek Dr.Chanhassen, MN 55318Lat/Long: 44.823004,-93.559244PID: MultipleProject No: 17326Date: 5.19.2023 I1 inch = 350 feet0350 700175 Feet 2014 Carver Co. Aerial ImageNormal Precipitation Condition A LegendProject ParcelCounty ParcelsInvestigation Area SOURCE : MnDNR, USDA, ESRI, TIG ER, Bin g, Carver Co., Anderso n En gi neering Project Location City of Chanh assenCarver County, MN13605 1st Ave N #100, Plymouth, MN 55441P 763.412.4000 F 763.412.4090 ae-mn.com Klingelhutz PropertyChanhassen, Minnesota Address: 1560 Bluff Creek Dr.Chanhassen, MN 55318Lat/Long: 44.823004,-93.559244PID: MultipleProject No: 17326Date: 5.19.2023 I1 inch = 350 feet0350 700175 Feet 2015 FSA Aerial ImageNormal Precipitation Condition A LegendProject ParcelCounty ParcelsInvestigation Area SOURCE : MnDNR, USDA, ESRI, TIG ER, Bin g, Carver Co., Anderso n En gi neering Project Location City of Chanh assenCarver County, MN13605 1st Ave N #100, Plymouth, MN 55441P 763.412.4000 F 763.412.4090 ae-mn.com Klingelhutz PropertyChanhassen, Minnesota Address: 1560 Bluff Creek Dr.Chanhassen, MN 55318Lat/Long: 44.823004,-93.559244PID: MultipleProject No: 17326Date: 5.19.2023 I1 inch = 350 feet0350 700175 Feet 2016 Carver Co. Aerial ImageNormal Precipitation Condition A LegendProject ParcelCounty ParcelsInvestigation Area SOURCE : MnDNR, USDA, ESRI, TIG ER, Bin g, Carver Co., Anderso n En gi neering Project Location City of Chanh assenCarver County, MN13605 1st Ave N #100, Plymouth, MN 55441P 763.412.4000 F 763.412.4090 ae-mn.com Klingelhutz PropertyChanhassen, Minnesota Address: 1560 Bluff Creek Dr.Chanhassen, MN 55318Lat/Long: 44.823004,-93.559244PID: MultipleProject No: 17326Date: 5.19.2023 I1 inch = 350 feet0350 700175 Feet 2017 Carver Co. Aerial ImageNormal Precipitation Condition A LegendProject ParcelCounty ParcelsInvestigation Area SOURCE : MnDNR, USDA, ESRI, TIG ER, Bin g, Carver Co., Anderso n En gi neering Project Location City of Chanh assenCarver County, MN13605 1st Ave N #100, Plymouth, MN 55441P 763.412.4000 F 763.412.4090 ae-mn.com Klingelhutz PropertyChanhassen, Minnesota Address: 1560 Bluff Creek Dr.Chanhassen, MN 55318Lat/Long: 44.823004,-93.559244PID: MultipleProject No: 17326Date: 5.19.2023 I1 inch = 350 feet0350 700175 Feet 2019 Carver Co. Aerial ImageWet Precipitation Condition A LegendProject ParcelCounty ParcelsInvestigation Area SOURCE : MnDNR, USDA, ESRI, TIG ER, Bin g, Carver Co., Anderso n En gi neering Project Location City of Chanh assenCarver County, MN13605 1st Ave N #100, Plymouth, MN 55441P 763.412.4000 F 763.412.4090 ae-mn.com Klingelhutz PropertyChanhassen, Minnesota Address: 1560 Bluff Creek Dr.Chanhassen, MN 55318Lat/Long: 44.823004,-93.559244PID: MultipleProject No: 17326Date: 5.19.2023 I1 inch = 350 feet0350 700175 Feet 2020 Carver Co. Aerial ImageNormal Precipitation Condition A LegendProject ParcelCounty ParcelsInvestigation Area SOURCE : MnDNR, USDA, ESRI, TIG ER, Bin g, Carver Co., Anderso n En gi neering Project Location City of Chanh assenCarver County, MN13605 1st Ave N #100, Plymouth, MN 55441P 763.412.4000 F 763.412.4090 ae-mn.com Klingelhutz PropertyChanhassen, Minnesota Address: 1560 Bluff Creek Dr.Chanhassen, MN 55318Lat/Long: 44.823004,-93.559244PID: MultipleProject No: 17326Date: 5.19.2023 I1 inch = 350 feet0350 700175 Feet 2021 FSA Aerial ImageNormal Precipitation Condition A LegendProject ParcelCounty ParcelsInvestigation Area SOURCE : MnDNR, USDA, ESRI, TIG ER, Bin g, Carver Co., Anderso n En gi neering Project Location City of Chanh assenCarver County, MN13605 1st Ave N #100, Plymouth, MN 55441P 763.412.4000 F 763.412.4090 ae-mn.com Klingelhutz PropertyChanhassen, Minnesota Address: 1560 Bluff Creek Dr.Chanhassen, MN 55318Lat/Long: 44.823004,-93.559244PID: MultipleProject No: 17326Date: 5.19.2023 I1 inch = 350 feet0350 700175 Feet 2022 Carver Co. Aerial ImageWet Precipitation Condition A Appendix E CREDENTIALS Benjamin Hodapp, PWS Environmental Specialist 13605 1st Avenue North Suite 100, Plymouth, MN 55441 P 763.412.4000 F 763.412.4090 ae-mn.com CERTIFICATIONS Professional Wetland Scientist #1832 MN Certified Wetland Delineator #1016 EDUCATION MS Water Resources Management University of Wisconsin-Madison BS Biology; Ecology Minnesota State University- Mankato SPECIALIZED TRAINING Wetland Delineation & Management Training Richard Chinn Environmental Training, Inc. Wetland Plant Identification Biotic Consultants Inc. Plant Identification for Wetland Delineation University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Watershed Academy Web Certificate United States Environmental Protection Agency PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS Society of Wetland Scientists MN Wetland Professionals Association (WPA) MN WPA President 2010 Wisconsin Wetlands Association Association of State Wetland Managers Minnesota Native Plant Society Ecological Society of America TOTAL EXPERIENCE 19 years YEARS WITH CURRENT FIRM 2004 to Present PUBLICATIONS & PRESENTATIONS The Future of Rowan Creek Watershed: Connecting Land Use and Management with Water Quality. 2003. Water Resources Management Workshop 2002, Gaylord Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin, Madison. The Tumultuous World of Drainage Districts: An Analysis of Existing Management Arrangements, with Recommendations. Working Paper Series 2002-1. Water Resources Institutions and Policies, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Wisconsin, Madison. South Shore Lake Bemidji Remediation & Restoration, Society of American Military Engineers meeting June 22, 2016, St Paul, MN. SUMMARY OF EXPERIENCE Benjamin Hodapp, an Environmental Specialist and Senior Project Manager, brings a broad background of knowledge and experience in the environmental field to the Anderson Engineering team. Benjamin has a unique combination of multi-disciplinary academic training and work experience at various levels of federal, state and local government and private consulting. Benjamin’s project experience includes natural resource inventory and assessment; wetland delineation, mitigation design and monitoring; regulatory permitting; agency and stakeholder coordination; environmental impact assessment, environmental document preparation and public outreach. REPRESENTATIVE PROJECTS Southwest Light Rail Transit- Metropolitan Council – Minneapolis, MN: Project manager for wetland delineation and permitting efforts in support of multi- disciplinary consultant team for preparation of Final Environmental Impact Statement for proposed 16 mile light rail alignment. Project tasks included completion of wetland delineations, preparation of all federal, state and local wetland permits and wetland mitigation plans, quality assurance and quality control of all deliverable products. Harriet Island to South St. Paul Regional Trail – City of St Paul, City of South St. Paul and Dakota County – St Paul, MN: Project manager for wetland delineation, mapping and assessment efforts in support of multi-disciplinary consultant team responsible for preliminary engineering and final design. Project tasks included project management oversight and coordination, supervising field staff in completion of both off-site and on-site wetland determinations, boundary delineations, GPS mapping and functional assessments. Oversaw preparation of and responsible for quality assurance and quality control of all deliverable products. Crosstown Blvd. Pedestrian Trail – City of Andover – Andover, MN: Project Manager for wetland delineation associated with proposed City trail improvements. Services included a wetland delineation, GPS mapping and functional assessment document findings and coordination and approval of findings with federal, state and local regulatory agencies. Bennett Family Park Improvements – Minnetonka, MN: Project Manager for wetland delineation associated with proposed baseball complex improvements. Services included a wetland delineation, GPS mapping and functional assessment document findings and coordination and approval of findings with federal, state and local regulatory agencies. Section 401/404 Wetland Permitting – Fort McCoy Commemorative Park Expansion – Fort McCoy, WI: Provided project management services for Section 401/404 permitting associated with proposed wetland impacts resulting from the Commemorative Park Expansion Project at the Fort McCoy U.S. Army installation. Project tasks included project management, developing a wetland mitigation strategy in compliance with Section 401/404 and state wetland permitting requirements and oversight and quality control in preparing Section 401/404 permit application. Wyatt Benton Environmental Scientist 13605 1st Avenue North Suite 100, Plymouth, MN 55441 P 763.412.4000 F 763.412.4090 ae-mn.com EDUCATION Bachelor of Science in Land Use Planning and Environmental Policy Minor in Soil Science and Management University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point CERTIFICATIONS Certified MN Wetland Professional #1402 SPECIALIZED TRAININGS Overview of NHPA Section 106 The Shipley Group, Inc. Geotechnical Reports 101 Terracon Consultants, Inc. PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS MN Wetland Professionals Association (WPA) Wisconsin Wetlands Association Wisconsin and National Wildlife Federation TOTAL EXPERIENCE 4 years YEARS WITH CURRENT FIRM 2019 to present SUMMARY OF EXPERIENCE Wyatt Benton, an Environmental Scientist, brings a broad range of knowledge and experience in the environmental science field to the Anderson Engineering team. Prior to his employment with Anderson Engineering of MN, LLC, Wyatt worked for the National Park Service monitoring scenic easements and collecting field data along the St. Croix Scenic Riverway in Minnesota and Wisconsin. He has conducted environmental review, city planning, and ordinance review for cities, counties, and state governments across the Midwest and has spent time in Washington D.C. speaking with congressional representatives on a broad range of conservation issues. The skills that Wyatt has developed through his educational background and experience make him proficient in assessing and addressing a range of ecological indicators and environmental issues. Wyatt’s project and educational experience includes conservation planning, soil science and management, biologic assessments, mitigation design and monitoring, city and transit planning and permitting, wetland delineation, wetland functions and values assessments, floodplain analysis, threatened and endangered species analysis, and document/permit preparation for the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Clean Water Act (CWA) Sections 401 and 404, MN Wetland Conservation Act (WCA), National Historical Preservation Act (NHPA) Section 106, and a multitude of state agencies across the United States. Wyatt has experience with Global Positioning Systems, Geographic Information Systems, Computer-Aided Design, Photoshop, and SketchUp Design tools. REPRESENTATIVE PROJECTS NEPA and NHPA Section 106 Documentation – Various Locations: Report preparation experience has included completing environmental assessments and categorical exclusions for the Department of Veterans Affairs and Federal Communications Commission including the John Cochran Medical Center and Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery in St. Louis, MO; Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery in San Antonio, TX; FCC tower and antenna siting in Miami, FL; Black Hills National Cemetery Sturgis, SD; and St. Cloud VA Healthcare System in MN. Permitting – Various Locations: Acting as permitting specialist for MN Department of Transportation projects including the I94 Maple Grove to Rogers resurfacing project and experience permitting under the MN Wetland Conservation Act, Clean Water Act Section 401 and 404, and MnDNR Public Water Work Permit Program utilizing MPARS. State Environmental Documentation – MN: Document preparation experience such as Environmental Assessment Worksheets and MnDOT categorical exclusions. Wetland Delineation/Reporting – Various Locations: Services included wetland delineation and reporting in support of linear construction projects and real-estate transactions for federal, state, and local agencies, as well as private companies. Project tasks included completion of wetland field delineations following the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual and Regional Supplement: Midwest Region, and Northcentral and Northeast Region, GPS mapping, and preparation of reports to document findings and assess wetland impacts. Dylan J. Kruzel Environmental Scientist 13605 1st Avenue North Suite 100, Plymouth, MN 55441 P 763.412.4000 F 763.412.4090 ae-mn.com EDUCATION Bachelor of Science: Wildlife Biology Minor: Wetlands Ecology and Biology Bemidji State University – Bemidji SPECIALIZED TRAINING Certified Minnesota Wetland Professional #1406 S-130 Basic Wildland Firefighter S-190 Introduction to Fire Behavior L-180 Human Factors in the Wildland Fire Service Certified Open Water Diver OSHA 10 Hour Training PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS MN Wetland Professionals Association The Wildlife Society TOTAL EXPERIENCE 3.5 years YEARS WITH CURRENT FIRM 2020 to present SUMMARY OF EXPERIENCE Dylan Kruzel, an Environmental Scientist, brings a broad background of knowledge and experience in the environmental field to the Anderson Engineering team. Prior to his employment with Anderson Engineering of MN, LLC, Dylan worked for the Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) of Becker County as a Conservation Technician. He conducted field evaluations for conservation plans, monitored conservation easements, and provided available natural resource program information to landowners with conservation concerns. He has also assisted in the design and installation of various native habitat, shoreline restoration, rain garden, and storm water mitigation projects. The skills that Dylan has developed through his educational background and experience make him proficient in assessing and addressing a range of ecological indications and environmental issues. Dylan’s project and educational experience includes conservation management practices, habitat management evaluations, ecosystem restoration, species identification, regulatory permitting, environmental document preparation and compliance oversight, wetland delineation and classifications, wetland mitigation, and project coordination. Dylan has experience with Collector for ArcGIS, Wildnote, Geographic Information Systems, Global Positioning Systems, and Realtime Landscape Architect. REPRESENTATIVE PROJECTS Wetland Delineation/Reporting – Various Locations: Services included wetland delineation and reporting in support of linear construction projects and real-estate transactions for federal, state, and local agencies, as well as private companies. Project tasks included completion of wetland field delineations following the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual and Regional Supplement: Midwest Region, and Northcentral and Northeast Region, GPS mapping, and preparation of reports to document findings and assess wetland impacts. Permitting Specialist – MN: Services include preparation of permit applications in accordance with the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act to support the planning, design, and mitigation for residential, commercial, and state land development projects. NEPA Documentation – MN: Services include preparation of Categorical Exclusion Determination documents in accordance with the Minnesota Department of Transportation Highway Project Development Process and the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) NEPA Interim Guidance for Projects. Tasks include evaluation, coordination, and responding to assist project managers in environmental documentation for Minnesota highways and VA health care facilities. Project Book – US Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) – Dallas VA Medical Center, TX: Project Coordinator to guide a multidisciplinary team in development of a project book for expansion of and upgrades to the Dallas VA Medical Center. The project consists of organizing and collection of pre-design information that will serve as the foundation of all future design work by defining project requirements and refining cost elements. Efforts involve close coordination with members of the design team. Land Alterations and Field Monitoring – Becker County SWCD – MN: Services include performing the following general activities in compliance with federal, state, and local regulations: assisting in site evaluations and installing for various cost share projects like conservation easements, management practices, and shoreland alterations.