10-09-2023 City Council Work Session MinutesCHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL
OCTOBER 9, 2023
Mayor Ryan called the work session to order at 5:30 p.m.
COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ryan, Councilman McDonald, Councilwoman
Schubert, Councilman von Oven, and Councilman Kimber.
STAFF PRESENT: Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager; Matt Unmacht, Assistant City Manager;
Charlie Howley, Public Works Director/City Engineer; Ari Lyksett, Communications Manager;
and Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk.
Eric Johnson, Bolton & Menk
Trace Jacques, BKV Group
Paul Michell, BKV Group (via Teams)
Dustin Phillips, Kraus-Anderson
Bryan Harjes, HKGi
City Manager Laurie Hokkanen reviewed the gambling ordinance discussion from the September
25, 2023, City Council Work Session, specifically regarding limiting the issuance of premises
permits to only organizations based in Chanhassen. The Rotary Club of Lake Minnetonka-
Excelsior had previously applied for approval of a premises permit and was notified of the city
council’s intentions. They expressed their disappointment, stating that their intention was for all
the gambling proceeds to go to both Chanhassen and Minnetonka High Schools. After council
discussion, staff were directed to update the ordinance to remove the limitation of issuance of
premises permits to only Chanhassen organizations.
Public Works Director/City Engineer Charlie Howley introduced Eric Johnson from Bolton &
Menk, representing Carver County Public Works. Mr. Johnson reviewed the Arboretum Area
Transportation Plan (AATP) projects under development and presented an update on the
Highway 5 and 82nd Street improvements. The September 27 open house was discussed. The
consultant met with the Lake Minnewashta Preservation Association (LMPA) on August 23,
answering questions and discussing the improvement process, with a key focus on water quality.
Another meeting with the LMPA is scheduled for October 24 to focus on concepts. Mr. Johnson
presented the Highway 5 project schedule with project completion in the fall of 2027. Mr.
Johnson presented project costs for each project, showing funding gaps where applicable. The
preliminary Trunk Highway 5 funding plan was also presented, which showed all of the
committed funding sources. The project is currently 74% funded. Mayor Ryan thanked Mr.
Johnson for the update and feedback on the AATP.
City Council Work Session Minutes – October 9, 2023
Bryan Harjes of HGKi provided an overview of his presentation, including the history of the
project, where we are now, and strategies to stay within the budget. An updated concept plan of
the entire civic campus was presented, and key elements were reviewed, including the additional
elements that were explored during the schematic design. The original concept plan was
presented, and Mr. Harjes reviewed the changes between the two concept plans.
Trace Jacques of BKV Group presented updated three-dimensional city hall plans, reviewing the
changes made from the previous plans. An updated park pavilion floor plan was also presented
and reviewed.
Dustin Phillips of Kraus-Anderson presented an update to the project budget, reviewing the
shortfall, bond proceeds, and total project budget target.
Mr. Harjes and Mr. Jacques presented several value management strategies to reduce the cost of
the overall civic campus project, city hall, and the park pavilion.
Mr. Phillips reviewed the items that were not in the original concept plan: the stair and elevator
tower and the covered stage at the park pavilion. Design, construction, and soft cost
contingencies were reviewed. Mr. Phillips concluded the presentation and asked for council input
on project priorities and out-of-scope items.
Mayor Ryan recessed the work session at 6:55 p.m.
Mayor Ryan reconvened the work session at 7:20 p.m.
Mr. Harjes reviewed the list of value management strategies for the civic campus in detail.
The City Council discussed value management strategies and priorities for the park pavilion as
well as other civic campus components.
Mr. Phillips presented the project schedule to the City Council.
City Manager Laurie Hokkanen presented an update on the Chanhassen Bluffs Sports Complex,
beginning with revenue sources and project costs. The previous project scope was presented, as
well as project scope reductions to the facility to include two 800-seat capacity hockey rinks,
replacing the restaurant with the playground, keeping a flex community room that could become
fitness, removing the basement level north of the field house, and keeping the enlarged field
house. Ms. Hokkanen presented other options to consider, such as further negotiating the land
cost, reducing the scope of the facility, finding additional revenue, or reimagining the project.
The council discussed the options presented and directed staff to continue working with the
developer to explore options to continue moving forward with the project.
City Council Work Session Minutes – October 9, 2023
City Manager Laurie Hokkanen reviewed the upcoming City Council meeting schedule. The
October 23 regular meeting will be canceled due to the lack of a quorum; however, a special city
council meeting was added on October 30. Additionally, a special work session meeting to discuss
the civic campus has been scheduled for December 4 at 5:30 p.m.
October 23, 2023
• Meeting Canceled
October 30, 2023 Special Meeting
• No Work Session
November 13, 2023
• Presentation of Preliminary 2024 Utility Fund Budgets and 2024-2028 CIP
• SAC Policy Discussion
November 27, 2023
• Final Review of Proposed 2024 Levy, Budgets, and CIP for all funds
December 4, 2023 Special Meeting
• Civic Campus Update
December 11, 2023
• City Council Roundtable
The work session adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
Submitted by Laurie Hokkanen
City Manager
Prepared by Kim Meuwissen
City Clerk